Transcript for:
IELTS Preparation Lecture Overview

welcome back to learn with simon ash this is the only complete ielts free course available on internet and we can proudly say that that most of our students have received their desired brands watching just this course before we begin let me just tell you each and every part of this course is divided in chapters that means if you go to the description and click on the time it'll take you to that particular chapter in ielts we also provide you some data along with this course in order to understand ielts in a nutshell the link for the data is in the description if you need complete data 30 hours of live session mock test as well as unlimited feedback do not forget to visit the date on which the badge is starting as well as timing for the sessions are provided on the website do not forget to visit it if you have any doubt about the legitimacy of this course we got 4.8 out of 5 in google review and you can read the comments as well what people think about our course now let's get back to our main course that is 9 hours and 45 minutes and everything you need in ielts is here i'll stands for international english language testing system in this test all they do is check your proficiency you by mean non-native speakers now what is this proficiency test proficiency means checking how good you are in english and by non-native i mean people who are living in a country where english is not spoken as the primary language or the first language let me tell you and give you an example of countries such as canada australia u.s new zealand such countries there are eight countries these countries have the first language as english apart from that countries like india china and most of the asian countries african countries south american or european they don't speak english as their first language they have it as second language or maybe third language for them it's must to write this test if they want to go to these countries for example i want to go to australia to study or let's say i want to go to canada to work then i have to write ielts so that i can show my proficiency all right now this test has been created by cambridge university a long time ago well here is not important important is to know that it was created by cambridge university what does it mean by that and why do we need this information see cambridge is in uk and hence eighty percent of the english used in isles has british accent hence i would recommend start watching british related movies or british accent movies most of the hollywood movies are from us hence you will see accent different difference and some of the answer might be incorrect let's say in listening because of that all right we'll see how to solve that problem later but for now let's start watching british accent movies okay moreover there are types and categories in ielts there are three different things that you have to notice or three different types okay some of them are very important to take care of some of them are okay you know you're fine with it some of them you can be cautious or you can be fine the first one idp and british council let me explain what these things are you might be hearing this a lot while you're registering for ielts now as i said cambridge created the test and they as a university give responsibility to idp and british council to take the test in various countries these institutes or you know agencies you can call them their parts take care of the test and conduct tests in countries like india china and any country you are given option to choose idp and british council and trust me both are same now i'll tell you why there are many rumors misconception wrong information about this let's say i go for first time for the first time to write ielts i write with idp i book my test with idp and i don't get the required score i'll say idp is horrible you know because i have another option right i'll say maybe british council is better instead of accepting what did i what did go wrong i'll say idp is wrong same same for the person who goes for british council and didn't get the score they'll curse their british council rather than their own problems right if i get in the first corporate discount score that person will never say there's problem with british council or idp so trust me both are same no difference you can choose any of them whichever for whichever the seat is available yeah please try to book at least 15 days before the exam but don't worry about that i'll talk about this in later sessions or class because there will talk about how to book exams and all those stuff yeah now this was the first type you don't have to worry you can choose anyway the second one you do have to pay attention what do you mean by pay attention listen if you are planning to work abroad then please go for general training this is for work immigration or anything related not to not study right here if you want to study anything graduation post graduation phd any kind of course go for academic enhance if in case let's say you go for general training instead of academic you want to study but you take general training test that's just wrong they won't accept the score and hence you wasted a lot of money in that please take care of this otherwise there will be trouble later you have to write the exam again it doesn't matter how good you score you get this will be invalid if you do you know the otherwise code otherwise academic or general training so please take care of this while registering for the exam if you have any doubt in this you can definitely ask me in comments i'll definitely let you know which one you should go for i can help in that yeah all right the last one is paper and online now what does it mean by paper and online earlier the test was being conducted just paper test that means paper and pencil you have to write all the answer based on paper you get a question paper you get a pencil you write the answer but now because every other test is online so they are planning or they already have conduct started this that they are taking tests online i recommend please go for paper that is paper and pencil the reason for that is from our first grade till all the time we have studied even in a in a work we write we enjoy writing in a paper and we have we are habitual to that right studying in online is a bit of a trouble i would say yeah because it is this study conducted and said that 30 speed decreases while reading in a screen rather than a paper that's that's the reason when you watch tv when you watch videos and you read book after the book sometime you try to go back to the video because you're really slow but if you read from a book it's fun and it's faster so please go for paper and pencil that's my recommendation and these are the three things three types or three categories in ios all right after that we have something important as well which is scoring how i use code in ielts in ios there's nothing like marks or anything like or points we have bands these are the final ones now what is the meaning of these bands all right we will see on that part itself benz is a name of a scoring system created by ielts or let's say cambridge where you are scored from one to nine where nine is the highest and one is the lowest there's nothing like zero zero is when you didn't go or appear for the exam right you will get any score between one and nine depending on your situation or your requirement you have to score according to them if you score nine that's well and good it's highest you don't have to worry about anything even eight well and good no worries but there's one more there's a catch there are four modules in ielts there is listening reading writing and speaking if in case you score less in any of these less compared to the requirement so for an example i'm a company who wants to hire someone from india i'm staying in us let's say and i want you to come to us and my requirement for my company is let's say eight bands in listening seven reading 7 writing 7 speaking in that case what gonna happen if you get 6.5 in writing definitely you are not clear the exam you have to write the exam again so module-wise score and overall score is required so they might say something like eight overall and not less than seven in each this is how they tell you what you require i hope you understand what i mean by that yeah good now there's one more thing that we must know about scoring that is banned and suffer there's something called bands and there's something called zephyr they're different things and they're connected in a way which we don't know let me make you understand about that if you look at cipher it stands for common european framework as a reference for languages it's a way to test the levels in the language so there are three different levels a level you can call them a1 and a2 b1 and b2 and c1 and c2 so this is basic intermediate and advanced right now bends are created from one to nine these bands respond to these levels so for an example 8.5 or 9 is considered 6 c2 so hence 8.5 to 9 is considered c2 above this it's c1 so basically speaking they are responding to these levels which are official levels in europe if you are learning any other language apart from english like german french there are levels to learn for example if you learn even you get some score in there you write another exam so you see these are those levels sephir levels band was created by as i said earlier cambridge so that it's easier for them to test others because these levels are actually very broad they wanted something concrete so these 1 to 9 are concrete moving ahead if you look at here we have listening and reading we'll talk only about them for now moving ahead we'll talk about other things which are four modules in these we have 40 questions now i'm not saying that i'm going to introduce these listening and reading right now only i'm talking about the scoring part okay so we have 40 questions in both of them these are similarities and one point you get for one correct answer so you get let's say you get 40 out of 40 right so this will be nine bends if you get 39 out of 40 you get 8.5 bends in reading however in listening if you get 39 or 40 out of 40 you get still nine bends so there are some differences but what i mean is one correct answer one point and hence 40 points you get out of 40 whatever you get based on that you get your band score i hope you understand that what i mean by this is listening and reading are like common in this but writing and speaking have completely different criteria so writing and speaking have something called four criteria now this criteria itself is a plural we don't have to add as the singular of criteria is criterion there are four criteria for writing and speaking and based on these criteria they test you and provide you pants now i'll give you an example of each you know one one criteria um one criterion of each the first one let's say your vocabulary or lexical resource the better vocabulary you use in writing the highest score you get in writing this is one of the criteria i mean criteria trust me there are many so there are total four in speaking one of them is fluency yes the more fluent you are the highest score you get so not just this there are three more as i said when we combine them and test you and they create your score okay not just one person many people check your paper like total three and then they give you the score see i'm not saying that i am introducing writing and speaking completely this is just for to tell you how you are being scored now what happens in writing what happens in speaking is completely different issue we'll see that later okay this is just for the scoring purpose now most of you must be thinking what which book to go for you know there are many books online please don't go for online material they are horrible they are literally horrible the reason for them to be horrible is they are not connected to cambridge right so the books they create they are not exactly according to exam or the test so you might be getting good score in the online material you might be getting bad score in the online material but the exact material that you need we call them the best book the best book is the cambridge the official cambridge guide to ielts so there's a guide called official cambridge guide to ielts this is in my opinion the best book it has everything yeah second book that is required for practice is a series it's called the cambridge practice test for ielts series there's a series ranging from 1 to 14 the 14th is the latest please start from 9 till 14 practice only these books now i'm going to provide your link so that you can directly go and buy those books these books are the best you can purchase initially two to three books that's it like for example 12 13 14 or just 12 for your practice and go for the official guide that's enough along with this course and those books it's enough trust me okay moving ahead we have to know how many times can i book for the test you know how many times is test being conducted the frequency of the test so there's the difference between academic and general training academic is conducted 48 years for the time 48 times a year however general training is conducted 24 times a year so you can say four times a month here it's you guessed it right 12 times i mean two times a month not 12 sorry so watch out for people who are writing general training seats are less compared to academic because it's only written two times a month okay now of course you must be thinking how many times can i write ielts for example i tried once and i didn't get the desired score can i write many times no please don't do that of course there is no set requirement you can write as many times as you want but i won't recommend it going to it immediately that's what i mean by don't write many times continuously of course let's say you didn't get the score so your score requirement was 7.5 for your college or for your work and you got seven now just after one week of exam there's the date coming don't go for that because you didn't look into what went wrong what went right and what kind of module you need to practice you just went there because you wanted the score again don't do that please take time evaluate yourself ask me ask your your friends or anyone who has helped you in this look at the book what went wrong what went right okay so that's what i mean please don't go for it immediately it's the wastage of 13 to 14k in that whole process and of course you lose confidence right good i hope you understand that part it's important now let's talk about the modules the the building block of the whole exam right or the whole test so there are four modules as i said earlier and they need to be evaluated in all the areas in english for example not for example exactly we have listening listening is that you hear some audio let me try my drawing it's okay i guess so listening you will be hearing audio for around 30 minutes there will be breaks in middle and there will be 40 questions in that and based on these um questions i mean the audio you'll be answering questions of course they'll be break as i said but it might get a little bit difficult because the language is english plus accent is british so there might be some trouble so this is what happens in listening you have to write the answer while you're listening to the audio in the question paper of course this will be declared in detail in later that for example when was understanding listening in detail this is just a module as introduction in reading you will be given a question paper in which you will have some passages this is a passage let's say and here we have questions of course not on the same page on other pages you will have to read the questions and find the answer from the passages this is what reading test is okay it's not just reading okay i had a friend he said oh he's just reading right i can read fast i'm like it's not just reading you have to find answers from the passages and also like listening we have 40 questions and remember please the sequence is always the same which i'm showing you so listening comes first then comes reading and whatever the modules i'm going to show you sequence never changes in ielts okay then comes writing in writing we have two options i mean two things to do task one and task two there's a difference in academic and general training for academic you gotta write a report in part one for general training you gotta write a letter for part two you all have to write an essay there's no difference in part two the total time will be 60 minutes and yes you have to write an essay you heard it right i don't remember when was the last time you wrote an essay well if you ask me it was like day before yesterday for my practice just to check how it is but most of us write essays um in our school not even college college we write exams right so it's a little bit weird and a difficult task in my opinion so please practice this the most writing and the last one is speaking this will be a formal interview or kind of a test it will last for 11 to 14 minutes now i wrote it in the last and i'm gonna draw a line here for a reason well my line is horrible horribly you know not straight now this part will be taken on a different day what i mean by different day this will be taken on the same day so total time will be 2 hours and 45 minutes for the whole test and um this will be taken on a different day that means plus or minus five days before or after this test let's say i have listening reading and writing ielts test on 25th of july then probably my speaking test will be anything between 20 to 25 or 26 to 30. so it could be 21 22 23 24 or 27 28 29 30 any of these now how will i know when my test is you will get a message in on your phone the registered phone on the website of course a mail as well and if you have any doubt you can call the the british council idp wherever you booked your test so this is what you can understand from speaking on a different day it is the shortest one and the venue the day the timing will be told please try to be a little bit early i have seen people who have written these three tests on one day and when this came they couldn't reach and of course when you can't write one you they won't even give you score for this so it's all gone try to be a little bit early based on what the what time they gave you all right so these are the four modules that you have to understand and write detailed will be in coming sessions this is just a mini introduction right for you to understand now once you write all the tests that is speaking after 13 days you will get your score and it will be online that means you will get a registration number you can check on their website they'll tell you where to look for and of course you'll get a message or a mail that all your result is out please check it that will be wonderful to get a an alert right if you want a hard copy well you can get it you know but it will take some time like 30 days it will be sent to you by a post and you can just you know send it to anywhere as a copy but remember you will get first online and then you'll be sent hard copy i hope i'm clear about this any doubt about the structure or the ielts or result um please message i mean right in the um comments or you can ask me through the mail id which i have provided in my uh details yeah you can menses there and last but not the least the passport see i have seen plenty of people crying after some time because of passport and why does that happen i'll tell you it is a must for registration of files so let's say i'm going for registration files and i have all the details filled and they say please fill your passport number and i say i don't have a passport they say please remember you cannot write the test the reason for that is simply without a passport how would you go abroad and you're writing a test for abroad so they don't allow you to write ielts without passport now why did i say many people have messed up so let's say my test is in the next month of 25th i tried booking on fifth of the same month and i recognize i have no passport yeah what gonna happen i'll go to the agency or i'll go to the where we can get passport passport service and they'll say it's gonna take some time to get passport now you have two options either give up or pay more to get the passport like you might get in four days and by that time you might miss your seat in ielts exam so please do it right now if you're planning to write aisle soon get your passport ready so that we can register easily okay and this was the end of your session listening module it's structure and grading remember listening module is always first in the sequence what does it mean by first in the sequence i think we have discussed this in the introductory video that there are four modules listening reading writing and speaking the sequence is never broken in fact they always are taken on one day and speaking is on another day in these three listening always comes first just remember this the reason to remember this you have to be ready for the audio and other things secondly it's a relief because see if this is the first one you don't have to worry about the earlier one for example in reading you're already partially accept exhausted and hence you know your concentration might go down hence listening being first gets a benefit all right moreover you will get many breaks between modules so like i said listening reading writing and speaking of course speaking on a different day we can ignore it for now about listening reading and writing when one test is over you'll be given a break in here they'll say uh we're gonna take take your paper back which you are finished then they'll give you reading tests it's not like you'll be getting all the tests in one go right and then again once reading is over they're gonna take your answer sheet and the question sheet back from you they'll provide you a new question sheet and answer sheet okay so these breaks will be there for around one and one half minute or more these breaks help you to relieve you know just just get um what it is yeah now this is how the question paper looks like i mean this is the answer sheet looks like question paper i'll show you later why am i showing you the answer sheet because this will be provided separately right question paper doesn't look like this this is the answer sheet and it's a blank one so basically once you finish writing in the question sheet listening to the audio which i'm gonna explain in detail later you will be writing in here the answers here for example the first answer is get you'll be writing your cat second is bad you will be writing here bad so this way you have to fill till 40 you have to write your name and number so all the details are here this sheet is important and this will be provided only once this sheet please try to keep it secure all right now let's talk about the structure of listening module okay understanding the structure will help you to get better score by just evaluating it by yourself yeah now there are 40 questions in your listening uh test and there will be four sections so these 40 questions are divided in four sections um so total 40 questions four section you can say each section has 10 questions 10 questions per section right the difficulty level always increases from one section to next section so section one is comparatively easy than section two same goes for section three it's much you know section two is easier compared to section three same way the difficulty level keep increasing and it reaches to the highest point at four okay the the reason for them to have sections will be described in the coming videos why do they have sections okay for now just remember 40 questions four sections about the audio 30 minutes of audio will be played and you will get 10 minutes to transfer the answer what is this 30 minutes audio and what are these what is this 10 minutes of audio this 30 minute this 30 minute time is when you will be listening um continuously but with breaks audios and from these audios you have to find answers while looking at the question paper now let me explain what this 10 minutes to transfer time is so you will answer while you're listening to the audio so let me explain the situation by drawing something this is your question paper yeah it has some questions and this is you listening to something in your headphone the audio while you're listening you have to write answers in the question paper okay while listening because once it's gone you cannot remember what happened right taking note is one thing but continuously taking notes for like 30 minutes is horrible yeah anyway sequence is maintained so you're listening to the audio you write the answers in the question sheet first and once you finish writing you are given 10 minutes after the audio is over so 10 minutes are provided for you to write these answer or copy these answers from question sheet to the answer sheet which i already showed you earlier which look like um you know excel sheet with 4d blanks yeah that's what that was the answer sheet now you understand what is it for first you write in the question paper and then you copy it into the answer sheet in the ten minutes which i provided later all right now comes an example to make it easier for you to understand of course i'm not going to provide you example of 40 questions because that will be too long so i'm going to provide you a short example that'll be simple one section one i'm going to play the audio as well as show you the questions so this is how the question looks like it has been taken from it's a sample question the general one now initially they might provide you an example to show and they'll play this example as well right your task is to write the answer in the answer sheet i mean question sheet here try to write it here if it's long you can extend it of course because they're not going to check your question paper they're gonna check your answer sheet okay sequence is always maintained like if it's one then audio will be played for one and then two and then three continuously and they will be going on till seven or eight whatever the number it is right so let me just play the audio for you and let me clean up the stuff which i've created so that you can write the answers here you will hear a telephone conversation between a customer and an agent at a company which ships large boxes overseas good morning packham's shipping agents can i help you oh yes i'm ringing to make inquiries about sending a large box a container back home to kenya from the uk yes of course would you like me to try and find some quotations for you yes that'd be great thank you well first of all i need a few details from you fine can i take your name it's jacob m kerry can you spell your surname please yes it's m k e r e is that m for mother yes thank you and you say that you will be sending the box to kenya that's right and where would you like the box picked up from from college if possible yes of course i'll take down the address now it's westall college is that w-e-s-t-a-double-l yes college westall college and where's that it's downlands road in bristol oh yes i know it and the postcode it's bs89pu right and i need to know the size yes i've measured it carefully and it's 1.5 meters long right 0.75 meters wide okay and it's 0.5 meters high or deep great so i'll calculate the volume in a moment and get some quotes for that but first can you tell me you know very generally what will be in the box yes uh there's mostly clothes okay and there's some books okay good um anything else yes there's also some toys okay and what is the total value do you think of the contents well the main costs are the clothes and the books they'll be about 1 500 pounds but then the toys are about another 200. so i'll put down 1700 pounds pounds all right we are back here let me show you the answers now see this was not to test you but to show you if you have written all the correct answers wonderful no problem otherwise don't worry when we are practicing these kind of questions which are called form filling by the way these questions are called form filling where you have to fill a form based on the audio that is being played you will understand how to do them don't worry for now all right if you're written first as an answer as mk m key k e r e it's correct second one is vestal third one is bs8 9pu fourth one is 0.75 meter or meters or any of these spellings see let me tell you one thing if in the any practice book they have mentioned with brackets and slashes what is the meaning of it is slash means this could be an alternate answer for example if i write here red or red car both are correct if i'm right if i'm in the book i can see red car that means i can include it or excluded both are correct as well right so if you have written 0.75 meter it's correct next one is 0.5 meter is correct 6 and 7 can be in either order if you've written books first or twice first it's fine like i said the bracket thing see we have the word sum in bracket here as well sum in bracket if i don't include some it's fine it'll be correct answer as well and last one is 700 that is the correct answer if you've got eight out of eight great wonderful you're on the right track if not don't worry this is just to show you how listening test has been taken same way it will continue to for 40 videos i mean 40 questions in the test till the breaks we'll see what kind of breaks soon now about the headphones you will be provided with them don't worry about that you don't have to carry your headphones they won't be playing the audio in the speakers because that's not the right way what if you don't understand what's happening what if speaker suddenly breaks so they always provide separate headphones that is individual headphones um so i recommend you two things first is when you are provided your headphones always check if they're working yes check their working condition if it is good well and good they'll be providing you time for that 10 to 15 minutes second thing check your volume level i mean volume control will be provided to you that's it you cannot play the audio one twice so just only volume control is in your hand check what volume is good for you what you find comfortable and if you find setup set that volume if you find that on headphones are not working please ask them to change it they'll instantly change it no worries about that if you can't find your volume set keep checking you have 10 minutes and i think that's enough to set volume which you find um bearable or you know comfortable okay talking about the headphones sometime things happen that you know um you might not hear the audio suddenly in the middle of the exam that happened to some of my students what they generally did is they raised their hand and you know generally happens to more than one person it's like 20 people suddenly can't hear anything if there is the hand they have to stop the audio so in this case they have to stop the audio and they have to play again all right this happens rarely like once in 100 100 000 times right this is an exception for that reason itself because it happens rarely don't rely on this well the people were lucky that they have they could play the audio again they could test it but this is rare but don't stop yourself if audio is not clear in the middle of exam okay so let's talk about breaks of course there will be breaks breaks between sections and in sections so there are four sections we have discussed we have 40 questions in listening and there are four sections in it between these sections there will be breaks for example section one is over they'll say now this is the end of the section look at question number 11 to whatever number they say you know what i mean so section one is one to ten section two is eleven to twenty section three is twenty one two thirty and thirty one to forty there will be sec breaks between these places as well and breaks in sections as well now what do i mean by that let's say we have section one you have question one to ten assigned for that they'll say you will have a look at question one two six that means after six there will be a break your task is to just have a look at question one to six read the question understand them until the audio is being played they'll tell you now the audio will be played okay so this is called break in section once this section is over that is 7 8 9 they have played and 10 another break will be there because section is over this is section one overall hence for section two they have to have a break i hope you understand what i mean by a section a break spit in section and breaks between the sections okay these are two kinds of breaks and they are really uh important that you use these breaks uh methodically and i mean really um smartly that you can easily read the questions in the time even when they're saying and now look at your answers what you have written at that time you can use that to read next part as well okay now let me proceed further um let's talk about some specifications or characteristics characteristics of the audio the audio that is being played will be played once you have no control over the audio just once and it's over if you miss this it's gone i mean once you miss any of the question don't don't don't stay do that you know you have to move ahead well how to cope up with that we'll see in coming videos but for now remember audio will be played just once okay proceeding there will be various accents in there british accent american accent canadian and many other indian african depending on you know the situation but but let me tell you 85 to 90 percent will be british accent for a reason this test is being created in cambridge university and cambridge university is in uk that's why most of the audios are in british accent hence i suggest you as i already suggested in previous videos please start watching british accent movies or tv series well because most of the movies are from hollywood which are from us they won't help much so please go for british accent movies they will be really helpful for you in future trust me yeah anyway i like british accent anyway all right moving ahead there will be minor differences between in accents you know uh there's no big difference so what are these differences definitely i'll help you not just accents for numbers as well there will be some things that you have to understand for both of these things i'll take care of them in the coming video they'll be detailed introduction plus tips and tricks for actions we're going to see something more about listening and in that we'll see how are these sections being created and we'll see explanation of the same the first thing we'll see is the troubles you have with listening what do you mean by troubles we have with listening i'm not questioning your listening skills i mean your ears the physical skills i'm questioning your skills with english that's the language i'm talking about all right so there are two main things that you should notice that the two main reason that you can't get nine bands that is the highest in any module in ielts if you don't know they are listening reading writing and speaking and nine is the highest band one is the lowest so these two are the main reasons why you're not getting nine bends in listening so far or why you might not get in future so if you understand the reasons or the root causes of course if you eliminate them you get nine bands that's the main logic of knowing the reasons yeah so let's see the first one the first one is we are non-native speakers so i'm from india right i'm not a really native speaker my first language is not english it's something else right depending on the state and depending on my mother tongue hence i will not be listening to english all the time that is very close to our next reason which is we are not engrossed with the language that means i have to speak it then only then only then i'll speak it that's like a compulsion this is this one now when i go to work or when i go to school or university then only then i'm forced to speak in the language that is english otherwise at home i use my own language that is my mother tongue these two reasons makes makes it very hard for us to you know get nine bands now i cannot you know get to be a native speaker certainly but yes i can change at least this one yeah maybe if you believe in you know you know you're dying again and taking birth again let's just forget about it but if you get engrossed with the language you can change that part yeah that you agree with me every day two to three hours of listening continuously will definitely change that thing yeah now the english language is an issue so why not solve it yes let me show you an example of how to solve it let's say you listen to english songs why the sad face i'll tell you when you listen to english songs you're enjoying the music and you're understanding 50 or let's say 60 percent of the the lyrics of it why not fully why not 100 percent the way you understand in your native language the reason is because you can't speak english as a native speaker right but what if i provide you lyrics well definitely your sad face will be converted to happy face and you understand hundred percent of the song hence i would suggest you initially when you're listening to audios always use lyrics or subtitles or any file which can be a help while you're listening to the audios that will give you an illusion that oh you're not just illusion actually you'll start enjoying you know the listening to the english part otherwise this is like swimming you go to the swimming pool somebody puts you in and you are just drowning just hating it because this that was a bad experience don't just drown yourself in english right try to understand some part of it and then you'll start enjoying this is called joy of learning and this was a concept created by leonardo da vinci one of my favorite he said if you learn a little bit automatically the graph goes higher once you understand it and eventually you read to the expertise level so to in order to make it clear in order to learn it you have to understand it all right in that case i have to use lyrics initially or subtitles or any file that is a catalyst that does help but now i don't need to because i have done this plenty of the time before you even start preparing for ielts start doing this okay watch a lot of english movies i know i'm the only trainer who's pushing you towards movies otherwise all the teachers and parents don't watch movies right tv series which are good especially british accent tv series why we have discussed earlier you can see that yeah now let's talk about sections themselves yeah there are four different sections in ielts and these sections are um divided uh these sections are from 40 questions yes there's s missing here by the way when we say four sections each section has 10 questions yes you can see that by itself and there'll be breaks between sections now what does it mean by breaks between sections i've explained once in previous video and if you have not um seen that let me explain again so there are four sections right between these sections they'll be taking breaks that means they'll stop the audio and let to evaluate or let you see what's happening what kind of question you will be bombarded with okay that's what i mean by breaks between sections just remember 40 questions four sections and in between each section there'll be breaks okay more information about sections is the difficulty level the difficulty level definitely gonna increase with increase in section that means with every section it's gonna go higher hence section one is the easiest and section four is the most difficult one okay this you have to understand so that you get ready for the audio if in case you you don't understand the difficulty level you'll be you you might listen to the first section and say oh that was easy i can get any score i want like you know i can get 40 but as section increases you get scared oh this is getting difficult for me so i have to tell you already the difficulty level is going to increase with every section now how they're going to increase the difficulty level the first one is speed in section one they're gonna speak really slow like you can understand anyone can understand who is who's speaking little bit english even in section two the speed gonna increase by a little bit as well in my opinion section 3 and section 4 has almost similar speed and they are the most difficult one like a known named speaker talking about the next factor which makes it difficult is distractions now these distractions are something which we have to see while we understanding question types for example there's an audio being played and i say um yeah i would like to buy this toy but i have only 12 left and the other person says um i don't think 12 will do oh wait i have 12 dollar 50 cents now if in case you write this as an answer you're incorrect so they distracted you right here the correct answer is 1250 these distractions gonna increase with increase in section so section one might have some but section three or four will have plenty of them you know like more distractions and difficult one which to catch right so that's the second factor the third factor is the types of questions let me give an example of that though we're gonna see and practice in the same video today but let me give an example so that you get uh get to know what i mean by that let's talk about fill in the blanks yeah so we have a question here and a blank here now if i audio being played it's fairly easy compared to the question called mcqs that is multiple choice question the reason we have a question here and now we have four options for an example generally there are three now let's say we have three options you have to read the question as well as the options now you understand what i mean by types of questions here you just have to read one statement and fill the answer according to the audio however in mcqs all you gotta do is listen to the audio read the question read the options and choose one of them of course this is difficult and these kind of questions are generally asked in section three and trust me i've seen this is the question length and option length is even bigger i mean the options are lengthier you have to read more in the option rather than question that makes it difficult yeah this is how difficult the level increases with sections and the last one is in the last section there are no breaks so section one will have bricks inside them so in section one we have one to ten questions section two has 11 to 20 section 3 is 21 to 30 and the final one is fourth is 31 to 40. here they will say please have a look at question one two six and they'll take a break i mean they'll play the audio and then take a break and they say look at question seven to ten same way in here till section three there will be breaks in between the section as well as in the sections but in section four they'll tell you have a look at question 31 to 40 so what you're going to do there's there are no breaks right 10 questions being in front of you and the audio will be played for them so this is one of the factors for difficulty level to increase you understand how difficulty level is increasing and what are the reasons for them to increase now well of course when we practice the section question you will see what it means by difficulty level increasing yeah good now moving ahead we have y sections right why don't i put all the 40 questions in one go why do we have to divide it in for 10 questions each and you know like this kind of structure why didn't i get 40 all of them just play the audio i'll try to solve it the reason for that is they want to test your listening in various context now what is meaning of context context is various environment situations or let's say for example i'm talking about science and suddenly i'm talking about general topic so science will be academic and general will be like restaurants and stuff so in order to test your various context they have to have sections let me caution you one more thing in academic or general training there's no difference in listening that's why they have four sections in which they have academic context as well as general training context both of them so there won't be any different paper for listening it'll be same okay what i mean by context is so we have four sections four contexts four difficulty levels four context um and also four different types of questions i mean types will be more but four different sets so um this in the understanding the section is important for a reason another reason is you will be ready for kind of audio that is being played so i tell you section one um see that as i said you'll be ready for that let me explain this more we have section one right in section one what happens is actually you will be hearing a conversation and between two people exactly two people let's say there's a phone call all right so i'm calling someone and somebody is picking the call and i'm a person who is sitting in a company and trying to get information about my clients and i asked them um hi am i talking to xyz they'll say yes this is xyz um actually you forgot your this thing in my office how can i send this to you they'll say oh i'm sorry for that um maybe you can send it to my office address or can you tell me your office address now when this is all going on it's always between two people in section one and it's always a conversation because this is a conversation and this is a slow one it's easy to understand like i said earlier difficulty level in section one is fairly easy because there's a conversation between two people mainly on call the kind of question being used or kind of context being used is everyday social context like i forget my this thing or i would like to get a quotation on something or for example um yeah i would like to book for this uh contest how can i book for it i say oh you can book from a website so two people talking fairly easy and social context now you understand what i mean by that yeah let me show you an example here see two people are talking here so there's a customer david and there's a person who is talking to the customer this is called form filling now i've showed you answer for a reason i'm not playing the audio i'll be playing the audio later in another question type so the kind of question you might get is called form filling or mcq's maximum generally form filling are the common ones here's the name of the person they'll play an audio um hi um i'm david marshall and when they say this name they're gonna of course uh dictate it to you right spell it for you m a r s h a l l marshall how to solve this kind of question is not the scope of this video you will see it later okay by the way i got it from usa so it's um just for practice not for practice just to show you what kind of question to be used it's not for practice here here we have mentioned how what's the term of it answer is 180 days don't worry about this here but what i mean to say is kind of question you asked it's fairly simple and it is just form filling yeah now you have to fill forms in this kind of question like i said and mostly on calls so there's a tiny problem that might happen you might not be able to hear the voice clearly here so i suggest you to keep the volume of the headphones which you'll be receiving in listening section a little bit higher than normal because it's on call right that will be suggest that will be advisable for a reason see there are two people talking the first person and the second one first is the caller and the last and second one the receiver the receiver might not you might not he be able to hear the receiver person caller you'll definitely hear clearly like you see in movies you know when a person calls one person to another one they try to show you as if we are showing you the voice on the line you know the voice recording of the line same way hence i would suggest you to keep the volume little bit higher so you can hear it all right let's talk about section two in this section there are some differences of course like section one difficulty level gonna increase but most importantly we have a monologue this time and contact's gonna stay the same that is everyday social context but what is the meaning of monologue earlier we have a con we had a conversation right this time monologue single person speaking about something related to social context let's take an example um a person talking about the benefits of the service station or benefits of this railway station in the society or anything in the in the city anything related to social context but a monologue yeah let me give you an example this time so that you get e that is easier for you but before it's fairly easy compared to section three but little bit difficult than section one the types of questions asked here are plenty like mcqs short question and answer sentence completion diagram labeling and all those stuff or map leveling you can say you have to level the map now we gonna see each question as a separate video when i'm gonna explain you uh explain it to you how we gonna solve these kind of questions so tips and tricks are coming later that is in the coming videos or coming sessions don't worry about that and here i'm just giving you a short idea a tiny idea that these kind of question might come up in this kind of section that is section two now let's see an example here we have mcqs right so there's one question and three options one question and three options like in 11 12 and 13 14 15 your task is to listen to 11 to 15 the audio and choose any of these any of the letter depending on the audio i'm gonna play the audio you have to listen and write in your book okay let me just play the audio first section two you will hear a woman introducing the lunar realm amusement park first you have some time to look at questions 11 to 15. now listen carefully and answer questions 11 to 15. good morning everyone we're very pleased to have you here at lunar realm for our september celebration day we have many smaller celebrations throughout the year for different events i think it was five at last count but the september celebration is a special day to honor the park's development from tiny beginnings to the huge enterprise it is today it's our most significant annual event come into the visitor center now over here you can see a picture of the original park when it was under construction the land was donated to the city in 1955 by the then mayor matthew hardacre but the park itself wasn't developed until 1979 and you'll notice it wasn't very big at that time then there was a huge growth in the 1990s and were still growing today in the beginning there were only a few small rides in the park there were lots of other attractions in those days including an adventure playground for younger kids the kids loved the petting zoo with its farm animals and in fact that's the only attraction to have survived until now we've still kept two of the original rides as an exhibit but they're not in working order anymore we're now one of the biggest amusement parks in the country we've got an amazing range of amusement rides here 43 in total this year i think we're most famous for our roller coasters aren't we i guess you'll all have heard about the hurricane that's our oldest and most famous one some of our visitors think it's not fast enough to be truly exciting but we love it because it's the highest wooden roller coaster in the country then we have the bobcat that one's a bit gentler for our younger visitors and for the truly adventurous the scream machine hurls you upside down and backwards at huge speeds it's too much for me it's important to remember that all of our rides have age guidelines and to help you there's a color system if the sign for a ride is yellow it means it's suitable for all ages although we do recommend that parents or older siblings go with very young children blue means that children younger than 14 can ride only if an adult accompanies them and black well this means that you must be at least 110 centimeters tall to ride regardless of age we should say that no rides are really suitable for children younger than 18 months but we do have a special section for parents with babies all right we are back now i don't know what did you write as answer but i'm gonna show you the answers so that you can verify your in your own books these are the answers for 11th we have c for 12 b for 13th b as well for 14a and 15th c okay see these mcqs are actually very short these kind of mcqs do come in section two section three will have also mcqs mainly but little bit longer one i i think you got an idea what is difficult and what is easy listening to section two so compared to this section one is easier if you get all the answer correct in here most probably you'll get correct answer in section one but we cannot say anything for section three though yeah now section three as i said in my opinion actually is the most difficult one people say section four is difficult but it is not because of question type section three is a conversation and maybe two or four people are involved yeah how they are involved let's talk about it in a while um this is difficult due to mainly mcqs see i told you earlier let's say this is the question and we have options longer than the questions what you're going to do you will take time to read the question and by the time you're reading the options already the audio has been played for the answer or the hint where your answer might lie is gone so what is the solution for that well there is a tip or there is a trick kind of stuff that you can use in order to find the answer here don't worry about it for now i will solve this problem for you yeah you will get definitely good score in mcqs once you know how to do that for now you have to focus only on listening and understanding what release sections are and what might happen in these sections all right that would be a good idea go step by steps you know steps are easy now let me tell you what is the meaning of steps though first so let's say these are the steps of getting to the expertise level initially you don't know what you don't know all right here you know what you don't know so this is the step we are right now you have no idea what sections are you have no idea if we have breaks even so that is your knowing or their breaks now i didn't know this but i know now you practice what you know what does it mean i have section 1 2 3 told you about you know now you know what you didn't know now you're going to practice what you know you're going to practice the type of question we have and once you practice you reach the highest point that is expertise what if you try to jump from here to here not going to happen definitely not going to happen the reason for that is you have no idea what's going to be asked in section 3. you have no idea if section 3 even exists and you're going to try to be an expert chances are you're going to fall back here so i suggest