Transcript for:
How to Work Harder

how to work harder let's go first of all yes I am an 80s porn star apparently that's what everyone said lots of people are watching 80s porn for some reason so respect to you you chose to click on this video instead of the short clickbait videos you're not watching shorts you're not watching random stupid pointless YouTube video entertainment content Mr Beast videos you're watching an unedited guide which is going to help you to work harder so honestly you do have my respect for that why should you listen to me well I went from extreme procrastination to loving my work and often producing more in one morning than I used to in an entire week I wrote extreme procrastination because through high school I was that student who was only doing the homework and even studying for exams literally the day before I remember for a bunch of my exams in high school and college I literally woke up at 5:00 a.m. studied for barely 1 hour and then had the exam at like 9:00 a.m. and the reason why this is worse is because I also you can see what skin color I am I also got quite abused for the low grades that I got so even though I had so much pain because of the fact that I was procrastinating I couldn't stop up until I realized what we're about to talk uh learn in this uh guide but also we're going to take it one level further not just to stop procrastination but really to make you a high performer and now honestly like I genuinely love my work it's probably the most fun thing that I do a part of that is also that I've cut out a lot of the bad habits like porn video games and um anime or whatever the [ __ ] like people spend their time doing so I genuinely really enjoy my work and it makes it very easy for me to become successful because I like to work I work you know almost all of the hours of the day like I'll take time off to you know like read and go to the gym and stuff but I really do like it and this is definitely true like I I don't blame you if you don't believe me but I actually do more work in one morning than I used to in an entire week and so the promise of this guide if you watch all the way to the end is I'll I'll just teach you exactly what I know I'll teach you how to produce more work in one morning than you used to in an entire week so this is going to effectively sevenx your productivity so I really hope you're going to think oh [ __ ] like okay if he follows through with this promise holy [ __ ] I'll love Hamza forever because I'm going to get you this result right now mark my words and it's [ __ ] awesome think about how proud you're going to be every morning when you set up from work and you're like oh [ __ ] I've literally just done more than I used to all week and it's like 900 a.m. so we're going to get you this result I promise you that quick introduction in cases you don't know me my name is Hamer and I make videos that save lives my uh goal that I wrote down maybe I'll end up rewording it a little bit but my goal is educate 10 million men simple as that just educate 10 million men and I'll base that on the total follow account that I have across all educational platforms so if you want to be a part of that and basically show that in some ways I have educated you then you can subscribe and it's almost like a nice tally that we can keep adding up to see how close we are to this goal and if I've already changed your life then you can just leave a comment below with your story because you might end up helping another guy and it might be kind of fun for you to like write a story of the first video of mine you watch and how much your life has changed since that point and the top Link in the description is just my free email list you can just go get emails which are very detailed it's about attracting girls improving yourself becoming more attractive and and speaking to more people cold approaching all this kind of stuff that a lot of young men are into top Link in the description for free go join if you want three steps to working harder there's essentialism there's deep work habit and there's monk mode you get all three of these you will produce more work in one morning than you'd normally do in a week so let's begin with essentialism if there's one picture that that symbolizes essentialism it's this this is how normal people most people live their lives where their energy is dispersed into like 10 different areas at once this is your overwork sleep deprived parents who as struggling with the bills and the chores and the family and then they're also trying to get fit at the same time you probably relate to like like your parents have probably tried to go on like a fitness journey haven't they in the last few years and be honest have they even made good progress like yeah it's wholesome that they're going but like have they gotten good results often the answer is like no because when you spread out this thin you make like such a small amount of quite frankly mediocre progress in 5 10 different areas this is what an essentialist life looks like where he finds the one thing that he wants to go all in on and then makes remarkable progress in that essentialism is just basically less but better so this works in the scope of your life where you think about things that you have in your life like family friends hobbies and stuff and it also work specifically with for example the things you do inside each area so all of this could look of aspects of Life Family Friends work Health but it could also be just aspects imagine if this was titled work it could be ABS aspects of work so it could be like networking making videos replying to comments you get what I mean right so we can go micro and macro with this and most people will just end up dispersing themselves so thin to not get good results but this is the life we want to live and also anyone you look up to this is their life they don't usually have balance they don't usually have like an amazing family that they spend time with all the time they don't often have like amazing Health usually the the way balance is made by the way if you're wondering like wait but what about if you do want balance what if you do have like a family and you want to spend time with them balance is is often a lie like people think this is balance and you try and move an inch in each area at the same time the people I know who have got balanced lives that's not how it worked balance actually comes from the extremes but just in a pattern you go let's say you're starting off you're like 16 17 years old like I was and you go extreme in basically one area that that you obsess over like bodybuilding so I went look at that [ __ ] tricep vein you see that [ __ ] [ __ ] hell come on I've been [ __ ] working hard for this [ __ ] bro you don't even [ __ ] understand man I've been training like a bodybuilder I haven't missed I've missed one day of the gym this year so far you know one day think about that one [ __ ] day and I've traveled as well [ __ ] sick um so this is basically going all in on one thing like let's say bodybuilding right so you're 17 years old you're not really thinking about family you're not thinking that much about friends you just go into bodybuilding and you build an athetic physique that feels awesome then the next thing so you went all in on this with as much of your thought as possible you went to the gym you came back from the gym you you were watching gym videos like that level of obsessiveness where you think about gym you're you're following gym creators it's all you really think about then you make huge progress then you you get to the point where you can almost like maintain that level of progress and your mind starts to obsess over something new like for me when I was 17 I got into the gym by about 19 then it started to obsess over sex and getting girls and so I kind of maintained my gym progress whilst the new bar was growing and suddenly I had girls like alongside this like sex alongside this then when I was 21 years old the thought of business came in and that bar started to grow so in the end I have the balance with way higher levels than the balanced guy but it came from the extremes let me just make make sure that you really understand this this is not a good life like where