Solution found: Guardian's 3-week newsletter to combat phone addiction.
Feeling hopeful this will break the cycle.
Week One: Initial Steps
Key Actions
Invite a Friend: Added accountability.
Get an Alarm Clock: Replace phone alarm to avoid early morning phone use.
Create a 'Speed Bump': Use hair ties or a black screen to deter opening the phone mindlessly.
Calculate Existing Screen Time: Remove beneficial apps (e.g., Peloton, Camera, Spotify) from screen time calculation.
Set Goals: Aim to reduce unnecessary phone usage.
Realized high screen time equates to wasting significant time annually.
STarted recognizing actual value from screen time compared to mindless usage.
Personal Goals Set
User: Less than 2 hours/day.
Dad: Less than 5 hours/day.
Main Activity Replacements: Cooking, reading, visiting friends.
Week Two: Transforming the Phone into a Tool
Key Actions
Delete Non-Essential Apps: Reduced apps from 44 to 39 for the user, from 168 to 106 for dad.
Turn Off Notifications: Minimize disruptions and temptations to check the phone.
Kick the Phone Out of Bedroom: Use an alarm clock and charge phones outside the bedroom.
Results and Reflections
User Screen Time: Down to 32 minutes/day on average.
Dad's Screen Time: Down to 2 hours 56 minutes/day on average.
Activity Engagement: More reading, walking, and gym visits; no nighttime phone usage.
Challenges: Missing certain apps like Chrome but found new ways to remember and check information.
Week Three: Mindfulness and Final Challenge
Key Actions
Daily Meditation: Begin with small sessions (e.g., 5 minutes with Kristen McGee).
24-Hour No Phone Challenge: Camping trip to disconnect completely.
First time meditating, found it very beneficial and relaxing.
Camping trip with dad fostered connection without digital distractions.
Realized the phone's value as a tool rather than a constant companion.
User Screen Time Reduction: Managed an 80% reduction.
Dad's Screen Time Reduction: Managed a 95% reduction.
Emotional Improvement: Lessened distractions led to confronting and processing real emotions.
Main Takeaway: Sitting through negative emotions, reading, and quality time with loved ones boosts overall well-being more than instant digital gratification.
Guardian's Newsletter was life-changing. Encourages others to follow the steps laid out.
Ready to celebrate the success of reducing phone addiction and feeling better overall.