you go step by step knowing everything and then trying the questions okay so these videos might be lack of exam this video might not have much examples but suggest me they are required for your own you know betterment that is your better score all right now i have not included any example in here i would like to but i don't want to i don't want to scare you honestly when we're understanding each question type i'll let you know if this question type can come up in exam or not okay and this is an academic context what is the meaning of academic context the meaning is that you will be listening something like two students speaking so let's say two students speaking and one professor comes and advises these two students or maybe just two students speaking and they are discussing oh i have a project how can i solve this how can i solve that you have to listen to their talks and write the answers so context will be academic talks will be related to academic that is study related yeah all right now come section for the last but not the least in my opinion this is the most interesting section people call it difficult but i find it a little bit easier than section three the only difficulty i find it is the there's no break yeah we'll discuss that it's a monologue hence a professor or an expert gonna talk about a research generally this question has a research being dictated so kind of a scientific paper being dictated and you will have plenty of questions like uh you know you have fill in the blanks or summary completion kind of question the reason it is difficult as i said is there no breaks you have to answer question number 31 to 40 in a single goal no breaks this is where things get a little bit hazy the reason is see we can't concentrate more than five minutes on an audio but this will be playing for eight minutes seven to eight minutes the last section continuous audio and one person is speaking again this is a trouble when two people are speaking we can recognize who's speaking who's not but one person speaking on something academic oh god that can get boring as well as you know you might lose concentration that's the reason i call it difficult that's the only reason otherwise the question i've been asked here fairly easy okay as i said fairly easy because it's summary completion question type you can easily find the answers mcqs are rare and it is academic context that is you know study related as i said a research being uh spoken so i don't think it's a big struggle for you once you know how to solve section three now when i say academic context i didn't mean that you will be talking about rocket science or anything which you can't understand of course you can understand but little bit study related things you know college related or school related and anything like that they'll be talking about that for an example um formation of rock how what is the process they'll talk about the process in the question types they'll ask you about that yeah and with this we end the chapter the introduction to the accents now this is gonna be a very short video but an informative one right let's see what are the various accents included in listening that means what kind of accents you'll be hearing in the listening module they're possibly british accent american accent australian accent canadian indian and russian i'm not saying these are the only accents you'll be hearing possibly you might hear more but the chances are these are the most used ones which one will be used for 80 to 90 percent i think you know already which one right but we'll see that as well but for now remember if you have an idea about these a little bit even you're good to go why do we have accents and why are we studying them we need to understand the audio yeah that's the main reason anytime you listen to an accent this is the most important part that you have to understand it trust me if you do understand and all the accents which i've mentioned not a problem right and most of you do but when things go little bit fast you know when somebody is speaking quickly it gets a little bit difficult for us to understand accents i had i remember when i was watching sherlock for the first time oh it wasn't horrible experience trust me it was horrible i had to include subtitles but later it became it was into practice and i was fine now what is the difference between pronunciation and accent i'll tell you the difference here we have a word which is written this way i'm going to pronounce it in a way so this is called tomato in british accent an american car accident is called tomato they try to say this they are very clear about their tea the british inabilities action in american accent they called towards d while in indian acts and in some of the asian action we try to combine both and we call it tomato so from tomato from tomato we call it tomato so we mix both right that's this pronunciation in each accent you see accent is a style of speaking pronunciation is how you pronounce a word if this is incorrect you will lose marks in speaking probably but in listening you gotta get this one clear because you don't have to speak you have to understand all right so that's the difference and i hope you understand what i mean by that okay see this is i was talking about earlier because the test is being created by cambridge english that is in uk 80 to 90 percent will be british accent that means all the audios let's say or not all most of the audios will be british accents sometime when you're listening to another person in the audio it will be indian accent canadian accent or american accent or maybe a russian accent very rarely though so we have to get british accent clear rather than anything else okay sadly the problem is most of our movies that we watch are an american accent i mean the hollywood movies what i mean by that and we get to know words from here i suggest you start watching british accent movies like you might have heard harry you might have seen harry potter and the accent which you hear in that movie is british accent there are plenty of tv series uh series that you can watch which are in british accent that those will help you to go through the accent and the sound of the accent okay watch out when you search about it if it has british accent or american accent you can search about the movie and figure it out by reading border all right let's see alphabet there are many doubts or let's say there are many misconception what is the difference between alphabet words and letters so this is the first one i'm talking about alphabet second one is letter and the third one is a word so letter is actually each symbol in a set of alphabet yes you heard me right from a to z is a set of alphabet this a itself is called letter letter a b is a letter c is a letter we combine many letters to form words which make sense for example cat is a word in which c is a letter a is a letter and t is a letter but they are taken from a set called alphabet never call it alphabets from now because that's incorrect for that we need many sets right from a to z then we need to take another language take their set of alphabet that's one alphabet set so let me show you how the alphabet set looks like you're very familiar with this from your childhood right the abcs of english the thing is we started with abc's of english now why do we need this in british accent sometime what they're going to do is they're going to ask you to write the name by pronouncing it for an example they'll say my name is matthew now this is a name a name will have to be pronounced dictated to you each letter separately in that case if you haven't read uh you haven't understood alphabet in british accent you're gonna stumble somewhere because the a or e is a little bit different than indian or asian alphabet set yep so let's start with the way we say in india or in asia and the way it is said in british accent it's called a but in american must in british accent is called a they pull the back and they say they call it like this a b is called b in here normally but in british accent is called b c d a you see that the tone is like a it's like going down from top so a f g h a big difference come with difference comes here it's i not i i is like literally dropping it down suddenly but i so this is a and i sometimes they make me i mean we make mistake between i and a this is a and this is i when they speak it on british accent we misunderstand them the words are for these two okay j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y zed you can see now there's kind of i tone in every letter they pronounce and that's the way it is so next time when they say m a t h e w that is matthew yeah please watch out for these two these are the culprit for our mistakes i have seen plenty of the people who are writing the test they make mistake in this yeah moving ahead we have numbers as well which are important why are they important i'll tell you so when they are right when we are listening stuff we'll be listening for phone numbers yeah we'll be listening for pin codes generally in section one when they are form filling which we'll see in the coming video they're gonna are they're gonna dictate the numbers of phone numbers and you have to write as answers so hence it's important for you to know about numbers yes especially one number and that is zero it's the biggest hero i would call it a villain actually most of the people you know make mistakes in here or they are confused what did they just say because zero we think is this zero it is pronounced in many ways so the first one is not or not depending on british and american not it's not just zero sometimes it's called not you might have heard in movies you might hear a four not four error this is very common one that they say they don't say four zero four they call it four not four right second one is null in little bit technical um background is called null otherwise zero commonly and the last one very famous one in uk is o so that phone number here is zero four five six and remaining so they start with oh four 5 6. you might think what is this o now do i have to write o by the time you think this much already they have dictated the remaining of the number and you're gone you will be in trouble you're thinking what just happened did i miss everything and in this thing you'll panic and two answers are gone just because of this villain as i said initially is either a hero or a villain yeah so what happens when they're dictating number how to take care of this there's something called mini pause that will be there when dictating number let me show you the difference how we think and how really a number are pronounced so we think number of pronouns like this 6 3 5 6 2 3 6 2 9 5. no never numbers are not pronounced like this on television or in exam they pronounce like this 6 3 5 6 2 3 6 2 9 5. you see when i said this thing there was a mini pause between these so i said this way 635 three six two nine five you see there's a pause here please write down numbers when there's a mini pause so when they group they group either three numbers or four numbers or sometimes they also say like something like double six double two so this double or triple whatever it is they'll take breaks after that very tiny pause in that time you write it down just don't start writing immediately as soon as they start write it here here and here right i hope i'm clear about this this gonna help you to take the number or note down the number easily okay proceeding we have pronunciation now see pronunciation is something i've discussed initially in this video we can't have the best pronunciation because you know the way we are we are non-native speakers but still what we can do is if we are dedicated we can try to get it as better as possible yeah from our previous version that's how it should be where can we get the best pronunciation or the perfect pronunciation it's called now if you go to this website this is the best source in my opinion when you search a word you will get pronunciation as b and a in there and there will be an audio symbol in front of this thing what you will get to hear is each accent that you can speak for i mean wherever it is pronounced so it will be in british accent and american accent both whatever is applicable to you what you think you are using you will check if and if you think you're wrong replace it in your mind and keep repeating it so what i generally do is i look at a word for example this one which we have seen initially i read the word and i say this is tomato for sure but then i listen to in the website in the british accent they call it tomato an american call it tomato so definitely i'm wrong right now what to do with this website and how to practice if you go to wikipedia or any um you can search in google itself we have 1500 to 10 000 most commonly used english words i would suggest you go in the middle go for 5000 most commonly used english words and keep searching these words in the website so first you pronounce a word and you search in the website and check oh i was wrong for that you have to sit on the computer or your phone pronounce the word first and check in the website okay i was right in that case you tick it okay this word is done i know this word this what is done i know maybe you might not know just cross it out that means only practice required here not other places right so this is how you're gonna practice using they have a search bar you can search and get the real pronunciation we are still at listening module and today we're gonna see a question type called form completion now what is this form completion form completion is nothing let's say i call you to get information right so there is a form that i have to fill while listening to your information what's your name what is your email id what is your phone number so i have to fill this form it's mostly on our phone right you might have heard this when somebody calls you for a credit card or any information that have have to be received on other side this is called form completion all right now this is always in section one if you don't know what is section one i suggest you watch the video about listening sections i have included all the information required to understand what sections are there total four sections section one section two section three and section four difficulty level always increases from section one to section four and because it always comes i mean the question type that is form completion always in section one is the most easiest though there are some tricks or pointers to understand what it's comparatively easy than other question types okay in here it will be a conversation like in section one always so two people are two people are talking on a call and they're exchanging information right as they are talking on call remember the two sides that is one who is calling and the one who is receiving the call that is the caller and the receiver so one is calling one is receiving the person who's receiving the call will have low volume so you might have seen in movies the person who is calling you will get a clear voice however on the other side you might hear as if it is recorded same way here you will get low volume on the other side i suggest you you keep your volume little bit higher yeah high volume the how can you do that remember in exam you will get headphones okay you have all the rice or you have control over the volume hence i suggest you when you have section one keep the volume little bit higher this is one simple simple trip that can help you to get better score in section one especially form completion right next thing is example without looking at what kind of question you'll be bombarded with it will be hard for you to understand it let's see one now this is how form completion looks like okay there will be a title there will be instructions and below they have questions right let me play the audio by the way this is from usa they have given some samples so i've included just to give you information how it looks like okay i'm going to play the audio and you're going to answer these questions as when you're listening to the audio so you ready for that let's go for it section one you will hear a conversation between a clerk at the inquiry's desk of a transport company and a man who is asking for travel information first you have some time to look at questions 1 to 5. now we shall begin you should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time listen carefully and answer questions one to five good morning travel link how can i help you good morning i live in bayswater and i'd like to get to harbour city tomorrow before 11 a.m well to get to bay's water no no i live in bay's water my destination is harbour city oh sorry right so that's bayswater to harbour city are you planning to travel by bus or train i don't mind really whichever option is faster i suppose well if you catch a railway express that'll get you there in under an hour let's see yes if you can make the 9 30 a.m express i'd recommend you do that great which station does that leave from helendale is the nearest train station to you did you say helensvale no helendale that's h e l e n d i l d-i-l-e what's the best way to get to the helen dale station then well hang on a minute while i look into that now it seems to me that you have two options option one would be to take the 706 bus from the bayswater shopping center to central street when you get there you transfer to another bus which will take you to the station or the second option if you don't mind walking a couple of kilometers is to go directly to central street and get straight on the bus going to the train station okay which bus is that the 792 will take you to the station i guess the walk will be good for me so that might be the better option what time do i catch the 792. there are two buses that should get you to the station on time one just before nine o'clock and one just after but look at that time of the morning it might be better to take the earlier one just in case there's a traffic jam or something the 855 is probably safer than the 905 yeah i don't want to miss the train so i'll be sure to get on the five to nine bus and we are back i hope you found all the answers and i hope you found them correct because we're gonna look at the answers now for the first one it's 9 30 a.m for the second one helen dell for the third one central station fourth one number or n o or hash i mean a pound sign you can call it hash and then 792 it's universally accepted and hence you can also use it and last one 8 55 am remember if it's a spelling mistake here it's incorrect right let's see now let's see some pointers what is what are these pointers pointers are tips that help you to get the answers easily they make your life easy while you're looking for answers while listening to the audio so you might from now you will be getting tips which are called pointers in your all question types so when i say pointers in my audio or in the video what i mean is tips that can help you find the answers let's see the first one for this kind of question instructions are very important and where are those instructions where are the hidden let's see the question type which you have seen recently i mean previously in two points earlier as i said always read the instruction but what to read we'll see you see in here we have this question that you'll get in exam in that this one is the instruction yeah these are the instructions that you will get in exam write no more than two words and or a number for each answer let me just zoom in to get an idea what it means by that what does it mean no more than two words means you cannot go beyond two you can write answer as one word or two words for an example i say cute cat well cats are my favorite so this is correct if i add a cute cat it's incorrect so watch out when they have mentioned not more than two words it has to be two words or one word what if they have mentioned not more than four words then it is four words allowed so you can have one two three or four max you cannot write more than four words and what is this last part and or a number for each answer when they say and or a number it means that you can add a number to these two words if it is a number what i mean by that i'll show you see we have an answer here which we have seen earlier 9 30 a.m right you see that 9 30 is a number and then am is a world let's say we have an example where we say two little boats this won't be a trouble the reason is we have fulfilled the two words instruction or the rule and then number is added this is still fine according to the instruction right you might be thinking oh this is three these are not three this is one word second word and or a number this is still fine okay i hope you understand what i mean by that good and it is really important if in case it comes like you have only one word to write you cannot write two words remember that now moving ahead we have to predict prediction is important what is the meaning of prediction let's see so this is the question which you have seen recently i mean the question paper what would you predict for this answer what kind of information can be predicted the information that can be predicted is what will be the answer or the part of speech and who will be providing the answer why did i write who see this is always a conversation i think we have seen that earlier that this is section one in section one it is conversation between two people so who will be providing you answer you can get an idea from predicting second thing what will be the answer just a guess or you can guess the part of speech now what are these part of speech i think you know what part of speeches if you don't in detail please go through the grammar video the first video itself will be helping you whatever part of speech in detail right so we have nouns verbs adverbs adjectives pronouns you must be knowing this eight okay if you don't as i said go to the video now you can predict expert express trend leaves at it could be a time the nearest station is could be what name of a station that's noun right same way you predict the answer because you will be given time to read the question right five of these questions you will be given time in that time you predict you expect an answer it will get easier for you rather than just suddenly listen to the audio and write the answer this has saved much time and much answers just by predicting prediction yeah second is um i mean third is sequence now what is the meaning of sequence let's see audio is always always always played in the sequence with the question let's see the questions again when you look at this we have question one question two three four five when the audio is being played they'll talk about this information number one then they'll talk about this information number two there can be information between these but what they can't do is they'll talk about information number four and then suddenly go back to one they cannot they have to go in the same sequence always in every kind of question in listening they have to go in the same sequence remember that sequence is important and you should get an idea what it means okay good now if there are some blanks in the statement i mean then it is a question what if there are no blanks still it is important to understand the sequence what i mean by this one is let's say there are no blank there's no blank here they have given the answer here you should be listening to this as well for a reason you have to maintain the sequence right what if this answer is provided by them and they continue talking about it and you say oh there's no question here there's no blank here i can go proceed here no because you might miss what is the next one coming this gives you a hint this number three number seven zero six pass when they describe it now you know okay now i have to jump to this one because they have described this one hence if there are no blanks provided in the statement they won't call it number three they'll call this one three but that is important for you to follow the sequence okay good next one is unit and names one of my favorite and most people make mistake in this and as well now what is the meaning of unit let's say here we have seen some of the question i just removed the um the instructions i just put this directly questions express train leaves at some time now in this case they have not provided in the end the time is it am or pm and if in the audio they say 8 am and in the answer you provide just 8 it's incorrect because they have mentioned the unit unit in the audio not in the blank hence for an another example they say 8 kilos so eight kilogram is the answer instead of just writing eight here you can use the form short from kg right you can write eight kg but if they have not provided here ks kg in the end you have to write 8 kg another example there they are saying it will it gonna cost you 21 so if you don't write like this or the word dollars then it's incorrect so the rule is if it is provided the unit in the question or after the blank you don't include it if it is not provided you do include it so the rule is if it is provided after the blank don't include it if it is not provided please include it right so another example you can say that um [Music] the the thread was two meters long and they have mentioned like this the whole question and there's the blank here for two meters long now here see they have mentioned the meter you have to just write two or 2 if i write here 2 meters again i have mentioned it twice because question itself they have mentioned here that will be incorrect i hope i'm clear about this part now if they have provided don't include it if they have not provided please include it that will make it easier for you next one so in here you can say the same thing you can check with your answers and see if they have not if they are provided or not provided in this example they have not provided hands you have to include it and now check your answers if you have not included your ams and pm it's incorrect be harsh to yourself initially while checking the answers otherwise you know you'll get lenient and in exam you'll get deductions now what about names if they have mentioned names they're going to dictate it yes for an example you have name called matthew they say hi my name is matthew my name is matthew james my full name and james is provided as blank your task is to write james over there but you don't know what's how to spell james right and they're gonna dictate it for you all the names are dictated when they are answers they'll say j a m e s right so remember if it's dictated probably it's an answer remember one more thing this is important please be quick while writing the answers why when the audio is being played what i mean by this is let's say we have a question here and they are playing the audio and suddenly i heard the answer right when i hear the answer i'm going to write it like this when i'm writing like this i'll try to be if if i am doing it incorrectly i'll try to be as clear as possible in my question paper i'll try to write answer properly but remember all the answers have to be copied in the answer sheet in the end you will get extra time for that don't worry about that hence try to write it as quick as possible don't worry about the handwriting it should be legible by you that's it in the question paper so the reason for that is so that you don't miss the audio for the next one the hint for the next one write the answer quickly and follow the audio as quick as possible in this way you might not lose the sequence or might not lose the flow of the audio else chances are you're gonna miss the next one and once one answer is missed well next one is missed as well because you are in panic mode i've heard from people they missed one or one answer or two answers and they missed five to six because of that because they lost sequence they lost the track and all the answers are lost one single mistake of just you know trying to get a handwriting better they lost it even in the question paper yeah i i think i have told you enough that you will get extra time to write the answers to the answer sheet that will be given separately so what you write and how you write in the question paper doesn't matter much okay and that's the end of the chapter you're gonna see table completion which is a question type and listening module remember we are going through all the question types and providing you pointers and the examples of listening modules if you continue with us you will see all other modules as well like reading writing and speaking okay let's proceed so what is this table completion anyway you will be given a table and in where some of the information will be there but some missing right so for example we have here a statement provided and here there will be blank again statement provided so table completion is nothing but you complete the table you fill in the table right let's proceed then it is similar to con sentence completion for example we have a sentence and we have some blank then we are under the same end with a blend the only difference but the only difference is this will be in the form of a table so what will be the major differences when you're forming a table yes you heard you thought of it i think you got it right it has to have columns as well as rows that's the major difference in a table compared to sentences right now let's see an example so that you get to get clear what will be asked in exam what kind of question will come up table completion looks like this in here we have some question i mean we have some instructions to write we have word count and here we have the questions you see questions are written as numbers as you can see here and here and here all these things let me just clear it up so that you can do it now i'll be playing the audio for you to practice just beginning i mean of course i'll be providing you pointers later but first you just do it and see how it works it'll take you not more than two minutes right so be ready for the audio before you hear the rest of the conversation you have some time to look at questions six to ten now listen and answer questions six to ten by the way how much will i have to pay in fares well you can get a ticket on the bus for 1.80 cash and you'll need ten dollars each way for the train wait do you have a travel link card no but i can get one before tomorrow okay well that'll make it considerably cheaper then the bus will cost 1.50 each way and the train will be the train to harbour city will still cost ten dollars because you'll be traveling during peak hours in the morning so no savings there i'm afraid however if you could come back at an off-peak time what does that mean well if you could start your return journey before 5 pm or later than half past seven in the evening actually i wasn't planning on coming back till at least eight o'clock anyway well in that case you can make quite a saving if you use your travel link card you did say you were planning to purchase one didn't you yes i'll pick one up later today good that would mean your return train journey would only cost you 7.15 with your card thank you is there anything else i can help you with actually there is do you know if i can use the travel link card on ferries if you're thinking of the harbour city ferries that go back and forth between the north and south bank those are the commuter ferries then yes a one-way trip costs 4.50 but with your card you'd make a 20 saving and only pay 3.55 so 3.55 for the commuter ferry what about the tour boats you mean the tourist ferries that go up river on sightseeing tours no they only take cash or credit card they're not part of the travel link company oh i see i don't suppose you know the cost of a tour in actual fact i do because i took a friend on the trip up river just last week we decided on the afternoon tour and that was thirty five dollars each but i understand that you can do the whole day for sixty five dollars thank you you've been a great help my pleasure enjoy your day out that is the end of section one you now have half a minute to check your answers okay so we are back i hope you find all the answers and let's see what is the solution for this solution is number one one point eight zero seven seconds 7.30 third 7.15 9th commuter and 10th afternoon okay if you've got all correct wonderful if not don't worry the point is gonna help you to go through this and what are these pointers we have discussed it earlier pointers are just tips or tricks or some kind of advices that can help you to go through the answer of questions and find the answers easily or quickly yeah the first one is rows and columns most important in a table i think we talked about it that in a table that's the only difference then you know fill in the blanks you have rows and columns which provide information about what will be in below that so look at here let me just get rid of some of the parts so that we can focus on rows and columns and let me zoom in if you look here we have cash fare card fare so when they talk about cash fare they're going to talk about in this column when they talk about card fair they're going to talk about this column when they talk about transport what kind of transportation is used we are going to talk about this column now look at the rules right bus when they talk about bus cash fare they're going to talk about this row same way for train in peak they're going to talk about in this row this will give you information or the rows and columns will provide you information what will be here or in a way you can predict from here using rows and columns yes let me show you an example bus for card fair will be 150 for train peak will be 10 for both for train off peak it will be 10. it's the cash fare you can see it's what provides us information that is the column and the row when you consider this you come here this is the cash fare for the of train which is off peak blank ferry that is the commuter ferry have we seen the answer will have 450. so rows and columns are important when you're given time initially that is some time for example 30 seconds they say please go through this kind of question please underline the rows and the columns that means what kind of information i'll be hearing i should be aware of that kind of info is important okay next one is is this this thing i've shown you that we have bus and they have given bars for this we have 150 at for the cartridge now next one is prediction prediction is of what most important we have seen the same one in our previous one that is form completion what is prediction that you predict the answer which might be the answer or at least you get close to that here it's easier actually so when you look at it for this one let me just get rid of some of them and zoom in so that we can focus on so sixth one must be a number because they have mentioned dollar sign right seventh one must be a time you can predict it eighth one must be also money i mean some number and ninth one a kind of ferry ferry is a kind of boat which used to transport people from one point to another in water in sea or river so this is this must be a type of ferry so hence you won't expect a number here if you expect a number it's incorrect if you expect a time it's incorrect you have to expect a type of ferry this is called predicting this expecting is called predicting it helps you to listen to the audio and come up with the answer all right the last but not the least is the unit in tables when we see units what i mean by units is look here they have mentioned dollar symbol here they have mentioned pm here they have mentioned dollar again first of all as we have seen in instructions in um [Music] question type 1 which is form completion we talked about if unit is provided you don't have to write it now they're going to say let's say 150 you don't have to write again 150 dollars or we have the provided pm you don't have to write pm or am again okay second thing with the unit you can guess already what will be the answer so these units are very important for us not just for predicting but also take care of them if they have included them don't write it there if they have not included them and they are talking about it in the audio please mention them for an example they have not mentioned this so then you have to write dollar 150. if they have not mentioned this you have to say pm whatever pm it is here five or six or seven whatever it is right so i hope you got the meaning of this unit thing one more thing which i have to talk about is the number of words mentioned in the instruction is also important i didn't include it here because we have seen it earlier in question type one that is form completion if you have not gone through it please go through it number of words are important and you should know how many i can use for example here this is one required in this kind of question and hence we cannot write more than one okay cool that's the end of the chapter i know there was a short one but sometime what can we do pointers are not many and you can easily find the answers remember we are still going through listening modules and types of question we have with pointers examples and everything and today it's sentence completion what is the meaning of sentence completion you might have seen this in your schools or you know universities called fill in the blanks i think it's quite familiar to you fill in the blanks rather than sentence completion where you have a statement and you have some blank in there after that remember these statements are separate i mean they are not connected to each other right a single sentence which is not connected like i said so you'll be listening to an audio you will have a statement with a blank in it what i mean by connection is these two are not connected directly what if we are forming a paragraph and we talk about one sentence and then have a blank in it and then talk about next and sentence with the blank in it so these are connected you have to go in the sequence but here they are not connected hence i call it single sentence with no connection they are not connected that is called sentence completion this is the typical example what it looks like we have here a sentence and a question now question might be mentioned here or close to the blank it's the same thing you have to search for this question here 27 28 29 30. on the top they'll mention the number and instructions right pointers we'll see later first i would like you to go through this and see how much you get and you can you will get an idea i mean you will get an idea how this question has been taken care yeah let me play the audio get ready for it the other thing i wanted to ask you was did you find it hard studying with the open university you mean because you're studying on your own most of the time well it took me a while to get used to it i found i needed to maintain a high level of motivation because it's so different from school there's no one saying why haven't you written your assignment yet and that sort of thing oh dear you'll learn it paul another thing was that i got very good at time management because i had to fit time for studying around a full-time job well i'm hoping to change to working part-time so that'll help what makes it easier is that the degree is made up of modules so you can take time off between them if you need to it isn't like a traditional three or four year course where you've got to do the whole thing of it in one go that's good because i'd like to spend six months traveling next year huh it's all right for some then even though you're mostly studying at home remember you've got tutors to help you and from time to time there are summer schools they usually last a week they're great because you meet all the other people struggling with the same things as you i've made some really good friends that way sounds good so how do i apply all right so we are back i hope you got all the answers correctly number 27 28 29 and 30. see here we have mentioned blanks almost in the end sometimes they do come here or even in the beginning that doesn't mean there's a different type it's the same type the difference i mean the the main component is is a single statement with a single blank all right there won't be two blanks ever nice let's see the answers now the answer number one is motivation second one time management hyphen it's up to you if you want to keep if you don't want to keep keep a blank it's correct third one that is 29th one is modules and 13 30 is summer school or schools both are correct when we form a bracket here that means it's correct without it or with it now if there's a spelling mistake it's incorrect remember if you've written exactly the same answers it's correct if you got four out of four wonderful if not don't worry we have pointers coming and you can practice some other state other questions which you'll mention later let's go with the pointers now yeah and pointers are the tips that can help you to find the answers easily the first one read and predict this is the first one read and predict when you have an audio provided or let's say when you have question provided they're gonna definitely give you some time okay and then you can predict based on that now let's understand both of them separately what i mean by read and predict so these are the questions that are provided to you before this they will say have a look at question number 27 to 30. your task is to read through these places right we have here question three and four i want you to read all of them right and go through the blank as well what could be an answer for this blank let's read together studying with the open university demanded a great deal of what hard work or some kind of quality for sure so in the question people write in bracket or this will be a quality studying and working at same time improved rachel's blank skill again this will be a quality they have already mentioned some kind of skill but whose skill ratio skill you have to listen for information about rachel right let's see the third one it was helpful that the course was structured in in what in either language or in the time or in the college something related to the structure and course in some blank she enjoyed meeting other students at either a time or a place because at is only used for these things right so you can predict either a time or place this is called reading through and predicting now you're given 30 seconds to read before the audio is being played right you have enough or let's say ample time to go through it and predicting predicting helps you to listen for the information which is required for you see the audio which they are playing is not for fun or enjoyment you know what are they talking about an interesting topic because you're not going to get score or marks for understanding the audio you will get only mark for marks for writing the correct answer hence you have to look for specific information this is where this prediction and reading prior to the audio comes in i hope you understand this thing yeah next one we have synonyms now what is the meaning of these synonyms synonyms mean that sentence will be paraphrased but but let me just help you with that answers have to be exact words synonyms in a way that means you will have to you cannot provide answers as synonyms exact words have to be used which they said in the audio for an example let's see what i mean by all this here we have a blank and you have we have given answer as motivation right in the place of motivation you thought inspiration you will write that's incorrect inspiration cannot be the correct answer followed for a reason is synonym motivation which they didn't even speak so inspiration cannot be considered as correct answer it has to be motivation what i mean by um paraphrasing which we mentioned earlier this is here paraphrased is that this statement won't be said exactly the way it is in the audio they're not going to say studying with open university demanded a great deal of something of course they can paraphrase it for example open university requires a lot of blank yes so see this is how paraphrased it is they might put in in two sentences right they'll talk about universities let's say open universities and say um it's a great place to study but it requires so these are two statements and they have mentioned the answer using those listen for the prediction which you have mentioned earlier i mean we have mentioned read and predict here right predict those answers and eventually you will get the correct answer another tip i would like to give you here is please listen for each statement in the audio some people what they do is they just listen for open university that's it don't here we have read the question right that means the blank starting with open universe university demanded a great deal of something where have they mentioned something about open university where have they mentioned regarding what the demand or what they require or what they expect from you that's it you have to listen for so listen for each statement one by one let's say i say something about the university you connect with the blank is it correct no it's not filling any of the blank next statement in the audio is it correct yeah maybe then you fill the answer and as every blank and every most of the question we have mentioned it will go in the sequence yes so once they are mentioned 27 they will proceed with 28 and they'll proceed with 29th same way all the time it has been followed the sequence has to be followed once the once in one statement i found one answer definitely audio will talk about the next one so i'll talk about um about rachel right and next time i'll talk about the helpfulness of the course there was a structure structured in what in some way i have kept it graceful i don't talk about it we have enough three right good so this is about fair of paraphrasing and synonyms please don't provide answers as synonyms exact words have to be used in the answers next one is grammar not just grammar i am sure if it is grammatically incorrect you cannot fill it try to do that right so we have this answer here instead of motivation if you put something else will it be correct answer sometimes people don't even understand this what i mean is let's say you're listening to this blank and you predicted earlier now instead of prediction what you do is just write something incorrectly you predict it incorrectly you made that mistake no problem but when you read it next time when you're providing the answer it's like oh it doesn't make any sense let's see an example studying with the open university demanded a great deal of um what let's call it exercise see in this case it is making sense and when i say great deal of cats doesn't make any sense right this is making sense together exercise cats or dogs or a name of a person doesn't it doesn't make sense because great deal of what grammatically it's incorrect in that case you can check second thing it has to be correct spelling right it you have to spell the answer correctly instead of this spelling if you if you don't write a here it's incorrect you won't get the ma for that all right so these are the two things that you have to take care while writing not just the grammar but the spelling if it is grammatically incorrect you cannot provide it as an answer it's also a hint that this is not the correct answer okay and that's the end of the chapter this listening module has many questions and hence we have to take care of them now this multiple choice actually is one of my favorite as well as least favorite the reasons you will see soon first of all you'll see let's see what happens in multiple choice there will be three options given to you and there will be one statement or a question remember the three options if it does more than three options it is called matching that will be a different question type which we have to discuss later now difficulty level in this kind of question is definitely at a higher level i mean it's really difficult to this to this question but if it is in section three okay if it is in section one then it's not that difficult same goes for section two but when it comes to section three things get hard okay section one is where you have a conversation section two is where we have a monologue section three again conversation plus the size or the length of the text in mcq that is multiple choice questions increases tremendously and that's the reason it is most difficult in section three yeah so this can be particularly seen here and my target is to make you clear this one if you could do or if you could clear these kind of questions or you could write find the right answer for section 3 section 1 and 2 would be very easy same goes for section 4 it's very similar to section 3 in case of multiple choice all right now let me tell you one thing why it is difficult the reason for it to be difficult is you have a lot to read as well as listen at the same time what is the meaning of lot to read now when we get multiple choice question we have a question and some options right now these options sometimes are actually bigger than your question and hence you have to read almost like a passage at the same time you are listening stuff how would it work out then you know you are reading stuff as well as listening and you have a lot to read and find an answer on the top of it our reading speed is horrible you know our reading speed goes to almost like 150 words per minute which is really bad we'll see how to solve this problem for now let me show you an example so that we can understand what will be there in this kind of question by the way in this case i'm adding two examples we'll see one why two examples the first one is from section one you can see the question nine and ten i think you remember where i said section one as one to ten is section one 11 to 20 is section 2 21 to 30 is section 3 and 31 to 40 section 4 and this one is 9 and 10 and this is taken from just to show you what kind of question you will be getting let me play an audio where you can find answer for number nine and ten all right there we go okay right now obviously insurance is an important thing to consider and our companies are able to offer very good rates in a number of different all-inclusive packages sorry could you explain a bit more yes sorry um there's really three rates according to quality of insurance cover there's the highest comprehensive cover which is premium rate then there's standard rate and then there's economy rate that one will only cover the cost of the content second hand oh i've been stung before with economy insurance so um i'll go for the highest and can i just check would you want home delivery or to a local depot or would you want to pick it up at the nearest port the port would be fine i've got transport that end fine and will you be paying by credit card can i pay by cheque and we are back i hope you found an answer one thing i would like to mention okay you don't have to write the answer as let's say if the answer is economy you don't have to run right economy you have to write a the letter that is a b c these letters okay good so the answer for the first one is premium for the second one is port that is c and a if you get it correct wonderful and i think you might have because this is section one the easiest type let me tell you the next question type which is taken from section three or in fact section four very similar 35 and 36 other questions now see what happens here the length of the question or the statement is shorter than the options yeah you can see in 35 and 36 both now let me play the audio and see if you can catch it research shows that when these groups first come into contact with a western diet their health suffers once they're exposed to our diet of refined carbohydrates and sugars they quickly develop our lifestyle related diseases however that does not mean that the human digestive system is suited to digesting only a few sources of food nor that it cannot change to accommodate different food sources in fact the evidence would suggest exactly the opposite as a species we are able to make significant modifications to our digestive systems according to what foods are available in our local environment examples are bound and our ability to digest lactose is a good one lactose is a sugar that is found in milk and it is digested in the human gut by the enzyme lactase in communities in europe the middle east and africa that traditionally herd cattle and drink cow's milk this enzyme is present and people can digest milk products however in places such as china and thailand which do not have this style of farming the enzyme is lacking and most people have lactose intolerance another example is the ability to digest the sugars from starchy foods we are back time to get the answers for the first one it's c we can adapt to a range of tiles and number 36 is b in the past they didn't farm cows if you've got these answers wonderful if not don't worry we have pointers coming we have some things that can help you to get these answers easily yeah what are these things called i think we have discussed them pointers these things are called pointers these are tips that can help you now the first one is speed reading earlier i was discussing with you that normally our speed is 150 words per minute true if you are an avid reader your speed might go to 300 or i mean 350 to 400 words per minute that's tremendously good compared to 150 we all lie between this so maybe 200 words per minute which is not good enough for our mcqs or multiple choice questions we have to reach anywhere between 350 to 400. the biggest reason reason for us to not get the speed is our childhood we never learn how to read quickly yeah and there's a lot to read there's always always a scope to read and learn how to read it we never learn how to read we just learned oh we have to read this way we learned alphabet we learn language but never learn how to read because i think 80 to 90 person but not even into books you are into videos or games so that's what happens let me change it today let me try to tell you or help you with the technique that can help you as well this is a simple statement right let's try to read it the way you read and the way we did before even applying the speed reading this is a long sentence as we need to practice speed reading for ielts listening you see what did i do or how did i read this one i read it this way that i club most important information together so this is a long sentence as we need to practice speed reading for ielts listening the things have underlined are what generally what people combine together to form a phrase that is this is a long sentence as we need to practice speed reading for eyes listening right see how many breaks they are taking one two three four five six almost six breaks these breaks do take time right let me give you another example or make it better now look here you'll try to go as fast as possible take half the number of the breaks this is a long sentence so we did this is a long