you have everything at once and you're trying to inch forward these people they just don't get good results in life that the every single person like I'm telling you 100% of the successful happy people I know who have got good lives they had it in the extremes they they focus relentlessly on just business for the first few years then they got their Fitness up then they got their family now from the outside they look like they live like such a wholesome Balanced Life but it balanced was not created through balance but it was created through the extremes and so essentialism the the lesson you need to take from this is what can you go extrem in right now what's the biggest goal for you right now maybe it's uh building the aesthetic physique and looking more attractive and confident maybe it's learning to speak to other people being social and sexual maybe it's business you basically need to cut out as much as possible apart from that thing this is where it's difficult because look most things are unimportant and don't give good results we're talking about the micro by the way so we're not talking about family friends work we're talking about okay inside of work we have certain tasks that are unimportant and don't give good results but then we also have certain tasks that are incredibly important and almost and uh give you all of the results being an effective worker is about finding out your essential tasks and going all in on them and not getting distracted like everyone else if you think about the one big thing you want to grow right now let's say it's your work of all the things you could do inside what is the really important effective essential tasks inside and what are the seemingly urgent but actually not even that important like there might be a bit of a benefit to doing them but they're like less important this is a good question to ask yourself right now because this is going to help you to really pick like the the powerful lever for you to qu keep uh pulling pulling pulling so that when you do work in the morning your work is going to give you more results so can you think of what your essential tasks would be as a YouTuber my essential tasks are scripting videos and recording videos that's it everything else is not that important and if you're watching this and you're not a YouTuber you might be like well yeah of course but like what else was going to be uh here you might be surprised of how much time other YouTubers waste on [ __ ] like replying to comments and going to comment on like other YouTubers videos and subtly trying to get followers from like their comments there and like changing their profile picture and making a cute little playlist and stuff you know and those are things that I've done as well every now and then it's kind of fun to like change a little profile picture and stuff but often they're just not that important because if you just do these two tasks well you can become world famous how about for for example for an athlete what is essential for an athlete that's amazing it's getting better at the sport and then recovery and performance optimizing things like showing up to the game being you know where well slept for example that's it what's not on this list for the athlete is doing sponsorships conferences where they have to stay up late and they have to go randomly fly to go get interviewed somewhere else it's not like saying yes to that random podcast random like University talk that they've been invited to those things are fun but those are a distraction so for you right now what is the essential task let's say you're a student what's the essential task that will give you most of the results let's say you've got an exam coming up if you say studying way too General it's not about that that's like me saying like working right it's not studying what's the task inside of studying that is essential that will get you most of the results maybe you're thinking reading the book maybe not most likely if it's an exam and you're part of the you know the [ __ ] old uh traditional education system it's not actually about learning it's about memorizing so the most important task here would be practicing previous exam papers because often the same questions come up time and time again and so if you do this like 50 of the previous exam papers you'll basically know the questions that are going to come up and you've already practiced them that's more important than reading the book itself that's actually how I passed my uh driving test we had my theory test recently that's where you have to go in on the computer and answer like a 50 uh multiple choice Quest or something and like do this little Hazard perception like screen where you have to click when there's a hazard coming up and I booked my theory test for like 2 Days in the future and my sister got angry at me she was like no like you need to wait wait like a month like you know you need to practice for a month and I was like no like I I know how to to pass this so I literally just practiced the the um questions I didn't go and read a book on like the general knowledge I just kept on taking the exam I failed for the first like five times I took it and then I kept on passing because the same questions come up all the time that's the exact same as like if you're a student the same questions keep coming up so you keep just practicing the questions that's the most important task you could do all the unimportant stuff like for example highlighting your textbook that will actually distract you more than you realize and it will take away from the essential tasks that you've got here the reason why we're going through this is because when you sit down to work the biggest thing you can do is work on these big important essential tasks because if you sit down if you start your day by like checking your phone as a YouTuber and going to the analytics and looking at comments and stuff suddenly you've just taken some of your brain points like your brain your bandwidth for the day instead of doing the big task that was actually going to move ahead the YouTuber who just replies to comments doesn't grow the YouTuber who just makes good videos but doesn't reply to comments will still grow the problem with the less important work the unessential work is that it's still exhausting right like you ever work all day and have nothing to show for it loads of times it's like you you get up from the end of the day and you're like I don't actually know what I've produced here especially if you're a businessman like you're getting into business this will happen a lot more than than like with studying cuz it's a bit more of a vague topic so the unessential work that a lot of us spend our time on basically these things right here they give you nothing to show for it but it's still tiring like you know people whose lives look like this in the macro where you know they're trying to do like 20 different things at once they're trying to raise a family but get fit and do all these things but also in the micro with each subject like for example they're trying to get better at their career but then there's this task and this task and emails and this stuff and this meeting and everything that keeps going people who live their lives like this it's not like they're not tired like they're still exhausted right they're still so so tired so don't think that like that this path feels better in any way basically there's there's tiredness in both paths but there's only one that actually gives you visible results the reason why we want to just go into one is because the bar of success requires about 80% of your brain points like for you to get results in something whether it's bodybuilding it's studying it's it's business you basically need to put in like 80% of your brain points like your bandwidth into that thing it's just that simple honestly and so if you've got like seven things you're trying to level up right now like right now you want to get fitter you want to get girls you want to make money you also don't want to get girls because it's a bit degenerate and you also like want to be friends with people but you don't want to be friends with Jeff and like you know you've got five different things 10 goals in your mind right now