[Music] father yahweh we come before you and ask that your presence would be here that not one single word that i say that is not of you will penetrate the hearts of your people but every word that i say that is not of you would fall dead to the ground father i ask that your words your heart your mind your will and your emotions would flow through me this evening into your people that you would just teach us all at the same time i ask for direct revelations father of things that i've studied things that i've not studied i ask that your word would be manifest this evening in us and through us and everyone said amen okay numbers what did i say number 16 i meant 19. numbers 19. all right the title of uh this chapter is laws of purification this is the the torah portion uh this week we are going to do i have been on vacation all week in branson praise the lord it's been a year and a half since i've stepped outside of my house and i had a wonderful time for just a few short days that's never long enough to kind of get regenerated and as i began to kind of look at the tour portion near the end of the week i realized very quickly that i need to do a teaching on this and so this is something tonight i'm going to be spirit led okay we're going to let the holy spirit do what he wants i'm not going to have any power points and we're just going to let him speak this evening through his word but i believe next week i'm going to teach on the red heifer uh because it is so incredibly significant to us as believers today uh matter of fact it's it's in judaism called the great mystery of all of the torah there's no greater mystery in all of the mitzvot of the commandments than the commandment of the red heifer you're going to see why in just a moment and i will probably just skirt around a few things this evening and probably bring a very in-depth teaching next week so let's start and let's see what he says now yahweh spoke to moshe and to aaron saying this is the ordinance of the law which yahweh has commanded saying speak to the children of israel that they may bring you a red heifer without blemish in which there is no defect and on which a yoke has never come if i pause every once while it's just because i'm looking at the hebrew which by the way the word yoke there is interesting is ol ol or ol or owl can be pronounced and it is an ion in hebrew the two letters are iron and lamin okay and ayan in ancient pictograph hebrew is to see to to open your eyes or to see something and uh the lament there is uh is that of a staff or a goad to goad something okay with a staff it's instruction and so it's the eye or the the site of instruction and so this particular animal could not ever have been given instructions or eyes for instruction meaning that it could not be doing anything for anyone it had to be completely set aside my phone is ringing behind me so where did it go here every once in a while the holy spirit texts me and lets me know things okay holy spirit i hope you don't mind if i put you on vibrate for just an hour okay all right so here we are here we go without blemish in which there is no defect on which a yoke has never come you shall give it to eliazar the priest that he may take it outside the camp and it shall be slaughtered before him now what does outside the camp mean because there's basically three types of camps that are inside of jerusalem and this was outside of all of them and so this had to be outside the city walls outside of the city walls is where this sacrifice had to take place and there is to my knowledge if i'm not mistaken only one other uh situation where something happened outside the city walls and that's dealing with leprosy leprosy had to be taken care of outside the priest would go outside of the city walls to take care of leprosy or to look at someone and and verify whether or not they still had leprosy or not and so the high priest and the priests would move outside of the city walls now for this most important literally one of the most important if not the most important sacrifice that the children of israel would ever have eliezer the priest shall take some of its blood with his finger shall sprinkle some of it on his blood seven times directly in front of the tabernacle of meeting okay then the heifer shall be burned in his sight its hide its flesh its blood and its oval shall be burned and the priest shall take cedar wood and hyssop and scarlet and cast them into the mist of the fire burning the heifer so tempted to go into all of this but let's see then the priest shall wash his clothe clothes he shall bathe in water and afterward he shall come into the camp the priest shall be unclean until evening and the one who burns it shall wash his clothes and water bathe in water and shall be unclean until evening so that basically catch this is that the priests are they clean or unclean before they touch the ashes of the red heifer before they start the process they're clean they go through the process of the red heifer and what happens they become unclean remember that then a man who is clean so this does not have to be a priest by the way this is going to be huge as i go through this next week a man who is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer store them outside the camp in a clean place they shall be kept for the congregation of the children of israel for the water of purification it is for purifying from sin okay and the one who gathers the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening it shall be a statute forever to the children of israel and to the stranger who dwells among them how long forever forever is how long very good you guys are with it tonight he who touches the dead body of anyone shall be unclean seven days so all of a sudden now we we are literally switching topics it seems because we start out talking about the ashes of the red heifer and the whole process of what to do and now the priest that starts out clean becomes unclean and the person that burns the body starts out clean and then it's unclean and the person who gathers the ashes starts out clean and then becomes unclean and now we're going right into talking about dead bodies why does this seem like we're totally moving to a different topic because they're very connected of why the red heifer sacrifices were there to begin with he touches a dead body of anyone shall be unclean for seven days he shall purify himself with the water on the third day and on the seventh day then he will be clean but if he does not pure himself purify himself on the third day and on the seventh day he will not be clean with what water that just the local tap water from the you know the tower in jerusalem they would take the the red heifer sacrifice the ashes they would burn the body completely i'm going to show you pictures of this next week and they would take and they would scoop up these ashes and they would take it and they would mix it with water from from where does anybody know from the water that flowed into the pool of silhouette go figure okay which is the water that cleansed you as if you wanted to ascend the hill of the lord to the temple you must first be mikved or immersed into the pool of siloam you would come out on the other side you'd be given a white robe this is the whole process by the way of the accepting of the blood of of yeshua the messiah when he says the white road that you've been given if we don't read the front of the book and we don't know the history we're not going to recognize the depth of what he's saying he could have said red robe white robe he could have said multicolored robe but most of us have been happy with that because we'd connected that with joseph but it's a white robe because that was the commandment that when you were mkvid you were given a white robe and then you could ascend the hill of the lord it is that water that was mixed with the ashes of the red heifer now here's the interesting part and i'll go into this more a little bit detailed next week and it's everything in me not to go into the detail now but i'm not going to do it without pictures because you know how i am i graduated kindergarten at the top of my class and i love pictures is that the ashes of the red heifer were to be kept for three days before they could be used so the red heifer died and the ashes of the red heifer would be kept for three days in a clean shelf in a clean place and then after three days it would be mixed with water now what is water in the scriptures connected to huh no well yeah the word but what else more than anything the water start off in genesis right genesis and the spirit hovered over the face of the waters okay the water is connected to the word which is connected to the spirit but more than anything it is the ruach that is like the water in many scriptures and i'll go through some of them next week that the spirit is connected to water cleansing people it is the water it is the spirit this is why john the baptist or josephus first century historian talks about john the baptist and says that john believed that you were actually cleansed before you got into the water this messes up theology of all kinds of denominations did you know that if they would only rude josephus they would know has nothing to do with the water itself even john the baptist knew that it is the it is the spirit that cleanses a man and is the water that that connects that spiritual experience to the physical world and we could go into that some other time so here we go red heifer is dead for three days then it is mixed with the spirit and at that moment it must be applied to the human being that is unclean has anybody seen any connections yet let's continue he shall purify himself with the water on the third day and on the seventh day now if we if we get into this a little deeper we're going to discover what time of year this is this is right before passover matter of fact the day before this is so phenomenal you guys of these connections that i'm going to lay out for you next week it's really going to blow your mind and make you look at yahweh and his son from a whole other perspective a whole other level of depth and by the time that we're done i'm going to pray that no one will say well this is great but what does this have to do with me because the father is trying to teach each and every one of us that we can't just come before the father and just raise our hands and say father here i is i'm an israelite i'm your child you have to accept me no matter how i come he did you realize he doesn't have to accept you who are we to say oh by the blood of jesus you have to accept us hogwash he's the creator of the universe my friends he can accept or not accept any of us but some of us by the smelling of sulfur on our chins we barely make it by the by our chinny chin chin according to the scriptures there is such a thing as being clean or unclean even after salvation that's what we don't get as believers in jesus we've never been taught this we've always been taught that once you accept jesus into your heart not only are you forgiven and you are saved but that's it but there is such a thing as clean and unclean and when we read the front of the book we understand that that all of these things he didn't just put it in there for them he put it in it for all of his people thank you beat me to it forever it's there forever what we want to disc discover is what is forever for what is the message that he's trying to send from day one in the garden what