sentence as we need to practice speed reading for us listening we took this time only two breaks compared to the earlier ones we are taking just really less number of breaks this will increase your speed in reading secondly our speed is limited to our speech right so when i'm speaking it out i cannot think while looking at it so always in exam please read in your mind or in your brain don't read it out loud or even don't just mutter it because firstly it gonna disturb others i've seen examples of that second thing is you will read it faster because in your brain you can read it faster rather than reading it out loud okay good this is one technique that can help you have to take some of the examples or lesser sentences and practice with them and speed reading comes from practice it's not just a technique that i told you and you can get it done okay now second information or second let's say pointer is concising the information how to shorten the information because without shortening it is going to be a little bit difficult even with speed reading right now we have this is the earlier question i've shown you in section three this was from section three remember we have huge passive i mean huge question and huge example let's just get rid of the instructions over here and also the in question number 35 i just want to take care of 36 here and see how we're going to concise this first statement that is thai people have difficulty digesting milk because now this is the whole statement which we have in the question how can we concise this we only take important information thigh difficulty digesting milk why maybe they have too much lactose in their body we make it to lot lactose in bodies second in the past they didn't farm cows past no farm cows third their saliva lacks certain enzymes saliva lacks enzymes you see we try to fit as little words as possible and make sense of the passage i mean the question and the options now these are almost less than half of the words which you have seen in the question this is called concising the information in exam you won't be definitely writing it again but what you can do is just underline it for example thigh difficulty digesting milk options let's look at it instead of too much you just write too much or you can write a lot lectures bodies past didn't cause saliva certain enzymes done now see how many words they are not many right this is how you concise the information and when information is concised you can read it read it faster process it faster as well as listen the audio along with it moving ahead we have another thing that we have to understand in multiple choice because we have choice that is options we have to understand that if we look at these questions we have how many three options it's always three options this is the simple one right and look at these oh they're huge right too many options okay first thing remember you don't ever have to write the full answer as the answer you have to write either a b or c okay second thing i think i already told you how to concise the option last thing which we didn't discuss in concise is if the option is too long and you don't have any time to concise what you can do is skip it right what is the meaning of skipping let me explain so we have a question here and we're gonna listen about this question rather than waiting for any option how they do is you might have already gone through the example they're gonna talk about this they're gonna talk about something about this or certain words and they're gonna also talk about number c they try to distract you if you're distracted you're gonna choose the incorrect answer because you heard food or diet or unhealthy any of these words my suggestion is if the options are too long if you can't concise what you should do is just look for the answer rather than connecting with options so research evidence suggests that now you look for and listen into the audio and listen about research evidence that's it what do they suggest this is also important the verb that is they're using right and then you keep searching what are the suggesting when you find answer just write in your notebook over there suggesting this and then later combine or contrast with this same goes for the next question without reading the option you have saved plenty of the time and hence you can listen to the next question easily i mean next part which you're in the audio and also read the next question some people just keep reading the options it's not a good thing second thing about option is when you're given time like for example they say oh now you have 30 seconds to read question number 31 to 40. in this time if you have options between these i mean multiple choice questions in between these let's say 35 to 40 are multiple choice never read options in that time always read questions that is number 35 is the question and you read it 36 is the question you read it you never read the options because you're not gonna remember them right your task is to just read the question try to understand it next one read the question try to understand it that's it if the options are way too huge if the options are okay sized you can use the concise method and shorten them as possible if the options are way too short like we have seen previously if you look here that options are too short this is easy you can connect with the audio you don't need to skip the audio i mean the options it's fairly easy it comes in section one right but section three is a trouble yeah now proceeding is distractions big big trouble if you look at this the words what they're gonna use is they're gonna talk about thai people having difficulty digesting milk for sure this is the main theme in the audio but while discussing the options what they're gonna do is they're gonna talk about too much lactose they're going to talk about farm cows they're going to talk about enzymes every word they're going to talk about but in what sense well in different sense that means they might not talk about lactose in their body they might talk about lactose somewhere else they might not talk about farming cows in the past so your task is to get the distraction in the side and how can you do that what i generally say this or what i generally do is i listen for each statement so we have an audio one statement is over next statement starts then we have plenty of statements aligned right i always do one thing i listen to one statement and check does it connect anyway with this question the thai people having difficulty digesting milk nah then i skip it whatever next one i listen to the next statement i never jump to the option listening to one part of it oh just one sentence if it is connecting with the question now i have to get attentive let's say this one has something about digesting milk you know and thai people both oh now i have to be paying attention maybe to this one and this one both then i can choose the answer easily that's how you can remove the distractions if this is not here in the second statement you go to the third statement in the audio i think you can recognize when the statement has ended they take a mini break that is like a full stop okay these are some of the distraction and this is how you can reduce them the last one how to practice very important i have seen many people you know doing eight to nine to even ten tests in a row like within a week or two weeks and they still are scoring 24 to 26 out of 40 in listening and they keep coming to me like why is this happening i tell them one thing you have to ask yourself two questions you have to recognize first of all what went wrong you know why did you not get the right answer and these two questions are why did i not get the right answer what was the reason at that time and that you have to do as soon as you finish the test second question why did i fall for the wrong answer see it's pretty simple but it's so elegant that it makes sense by itself so why did i not get the right answer and why did i fall for the wrong answer if you know what what was the reason for you oh the distraction was the reason never you gonna fall for such distraction if you know the reason was because they have similar ideas you're gonna next time understand similar ideas right so these two questions you should always answer as soon as you get your score or test done so i today i practice listening and i get 34 out of out of 40 i won't celebrate to get 34. now i'm not saying you shouldn't you should always be sad i'm just saying why did i get the six deductions the reason could be the solution what if you keep getting 34 every time or 33 in an exam you get this six kind of questions this your you get six deduction right out of 40 so you get six right next time you got six what is these kind of twelve questions asked in exam how much do you think you'll get you'll get 26 out of 40. that's so sad though you have practiced you didn't practice in a way so i hope you understand first of all understand where you went wrong second answer the two questions why did i get the wrong right answer and why did i not get the right answer and why did i fall for the wrong answer okay and that's how we're gonna we're gonna work on our multiple choice questions short answers how to find solutions for short answer kind of questions in listening modules yeah this kind of question actually can be asked as w questions okay i think you know what w questions are right which has w words in them like what why where when and all this kind of question the answers are no longer no longer than four words what i mean by no longer than four words when they are providing us instructions the answers won't be more than four words they'll say try to answer no longer than three words no more than two words so your limit will go maximum to four words that's why they are short question answers okay now moving on they are not that difficult compared to mcqs or multiple choice questions which we have seen earlier the reason for them not being difficult is there's just one single question all you have to do is just read the question and easily find the answer and that is why it's not that difficult okay now let's see an example so that you can easily understand what i mean by a simple question kind of answer this is where what you see here we have question what two factors can make social contact in foreign country difficult you see this is direct questions it could be two factors it could be one factor here they have mentioned two factors it could be one factor they might ask but it is a direct question for short answer now look at the instructions they have mentioned three words watch out for that okay i'm gonna play the audio and let you finish these these questions 11 to 16. get ready for the audio you will hear an extract from a talk given to a group who are going to stay in the uk good evening and welcome to the british council my name is john parker and i've been asked to talk to you briefly about certain aspects of life in the uk before you actually go there so i'm going to talk first about the best ways of making social contacts there now you might be wondering why it should be necessary after all we meet people all the time but when you're living in a foreign country it can be more difficult not just because of the language but because customs may be different if you're going to work in the uk you will probably be living in private accommodation so it won't be quite so easy to meet people but there are still things that you can do to help yourself first of all you can get involved in activities in your local community join a group of some kind for example you'll probably find that there are theater groups who might be looking for actors set designers and so on or if you play an instrument you could join music groups in your area or if you like the idea of finding out about local history there'll be a group for that too these are just examples and the best place to get information about things like this are either the town hall or the public library libraries in the uk perform quite a broad range of functions nowadays they're not just confined to lending books although that's their main role of course great and we are back i hope you find all the answers let's see the answers itself themselves the first one that is 11th is language 12th is customs 13th is music or music groups 14th is local history groups 15th the public you can ignore if you want library or libraries right as we have three words we can write the public library or the public libraries and the last one the town hall or just town hall if you've got full i mean six out of six wonderful if not don't worry like always we're gonna provide you pointers those are gonna help you to get the answers correctly okay cool now pointers are again the same thing as we discussed earlier these are the tips that can help you to find answers easily the first one is number of words or let's say instructions so this is our question right in here these are questions this above is instructions so we'll get rid of the questions and let's just zoom in here you see how many words do we have here three words and or a number in a previous video i have explained this the what is the meaning of and or a number if you can please go back to the other video if not let me explain it here you cannot write more than three words your answer must be between one to three words secondly if it is a number you can add it to the word for example on the boat we'll fulfill the requirement of not more than three words but if you add one more number here two on the four on the boat it's still correct because we have we are allowed to use a number apart from these three words that's what it means right so you can choose answer accordingly that is what the instructions or number of words mean okay next one is the w question it's important to understand the question see our problem is actually we don't listen to reply we don't listen to understand we listen to reply when you listen to understand it gets easier not just in ielts i guess in everywhere in life or in relationships when we listen to just reply we tend to just get to the point and just get to our you know throw our answers to them not a good idea same goes here in ielts when you listen to the question please try to understand what the question is and guess the answer for the top two question now what does it mean by guessing the answer so we have some questions here okay i'm gonna get rid of the instructions and let me zoom in here we have here what two factors can make social contact in foreign country difficult here the question word is what this is important second is the information here factors so all you have to listen to is what factors what factors social contact foreign country difficult that's it so you can guess what are the factors are they talking about so here you have to look for what factors in second one you can see which community group so there must be names for community groups you know so that first they have given example theater which are for these examples as well now we have 13 and 14 you have to provide as community group number third in which places so in which two places means again they have to talk about places so you see this is how we guess the answer by understanding the question itself now while you're listening to the audio of course you cannot read everything at the same time you are supposed to read this when you are given 30 seconds before you go for the question slot let's say they'll say um please read the question between 21 to 25 and then here the audio so in this 30 seconds in these 30 seconds what you're supposed to do is read the questions underline what is the important information like we did here in the case of this one what factors in here which community groups and here in which places you see this information going to be very helpful for us in future in the coming tasks yeah all right the next pointer is stay ahead of the audio what is the meaning of staying ahead of the audio the meaning is that you read one question in advance while you're listening to the audio please before the audio starts as soon as possible read this question and this question for sure at least that is the one and the next one to it as soon as you find the answer for this one you jump to this one right when you already have read this one so it's get easier for you when you're reading this and you find the answer immediately jump to this one so staying ahead of the audio will help you in the previous video we have shown you what is the meaning of speed reading please go through it it will help you to read as quickly as possible so you will be able to finish this sentence within the span of like two to three seconds okay that will be really fast this method has been explained the previous video i suggest you go back and read or listen to the the whole video and understand the method okay proceeding we have paraphrases what is the meaning of paraphrasing paraphrasing is when we change we don't change the meaning of a statement but we provide it in different words that is called paraphrasing now most sentence which you hear in the audio are paraphrased that means you're not going to hear exact question or exact words in your statement so let's see an example these are some questions yeah let me get rid of some of them and just let's take care of this question options are not important for us now this is the question which we have in exam what are the things they could change how they could put this question or provide this information in the audio they might something say something like this which aspects can make it hard to have a social contact in a foreign country now see we change two factors to social aspects two aspects social contact that is fine we can keep it same they might keep it same foreign country similar but make it difficult make it hard yeah so this is just our interpretation all could be possibly just to show you that this could be said in this way in exam that you might hear the audio in this form right this is how it is paraphrased i hope you understand what i mean by that they're never going to provide you the exact words in the question you have to listen to understand the audio all right now the next one is very similar to paraphrasing but this is for words that is they will be using synonyms of the words right with example it will get clear now let's take three of these examples and eliminate two of them and let's talk about this let me zoom in here if you look at it here we have certain words that we can find synonym of they could change those words here we have types could be kinds instead of community they might use neighborhood instead of soap so you see that how these synonyms are used in stay in the in the audio itself we should be ready for such synonyms but let me tell you one more thing yes you might hear synonyms in the audio but please don't write anything which is not you didn't hear in the audio okay if you didn't hear anything don't write it if you did hear the word write it writing a synonym of a word as answer is incorrect you are supposed to write the answer itself what you heard what i'm trying to explain here is in the question you might see this as your question but in audio you might hear this in order to explain this part okay this is how they're going to use synonyms right good the last but not the least are the spellings if you have spelling mistakes as an answer in an answer it's definitely incorrect so let's see yeah of course incorrect answer that means no score so you get zero in that question and in listening you know one correct answer you get one point and do you remember how many points do we have total 40 questions hence 40 points right okay this is this is what we did today that is languages in custom now if you look at it what if let me just get rid of this to zoom in what if we write instead of language languages incorrect what if in custom we write customs you know it should fit what they have said second thing it should be fitting according to the spelling now instead of music what if i write like this it's incorrect so just a tiny mistake can ruin your answer spelling mistakes have to be taken care they cannot be considered oh i did hear the answer by mistake i wrote incorrect spelling nope sorry one more thing i would like to mention here in listening please try to provide all one more thing i would like to clear is please try to provide in listening all answers as uppercase so for example we have music groups here try to write in this way rather than this way the reason for that is they don't have penalty for writing in all caps log or all uppercase but in case if you make mistake in writing first letter capital or not capital it is incorrect for an example all the proper nouns that those are names should have first letter capitalized otherwise you don't need to now who will think of these rules while they are writing the answer no one so i suggest write all of the words all of the letters capital that will make it better okay there's no penalty for writing all of them capital okay cool so that was the end of the chapter map leveling so you have to level a map or you have to provide information about the map through the audio okay let me just explain what this map leveling is you will be listening for directions you will be listening for information in a map and you have to fill some information in a map which is not complete so for an example we have a map here we'll see example in detail with proper drawing don't worry about that i'm just showing you here we have a map here of a place we have some buildings and there are some missing answers you know this is number 11 this is number 12 and you'll be listening to an audio now in the audio you'll be having in the exam you'll be having options now choose these options which one is fitting to which one 11 or 12 using the direction they are providing in the audio this is how you label a map okay it's not that difficult for a reason because i guess after practice it gets easier but originally it's not that difficult because you don't have to read much in this kind of question if it is getting difficult for you definitely you are missing the technical part of the question that means you're not using the right tip or right technique once you go through this video it will definitely get easier trust me compared to the last time okay now the two types in listening for the maps right the first one is when we have question in the image and second one is when you question outside the image what is the meaning of this let me show you an example here if you look we have question in the image 14th is the number of question 15 13 12 11 all our number of questions here options are outside the image as you can see here so you'll be listening in audio and try to fit which one is correct for 11th either a to i again for 12. so the person who is here will be talking first about oh we are standing at the entrance and then when we go straight we on the left comes let's say multimedia room so the answer for 11 is f i'm just giving an example i'm not saying exactly that's the answer now if we look at the just opposite we have a computer room so we have computers here number c that's how they're going to play the audio i'm going to show you a real example don't worry about that this is just to show you what are the types in this kind of question first one is question in the image right why do we have to do this understanding the types we'll see later second one is question outside the image now we have taken the same image what if 11th is here 12th is here 13th is here 14 this year we don't have this all okay and we have here a b c d e now think about it questions are outside options are inside the difference between these will be now let's go back to the previous one when i'm playing the audio you must be knowing by now but if you're listening to all the classes that audio always plays in the sequence of the question not the options so what gonna happen i'm gonna play from 11 to 12. i'm going to give information from 11 to 12 and then 12 to 13 13 to 14 i can talk about fixing and seminar room but i can never go to 15 without talking about 14. you understand my point 14 to 15 like this it will always go in the sequence however in the case of here that is outside the image the sequence will be followed from here because questions are here so this might get a little bit difficult because let's say i talk about art collection which is here and suddenly i jump to here or i could jump here after that because there's no sequence following in the image however it is there in here outside the image so if you get this kind of question you are lucky if you get this kind of question well it's fine after practice and understanding some tips you can get it done now let's see some examples so that you can get um accustomed to the question type this is the example which you have seen earlier but definitely the answer i provided you is not the correct one i just guessed it to make you understand so don't just write f there right good i'm gonna play the audio so that you can go through it good luck you'll hear the librarian of a new town library talking to a group of people who are visiting the library okay everyone so here we are at the entrance to the town library my name is anne and i'm the chief librarian here and you'll usually find me at the desk just by the main entrance here so i'd like to tell you a bit about the way the library is organized and what you'll find where and you should all have a plan in front of you well as you see my desk is just on your right as you go in and opposite this the first room on your left has an excellent collection of reference books and is also a place where people can read or study peacefully just beyond the librarian's desk on the right is a room where we have up-to-date periodicals such as newspapers and magazines and this room also has a photocopier in case you want to copy any of the articles if you carry straight on you'll come into a large room and this is the main library area there is fiction in the shelves on the left and non-fiction materials on your right and on the shelves on the far wall there is an excellent collection of books relating to local history we're hoping to add a section on local tourist attractions too later in the year through the far door in the library just past the fiction shelves is a seminar room and that can be booked for meetings or talks and next order that is the children's library which has a good collection of stories and picture books for the under 11s then there's a large room to the right of the library area that's the multimedia collection where you can borrow dvds and so on and we also have cd roms you can borrow to use on your computer at home it was originally the art collection but that's been moved to another building and that's about it oh there's also the library office on the left of the librarian's desk uh okay now does anyone have any questions yes thank you sir all right so we are back here let's see the answers yeah i hope you're ready with your book and your answers after listening to the audio so the answer for the first one which is 11th is h well pretty far from what we guessed reference book for 12th we have g which is periodic periodicals 13th is d which is local history collection please don't write full answer as the answer just write the option option is correct 14th is b children's book books and 15th is f which is multimedia okay this is 15th so i hope you got all correct answer if you didn't go through the instructions or pointers and do similar examples and see how it helped you okay let's see the pointers or the tips that can help you to go through this question tips in here are very important for a reason most of the people are missing this kind of answer or are missing this kind of question type because they understand english but they might not be understanding the directions itself so let's see first of all never ever miss the origin or the starting point it is very important without that you might not even know where the audio started so this is where we started talking about and we have a whole image here if we don't recognize where the starting point is where we gonna go i don't know we'll miss here we'll jump there or here and it's all messed up i have seen people starting their listening in maps and when they start if they miss this point they get almost five to six incorrect out of seven the reason is they don't know what is coming next okay so let's take an example here if the audio is being played from here you should be knowing what if the audio starts from all right we are at the librarian's desk you should be knowing pay close attention to the initial part that's really important okay now the second one is most common mistake is people don't follow people don't follow the instructions instead they look at the picture what do you mean when looking at the picture is they don't even put a pencil or their finger at the paper or the screen what they do is they just look at it as if they have visual memory they don't so please use a pointer to follow the image let me show you an example so earlier we have seen the the audio but um i will create our own audio to make it clear i'll keep my finger like this so we have the entrance once we enter inside on the right side we have librarians desk but when we go on the left side we have the reference books great proceeding if you go straight we have librarian area but below it on the right side we have something else see how did we follow the whole instruction and we never missed a point but if i'm looking i might miss one thing and in maps if you miss one single point you miss everything so i suggest you please follow the audio using a pointer now a pointer can be a pencil can be a pen i suggest pencil though or could be a finger as well right that like i have to just point as soon as i find the answer i stop write the answer and again the pointer continues so i would suggest instead of just looking at the eyes use a pointer now what if there is there are no blanks let's say for an example here there's no answer here there's no question here so you might think this is not important it is really important the reason for it to be important is to follow the sequence so for a 13th i went to here i went here and then from here i went seminar room and then here now see close to fixing and seminar room there's nothing still if i don't follow i might not find this answer as well as this answer that's the reason i always follow both of them everything so these are the landmarks or the information which is important you should be reading these as well okay as i said and this is same thing came up that is landmarks landmarks are like guiding points for us in images right keep an eye on the landmark and you will find your way so the audio is being played not with keeping just the direction in mind they'll say the close by landmarks or the information points we call them landmarks and images for example we enter on the right side we have librarian desk now you get a reference oh they're talking about this but the opposite of that is something you see reference is important if you go straight to the line we get to library area oh they're talking about this point and we see look at the right of it we get non-fiction if you look at the left of it we get friction but if you go going straight we find the point now look they use one two and three references in order to provide one answer and this is what i mean by following the landmarks okay that's gonna help you to find the answer easily cool next one is um basic vocabulary related to vocabulary i mean sorry basic direction related to vocabulary i i was just focusing on vocabulary and i said it twice sorry for that see most of us don't go through basic vocabulary because as a non-native speaker i just need left right straight and up and down that's it i'm in one finding direction rarely we go through cross and go along so this is the vocabulary what i want you to do is stop here and just copy all of them and see how they're used if you don't want this all you can do is see there's a vocabulary course also created which we have provided you you can look into it and all of them are explained in detail okay see go straight turn left go past that means we go cross all cross go along along with something right around the corner between behind turn back go back same way now what i mean by this i'll give you an example okay so when you go to a sir this something like this on a road in between we have some kind of statue now i want to go here and i'm here in our language we'll go just go straight don't worry about the the building in the mid lane just go around anywhere straight this is not how instructions are being provided they'll say go straight on the roundabout or at the roundabout take the second exit so this is the first exit this is the second exit and this is how the google map uses the instructions but because we never use these instructions in everyday life what happens we don't understand them in the audio as well and we get stuck it's important to understand these kind of words while we are going through this kind of question okay good so lastly we have confusion with directions by what i mean by confusion with directions biggest confusion actually are east west north and south while we are in a hurry we are listening to an audio we might think of east as best or we might not able to point out okay my logic says is use your country's map for an example look at india itself we have north here if north is here automatically on the right it's east on the west on this side is west so if north is here definitely east is here west is here south is it you must be knowing your country as well keep your country's map in your mind and you will never make a mistake investor is right now stand here where are you standing and visualize your country's map so think of your country's map in your mind and where you're staying standing you just find one direction rest is all gonna get easier for you right good so that is how we're gonna do okay in this chapter we're gonna see flow charts this kind of question actually is interesting due to its diagram as well as blanks in it and this is still listening module all right now what happens in flowchart is let me show you an example here there is kind of a flow where information is there in a sequence right so there's a diagram where we have a box where we provide information and with an arrow it shows the direction of the information so i'll say there's a process being described in the form of an image i see i draw drew this image we have an arrow showing the direction of the information i provide a blank here that will you have to that will be filled while listening to the audio this is what flowchart is information in a sequence okay now this generally comes up in section two and three hence it can be little bit difficult or can be easy you know relatively compared to the third one i would still call it in the medium category not as difficult as multiple choice questions not as easy as blanks it's kind of okay all right now let's see an example to get a better idea of what i just described initially or try to describe now look at this see this this is something called diagram or title of the flowchart that is session outline the first step itself calls talks about project topic then we have tutorial structure you see there's a sequence being maintained and this is what we call flowchart i'm going to play the audio and your task is to find the answer number 21 22 23 and 24 alright get ready good luck section 3 you will hear a conversation between a peer tutor and an engineering student who needs help with a project first you have some time to look at questions 21 to 24 now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 24. hi john thanks for seeing me today i'm really struggling with my project i have to come up with a design for a water treatment system and i'm really not sure what i'm expected to do well as peer tutors we've been taught to follow a process in these tutorials okay the first step is to look closely at the task instructions that sounds good i'm also well we've been told to do some research but i don't know where to start it's always hard to start with we've got about 45 minutes today that should give us some time to go over it have you done much research before no this is my first project like this and i'm really stressing out about it i went to a seminar about research at the start of the year but i've forgotten most of it well that's fine because the next step in our tutorial will be to consider some common research strategies that you can use to get started with engineering a lot of the projects you do are practical so you can think about how you can access other people's write-ups of similar projects yes that sounds useful how do i find those well there's always the online databases but you need to know what search terms to use so can you think of any useful terms um cameroon i guess and maybe gray water yes good but those might not give you many hits what about the type of research i've always found it helpful to search for case studies you know there's probably a whole lot of those on systems set up for other villages in developing countries that you could look at i've got a couple here actually they're on different topics but we can look at the structure and develop some useful ways to focus your research is there anything else you'd like to look at today um i can't think of anything right now that all sounds good great then the next step is to come up with an action plan how long have you got to finish the project four weeks i think it's due on the sixth great we are back and i hope you got all of them correct now i'm gonna see the answer and you can check your own answers as well in your book the first one which is number 21st is task instructions second one is strategies third is case studies and fourth is accent plan now check in your book if you got all of them correct if you have made a spelling mistake keep it as incorrect for now if you have not included s also incorrect it has to be exactly the same now if i have included task instructions instead of just instructions it's correct because i have it is provided no more than two words in the instructions so i think it's fine right not a problem if it was provided no more than one word then task instructions this answer will be incorrect you have to just say instructions okay cool after that we have to see the pointers pointers as i said are the trips and tricks that can help you to get the answers correct easily all right the first one is definitely headings headings or something we call title gonna provide you with information about what the flowchart is let's let's see an example here itself so that it gets clear to you see that helps you to understand the flowchart right so we have a flowchart here in which we have instructions like that i mean float like this arrow is going down on the top there must be a title this title gonna help you to understand the flowchart in the example which we did we have something called session outline so when in the audio i'm talking about session outline definitely we have to you know pay attention to it this is how we should understand that what can we expect from that answer let's say for an example steps to create some kind of chemical that means we have to listen for steps only for chemical so the title or the heading is important there are sub headings as well like project topics step one step two or tutorial structure also important because they're gonna help you to keep as you know landmark or pointer where you have to reach and then proceed all right the next one is the sequence it's obviously clear by now if you have been going through it that sequence is most important for you to understand here right in this question it is even more under more important for a reason there are errors right these arrows are indicating from one process to another and if this is not the sequence of what is right let's see an example we have here first step definitely we have to go to the next step and next step is about what tutorial structure that means this is the step one then we go to the next step what is it about about the research hence sequence is always maintained in audios and even in the flowchart they're not going to be talking about that first i mean this first and then go back to step one and then come to step three it's not possible what they're gonna do is talk about this first and then next one and then you know the same way the order will be maintained okay cool you have to do one more thing you have to follow the speaker even if there are no blanks in the sequence what i mean by no blanks again the example if you look at the first statement then there's no question here right project topic design a water treatment system they're gonna talk about it there are no blanks you should hear you should pay attention to it the reason is you shouldn't be you shouldn't be doing this i mean you should be doing it because i don't want you to miss the track or lose the track of the audio let's say you found the answer for the 21st one and you found the answer for 22nd one now your i understand you want to get the answer of 23rd one but there's information between the 22nd and 23rd you should also read this information to understand oh this information is over hence i can go to the next one after that what if you don't read this you'll be confused so even if there are no questions in any statement it's important that you read them you follow the sequence okay just for your benefits so that you don't lose track in the this kind of question that is flowchart cool the next one is predicting the answer this has been similar to many of the other questions we have where the question is blank based like summary completion sentence completion flowchart completion is this one so we have to predict based on the blank now if you look at the 21st one go over something it could be a wall it could be some kind of shape some kind of thing you have to go over something think about research what research something research topic research opinion whatever it is right same way you can dev you can think of the last one develop and something oh see another hint they have provided us is this n so definitely it's going to start with either sounding as a vowel or with a vowel okay so this is predicting the answer and see as i said n it must have must be starting with a vowel or sounding as a wall that's why it's called accent plan see second one go over something that is instructions so all the answer making sense according to the one or two words before the blank you see research strategies an action plan so there you go predicting an answer will help you before you even listen to the audio in the 30 second time you're provided before the question being played so they're going to say you have 30 seconds to read the question 21 to 24 then you can read the questions underline the important things that are two to three words before the blanks and predict the answer okay good the last one is similar pointers what is the meaning of similar pointers we have described pointers from earlier question you know under earlier types of question for example sentence completion or let's say mcqs where we have talked about a number of words we have talked about many things like quick reading or let's say speed reading all these pointers will be applicable to this kind of question as well i just didn't want to repeat those like 10 times so i already repeated them most of the time but here you should go back and watch the video if you have watched the video and you want a device wonderful that will help you to understand the previous question as well as this question yes so please go back watch video number 9 10 11 you will get all the pointers clear and you will be able to solve this question even quicker okay great then now as i said following mainly about sentence completion will finish most of the pointers you know because it has all the word count information about how to find blanks because these are blanks more or less right if we look at flowchart we have sentences in boxes but they are blanks they are sentence completion with sequence isn't it so that way you can take pointers from sentence completion and find this answer find the answer for this kind of question all right great and that will be the end of the chapter matching is a little bit tricky because of its types and we are still at listening module we are solving the question types in listening module right now what is this matching it sounds really um weird and we can get we can get lost in the world itself but let me show an example to get it clear matching actually is we have a question and we have plenty of options to match with i think you must have said it in your childhood when we have one question and it has some parts in it and then we have some options and you have to mess the information with it now in ielts it's not necessary to have same number of options to match with you can have multiple options or you can have more options and less questions we'll see those these types yeah good now there are two main types and these types have completely different pointers or uh tips and tricks so pay attention we'll be seeing each type with an example and how to solve these types now here we have two kinds of two types of questions for this same matching the first one is where options will repeat and second where options won't repeat or will not repeat yes let me show you what it means by them and we'll see examples at the same time and then we'll provide pointers for that type 1 where options will repeat an option will not repeat both of them i'm showing you here look at this one this question where we have mentioned section three you see 21 22 23 24 and 25 five questions and here we have three options you see that definitely they will repeat if they have mentioned you may choose any letter more than once but however here we have four questions and we have five options here we have three options hence we have to repeat it here however options might not repeat definitely won't not repeat in fact there will be less options you know to choose there are more options to choose from and hence we have to ignore one of them or two of them depending on the question so these are the two types now let's start with the pointers along with the example type one where we have to repeat the option you see that you have to choose you may choose any letter more than once okay now i'm gonna let you listen to the audio and try to find the answer your way and then we'll try to solve it using our tips or the pointers okay then play the audio you will hear a studies student talking to his tutor about optional courses for the next semester come in oh hello jack have a seat right you said you wanted to see me to talk about your options next semester that's right we have to decide by the end of next week really i'd like to do all five options but we have to choose two don't we yes but the choice depends on your major to some extent you're majoring in communication studies aren't you that's right so for example the media studies option will cover quite a lot of the same area you did in the core module on mass communications this semester the development of the media through the last two centuries in relation to political and social issues well that was interesting but i've decided i'd rather do something completely new there's a women's studies option isn't there yes women and power again it has a historical focus it aims to contextualize women's studies by looking at the legal and social situation in the 19th and early 20th centuries so it would be useful if i intended to specialize in women's studies but i'm not sure i do actually well it might still be useful to give you an idea of the issues involved it's taught by dr steed oh really i'll sign up for that then what about the option on culture and society that addresses the historical debate on the place of culture since the industrial revolution in britain so a historical focus again do i get the message you're not so keen on history well it's just that we seem to have done quite a lot this semester anyway i'll think about that one if you're interested in a course focusing on current issues there's the option on identity and popular culture that approaches the subject through things like contemporary film adverts soap operas and so on hmm that sounds interesting can you tell me who runs it well it's normally dr stevens but he's on sabbatical next semester so i'm not sure who will be running it it should be decided by next week though right well i might wait until then to decide and the last option is introduction to cultural theory isn't it i'm quite interested in that too i was talking to one of the second year students and she said it was really useful it made a lot of things fall into place yes but in fact in your major you'll have covered a lot of that already in communications 102 so that might be less useful than some of the others oh i'll forget about that one then now while you're here we could also discuss how you're getting on with your core module assignment good we are back i hope you could find the tricky one because see the options are themselves um easy to understand but can get um confusing at the same time so the answer for the first one is c that is 21st 22nd is a 23rd is b 24th is b as well and 25th is c if you're thinking that this is the only one time question you know one time that you're having this kind of question where he'll definitely do it he may or may not do it and he won't do it will becoming an option then you're wrong very commonly this kind of question do come you know where we have this um probability and possibility is an option okay now always and always underline the probability possibility and certainty what is the meaning of these three words the meaning is it might happen it will happen it will not happen yeah these are the three things let me show you again he'll definitely do it he may or may not do it or he won't do it now what does it mean by that so when they're playing the audio there they're gonna talk about something about this guy jack and media studies he gonna talk they're gonna as we have heard in the audio he might not do media studies for some reason they'll explain the reasons reason second one woman and power then he might do it or he might not do it right so the same way it will continue and you have to find the answer for each another tip for this is please understand the sequence what do you think the sequence will be followed in the options no sequence will be followed in the question from 21 to 25 so basically what can happen is they will talk about media studies first then women in power and then culture in society finally identity in popular culture and finally the last one that is 25th so listen to the sequence once you hear this media studies as soon as talks about media studies are over please proceed to the next one once these talks are over proceed to the next one this is how they follow the sequence okay next type is listen to the both speakers if they have them like sometime in section three now if you look at it this is um definitely section three in section three you are supposed to have two speakers right this is a conversation so there will be two people speaking sometime i provide let's say jack will provide an answer um he'll definitely do it but the other person may ask him question and it will lead to he might not do something like one in power you get my point what i'm saying here that two speakers one speaker might provide an answer as a but other person's interference could create the answer as b or c so please listen to both speakers if they are present because in section three they are present okay good now look at let's look at type 2 in type 2 we have where options never repeat we have four questions five options so i'm going to play the audio go for it you will hear a man talking to an official at a tourist information office can i help you yes i was wanting somewhere to stay for a few days a four or five star hotel can you tell me something about the possibilities okay right well there are five hotels that might interest you were you wanting a city center location or would you be interested in something a bit further out well i do have a car so i could go for either well there are two central hotels in the range you're looking for there's carlton house and the imperial they're both near the main square but if you've got your own transport you might be interested in the royal oak that's out in the country about 10 kilometers away very peaceful um then there's the bridge hotel and the majestic uh they're both in town but not in the center they're out on the airport road hmm that might be a bit far out actually okay now the other two you mentioned in the city center can you tell me a bit about them well they're both excellent hotels if you want something with a bit of character carlton house is quite unusual it's a very old building that was originally a large private house it was bought by the vani's chain and they completely refurbished it they took their first guests just a few months ago but it's already got an excellent reputation that's a five-star hotel or there's the imperial which is a much more modern building that also has its own gym and it also has internet connection and meeting rooms it's used for conferences and corporate events as well as private guests that's five star as well does it have a swimming pool as well as a gym no the royal oak has an outdoor pool which is lovely in the summer but the only hotel with an indoor pool is the bridge hotel it doesn't have a gym though the majestic is planning to build a swimming pool in a fitness center but it's not finished yet i see well i think i'll probably go for one of the city center hotels cool we are back let me see if you got the right answer and you can check yourself right the first one is e second one is b third one is c and fourth one is a i hope you got all them correct if not let's see the pointers the first one is please don't forget to read the question i know this is very simple and obvious but look at the question where it is you will see all of this text i don't know where the question is question is here hidden which hotel matches each description oh like this is the question really we thought the questions are here yes those are questions but this is like very important information for you to understand the question right good so read this part find this part where is the question mark so that you can mess them okay second thing is write the option as an answer sometimes what people do is they write let's say the first one answer is b they'll write this one fully instead of b the carlton house it's incorrect if you write the carlton house you have to write b as the correct one that is b here c so write the option uh not the whole word rather the letter okay good next one is