Power and Politics in Today's World

Jun 28, 2024

Power and Politics in Today's World 🌏


  • Welcome and overview of the DeVane Lectures.
  • Unique setup: Regular Yale course for credit and open to the public.
  • Focus: Power and politics in the last 30 years (since 1989).

The Stability Post-WWII

  • Post-WWII era (40 years): Relative stability and prosperity in advanced capitalist democracies.
  • Marshall Plan: Helped Europe rebuild.
  • Political stability due to demographic reasons.
  • The Cold War's influence: Proxy wars like Vietnam, but overall stability in Western democracies.

Tumultuous Periods Since 1989

  • Time seems to have 'sped up' with incredible changes in three decades.
  • Different generational experiences with the last three decades.

1989 in Berlin

  • Fall of the Berlin Wall: Symbolic tearing down, celebration, end of the division of Berlin.
  • Interviews: Former Chancellor Billy Braun recalls the sense of joy and reunification.
  • Soviet Union losing its grip on Eastern Europe by 1989.

Rise of Democracy After 1989

  • Massive resistance movements in Eastern Europe.
  • Democratic transitions in Germany, Eastern Europe, South Africa, Northern Ireland, Israel-Palestine.
  • Francis Fukuyama's