you can't make progress in all of them you just can't you can make progress usually in like one area of Life at once usually just that maybe two that's it so to make progress and to get Real Results you basically need to obsess over the thing and it requires most of your time your effort even if it doesn't feel like it for example the gym only takes like an hour out of your day two hours out of your day but for some reason you often won't make much progress in the gym if you're also making a bunch of progress in like um you know your big focus in your career or your family or something even if you just go to the gym for 1 hour a day anyway because a lot of gym progress isn't just about going to the gym it's also about like improving your performance as an athlete inside of the gym and also the diet and recovery but those are the things that you've got to go and research and learn about you've got to go and start like you after a few years of training you you don't make progress as easy you need to go and learn about the meal timings and M muscle protein synthesis and the kind of protein that better in the morning and the kind of protein that's better at the night time these are things you start learning to optimize your progress the the rhythm of the Reps that you do in the gym and so this requires so much of your brain points often you're not leveling up in different areas as well so to break through and see Real Results you have to go all in on the essential in the micro and the macro because imagine if I spent over the last few years hours and hours just replying to comments and going on to different YouTube videos and replying to their comments you know like writing comments on other YouTube videos trying to get a few subscribers it would have taken my time and my bandwidth away from the thing that I actually focused on which was just becoming a better speaker and giving better advice that's why I broke through and popped off on the YouTube algorithm that's why when you see someone who's who's making a lot of progress usually it's because they're dedicating their life like their entire day revolves around that thing that they're making progress in and so if you've got like four things five things that are taking up your bandwidth right now especially if some things feel unessential like you've got some friends who are kind of like losers that you don't even like you've got some girl that you know that you can do better than and she's in your life it's just going to be taking away from this and your life is going to look more like this and and so the key of essentialism is subtracting it's sacrificing the things that are not essential along with that you've got to understand the woman in the red dress is going to come for you this is an analogy where basically there's going to be a distraction that's sexy at every level of your journey in any area so you can say this literally in the the example of like marriage if you keep leveling up as a man there's going to be sexier and sexio women who will want you to cheat on your wife and you need to get used to that you need to become aware of that along with this there's going to be distractions in every area let's say in for athletes they get better and better and better and then suddenly there's more opportunities they can go fly off to like America and go do some like Nik sponsorship but what they don't realize is now that's 4 days where they sleep's all messed up and they're not as as disciplined and focused as they used to be for YouTubers it's like the what I call the high value man work where you go and do like a bunch of podcasts and stuff it's not real work it's fun it's stimulating you feel like an important person that's not your real work because that goes on someone else's platform it's not even on your thing like they get your subscribers when you do this [ __ ] it doesn't grow your channel it's fun to do these things are really fun it'd be fun to cheat on your wife it'd be fun to go fly over to somewhere and go do a sponsorship you know some like um football shoe sponsorship because you've been really killing it in sport and some company wants to sponsor you or something it'd be fun to go fly off and feel like an important person doing these podcasts and everything it's fun to do that [ __ ] but it's not actually what's essential and so these distractions will keep getting higher and higher and the level of opportunity goes higher and higher like At first you're rejecting like four out of 10 girls who want to [ __ ] you after a few years of being on your self-improvement journey there's like seven eight out of 10 girls like you know like the um more more attractive girls who want to [ __ ] you who you start having to say no to when you level up like in your business suddenly there's opportunities that are like a seven or an eight out of 10 opportunity and you have to say no to that to focus on what's essential because if you don't focus on what's essential you'll start to slack in the most important thing and there's someone who does focus on that and he will beat you the the athlete who just plays basketball and keeps focusing on basketball getting better and better and better will eventually be to the guy who was focusing on basketball Ball but now is flying around to do all these little sponsorships and everything it creates a distraction that many people aren't aware of so I'd ask you right now like if you were a full-on essentialist what task would you just go all in on and try and subtract everything else from your life in your work right now like what tasks are taking up your time because those things will strip you of your your potential so the action step for you right now is to figure out your most essential tasks what are they you can write it down in the comments below and now think of the less important tasks that you often spend time doing but that might actually distract you from those essential tasks and write them down too you've got a vow to choose to to sacrifice the unimportant tasks because if you just become world class at the essential tasks you'll have all the success that you want but anything that stops you from becoming world class in those essential tasks well you've just lost out in your potential and you might be thinking wait but like some of the less important tasks they still work though they still get me some benefit yeah sure like we can talk about this like the any benefit mindset do you get a benefit for for example as a YouTuber replying to the comments on your videos yeah sure like people see it and it looks a little bit nicer so there is a benefit but it's not about finding if something does a benefit it's about putting all of our time and our bandwidth into the thing that gives us the biggest benefit don't risk the empire for a pot of gold by following the steps that we've just completed I wanted to make you aware of the choice of the essentialist which is that we want to have a really clear idea of the tasks in our in our work that are truly essential important and effective for us to get to our goals which is often the big [ __ ] exhausting task like sitting down and recording the video Even though you're tired it's so BR even today I woke up and I didn't want to do this I just wanted to sit around and read I wanted to go on the YouTube analytics and like you know look at the views recently I wanted to do all that cute stuff this is the hard thing as I say this right now like you know my stomach feels a little bit full I've not even ate anything but like you know I'm just like it's a little bit uncomfortable I've been talking for probably 15 20 minutes it's like it's not easy to do this stuff it's so easy not to do it because there's other things that you know are less uh that are frictionless compared to this it's so easy to not do the essential things but this is what makes the difference so can you sit down every day when it's your your work time and choose to do to the essential task that's often more tiring and exhausting than the unessential tasks that we often only do to feel productive just mark my words if you only do the essential task like scripting and recording a video you'll get all the success you want if you only do the essential task which