happened man became unclean from that moment holy spirit moved out of the garden man was kicked out why do you not realize that that's exactly the law that he would give thousands of years later on mount sinai as he gave the instructions for the red heifer and for the temple the holy place and the holy of holies the same exact repeated instructions and consequences would be given that if man did not follow the rules he would not be allowed in the presence of yahweh that simple the garden was the temple it was the holy place was the tree of life they were not allowed in the tree in the garden any longer they were kicked out of the temple and from that moment on yahweh's heart was to bring people back into his presence to restore the status that we had in the garden and so check this out so now on the third day yeshua died did he not and how long was he in the grave three days and three nights no one could touch him as if he was put in a clean place by the way a brand new tomb which was exactly required of the red heifer sacrifice they had to be brand new hued stone why because huge stone is clean according to the torah it cannot accept uh bacteria and unclean things like an earthen vessel would a piece of pottery this is why uh the scriptures say the strange thing like a bat is flying around and a bat falls into your soup you not only throw your soup out but you have to destroy the earthen vessel why because the bacteria will immediately soak into the pores of that bowl now they probably didn't know that because they didn't have the science and all the things behind it today a fly falls into our soup and some of us that grew up in southern missouri just scoop it out and keep eating okay for the rest of you yankees you completely destroy your your earthen vessel you start over right the scriptures have rules for a reason he knows what's best does he not and you know what sometimes we don't know the reason why he tells us certain things because we're just not arrived yet we have he's not revealed that to us so the third day he rises from the from the grave and what happens to his spirit his his earth and body is connected to his spirit there is a fusion of the truth and the spirit it's connected it is at that moment that the gospel begins did you know that that is the gospel when he told his disciples to go there for ee and preach the gospel to all the nations what were the what what were they doing in effect were they not sprinkling the nations with the third day this is the third day you have to have this because this here's why i'm just going to cut to the chase here because we're going to run out of time already what am i saying i can go as long as i want i'm up here right the cameras are all digital there's no tapes in them right all the guests are very nervous at this point all right no but listen the the the incredible part about the the red heifer sacrifice is that it was it was created because of death that if you are connected or ever touched death ever in your life you were unclean if you walked over a grave i mean anything could cause you to be unclean whether you intentionally did something that caused you to be unclean or you unintentionally did something that had to deal with death you were unclean it separated you from the love of god there was absolutely no way that the presence of the ruach would ever come close to you if you had touched death it was the greatest offense in all the bible why did you know that it had nothing to do with death see we as greek thinkers we focus on the death part oh i touched a dead body no you didn't you touched a body that has no life it is not the death that makes you unclean listen to what i'm about to say it is not the death that makes you unclean it is the lack of life that is in the blood now you might think that that's the same thing but it's totally different because one is focused on the death of something one is focusing on the fact that there is no life and when you touch something that has no life that used to have life it affects the life in you let me prove it to you how many of you on a very small scale how many of you have ever been to a movie and five minutes into the movie you realize this is not the movie that you thought you were going to see and you had to walk out of the movie theater and you walked out and you felt dirty how many of you been around people that curse like sailors and you can't get out of the room and there's something about it but you just feel when you leave anybody feel like they ever felt like that you know what i'm talking about right what is that feeling what is that that that that that uckiness that you feel that's a new word luckiness it's uncleanness there's something that's unclean now here's the incredible part those are the unclean things that you get to feel and connect with because you were able to visualize it and experience it it upset your spirit for those of you that are spiritual and have a gift of discernment how many of you have walked into room or you've met someone and something about this person you don't like i mean everything about them is there is fine but there's something about him you don't know there's something unclean that's bugging you it's driving you crazy your spirit is going crazy on the inside because it's in connection with something that's unclean now those are things that you get to experience with your five physical senses but the bible says there are things that happen in the spiritual realm that you can't connect with on the physical because you're jus you're not just a physical being you are a spiritual being as well and some of us live way too much on planet earth some of us are so physical and so fleshly we forget that we were created first as spiritual