I'm going to talk about five projects that has helped my subscriber get a data analyst job these are free guided projects with all the materials including a resume sample that mentions these projects let's get started the first one is generating sales insights for a consumer goods company using SQL and power bi now this is a guided playlist on my YouTube channel that covers all the aspects of a data analytics project right from understanding the problem statement all the way till dashboard building deploying and generating insights this project was created by my friend hamon and myself we both have years of data analytics industry experience in Europe and us and the project is based on that real life experience few people already got a job just by doing this project and here is a sample of a resume where you can mention all the skills that you're going to learn through this project check video description there is a link of that YouTube playlist the second one is detour 20 Cricket World Cup data analytics where we used web scripting to collect data from ESPN Cricinfo website so it was using all the real data nothing made up here then we used pandas and python for performing data cleaning and data transformation at the end power bi was used to build a dashboard and then we had a subject matter expert with whom we discussed the insights that were generated from the dashboard so this way this is not just a technical project we cover a lot of aspects about specific domain and also project management Etc so you're building a technical as well as soft skills by doing these projects once again this is a free video on YouTube all the materials are included along with the resume where you can mention relevant skills which you are going to learn through this project the third one is HR data analytics where we use the data from my ID and data analytics organ organization called athletic Technologies so we mask certain confidential Fields but other than that this is a real data set from an ID organization we invited HR manager of my company and we discussed the pain points that she was going through and we built a dashboard in power bi which address some of the insights that she was looking for all the materials everything is included along with the skills you can mention on the resume the next one is generating Revenue insights in Hospitality domain where we had data from hotels such as bookings hotel rooms and so on and we presented a problem statement on which you have to build a data analytics dashboard that can generate some insights now this project is part of our resume project Challenge on my portal code basic.io where anyone can participate we are providing all the materials for free along with a support in our Discord server and the submission which won uh this challenge so you have a reference material to look at with which you can easily build this dashboards and finish this project in the future I am going to provide a guided video on my YouTube channel but even without that you can work on this project today and few people already got a job by working on this project in my own company at Lake Technologies now whoever participating resume challenges on my protocol Basics dot IO and makes up to the list of first 10 or 20 I am providing all those profiles to some employers I have few contacts in in the industry and I'm providing these profiles to those employers so the chance that you will get an interview call is very very high once you participate in the challenge and make up to the first 20 or 30 list I'm also posting on LinkedIn about these bright candidates so it draws attention from potential recruiters the unique thing about this project is that not only you can learn the skills and practice it but you can put these projects on your resume and then through your LinkedIn post where you are posting a presentation as if you're presenting this project to your business stakeholders you are highlighting your talent to variety of people on LinkedIn and these people could be potential recruiters HR managers you know data analytics managers and so on and this whole activity has helped so many already and I'm pretty sure if you participate as well it's going to help you once again here is a resume snippet along with the relevant skills you can add the fifth one is supply chain data analytics projects in fmcg domain if you go to LinkedIn jobs or any other job portal you'll find many jobs which says supply chain data analyst now for these jobs they require a domain knowledge so you need to know about supply chain fundamentals so this particular projects help you build fundamentals because on our resume challenge portal we have provided all the material that can help you build those basic fund fundamentals and then practice those fundamentals while you are working on this data analytics projects this way you are not only building technical skills such as dashboarding powerbi Etc you're also building business understanding and domain skills related to supply chain domain I'm going to provide a link of all the submission which won this particular challenge so that you can look at beautiful dashboards that were built along with the insights that were generated in the future obviously I will have a guided video on my channel and whenever I have that I will update video description below here is a resume sample along with the relevant skills so those were five free projects but I want to mention one bonus project which is business in size 360 degree where you are building a premium dashboard that covers all the functions of a business such as Finance supply chain marketing executive View and so on and by working on this project once again you are not only learning technical skills but you are learning a domain specific skills and project management skills as well this project is part of my paid course on codebasics dot IO go check out all the reviews they are all real nothing made up here and there are a lot of free videos available in the course so you can check those videos as well alright that's all I had data analytics industry is booming there are so many jobs in data analytics field right now and they are just growing especially in power bi so I hope you can learn data analyst skills and use this project to get some help in your job search process the best thing about data analyst career is your past degree doesn't matter you don't have to be a computer science major or to pursue data analytics get out I know many people who have done bcom mechanical engineering electrical engineering totally non-relevant degrees and they have learned data analytics and got a job in this job you don't have to do too much coding you need just some technical knowledge especially power bi SQL xlx cetera and by doing these projects and by learning those skills you can definitely get a job I wish you all the best if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends [Music]