Christianity's Origins and Influence

Jun 9, 2024

Lecture Notes: Christianity's Origins and Influence


  • Speaker greeted audience and mentioned discussing topics related to a three-day conference against them
  • Topic: "Christianity was and is the new face of Hellenism and paganism"
  • Christianity called a new-age form of Hellenism and paganism
  • Christianity as a term is not found in the Bible
  • Modern Christianity is different from the doctrine of Christ taught during the Messiah's time

Christianity and False Doctrines

  • Reference to 2 Corinthians 11:4
  • Discussion about preaching another Jesus and another gospel
  • Contrasting the true teachings of Christ with modern Christian practices such as Easter, Trinity, and Christmas

John 21:18 and 2 Peter 1:13

  • Discussion about Christ asking Peter if he loves Him and instructing him to feed His sheep
  • Christ's prophecy about Peter’s death
  • Peter understanding and writing letters to keep teachings in remembrance

Persecution and Spread of Christianity

  • Reference to John on the island of Patmos under Emperor Domitian around 96-100 AD
  • John banished for teaching the kingdom of God perceived as treason
  • Roman emperors persecuting Jews and Christians
  • Nero blamed Christians for the Great Fire of Rome and martyred Peter and Paul

Origins of Christianity

  • Early Christianity influenced by Hellenistic religion and philosophy
  • Reference to Jewish Christians of the early church
  • Combining confession of Jesus with adherence to Jewish traditions
  • Early Christian community faced persecution and decline during Jewish-Roman wars

Hellenistic Religion and Practices

  • Hellenistic religion influenced by Greek and Roman practices and gods
  • Romans adopting Greek gods and integrating Egyptian deities like Isis and Serapis

Influence of Greek and Roman Cultures

  • Explanation of Hellenism and its impact on Jewish and Christian traditions
  • Greek influence on Roman religious practices and language

Transition to Christianity

  • Council of Nicaea addressed doctrinal disputes within Christianity
  • Constantine and the merging of pagan practices with Christianity

Celebration of Pagan Festivals

  • December 25th as the birthday of Sol Invictus, adopted into Christianity as Christmas
  • Pagan origins of practices like Easter, Yule logs, and Christmas trees

Pagan Trinity and Idolatry

  • Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz as the first pagan Trinity
  • Evolution of these deities through various cultures and time periods
  • Comparison of Biblical doctrine with pagan mythology

Christianity and Pagan Practices

  • Influence of Babylonian and Assyrian legends on Christian traditions
  • Sun worship and its integration into Christian holidays


  • Christianity as practiced today has deep roots in ancient pagan religions
  • Modern Christianity has been influenced and shaped by historical pagan practices and Hellenistic philosophies
  • Understanding these origins is crucial to comprehending the evolution and current state of Christianity