[Laughter] look at your stupid face bro oh the evolution the big bang idiot but come on man where's the confidence where are those jokes they were so funny where's your talking man in the sky right here you've got dude those and everything hold up hold up i wrote down your please i wrote down your beliefs because they were so stupid oh yeah there they are okay so first the universe is like nothing right and then kaboom there's stuff no plot holes in that story right so far so good yeah if i start sounding smart or logical in any way just stop i mean there was radiation we could measure attention everyone intention there was radiation it's okay it's not the dumbest thing i've ever heard there was radiation and what caused the big bang we don't know that's convenient bro the closest thing this universe has had to a big bang is when i [ __ ] that plus size model well that's going to get some angry comments okay now at this point there's no life like anywhere in the universe right but but there will be there i mean there will be they're running late it's just not people are they're just running late okay and then like a bajillion years goes by right and then microorganisms appear but but only on earth right because that's just the earth was lonely so you know it just spawned microorganisms that's just what earth does okay and then like what another bajillion years goes by and then we get dinosaurs but not just like one no no it's like different kinds like the t-rex and the velociraptors stupidest names ever and you actually believed they existed well there were fossils attention everybody attention there were fossils it's okay there were fossils bro dinosaurs were a hoax created by hollywood so they can make more dinosaur movies that timeline makes no sense but no you're a free thinker you don't just believe what everyone tells you to okay and then eventually an asteroid's all like wipes out all life on earth but it's okay it'll be back that life will be back that's just what good old earth does right but it's going to be like different life this time right we kind of mix it up it's not going to be the same dinosaurs want to do like how about some dogs right dogs are cute earth was lonely and it needed dogs so it spawned dogs because that's how earth works right and then also i mean how about people we'll do people this time right and all different types of people and it makes sense because evolution right but hey man i mean like who would believe in god right i mean that would just be crazy i wouldn't even think that's a hello hey devil got another one coming your way oh boy he didn't believe in me that's messed up right it's like not believing your own mother wait did he believe in me no he didn't believe in like anyone upstairs or downstairs well i don't want him then i don't want him but i actually don't want him give me one second hey you know that's not how this works if i don't want someone in here you get them you keep sending me dudes down here fest it's like i'm living in hell oh [ __ ] i just got that and some of these people are like really mean i mean ted bundy what drugs were you on when you made him i was having a bad week that week and you signed the contract i want to renegotiate you can renegotiate when the contract expires for eternity oh yeah that's right sucker okay sorry you're breaking up okay see you later all right so before i send you to hell do you have any comments questions or concerns yeah i guess if i'm gonna burn forever is there like any i don't know hot girls or hard drugs in hell that'll help me take my mind off things come on in [Music] [Music] well that was a [ __ ] waste [Music]