beings then we sinned and we became mortals do you hear what i said we were immortal beings ladies and gentlemen we were created one up on the angels but when we sinned we became one less we became mortal beings we live in a world that is both physical and spiritual we live in a world where you have ashes of the red heifer that of the physical world that are mixed with the spiritual waters that transcend your physical body and mess with the frequencies and of how he made you so the great paradox here according to the rabbis is that they don't understand how the very priest that's clean can be unclean while administering the red heifer sacrifice when the very purpose of the red hat have for sacrifice is to make someone clean we will unsolve that mystery next week literally there are youtube videos after youtube videos after articles after videos after teachings of rabbi after rabbi after rabbi that literally throw their hands up and say this is the greatest paradox and mystery in all of the bible it's so simple you already know the answer but i'm going to unveil it for you next week so where's the seventh day come in so we have to be you have to be sprinkled on the third day that's the gospel you have to have the gospel on the third day if you do not accept the gospel on the third day do you know what happens read it right here you must be but if he does not purify himself on the third day and on the seventh day he will not be clean let me read that the way that it's written in hebrew with no comma because how many know semitic languages do not have punctuation so when it says that uh uh i tell you today you'll be with me in paradise and the thief on the cross there's no there's no comma there that's translator bias because one way says i tell you today you'll be with me in paradise and one of them says i tell you today you'll be with me in paradise one of them creates a theology that the thief immediately went to heaven after he died the other way agrees with the rest of the scripture that i'm just telling you today that you will be sometime in the future with me in paradise is this making sense punctuation is really important so let's read this without punctuation as a second alternative translation but if he does not purify himself on the third day and on the seventh day he will not be clean you see that i just all he did was change the comma because it was the third day that they had to be cleansed on the seventh day they would not be clean and i'm going to suggest to you that this is the correct alter the the correct interpretation of this verse why is because it was all this is the time of passover ladies and gentlemen how long is passover seven days so guess which day the third day lands on so the third day yeshua rises from the dead right and at the end of the seven days of unleavened bread which is the same exact time that a priest was required to st a new priest was initiated into the priesthood he stood at the front door of the tent of meeting for seven days and it was on the seventh day at the end at sundown he was declared clean and he was declared a priest there was no ceremony of washing or anything his ceremonial cleansing was the seven days you understand so i'm going to suggest you that what's going on here is this is one sprinkling i could be wrong but i don't think so based on all the other cleansings that happen in the scripture they are sprinkled on the third day they accept the gospel on the third day and on the seventh day they will be clean you know what's incredible about this passage i'm giving you too much details i should i won't even have to preach next week which millennium was this when moses did this for the very first time just take a wild guess the third when's messiah coming back the seventh pretty neat huh an incredible connection it's amazing it's breathtaking to me that the scriptures are so detailed and so prophetic in every way that if you did not accept the red heifer sacrifice in the third millennium which is representation of yeshua the messiah himself that would come just one millennium later then on the seventh millennium on the seventh day you would not be declared clean and it is on the seventh day that the priests enter the temple what is the new testament writers say that you are you are priests and kings of a holy nation but you're not administering right now you're not ministering at the temple because there is no temple but how many know that the third one will be built and our messiah will rule and reign from it for a thousand years i should have brought an amen i heard that online i appreciate that because these guys did not say amen we must this is the power of the redhead for sacrifice is it cleanses us from death did you know the second that you sinned what happens the wages of sin is what death you already entered into death the second that you put your hand in the cookie jar the second that you did something wrong you broke the torah the instructions of yahweh you entered into death and you're unclean you cannot come inside the camp guess where the red heifer sacrifice took place outside the camp but where i'll show you next week because that part is amazing let's continue we've got so much to talk about and we only got a few minutes oh gosh i apologize for teasing you but this is such a phenomenal subject and so deep on so many levels and it's literally one of the most important topics in all the scripture is the red heifer sacrifice and by the way they're they are in the process of looking for red they have been looking for red hat for sacrifice even now they're ready for it everything is ready in israel because they understand you cannot be clean you cannot come before the creator until you have the ashes of the red hat for