please understand the sequence like we did in type 1 sequence will be maintained here not here so they'll be talking about is in rural area or only open recently offers facility for business functions sequence will be maintained here not here you have to focus on that part so first they talk about this and they provide the answer for that in the audio then they talk about this and answer for this one okay cool now in the case of doubt i would suggest you to keep you keep two answers why am i asking you to keep two answers is see when you let's say for the first one you found a and b both as answers potential answers know the answers and in the second one you're pretty sure that b is the answer then you can definitely eliminate b now and definitely the answer is a so in the case of doubt please you can put two answers as a correct answer more likely the situation will be that you will get the correct answer when you proceed okay good uh finally i would say we have understood uh all the question types in listening firstly reading comes second in the list so first comes listening then reading and then writing and then the break that means after some day or another that means some different day we have speaking so reading comes always second and hence pressure has always increased because by the time you finish listening you are already a little bit tired so watch out for that part first of all okay secondly let's see what happens in reading there are total 40 questions in reading okay and they are divided in three sections they are divided in three sections for a reason because they have to set in paragraphs right and these paragraphs together form passages there are three passages in case of uh academic and five passages in case of general training now you're thinking what are these things these are two different flavors of ielts as i said earlier if you have not seen introductory video you won't be able to understand what is this these are two types if you're going for studies take academic exam if you're going for work please take or immigration take general training right so when you go for academic and general training reading and writing has some i mean reading and writing has subdued some differences today we're going to talk about differences in reading itself because we are discussing reading so we'll see what are the differences for academic and general training and then we proceed with normal reading question types and all okay first of all the number of passages that are provided in reading are different in academic and general training in general training there will be five passages that will be provided from which you will be answering questions in academic these are three passages secondly these passages come from what context work related context advertisements and television so context is the difference so it's everyday context you can write everyday context here it's always academic context that means your study related context so all the passages are being taken from textbooks or journals or probably some research paper so remember these are the two major differences apart from that there's a common difference for scoring when i'm discussing scoring i'll discuss about it but remember in general training is a little bit stricter that means if you get less marks you get lower bands if you get a little bit okay marks here it's fine so if i get 30 out of 40 out of the 40 questions i'll get anything between six point five and to seven men's but here seven to seven point five ends there's a set number for that i'm just guessing the number but it is always lower in general training academic is higher because the size of the passage is huge it's a little bit difficult here the five passages but smaller passages okay now let's get back to the structure to understand how it works and how much time it takes for both kind these were the only differences rest is all same so all of you can watch the video together all right so as i said earlier 40 questions and you get 60 minutes to solve all the answers okay you will be given a question paper as well as an answer sheet when i'm providing you examples of the question i'll also show you how answer sheet looks like it's a blank sheet with numbers where you have to fill for the answers the generally answers are in one word two words or three word maximum maximum forwards or abc depending on mcqs so answers are being filled in that answer sheet question paper you just have to read and figure it out now what happens is you will be given passages okay so you'll be given passages on one paper let's say this is your booklet my hundred my drawing is awesome as well like my handwriting so we have this passages here and in that we have these this is one better off better of two and here are some questions so one is a blank so let's say this is the blank two is also a blank we have blanks here and then the section changes so these are the things you have to do you have to find out where this answer lies in the passage right this is the simple thing that you have to do but of course there are plenty of question types plenty of difficulties distractions little bit difficult language and biggest trouble time why is time such a biggest trouble and how to solve it will to we'll see in a while okay unless in listening if you have seen listening video you must be knowing that difficulty level increase with increase in sections and there are three sections in reading but in reading difficulty level is not set based on section so difficulty level is random okay remember that in here difficulty level is random it can change with any passage however in some parts last section is little bit longer in like for example general training apart from that difficulty level is really random no set thing okay great now let me tell you what are the criteria of checking the paper criteria are simple first thing they see is have you written the answer correctly okay how do this check correctly first of all there must be answer second thing it is grammatically correct second thing is the word count is correct if you have word kind of question that means you write in two words or three words they must have mentioned not more than one word or two word or three word okay so watch out for that thing so word count is correct and also spelling is correct right and if these three three things are fulfilling you will get one mark for one correct answer right and out of 40 you get some score so if you get 40 out of 40 you get full nine bands if you get less than that so bands get reduced and band reduce it to one is the lowest nine is the highest okay zero zero you get only when you have not attained the exam generally you don't get zero as a as the score one you get and at the lowest nine you get the highest and the score band i'll show you later for now remember if you get 40 out of 40 you get nine bands okay now let's coming to the biggest problem what happens is you will be seeing passages right and you will be having questions so basically we have 40 questions and 60 minutes when we look into this we have not more than one minute and a half actually and to be very precise it's actually one minute because you have to later copy the answers to the answer sheet first you write in your rough audio question sheet the answers and then later you copy them into the answer sheet so this reduces to 60 seconds to find a question which is not much because you have to read huge passages that is not a easy task that's why time is always an issue think about it if i give you instead of 60 minutes i give you 120 minutes don't you think it will be easier for you to find the answers easily because you have a lot of time you can read the passage again and again so what is this time issue and why do we have it for that let me just give you an example okay i mean i'm gonna i'm gonna show the another screen one example try to solve it as quick as possible and see how long does it take you to finish it okay i'm gonna take it to the end of the screen let's see it great all right so if you have not done the example please go back again do it because i want you to get the test of it how long does it take and what mistakes you might be making now you must you might be thinking the biggest time waster is my passage that means i'm looking my other question into the message and trying to find the answer actually no the biggest investor was that you didn't remember the question most of us don't even read the question what we do is we just look at the question okay so we'll discuss later general strategy first of all let's solve this time issue in most of the types of the question if you look at the question and we go back to the passage it's like you look at the ticket but you know look at look at the ticket number so how would you know your seat number i mean you don't look at seat number you just generally look at the ticket i have a ticket and you put it back in your pocket same way when you look at a question you have no idea what the question really is so there's a simple method we call it remembering the question you must be thinking why do i have to remember the question this is not a remember test i mean memory test in a way yes it is for us how to solve the question this is the trick if you look at the question there must be a verb available please remember this verb is like a connecting thing that for part one that is the subject part two that is the object or the information if you can remember the question or the blank it's easy for you to go to the passage and remember and write and find the whole thing without even looking at the question what you must be doing is look into the question one time and go to the passage and read try to find it and if you might have found it you're not sure yet you come back to the question you try to solve it oh i wasted a lot of time and again you read the question properly this time in the second third time you get the answer instead of that what would we do is we read the question and remember it in a way that we don't have to come back to the question okay let me show you an example how we're gonna do and let's see a blank itself in on the board itself i'm not going to take you another screen so if there's a statement called most cars in the world use the best metal so if this is the blank let's say something is a blank out of these words what are you gonna do you have to remember the verb that's it the rest of the things will be easier for you why if you remember the word use you know something uses something so that something and something can be filled why you know most cars use best metal simple if you try to remember every word in each and every word you don't know where to connect to what here this is like a glue this clues the first part of the second part if you remember this word you know what it is connecting with and this way you remember the whole blank or the statement you go to the passage and try to find you remember everything now within seven seconds five to seven seconds and you don't need to waste time by coming back to the question you're sure that this is what the blank is and this way trust me you save almost 30 to 40 seconds and if you save every time 30 to 40 seconds in your blanks the compared to the way you're doing earlier well you have almost almost finished your paper by 25 to 30 minutes i have seen people doing that so i'm telling you i'm not click creating things out of my inner mouth so are not my out of my pockets but people have done that using this method we're going to start with question types of reading module and the first one is matching the headings this question type actually has given nightmares to students the reason for that is well you will see by yourself right so the matching heading question type is most common one among with true or false not given in this question type what you get to see is a passage like all reading question types we have discussed in the uh video before this so you can watch the video if you have no idea what happens in ielts reading you gotta read a passage and from that passage which is full of paragraphs of course you have to understand information you have to concise it and you have to provide a title or heading for each paragraph so let me just visually show you try to show you visually so we have here a single paragraph one more three and four like this these are the different pages and we have some headings now what is the heading for this one we don't know they might they have a given a b c and d and we have some headings right your task is to match these headings with the paragraphs here like for example this heading is matching this one so i will call maybe this one as b this one as c i think you got my point right so the question will be let's say number 12 13 14 and 15 which will be paragraph a paragraph b which is this one which is next one so this is how the question of heading uh works if i show you an example it will be much better right so which is the next one now in this example i couldn't fit too many uh paragraphs in one go because you know you have to read from the screen itself so don't underestimate this that this will be the same one in the exam or similar one in exam you will get such paragraphs which i'm showing here this is a single paragraph here okay in exam you might get almost five to six like these and you have to and it'll be here a or b and you'll be asked question which is matching your task is to match paragraph a which is the whole one with any of these so answer is just one of them i hope you understand what i mean by that yeah let me clear it up first for you okay so your task you understand now right that you have to match the heading from the right side to the passage on the left side okay i'll give you not more than one and a half minute right i'll continue the video without saying anything and you can solve it good luck okay i'm back and let's see if you got it or not yeah the answer for this one is the last one that is number three a proposal to take control away from the driver you might have given the right answer or incorrect answer it's all right remember after you understand the pointers and you do it again you can recognize your mistakes as well as understand oh why didn't i go for this one it's obvious right so the pointers are the tips are number one always solve this type first you know this kind of questions usually always solve first you must be thinking why remember when we have huge paragraphs even passages even in general training or academic you have other questions attached to it so let's say this is paragraph one two three four and we have question one two three four five based on um headings and then we have question one two three four five or six for blanks and then we have some more you know there will be 13 questions in each section 13 to 14 in reading in academic and in general training in last section they will have same 13 14. if i'm reading all the paragraphs you got to get all the information what is happening inside right in other question types we don't read everything but in this question type you have to read everything like all the details now if you have read all the paragraphs or the whole passage you've read you can definitely guess where the answer lies in blanks and other question types this is like a boon for you you don't have to read again i hope you're understanding what i'm saying so if you're getting this kind of paragraph question a heading question don't be scared in fact this is nice i mean they are nice to you if they include other question types okay second one this is the only question part or question type where we read the paragraph first now what is the meaning of reading the paragraph first i have let's say four paragraphs to read from in the whole passage and this is and we have some questions like blanks now if you look at blanks i am definitely not going to read the paragraphs first because they don't make any sense i'm wasting my time so what i will do is i'll read the blank first and try to find specific information from the paragraph or the any other one or two appropriately you'll find the answer but in this type think about it if i read the options or the headings i have to match how many paragraphs four i match this one it doesn't work i'm a second one it doesn't work maybe it does that you know i go on like a counter then i go to the next one next heading and try to mess with everyone this is gonna you know waste a lot of time of yours if you read one single paragraph how many headings do you have to read these are like few words heading one two three oh this one connects next one so always read the paragraph first only in this kind of question please never read the paragraph i am not encouraging you to read the whole story i'm encouraging you to read only certain uh in um in you know other questions just a question first and then better off but in this one please remember paragraph first i can't emphasize more paragraph first see this is what i mean this is an exception it doesn't happen every day in i mean in every question we have almost seven to eight kind of question types i mean total question types we never do this we never read the paragraph first in fact we always make sure that we never read a paragraph but here we make sure we do that you understand what my point is right i hope so if not please comment or ask in my email id yeah moreover we have to understand the theme of the paragraph what i mean by theme of the paragraph is you'll understand in a while and i'm giving an example let's say i'm trying to write a paragraph above me or myself right and i say the sentence i wake up at 6 in the morning and go for the gym at 6 30 right now if i ask you what is this paragraph about go ahead you can start your guesses most of you will guess about my daily schedule because i started this way so you'll talk about my daily routine maybe or you'll talk about my schedule so the paragraph is about this see what can happen is in the next sentence i can add something in a way that you can't even guess that right what i mean is i'm gonna just talk about jim and notice that i wake up at six in the morning and go for the gym at 6 30. i reach the gym at seven and we have a small chit chat till 7 30 with my friend after this what i do is generally have some branch pass bench process and then i have some push-ups after that i'm following to this and i keep continuing i keep going on and keep talking about gym you know what what exercises i do and all those stuff so is it about my routine or schedule of course not it's about the gym it's about how much i love exercises right and how much i love doing it so you might be thinking oh this sentence gave me all the information no in paragraphs what gives you the information is the glue or the connecting information you know like for example the first sentence talked about this there was something called jim but you thought of all other things then i and can i send the next paragraph a sentence to you then what do you think is okay he wasn't talking about routine he was talking about his name and next to that again jim this is called the glue or connecting information this provides you more um you know detailed description of the paragraph rather than just single sentence yes this is called theme of the paragraph right now last one headings headings are really important what is the meaning of what are the meaning of headings see these what we do is we try to justify each one of the heading with the paragraph we never do single word justification so let me show you what we have done earlier how different let's see just heading i mean we have written the solution here how different countries have dealt with traffic condition we can't just look at countries or death or traffic congestion we try to look at how different countries different countries have dealt with traffic congestion you john we just can't look at traffic congestion second one the impact of driver behavior on traffic speed so not just driver behavior but where on traffic speed you understanding my point when you're searching for this information you cannot just look at one or two words you have to read you have to understand the other words which can create a difference in your answer last one a proposal to the con to take control away from the driver now there are three things here in this kind of question the first one is the proposal itself for what to take control away from the driver so a proposal that takes control away from the driver three different things you can't just look into uh control away from driver it has to be a proposal right the last i would say which i have not mentioned here but i would like to these words will not might not be exactly there that there's a control away they have mentioned the word control away in the passage itself you see coincidentally the proposal is mentioned here right but they have never mentioned control away they have never mentioned uh anything apart from that right what i mean is they might change the wordings they might paraphrase it they might create their own language your task is to understand the language and then proceed you have to read the whole thing what they're testing here is how to concise information concise means shorten the information the problem with this kind of a thing is what we generally do is we try to listen or try to read and try to get our own uh perspective of it rather than putting their point in first i hope i i think i'm making sense in this when you read it try to explain it to yourself what did you read if you didn't you might have two kinds of problems first one could be you have language issue that means you can't understand language second could be that you are really quick to judge things you read something and you think of okay i know the answer this used to happen to me you know when i was in 10th or 11th grade i used to just read little bit and then guess the answer it really hindered me a lot in my school it was a trouble for me don't do that please in 10th or 11th we had a lot of tests and i understood in the test small test unit test but here it's a lot on stake okay so i suggest you not to do it initially in practice of course you can make these mistakes right but in real tests we cannot expect this because you have paid a lot second thing there are a lot of hopes third there's a lot of pressure so this is where the practice comes in there are many um sources where you can get this one we have described in in the documents themselves so there you can see if you practice your way plus connect my the methods we have provided here pointers and stuff together they will create a unique method for yourself and you can solve them all right and that's the end of the chapter true false and not given and yes no and not given they're similar but not the same but we're gonna talk both in the one go and we can solve them together now let me tell you what happens in true false not given what you're supposed to get is you'll be getting a statement right and you have to match this statement or confirm it according to the passage right so i write here something and i have a passage which has a lot of paragraphs in him i check if this sentence is matching with any of this passages or any information we have right so let me just tell you one more thing most people have misconceptions that if i write true false not given or if i write yes no not given it's one in the same no it's not one in the same this is one of the biggest mistake people make if the question says that clearly it's true false and not given you're supposed to write this one if the question says yes no and not given you're supposed to write this one don't worry if you don't understand the question don't worry about it we'll still explain more but when i say in the question itself in the instructions they'll mention if it is this type or that type now what's the difference more difference detail difference so that you don't forget it when the paragraph or the passage is about a fact they always use this one when the passage is about an opinion they talk about yes no not given let's uh understand it uh using a sentence sun rises in the east if i ask you will i say is it yes no or will i say is it true of course i'll say is it true because it's a fact and if i ask you are you hungry or let's say um what do you think about it you say this way that way this is your opinion i'll say yes or no you get my point for facts and figures we say true or false for opinions we say yes or no that's the only difference we have in this kind of question so the paragraphs will change rather than anything else these paragraphs will be fact based paragraphs and the paragraphs for yes no not given will be opinion based paragraph so one writer may be guessing this might have happened or that might have happened in that case you will have a yes no not given you cannot interchange the answers in the answer sheet instead of true false you cannot write yes no not given i have seen plenty of people doing it and they do get reduction for this and say why didn't i get in reading seven or seven point five or eight even the reason is you made mistake in seven questions which are true or false not given and guess what done it's gone yeah so and one more thing similar uh mistakes people make is never right in short they write like this t f n g come on you have them you have enough time to write the answers in the answer sheet you gotta write full it takes like microseconds almost like one second to write true it doesn't take long see instead of this same thing goes for yes no not q and i suggest you write full rather than this so this is wrong this is right this is right and this is wrong okay please rightful never write in short now this is how the instructions look like do the following statements agree with the information given you see this word agree with the information given in reading passage one two whatever the number is it depends on the exam but this is how it goes in boxes one two three on your answer sheet write this these are a number of questions 1 2 3 11 to 15 whatever it is you'll provide you true if the statement agrees with the information okay false if the statement contradicts with the information not given if there's no information on this now i think you can understand even better now if you find the sentence well and good now we have two conditions i think you know what um flowchart is so first look for information if you found the information we have two conditions right if found yes and no so no and yes let's say i found the information again we have two conditions here again that does the statement agree with the information yes then it is true if the statement doesn't agree with uh doesn't agree or contradict it's false and here on the other side did you find the information no i didn't so it's not given it sounds so simple right it's not there are a lot of confusions that you will see what these confusions are so with an example these confusions will be cleared what gonna happen now look we have three questions like i showed i showed you this this kind of question i mean the instructions are these are the questions okay and now what your task is just read the first question which is here and then match it with the the information given on the other side left side right so questions are on the right side information on the left side your task is to match and give provide answer is true false and not given from day one keep practicing writing is true false and not given okay so your task is to write answers for one two and three and you will not get more than i would say four minutes or five minutes because i understand these question types can take longer but still you shouldn't take more than four to five minutes okay so i'll stop the video and you can continue solving it looking at the screen i hope you finished it on time time is an issue as always in um you know reading type question i mean reading module itself so let's see the answers now the answer for the first one mary curie's husband was a joint winner of both merry curious nobel prize false yeah false merry curie became interested in science when she was a child not given like this and mercury was able to attend this uh sir born because of her sis sister's financial contribution true see i told you earlier in introduction that if question type is about a fact they will definitely use true false not given you see that mary curie was a real person she did something real that's why it's a fact you cannot base it on opinions that's why it has true false not given rather than yes no not given okay the next one is pointers yes now we have to see how to solve these questions if you get them correct well and good maybe you're lucky maybe you're right maybe you know how to solve this question maybe others don't or you need to see more examples pointers will be for all kind of question of this type let's see the worst case scenario okay worst case scenario is you are left with three minutes and you're left with seven questions of true false not given i'm writing in short never right in short okay just to make you understand what would you do would you want to be left with true false not given seven question or true seven true fill in the blanks if i was in the situation i will definitely want to be left with true false not given in the last three minutes what i mean by this is we don't have much time and we are left with which question type depends on us never do these kind of questions first the reason for that is let's say i have no time what would i do i can guess we have true false not given or yes no not given i can choose any of the three and chances of getting correct is 33 percent are 33 percent for all of them the chance is 33 percent you can see that however in the case of blanks or any other question type chances are like not possible at all how would you guess a blank so this is the blank how would you guess it without knowing about it so you're getting my point let's say i'm left with seven what would i do is i will just write all of them true what will i get is probably two correct if i'm lucky three out of six or seven here chance is almost zero like no chance you will get any blank correct by just by guessing any word randomly here random guesses will get you two to three correct answers true you got my point what i mean by guessing now we gonna you know make it better better than guessing so let's say i'm left with three minutes and we have seven questions i'll try to solve two questions and in the first one we'll try to solve two questions we have three minutes left and we have seven total questions understand the situation yeah this is like a movie and i tried solving first one and second one and i am pretty sure that this is true and this one is false now what's left not given right so for the third fourth fifth and sixth i'll write all of them not given because chances are that at least two of them or one of them will be not given right so you get my point what i mean by that that this is better than guessing this is like getting to the next level of guessing that means you got two correct definitely one or two cards again so chances are out of six you'll get four correct this remember is the worst case scenario we are not saying that you should do it in the exam right don't get lazy yeah be crazy so let's see another method i hope you understand the earlier one that was that was tricky right this is also tricky this gonna help you to get things quicker or fast the web method i feel is to understand the verb method you gotta understand the reason for wasting time very important information please pay attention here this is gonna be helpful in any question type you have in reading to remember the question itself or any sentence not just in ielts or anything in any language if you want to remember a sentence the bob method gonna be applicable for now we're gonna talk about ielts perspective now this is one of the few sentences we have seen earlier mary became interested in science when she was a child mary was able to attend the sub on because of her sister's final contribution right your task in this method is sorry my bad your task in this method is find out where the verb is became right here or you can connect it became interested able to done these are the verbs we connected them we understood then these are the verbs what your next task should be after number task number one find the verb task number two if you don't know what verbs are i mean you should watch the grammar series which we have provided in the same uh place and that will help you for sure in the parts of speech video everything is being explained in detail what verbs are and how what are the types of it so please go through that now mary was able to attend the server now second task in understanding this method is after you understand the verb create questions for yourself who became interested in what and when so who [Music] became we should remember this interested as well because i said together they are together in what and when now when you say this way i don't need to remember everything in a sentence i remember by giving the answer mary became interested in science when she was a child why am i asking you to remember so third one is to remember so definitely after this you will be it will be easier for you to remember let's take another example and i'll explain why why am i asking you to do all this someone was able to attend somewhere because of someone or something someone was able to attend somewhere because of something now you can fill in the blanks and there's someone in some warts and you don't have to remember this more than like i don't know one minute maximum now let's explain why this was bulb method works and why do we need it you have paragraphs right on different page and you have questions or statements on other page the biggest time waster in this kind of questions in reading is turning pages turning pages takes a lot of time so i go from question i read the question i don't even understand i just read it here first i'll go back to passage and try to find the information directly when i found some information relevant information right so what will i do i'll say oh maybe i didn't understand the question itself i'll go back to the question you go back to the question and you try to find the information that you were missing you understand the question now come back again this cycle or the sit circle goes on for at least thrice the reason it goes on for thrice is you didn't understand the question or you didn't remember the question this is very similar what happens when you go to catch a train early so let's say i am planning to go somewhere and i reach the train station half an hour early i'll keep checking you know in my in my pocket if i have my ticket and what's the name of the i mean number of the my seat let's say b2 and some number 23 i'll keep checking it for like every 15 minute minutes and when i enter the train i still will confirm why am i doing this don't i have a brain to remember it because i didn't focus same thing here you do have brain but for you question is not important important is answer but you forgot without question how would you provide answer like you keep forgetting the ticket you keep forgetting the statement itself and that is the reason you can't find the answer quickly with the verb method you can easily remember the whole statement at least for one minute if you think about it who became interested in what and when now you can answer it by yourself see without even looking you can close your eyes and answer the question this is how you should remember the statement just for one minute while you're solving the question and then move ahead change your y and walls and easily you can find information in the passage without even going even once you know back to the the question types you understand how verb method can create an impact in your question types or you know in your reading test this is my favorite method in reading which saves a lot of time now um true or yes what's the difference i think you know there was a difference now fact based and opinion based yes you're right let's see difference between true and yes and how to find the answer we have here true right mentioned here mary curie's husband was a joint winner of both mary's nobel prize i think we have seen this it wasn't true this one was true we have seen that as well so let's see the questions first and we know this one was true sorry and what we're going to do is we'll try to find the answer now so mary was able to attend the saw bond because of her sister's financial contribution i suggest you get all the information in the question by remembering it someone was able to attend somewhere because of someone again same thing mary was able to attend the saw bond because of her sister's financial contribution please try to match the information exactly it is provided but expect paraphrasing right able to is equal to can i mean good here was able to that's why i could pass off can somewhere they're mentioned and the reason war was her sister's financial contribution now if you read the last paragraph i think it's apparently clear in 1981 this promise was fulfilled and mary went to paris and began to study at sabon salvon is here you should get you know ding ding ding okay found it she often worked far into the night and lived on little more than bread and butter and sea and tea she came first in the examination in physical science in 1993 and in 1894 was placed second in the examination now look you see serb on there right but still you didn't find the information about her sister's financial information right what to do now in the first sentence itself what did we see in 1981 this promise you see that what's happening here this that and all these words are referring somewhere something earlier that means answer is connected to something else that is previous one you understanding my point sometimes you don't find answer in the single sentence or two sentences you have to understand logically that oh we have this and that and which that means answer might be little bit previously in our previous paragraph now we're going to read the previous paragraph from childhood mary was remarkable for her prodigies memory and at the age of 16 won a gold medal on com on completion of a secondary education because her father lost his savings hmm savings we got a connection with financial contribution keep going through bad investment she then had to take work as a teacher not in information for us because then we have to talk about teacher from her earnings she was able to finance her sister's bronies medical science studies in paris on understanding that bronia would in turn later help her to get an education right you see that she gonna later help her and this promise was fulfilled and mary went to paris you see that the connection between here and hence her contribution actually helped got it so this is how you find true it might not be present in a single sentence one sentence might not help not even two but how these sentences are connected to the next one or the previous one is the hint if you're getting hints about mary her attending somewhere or saw born or you know sisters financial contribution all these are hints or let's say a major information these can help you to find the answer in the passage but don't rely on a single sentence or don't rely on single wordings because they are mentioned here these things will definitely help you okay good now what can be changed this is a good question because what we have is just change we have a sentence here right from the passage which we found as information and we have a statement from the question this is a question this is a passage of course i'm going to try to change the answer if i want to make it false or not given so this change is important for us so we have to think what can be changed and look here mary was able to attend the saw bond until here we have one slot of information one you can call it one clause was not able to attend okay second not marry somebody or el different was you know somebody else was able to attend or maybe in other university or other place that means we can change these many things next because of someone else's financial contribution we can say fathers we can say instead of financing contribution emotional support so see how many things can change plenty you have to pay attention on what can change in order to do that you understand what is there first in the question yeah now let's see what can change in this itself mary was able to attend the place itself some persons and what kind of contribution you see six things can change your thing why do we need to understand the change because we have to understand the next thing which is false and not given this no or false versus not given is a nightmare for students they come to me and say that i we tried as hard as we can and still we got incorrect answer in this type the first thing you should understand is if information is changed then it's definitely no or false now what is this information we'll see that if subject is changed then it is not given no we have two things information subject we'll see that what these things are but if it is taking long today find also not given so three things which can help you quickly to find the answer first is information subject and here time taking long right let me explain what i mean by that you see here we have i bet we have mary curie's husband was joined winner of both mary's nobel prize whose subject here marry curie's husband instead of husband if i provide someone else most probably it's not given because i didn't talk about that person information is was a joint winner of both of these things joint winner joint winner of something if i say it was single winner then they are changing the information here it's the subject you get my point clear if i change the subject it's not given if i change the information it's false and if i can't even find that information it is taking long then it's definitely also not given remember these three things and try to solve them and see how the magic happens okay i hope you understood these three things i'm going to repeat again subject change not given information change false if it's taking long or time is a trouble then definitely not given or you can keep it as not given as a guess okay now please expect synonyms and periphery paraphrasing a lot in this kind of question all the things that they are doing is just changing the system in the sentence but they're keeping the meaning if it is true if you look at this right we have here one sentence and in fact we have solved this one last one how many things did it change there they changed able to attend they changed financial contribution they changed um you know the they of course they can't change the name right this is the way you find the information first like we did we tried to look for saw born and we we were in the last paragraph but because of this we could lead somewhere else so the names or the things they can't change are helping you to find the information but other things they're going to change which will be definitely helpful if you think that there can be synonyms there can be paraphrasing don't expect exactly same sentences or exact same words in the paragraph you will be considered really you know a gullible person right if you think this way ielts cannot be this easy in fact any exam cannot be this easy if they provide you direct answers okay so expect this so that you can work on that and that's the end of the chapter hi i'm satindra your eyes trainer and today we're gonna talk about matching features which is very similar to matching headings and it's a part of reading module you are still in reading modules but it has some differences than matching headings i mean the matching features question types now in matching features instead of matching headings we don't get headings to match in fact we get some part of the paragraph or the information being provided as options i know very complex information which i have provided you right now example will help you to go through it so what you do is you match set of statements to a list of options right there are plenty state plenty of statements like this and your options like a b c and these statements you match with the information provided here whichever matches is an answer and the options are the features from the text you got it that's why it's called matching the feature itself so the options are actually group of features that you have to match with the set of statements all right now let me show you an example of it so that you get clear about it so if you see here we have a passage here on the left right this is a passage here we have instructions and here we have questions among these questions we have something called statements these are options the options are called features if you might have noticed we have used these words features questions instructions and passage clear about this right you have to search for where and who mentions i mean uses rockets as war weapons clear right who uses weapons as war weapons now let me make one more thing clear this is an example for you to understand or practice but in exam you will definitely not get two as questions you might get seven six or eight of this these many numbers options will be same seven eight or nine mostly options are more right and they might repeat in the answers they have mentioned here you may use any letter more than once if they don't want you to repeat they won't mention this if they if that their chances they will mention that okay good now let's try to solve this example which we have seen let's try to do it this is the same example i've shown you this is a short question type right i'm not going to give you more than two minutes to solve this so you have just two minutes try to find the answer and i wish you good luck all right and we are back now the point is you have to check if these answers are matching what you have provided you know in your book let's see that answers in the form of solution the first one is a second one which is number eight is d so this is a and this is t now how did you get this answer we'll discuss that later for now if you have written correct answers wonderful if not no worries we're gonna see how we're gonna solve the these kind of questions yeah okay so the pointers as i said are the hints we'll start with hint number one number one always understand that we have to the question first we have to notice the question first you cannot go to the passage and read it and waste a lot of time see we have 40 questions in listening i mean in reading and we have 60 minutes if you are wasting a lot of time you might not get enough time to do the last section or any number of questions like at least seven to eight you'll miss if you keep reading the passages or more it's important here next thing is always as i said read the question first and then comes the passage after you read the question first move on to the passage of course that's the most important thing after that right after understanding the question don't just wither around and read all the questions first one question go to the passage find the answer next question go to the passage and then find the answer it's possible you might find one one answer as a and next time you see that oh probably that's not the correct answer maybe because you found the next one so if you look at it if in case there's a tiny mistake you make you can understand from the second one but you can't just read two of questions at the same time and then find two that's not how it works always read the question first that is the first question or any number you are at and then move to the passage okay now if you look at this what are the questions you can recognize question by this numbering it is never numbered as roman numbers or as abc or as you know the capital ones is always is like in this form normal numbers right if you look at this you always go for this one first after reading the instructions of course if they have allowed if you allow it to you know use more than once then proceed to the whole you know the passage then you can't just jumble in the question itself because there are two you can see them otherwise you can't yeah cool the next one is keyword what is this keyword see after the question comes the passage and after the passage you look for keywords what are these keywords let me show you rockets as war weapons rockets and war weapons should be used or a synonym of war weapon might be used i'm not saying exactly they'll be used as war weapons but rockets and war weapons whenever you see them together you should get a signal my answer probably is here now if you look here the incentive for the more aggressive use of rockets i'm reading from here came not well from within the european continent but from far away india whose leaders had built up a corpse of rocket ears and used rockets successfully against the british in the last 18th century if you see that they have mentioned aggressive use of rockets so this word more aggressive you use of rockets is giving you hint as wall weapons right second thing within the european continent but from far away india see they already mentioned the answers answer here rockets use a wall weapon mentioned here in the first part second one provides your answer that's why a cool second one i'm not going to provide is answer second very founder we'll see later but rocket launcher see using a rocket launcher for the first time now this word rocket launcher uh is a part of two words it's like a phrase what i want you to do is expect that they might be using in separate places they might be providing you this information in various places they might provide rocket first and then launch it again in different place don't just look for rocket launcher don't just get stuck to that expect synonyms expect different usage or expect you know those words separately but in a same tandem in a in an equal tandem okay cool now you might find the answer in not just one single sentence but maybe more than one sentence what it means by your answer might not be a single sentence you have to read for relation from the first sentence to the next sentence that will be the way it is in every sentence you know i mean in every question type in reading you cannot probably find answer by reading one single sentence where you found the keyword generally what people do is they follow half of the instructions they say okay i was given instruction questions first i did it then i searched the keyword i did it now when i go to the passage i try to find answer from a sentence i can't find it maybe i am you know lost no you're not lost you're just looking for exact keywords or you're looking in a single sentence please don't do that keep searching right so you might um singers more than one sentence might be needed as i said now if you look here you were lucky about the first part right next part you might i mean what i mean to say is see this is a phrase americans developed a rocket completed with its own launcher right because in this part we are lucky we are getting rocket and launcher and the ma and americans in a single part but in different phrases otherwise they can talk about america a lot and then next sentence they could say and they were the first one to use it as launches for those things you know of all the rockets they were using so they can do such things and you will be like oh they have not mentioned anything about people or any country that's not how it's supposed to be okay good the last one is important that you eliminate the useless options the obvious options what i mean by that is the obvious option should be eliminated because it's going to help you to reduce the options and hence find the answers easily now if you look here in the whole passage you can definitely find indians the word british arabs hmm i don't see anything as arab so maybe eliminate americans yes so the answer is probably indian british or americans this reduces i mean this reduced the hard work now you don't have to worry about c you have to worry about a b or d right and even british is over in the first part so you if you found india as answer you might not even search for british after that so you're left with initially with indian and british and when that is over arab is not possible hence america is the answer obvious answer for the last one got my point what's happening here we are using little bit of brain plus a little bit of a logic and a trick to find the answers easily good right so this this was the question type which we studied today that is matching the feature it's not matching the heading remember that it sounds similar but it's not and you have many things like you know you have to read the question first then go for the keyword expect the answer in various places you know distributed and please eliminate the option if you can and that's how you're going to find answer for this i hope you practice well after this session and i wish you good luck see you later bye bye table completion table completion was also there in listening module if you remember but today we are looking at reading module okay this is a little bit different than listening of course you have to listen for information there here you have to read information but the structure stays the same that you have a table like you know and you have to fill the blanks in the table so we have this table and we are given some information as the heading of the column and as the heading of the row and information is blank probably or provided so something like this will be there in exam and you have to find answer for these blanks see that this is the structure of the table and this was similar this is similar to the listening one and same goes with reading yes good now an example will help you to you know understand it even better let me show let me open the example and show you here we have question here which is in the form of table and then we have passenger left okay your task is to find the answer for number 10 11 and 12 which i've marked red for your conveniency and uh remember you have to read also the instructions we'll discuss that later just for like a hint right read for information from the article mention the left dung beetles and try to find the answer on the right okay good you will not get more than three minutes because this is a blank and for blank generally we don't get much time so let's begin all right we are back then let's try to find answer for number 10 11 and 12 right you must have written some words and now i'm gonna provide you the answer the answer is early spring two to five you can write in words as well and subtropical okay how did we get the answer wait i mean when i'm explaining the pointers it will be clear but for now if your answers are correct wonderful if not no worries we're going to look into pointers as well now pointers are the hints and the first one is word count now what is this word count