the things that are most naturally stimulating of development uh to self-authorship is a kind of um instructive unwillingness on the part of authority to answer all the questions and provide all the solutions and to rather Express a kind of Faith or confidence in people's gradual ability to take the risks and the forms of responsibility that are involved in coming to one's own answer to these questions you can even see this kind of on the on the you know 21st century shop floor even in you know manufacturing units because sometimes people think that these issues when I'm talking about them are I don't know they're they're just the provinces of White Collar professionalism actually the kinds of shifts that you see in manufacturing where a manufacturing team might be given a quot but given a great deal of freedom to determine you know what is going to be the best way for us to meet this quota who's going to do what and how and for how long um those kinds of shifts kind of um make demands on shopf floor workers to um exhibit greater degrees of personal initiative rather than just to be regarded as kind of human versions of a machine who are best managed by you know clear orders and instructions and um Team teams uh whether they're manufacturing teams at a shop floor whether they're you know white collar uh uh professional teams eventually do much better if they have the opportunities to express more of people's you know internal uh initiative but in the transition it can be a bit uh bewildering it can be a bit frightening there can be a desire um like in the you know the grand Inquisitor in the brothers katsof where the uh you know the grand Inquisitor says if you give people Freedom they'll eventually come back and lay it at your feet and just say please just give me orders and give me bread I don't want my freedom and uh you know it there's a certain way in which the socialized mind as long as somebody else is laying out the expectations as long as you meet their expectations you're you're freed of the burdens of resp responsibility like what if things don't work out well well it wasn't your fault you didn't lay out the you know the goals so there can be a part of us that you know might prefer to have other people assume these responsibilities but actually the better angels of our nature the part of us that wants to keep growing and become bigger and better versions of ourselves actually thrives in those situations where we have to experience the sometimes stress of taking responsibility for making certain kinds of choices seeing what the consequences of those choices might be and I think the most forward-looking organizations are those that actually recognize that a good organization in a certain way needs to be a kind of good school a a a place for the the learning of adults to support their development whether that organization you know is a manufacturing company or a financial services company or a pharmaceutical company or whatever it is if you come to recognize that ultimately an organization is only going to go as far as its people will take it then you need to start thinking about how do I create a culture that will optimally support the ongoing development of arguably all of our people