sacrifice so now verse 14 this is the law when a man dies in a tent what's the word tent there in hebrew take a guess oh well oh well that's interesting is it not very similar to the word yoke the only difference is it has a hay involved the oil to covering a home tabernacle or a tent aleph hey lamit the head or the strength revealed an instruction that's what your house is supposed to be by the way the head that's revealed in instructions all who come into the tent and all who are in the tent shall be unclean seven days and every open vessel which has no cover fastened on it is unclean basically a picture a tupperware dish if it doesn't have a lid on it it things are going to spoil on the inside it's the same concept if it doesn't have a lid on it it will be unclean if it's in the presence of anything unclean this is why if you let anything unclean in your house your whole house is unclean and everyone that steps into your house is unclean this is why you're very careful who you hang out with because when you are around a husband that is unclean you can't help it you are unclean now i know i'm going to get emails on that but the reality is is that you can't help that the spirit of your spouse or your child will affect you i'm not talking about your salvation folks there's a difference i'm not talking about okay you did something wrong and now your wife is unsafe and no there is an e a connection there in the spiritual realm that causes you to stumble it causes you to not hear so clear when you're around things that are unclean some of you need to go through your houses seriously and get rid of anything that's that's unclean because you're underestimating the power of the demonic realm let me give you a personal story of a friend of mine who is a a a small um not small appliances uh a technician but he dealt with like dvd players and vcr players and so on and so forth well one day he had a guy bring in a vcr player back when there was such thing as vcrs and uh it sat in there being waiting in line for him to fix it and all of a sudden all of these horrible things started happening in his in his house and in his marriage they were fighting like there's no tomorrow this went on for a week i mean everything was fine and then all of a sudden it was just literally like all hell broke loose inside of his home until finally he got around uh in the to praying he decided i'm going to pray true story god lives here in saint peter's and um in his prayer the holy spirit said you have something unclean in your house now he didn't have a clue of what clean and unclean meant at the time but the holy spirit even told him exactly what it was it was this vcr and i'm not he was a funny guy and i remember telling the story it's a vcr what could possibly be wrong with the vcr how could the vcr be messing up my marriage you know leave it to us men to try to figure out and blame it on anything else right but ourselves but he this guy brought in this vcr wasn't working and he couldn't get the tape out well guess what was inside this vcr it was an unclean very very unclean movie and he took that out and not only took it out but threw it away and couldn't get it far enough away and literally that moment everything was fine everything just seemed to fall in place now he said jim that's crazy that this it happens ladies and gentlemen demonic spirits and unclean spirits attach themselves to physical things that's just what the bible says this is why when you're around someone that's unclean it affects you it bothers you so be careful of who you're around and pray if you're forced to be in a situation like that pray the father will protect you against anything transferring itself this is why gossip is so powerful because it's unclean do you know what gossip is connected to you won't believe this gossip is actually connected to death which is the greatest most unclean situation that you could ever into is touching a dead body when gossip is allowed to flourish you're killing someone with your tongue you're killing them you speak death it doesn't matter if it's true if the bible says not to do it and you're hurting the reputation of that person you're killing them which is making you unclean and look how quickly people love gossip do you know why because we're bent away from the tree of life we love death we just don't want to admit that we love death the fact that we go back to our vomit as dogs continually going back to our sin proves that we love death we love it yahweh's people are supposed to hate death and love life let us walk in life let's skip down to verse 18 says a clean person shall take his sip dip it in the water sprinkle it on the tent and on all the vessels on the persons who were there or on one who touched a bone the slaying the dead or a grave the clean person shall sprinkle the unclean on the third day and on the seventh day and on the seventh day shall purify himself wash his clothes and bathe in water and at evening he shall be clean but the man who is unclean and does not purify himself that person shall be cut off from among the congregation because he has defiled the sanctuary of yahweh this is prophetic talking about the end of time when the messiah comes back if we do not cleanse ourself on the third day all the way through and on the seventh day when he comes back we cannot come before him because we will defile the temple has nothing to do with okay god is a mean god he's going to throw people into hell no not at all you are defiling the temple you must be removed and be outside the camp hyssop where do we see hyssop in the new testament that's exactly right when the messiah is on the cross they took hyssop did they not and put it to his mouth this is the same concept the tent there