is like practicing the sport and then playing the game you'll become one of the best athletes it's the guys who just start wasting time wasting time doing like things that feel like work but they aren't anywhere near as important as the main thing when you cut out all of the non-essential you've just got more bandwidth for the essential that's what makes you like a killer competitor in the realm of business Sport and everything else that you want to work hard for so the next step is then the Deep work habit so we've Now understand the tasks that we should go all in on now we're going to focus more on the sort of micro of making sure that when we're doing that task we're actually focused and we're not distracted so what are the micro distractions well they're basically the things that will take away your focus there and then in like the hour that you're trying to do that work task so let's say my my Essential work task is scripting and recording videos your essential work task if you're a student is like practicing previous exam papers an athlete essential work task is practicing the sport and then um showing up to the games as well micro distractions are things that there and then in that block of time for the essential task will take you away so for example for me I'm scripting and recording if my phone goes off that's a micro destruction if my family comes in that's a micro destruction if I go downstairs and go eat something right now that's a micro distraction you'd be surprised of how much micro distractions we have in our day like have you how many times have you been micro distracted from this video so far like have you made this full screen and you've just been staring at it how many times have you scrolled down to the comments to get double dopamine have you like scroll down if you're on your phone to see your notification tab are you listening to this whilst you distract yourself right now saying oh yeah it's just multitasking so you'd be surprised of how much this hits and so there's a few things we can do well there's phone notifications it it bothers me that there's still people who keep their notifications on their phone mine have been turned off for 4 years straight for 4 years my phone has been on do not disturb it's been on silence and it's had the phone notifications cut out because I am a high performer and this is the way that I live and if you want to become a high performer then I suggest you just cop Cy my exact phone settings so you can do this right now alongside me as an action step if you go onto your phone go onto the settings and Search for notifications and it'll open up a page where there's all these apps go through all the apps that send you notifications and disable them and I know you'll be scared to think wait like I won't get notifications what if there's something important let's just be honest and like this might you might disagree but like truthfully there's usually nothing that's actually that important and if there was something that's important honestly most likely people wouldn't go to you for it let's just be honest they probably shouldn't like if you're a young guy watching this if there's going to be something important with family most likely it'll go to like one of your parents or something or your big brother or whatever or go to your dad or whatever You' be surprised like I I thought this as well when I thought oh what if there's an emergency and stuff like it doesn't happen as much as you think and if there's an emergency someone will call you twice and then the notification basically turns on anyway so it's like you don't need to worry about that so this stops like especially for the messaging apps and Instagram and all that stuff it stops it from popping up on your phone and suddenly making you like a fly to like honey where you just you Zapp and you're like oh yes got to got to see this right now the only time you should see messages on Whatsapp is when you open the WhatsApp app like think about that as a level of self-respect you go on your phone to use it for something let's say you use it to uh check maps for something but a WhatsApp message pops up shows up on you know it kind of like comes down from the screen and it shows you what the person is and and what they've said and it's your uh your friend who tells you about this thing that happened in the gym or whatever you didn't actually like you weren't actually in the mood to hear that message there and then you just wanted to use the Google Maps app so if you respect yourself you should be kind of pissed off because that just infiltrated your piece you didn't want that message there and then now you might think oh but it's fine it's fine but you'd be so surprised of how much of your potential you miss out on when you have these micro distractions and how much less you'll be present and so if you turn all these notifications off the next time you want to see your WhatsApp messages you'll be in the mood in the mind space to see them you'll click on the WhatsApp app and then you'll see them so you'll still get the messages it's just that you're choosing when you see them based on which app you actually want to access this way it doesn't infiltrate your piece it doesn't infiltrate your deep work the reason why you're probably struggling with results is because you don't work deeply you work shallowly you you're a shallow worker and shallow workers get paid 100 times less than deep workers so by all means don't listen to this advice if you're fine with that but you clicked on this video because you really wanted this like tough love of like how do you become a top performer this is how this is what we do so if you go onto your your phone notifications go through all the apps disable them all the only one that I keep on is just the normal phone app because if someone calls me like that that's fine if someone's going to call me properly that's fine but I've got WhatsApp messages disabled I've got text messages disabled for the love of God like of course I've got social media messages disabled I'm a [ __ ] influencer by the way think about that I'm an influencer I make money from social media I make like I get at least a thousand times more value from social media than you do and I've got my social media notifications disabled so what does that say about you if you AR listening to this think about that for a second I make a [ __ ] ton of money I get status I literally get like women from social media I get more than you do from social media and I keep my notifications disabled because I'm still telling you that the ROI is there for me most likely the ROI is going to be there for you so disable all of it when you want to check Instagram go and check your messages then and also that kind of makes you cooler as well because it took you longer to reply so it's a win-win right so disable all of them there's a setting at least on iPhones which is called rise to wake I turn that off my phone um where is it my phone's here look usually if if you pick up your phone the screen will turn on for most people mine doesn't so I've turned that off there's also another one which is I think it's called tap to wake most people's phones if you touch their phone like this the screen turns on mine doesn't my screen only turns on if I actually physically press the power button that's the only way it turns on it doesn't turn on like this it doesn't turn on when you just pick it up it doesn't have notifications that pop on the screen literally like my phone stays like this unless if I manually press the power button think about that level of control when if my phone is next to me it doesn't randomly light up the screen when someone sent me a message five times an hour 100 times an hour whatever it literally only comes on the screen only comes on when I wanted to not when I've just picked it up and I'm moving my phone somewhere and you know I'm walking somewhere no no no when I press the power button think about that level of control right now so rise to wake turn that off I think it's called tap to wake turn that off then put it on silent mode so you know the little iPhones have got this little side button Androids probably have something like that turn it on silent mode then I have it