see we have we have read this or we have understood it it's important when it is blend type question where we have a blank you have to know how many words you have to provide as answer so to know the word count well read the instructions they are all connected every time the same thing now look here they have mentioned choose no more than three words what does it mean if i choose one word is answer it will go zero word is not given right so i won't choose it as answer uh towards his answer it's correct three words still correct but four no not allowed no more than three clear hence it's important because let's see the answer shows as four and you can you have to eliminate the obvious part of the answer and keep it as three or two okay good second one is understand the table what is the meaning of understand the table you have to understand using titles and headings now if you look here we have a heading of the passage every time we will have some heading which is dung beetle dung beetle is type of a beetle so they're going to talk all about beta if i was not giving you title here you'll be confused what am i talking about right what are these pieces i'm talking about without the title it's difficult for you to understand what it is about and understanding is the key when you're trying to find any answer understanding the passage is the key and you have to start understanding using the heading it takes like two seconds to read the heading and it provides a lot of information cool good second information or third uh let's first say let's say our pointer is rows and columns provide you a lot more information than you think it's a plenty of information now when we have here we have these words or phrases as columns i think you know what columns are the vertical ones always and the rows are the horizontal one so here we have spanish and south american ball roller as your rows and your species preferred climate start of active period and number of generations per year are your columns this will give you information about the cell so when i intersect preferred climate and spanish my answer is provided here and same goes for the number 10 start of active period and spanish so when do these these spanish pieces start their active period it'll be here when do they start in the case of south american bowler here so columns provide you information about what the answer is towards okay read the columns and rows very carefully without columns and rows this is not even table okay so let me just zoom in a little bit and help you with that what i mean by that so look here preferred climate what is it temp rate now this is an example which can be uh which can help you which can be a hint for you for the next answer right same way if they have mentioned for spanish i can find for south of african ball roller as well there must be this must be a temperature or i mean this must be a weather isn't it same goes for the next one now in exam you will get at least six to six or seven questions i reduce this because i wanted you to do in the screen itself so that no material is required okay you understand my point about rows and columns right with this example well if it's if you understand good otherwise you can write a mail or you can write in comments okay now we have to predict now we have seen this earlier as well in rows and columns we get information from rows and column what could be an answer right and also other cells help like other cells what they do is they try to help you by giving a hint towards the answer in this case we have temprate template is providing a hint that 12th one must be a weather or a climate right what kind of climate is required for south african ball roller like we have preferred climate for spanish the species right plus it must be a climate going for second one that is second column start of active period now when i say active period not just the way it provide information in temporary previous case here it must be some kind of time number of generation per year that means it must be a number here you're getting my time here right i mean what my what i'm trying to say here here it must be time here it must be a number so this is called predicting an answer and looking for that particular answer now you won't be focusing on every word you'll be focusing on climate time and number nothing else becomes so easy trust me when you just try to predict an answer search for it yeah okay sequence is always maintained what is the meaning of that the answers appear in the same sequence as the question okay let me show you when i'm what i mean by that so we have here early spring let me explain where did we find the answer it was a little bit tricky one species spanish was being there mentioned with french in the cooler environments of the state of virginia i'm reading from here by the way the large french pieces which is mentioned is matched with smaller temperate climate spanish species so this word comes in picture and they have mentioned tempered that means we are on the right track the former former means this is a way of writing form and the earlier sentence we have information former equal to first and lara equal to second one so this is our former and this is our latter that means first one and second one so the former means french species are slow to recover from the winter cold and produce only one or two generations of offspring from late spring until autumn then mention the time that means we have to look for this information for louder which because we have been asked star of active period for spanish the latter which multiply rapidly in early spring produces produce two to five generations annually if you look here there are two answers given so quickly you can miss them the latter which is spanish which multiply rapidly in early spring active period multiply rapidly clear the synonym there they have changed i mean they have changed some words to distract you when do they multiply when do when do they vector period early spring and that we have answer second one produce two to five generations now you can write like this you can write like two two five answer is still correct because we have three words no more than three words that means three words are allowed right and if we continue we can also find fi answer for the next one you got my point what i mean by that so first answer came here early spring second one here and if you keep looking the next one here see sequence is maintained if you find first information spanish temperate preferred climate is here that means we have found the beginning if on the beginning it's easy to continue now we don't have to look anywhere back from here to here this is used as information for us because we have no answer over there right we are going to save a lot of time by understanding where the answer starts from and where it ends okay and time is money in reading trust me if you have time left so think of an example i give you 120 minutes instead of 60 minutes to find 60 40 answers in reading you all of you will get 40 or 39 at least right so time is money what if you're 16 minutes can we convert it to 120 minutes because we finish our question paper or the whole thing in 35 minutes so a similar technique right you have plenty of time to recheck to solve the answer which you have diodes so so it gets easier for it to score well last but not the least is the grammar and spelling in our case in our example grammar is not that a big deal because we have just one word answer but in case of little bit longer blanks grammar will be taken care but if if see answers are incorrect according to the spelling you won't get score or you're going to get marked for that if instead of early you write spelling like this early this is incorrect you have to write the correct spelling okay incorrect spelling is considered incorrect answer though they understand you found the right answer but with incorrect spelling grammar will help you to find if this is the right answer if you place it in the blank and see if it is making sense good okay you understand that part i think we have discussed it plenty of the time in all the question types so it's easy to understand and that's the end of your chapter this is kind of a question where it looks like an image actually but it's not and by the way we are still in reading module and let's see what happens right what is this flowchart flowchart actually is a series of boxes or steps linked by arrows now how does it look when you draw it or you visualize it so these are the boxes right these are linked by arrows this is how flowchart looks like like you know steps but in the form of graphics but why do we do that the reason for us to do it is to show a sequence of events so let's say there's an event that happened number one number two and number three in order to signify this event we'll try to form one box and write about it next event in next box or if you have two events concurrently happening you can draw two boxes by drawing two separate arrows or forking them this is also possible so all these kinds are called flowcharts all right now let me show you an example so that everything gets clear to you and there are no more doubts and if they are you can ask them so this is kind of a question that you get an exam here we have only taken three questions and we have a tiny passage here on the left in fact the passages are huge in exam as well as the flowcharts at least there are six question but for our practice or to understand the question type we have taken only three don't worry about that okay now i want you to finish this type because it is only three question it contains only three question you have just like two minutes or three minutes maximum let's call it two minutes okay try to find answers as possible as quick as possible all right uh good luck let the time start now great and we are back i hope you find all the answers correctly let's see the solution solution will be here itself for the first one it's glucose second one free radicals and third one preservative preservation not preservatives now thinking how did we get those answers we'll discuss them don't worry if you got all correct great wonderful you understand this question type if you didn't no problem we'll solve it now before you proceed to next part which is pointers let me show you how we discussed flowchart should be and how they are now you see this is a step where we have mentioned here we have first question step two here we have no questions though but this is step three these are two different steps or lesser information set of information but they are concurrent there are no steps involved so that's why they asked together but you see information is provided in form of image or graphics that's what flowchart is actually it's nothing more than a blank but in a form of graphing yeah you got the point right this is what flowchart is now let's start with the pointer number one word count yeah what happens in word count is same as blanks as i said previously this kind of question is blank kind of question and hence you have to understand in the instructions how many words are required in each blank see if you look at here in this question type let me just show you the answer here okay this is exactly what we needed so no more than two words if in case i find an answer but these are the answers right we have two words no more than two words means you cannot go beyond two it could be one or two words all of our answers are correct because of this reason as well because we have two words one word one word another reason to be correct right now what if i instead of write free radicals i write the free radicals incorrect i know your answer it is correct logically speaking the free radicals but according to the rules it's incorrect you got my point i suggest you read the instructions which we have seen previously in this slide you see that they have mentioned here every flowchart starts with instructions in there they'll mention how many words are required in the answer and then they will mention which are the question numbers and then they'll show you the real question or real flowchart with the blanks okay cool let's move ahead so the next one is headings what is the meaning of headings and why do we need to understand what headings are actually headings can also be called titles right they are required to provide information or they do provide information about the flowchart so the heading or the title of the flowchart gives information about the flowchart and with information comes answer let me show you here what do i mean by headings you see here how of caloric restriction mimetic works what do you think this is if you look at it first comes instructions then comes num question numbers and then comes the whole flow chart along with the heading or the title this is the heading or the title using this title you can guess where the answer lies or at least where the answer starts from yes okay good now if you look here how a caloric restriction mimetic works you see here they have mentioned caloric restriction mimetics that means our answer starts from here itself i mean the whole um flow chart starts from there itself the the first sentence itself you cannot risk it that you don't read from here then you go to the next one here which is the first box of the flowchart you got my point and how itself is providing information that they have discussing a process yes cool the next one is prediction all the predictions that you have to provide to guess the answer see how predictions can be amazing if you look at this part let me get rid of the passage first and the instructions and we zoom in here so that you can see clearly okay this is the heading or title we discussed just now this is a flowchart or a box in a flowchart or a step now the second one is where we need to find an answer here it says less blank is produced right what less is produced so produce itself and something less are the words that are helping you to predict here something is produced but less in quantity that means it must be a thing that is produced or an enzyme or something like that right it cannot be a verb that is less proof it cannot be a verb for sure it has to be a noun so this is called prediction same goes here cell less damaged by disease disease because fewer blank are emitted again a noun but something which is less emitted that means there's emission of something less right same way you have to guess the answers or at least predict the answers when you're reading the sentence and going to the passage okay good now look here for the first answer we have glucose as i told you first one is a noun second one also we discussed noun we didn't discuss the third one look here cell focus on blank because food is in short supply also a noun i mean see you might be thinking what is this word actually it is a noun or it could be a form of a noun i mean type of a noun but it is a noun that is preservation now look if you could have guessed it without even you know going to the passage you could have guessed something less is produced right that's how you go to the passage and it gets easier for you to you know whatever word fits in there you can put it there okay nice now next comes sequence very important and helps you a lot again like same as prediction now what is the sequence sequence when you look at the question and look at the passage the sequence of the question always matches or is always maintained as compared to the passage what i mean by maintained is so they have mentioned about cr mimetic here if you look carefully here less is produced something which is produced less in quantity definitely my answer won't be before this it has to be after that so the answer is here glucose limiting food intake caloric restriction minimizes c reduces that means less is produced you see that where answer is glucose you found the answer over here now even though there are no blanks here you see that still this will be definitely provided in the passage after the first one you can see the proof here and decreases the atp generation you see that i we saw first here glucose answer second is over here in the second bracket or the second item then eventually number second because we have to follow the question number not the sequence itself here we have first here second here second one gonna come here and then third here so second one must be provided after that that's my point right second one must be definitely after this it cannot go before that or in any random order that's called sequence is being maintained right so answer was free radical which is provided over here one possible relate one possibility is as i said here theory one relates to the atp making machine arrays machinery's emission of free radicals which are thought to contribute to aging and to such age related disease as cancer by damaging cells see exactly what they have mentioned here cells less damaged by disease because fewer blank are emitted now the last answer must be here as well below that see how did we understand where we can find the answer we found the first one over here definitely our answer is below this so we found answer here that means after four to five sentences when we find the first answer our next block of information must be after the glucose which is here that is after certain words we look at the next one definitely below this so you got all the answers in the sequence and it is always maintained in this kind of question please remember that so once you find one answer let's say for an example why am i saying this is important let's say i found i couldn't find the first answer but i found the second answer i found the second answer over here like this area should i look for the third answer here on the above above this information of course not i'll go for below this information not above this it is logical that if we know the sequence is maintained we won't be going before the information or above the information will be going next to the information to look for the answer that's how sequence is helpful all right good now the next one is called short phrases now this is not a tip actually this is something that you should be cautious about if you look at the sentences actually these are not even sentences completely these are phrases this is not a full sentence less is produced something less is produced so it's a very short phrase you cannot expect a full answer a full sentence in flowchart hence your idea should be in order to create a sequence by yourself or create a story by yourself crm mimetic in which something less is produced where production of something is decreased that is atp now this the reason for atp to be decreased has two theories theory one and theory two this is what we understood from the flow jar see finding the answer could be easy if we understand so i think we have discussed earlier in the same video that headings or titles will help you to understand same way that you have to create a story using short phrases will also increase the understanding of the the flowchart once you understand the flowchart it's tremendously easy because you know where the first answer is by predicting and also guessing the next answer will be definitely in the sequence now you see how these pointers are helping you first you understand the passage using the title plus uh you have to understand the answer all in sequence so i have to find this one first you look in the passage you found it look for this one you found it and you match it according to your prediction it works wonderful keep on going next and that's how you find answer for all flowcharts it's relatively easy kind of question in reading in my opinion compared to many others but still that can happen you know you might get stuck later that can happen don't worry about that okay the last one but very important the reason is people don't pay attention to this spellings why it is important let me show you here they have to be correct that's the importance i know this is a very short information about it but with an example it'll get clear if you look at this the first one the answer is glucose right instead of glucose if i write here the spelling of glucose as g-l-u-c-u-s-e it's incorrect we know that we you know the answer i know that you know the answer but examiner won't accept this answer as a correct answer because you have a spelling mistake instead of free radicals if you make a mistake in spelling of radicals incorrect see the good part is all the men words mentioned in the passage are to be taken exactly that means if in passage you find free radicals you don't need to create synonym of free or radical to write the answer over here all you have to do is put exactly where you found the answer you don't have to change the words so spelling mistakes are rare but because you might think oh it's okay i found the answer i can quickly write no take care of the spellings as well i don't want you to work hard in your reading you worked hard for the whole one month and you go for the exam and you didn't take care of the spellings because of that you got less score you might not even know what was the reason right so at least eliminate the obvious ones then we can proceed with the next one this kind of question do come up in reading as well as listening but today it's a reading module that we are discussing and hence multiple choice question in reading module what is this multiple choice and how different they are or how what kind of structure do they follow in reading is what we're going to see here multiple choice question has one question or let's say statement with some options by sum i mean we don't have a set number here we can't say okay these many options might come up you might have more than four or let's say five or seven and also the answers might increase let's see the types first to understand this question type right so there are two types okay but before these two types let me show you what happens so this is the question and there's an option here let's set four options here so this could be a question or could be a statement so for example um what was the main reason for them to go to the house that is a question but if i want to write a statement i will i will eliminate the question and i will say the boy wanted to go there as not this as means i am not finishing the sentence so please finish the sentence using any of these options you got it so sometimes it might be a question or it might be a statement you have to read it and you have to understand it anyway we'll see examples so type one is when we have four options and one answer this is the first type this is how it looks this is the first question or statement in this case we have a statement in paragraph one the writer suggests that companies could consider this thing now here we have four options as i said one statement this is type one okay next one is when we have four plus options and one plus answer that means at least two answers or more at least five on five options or more so it could be seven options as we can see in this example and we need two answers right here for this example we have a question which two advantages are maintained by the writer of the text now you have to look for the two advantages okay i hope i'm clear about this what are these options what are these types and the tips or the pointers for these kind of questions are similar there's no much difference it says we have more answers to provide and yes because you are answering two questions at the same time you'll get two points if you get both of them correct now what if i get one correct in this case then yes you get one point right what if the sequence i write is different still it is correct so for an example answer is c and e and i write an exam e and c then it is still fine so let's say 21st question is and 22nd question is also this one then i can write as c e or c or c or e depending on what you find first so no need to worry about the sequence of the answer if they're asking for two or three options and yes if you mess up with the first answer let's say instead of e you write b and next answer you write correctly you get the score you get the mark for that one particular answer correctly there's no negative marking in this kind of question i hope you understand the scoring in mcqs that is multiple choice questions or multiple choice statements where we have more than two answers and many options of course like five seven in this case we have seven now let's see some true examples along with passage right the first type we'll see the first example this is the first type which we said question or statement and four options and on the left we have passage right i'll give you not more than one and a half minute or maximum two minutes to solve this kind of question and your time starts now all right we are back and let's see the solution for this the solution is the first one that is a now how did we find this answer we'll see in later part but this was the type one now for the type two i also set a question which ah do you remember the type two now type two is we have to find more than two more than one answer that is one plus answer and we have four plus options could be five options seven options any number okay in this case we have taken the same question which we have taken earlier we have a question here and we have to find two advantages right and we have to find answer for this question by finding two of these seven options we have seven right a b c d e f g so your time starts again and this time you'll also get two minutes all right good luck great we are back let's see the answers themselves solution for this one is b they can predict areas that may cause trouble in future and g they are more skilled in personal relationship relationships um we can discuss the answers later if you have any doubt and if you didn't answer didn't find these questions and these options let's say as answers don't worry we gonna discuss pointers or tips and after listening to the tips these will be easy to find these options will be easy to find and this will be a piece of cake for you okay don't worry about that if you found wonderful that's great already now pointers as you already discussed these are the tips the first one is sounds very clear question first always read the question first then move to the passage your task is to read the question but i have seen plenty of people going for the passage first when you read the passage it's huge it takes almost like one two and a half minute and one to one half minute is like time wasted actually and then you move to the question and then you say oh i needed this much information that's set i read the whole passage which is huge of i am 200 words maybe i needed to just read like 50 words based on the question so please read the question first and then move to the passage okay now if you look here we shouldn't go here first we should go here first that is a question one in paragraph one the writer suggests that the companies could con consider these right now your question once you read this then move to the passage because the question says clearly all you have to do is suggest what the companies could consider based on the writer in paragraph one that means we don't have to read this much it's gone right this is not required in this question you have to read the first one so let's try to find the answer here the general general assumption is that older workers are paid more in spite of rather than because of their productivity that means older people are paid less right are paid more i mean right that might partly explain why when employers are under pressure to cut costs they persuade a 55 year old to take early retirement what did you understand from this that old people though they are not that productive they are costing much to the company and when it comes to the employer they try to uh kick the old people out honestly even before their retirement time take away seniority seniority based pay skills and older workers may become a much more attractive employment proposition that means if you take out the seniority that means that is their senior with that that's why we have to do something for them as ethically as an ethical issue otherwise kicking them out of the company is a good option right but most employers and many workers are uncomfortable with the idea of reducing someone's pay in later life although manual workers on peace rates often unless as they get older right that means manual workers are earning less when they get older older right so retaining the service of older workers may mean employing them in different ways now look here they're trying to say that here earlier that if we look at the old people they are not that productive and employers could consider that if they remove the seniority that is their seniors we can't do anything you know removing them could be a good option or removing the system of paying according to the old age could be a good option but most employment employers are not comfort uncomfortable about that idea of reducing someone's pay right so they have to find some other way but you look at this whole passage what is it talking about they're talking about if they can remove the system of people being paid according to the age and hence the answer a is correct abolishing base schemes that are based on age others can be eliminated we'll see later when we're eliminating yeah so you understand read the question automatically this we don't have to read because we understood only paragraph one is required okay next one is options so first we already saw questions then we moved to the passage what about the options we didn't look anything about options options please never read them first never read the options first look here let me just eliminate i mean remove other things and look at the question very carefully we have a question here right and we have options here you see which one looks lengthy the question of the options of course the options question is tiny or the statement is tiny options are four if you attach all of them one after another this is like almost two to three sentences so why do anyway you're not going to remember this right anyway you're not going to remember all the options so why to read them first in fact read the question based on the question go to the passage when you come back to the question to answer the question you can look into the passage now one of the options now it's easy and this time to understand what they mean by this rather than you go to the question read the option this is like wasting another 30 to 40 seconds which we don't have in reading you remember we have 40 questions in reading and we have 60 minutes in reading in this time we have to also transfer the answers to the answer now if we take let's say 5 minutes to transfer to the answer sheet we're left with 55 minutes let's eliminate two minutes of somewhere resting in between because you're concentrating a lot 53 minutes 53 minutes and 40 questions it's not more than one and a half minute or let's say one minute per question and if you're wasting and reading options 30 seconds or 20 seconds it's scary now to find the answer you don't have much time that's why some people who are not taking precautions like this they are ending up having seven questions left in the end so i suggest never eat the options first okay i told you the reason i told you i showed you the consequences good next one as i said first we understood the options now we can eliminate when we come back the obvious options can be eliminated eliminated means removed from our answer obvious answers or the possible answers look here we have a question here and we have options here avoiding we are we already know a is the answer but look how others options can be removed we already discussed what is the passage about avoiding pay that is based on peace rates we are not talking about avoiding pay based on peace rates peace rates came the world peace rate came just here to talk about something else we are not here working on avoiding that one eliminated increasing pay for older workers now we never worked on increasing pay in fact it was decreasing right sometime equipping older workers with new skills we are not equipping them we are not providing them new skills we are looking at them in a different way that means we are employing them we are looking at them in a different way because we don't want the seniority to work we just want performance based work we are trying to remove that part of pay based on age you see how elimination can help you find the real answer yes good now last one is paraphrasing see you should expect a lot of paraphrasing in options what is the meaning of paraphrasing you won't find exactly the same words in your passage so once you read the whole passage and you connect with the options chances are you might not find the exact wordings of course you have to understand that what are they talking about and that's where your information concising power comes in same goes for question of course they're not going to provide the exact words of the question in the passage you have to paraphrase it or understand it the concise way you got my problem i think i mean you get what i mean by concising or paraphrasing is that don't expect them to provide exact information in the passage okay good and i think that's the end of the chapter summary completion type of a compilation like we have table completion flowchart completion this time we have summary and it is still reading module yeah what is the summary completion actually summary completion is nothing but that summary of a selection a section of a passage so we have a huge passage passage and paragraphs are two different things so passage equal to many paragraphs combined now one section could be one paragraph or two paragraphs right so that's here we call it one paragraph and summary of this is provided in the form of blanks so let's say right here blanks and keep on going have one blank here and then this is summary hence it will be shorter than the whole paragraph let's say three sentences a paragraph of 10 sentences is described okay so this is called summary of a section of the paragraph now in this one thing should be clear single paragraph of the passage is taken care in the case of summary you know when we have a as i said passages many paragraphs in this kind of question only one paragraph is taken actually this information is important because it can help you not to read many paragraphs you just have to find which one they're talking about eventually you will find the information or you will not go beyond that okay this is actually easy kind of question once you find which paragraph you have to read but without knowing if it is just single paragraph you will not be doing this so remember summary completion equal to one single or just a single paragraph has to be taken care right now look we have a list of paragraphs paragraph one paragraph two this is one this is two here and this whole is called passage now we have a summary which says the importance of language what where do you think you will find the answers well we're going to see later but this is how the question looks like in summary compilation there will be here instruction we'll see them later as well now here this part from this part will either respond to the part one or part two of the passage could be paragraph one or paragraph two your task is to first figure out which paragraph and then find answer for these blanks you see here one two three and four when the question is here this is your task not all the complete tasks you have to do in passage or message completion i mean to say a summary compilation where you have to look into the passage find the paragraph look back and find the answers how we'll see later before that comes types there are two types here okay and the two types are when we have summary completion without a list of words and somebody completion with list of words or phrases now what is this without list with list i know this is getting confusing showing an example will get it clear let's look at the first one summary completion without list of words or phrases you see here we don't have any box which is providing us as options option a b c or d you know you have to choose among of out of these options and provide answers here of course you have to read here the passage there's no such box with words or passages and this is called question type summary completion without a passage i mean without a box which has phrases or words no such thing this type i mean the second type with list of words or phrases will look like this we have questions one two three four and you have to fill the answers as options we have options here is it out of these options after you read the passage and understand the question you write out of these options actually this is helpful right so this is what happens sometime in the summary completion previous one was without any boxes it is possible now let's see an example of just one type with boxes i think is the same thing now the first thing you have to notice here is see we have mentioned here on the top question one to four you have to finish and there's the heading of the summary and you have to find answer out of these options paragraph or passage is here choose any of this paragraph where they're talking about it we're going to see the answers later you shouldn't take more than three minutes because this easy kind of question and your time starts now we are back let's see what are the answers for these questions first one is e you can verify in your notebook that is material second one is g which is fundamental third one is b which is complex and fourth one is f which is easy so if you got these answers wonderful great if not nobody will see how to solve this kind of question maybe that will help you to find the answers easily so let me just show you the answers in a bigger way view so that you know you are not missing the answers first again first one is e second one is g third one is b and fourth one is s clear about this i hope good now look let's look at the pointers i mean the tips or the tricks which will help you to find the answers easily okay the first one is instructions are important in our case we have options hence you might see what kind of answers you should provide should it be option a b c or should it be word count now see look here we have mentioned complete the summary using the list of words a to g now let's say this is the first question second one third one and fourth one if i provide answer answer let's call let's call it material material is the first answer i cannot provide this as answer i have to be i have to read the instruction to see are they asking for options or they're asking us words they are asking for options so we should only write here e you understand what i mean by instructions you should know what is expected in the answer from the options or their words clear summary i mean the instructions which are mentioned here before the question starts here is important these are called instructions and you should read them to know what to write okay good second one is single paragraph is important not two or three right now look they will contain all the answers for sure we will see how they contain all the answers look here we have starting and ending here if we connect the first sentence the wheel is one invention that has had a major impact on something now i'm not asking you to find the answer first i'm asking you to find where the answer is taken from is it paragraph one or paragraph two now if you look here we have to look for word wheel which is a kind of a key word the wheel may have transformed means may have major impact on our materialistic existence on some aspect of life which is definitely material aspect got it now based on this you guessed it okay this is the paragraph which is you know is a limelight for us which is important hence we won't be going to any other paragraph we will be fixing your eye on this paragraph only that is paragraph one you you won't find the even the last answer in the last paragraph only paragraph one okay good so this is one thing you should always see that first read the first first sentence or first line of your question go back to the paragraphs or the passage one the single passage and read which paragraph is you know mentioning or giving information about it and choose it as your core answer now you can match with the blanks and find the answer okay good moreover you should always predict the answers look here we have expanded we have removed the option if you look here the wheel is one invention that had has had a major impact on this aspect of life can it be admired aspect i don't think so complex aspect maybe but doesn't sound like that an easy aspect not it's not an aspect actually right it could be a difficult aspect or maybe not because not an aspect which we can expect here we can expect an original aspect material or fundamental kind of so see predicting will help you to look for the answer not just from options something which is a major impact and an aspect of life right so you you look for the answer which is about the major impact and the aspect of life connected to wheel second one but no impact have has been as blank as that of language that means where when you see as blank as that of a language that means there's a comparison being done something is being compared see for comparison we have the words then as blank as something or more than that or equally you know here they are saying no impact has been done as that of language that means language has more so you look for more word hence understanding the sentence and expecting something could be the best way to find the answer in blank kind of options playing kind of question and this is actually a blank kind of question though the whole paragraph is explained in short in one summary but still if you look carefully these are just blanks right sentence one blank one sentence two blank two got my point and here you should predict based on the blanks now paraphrasing is important means you have to expect paraphrasing not just paraphrasing in fact next level of paraphrasing this whole paragraph is being shortened and provided in the form of blanks over here that means the quantity or the quality of being concise in the information must be high i mean it's very difficult then to understand the whole passage but the meaning won't be changed they might change the words they might change this uh i mean they might change the aspect in a way a little bit of the no collection of words but trust me they won't change the meaning so what won't change is meaning they won't change the sequence no chance no change in sequence the only thing they can change is you know words here and there but still first answer will appear first which we see here second answer will appear a second which might be somewhere later it will come after that so paraphrasing will also help in that part okay if you are not a big book reader i mean anything you don't read books much this won't this would be a little bit difficult because understanding and paraphrasing or concising is a thing or is a skill that you have to develop to understand this kind of question and most of the questions in reading so please try to read as much as possible to concise or you paraphrase the thing that means you make it short or make it differently okay suggested is you read books sentence completion which is the last question type that we have to understand in reading module you must be saying oh that's a long journey right in needing modules i understand there are around eight to nine types of questions and we have to understand them all because we can't take a risk you know that what if this question types this question type comes up in exam we have to understand all of them now in this question type what are you gonna what gonna happen which is sentence completion by the way you will be looking at a single sentence with a blank before this we have seen table completion form completion that is a flowchart completion or we have seen a summary completion none of them had single sentence and non-related single sentences with a blank see here we have a question number 39 and 40. the dance outside the hive points in the direction of the blank so this is one question itself or one blank itself it is not connected to the next blank and as i said single sentence no connection is this type sentence completion the difference between this question type that is sentence completion and the summary completion is in the summary completion we have a whole summary where we have blanks in between now you know like this however in this question type all we have is a blank in the middle or the end of the single sentence i hope you understand the difference good in fact an example will help to make things easier look at this passage on the left and the question on the right your task is to find the answer for question number 34 39 and 40 using the passage on the left in exam you might not just find two to three questions you'll be you'll be having at least five to seven questions or blanks in this question type this is just for us to know how the this question type works and secondly just for practice we only have two because we only have two blanks i'll not give you more than two minutes and your time starts now great and we are back now let's see the answers as well because you have done you have written in your in your notebook or anywhere in your notepad the first one is food source source is in bracket that means if you mention food it's fine as well or if you mention food source is fine okay number 14 is sun these are the two answers 39 and 40. okay we'll see how we found the solution how we found the answer but first let's talk about the pointers or the tips and the tricks which can help you to find the answer easily eventually we'll talk about the answers the first one is definitely the instructions we have been repeating it 10 times or maybe more than that the reason is without these the instructions you might not understand that we have number of words which are required if in case i found the answer and i wrote incorrect number of words i'm totally incorrect in this part i mean in the answer though i know where i found the answer though i know it's correct but examiner can't do anything in that case because you mentioned an incorrect answer now if you look at this one the dance outside the hive points in the direction of the answer is here foot source the outside dance was fairly easy to decode the straight position of the dance pointed directly to the foot source we have mentioned or let's say the instructions are mentioned no more than two words and here you mentioned because they have mentioned the again of the again the foot source see this one is incorrect for a reason because it's not three words anymore it's i mean it's not two words it's three words so totally incorrect what if we just write food it's correct because they have mentioned no more than two words they have not mentioned exactly two words right if you write one word or two words totally fine with it okay good the second one is the verb method we have explained this we need verb method to remember the blanks or to remember the statement which contains the blank why do we need this i think we have explained earlier that when we have a reading question type or reading exam the biggest time waster actually is moving from one page to another page so this is one page to another page what we generally do is we have a question on another page and the passage on another page like we see here this these are the questions right below 34 39 and 40 and here we have passage now we have provided this information or you have taken this information on a screen there's a split in the screen hence you can look at it directly but in exam what gonna happen is the questions will be on page let's say three and the passage is on page two what can you do in this case you're going to read the question and jump to the passage immediately and try to find the answer you might remember some part of the blank and try to connect with the answer but you're not sure yet because you don't remember the statement you go back to the question and try to find the find the blank again or try to understand the blank and again go back to the passage again read that part you read things twice or thrice uselessly what if you could remember the blank and just understand it clearly by the method called verb method and go once in the passage and find the answer and come back sounds fun right you save 30 to 40 seconds per question if 30 to 40 seconds are saved you can imagine what gonna happen in the case of almost 40 questions how much time will you save a lot and that's why i've seen people following this method have finished their exam in 35 minutes even 40 minutes rather than 60 minutes okay so let's see what this method does and how do we solve it so eliminating the things which are not required here and even the instructions let's zoom in here the dance outside the hive points in the direction of the blank verb method says that you have to figure out in the sentence what is the verb for our sentence that is 39th points is the verb true you have to create a sentence by yourself what points towards what right by understanding or creating these questions you will be able to remember by answering these questions to yourself you have to just remember the word points so the dance outside the hive points in the direction of something what points towards what you have to remember just this much you go back to the passage you look for something points towards something that means the dance outside the hive points towards the direction of something looking at the next one the angle of the dance from the vertical shows the angle of the floor of the foot from the blank you see shows is the verb here which we have to take care what shows what or in what angle so the angle of the dance from the vertical is one subject in a kind of structure you know this is a whole subject and we have the verb and then we have the object subject shows the object the angle of the dance from the vertical shows the angle of the foot from the blank see how easy it gets i know there's so much to read from this part but if you understand that we are creating groups now one group is the subject that is before the verb second group is the object that is after the warp and you just create question what shows what done and you remember the whole sentence or the statement you don't have to come back to the blank and compare with the passage hectic process time wasting in fact remember the blank using verb method go back to the passage just once find the answer mention it here done so easy right and you save a lot of time cool now another one which is important is predict not just making it short or making remembering the sentence but prediction is also required what is the meaning of prediction i'll show you let's look at the example 39 the dance outside the hive in the direction of the blank now this is a direction of something that means it has to be a noun it has to be a thing that you are pointing in the direction of that means that the dance outside the hive that means something is going on outside the hive of the bees is pointing in the direction of the something not somewhere but something that means you get the answer now you predicted the answer it has to be something again second second one the angle of the dance from the vertical shows the angle of the foot from the blank so you have to search for the angle of the foot from something again it is a noun sometimes answer is definitely a verb sometimes answer is definitely an adjective by the way if you are not familiar of these these are called parts of speech then you should go and watch the first video of the series of grammar which is grammar for ielts you will get to understand what are these things i'm talking about very important stuff and things will get easier for you not just in ielts but in english as well for ielts for sure they are created keeping ielts in mind but even if you known to know or learn english good point to start by using the parts of speech okay good now the first and last what is the meaning of this first and last first blank and the last blank are important in this case in the case when we have provided example we don't have more than two but what if we had 25 to 30 now we have 6 25 26 27 28 29 and 30. what if we found the first answer and the last answer why do we need to do that if you find the first answer over here let's say i'm just guessing okay i'm just creating a situation this is where you found the 25th answer and this is where you found the 20 or 30th answer that means all of your answers lie between this that is 25 and 30. sequence is always maintained so if you found the 30th answer here the 29th cannot be beyond it it's not possible if you found a 25th answer here in this area your 26th answer cannot be here above it it must be below it so 5 if there are many blanks find the first and the last one that means you know which area to follow clear because sequence is maintained so this method could help you save time all right good last one but not the least because this is a tiny mistake people make that is grammar and spelling grammar because you can see grammatically it has to be correct let me give you a guess or let me give you another point the dance outside the hive points in the direction of the easy if i provide the word easy here i thought easy is the correct answer then it doesn't make any sense grammatically it's incorrect what direction of easy what easy something so easy is incorrect and because of this i could guess that i don't i think i have to search again so your answer should be grammatically correct second even if i find the answer as food source and instead of food source the food is only correct answer you can also add source if i i write source spelling as this just this no e incorrect spelling mistake is also a concern as a concern for us it will be considered zero point so in this case answer is sun s-u-n and you write s-o-n they know the examiner who's checking your paper they know that you know you're right you know answer is but you made a mistake in the spelling sorry we cannot provide the answer so you lose one mark that is for one question that is this is gone then please verify your spellings and grammar helps us that is the grammatically the sentence is correct is good if not it helps us that this can not be the answer we have to go back and look for the answer in the passage again clear i hope so and with that we end the chapter we can understand the structure and criteria for writing module watch out this video is really important if you're understanding or if you are trying to understand writing module for the first time this will provide you kind of an introduction plus criteria which most people miss to understand or try not to even understand or they don't even know if they exist all right so this video gonna provide you everything you need the first thing is the structure by structure i mean what kind of questions will be asked how many questions will be there and many other things you know that are important structure wise right let's get into it so it will be third in the module now third in the modules means we have listening reading writing and speaking it will always be third right but it will be last on the same day again we have listening reading writing and speaking so these exams are taken on a single day and this will be taken on another day my point of being third means on the same day but it will be in the la it will be last on the same day now why is this information important because listening test takes around 30 to 40 minutes reading test takes around 60 minutes let's see around exactly and if you take the break like five more minutes 65 minutes already you have passed around 100 minutes that's around one and a half hour or more and then comes writing by this time your energy is already over or you're exhausted let's say your concentration is down you are feeling uncomfortable kind you know or maybe you're feeling like you can't think so that's what i mean writing in here at this moment gonna be a little bit difficult so watch out try to understand that you have to create stamina of concentrating for a longer time this can be done before exam by practicing what i mean by practicing is not just practicing kind of questions but doing three of the modules in one go and sitting at one place for more than one two and a half hours so that will be two hours and forty five minutes test you know right the last r will be writing and the worst part is it's the most difficult part most people can't score well in this part the average score in writing people who are getting seven bands is 6.5 in writing if you don't understand what i mean by bend here please watch the introductory video files six point five bends a bend is not a good score if you're planning to get eight or seven point five this can hinder you know your target of that band the reason it is difficult uh i mean the reasons are plenty i would say the first one is let's say our schooling the school actually can is consider the reason for your bad writing skills you know we are told that all right when you start writing paragraphs try to according to the size so we write okay this is way too long half page is gone we should stop it and again half page paragraphs you know we don't understand the meaning of paragraphs secondly we don't get marks for the structure or the beauty of writing we just get marks because we wrote correct english that's it moreover some people just you know memorize essays even and they write in school that is the problem second thing is we are not writing every day we are just speaking english so that is also one problem and the last for the people who even know both of these again practice is not there because we tend not to understand that this will be useful right okay so you understand why it is most difficult three reasons and you have to you can't justify you can't change anything in your schooling or writing you can change something in your practice we'll see how we're gonna do that okay now next one is number of tasks there are two different tasks which will be provided in exam and these are report if you're writing for academic and report will be based on a graphic i mean you'll be provided some one graphic or two graphics and you have to write a report what kind of report how much you have to write don't worry about that it is coming soon if you're writing for general training that means if you're planning to work somewhere or go for immigration you have to write a letter so this is for people who are planning to study you don't understand what is the meaning of academic or general training again please watch the introductory video on our files in the same course you will get the information right so in this you have to write a report and here we have to write a letter for general training for task two there's no difference it will be essay for both single essay for academic and general training question will be same so these are the tasks you have to understand in writing moreover let's see the differences and see i know why am i providing differences i'm not providing direct information i remember when we were in school we used to understand things better when we used to have this table difference between x y z and abc some kind of phenomena it was easier for us to remember and understand oh these are the two different things that we have you know two things for which we have to understand the difference so here as well i try to form use that technique and try to help you by and for understanding the task by showing the differences yeah so here we have task one and task two so the first thing is time we'll be getting 20 minutes for task one and forty minutes for task two let me make it clear there's nothing like you have to follow this rule exactly that they've told this is recommended time because you'll be given a question paper and answer sheets and you have 60 minutes you have as much as time you require for any task that means it's up to you which task you want to go for first how much time you want to take this is recommended time you got it you'll be getting a question paper in which you will be having task 1 and task 2. you'll be getting two answer sheets answer sheet for task one and task two but they never say that okay start with task one or task two it's up to you this is just recommended and remember total is 60 minutes for sure second is number of words number of words are very strict actually in ielts you cannot go below 150 in task 1 and cannot go below 250 in task 2. that is number of words okay if you write 149 words even incorrect you will get a penalty for that if you write 249 even incorrect i suggest you write more than 150 i mean at least 151 to any number higher now see there's no set upper limit no one says you cannot write 200 words in task 1 what i mean is but if you write 200 words here i don't think you'll get time to write properly in task two so the recommended number is 170 175 maximum if somebody says that there's a limit for you know this upper limit for writing number of words then they're incorrect they don't know this part definitely there is no upper limit but it is recommended to write 170-175 same goes for task 2. 