is tabernacle you are the tabernacle of the holy spirit until you take the hyssop and you put it to his mouth what did isaiah say i am i i have unclean lips and i live in a land of unclean lips take the coal guess where the coal comes from under the altar the ashes of the altar were taken from the altar and they were taken to the altar of incense where they were burned and that is what created the smoke that allowed the glory to come so until you take the coal cleanse your lips there is no presence there is no shekinah there is no glory a couple more and then we'll end should be a perpetual statute for them in verse 22 he who sprinkles the water of purification shall wash his clothes he who touches the water of purification shall be unclean until evening whatever the unclean person touches shall be unclean and the person who touches it shall be unclean until evening there is so much i can't believe that we only got through one chapter there are so much that i wanted to go through we could talk for another hour and a half but one of the things that strikes me about the the red heifer sacrifice and about this particular scriptures of unclean and clean is that there are things that happen in the supernatural the spiritual realm that you cannot see and i know everybody agrees with that so i want you to it's very difficult and the sages even have a difficult time of wrapping their mind around the concept of cleaning them clean because we can't touchy feely we can't experience it with our five senses it's just something that is it's a spiritual thing that happens so how is it that if someone's unclean in ancient days and they touch something that that becomes unclean is because there are things that you can't see that that are inside of you and there are frequencies that get messed up when you are unclean and you transfer how do you whenever you everybody ever like uh an electrical storm right uh or or better yet you scrape your feet on your on your your carpet and then you touch someone you have electrical shock right why is that because there's something being transferred from your hand to the to the object now we call that electricity and that's pretty simple to understand but the point is is what if you touched an object with static electricity and you had no ability to feel it or see it did it still happen absolutely so if you had no feeling in your finger and you had no eyesight a blind person that has no ability to has no nerves could have static electricity all day long and never know that there's something that's been transferred into their body let me throw this in your lap and then we'll close this is just basically a simple introduction for next week some of you are touching things that are transferring to you that you don't know are unclean some of you are coming into this sanctuary and you've not prepared yourself to meet your god some of you are just coming into the sanctuary because you know well it's shabbat it's time for church it's time to get together as an assembly as a fellowship it's a holy convocation it's commanded in scripture and so on and so forth but you've not prepared yourself to come near to the father now you might have been told that the father is near all the time and you can come to him all the time that is absolutely true but my bible tells me that he is near on shabbat on the holy convocations he comes near to you it is the similar concept in our in our american culture of a birthday or an anniversary of your spouse your spouse is near to you every day but on her birthday or on her anniversary there is a nearness there is an intimacy that is different than all other days so let me challenge you on a very simple level please prepare yourself before you come here make sure that you're clean if this means confessing your sin before you get here if this means that you need to call someone and and talk to them or get some counsel or whatever i'm telling you you will be you will experience the father in a way that is far beyond your imagination if you begin the process of understanding clean and unclean there are things that you're transferring and are transferred to you and you didn't even know it if you're ever aggravated in your spirit and you're not sure what's going on there's something that's been transferred to you and you don't know it sometimes it's the voice of the living god he will frustrate you and why are you frustrated you can't figure it out you're not in sin you know you haven't done anything wrong well maybe it's the fact that the holy spirit's trying to speak to you he's transferring something to you so if you don't get anything out of this message at all please get this that there is a real spiritual realm out there this verse proves it this passage proves it that when you're you mix the physical with the spiritual there's cleanliness or there's uncleanliness depending on the mixture you are not just a mortal being you are immortal on the inside which means that you have two people so if you struggle with schizophrenia it's because it's the truth some of you more than others you are a physical being that lives in a physical world but you will be a spiritual being living in a spiritual world some of you for eternity with the father some away from the father which means that when you eat talk walk think dress everything you do affects both atoms inside of you it affects the physical world of the physical body when you eat something unclean but it also affects the spirit man this is why not to get into this topic at all but when yahweh gives the commandments of clean and unclean ceremonially with all of the stuff that we're talking about here does it surprise you the same hebrew words are used with diet that there are animals that are clean