on do not disturb mode as well just in cases and then sometimes I put her on airplane mode as well that's the level that I've got my phone on so that it doesn't disturb my peace and when people say like oh yeah you take a while to reply it's like I I take that as a massive compliment you're telling me that I'm not like most people who are shallow workers thank you so much I've worked hard for that they think it's like you know almost like a slight insult I take that as a compliment and if you want to be a high performer who can work hard as [ __ ] maybe you'll take that as a compliment as well because this makes you so different by the way this makes you so different from everyone else who's struggling with like intellectual work in the modern day along with this there's family destructions as well this is a lot harder like if you live in your family home and you have family who don't really respect like your sort of peace and quiet and your your um need for your own private space to do your work they might barge in and just start chatting [ __ ] a lot of families do and so I think there's an action step that I just wrote is like just try sending them this message or speaking to them right now whenever you do your normal important work your deep work either send them a message or just go up to them today and tell them I do my important work at and them the time please try not to dis disturb me do you need me for anything before that so for me this is why I wake up so early because I wake up at 4:00 a.m. and no one's awake for about 2 3 hours so I've got peaceful time in the morning morning no one's going to disturb me then my mom wakes up at about 6:00 and she knows not to disturb me as well so I can wake up at 4:00 and I can work till like 800 9 10 11 and no one disturbs me we have it very clear like in my family there's a lot of respect with my work because you know I've become successful and I've given that money with my family and retired people and stuff that um no one knocks on my door no one calls my name if they need me for anything they send me a message and I reply back at the time that suits me which yeah sounds cold-hearted but it's like this is what it took to retire my family so you can push for this if you want to have the same experience of retiring your family or you can just kind of you know be sat here like oh but my family won't listen my family didn't listen the first 20 times I told them not to disturb me I had to tell them literally like 10 times 20 times 30 times a year for like 2 3 years before they really like got to it so don't think oh but I told them once and they still messaged me or you know they still open the door I've had like full-on like serious conversations multiple times with my family where I've sat them down as if I'm like the father figure where I'm like the boss of the house and I said listen it's inappropriate I'm working to provide for our family and my father knocked on my door you can't do that it sounds awful it sounds so so horrible to say but it means a lot to me like that's that's a big big part of like my sort of boundaries of my my expectations with my work that that is providing for everyone that's freed my father my father doesn't need to work a job anymore because of this so it's important that you have this level of confidence that even though you've not achieved success just yet you need to have this level of self-respect where you'll stand up for yourself in a very respectful way and say something like everyone I I do my important work from X time to Y time please try not to disturb me does anyone need me for anything before or after that say that and then you whatever tasks your mother might say you can go and like do that chore first before she needs to come and like knock on your your room then you make it clear like you tell them 10 20 times over the next year I'm working at this time please try not to disturb me me I'm working so hard that I can retire our family whatever the first 10 times they'll think you're gay they'll think you're cringe my my sister kept on looking at me as if I was like cringe as [ __ ] when I was saying these things and now like now it [ __ ] works now everyone believes it because now like you know the success is here so just even if the first few times you do this and everyone thinks you're weird for like being so formal after like 10 15 times after you first show your family that you just made $5,000 this month and you make more money than your father does now that's when they'll take you seriously but it's time to start now so your action is if you want to send this message to your family go ahead and send it right now you'd say like I would do my important work from 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. please try not to disturb me from that time and then you might need to still still tell them this like literally so many more times for them to actually get it but it will actually reduce how often they they uh inter interrupt you cuz what I found is it just takes them like a lot of realizations like the next time they interrupt if they're like good people they're not trying to be disrespectful it's out of just habit and they were just you know mindless they weren't actually thinking let me go disturb his work your mother was thinking let me go put his clothes in his wardrobe and it's like oh yeah yeah that new thing that new rule that I haven't gotten accustomed to oh yeah I forgot about that so just bear that in mind they're not trying to be bad people and you shouldn't be trying to get like upset thinking h ah they don't understand the vision right now habits are hard to break and you remember that yourself don't you you remember how difficult it is to break a habit that you know you just have like mind memory um muscle memory with so um give them some patience with that along with that another deep work habit is fighting the slug so you you like this is an analogy that I like imagine we live in this house and we need to get here to this little flag and it snows like crazy we we open the door and it's literally like kneed deep snow imagine that okay the snow is literally like 1 foot 2ot high the first time that we get to this flag is going to be difficult right we have to take a big step get in then another big step then you kind of fall over then you keep going you keep going you keep going but then we've created a kind of pathway you see how there's some white through the the blue we've created a little bit of a pathway so if the first time to walk through takes us like an hour now the second time of us going back probably takes us what like 30 minutes because there's already a bit of a pathway you know it might have snowed a little bit more but there's a bit of a pathway now if we keep doing that eventually that pathway clears this is how like habits and work habits really work is the first time you start working hard it feels like this slug where it just feels difficult but it doesn't stay like that it it becomes like that cleared pathway which is still difficult it's still hard but it gets easier and easier to just sit down and just shut up and just do the work it gets way easier to do that it's kind of like hitting a PR in the gym you get up to like 100 kg bench press and it's so difficult and the rep takes you like 7 seconds and you can only get one rep and then a few years later it's like that's your like hypertrophic weight you're doing it for 10 reps you're doing it for 12 reps and you can you know bust out the Reps fairly quickly so it's kind of common sense but basically like the first time you start working harder and harder there'll be this slug but when you've kind of crossed the chasm the chasm of that level of hard work it gets easier to do that level of hard work over and over and then that level of hard work stops becoming hard work and it's just like work and then you can push and progressively overload to the next level of hard work along with that this is probably the most important tip I could give you when you're actually doing the task so pay attention to this meditate back onto the task at hand so this won't be easy I need to make this so clear to you I still get constant thoughts when I'm doing hard exhausting work my