270 to 275 will definitely do the task you don't need to write 300 to 400 words if you have time there's nothing wrong in that okay it's fine but you cannot go below 250. all right these are the criteria or the things that you have to take care and number of words in task 1 as well as task 2. now types i think we have seen this already that you have to write a report and letter now let's see if you can recognize what was report for general training no reports were for academic letters were for general training so people who are planning to go abroad for work they will be writing letter and people are planning to go for education or any kind of study they have to write a report so this is related to study okay remember this part and essay will be same for both of them last but not the least is scoring okay this is like the weightage out of 100 40 will be accounted for in task 1 in the whole writing test and percent will be for task two so in case if you couldn't write task one at all and you are tasked to completely you will get score out of sixty percent that means nine out of nine bands you will be given sixty percent of nine men and based on that how you write you'll get a score you got my point so let's say you wrote task two that means nine bands sixty percent of nine bands if you wrote correctly you will get the full sixty 60 of nine men if you wrote task one correctly you will get forty percent of mine you got my friend what i mean and if you wrote both correctly you'll get full bands that's very rare though getting nine in writing is really difficult okay all right moving ahead we have some of the no no's or you can't do these things these are the cautions you know troubles in writing watch out for these things important because if you know what not to do what is left is what to do okay so the first thing is you cannot go off topic your response cannot be off topic so what i mean by is you have a question right question asks about global warming and you talk about earth preservation not a good idea because they ask about global warming not preservation that's called going off topic you cannot do that you'll get deduction for that i know this is an english test but they have asked you a question and if you write off topic that means you don't know what the question mean that means you don't know english indirectly right you got the point next one is under length we have discussed this in detail when we were discussing the tasks so if you remember for task 1 how many words are there 150 minimum for task 2 250 minimum that means we have to write more than 150 here more than 250 if you write below that you'll be considered as under length you cannot do that at least these are the technical mistakes you can ignore right then we have bullet points you must some of you must be asking can i write essays like this or the letters you know in points my first sentence my second sentence my thirds and then fourth no this was working in your school not in essays or letters and not in ielts at all if you write this way you'll definitely not get the score that you wanted all right so don't write any bullet points or numbering you know one two like you do in microsoft word you cannot you have to write in form of paragraphs okay good the last one is you cannot have a memorized answer or you cannot copy from anywhere from you in the question paper or anywhere you cannot have any of these they are checked for plagiarism that is checking if you have copied from somewhere and if you try to memorize online and you just you know copy paste it somewhere in answer that will be considered incorrect or you will get penalty for that all right so these are the no no things that you have to take care you shouldn't ever do these things i know other things are also there like criteria but these things at least you can you know just by knowing you will take care of them so i had to mention these things now comes the answer sheet you should know what kind of answer should you be given is it blank has it lines or is it you know just the boxes or whatever it is you should know how it looks like and this is how it looks like for task one this is the page one so on top you'll be mentioned task one and you'll become a little bit less space in this page and something to write for the examiner not by you okay i mean not for you the person who is checking your test cool so you have to write only this part in exam you won't give this sample because i've got it from website official website you will not get the sample only i got the sample second one is the second page here also you won't get the sample and also you can write below this page but you get extra space on the top now these things here are for official use only like t a c c l r g r a off topic memorize which we have already discussed you don't have to worry about this now but this information is important in the coming slides we're gonna see what these things are some of you are thinking are they enough for us to write 250 pages or i mean two 150 words or 250 words no they're not enough you can ask for extra pages in that you might not get this thing you know exactly mentioned task on dust2 you get blank pages i mean with lines of course not not with this thing so that is also there one thing you don't need to worry about that you can ask for extra sheets okay now let's check for task two in task two you will get similar sheet don't worry about the color it's just you know website provided same color sheet you will get white earlier was also white you'll be there will be mentioned here task two no sample written and this will always be there same goes for tip page two no simple return and here it will be tr lr and gra if you notice there's not much difference from the previous one now what i mean by normal difference is this one will be different that's it that is the first one earlier it was t a you see that t a so earlier first thing is t a now this thing has become t r that's it now what is this t a and what is this t r we're gonna see soon and this is what most people try generally ignore or don't take care they say oh this is office use only why do we care you should because this is how they test your paper so let's say you play a game right and you don't know how to win the game or none of the rules if you don't know really the rules there's no way you can win okay so let's see that first criteria is a thing that helps you to understand how they check your paper by the way the singular of criteria is criterion so this is already a plural we don't need to say criterias okay remember that therefore first one is task achievement or task response now you see what i mean by this t a and t are the something you saw below the answer sheet these are the things t a and t are why do we have two why not one you know this is the first criteria criterion so in that case i'll explain in task one you're asked to do based on the question that means you don't you can't go beyond that you cannot think of your own things however in task two you're asked to give your pure rest rep response that means everyone's response will be different with an example it will get clear let's say i asked you can you go down the same building and get me this book particular book so i'll ask you for book xyz and if i ask 10 people you know in a group they will get me book xyz but if i ask in the same group can you please surprise me with your favorite book do you think they're gonna provide me with the same book xyz chances are rare same goes here they'll bring something different and according to their choice in task 2 you're asked question for which you have to answer based on your response what do you think about this kind of question in task 1 you'll be asked to write something which is already mentioned you just have to elaborate that's why it's called task achievement and here is called task response now what is covered in this task achievement and response first thing the technical part 150 words in task 1 and 250 words in task 2. that is for sure you have to take care counts in task achievement and response second thing based on the question if your points are really making sense you know for the question like i said if it is about global warming and you're writing points about global warming plus how good these points are so not just the points or arguments but the effectiveness you know how good these points are matters a lot so got my point you understand the question right according to the question plus your response is good or what they ask for that is achievement is good that's it second thing number of words these two things are tested in task achievement or task response cool if you didn't understand you can watch it again probably you'll understand i tried my best to make it as simple as possible now second one lexical resource now we call it a different way we call it vocabulary this is called lexical resource i'll tell you why they have not chosen vocabulary itself because there are three different things that you have to take care in lexical resource number one is the quality of the words you might not have heard what is the quality of a word in ielts we have bands right that means your score comes in between one band to nine bands highest is nine and you are targeting for seven to eight anything between that or 8.5 right but in english it is created based on cepher cefr which means common european framework as a reference for languages so all european languages have this a1 a2 b1 b2 and c1 and c2 i mean these are the last total six structure or let's say levels they have in any language which is created in europe all the words in english are categorized between a1 a2 b1 b2 and c1 c2 that means here is basic intermediate and advanced so if you use most of the words which are c1 c2 definitely you will get higher bands because they respond to some kind of event so this is 8.5 to 9 or 8.59 this stock c1 c2 is for this purpose how we how do we know this you know what is c1c2 well for that there are two options either you go for the vocabulary course and understand it you know which we have provided or you can go to website called cambridge dictionary okay in this dictionary what you will get is if you search a word okay on the top there will be a search bar click on the search bar and you will get something like a box empty box and in here you can type the word itself right and when you see in the search result near the meaning on the left you will get either a1 a2 b1 whatever it is i mean out of the six levels you will get the word meaning or the word quality there you can get the word quality now for you i have done a research and i've got 1200 words which are most important and they are b2 c1 and c2 so 400 each and we are done that means we will it will be enough for us to understand these many words and i'm gonna link um the word list below so that you can see and you can understand some of the words and these are the most important words most commonly used words in ielts essays and how did i find it because i read many essays from cambridge or oxford or you know all these official websites okay 1200 words would be more than enough for you good second thing apart from quality we have is appropriateness what i mean by appropriateness is let me just clear this up so that we can write stuff here the first one so first one was quality second one is appropriateness what is this appropriateness being appropriate means using the correct word at correct location or correct situation let's say for an example you are about to have an accident but you are saved what would you use when you come out of that incident you say i feel good right i'm fine now instead of this word what if you use the word i'm relieved i'm feeling relieved or i'm feeling blessed you see when you use the exact word you feel like oh this is much better than good that's what i mean using appropriate words and the last one is synonyms what happens in synonyms is you cannot use a word and keep repeating it let's say in an essay you have to use a word good or less a positive word happy we have used good enough already happy has many meanings pleasant delightful you know and um satisfied or many words you have for happy so instead of using just one happy as a word you can use the synonyms that will show that you do know many words so there are three things in lexical resource quality appropriateness and synonyms and i told you how you can find the list of quality words below that might help you okay all right now comes grammatical range and accuracy that is gra let me explain first the accuracy part of the back the last part when i write my name r x y z and suddenly in your brain you know things start going wrong like there's something wrong with the sentence we know it cannot be is i mean it cannot be r it must be is so that's called accuracy accuracy means your sentence should be correct grammatically that's what we call accuracy now when the first condition is being fulfilled when the sentence is correct grammatically or accurate grammatically they go to the range range means what kind of level you're using in grammar are you using just simple sentences like earlier one a simple sentence or you're using complex sentences compound sentences active passive direct indirect using all the tenses plenty of the things are going through you know and if you are confused about this don't worry we have a whole series on grammar that will cover everything but for now please understand you have to have a range in your grammar that means if you use just simple sentences not many connectors not many conjunctions you're gonna have trouble they will consider your grammar as low okay and accuracy is must because it has to be correct first then you go to the range you got my point and the last but not the least this is really very important which most of us either don't know even if we do know then we try to ignore it that is current and cohesion now what happens in coherence is we tend to write sentences like you know these are the sentences when you write we never think of the connection between sentences we think of i have to provide information we always think of information we never think how this information can be connected properly right that is what i mean by co coherence when your sentences are connected let me make it clear with an example of course so when i say this is the most dangerous desert of all and the most poisonous snakes are also found in this desert apart from snakes we can also find spiders which could kill a person in a single bite now you see what have i done in this thing you you can notice that i talked about dessert first as the theme then i talked take the word desert in this desert you can find snakes and in later sentence i use the word snake not just snakes but you can find spiders you see that how connectivity is flowing how you know theme is flowing we have seen a desert in the desert you can find snake not just snakes you can find spiders what if i just talk randomly about desserts and snakes and spiders won't make any sense so my logic says are my simple template says that we have subject verb and object okay next sentence in next sentence your object should become the new subject this is our o1 which is our s1 now then we have a verb and we have object 2. this object 2 can become our subject 2 which is our objective from previously then we evolved then we have object three what i mean by this you don't have to change your sentence instantly but let's say you write two sentences about sentences about this object and then you change it to a new subject i mean the oh from the object itself you got my point it has to be like this you got what coherence is here good cohesion actually is connecting sentences or paragraphs using various others word other words not the words from the sentence for an example there's a restaurant open close to my house they are new in the town and they want to make it famous they're throwing a party this is again information after information what i need or anyone needs is connectivity so i can rewrite it using cohesion there's a restaurant open close to my house recently and as they want to be famous they're throwing a party see that as and these words are connecting one idea with another idea this is called cohesion and using these words you can also connect paragraphs but how are you going to connect paragraphs we're going to see in the video of paragraphs don't worry about that for now understand what is the difference between cohesion and coherence if you did good if not you can write in the comments or you can write a mail to me about this i'm going to explain in detail okay and that will be the end of chapter i know there were not many slides but still there was so much to understand ranging from four different criteria here and too many no knows what not to do we have tasks we have structure of writing so if you didn't understand i suggest you this time you take notes and you start from beginning of the video and if still you didn't understand i would suggest you write in the comments as well as write a mail to me so that i can reply on that and i can help you okay i hope you understood something and i wish you a great time bye bye a method to plan your writing by writing i mean both task 1 and task 2. remember this planning method is for only writing module okay let's begin then why planning let me make one thing clear you cannot afford to miss planning you're thinking well maybe planning will take longer time i might you know waste time in like five to seven seconds minutes in this why am i doing it i've already 60 minutes to write both tasks that's very true but if you don't plan properly this time is definitely not enough to write both the essays properly that means what you can do you won't be able to do properly now secondly the reason why you should plan is our thinking first of all do you believe in multitasking i know some of you might be thinking yeah i do you know i multitask every day and you might be saying you know i do but please don't now the reason you are thinking i do multitasking is i can eat and watch movie together right you can say that or watch tv together at the same time think about it is it really multitasking i'm gonna ask you to just watch tv or watch a movie without looking down ever in your food plate can you do that that's very difficult right you have to practice a lot secondly you just eat don't look up and watch a tv not possible the thing is we have senses that is to listen to watch that means to see all these senses are working together you're enjoying all of them together hence you feel as if you're doing things together all you're doing is quick switching what is the meaning of quick switching you are watching a tv or a tv series or a movie and instantly you look down have your bite and look up you are doing quick switching in everything you cannot do multitasking there's no way you can have your brain at one thing and then instant at the same time other thing instantly you can change it so don't believe it multitasking and that's what is the base of planning see when you're writing your letter or your essay which we have discussed in earlier part that in task 2 you get an essay let's take an example of an essay and you start writing you saw the question and you started writing the answer what gonna happen you start writing and suddenly in the middle you realize oh i forgot to mention that point or this point this is when you do without planning that means you are you doing multitasking now according to you your thinking as well as writing at the same time no you're not doing at the same time what you're doing right now is writing and suddenly you stop so you stop your writing part and then you move on to thinking this is gonna create trouble for you and you see why multitasking is not possible and why we need a planning method in which you plan everything in prior and then write so please never just start writing instantly you gotta understand that good now let's see what happens in writing in writing you have task one just a short reason for that quickly reason and task two in task one it depends on general training and academic and for task two it's the same thing in here you get a letter and here you get a report for both it's 150 words minimum that means you have to write more than 150 words here you have to write 250 words and here you have to write an essay you see writing these many words is not that easy without any planning you cannot just start scribbling and definitely not on a complex idea even on a simple idea if you start writing you might miss some kind of point let's say these are the major points you have to include and you missed one of them definitely not a good idea so remember that there's a method for that and that method is called power i'm not talking about you know energy or power this is just created method called power and here p stands for planning you're going to see all of them five in detail what happens in planning is what you do is you look at a question first so this is a question here right actually this is a statement question is here your task in planning is to read the question understand the question type from here and choose a site or choose whatever you need to choose according to the question side or advantage or disadvantage whatever it is in this example let's see how we do the planning phase the first one out of the whole method a person's worth nowadays seem to be seems to be judged according to the social status and material possessions old-fashioned values such as honor kindness and trust no longer seem important to what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion i say i disagree okay in planning you choose your side and i suggest you not choose emotionally what i mean by emotionally see as soon as we hear a question about emotions or kids or you know obesity we become emotional and we choose side accordingly i suggest you not do that you choose your side rationally then i'm not checking your ethics what they're checking is how good you can write in english if you have more points towards agreement let's say towards agreement choose that side or if you have more points on disagreement please choose this side don't become ethical or emotional be rational you have to look your points into regard you know your bands into regard rather than your ethics or your emotions that's what we do in planning secondly we underline the important words so we are judged social status material possessions and it's not other days it's nowadays i mean this is present tense that means our essay will be in present tense only or maybe in past because we have old-fashioned old-fashioned values which is honor kindness trust and they're not important these are things we have to take care we have to think of vocabulary on these we have to think of sentences on these what do we know of these words that's it that's what happens in planning i hope you understood this part second phase would be organizing what happens in organizing well let's take the same question earlier we understood what part we are taking let's say in my case i'm taking disagree now in organizing you're supposed to create boxes these boxes gonna be like first is introduction then we have conclusion these boxes are like paragraphs and one paragraph equal to one particular idea so i'm gonna provide here the reason to disagree so my reason one my reason two now let's say i counter reason as well so reason three but encounter that is for agreement this is the way of we write agreement disagreement don't worry we're gonna see how to write this kind of question later but for now i'm gonna write in two to three words what is reason one what is reason two you know you see what is happening here in exam we can do this before writing so that we in exam directly we can start writing we don't have to sit in the middle of the paper and suddenly stop and think of reason one what was the reason one because we wrote it in the rough that is in the question paper oh this is the reason one this is the reason to we don't have to mess up the sequence either now we know the sequence good this is what we do in organizing see organizing phase won't work until you understand planning in our planning we understood that we have to disagree using a rational method not emotional or anything ethical but rational method based on the disagreement we have points now right i'm not saying you always disagree it's up to you well you can agree but based on planning you did your organizing and based on this organization you start writing the writing phase is something which has nothing to explain you just start writing but take care of few things if you're writing pen and paper which i highly recommend take care of your handwriting okay mine is horrible i hope you get it better it doesn't have to be calligraphy it doesn't have to be fancy it has to be just legible legible i mean is you can read it okay it doesn't have to be great it has to be readable or legible clear good once you finish your writing you go into evaluating phase evaluating is let's say i have written paragraph 1 paragraph two here and my paragraph three so we have three different paragraphs in these we have one concrete idea and i've discussed this idea and idea one is this and then we have idea two have i missed anything in description should i have added more to make it better you know you always write with a pencil you know that you can erase and write more later so we have idea three as well here let's say have i missed anything else apart from this the logical part if you have missed anything you add here that's just evaluating you understand that all major ideas are being discussed that's the reason we have evaluating as the phase by the way we have here s here we can have z z is for american and s is for uk there's no difference apart from that it's not incorrect okay and the last one is revising same goes here we can have so that depending on uk us revising is nothing but checking your spellings and your grammar trust me you will get at least five to ten mistakes in your spellings and five to ten mistakes in your grammar it doesn't matter how good you are or how bad you are in your english when we are writing we are into writing we just start we never stop never stop we never even worry if we are making spelling mistakes and we do i have seen i myself writing instead of this i write this sometime in a hurry so that can happen that doesn't mean that you don't know how to spell one but in exam this would be considered a mistake why don't you solve it why don't you rectify your own mystic and in revising it is not like evaluating you just have to read words quickly you don't have to you know understand the whole passage or whole paragraph you just keep reading words and you try to understand that oh there's a mistake let me raise it and write the correct spelling if it is grammatically incorrect you quickly make few corrections and it's done this will not take overall i mean whole method will not take more than six minutes if you practice properly before that initially it will take definitely 10 to 11 minutes then later it will be six minutes that is i think fine out of 16 minutes if you spend six minutes that will be 54 minutes if you have planned properly if you are organized properly it takes not more than 25 minutes to write the answer that is your writing part two i'm talking about and part one well you have plenty of time then clear so this method has to be followed in order to understand the question as well as plan an answer and write and then recheck so that's like a foolproof method where you can get as much as you can you know out of the one which you've written in writing it's applicable for both task one and task two okay so let's just see in a quick succession we have planning organizing writing evaluating and revising i am pretty sure you will remember this easily using the word power and once you do please use it in exam and you can write in question paper anything you want so in question paper you just get a question on the top and below it's all empty so you have enough space to write this they don't mind what you write in question paper in answer sheet you have to write directly the answer you cannot write planning in your answer sheet remember that please write it in question paper good and that's the end of our chapter introduction paragraph in writing module now what is this introduction paragraph i'm not introducing the writing module itself in fact i'm going to show you how to introduce your paragraph right so basically speaking there are three different parts in an essay most of your essays and let's say all of your essays which are asked in ielts which is a part of second task is written in paragraphs if you have not watched the previous video about essays please watch it it talks about the structure of essays or what essays kind of assets you might be asked for but in this video we're going to talk about the first paragraph that is the introduction it doesn't matter where you write sf ielts or any other exam you have to write an introduction for it even when you write scientific paper you have to provide an introduction so in an essay there are three parts for sure this this video can be helpful for ielts and other exam as well yeah the first one is introduction second one body paragraph and third one conclusion these are three types of paragraphs that you have to write have to means must write now the number of paragraphs in introduction is just one the number of paragraphs in body you know could be many right so it could be two three four any number or even one if you want and the last one is conclusion that is also just one single paragraph this could be one two as many you want the body paragraph part and today our task is to talk about introduction paragraph now you understand what we are talking about when we write an essay the structure goes like this we have an essay which consists of paragraph the essay always consists of paragraph the first paragraph is called introduction the remaining paragraphs just before the last paragraph are called body paragraphs so this is body paragraph and the last one is definitely conclusion today's task is this one with every video we will be talking about next theme like for example next video will be about body paragraph in the last video in the series of uh structure of essays will be conclusion let's begin then what is the importance of this in introduction actually is very important i would say because it provides a first impression i'll explain with an example or analogy so when you write a paper or even write an essay a person looks at your introduction as an entry point as a as an as a first impression right so i look at an introduction i say hmm that person got good skills right including your language skills your analytical skills your thinking skills so i judge everything within an introduction that if i want to provide this person in the category of nine band eight band seven band or six bin or any number below right so the impression actually is big rather than the paragraph itself if your introduction is amazing that means you are kept here you know nine bands kind of like all this essays gonna be amazing because introduction is pretty good so if your body paragraph is okay they might put you here or here maximum but if your introduction itself is six of course they're not gonna expect much they're gonna go back to here down like five bands five point five and probably and this is one of the reason most people don't get good score in writing they don't focus much on introduction itself introduction of an essay is really important because of its first impression okay and i suggest you start with after you understand the impression with the question i don't think you have if you have seen the question um yet in the series what question looks like in writing part of ielts but we're gonna see now but one thing before that please understand the question before you start writing yes it should always be understood first always without question writing an answer is just useless what on what basis would you create an answer if you understood even incorrectly wrong thing so you have to understand the question correctly before you proceed with your answer most people love to be aggressive and you know answer is important that will be providing me bends yes it will provide you bends but not the incorrect answer or not the answer of you know another question that you are answering here which is not applicable they might call it out of topic and you will lose a lot of marks so please understand the question first then proceed with the structure of creating points that we will see later or we have seen already in the power method right good now this is kind of a typical question which you might get in exam that is um a question here first of all there will be statements or a single statement question type here so this will be first one will be a statement based on this this will be a type of question and finally some general instructions the last one are always general instructions like write at least 250 words give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience so this information is repeated in every question by the way this is taken from usa website so this is an example to show you what a question looks like now based on this it is clear that this is agree or disagree kind of an essay don't worry about the technical wordings i'm using what is agree and disagree in the coming videos of when we are watching or the coming lessons when we are watching question types you will understand this part in detail but for now our main focus is this part which is the question part if you look at this we have two statement question it could be single statement as well my point was that you have you have to see first in a question there is a part where we have statements or a single statement then we have a type question type and finally general information of course everything is important but if your practice enough general information never changes you know it will always stay safe it is going to stay same so no need to worry about that just worry about the statement and the type cool nice now see this information as i said will be repeated so we can just i think eliminate it for now we'll keep this as the main question and let's keep it in center to understand here what do you understand from the question itself right before you before you even proceed let me just read it for you a person's worth nowadays seems to be judged according to the social status and material positions old-fashioned values such as honor kindness and trust no longer seem important this is the question statement and the question itself is to what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion so this is the question that you have to understand based on the question of understanding use the power method in which you divide the major ideas and minor ideas and important words that without them it doesn't make any sense for example um that person is judged according to the social status and material positions which are there's examples such as this an honor kindness and trust are no longer important so these are some important words that for which you have to look for vocabulary this is how you understand the question and proceed using power method which was described in previous video okay good now this part is as i explained earlier going to talk about the type of question here we have agree or disagree now how to proceed with agree or disagree type is a different issue but for now we can ignore this part in our introduction or let's say the first statement of introduction this will be important only when we are adding body paragraph in introduction we will be using it very little okay good now any statement which you have in your essay would be a fact or opinion or combination of both generally it is either only fact or mixer of both so you might have just fact or fact bus opinion now you're just thinking what am i talking about let me show you what i mean by that this was the question which we have seen earlier right now in this this part is a fact a person's worth nowadays seems to be judged according to social status and material position this is the truth there's no denying this point but if you look at the next one this one is an opinion of some people this is not the fact old-fashioned values such as honor kindness and trust no longer seem important this is their opinion right not our opinion it's someone's opinion so our point is to figure out what is a fact and what is an opinion in a question chances are there that you might get a single statement and it might be effect only look at this one lack of fresh water is becoming a global issue of increasing importance this is a question you know as a question there will be more you know you must have seen general introduction below um i mean general information below in previous question but we are not including that here we are only including the statement statement will be like this lack of fresh water is becoming a global issue of increasing importance what problems does this shortage cause what mazes could be taken to overcome these problems here there's nothing like an opinion we have a fact and they're asking you to solve this fact or let's solve this problem by using these questions clear so could be there will be only fact or opinion understand this part that in a question there could be fact plus opinion or just fact okay good now this part being a fact other parts were just also fact so it takes us to the structure now what is this structure i'll tell you what structure is so when we form a box kind of diagram in which we can put three different parts or let's call it four different parts for an introduction in this introduction we have three four different parts you should always write these four important points while writing introduction and i call this a structure this is more like a template if you understand this you just gonna change some words and include any similar information in each part now what happens in each part will be shown later but i hope you understand what i mean by structure this is the template of your introduction paragraph okay so when you write an essay so you have introduction body paragraph conclusion i'm talking about the inside structure of the introduction paragraph right the first thing is that is first sentence of the structure of the body paragraph is a fact-based statement what is a fact-based statement i think we have seen what is a fact in a question based on that fact we create a statement a general statement right remember this was a question earlier a person's worth nowadays seem to be judged according to social status and material positions and all this question about if these things are important or not are fact in this question was this one isn't it so you would be requested or this would be recommended that your first sentence is a sentence connected to this part only the fact-based statement now look this is a fact based i'm going to get rid of rest of it and i'm going to provide an example statement or example fact-based sentence which could be our first part so we have four parts in an introduction this would be the first sentence in the introduction recently people are being accounted for their social studies and the things they own what did i do here i just paraphrased the same thing but in my you know just try to make it look like as if i'm introducing the fact not the whole essay right or the social status of a person and the things they possess are considered the way to judge a person in recent times i'm trying to write this part which is the fact in a different way that's it this is also called paraphrase i hope you understand right next one we have is that is sentence two remember there are four so we have sentence two others opinion or view on the statements this is sentence two in our question if you look at it this was an opinion so you have to understand this part we're going to talk only about this that some people believe that characteristics such as honor benevolence and trust aren't considered decisive categorizing um a person these are not considered anywhere in the desire these are deciding factors of categorizing a person this is called second sentence or a fact opinion based statement right some people believe this and based on this what you're gonna do is you're gonna provide the sentence three that is your opinion or view on this topic so i'll just revise in a way short so that you understand what we are going through sentence one was a fact-based statement how did we find the fact by understanding the question there might be fact or opinion sentence two we talked about others opinion on this fact all right sentence three was your opinion or view on the topic cut it so which we are here right now let me show what it means by this the same question now what is your view on this do you think it's true do you agree with this i would say yeah i believe in this so these are the positive parts so however i believe otherwise i mean this is the negative part so somebody said this that old-fashioned values such as honor kindness and trust are no longer seem important these are not important so my point is however i believe otherwise i feel some people say this i believe otherwise however i don't think this is true i go opposite again another possibility however i totally disagree with the statement so i'm showing my opinion on the topic it's very important that you clearly mention here i because this is your opinion you cannot say in indirect tone you have to be sorry in passive or you have to be active your voice should be active here that you as a subject what do you think okay good the last i mean the second part would be if you have a positive tone that means you're going with the flow or with the opinion i believe the same or and i totally totally agree with the statement if you don't mention any of these let's say these are two options you can write in essay you cannot write both in that case it will be a clear paragraph what if you don't mention these then you're gone a person who is reading your essay gonna be confused to help because they won't know what the essay topic let's say the whole body paragraphs and the conclusion will be about for an example you're asking do you like dogs or cats if i talk certainly about elephants would you be able to judge what i really like of course not you have to talk about either dogs or cats you got my point what i'm trying to say here so please understand are they asking about dogs and cats or something else talk about these if they're asking about them don't talk about something new and you clearly mentioned i am gonna go for this so they have a question called dogs versus cats i have to choose one let's say i choose cats then i talk about cats but you have to mention when you're choosing i prefer cats or dogs same thing i totally agree with the statement or i totally disagree with the statement it's important that you mention your opinion next one is the structure for the remaining essay remaining i mean the body paragraphs and the conclusion what is the meaning of structure this is like glue to the body paragraph okay look this was a question we already have finished our introduction the three sentences of our introduction the first one is the fact-based statement second one is others opinion third one is your opinion and finally we have the structure of the essay let's see an example three arguments for the agreement or the disagreement whichever you choose this is an option of course and a counter argument are explained in detail below along with the conclusion so these things are explained in detail below with conclusion means now they know that this is ending of your introduction after this gonna come three different arguments which are for your agreement or disagreement and a contra argument is important we'll see why it is important when we are understanding the question type itself and they are explained with example probably you can add also that along with their conclusion this statement should always be very similar you can write in different words but it should know you should know that you should provide a number here a number shows that this is a planned essay you know uh i mean so did you see that what i mean a planned essay if you don't provide a number you say few arguments who knows what is few here number is a better or is is a better option right now let's see the full introduction what we have done so far so that we get the point clear this was the question and this is the answer recently people are being accounted for their social status and the things they own some people believe that the characteristics such as honor benevolence and trust aren't considered decisive categorizing a person however i totally disagree with the statement three arguments for the disagreement and the counter-argument are explained in detail along with the conclusion so this is the whole introduction in which we talked about everything we need to and is short don't try to increase more than four sentences because we have a limit of 250 cent i mean it's not a limit but try to make it to 270 you can write as many but minimum is 250 i generally prefer 270 or something like that so if your introduction is huge your body paragraphs have to be short if they are short you can't explain properly i prefer and i suggest three to four sentences in your introduction maximum what is body paragraph or what are body paragraphs and these are the part of writing module earlier we have discussed introduction which is the first part of your three part essay you know the essay has three parts number one introduction then we have body paragraph and finally conclusion today we're going to go through the body paragraph now what is the meaning of body paragraphs and what happens in that let me just describe here in your body paragraph you're going to provide the reasons for your agreement or disagreement or you're going to expand your topic provide your concepts remember one thing never write more than one concept in one paragraph this is the biggest mistake people make now i have shown you this in earlier videos as well when i'm talking about essays and paragraphs i'm repeating this because it is really important so one concept one paragraph equal to the perfect mixture for an example i'm writing an essay about this room let's say this is a classroom and i want to write an essay on the classroom so i shouldn't start talking about its characteristics what i should start with in fact is i should group the classroom into various categories so first one would be the electronic in the room second one would be the furniture in the room third one would be let's say the human element the students and the teachers whatever it is and the fourth one could be anything but in what i mean is here in electronic i could talk about the board i mean the electric board or i could talk about the fan or the ac or the computer itself in the furniture part i could talk about the chairs the table um the bulletin board itself and the last human element i can talk about the teacher and the students you see how grouping has created a common topic so you get my point i cannot mix up the furniture part in electronics or human part in electronic or vice versa hence one concept per paragraph is must if you're writing isa for ielts or anything i mean literally any exam toefl pte gre or any exam or without an exam if you have a competition for essays this concept works all the time if you have a good magazine reputed magazine if you read it you will find there is single concept in a single paragraph they don't exceed they explain that properly in single paragraph this is important all right keep it in mind now i think you have understood power method earlier if you haven't please go back to the video of the structure of writing and the power method video in which we discuss what is power that is planning organizing writing evaluating and revising these are the rules which will help you to create the structure of your essay you will get the points what to write in the body paragraphs plus the rule of paragraphs remember the rule one single concept in one paragraph right so the two things the power method plus one single concept in one paragraph these together combine and form a properly structured in body paragraph which we should write in ielts okay now let's talk about the structure itself what is the meaning of structure in body paragraph they are and first of all before we even proceed with structure why do we need structure see if you are an avid