Question 1
What homework exercise was given to optimize the solution?
Question 2
What formula is used to calculate the energy for a jump from step i to j?
Question 3
Which data structure is used to store heights of stairs?
Question 4
How does the function `func` handle the calculation for jump from one step to the next?
Question 5
How is the space optimized in the optimized iterative approach?
Question 6
What is the problem focus in Lecture 3 of Dynamic Programming?
Question 7
In the optimized iterative approach, what values are tracked at each step?
Question 8
What is the base case for the recursive solution?
Question 9
What does the recurrence relation `f(idx) = min(f(idx-1) + |a[idx] - a[idx-1]|, f(idx-2) + |a[idx] - a[idx-2]|)` represent?
Question 10
What does the iterative DP (tabulation) approach aim to do?
Question 11
What method is used to ensure the optimized solution remains valid for larger k-step jumps?
Question 12
If a frog starts at the 0th step, how far can it jump in one move?
Question 13
Why is memoization required in the recursive approach?
Question 14
Why is a greedy approach not suitable for this problem?
Question 15
In the tabulation approach, what is the initial value of `dp[0]`?