and unclean you know i just came back from branson and i watched the uh our family went to the noah's ark show amazing show i swear i was felt like i was in the ark and they brought two by two and two by two and never once mentioned that that's only half the truth they did bring two by two of the unclean animals but they brought seven of each of the clean animals my point is this he did not give you folks the laws of clean and unclean just for your nutritional value if you believe that you're shortchanging the power of our creator because he would not have used clean and unclean in those hebrew words and use the same words with ceremonially unclean the reason why those demons went into those pigs was why because they had bad nutritional value they have high toxicity no there was an a frequency there that was that connected them to the outside presence of of elohim let me say that again the frequency of things that are unclean prevent you from entering into the presence of the creator this is why it says in the prophets that when the messiah comes back there will still be people eating unclean things he wouldn't said that if he didn't mean it if they were still if they were not unclean he wouldn't have said it they're unclean always before the flood and after the flood they're unclean which means everything that you do everything that you touch everything that you say and everything that you think every person you come in contact with in every movie every entertainment everything that you do affects the outer man and the inner man what we've all been taught in our religious systems growing up is that what you do affects the physical realm it affects your relationship and all you have to do is ask god to forgive you and that on the surface is true but it removes the depth of what's really happening in the spiritual realm is that there is a disconnection made how many of you without the raising of hands have a spouse and when you know that there's you just know there's something not right you can't totally put your some of you're looking at each other and and yeah because you sense it you feel it you're one there's a connection that's broken it's the same way in the spiritual realm there's a disconnection because of something that's caused you to be unclean so jim where are you going with all this i am i'm i want to over emphasize and make you highly sensitive to the fact that everything that you say and do and eat and dress everything affects the inner man there's nothing that you can do on this planet that does not fall into the category of clean and unclean this is why his mercy is new every morning ladies and gentlemen because if it was just as easy it's falling on my knees and get a little oil put on my forehead and falling backwards and accepting jesus into my heart there wouldn't be no need for mercies every morning it'd be once for all time but salvation my friends is far different than being holy did you know that he wouldn't even have to tell you to be holy after you accept yeshua you would be holy but he doesn't say that he says you're not holy be holy and he's quoting right out of leviticus chapter 11 which is the unclean animals chapter please stand with me as i give the second half of my message this is a very simple message it's not deep i don't even have a powerpoint well i have one i just want i wanted to just read this and see what the holy spirit would do and i really feel like the father is just saying that there are things that we need to clean up in our lives some of you don't love the lord like you should and it's because maybe you're so unclean with the things that are in your life that you don't have that regeneration that's happening daily some of you never heard the voice of god ever in your life i challenge you to ask the father if there is a clean or unclean issue if you struggle with this this concept then you have a spirit of pride because this should not threaten you this message of clean and unclean should not threaten you at all it should encourage you to be more spiritual to recognize that everything that we do everything falls into that category and if you truly want to live the destiny out of the father it has for you and be blessed in every way like he desires to bless his children then you have to start peeling off the layers of uncleanness in your life uncleanness in your life okay before i pray i'm just gonna do what i don't normally do but does anybody have any questions or comments or thoughts i know it's kind of put on the spot type of thing i'll wait i know somebody has a question i knew it all right here we go can you take the microphone please because those online will get mad at me if i can't hear you be generic we're gonna have some family over tomorrow that are not of the same mindset we are in fact they've dabbled in some other religious stuff inviting them over to just to get together for the festivities tomorrow is that a problem having them in our presence is there a way to pray that or keep that from us that's a great question absolutely there's there is no problem in doing that especially since that your heart is to uh be a light or be a witness or or or draw them into a better scenario of being clean but the scriptures tell you just like when you lay hands on someone that is and i don't mean to connect this in this way but it's the best example i can give from the scriptures uh so it's not just me giving an answer is the scripture said when you lay hands on someone that's demonically possessed what happens what's the scripture say be very very careful because at the moment that that that evil spirit comes out of that person it's looking for a place to go and it will want to attach itself to the nearest source it's static