writer that means a person who writes blog and you know who writes book they won't have trouble with that but the person who has not written for years what happens is they don't know what the structure is or they can start with something interesting but could end the body paragraph with something horrible or let's say something not desirable hence there should be a template that should always be there in their mind which could behave as a structure when we describe what would be the first sentence of your um body paragraph what could be the second sentence same goes for third and finally four there are four different sentences you got my point what is this structure and what is the importance this will keep you binded that we have to write this part in first sentence this part in the second sentence clear let me show you how it looks so we have part one part two part three and part four but these parts are sentences right and overall this will look like a paragraph this could be called a body paragraph so don't consider this as separate sentences these are the sentences of your paragraph but i have created a template hence i'm forming boxes for your own benefit sentence one sentence two three four are the parts of paradox remember okay let's get to the topic sentence itself you know what happens in the topic sentence which is the first part of your structure i mean to say the whole template this is your first sentence always of your body paragraph yes discussing body paragraph remember that and the first statement of first sentence in your body paragraph is the topic sentence but what is the meaning of this topic sentence what comprises in this topic sentence let's see an example this we have seen introduction as well the same question and i'm gonna continue with it so that you have a connecting chain a person's worth nowadays seem to be seems to be judged according to the social status and material positions old-fashioned values such as honor kindness and trust no longer seem important to what extent do you agree or disagree with with this opinion is a question this is i think you know from the previous video is general information no need to worry for that now we have to write at least 250 words this is general our introduction is already finished we have already done the power method let's say what what points you will provide let's start with with the point that we do agree to this statement right that means we know this question and i mean we know the point and we say i agree with the statement nowadays people are not focusing on values such as this what are my agreements why do i agree i mean what are my points for agreement this is the reason which i have to explain in my body paragraphs so paragraph one could be one explanation one reason for my agreement paragraph two could be one reason but today we're gonna see each sentence of these body paragraphs so i'm talking about the first sentence of this single reason got it again the question you can read it again if you wish we already did read it so let's see the first sentence of this body paragraph let me eliminate the useless information and talk about other side i disagree okay media makes it look like what everyone wants is materials and online profiles but the truth is totally opposite you see this is called the topic sentence or the body the better heading you can call it better heading or the topic statement what is the meaning of this topic i'll tell you what happens is if you read the first sentence of your body paragraph you should be able to guess what i mean by the whole paragraph my main point or what my what i mean by this whole paragraph is the media is the culprit of making it look bad that make it look like everyone just want material everyone is materialistic everyone just want online profiles clear first statement of your body paragraph should indicate what would be there in your body itself i hope i'm clear about that that's why i said this is the first statement of your body paragraph the media makes it look like what everyone wants is materials and online profiles but truth is totally opposite right second part is explanation so this was the first one which we have seen earlier second is explanation which we have to understand now what are we explaining by the way do you remember what we wrote in the topic in sentence why what are the reasons for us to disagree first reason is mentioned as topic statement now we're going to explain the same thing in our sentence right the same point which we have mentioned earlier so same question we have mentioned and this is our first statement for your reference this is our first statement which is our topic statement now if you want to expand it the next step which is explanation which we are explaining here most people see what the media shows them as a consequence people feel quality such as honor being humble etc aren't as important as they used to be hence you understand what i'm trying to say here that my statement is i disagree for sure i disagree with this point my first point for disagreeing is this this is the first part of first sentence of my body paragraph one this is my body paragraph one first sentence is this one here second sentence would be after this that is most people see that the media shows them it's the explanation of basically the topic sentence you don't have to create something new you just have to explain why do you think this is the reason your first reason to disagree correctly good now this third one is example see we have seen two first sentence second sentence of your body paragraph and the last one which i mean third one which is example remember examples are the pillar of the concept if i have mentioned a concept and i couldn't explain the concept that's just horrible because i took it because i knew it right with example it will be concrete that oh i can explain now better you can relate to the thing that happened examples are easier so far i've been teaching with examples if possible it would be easier for you to understand with examples like for any for an example here itself so we're gonna see example of example um [Music] going to a lake at late night is not safe now you would say oh really tell me about it and i'm going to tell you about more and then i'll give examples see this is what happened to my friend he lost something and whatever so example made it concrete right same here with the same question we have the first statement that is topic statement then we explain the topic statement which we have seen in first and second part of a body paragraph the third sentence is this one which is an example my friend thinks if he has more friends on social media profile he will be considered social sad part is he thinks because of an article he reads online so that means he found this online and he thinks that he will be really a social person because he has more friends online he got an example that is shown according to the situation will make the point more desirable and concrete okay now there are three types of examples possible number one your experience what i mean by your experience is what happened in your life something that clicked you like for example all that happened to me that i went to some media and i understood it that you know understood that most important part is our social media profile but eventually i understood that they were all lies later i come to know the truth your ex your experience is the first type of example which is i think common because you can lie about it right second one is known experience the kind of example i gave earlier is known experience right you talk about a friend a family member or your partner or anyone you can create a virtual friend as well and talk about their experience that they found this and this is what happened if you don't want any of this if you know some kind of general knowledge or general information you can use that as well see this is much better but the problem with general knowledge is you have to be correct you cannot create statistic out of the sky and out of the blue you cannot create it you have to know the statistic and then provide it so three kinds of examples that you can provide that is the third sentence of your body paragraph could be your experience your known experience that from your family or friend and finally general knowledge which has to be correct other two don't doesn't need to be other two don't need to be correct you know it could be a virtual you could be created okay good now the last part of a body paragraph is conclusion remember i'm not concluding the whole essay i'm concluding only the paragraph that means the reason what why i think about the agreement or disagreement or whatever it is so this is the last part the conclusion only of the paragraph not the whole essay so we have seen the first one here topic sentence i think by repeating this many times you must you must be remembering this right and the last part a second last part was the example and finally we have conclusion which is the fourth part all right what happens in conclusion is we have seen all this the first part second or third part is an example now there's not much space let me just get rid of this and make some space here and now we have the last part written in a way to show whatever i've shown you here it can be concluded in a single sentence for you to revise so last sentence could be in a nutshell it's not an individual's perspective on values but the media's force and faulty influence okay this is conclusion that you can add in the end and it will become a whole body paragraph four different sentences or five because in explanation you can add more like we did here first sentence and second sentence these two sentences are part of your explanation this is an example the one which i'm marking here this is an example and finally we have conclusion so together they form a perfect body paragraph yeah now this is the whole out looks like the whole body paragraph starting with media's fault on this then we talk about how it is media's fault what people think an example about my friend right and finally a conclusion about what we think about this whole point what really happens so for the things without them there's no possible way that you can have an amazing body paragraph in fact it's easier you know if you remember a template all you have to do is that you can add your words based on the topic remember the structure add your own words based on the topic it says replacement nothing creating new so it could get easier for you you don't have to think in the middle what should i write here what's right there okay good now there's one more thing that you should also know see when we are writing body paragraphs this earlier we have discussed single body paragraph all the body paragraphs will be written in the same way or the same structure but these body paragraphs have to have a connectivity which is called cohesion we described cohesion when we were describing what are um your what are your criteria of writing so this is how your whole essay structure looks like introduction then we have body pair of one two three as many you want and finally conclusion right but for now we are discussing only body paragraph hence we keep them here remove introduction conclusion now see this structure we are talking about how are you going to connect them that is cohesion we said this earlier for that we have three different kinds of connectors right we have types of connectors as well i think you understand what is meaning of connector we have body paragraph one two three if i read certainly the body paragraph the middle one i should be knowing what could be in the previous one or if i'm reading the first one i should be knowing what is in the next one clear now look at the the tie three types the first type is list of two ideas what is the meaning of this type what is the meaning of this list of two ideas let's say i have a body paragraph one and body paragraph two that means i explain two different points the same question which we have that people don't believe in honor and stuff so i have first reason as is the reason because of media and we have because of friends influence okay not just media friends also influences otherwise it not true it is not true i disagree hence these two ideas are connected to each other using a list of two ideas which are similar when we have two ideas which are on the same point right they are they come in this category in this case what we generally do is we have to understand one thing then we have to connect them using the word moreover that means we are extending our idea clear what i mean by that let me explain again so i'll start my first paragraph whatever the way it is normal structure everything the four sentences when i start my next paragraph in this kind of point when we have two ideas only i'll start the next paragraph first sentence with moreover what is this moreover moreover says that oh we have discussed something earlier so now we are adding to it instead of moreover if you want you can add in addition to that means what we have discussed earlier in addition to that i'm saying something more you got my point when we have two ideas we can connect the ideas using this now see if a person suddenly reads the second body paragraph they would say oh i see in addition to that means there must be something else above very similar to this this is how we connect body paragraphs when we have two ideas of same type clear good second one is when we have list of more than two ideas all right in that case what we're gonna do is we're gonna start our first body paragraph with firstly because the list right of more than two items and then we're gonna start our next body paragraph with secondly i mean the first word would be secondly and then our topic statement same way here first paragraph firstly and then our topic statement if we have more than this better of like let's say we have four paragraphs we will say thirdly and always the last paragraph in the list would be considered finally or you could say i'm an example lastly right so the first body paragraph would start with firstly second would start with secondly and the last one will start with finally or lastly i'm not saying here that you always have three body paragraphs you can have four but in that case you will start with firstly secondly thirdly and finally okay why can't we use this method in case when we have just two ideas look we can never say firstly and lastly can we no it looks absurd right isn't it so we cannot do that and always remember when you're writing firstly always put a comma secondly always put a comma and then start your statement same goes with you whatever moreover however all of them you should have a comma because these are the way this is the way it is if you don't understand the punctuations please go through the grammar series which we have created you'll understand it okay good now the third one is like we said we have three different ideas contradicting ideas what is the meaning of contradicting ideas so earlier we said there are similar ideas in a list it could be two or two more than two two areas what if we have contracting ideas so this one first one contradicts with this one so i say this paragraph talks about the advantages of something however this one talks about the disadvantages of this you understand what i mean by that in this case you are supposed to use something else rather than moreover and all those stuff you should use words like however or you should something like apart from that now apart from that is used for something else um on the other side right so this is like showing your perspective on the other side that means you have one side and you have the other side hence your first paragraph that is body one paragraph in the case when two paragraphs are contradicting to each other first one will start without any opening without any first word and a comma it will start with your topic sentence second body paragraph will start with any of these either however or on the other side or in contrast you know it could be one example in contrast that means we have said something earlier now we are contrasting a point clear this could be a possibility now let me just give you a complex idea what if these two ideas are together however this one is opposite it's simple we start the first paragraph without any beginning we start the second one with moreover because we are adding to the previous one and finally this is contradicting both so we can start with however here or on the other side i hope i'm clear about this and we have this complex structure where the first one and second one are similar ideas however the third one is contradicting idea in that case it's fine to add these things i hope i'm clear about this and what i mean by conducting ideas and similar ideas and stuff okay and this is how we end the body paragraph part of an essay we're going to see the conclusion part of your essays that is part two right that is essay in both types academic or general training and still we are at writing module all right what is this conclusion about conclusion always comes in the end of the three introduction body paragraphs you can have one body paragraph or two or as many you want so let's call it for now b n and the last one always conclusion it's last not the least important all right remember that it has at most important because a person who starts with an a great introduction should also end with a great conclusion it's a thing that like consistency is shown over there and your whole essay is concluded or the jest of the essay is being shown here remember last doesn't mean it's least important now what is the structure i think we have discussed what happens in structure we have to have a template for our every part that is introduction body paragraph and conclusion in here as well see there's one difference between introduction body paragraph and conclusion that in both parts the initial ones we have four sentences of four points however in the case of conclusion you have just three that means three sentences must be there in the case of conclusion or three parts are there right what are these parts let's talk about the first one which is called opinion this is called opinion of of you and this should be considered the first sentence in your conclusion and before we try to proceed with the itself what it means i should be telling you always start your first sentence in your conclusion that is your view with a concluding word or phrase now what is this concluding word or phrase it's nothing just to show your conclusion has started okay this is a way to indicate that it's not a body paragraph or an introduction in fact it is a conclusion all right now look it can be used like it can be concluded that or we have another option for that all in all it can be said that maybe another one at the end of the picture see after this comes the whole sentence and same way here after this comes the whole sentence we have to finish but before we start with whole sentence or the opinion we should start with this particular phrase okay good now let's start with the question which we started earlier in the body paragraph itself or in the introduction we always use this question or this example that the first person's worth nowadays seems to be judged with social status and material and all beliefs are not important i think we have discussed this plenty of times so we're not going to discuss the question itself remember when we started with it we said we do agree or disagree in one part let's say we disagree with the point that this is the truth we said it's not the truth due to certain reasons those reasons were our body paragraphs in conclusion we gonna break up our first or let's say third sentence of our introduction remember we said we disagree with it so let's see an example of what i mean by that it can be concluded that values such as honor humbleness and trust which are old-fashioned are important rather than things rather than things and individual possesses so let's try to understand what i mean by this in our introduction we agreed to something that means this one we agreed with right so we mentioned that in the introduction i agree with the statement or in this case we said i disagree with the statement that old-fashioned values are not important okay that means i disagreed when we were discussing discussing the case of introduction if you have not seen the video please go back and watch it in our body paragraphs we have described why do we disagree our point reason one reason two so particular reason individual reason equal to one body paragraph in the case of conclusion our first sentence would be the same which we used in introduction to disagree so i said i don't agree with the statement i disagree hence our conclusion should be the same because we proved it right this is the conclusion yeah we proved it using the body paragraphs it can be concluded that values such as all this this means that i am restating my agreement or disagreement okay that's why i called it opinion your opinion is mentioned again it doesn't matter what question type it is if it is advantage or disadvantage what side do you agree if it is any other five question type which you see later you have to mention it again which you mentioned in the introduction okay good second one is reason all details so reasons and details do come in the second one so we have discussed the opinions here and then we discuss why do we agree in now look these are the paragraphs in short the body paragraphs which we have written in length you know explaining this part that why do we agree with the statement or why do we disagree there is reason one whole body paragraph reason two with example of course whole very body paragraph in the case of second sentence of your conclusion you concise it in the form of a single word for example here we call it because of media we believe in that social media is important however that's not true tv or movies try to show us that social media is important but it is not true same may be another reason so we'll try to find out one word or two words to explain the body paragraphs so your statement which we have already started with the first sentence is this one now second sentence is here let's just take some space and here is the second statement the reasons for the same are the influence from the media people's misunderstanding of the concept and assumptions made by individuals see these paragraphs i mean these points influence from the media or of the media people's and misunderstanding of the concept that is the second reason hence we must have a body paragraph one for this body paragraph two for this and body paragraph 3 for this i know you must be thinking we never thought of essays or even the conclusions like this in detail when everything is connected to the next thing which we are writing remember this is called cohesion and we have to have that to get good score most people don't get good score in writing for this reason they have good english but they don't know how to connect ideas they don't know how to connect the introduction part with the conclusion part we have to otherwise we won't get good score and anyway it the reading part is fun when everything is connected and you are enjoying the concurrency you know the the continuity with which you have so the second sentence is mentioned here the reasons for this agreement or disagreement which we have mentioned in the first sentence of a conclusion now the last part is called closing it is kind of a nice statement which we are providing to put an end to the uh to the essay it must be something in my opinion it must be something nice because we have to be you know nice and being what you call this um you know towards the environment or towards the world so let me show you this is the first sentence which is in yellow color second sentence blue and the last one we see again yellow hair put to show you emphasize to show you the emphasis a world full of people believing in values and ethics will make this a better place to live so this is the end see we talked about values and ethics because it was part of our question without this the acid looks like you know heartless now we put an i put a heart to the end of the essay gonna be much better so let me show you the whole introduction if you wish to see from beginning till end this is the conclusion part of your essay it shouldn't be more than three to four sentences maximum but you should have three parts always first part if you remember is the same thing you wrote in the introduction the opinion second part is always the reasons for these opinions why did you choose this opinion or why did you choose advantage or disadvantage and the third one is a nice a beautiful closing towards the positivity got it and this is how you write a conclusion in short and in a template kind of structure part two of your writing and question types in it so that means your part 2 is always an essay and we what kind of questions you get in the ad essay we are still in the writing module earlier we have discussed the structure and how to write writing i mean the essays and stuff but today we're gonna see the question types okay there are five different question types which i mentioned here as number one number two number three number four and number five you can keep looking up for the question types themselves and when you have even some explanation will be mentioned here below so the first is called agree or disagree the one which we have described in detail in your introduction your body paragraph and conclusion all right what happens in this question type we have two more types subtypes in question okay the first one is when we have an extent what is this extent this actually depends on the question the way of the style of questioning the first one is government should governments should spend money on railways rather than roads to what extent do you agree or disagree you see to what extent it doesn't mean that you have to write the accent you disagree you just say agree or disagree but it's a time or it's a style to say what extent do you agree or disagree okay this is the first style the second one is directly agree or disagree you say some people feel that entertainers example film stars pop musicians or super sports stars are paid too much money do you agree or disagree with the above statement you got my point so overall what you get is here to disagree or disagree earlier we got extend or extent of the agreement remember there's no different answer for both of the questions there's a single answer so what the structure would be for this question type introduction that means in the introduction you mentioned if you agree or disagree which we have discussed earlier then we have body paragraphs body paragraph 1 body paragraph 2 as many reasons you have for the agreement or disagreement and finally a conclusion one thing you should always remember when you're writing agree and disagree question type if you choose to write agree write 80 percent about agreement but you should go towards disagreement and write 20 percent about this agreement as well so for an example if we look at the previous question which is some people believe some people feel that the entertainers are paid too much do you agree i'll say i agree when i say i agree in the introduction i'll mention two body paragraphs in agreement and i'll mention a third body paragraph in disagreement that see in some cases it's true they're working hard they should be paid more right so if i choose disagree i would say two body paragraphs for disagreement and write a short one for agreement why are we doing this this is like we are the lawyers and the conclusion is the judge so lawyers should be showing both sides so that is the disagreement or the agreement side but the one which you want to make win or make clear should be more so for example i want to show my agreement part more hence i'll write 80 percent agreement what if i want to make the disagreement part more i'll write 80 of disagreement hence in the conclusion we can judge that yes the agreement is more enhanced it's true you know these people really are paid more for no reasons got my point always the other side should be described a little bit at least when 20 percent or 10 percent cool good second question type is advantages and disadvantages in this question type we have also two types again i mean subtypes right the subtypes are there's a direct or let's say negative development you know if we have direct or positive or negative development let's look at it here countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy same products anywhere in the world do you think this is positive or negative development or similarly you can say what are the advantages and disadvantages of this development so they're asking you same thing please provide these two points they are not comparing them in fact they are asking you to write these two points now what how to write in this kind of question when we have this subtype of course introduction we will provide about this point about how people can buy everything anywhere now in body one you will mention advantages in body two you will mention disadvantages and when we have a conclusion if you have more disadvantages you can mention in body 3 as well or if you have more advantages you can mention here as well extra but what i mean is you don't have to create new paragraph for your own opinion got it you have a paragraphs for advantages and disadvantages clear but we have second subtype and advantage and disadvantages where they use the word out way the meaning of outward is do you think this is better than that okay here many museums charge for admission while others are free do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages here they have asked questions clearly do you think the advantages of this are more than the disadvantages now your answer should be very clear because they have asked you question not to mention there they haven't told you please talk about advantage and disadvantage or something but they have asked you a question do you think this is better if you say yes the advantage is out with the disadvantages that means you have to write more on advantages hence the structure would be an introduction about the topic itself then we have body paragraph one where you are mentioning more towards its advantages body paragraph two more again towards advantage because see we have agreed on that advantages some more we are just giving an example and body paragraph 3 where we are mentioning just a little bit of disadvantages because see outgoing means these are more this is less and in conclusion you can conclude it that you can see that many advantages but just one disadvantage clear so this is how you answer the question for an outward question but remember read the question properly where the outward word has been used in here it is used between advantages and disadvantages hence the question is about advantages not disadvantages what if i change the wordings do you think the disadvantages of charging people for admission to the museums out with advantages in that in that case if you want to say yes advantages are great then you have to say no disadvantages are less than the advantages all disadvantages don't outweigh the advantages that means our brain advantages are more so read the question very carefully understand the structure see where the outward word is used based on that create your answer or create a structure all right the next one is discuss type in this they're asking you with a statement in which we might have two views for example some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in foreign country others say that these are not the only reason why someone should learn a foreign language discuss both views and give your opinion now what is the meaning of both these views first of all we have two views here the first one is here second one here so second one is that these are not the only reasons is someone should learn a foreign language that means we have other reasons to learn a foreign language clear so you have to discuss both views and discuss them i mean and provide your opinion not just discuss so your structure would be introduction then you write one body paragraph that is body paragraph one discussing the first view right and then you mentioned the body paragraph two discussing the second view and then body paragraph 3 sorry body paragraph 3 with your opinion and then finally you are at a conclusion it's simple introduction you should mention about both a little bit of it we have discussed how to write introduction and conclusion as well but body paragraph will change here a little bit that is first view second view and opinion and finally you conclude based on your body paragraph and introduction clear this is called discus type now the fourth one is actually it's very easy it's called problem solution what happens in problem solution is again we have two subtypes what are these two subtypes number one when we ask for only solution they don't ask you for causes or the problems see here in many countries schools have severe problems with students behavior what solutions can you provide or suggest you see here there's nothing like what is the reason for this kind of problem and what are the other problems connected to it they just want you to write solutions in this case i suggest you write this way in the introduction itself please talk about the problems or the reasons or the causes of this problem that is in short in body paragraphs you write first solution second solution as many solutions you have let's say p till n and finally a conclusion that how we have a problem how can we solve it okay if you are struggling with introduction and conclusion remember we have a separate chapter or video on this please go through it we are just discussing the question type themselves so problem and solution are mentioned like this if we have the first type where only solution is required that we write first solution second solution as many solutions we have in a form of paragraphs in form of paragraphs right so second type is when we have to mention the problems or the causes of the problems and the solution as well so in this case let's take an example at an example in some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing what do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them you see that what are the causes of these problems is the first thing that are you know the reasons and finally mazes means solution that can be taken to solve them in this case your structure will change a bit you start with introduction then in the body paragraph one you mentioned the problems or the causes of the problems in body paragraph 2 you mentioned solutions for those problems let's say i have mentioned cause 1 the reason one for this problem reason 2 and hence i provide the solution for these causes so there's a solution one and solution two as many solution you want actually depending on the you know problem you mentioned and finally a conclusion i'm not limiting you with three body paragraphs i am just telling you the one thing you mentioned in your body one how many causes you have solution should be based on that clear good and the last one but not the least is the direct questions very simple and hence the structure will be simple as well here you will be given a statement like this lack of fresh water is becoming a global issue of increasing importance what problems does this shortage cause and second what measures could be taken to overcome these problems now this looks like problem solution sorry but remember they can change this they could say something like how true is this statement and what can be the solution what i mean is they would be asking you direct two questions and you have to answer those questions they are sometime little bit away from that or little bit more connected but they are not problem solution types of essay they are direct question yes so here we end this chapter because see in this in this case you have to just write the introduction and in the body one you mentioned the first question in body two you mentioned the second question and in conclusion you just write conclusions so it's a simple structure you can create one single body paragraph for one thing second body paragraph solving the other thing and conclusion so it's pretty simple the part one of writing but remember this is for academic only that means we have two academic and general training if you are from general training that means you're definitely going for work if you're academic you're going abroad for study so if you're planning to study abroad watch this video as your writing one will be different then that is writing part one will be different than people who are going for work let's begin then first of all this will be part one that means it has nothing to do that you have to do it first there are two parts that is part one and part two and you can do any of them anytime remember you'll be given total 60 minutes and they mentioned that you know an exam 20 minutes are recommended for this recommended not necessary you know you're not gonna take your paper back because you finished 20 minutes and 40 minutes are recommended for this you can take as much as time you want but if you're doing 20 it's much better because number of words in part one is just for 150 words this is just the basic information what if if you want the whole detail please watch another video i have made on structure of part one now in this section you will be writing report that is for academic remember if you're for general training we have a separate video for that understanding what writing part one is for academic i mean for general training this is only for academic because in general training you are supposed to write a letter in here we gonna write a report and that will be based on a graphic so as i said structure is already discussed in previous videos you don't have to worry about that here and you won't get anything much in deeper about the structure what is informed and what is not informed what is task 1 what is task 2 what are the criteria and all this thing will be discussed already discussed in previous videos let's get deeper in the concrete stuff task 1 consists of any of the 6 types of the questions now what i mean by any of the six types you won't get more than two one question so you'll be getting one question only and this one question will be out of these six types of questions and they all will have graphics so basically based on one graph or another kind of graph you will be asked question and there are six kinds of graphs possible or image is possible in this task that is task one out of this you will get only one type not all six remember so remember one more thing you don't have to write introduction or conclusion like we discussed in part two are we gonna discuss in part two in essays what we have to do start our essay with introduction i think you know this from school then we write a body paragraph then we write another body paragraph if required and then finally conclusion there's no need to write introduction or conclusion in this question type it is fine so no need to write introduction separately for that no need to write conclusion because we have discussed in videos what is introduction what is conclusion separately you don't have to worry about that now no extra information or opinion apart from introduction or conclusion you don't have to provide any extra information in a question you'll be asked to write something you just have to follow the question in task 2 what you're supposed to do is there's a question they ask for your response or opinion on that so based on your opinion you will have different answer but here no opinion required okay make it clear good here all you have to do in task one is remember the words and the structure that's it i mean remember the words means there are certain words that you do have to include in your writing part one and if you know the structure if you know the question type you can score easily in part one because you don't have to think of your own ideas on you know concepts or anything just remember stuff or not remember let's say understood stuff of all the question types that is six let's begin with the paragraphs themselves what i mean by paragraphs is the three different paragraphs type of paragraphs that you have to write in task one all of them should be understood in short number one paragraph one could be a single sentence and there will be introduction of the graphic right what does it mean by introduction of the graphic as i said single sentence could be considered a paragraph paragraph two will be describe compare and contrast the graphic see this is just the paragraph when we are seeing an example it'll get clear don't worry about it is coming soon so we have to describe the graphic compare the information in this and if there's contrasting also mention the contrast that is paragraph two and paragraph three would be you summarize by the way if you write z here it's us and if you write s here it's uk based there's no difference there's there's nothing is incorrect incorrect summarize means whatever information you got you just mentioned something interesting in it and then that is fine you don't have to create a conclusion for that okay now let's see the types of reports the one which you're waiting for the concrete types okay so these are the six types in which the first one is called a line graph or a graph itself the second one is called a pie chart this is called a bar chart don't call it bar graph it's called bar chart this one as the fourth one is called image or process describing a process here this one is called a map show the difference in a map you see there are two different maps and the last one tables in exam you might get lines here you know in the form of rows and columns but i have formed two different tables you have to describe the table six different question types you might get any of this like you might get line graph you might get pie chart you might get a map any of this okay now let's see line graph and bar chart together why together because they have most of the things similar very few differences right the first let's see in detail what it looks like you know what is in the line graph in line graph we have these kind of lines which are showing the trend you know some sales are increasing or carbon emission increasing or decreasing whatever but in bar chart they have a number here which is mentioned using bars these could be not just vertical but horizontal as well what i mean by that the part-time voluntary work further study and unemployment could be here you know in this form like this it could be vertical or horizontal but when we have a bar it is called bar chart good this is an example of a bar chart you might have two in there you have to explain both or compare both so question will be like this the charts below show what uk graduate and graduate students postgraduate student who did not get into full-time work did after leaving college in 2008 right so this example will show how it works so here we have graduates here we have post graduates you can compare both bar charts we'll see how to compare this will be always the same this is called information that will be common all the time question is here and your chart are here it could be one or two depending on the question another example is line um graph the graph below shows average carbon dioxide emissions per person in united kingdom sweden italy and portugal between 1967 and 2007. clear so this will be a line graph where they show the increase in you know the carbon dioxide or decrease this these are the you know mentioned details about the graph and you can we can understand later how it works this is a question that i'm explaining okay now remember in a line graph trend is important what i mean by trend is you see that trend increasing decreasing and going down and certain increase seven degrees these are called trends however in case of bar chart trend plus grouping is important what i mean by grouping is see earlier we have seen this image here we have part-time voluntary work further study and unemployment we could create a group of these or we could create two groups group one is graduate group two is post graduates to form paragraphs so in this case grouping plus trend is important that what is changing what is increasing what is decreasing that is also important last but not the least title is always important both it gives the information about the graph now if you look here this is the title of a graph this is the title of a graph this gives the information most of it through titles here the x-axis and y-axis information gives us information as well so you got my point what is this title and how trends and grouping is different good let's see in both example what we discussed earlier this is the title i'm revising myself and what are the two things trend trend is important in line graph as well as bar graph but grouping is important in part i mean i'm sorry i'm not paragraph bar chart in bajad we have also important is this grouping can we group using these or can we group using postgraduate and graduates clear good now let's see what happens what do we write in first sentence now we're gonna go sentence wise what to write or paragraph wise what to write in our line line graph or bar chart the first sentence could be called a first paragraph that means a single sentence can form a full paragraph clear you don't have to create anything new one single sentence equal to one paragraph possible now that also gonna describe your graph in short that means in a single sentence you're gonna describe your the whole graph right what we mentioned to you let me give an example this is the question we had the graph shows average carbon dioxide emission so we have this whole question and we have this image let me get rid of this image and show you how can write the first sentence of your question the graph illustrates the emission of carbon dioxide in four countries namely united kingdom sweden italy and portugal for four decades between 1967 and 2007. what have i done in this case now look i have included all the information required from the question and from the graph and have written in different words you know what i mean by that paraphrased it if i just directly copy paste here not gonna work see you can change few things here which i have written my way you can change from illustrates to shows sheds light on in forms or just anything but it's important that you start with this okay good this is the first sentence as well as first paragraph then you have to change the paragraph of the graph paragraph 2 describes the detail the trend and the contrast which you have mentioned okay now look here what what's going to happen isn't this increasing and there's sudden decrease but this is not a certain degree this is a slow decrease you see that all these things are important we are going to see them in detail so there are five possible trends you know all these trends we have five possible trends in including line graph plus bar chart let's see all the trends one by one with examples and images the first trend is slight increase where do we see stride light increase this you see here slight increase you see that so we're gonna use the word expanded grew climbed rose stepped up picked up any of these words you can use or something like the carbon dioxide increased or grew in this number from this to this year you can mention these words now in order to emphasize you can say moderately or slightly see these are adverbs so if you're using the word words as you know to show increase as verbs let's take an example moderately um modulate moderately uh rose that means it increased moderately so this is what we have as a verb and to enhance the world we have always had box what if we use an adjective then we have to change the word to a noun adjectives always describe a noun so adjective plus noun verb i mean adverbs plus verbs in this case if i want to use let's say um gradual so i'm going to say gradual increase a gradual rise that means the rise overall this is a rise as a noun so there's a gradual rise rather than saying it rose gradually that is adverb okay you get the difference you can use any of these if it's up to you you can interchange some time but in order to sort of slide you have to use these adwords and adjective good second one is slight decrease you see here there's a slight decrease from compared to this one and this is what we call slight decrease not certain slight so you can say reduce instead of decrease went down decreased dropped declined and fell all of these are verbs and if you remember what do we use to describe verbs advaps same adverbs you can use same adjectives can use so for example slightly declined so these are slightly declined carbon dioxide emissions got my point and if you want to adjective then you have to use the word as noun you have to complete so the minimal reduction instead of reduced reduction gradual reduction can be seen from this to that so that's what i mean by adverb plus verb however for adjective it's always with a noun well if you don't understand this or if you need to know more and get more information about them please watch the video about um parts of speech which we have posted in a verb section i mean sorry in a grammar section good now third one is dramatic increase if there's a dramatic increase there's sudden increase you see that there's a dramatic increase here and you could see a dramatic increase almost dramatic but it is big increase right there's a huge um you know it grew exponentially so in order to explain this we can also have adverbs but different ones and same goes for adjectives significantly rapidly steeply substantially considerably all these words can be used in order to show the increase or dramatic increase a huge amount of increase now adjectives can be created from them so significantly become significant rapidly can become rapid sometimes it's so easy just to remove ly and it makes sense but not always and look at this word considerably you cannot just remove lee and will work out these are some exceptions so you have to use considerable so it was considerable increase also considerable rise so this rise and increase in nouns if you want to use grew or expanded you have to use it grew significantly cut it to show dramatic increase and so go so goes for now in this case see earlier we have discussed you can use adverbs and adjectives to show dramatism you know i like to show dramatic increase what if i don't want to then i don't need to use any of these if i use such words it's sword it escalated it rocketed it showed up or jumped these words themselves are emphasized or they don't need adverbs and adjectives to be shown dramatism get my point if you use the previous words you use these adverbs and adjective to show dramatic increase however if you don't want to use adverbs and adjectives use these words they are already showing dramatic increase clear good and the next one is dramatic decree decrease you can see it here there's a dramatic decrease in this and you can use the word reduced when down decreased dropped decline of l same one which we use you in slide degrees as well and same address and adjective we can use you can pause the video and you know just take notes from this so that you can remember finally what if we don't want to use them i mean the adwords are adjective we can ignore them here and we use this part directly collapsed slumped crest plunged plummeted what i mean by this is you see the plumated word can be used directly the carbon dioxide emission plummeted that's it you don't have to use the words like significantly plummeted what does it even mean right you got my point if you want to show dramatism you use adverbs and adjective but with different words these words themselves can be understood without addressing adjectives good and the final one you don't need anything there's this study for example if you look here in this part the emission remains steady there's not much change so you can say between year 99 1977 and 1987 the carbon dioxide emission you know stayed at a constant level or stabilized at this number or flattened out at this number or leveled off you got my point these words can show steadiness that means it splattered out and didn't increase or decreed there was no change in that and you don't need any adjectives or adverbs because those were to show a dramatism here we don't need on any of that cool good i know this was a lot of information in bar line graph uh line graph and bar chart i suggest you watch it with notes okay now next one that is third one is pie chart pie chart looks completely different i think you have seen plenty of the time in your school and in ppts this is what a pie chart looks like where we have a circle which donates and denotes all the information we need about the you know the whatever it is like for example british students these are the hundred percent of them is always in person and what percent is which thing for example in this here no other language they're learning or they speak is this one dark blue is another language so this information is provided using a graphical method called pie chart let's see how we solve them this is kind of question you get you might get two questions i mean two pie charts in a single question you might get single pie chart generally you get two the chart below shows the portion of british student at one university in england who were able to speak other languages in addition to english in 2000 as well as 2010. we have 2 000 here and 2010 here that means two pie charts are separate they have different information all you have to do is gain that information from the image plus the question question will give you information about what the pie chart is about and these pie chart themselves will give you what are we talking in the in the question like for example what are we talking in about the british students or who can speak other languages apart from english okay cool now an earlier thing you know we have seen this introduction the first sentence will stay the same no change so we're gonna say something like um the pie chart describes or illustrates that you know at the part of students british students in one you know at one university in england um who can speak other languages apart from english and those are shown in year 2000 as well as 2010. so different words basically the most important information in pie chart that has to be separated is these are these three things the first one is written form how it differs then the percentage and how it differs from the fraction by the way when we have a person sign in front of a number we cannot call it percentage so this cannot be said 50 percentage it's called 50 but if there's no number included we can call it percentage like a large percentage of people okay so a half is called fifty