HSC Officer Interview Preparation

Jul 10, 2024

HSC Officer Interview Questions Guidance


  • Video focuses on potential questions for HSC Officer interviews
  • Emphasis on importance of substantial knowledge and proper preparation
  • Importance of retaining knowledge beyond written exams for interviews

Key Questions and Answers

1. What is Safety?

  • Freedom from conditions that can cause harm, property damage, environmental impact, or theft

2. What is Hazard?

  • Anything with the potential to cause harm, including property damage, personal injury, environmental effect, or death

3. What is Risk?

  • Probability or chance that a hazard will cause harm

4. What is an Accident?

  • Unplanned event leading to injury, death, property damage, or environmental impact

5. What is Injury?

  • Harmful physical condition resulting from an accident

6. What is Incident?

  • Unplanned event that has the potential to cause injury, death, property damage, or environmental impact, even if it doesn't

7. What is Near Miss?

  • An event or situation with the potential to cause injury, property damage, or environmental impact but doesn't

8. What is Safety Policy?

  • Company’s commitment to providing safe and healthy working environment for employees, covering social and legal aspects

9. What is Safety Audit?

  • Process of identifying unsafe conditions in plants, industries, or activities to suggest safety improvements

10. What is Safety Tag?

  • Tags prepared from materials like card or paperboard with safety warnings and instructions in English and local language

11. What is Safety Program?

  • Set of procedures to prevent accidents, involving engineering, education, enforcement, encouragement, and evaluation

12. What is Attitude?

  • Continuous behavior affecting actions; positive behavior leads to correct actions

13. What is Emergency Planning?

  • Control measures and procedures to manage accidents, provide safety, and inform the media

14. What is Work Permit System?

  • Written document giving permission for work, issued by area in-charge to job performer

15. What is Work at Height?

  • Any work happening above 2 meters from ground level

16. What is Confined Space?

  • Area that may contain hazards such as oxygen deficiency, limited ventilation, or toxic gases; uncomfortable for people to work

17. What is Excavation?

  • Process of removing earth using manual or mechanical means for construction purposes

18. What is Scaffolding?

  • Temporary platform for supporting workers and materials during construction or repair works

19. What is Welding?

  • Process of joining metals using electrical or gas means

20. What is Gas Cutting?

  • Process of cutting metals using oxygen and combustible gases

21. What is Sand Blasting?

  • Process using compressed air to remove old surface materials like paint or rust

22. What is LEL?

  • Lower Explosive Limit; minimum concentration needed for a substance to ignite with a source of ignition

23. What is UEL?

  • Upper Explosive Limit; highest concentration limit of a substance at which it can ignite with a source of ignition

24. What is Manual Handling?

  • Process of lifting, carrying, or moving materials manually by a person

25. What is Housekeeping?

  • Not just cleaning; organizing and arranging tools and materials properly for smooth operations