electricity if you will okay and so the scriptural admonishment in my admonishment would be that you you absolutely have to be sensitive to that in praying even maybe fasting depending on whether the holy spirit moves you in that direction and praying over your home to for protection because you know what we don't realize and i i know i i'm even uh will probably people amazingly especially in this movement have a hard time with the supernatural they really do because we're we're new hebrews when we've come out of that spirit-filled stuff and now we we don't want to be spirit-filled we want to be truth-filled you know well that doesn't do you any good either and and uh the only time that that red heifer sacrifice actually did any good was when the two came together it was when the truth and the spirit came together so when the death and the spirit came together that it brought life you can't we can't be afraid of the enemy we just have to recognize that he's there once you recognize that your enemy is at the door you can lock it you can go get your gun sword of the spirit you can be prayed up is this making sense i'm not trying to create people that are afraid of the dark side i'm trying to create warriors that recognizes it there and that we're fighting it so when the messiah comes back that we're prepared because in the end days my by the way my bible reads is these things are going to come to life you're going to see supernatural things you've never seen before and some of you will cower the world says the world will cower before some of these things we should not be afraid question some online questions okay we have an online question is it good enough to just throw away unclean food or should you burn it that's a great question um the burning was specifically designed for sacrifices that would go to yahweh himself to be honest with you i don't i don't have an answer for that although although i defer uh the throwing it away would be fine i don't see any reason to actually burn it um especially since organic material is difficult to burn uh but i i do think that that doing the best thing that you can do is to get rid of it it's just to get rid of it in any way shape or form it's going to to be destroyed anyway uh in the earth and it might look a little strange to your neighbors if you start building an altar in your backyard so probably defer to throwing it away of course someone just said burn it baby burn it in case your neighbor neighbors get into your trash the other question was the online family wants to know how they can help pft there's lots of ways that you can help uh pft i mean you can help yahweh by thank you [Music] i'm actually in the process of writing a letter of our neet here at pft and so be be ready for that because i'm probably going to send that out as a newsletter just so people know what our needs here are and they can they can be a part of that um we are going to be sending out uh a request for a web developer um that's one of our biggest needs is we're we're getting ready to do a major transformation uh of our passion for truth website and make it more interactive and really bring it up to you know right now it's like 1992. we want to you know we're going to bring it up to 2020. so we really want to have a high-tech website and we'll be doing that soon so you can pray for that prayer and support uh and those two working together prayer support and prayer support working together uh really makes a lot of things happen at pft so just be ready for that newsletter and i'll be a little more detailed with that any other questions final comments okay come next week and uh i will be going through this more in depth this is really what i would call the cliff note version uh next week i think we'll we'll hit this home a little bit more and we'll learn a little bit more and we'll see some connections between the new testament and we're going through a lot more uh brittatasha new testament scriptures as it connects to this so let's pray father thank you so much for your word um lord your word never returns void and father i pray that there might be just something small that that you said tonight through me that might penetrate someone that that would cause them to desire you more and to see the deeper things of your work father i pray for those that are here in this room locally that you would put a a a desire in their heart to not just love you but to learn what it means to love you and to learn your word and to learn the depth of your word in in all of its facets that they would not neglect the coming together of the saints your command to rub shoulders with other hebrews before during and after our holy convocation for those that are online father i pray for them their families their marriages their children i pray father that you begin an army of our online family lord to help us reach this world with the message of the torah thank you and bless them father for bringing them into my life and for the incredible opportunities to meet some of them as i have even this evening father i ask that you would just continue to move among your people worldwide and call israel home show people who they truly are that they are part of the covenants of promise and prepare your bride to meet the bridegroom thank you for the great privilege it is father to lead this local congregation and i pray father that you would continually challenge me and humble me and make me the man that you want me to be and i don't care what the cost is for me either take us all where we need to be father let us be found worthy by the blood of your son to minister to you and to your people and everyone said amen and amen shalom shalom you are now free to move about the country [Music] [Applause] [Music] you