thoughts will literally tell me to stop and do something easier so you need to understand this is the most important part and it's it's so interesting cuz this is all about like deep internal thoughts and everything when you're trying to sit down to do the work you'll literally get thoughts like every 15 seconds that you just can't be asked and you've just got to keep meditating back onto the task and just sticking there sticking there sticking the the way meditation works is basically you just meditate back onto the moments or the the focal points you know like the breath we meditate back onto the breath back onto the breath back onto the breath that's how meditation works we lose our presence then we go back this is how deep work hard work really works it's so hard that your brain will keep coping and asking you to like go and do something different but you just command it to go back to the the work you command it to go back to the work you command it to go back to the work this just trust me when I say say like if you can just intellectually grasp what I'm trying to teach you here this will help you a lot what I'm saying is the next time you want to do work don't expect your brain to to agree and say yep let's do it okay everything feels fine expect your brain to be like oh I don't want to and like you know I'll go and do something else and like okay come on let's do it let's do it come on let's do it oh I don't even get it come on I just want to do something else I could go read no no come on come on let's do it let's do it let's do it it's like that that reminder of like come on let's just do it let's just do it let's just do it sometimes you have that like every 10 seconds 15 seconds you have to just keep bringing yourself back to the moment back to the moment back to the moment this is what hard work feels like if it was easy you wouldn't have these thoughts right so most of us want to work hard you clicked on this video because you want to work hard this is literally the experience of what it feels like to work hard it's like it's not going to be easy right of course not that's the point of hard [ __ ] work so that means that naturally if you want to do hard work the kind of work that gives you better results naturally it's not going to feel like the same easy enjoyable Flow State work is it it's going to feel like a slug it's going to feel like you're you're crossing over like deep snow and you keep tripping over tripping over tripping over tripping over that's what it's going to feel like so expect the difficulty expect like your mind constantly trying to [ __ ] out and telling you come on let's just stop let's just stop let's just change the task expect that if you expect that you start looking forward to it cuz you're like oh [ __ ] this is what hard feels like this is the hard work that I've been trying to avoid all this time that's your super power because every time you come back it's like you're one you've taken one step forward in the the race of Entrepreneurship and some people won't take that step so you've just beaten all of them that's why it's so powerful to just meditate on the task and keep coming back to that one good tip is to allow yourself to feel boredom throughout the day meditate on the present moment even if it's boring instead of grabbing your phone because this will uh help you to continue the hard SLO like this deep work um meditation so basically this is what we need to do to achieve in hard work it's going to be difficult our brain is going to cope and we have to keep bringing our brain back to the task a way that we can practice that is actually when we're not working throughout the day when we feel bored instead of just choosing to change the Present Moment by grabbing your phone like most people would do we choose to enjoy the present moment which is boring because if you if you basically do this habit more where whenever you feel bored like in public you just enjo it you'll be more likely to enure the hard work and the hard work will begin to feel easier and then you basically have gotten to the next level of your capabilities so here's like an identity visualization that you can do be like the wise young person who acts like a wise old person and just smiles and raw dogs and experience unlike the young ADHD people who need constant stimulation so if you imagine yourself in some kind of like somewhat social setting maybe you're in a cafe or a gym or something and everyone the moment they get like a little bit of discomfort and boredom they they snap and they grab their phones and they quickly start scrolling and messaging people you can be the one person who's almost like almost like has an old Spirit where you can just kind of sit there and just feel the boredom cuz if you can do that more often you'll be more likely to do it inside of the task as well that covers the Deep work habit so we've covered the big tasks that you should be spending your time on now we've covered okay when you're doing those tasks how do you stay focused so you don't get distracted you know in the microtask itself and now let's talk about the way to organize your life to work harder and all of these important but this might be the the most important for me personally this usually has like the biggest uh impact which is the monk mode periods so what is monk mode monk mode is a period of extreme focus on your goals it's basically where you sacrifice literally everything that isn't aligned to your goals so it could be for example a one month period where you work for 12 hours a day if your biggest goal is like leveling up your business and you don't see friends and you don't see girls you don't watch movies or anything you just basically wake up and work that's it simple as that who should go on this monk mode period I would suggest it's guys who have already got good social and sexual skills because often in monk mode you'll cut out the relationships and friendships just to focus on work you know that's the point of the Intensive like extreme monk mode period you're not being very social guys who have never been good with friends or girls struggle mentally through this so I wouldn't suggest monk mode if quite frankly like you're a virgin and like you're quite insecure about not having friends and everything I wouldn't suggest monk mode because you'll just end up having really bad mental health through this monk mode works really well for former degenerates guys who know they've got it it works really well so for example for me I've had a lot of social experiences I've had a lot of like experiences with girls if I go into a monk mode period for like a month and I just work like an artist for like for 12 hours a day at the end of it I'm not going to be weird around girls because I still know like like what to do I could go on a date at the end of a one month period of Monk mode and I'll still get the girl I'll still attract her it's that simple it's like I have that skill locked in at the end of a monk mode period I could go to the gym and make a new friend there I've got that locked in I'm not going to get insecure thinking like oh man but I've not I've not got any girls in my life because I know I've got it I've had enough of that experience that abundance so if your biggest goal right now is making friends or getting girls then obviously don't go on monk mode it doesn't make any sense because monk mode is a period where you're basically not being social at all now if your biggest goal is business then monk mode is perfect because often unlike what like the the cute internet entrepreneurs tell you like oh yeah networking and collaborations truthfully if your biggest goal is business you don't like you don't need to go and do the high value man work where you're going on to podcast and messaging guys on Instagram or any [ __ ] most of your business work is just you waking up early and just staring into a computer screen and just getting [ __ ] work done in Silence by yourself it's not hype it's not social just get the [ __ ] work done that's where the the real business moves along it's not with this like cute collaborative kind of mindset where you go and meet people for coffee or some [ __ ] that's not real business work the the best businessmen