good morning ladies and gentlemen first of all thank you so much for the opportunity to speak in front of you today before we start let me introduce myself my name is alibaran rayhan rafidi and i'm from 11 social one well in this location i would like to give you a speech about why students should stop cheating as well as we all know that nowadays cheating is susceptible in educational sector it become a culture in many school and university many students have a brilliant way to change on the task or even when they are doing the task but it is a bad behavior it can be copy paste friends tasks make a small note and put it in their socks or it can be a hand signal in exam i strongly agree that cheating is a very disadvantaged culture in our education sector why do i dare to speak like that firstly if you cheat on your class it is the same as lying and sleeping every time you collect your assignment you are basically telling the teacher that you're completed that work by yourself it can be true or if you cheated on your work it's basically that you are lying to your teacher cheating can be also the same as stealing because you are taking and coping someone else's work and calling it your own and saying to the teacher that you did your schoolwork by yourself secondly cheating can cause you stress and increase your anxiety when you cheat you're inevitably worried about getting caught the stress of getting caught increases when you think furthermore how this action can take you to many terrible problems such as getting in trouble at home or receiving memorandum from the school even worse if you have to admit and telling the reason why you're doing that it can be very stressful if you get caught in a lie or if somebody knows that you are cheating your anxiety will increase and also you will possibly be bullied by your friends because cheating is also unfair for the others thirdly cheating can become a habit many people that cheating will addicted so they don't usually do it just one time it becomes a bad habit that will follow people until the future and will impact to their careers life people who is cheating back then probably will always cheating until they are college or working for an example when they will continue their study through college there is a selection for college admission you probably will cheating again and finally accepted there with a bad way in fact cheating in american high schools is widespread a recent abc news poll provided these statistics seventy percent of teens say at least some kids in their school cheat on the test sixty percent have friends who have cheated thirty percent say they themselves have cheated and more than fifty percent say cheers don't get caught can you imagine that and the worst thing cheating is the initial cause of corruption culture cheating is the kind of trail of the corruption because cheating teach us dishonestly lie to everyone gets something with a bad way selfish and many bad things parents and teachers must educate their child and give assumption that cheating is a bad thing and bad behavior also it will harmful and give bad impact to them and for the students they must stop this bad culture we can decrease a corruption culture by fixing and slowly remove that thing that's all my speech for today thank you so much for your attention wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi you