Transcript for:
Revival History & Now 4.5 - The Cycle of Revival and Decline

to every start of a Revival there is also the ending throughout history there's been beginnings and I believe that there's many revivals that that were snuffed out before its time and a lot of it was due to character issues a lot of it was due to competition a lot of it was due to just the lack of Integrity when it came to the move of God but in the decline of Revival I think we have to accept and we have to come to an understanding that what looks like a decline sometimes may actually be another expression or phase of what God is doing and so when it comes to Revival if we look at the movement even modern day today we have the Revival of the Toronto blessing in 1994 and that that spread all over the world really and as we're moving forward now 1994 to 2019 we are now in a new move but yet I believe that we're still in the spirit of Revival and there's been a number of birth things of the Lord from that move of God to now where the whole aspect of apostleship and Apostolic movement came to the Forefront from this move of God there's also an aspect of the Father's Heart and healing and inner healing that was birth and and so there's a lot of great things and at the 20th anniversary I remember um you know Pastor Cheon Apostle chaeon he said this which was I thought was profoundly honest um in this and he said you know addressing everyone in Toronto you know people from all over the world gathered together and came and he was one of the speakers and he said if else to be honest if we look at what happened 20 25 years ago he said we're not seeing the power that was displayed right now the way that we saw in 1994 or 95. if we're looking at the manifestations today we're not seeing the demonstration of the power like we are back then and he gave a very honest response to it and at the same time it's not that Revival ended but I believe that we stepped into what holy spirit is doing and not just trying to keep something going for the sake of keeping something going to memorialize something but understanding that the kingdom of God is advancing that it's it's never ending it's increasing Moment by moment that there's no end to the increase of the government of God is Isaiah 9 6. and so when it seems like it's waning I want to propose to you that it's a shift of another season that we need to press in to know what the father is doing and reshape and reposition ourselves accordingly and so we went from understanding of refreshing and Revival and the moves of God to now we're going after what we know as Reformation transformation and so now we're actually advancing into what I believe the heartbeat of God is for Our Generation it is Revival and Reformation but a decline of Awakening or Revival you know what do we what do we need to know you know how do we how do we process through this and I just want to give you just a few uh just principles a few things I want to share from my heart in this you know we have to be careful of this a lot of times when Revival wanes in the expression and we expect it to keep going you know a lot of times a fence sets in because we don't know why we don't know what and all of a sudden that Grace I was there lifts and it exposes our hearts even in that season you know we've been feeding off that move of God you know and sometimes we lean upon the move of God more than God himself and so we need to make sure that in Revival we're continuing to depend on him and not get our fix off the manifestations or the ministry or the popularity per se you know and so that's something that we need to be aware of in the decline of Awakening or Revival you know many people feel uh ill you know ill will instead of good when you know the Revival ends still be blame that happens again controversy and oh this is ending because that person fell into this and oh there's controversy because you know this is ending because of that and there's there'll be these attacks that come along the way and people try to figure out what's wrong and they'll try to figure things out and we need to make sure that we stay out of that place of trying to figure things out you know instead seek the father himself you know another thing that we want to make sure that we're aware of that we don't do is to create excuses of why things end you know people you know I feel like people always need to give answers to in you know and reasons for everything well we don't want to fall into that trap or fall into that pressure you know why did this end we don't know it's because God says it's ending you know God's doing something else now you know and so I think I think it's important that we don't try to sustain something that God's not into anymore you know that's when all of a sudden the grace lives people experience burnout and things like that when it comes to Leading protracted meetings and leading moves of God or revivals you know another thing is many of those who are more or less convinced will be afraid or ashamed to acknowledge their conviction of Faith you know when it comes to the declining and Awakening of Revival you know there's this other space with God that reveals other things in that place and it's a place of transition and so the place of transition really reveals a lot in the heart you know do we really trust do we really you know acknowledge God do we have a conviction of Faith you know what what's really taking place you know within our lives and so I think we need to recognize when the decline of Awakening or Revival takes place but let me say it a different way it's not just a decline it's a change in season and it's a change in the direction and the wind so we need to just reposition our sails so that so that we're on point and we're on course with him so we we're not just moving out of our own paddle but we're moving with the spirit that we're in conjunction in alignment with him and so it's okay that Awakenings and revivals shift you know that's the way God wants us he wants us to grow he wants us to mature in that and so if you want to know why certain things ended perhaps it's because he wants us to mature from that place into the next season or into the next move he has for us