they just wake up and they just work in their like their sweats like their pajamas for like 6 hours straight and then they can be social afterwards if they want so if your biggest goal is business and making money then monk mode will be absolutely perfect so monk mode is a period for about 1 month or so or longer where you're just going to follow really strict rules and these are my rules personally I wake up at about 3:00 or 4: a.m. and I go to sleep at about 6:00 or 700 p.m. I have a very strict diet I only eat meat eggs cheese uh protein powder a little bit of Honey like one one or two teaspoons of honey and a little bit of 85% dark chocolate this one might seem like a Coke but I I've experimented with it doesn't seem to like mentally or physically affect me negatively and it's not as like even though it sounds like oh it's chocolate it's like 85% at that point it's like it's not that nice like honestly if you're a normal chocolate eater you're thinking oh Hamza has chocolate like it's not like normal chocolate basically if you had this You' be like what the [ __ ] it doesn't even tastes like chocolate that's what it is and it seems to be fine for me it um doesn't seem to make me like uh give me brain fog or anything this is like my Elimination Diet that I've experimented with and I feel really really good on this diet I don't have any late nights I never miss miss my bedtime sometimes like I can't sleep and stuff that's fine but I don't actually like go out to like meet a girl or anything I don't have hookups I don't go on dates I don't like stay up late I don't go on to um Tinder or anything I don't drink alcohol or any of that social sexual kind of stuff um through this monk mode period the only um exception to this is like I have girls who want to meet me like in the gym and stuff that's fine cuz I was going to go to the gym anyway and I'll you know I'll see them there have a conversation and stuff that's fine I'm being social in the gym which is a part of the next rule which is nothing social apart from workouts so I can go to workouts with friends and that's fine cuz it it kind of scratches the social itch a little bit and it's also fun and it also kind of makes the workout better but I don't really extend the workouts I don't have massively long workouts I don't go and like get food with them afterwards or anything like that I just kind of do the workout with some people then I go home that's it so it's somewhat of an antisocial time for me and I have quite a clear focus on some kind of like like production that I've caused because of this monk mode period basically at the end of my monk mode period I want to be able to look to something and say this is what I produced for this period of Monk mode I made these seven full guides I made 20 20 videos that's what I want to be looking at all of like the work really ends up just becoming a statement that you can say to yourself like this is what I made during my monk mode period if you can't say something big like that you've basically done like shallow work that we discussed before shallow work is the kind of stuff that like you wouldn't tell people like this is what I done like oh yeah today I checked my messages like no one gives a [ __ ] like if you look over you know your monk mode period like this is what I did I checked the comments of my YouTube videos and I checked the YouTube analytics 23 times no one gives a [ __ ] it's like what videos did you make did you make a course did you record 17 videos did you uh go on to like seven coaching calls and help people like that's the thing that you can say at the end of your monk mode period that means a lot to me that's part of my rules and so your action step right now is to think of some rules that would be amazing for your monk mode periods that would make you like super disciplined super productive think of the rules and write them down and then you can follow these rules for about a few weeks at a time so what we do is we go on a monk mode slf fun mode split basically you can't stay in monk mode all the time like you can but your life would just be boring and you just become a loser like I've had guys ask me because they they've assumed that I would because it sounds like the discipline thing and I always just think like like no offense but you're probably a [ __ ] loser like I wouldn't I'm not going to stay in this autistic like monk mode period where I go to sleep at 6:00 p.m. all of my life people have asked me like oh but like oh you you traveled or you met that girl why why wouldn't you just stay in monk mode and I'm like bro like I know you're trying to do like a David goggin kind of like thing just shut the [ __ ] up it's like you don't stay in monk mode or at least I don't you can if you want but but basically you don't stay in monk mode all the time because your life just gets boring as [ __ ] onedimensional and you're just a loser who doesn't get girls who doesn't even have friends and stuff who doesn't like go out and do anything else all you do is like go to the gym and and work and you become like a [ __ ] weird artist loser hermit because of that so just be care care I've had like little kids like of my you know my fans call me out and be like oh but why don't you just like continue monk more like why why would you go and like Take 2 days off I'm like bro like you're trying too hard to do the discipline masculine thing it doesn't work when you're like 15 years old and you've got a skinny neck like don't try and put that pressure on me like so here's the thing you can do that if you want you can just stay in monk mode forever if you want but it's not actually going to be beneficial because suddenly your other part of your life start going down and you you'll almost look back and be like oh [ __ ] all I've done in the last few years is work and I didn't even really have fun and you know I didn't even experien life and I didn't even get girls I've not even had a woman's touch and stuff so what I prefer is more of the Work Hard Play Hard where I alternate periods of extreme work which is monk mode with extreme fun which is like the fun I call it the [ __ ] mode basically where I'll go and spend like a few days I think I've got a page here for fun mode I'll go and spend a few days just doing what I'd authentically enjoy with no guilt so sometimes I'll fly to a city I'll go on a bunch of dates I'll go to like restaurants and stuff other times I'll go on like road trips and I'll go camping or I'll go traveling or something like that and often I'm always really social meeting people I'm relaxed on my diet during this and you C if you prefer if it is authentic to you go and have a few days where you just enjoy like video games anime and movies and snacks usually I'm against these things but if you've just completed a monk mode period where you literally work like 12 hours a day for like 3 4 weeks straight with no days off with no one hour to relax during the day then by all means if you want to go grind like some video game for like 3 days like by all means go ahead like I think that's a good split so I really like this split here where I'll go on monk mode for about 20 to 30 days at a time and then I'll have like 2 to 7 Days of fun mode I like these relatively short periods of you know like the period split because I don't actually like longer periods of fun SL not working like when I don't work for about 3 4 days that's when I actually start to miss it like like I said like I actually enjoy my work so I don't mind like you know a few days to go travel to stay in a city and everything it's kind of fun you go to restaurants after like 2 days being in a city 3 4 days it's like I'm kind of bored and I actually want to work I actually want to keep like grinding I don't need more that many days off and since I'm only going to take like two three days off then I then I don't want the monk mode period to be like 90 days 90 days of work no like I don't take weekends off you need to understand this I don't take weekends off a evenings off in my monk mode I just wake up work go to the gym work read sleep that's it for like 20 days straight then I'll take a few days off for fun mode I know that for some people like some entrepreneurs I know they'll go on longer periods like they'll have like a 90-day monk mode where for 3 months straight they'll be antisocial and just work work work work work and then they'll have like weeks off for like fun mode that for me doesn't personally work but you can consider that as well but I like my split and it's not very autistic as well so what I mean is like sometimes it might be 10 days of Monk mode and like a few days of fun mode sometimes it might be longer sometimes it might be 21 days or it might be 19 days and like six days of you know I mean it's it's just this is a very rough range and often it kind of depends on when some fun stuff gets booked in so if I have like a particular person I want to see and they're free and it's going to be like okay I only had a 14-day monk mode period it's like it's fine I'm not going to try and push that and be like no it has to be 20 days because this way it just it lets me still have like a fun adventurous life where I get to do like fun new things I get to fly to New cities I get to meet new people I get to spend time with girls and go on dates and do that kind of stuff which adds a lot of like enjoyment and memories to life because the grind is really fun but the you want to be able to like enjoy the the fruits of your labor if you only keep sewing like if you only keep like sewing the seeds sewing the seeds sewing the seeds like basically farming but not actually enjoying the fruit that you farmed farming becomes like this weird almost like autistic neurotic thing where like you know working becomes this thing where like you start to feel weird about it because you've not even allowed yourself to like indulge in the thing that you've unlocked it's kind of like like people have like this really immigrant mindset when it comes to video games they'll play a video game they'll unlock like a new sword but they won't use it because they degrades so they'll just like keep it in the inventory and like not even use it where it's like why like you've got this sword [ __ ] use it because it's fun and you've worked hard for it it's it's like a reward people will just save that stuff up until like it's not even that powerful anymore that's when they'll use and it's like well the hype's gone now like I used to play video games like that like I used to literally like I um I play play this video game MMO RPG like this uh game called RuneScape where basically I spent years making money inside of this game I'm telling you like I literally grinded for years to become rich in this game and then I never spent the money and then I quit that's not how I want to live life I don't want to spend years making money not spending it and then just dying with it that's not how I want to live life I want to spend like weeks making money weeks leveling up and then a few days kind of using what I've just used in like a really fun way and then going back to the Grind that's me personally maybe you don't mind the idea of like stacking up money and then dying with it or something but I like the the split with fun mode maybe it's just cope but whatever I'm coping then cuz I actually really like my life when I'm like this so why would you go so extreme by the way why you know why should you go like 20 30 days of Monk mode where you know you've got all these rules and you're waking up so early and stuff well it's because balance is for poor people balance is basically for the peasants 1 hour a day to relax keeps you poor this is like this is only what poor people say Ultra healthy successful people still relax but it's like they've kind of earned that right you don't climb through the balance you go you climb through the extremes and you add in the balance later so it takes the extreme to create success it's the extreme periods where you get better results and also more fun too because remember the bar of success I showed you before which like you needed like 80% of your brain points to see any results in whatever uh like goal you've got you need to to cross that bar and that that's what monk mode helps you with because you sacrifice and you cut out other things like distractions like your Discord video game friends or the random girl who's like a five out of 10 you cut out those things so that all you have is the goal that's it and it becomes so much easier to cross that bar of success and this is what's interesting is like you get better success because you get compounding success when you're really focused on and on and on for a few days you get into like this better routine better routine you you fine- tune the routine and your work habits and everything and you get better and better and more focused and also you know with the fun modes as well the fun that you have inside of these fun modes is like the few days of fun is way higher than the balance like imagine if we just had a 30-day of balance where you woke up and did a few hours of work then you did like a few hours of fun and you went to sleep you would actually get less done and also less H have less fun if you did it like this instead of if you did it like this because think about it how much fun do you really have if you play video games for 1 hour like don't [ __ ] imagine gen l 1 hour so 1 hour means that by the time you started it's literally 59 minutes left so imagine like you literally often like 1 hour does nothing in a video game right it's almost like no fun if anything it's almost like a bit agitating because the time runs out so quickly but when you have like imagine if you told yourself okay for the last weekend of this year of this month you've got two or three days you can go and make it as fun as possible so you go and get like a bunch of snacks you're hyping it up okay which game am I going to play oh I can't wait to go you know you're exced excited for it it's going to be a fun thing you've told like three of your friends they know that they're going to get ready for it as well or you've like booked like some holiday for 3 4 days and you're just going to go to a bunch of restaurants you've you've rented out like a nice car for it you're going to fly like a girl out with you because you've been making money and so you can go like enjoy yourself and everything you'll have more fun and also better success if you follow this monk mode fun mode period split and this is also just how every successful man that I know lives his life as well so we've covered everything that I promised you because there's three steps to working harder first we needed to find out the essential tasks that are actually worth spending our time on then we needed to make sure that we're focused whilst we do that task then we needed to set up more of a long-term strategy where we can have seasons like periods of our life where we go all in on the work which makes us really high performers really optimized and then of course we've got to take a few days off here and there to like recharge and enjoy ourselves covered everything I taught you or I promised you that I'd teach you how to produce more work in one morning than you used to in an entire week if you follow the three things that you've learned today the first day where you do this will be very soon I'm telling you the first day where you produce more work in one morning than you used to in an entire week could be literally tomorrow and you're going to think oh [ __ ] he wasn't even exaggerating what a [ __ ] Legend like I I he's [ __ ] he really delivered on this video if you just go and Implement what we said here you wake up nice and early in your monk mode period you don't eat anything you fast you wake up and you just [ __ ] grind like if you're a YouTuber you just go sit down and record seven videos without stopping you'll be like oh [ __ ] that's a week's worth of work so I've delivered on that one last time my free email list top Link in the description go click that right now you get emails like this where I wrote like a massive guide it was way longer than this by the way so if you're like an intellectual guy you like to read and everything you're an like an educated guy who wants to get knowledge on things like how to go cold approach girls and everything go click that top Link in the description right now do the hard work especially when you don't feel like it mAh