percent or one by two at one third a third is called thirty three percent or one by three two third sixty six percent two by three three quarters seventy five percent three by four a quarter twenty five percent one by four so these are infractions these are in words first thing which we have seen and here we have seen in person you can say fifty percent do twenty five percent to dinner why am i giving you this information so that you don't repeat yourself you see there's a lot of information here sometimes it's just almost 25 percent just even below that so what if you have to describe the same thing here for example this one is equal to the yellow one the green one here you don't have to use the word like you know it is almost 25 percent because you can use next time a quarter if you remember we have something called lexical resource where we have said you have to use synonyms and that's the reason i'm trying to provide you as many synonyms as possible let it be in written form or percentage form of fraction form okay all right next one is table and you know how a table looks like right table looks like with you have a row and these are our rows and these are columns so these are all rows which are horizontal verticals one are columns and you have information mentioned here it could be a single table it could be two tables so let's see a question based on a table the tables below give information about sales of fair trade labeled coffee and bananas in 1999 and 2004 in five european countries so 5 11 countries i don't think they have mentioned that yes they did here so you have to watch out this information they have mentioned only five european countries here have they mentioned the name no you get the name from the table itself right it could be a single table it could be two different tables now they have separated table based on the commodities they have used coffee and banana clear so the question plus table will give you enough information to write the first sentence which we have discussed earlier good second one and and there's no difference between you know tables and other other graphs or you know pie chart everything stays the same that is first you write a first paragraph of a sentence you write about the table and the question second you discuss the details plus contrast and compare what happened in 1999 however what changed what is the most interesting information and all those stuff and part three is just you summarize saying that all right so this was the biggest change and this was the least changed thing like this always stayed the same there's no change in this part so you see that what i mean by that like for example in the in the conclusion or the the last part you can say it's not conclusion by the way ending you can say the biggest change was in banana that in 2004 it used to be 47 the sales however in 2004 i heard in the case of coffee it was 20 comparatively it was less than half right so this is these are the you know you can have speculations on that now we have process diagram process diagram is a diagram which shows a process simply speaking so this is a semen pro production as well as concrete production and they're asking you to write two different images that's fine sometimes you get a single image to show a single process sometimes you get two process diagrams a little bit tricky let me show you what happens in there what kind of question you get so the diagrams below show the stages and equipment used in cement making pro process and how cement is used to produce concrete for building process purposes you see that what is happening here semen production and then the cement is taken here and it is continued below so how the cement is used in concrete production is also shown and hence you have to discuss process from here arrow goes like this and you go on the top of this process of production and you enter here this is a process diagram let's remember one thing use the headings to understand the image what are the headings you can see here cement production concrete production you have gravel equal to small stones that means we get information you know apart from this we have also information about what is happening in the diagram you know this these are called rotating heaters this is called power this is called a crusher so headings do provide information about the image second thing we have to understand the flow where does it start from i think images are themselves very clear they start from here limestone and clay being added use in a crusher where they are formed in a powder shape go through a mixture and then go in the same diagram like this which they have shown here cement and water is added which goes and later this also added and finally here so the flow has to be known to you i mean you understand the flow and right according to the flow you cannot suddenly write about rotating heater or that's a gravel you have to write in the flow clear moreover use verbs what i mean by use verbs is you know mix them mix them as a verb the mixer takes the powder in and what it takes out it takes it to the rotating heater what rotating heater does you know when the heat is provided it rotates apart from that and what does grinder do grinding so all these processes what are they doing they are doing some action because this is all an action verbs are always important in case of action right because what are robs well their word of action right that's what i mean always use plenty of the verbs based on what is happening let's take an example limestone and clay are crushed in this machine called crusher and created in the form of powder so this word crust is a warp same way for every equipment we must have a warp is it mixing is it grinding is it um you know filtering is it heating all these are verbs clear cool now um there are words to describe sequence see i told you it is a process that means you have to understand the flow that means sequence is the most important part and what are the words first then next when it is ready then next then finally you can use in any sequence of course first should come first and finally should come in the end but you can do it according to the image so you say first this and that whatever the thing is mixed to create a powder then it is passed to the boiler next to that this thing when the powder is mixed and it is ready you take it to the next level without these words it is very difficult to create a progress of a process in a person's mind who's reading this will create a sequence in the person's mind who's reading and eventually they can imagine the image you know what i mean by that so there's an image where we have processes where we have process one process 2 process 3 and it is going in this sequence if you tell them first it is boiling second is this third is let's say filtering if you use these words first that's happened then this happen and finally the last process happens it's so damn easy for others to understand so please use the words of sequence okay now in order to describe a process we use passive voice what is passive voice let me explain passive voice is just a way of saying things where we put the object first not the subject for an example an active voice first clean the door of the chamber good now let's see in the passive voice first the door is cleaned yeah i mean door to the chamber you can say that is cleaned here cleaning is the important that means your action is important here the door is important you can say door to the chamber no problem what i mean to show you here is your cleaning will go in the end so passive voice means your object is important not the action itself here the action comes first that is best voice if you want more detail or in a detailed explanation of what passive voice is what kind of passive voice we have then please go through the grammar series and that you can get it good now the last one but not the least is map what happens in map is you're given two different and in a single image two different diagrams that is both of them are same thing but some change like a school diagram a breech diagram on an island diagram where you have to explain what change in this map in one year or other year so they might give you like 1910 and 2010. you have to show the difference what happened in this year and this year that's your task to do you see that here there were trees earlier there were no houses or whatever the change is there in order to show changes we have to use change verbs but before that let's see how the question is being created the two maps below show an island before and after the construction of some tourist facilities right here this is before the construction of facilities this is after the construction of facilities from the question you understand what is this what are these maps about second thing from the map itself you can see the change both of them will contribute to the answer the most important part of maps are the possible words you can show change like reconstruct expand improve modernize extend renovate reduce develop add remove replace if you look at it all of them have the meaning reconstruct means something which is already there but break it and create it again expand means let's say i have a small house but i in later years i make it bigger that is expand improvements it's okay but i make it better later that is improvement same way all the words if you don't understand please search about them they are important all of these words they are like 11 words if you can connect with the image here and see which word can be added see overall it was what it was modernized and developed both what was reduced well there must be something right here something called developed can be used here however we removed some of the plants and added this what was added a bridge was added so that was also here these words can be used to show the change in the map and i guess you can see here i kept this part for you to check which can be created you know which can be done here we don't need to use reconstructed because nothing was constructed earlier so that can be gone second one is is anything expanded of course not we didn't expand an island right that is done improve did we improve on anything nope yes we did modernize we create modern design in the island did we extend anything no we didn't extend except for this plier part which was added not expanded anyway did we innovate no renovation was not there anything reduced if you look at the number of trees no they were not reduced except for some parts they were replaced you know a few trees were replaced that's it any development scene yes add it yes of course we added the house did we remove anything yes a few trees here and there that's it what did we replace with anything no we didn't replace we just added a few things you see how these words try to remember them all and use them in your map when you get in the exam and with that we end our chapter where we gonna see where we saw how you know writing task one is created with how paragraphs are written and most importantly each question type was discussed and what to write in each all right i hope you understood this video and if any doubt please ask question using email id as well as you can write in comments we're gonna see how to take care of task one for writing module only for general training if you thinking about academic if you're writing for academic that is for study purpose please go to our previous video which talks about task one itself for academic that is a report in general training we're gonna see a letter so let's begin writing task 1 for general training is always a letter and a single letter there are plenty of the types of letters but you'll only get one question you'll be given 20 minutes to write but these are recommended you can write little bit longer or shorter and you don't have to write this as first you can write task two or task one any of them first you know i mean there's no set sequence up to you what you feel fine i prefer task two because you know still a bit longer and carries more or a higher score i always go for two first and then go for one anyway let's begin now as i said it is always a letter and secondly let's see an example directly so that you understand what is going to happen in the exam you should spend about 20 minutes should not necessarily it's up to you you have seen an advertisement for a community college that needs teachers for night classes write a letter to the community college in your letter now see till here you will get information what is this letter about after this you will get what you should mention in the letter say which advertisement you are answering describe which courses you want to teach and what um it or they would be about explain why you would be suitable a suitable teacher these things you have to mention in your letter for sure and as i said minimum 150 words in the structure video you don't need to write any address they know they might or they might not mention this but you don't have to write any address or you know to or from nothing start with just dear sir dear madam or dear name depending on the letter type you'll see that later but don't mention any address and this is the question what you see in exam okay let's proceed then letters are divided in based on two types that is their purpose as well as formality and there are three different letters based on formality the first one is called formal letter you know if you're writing to someone who is higher authority or you're writing a letter to who you don't know even then it's formal letter second one is called semi-formal that means writing to someone you do know but you're not that close you they're not your friends or family or relatives correct so you're writing to them as semi-formal and the last one is informal that means the people who are your friends very close for your family neighbors you know anyone who is close to you they know you personally is called informal letter why do we have to understand these three the reason is our letters and the structure will change based on the letter types based on formality let's see what i mean by that see differences will help you to understand three of them in a single go because if i talk to them talk about them separately you'll get confused so what i have done is i created a proper table so that you can compare and contrast and remember stuff it doesn't matter see you won't be getting three of them you will getting any one of them now let's see we're going to talk about formal semi-formal and informal first thing is the salutation in the former letters you can say dsr or madam and or maybe you have to not can in the second one that is semi-formal you say dear first name or dear mr or miss surname we make this mistake very often then when we say mr let's say my name is james bond which is not by the way so what i generally say is mr james i mean as a student which is incorrect you should always say mr bond secondly you see here you cannot put a dot according to uk english they try to ignore it american english says that yeah mr and dot is fine the reason for that is not having a dot here or let's say first stop period here is mr spells like this and mr is created from the first word and the last word same goes for doctor so when you write doctor it spells like this and when you create the short form it is first word first letter and last letter hence you don't put doctor and a period or a full stop you always just write dr and that's it in uk english that's why you see i have not put a full stop here or after mr so you can write mr james or i mean you can write dear james or you can write dear mr bond clear and informal you can just directly mention the name like dear name of the person you're writing to if you use their name if you use the relation for example dear brother dear sister or dear father because you don't write your father's name right or your mother's name directly you call them mother father grandpa or whatever so relation will do or dear friend or do your name or the friend this is the first difference second is when you write the first paragraph second difference is in the first paragraph that you write you mentioned the in your introduction based on the situation and then you write the reason why you're writing the letter by mentioning introduction let's say you're writing a letter to municipality or government you'll mention where are you staying and then you of course you mention your name first and then you write the reason like for an example i'm writing this letter to uh shed some light on this issue or to praise about something you did whatever the letter asked for but you have to mention your reason in the first paragraph these two things are enough that means you mention a name and tell them what your introduction in context that means i am a customer of this this this that means in their context introduction and then give the reason why you're writing same goes for semi-formal no change change will be in informal you don't need to write your introduction in informal isn't it so you're writing a letter to your friend would you say hi my name is this do you remember me of course not so you talk about a previous meeting this way you can connect with them what i mean by previous meeting is you would say um remember last time we met in the cafe how good time we had or remember the coffee or remember the party we had it was fun that was previous meeting you discussed and of course reason has to be there because you're writing a letter based on the letter you say for example i'm writing this letter in order to do this this and that clear good now after that we have a tone you know we have a formal tone in formal letters we have a formal domain in semi-formal letters as well however we have informal tone by formal tone i mean you'll be ha you have to be a little bit respectful secondly you cannot force things you cannot say stuff like you know funny tone or you know funny incident you have to be very concrete in in your words here you can talk about previous incidents and stuff and you know in the paragraphs i'm talking about so informal tone will be fine in this case okay next difference is you can't ask for exact time if required here you can ask for exact time here you can ask for any time what i mean by this let me give an example in the case of formals let's say you have some trouble near your house and you're writing to your government or less municipality or anything and you say i need to get this all this is what happening in near the house i hope to get it solved soon in the end you will write here you can here i mean informal you cannot say i want it done within three days you have to request right that i hope it is getting worked i hope to get it solved soon here in the case of semi-formal what do you do what do you write you write exact time i hope it is done or hope i get my wallet back within two days which i left in the office or left in your hotel or whatever it is so you can ask for exact time friends and family you can write anytime you want you know you're like please come early so that we can do this stuff or that stuff please come early so that we can prepare for the party try to reach at three o'clock you know so that's what i mean in formal letters you cannot ask for exact time in semi-formal and informal you can ask for exactly okay finally the closing where we have to mention you know the signature thing yours faithfully by the way it has to be plural i mean capital i forgot to mention that how do we remember this because here we have your sincerely and then a full name see formal starts with f and faithfully starts with f as well semi-formal starts with s and sincerely starts with s as well simple to remember right so formal faithfully and semi-formal sincerely please write your full name don't don't don't try to write just one let me know shortening name just first name or second name one two or seven one two write full name and lastly that is informal you can write you know kind regards or best regards or you know and of course full name later but it's up to you that's it enough for you i mean regards is also fine here there is no rule because this is informal letter mostly you get formal or semi-formal in exam and in there faithfully and sincerely other words okay cool then we have a letter based on purpose what does it mean by purpose i mean purpose means why are you writing this letter what is the question about the purpose we have to define so we have many purposes like six to seven we'll go one by one when you request for information when you ask for information from somewhere this is one kind of letter let me show you an example you should write a letter to bank to the bank manager requesting for information about the bank loan and in your letter you mentioned these information you see you're requesting for information about the bank loan what kind of information one kind of letter you write all right then we have give personal or factual information second purpose you know where you provide personal or factual information about something you provide information your local travel agent recommended a place to visit and you are now having a good time there write a letter to your travel agent tell them the following what you've been doing what you like in this place so you provide information in this rather than asking for information you see the difference this is another kind of letter then we have explain a problem or situation so let's say we have a problem here and we're gonna ask for solving it you have recently purchased an item from a retail store okay when you return home you found that you it did not work you can sell the customer you call the customer care about this problem but did not get any satisfactory response now you want you will explain the situation you want some action to be taken so you cl you show the problem and ask for solution another kind of letter next one is explain wants or needs you know what you want from this or make a request of something let's see an example we just started a course in college which has no sports no sports faculties of its own write a letter to the manager of the nearest private sports club in your letter you mentioned why are you interested in sport club you're asking for something that means for some facility you you want to have this is called a letter where you ask for something okay then we have complain about a service not the situation but complain about a service itself write a letter to your college administration department complaining about the college facility this is about complaining about a service the facilities you're getting as a service right so you discuss you know what is it happening and what are the trouble you're having you have to use a complaining tone i can't believe this is what we received whatever it is right so you you said i don't believe what we have here and all the stuff next is making a suggestion or recommend something right so what kind of suggestion you can make not complaining but suggestion you eat at your favorite restaurant every day for lunch you do not like the decor they have chosen write a manager telling them um you see complaining will be different later but you complain like of course you mentioned what is the problem but then you give suggestions what things you need to be changed and give suggestions you have to mention mainly on suggestions called suggestion letter okay and that was about how letters are based on purpose now we're gonna see what you must have in a letter you cannot ignore these things otherwise your letter won't be complete so let's begin the first thing you must have is a greeting remember we were discussing dsr dear madam and all those stuff you must have that second thing opening statements that means your introduction and the reason for writing the letter must have explaining the situation based on the letter which we have seen on purpose you mentioned you you know explain your situation in paragraph 2 because paragraph 1 was only opening the statement which was introduction plus problem and then explaining the problem explaining the solution or explaining how you enjoyed something is you have to explain the situation in a different paragraph clear describe the problem like what is the if there's a problem describe the problem then as well you can't just mention the problem you have to describe it how it is hindering you how what are the troubles you're having okay say what would you what would like to happen that means let's say there's something happening or unless there's a trouble what would you like to change right you also have to mention you just can't create you know mention that there are some troubles or there's a situation what would you like to change what you would like to happen means say what you would like to make a change over the place then we have a closing statement now closing statements means i hope to get this thing done soon or i hope the problem will be solved soon that is called closing statement and finally end of the letter end of the letter is nothing just the greeting part i mean in the signature part ds yours faithfully your sincerely i hope you get my point because i have explained that in the differences the whole diff you know the all these things that you have to mention but all these things are most important in a letter without these it will be hard for any examiner to check and then provide you good grades so if any trouble i understand you can watch the video again or you can ask me in the mail all right and that's the end of the chapter so this is trouble we'll see how can we lessen the trouble and second thing what are the parts that are required to be studied in ireland speaking we'll see some examples today as well and also see some techniques which are not available anywhere online you'll see by the end that you yes i told you the truth not anything lying or any trick to keep you in the video you will learn a lot from this so see let's start with the structure of ielts speaking in short if you have not seen the introductory video of ielts please go to the video i'll put the link in the description it'll give you about every module which you need to understand in ielts not just speaking all of them and basic structure within like 30 to 40 minutes that will help you to give an introduction of everything right now let's begin with the structure only for speaking a little bit in detail rather than just introductory part okay now ielts speaking comes on a different day than in all other exams let me just tell you what happens in ielts we have listening reading writing and speaking all the four modules these three are taken on a day let's say 20th of some month then this will be taken either anything between 15th to 25th anything between this but not on the same day it will be on let's say 21 or 16 or anything between that you you get my point right and in order to make you sure that you know this they'll write you a mail as well as a message on your phone not on your whatsapp because whatsapp can be related to internet so the id a mail and a message give you the venue that means the place that you're gonna write your exam the time as well as time means and the date itself so time means at exact what uh are what are they a minute of the moment of the day you have to be present in their place right now this is what how uh ielts speaking has been organized in the module structure right now let me tell you how long it takes for the exam to be over literally how the exam being taken they say that it takes 11 to 14 minutes for the exam overall speaking but i would say it takes an hour you know why because there are 20 people waiting 20 people waiting uh in the in a queue when you go to the ielts exam so you have to wait at least at least half an hour when your chance comes for speaking you're going to a room and this is a kind of a semi formal interview kind of structure a person will be sitting in a room and he or she will be asking a question could be a person from a native native speaker you know english-speaking country eight english speaking countries or could be a person from your same country you're writing ielts the person will greet you and then they start with part one of the speaking so yeah it could take an hour but uh conceptually speaking when the star test starts it'll take you 11 to 14 minutes total now how is this time divided in parts let me just go through all of that our speaking is divided in three different parts each part has type of questions types of question and also time set in them so let's start with part one part one consists of a question which are introductory remember it's not intro but introductory question but introductory i mean they'll be all about you for example whether you so remember this you or your is the key here and they generally last for not more than four to five minutes is the time for this thing four to five minutes and you're supposed to speak around three to four sentences right so somebody if they ask you questions like uh what is your favorite fruit so you would answer not like directly my favorite fruit is apple you'll say my favorite fruit is apple and the reason could be because i like the taste i like the texture as well and i tried it once when i was a kid and i couldn't get a hang of it so basically more longer answer right not a single word answer or singles in an answer of course i'll tell you the tricks to how to get the answers long but for now let's try to understand the structure in here this will be a card task that means they will provide you a card and you're supposed to speak on that card you will get one minute to prepare and two minutes to speak so this will be your speaking time and this won't be a conversation earlier was a conversation in part one somebody asking you a question and you're giving reply so this was supposed to be a conversation this is supposed to be a monologue now monologue i mean that they say oh this is your card here one minute please prepare will give you a paper and a pencil take notes as much as you want within one minute and you can speak so there will be around two minutes of speaking continuously sometimes they extend a little bit five minutes five seconds ten seconds here and there so the total time for this task is three i mean three to four minutes remember this is four to five minutes and the part three is again a follow-up type so basically they will ask question from this card whatever the topic is the topic could be something like describe a seminar you have attended recently so you've described describe two people from the same family you know or describe a picnic you have been recently or could be describe an article which you find interesting in a newspaper so whatever question is your follow-up question will be connected to that topic for example it could be um how famous it is in your country to read newspapers right and this would last for four to five minutes the number of questions will be similar same here like seven to eight questions will be asked and you're supposed to speak a little bit longer than the first part okay it's not the same length so instead of three to four sentences you speak four to five sentences okay little bit in length the only difference is here you were the main topic here general questions will be asked like why is this famous in your country or uh what what is the reason for this thing or whatever so general question don't worry i'll show you the questions once so this will also be a conversation not a monologue so this is how the whole ielts speaking has been organized now i'll take you to the types of question you might get in part one part two part three on the other screen that is on the on the ppt screen do you like studying well i do like studying per se but not the way i used to love it when i was in school so at that time it was it used to be a compulsion that i have to study and eventually i liked it but now i don't really i like to work i like to create new things i like to teach right now instead of studying sometime it involves studying i mean when you don't know the topic you have to get into deeper in the new study but not really the way i used to do that earlier wonderful we are back now you understood what kind of question you need to answer and i also give some demo answers over there so let's go through now what are the criteria that are important remember please most of the people online or most books don't talk about criteria as they consider them not important in my eyes and any teacher who understand ielts criteria are the most important thing to understand because it's like rules okay these are the rules the with which they will be guiding you they are testing your score if you are the person who don't understand criteria you will be struggling where to work on for example if you play football and you know if you score more goals than the other person you'll win but i know the sco i know the criteria and criterion and you don't know that right you have to know that so i i know how to win you have no idea how to win at least so that's why we need to know the criteria and they are four or total so let's talk about these four criteria by the way criteria is plural singular is clarity on okay let's start with the number one number one is called uh coherence and fluency coherence and fluency is the first one let's discuss coherence first and then we'll discuss the fluency part what happens in currents is how structured your speech is does is it making sense to other person who is listening is it easy to understand that is what we call a current speech let me give an example so that you understand from the context so let's say there's uh there's a hotel being started recently close to my place and i'm writing i'm giving a speech on the hotel so what will i say um there's a hotel that is just open recently uh it is close to my place uh they want to be famous so they're throwing a party okay simple now i just threw information after information remember this was just information this was not a proper speech with a lot of connection in there so what i need to do is create a proper speech with structure now look at the difference okay there's a new restaurant a hotel new open close to my place and as they want to be famous they are throwing a party they might become popular from that done so you understand the whole speech how different it was from the early one i'm just giving a simple example to make you what coherence is okay now we understand what is the meaning of the next one that is fluency fluency is something that how um how what is your pace of speaking how easy it is for you to speak not easy to understand how easy it is for you to speak in that language right without any harms or or any uh stopping in the middle right or ours you're not think thinking for a long you're not taking long pauses to think that's what important is that is fluency are you having intonation in your speech and all those things count in fluency so it's a big deal and in my eye or in my opinion fluency is the biggest factor in your ielts speaking it's fine if you have a little bit less vocabulary but your fluency is good you will get better score for sure remember that work on this rather than other things okay wonderful we look at the next one the next one is lexical resource let's see the next one lexical now lexical resources means what kind of lexical resource itself consists of three different things i'll take care of them here just now wait a second lexical resource has three things in them number one is what is the quality of vocabulary you have so vocabulary quality i'll discuss what is the quality means second thing are you using synonyms and finally are you using appropriately not anywhere everywhere let's see all of the three things together and understand what is the meaning of this without this you cannot score well in the part of lexical resource vocabulary quality it comes from the level so you have to understand what is a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 and c2 these are cephasis these are grids created by cepher sefer is common european uh common european uh framework for reference of languages and the higher the level the higher the fluent the language so let's say a simple word like man or woman could lie between a1 and a2 but a higher fundamentally might be here anywhere basically might be b1 or b2 level so the higher quality what you use the better you get now how to recognize what level it is first of all go to your go to google and search cambridge dictionary okay when you search cambridge dictionary you search any word in the dictionary for the first link will be cambridge dictionary you search any word when you search any word below that you will find anything written out of these and you can recognize what is the level of the words okay that will help you to recognize what words you're using every day record yourself find out how many words you're using which words you're using and if you want a list of words which are essential for your speaking don't worry i'm producing i'm starting another video in which you will get all the essential words you require for ielts but not here because if i try to do it here it will take a long time for us to finish the video and i don't want that this is already going to be one hour video maybe something like that one hour class will be enough for sure so the vocabulary will be covered in different video completely and there are around 1200 words which according to me are important okay so remember that please follow that this channel and you will get to understand what videos we need for vocabulary right there was this quality let's talk i think i shouldn't have erased it second comes synonym synonym means um you cannot use one word again and again you know for example i just gave an example basically next time when you're using basically instead of use fundamentally instead of that you use normally or generally whatever but don't use same words again and again even for word like child you say a kids when using men and a woman again and again say the other gender please use synonyms that shows that you know words right that isn't it that is synonym part and number three appropriate usage i'll explain you in the in the example see uh if you think about it you have a lot of synonyms for example the meaning of good could be um pleasant could be blessed all are the meaning of good but when we when do we use good when do we use pleasant when do we use blessed is completely different right so for an example you are about to have an accident and you are saved you won't use good you would use blessed you'd say oh i feel blessed because i was saved not i feel good right you wake up in the early morning you feel good probably right and after a long journey and you come home you feel pleasant or somebody help you with something you feel pleasant so using appropriately all the vocabulary is another part that is third one for lexical resource you cannot think that i know vocabulary that means i have good chances of getting good score in this criterion okay remember that please now comes number three number three is grammar or grammatical range and accuracy what is the meaning of this grammatical range and accuracy both first of all your grammar is supposed to be as correct as possible you cannot have incorrect grammar what do i mean by that let me just give an example okay these two words are important for us range and accuracy think about it when i say my name r x y z it's incorrect because we know it's here so this is accuracy you use incorrect grammar right now thinking about it think about that the range we have have you ever thought about that you use only simple sentences you don't use complex in compound sentences you don't use all the tenses properly you you don't even combine tenses like future present and all those stuff what then what gonna happen you gonna have trouble with your own uh speech i mean with your own grammatical range here so both things are important accuracy and range okay wonderful we'll see there will be a different video for grammar these two things will have a different video for them uh you'll have a lot of the vocabulary and whatever grammar grammar rules we need to discuss we'll be discussing that video okay reaching there number four number four is your pronunciation pronunciation is important because it shows how good you understand the native english and how you say it out loud right because some people might not be able to understand if your pronunciation is incorrect don't please mess it up with accents accents are different thing it's not accent here we are discussing here is the pronunciation pronunciation is how do you pronounce each word right sorry let's say for example um word like this most of you might be saying photography it's incorrect you have to say photography right because tao is emphasized right recognize which part is of the whole word or the whole sentence has been stressed you cannot understand this thing without understanding english as a language english is a stress timed language remember that stress time language means each syllable has no set time it can be stress it can be left so it's not time set here only thing is stress set so you might think what does it mean uh go through it search what is english as stress time language okay and each word has a word stress middle or somewhere else so that you have to understand to understand the pronunciation and these four are your criteria for understanding how speaking has been organized or how speaking takes place in your part okay remember that without these you cannot score well right so understanding these was first thing that you should do while going through speaking and i think we did if any doubt please write in the comments don't worry there's lot coming still now comes um thing which most of you might have and it is fear of speaking now what is this fear it could be anything see all of us has different experience you could have stayed in a school where not many activities have been organized or could be a family of very calm people don't they don't talk much i'm not saying they're wrong but yeah that's fine and it could be your friends who are also very calm they don't talk much or you could you were not encouraged to speak more right so could be a reason that you don't speak much and you don't practice that skill so these could all reach to fear and none of was none for your mistake but how to recognize this first of all see are you using a lot of uh um second thing whenever someone better than you like higher in studies or qualification or age comes in front of you and you stumble or somebody testing you then you stumble you have fear how to get it out in order to understand [Music] now in order to get out of this simple first of all let's do an exercise or let's understand how aisle speaking uh has been organized when you go in the room when you go in the room the first thing is examiner will do is ask your name then they will ask for your passport and they will ask you to send them it takes almost around 5 and 5 to 15 seconds and then they ask you can we start recording the whole test the whole three parts that that is the starting of exam before that these things are not graded remember that and this is the perfect time you to get out of your fear this is what i ask students and they do it well and they understand it what i mean by that when they ask your name it's fine to fumble some things it's fine you say uh um my name is this or my name is that and you fumble a bit okay but once you come up after that you start getting a little bit less stress on passport they ask you what is your passport instead of speaking let's say oh i have it here there you go now keep saying to yourself i'm fine i'm fine it's like five to seven ten second rule you don't worry much then okay then comes sitting but once you sit there start feeling when you're sitting nothing can be done now i will be all fine by this point you will have no worries at all okay and you will be clear what you need to do so these three steps will help you to get out of all the fear you have you say to yourself i cannot do anything now whatever question come to me i'll answer this is the only thing i have uh it has worked for me otherwise changing your fear has to change everything or get into new things in practice that will take a lot of time if you have that wonderful if don't try this technique it might work for you okay now let's understand each part and try to get some techniques to get clear about one part and another so first i'll go through part one in part one of speaking you are asked introductory questions that means you will be uh they will be asking about you and you're supposed to speak around three to two to three or three to four sentences not much how would you answer such question where you know the answer could be given in one sentence or one word even for example what is your favorite fruit you're gonna be like what what should i speak now i cannot speak more than that in that case or sometimes we are stuck with one kind of rhythm somebody ask you what's your favorite fruit and you say my favorite fruit is this because of this reason somebody asked you what is your favorite vehicle and you say my favorite vehicle is this and we keep giving reasons remember that keeping giving reasons will be like you don't know anything apart from giving reasons to your answer if they ask you why in the end it's understandable but keeping reasons all the time with you is not the right thing it will be like a monotone uh speaking you know conversation if i ask you how are you doing i'm doing great because of this right so what we have to do is figure out a method okay the method says that we need to have more than three two things the second thing is you add detail to your answer or you connect time that is past or future to your answer i'll explain everything i'll go through one of them i mean each of them we're answering so for example let's say this one what is your favorite fruit i'll say my favorite food is pineapple and the reason is i love the taste especially the bitter and sour taste in it i've tried it once and i loved it i cannot go away from it details instead of this i could give answer for detail for example my favorite fruit is pineapple and i cannot stay away from it at least twice a week i need it sometime i drink juice or sometimes just slice it off and eat it i know it's very hard to peel it but who cares i love it i do it there you go i didn't give it any reason why i love it right i just love it pasta future i used to like it earlier i mean the fruit whatever i say i like usually like pineapple earlier but because of too much you know every week i get bored of it so now i like apples and they have health reason as well so why not there you go sometimes we combine things for example we add reasons and past and future i used to like it for this reason but i stopped it for other reason and i'm starting to like other things for this reason sometimes we combine this we talk about past with details so these three things should be incorporated i'm not saying you use all of them every time but use different things at different moment right if you keep giving reasons you will be in trouble later it will sound really boring okay so keep changing that for all the answers you have wonderful so you understand how part one is being organized how you can answer such things now comes weird questions in part one that you might find little bit difficult to answer what i mean by difficult to answer is what is your who is your favorite writer in that case you are stuck you feel that what will i answer in such questions when i have no idea who i don't even read books right what will you do in this situation give a false name yeah you're 50 right but instead of false name why don't you give a real name but false identity for example use your family in that case like my favorite my favorite writer is my mom and because she is not famous worldwide but in my city she's pretty famous last time she sold around thousand books a week and her favorite my favorite book from mom is this and you describe your mum i know i'm pretty sure about how to describe your mom and you can make it up like how she writes book at night or day anything so use your family when you're stuck with questions or any question comes up with what is your favorite book or a novel what was the last novel you read make it up that my mom write a book it's not famous but i read it like this and it is about this done simply understand that you can make it up story but remember don't make fake stories based on real people only family can be considered in this because they don't know they cannot search it you have to make it clear it's not famous online only in my city or only in my area right wonderful that is one thing you have to understand great so this kind of questions can be tackled by this way one more thing you can ask for extra time when you are stuck or you don't understand the question but remember you cannot pass how to do that you say hmm interesting question remember with that tone okay interesting question i never thought about it can i get a few seconds that is fine of course because you show that you can ask for time in english with proper sentences that is also a skill of speaking and they'll give you that's fine take three to five seconds and then speak right so what if you're out of sentence you can say i think i need to think about it let me just give me a few seconds and done or another way or when you're stuck apart from that you can do one more thing you can think while you're speaking simple sentences for example you say my favorite fruit is apple that takes five seconds to speak the sentence itself in that meanwhile you can think of the next sentence so when you're speaking simple sentences think of the next enhance for example my favorite fruit is apple and i was thinking the reasons or the details or when did i start eating and when was the last time i ate the apple so this is how you think when you are stuck i told you how to get content i told you what kind of question you what kind of question you might be imposed with and how to answer such questions okay i'll display the questions again on the screen which we saw earlier for part one fine so that you understand what how part of questions can be wonderful we are back now comes part two part two is a little bit different than part one i think you remember that earlier we saw that part two is all about longer speeches rather than short so this will be around one minute of preparation time and two minutes of speaking so it will be a speech kind of structure right you cannot stop in the middle they'll give you a paper and a topic what kind of topic i show you in the initial part and think about it and most important is this one minute okay remember that the only thing that happens is most people get out of content for speaking for two minutes they cannot speak for a long time because they don't know what to speak or even if they do what happens is they start speaking in a random order so i must might start speaking about one thing let's say the first point in my speech and jump to any other point let's say fifth point which supposed to be making good speech but fifth point here and then i jump to the second point which supposed to be like this and then this and then this and then here so my speech should be one two three four five and for instance my speech should be one will be one five and then somewhere else that there are two benefit problems with this kind of speech first of all you will not be structured second of all you might miss some of the parts in the middle let's say for example describe a seminar you attended recently what are you going to do in that case you're going to get stuck because you started with directly the name of the seminar how to get a lot of content and how to create a flow these are the two problems for part two kinds of questions right the first one is how to get a lot of content and second thing how to create a flow that is the fluidity in your speech like a story right two methods actually three methods that are important here we'll see three of them and try to understand these are very important they will help you to speak clearly and with lot of grace the first one is called brainstorming brainstorming is very simple but very powerful brainstorming is when you ask yourself question what why where when how all this question even more with who right when you ask these questions you get some answers from it right for example what was the seminar about you write the seminar's name or the seminars whatever it was about why was the seminar being organized or why did you go there in the first place is why where was this even organized when was it organized how was the seminar overall and with whom did you go these kind of question might be in your brain but they might not come until you don't write them so please go into a question that is given a preparation sheet for one minute time write these questions quickly and get the answers once you get the answers here what comes next is called noun and adjective method now what does it mean by that non-adjective method says that once we have done this all this why and when we'll get some nouns for example the person named you with whom did you go the place the place which had this seminar organized and the name of the seminar itself the technology or whatever the topic was in seminar the vehicle with which you go for the seminar every noun and now in the case of adjective you keep drawing errors and think of all the adjectives connected uh to the noun for example what was what was the person like what was the place like topic was good or bad or long or whatever short seminar where was it conducted or placed uh stuff like that so you keep adding adjective to the noun once you have that an earlier part i know it's a lot of stuff it will take a lot of practice to finish this within one minute now you have one more thing remaining this was all getting content now remaining was a method to create a flow this method was created by me after a long research and this is called a timeline method to create a flow timeline method says like this if you have a timeline where you can set your content in order to speak in a flow where first one comes is called concept second one i'll explain everything it's called planning third one is called the thing and the fourth one is called feelings or your feedback right the first one concept why did you go there in the first place you have to give reasons for example describe a picnic you have been and instead of giving the name of the picnic which should be coming here you start from here oh it has been like two months i didn't go out and because of my work i was getting bored to hell and i needed that change so i decided to go on picnic on with my family done planning is how did you do that that means we started early in the morning it was far away and hence we have to get a lot of packaging done one night before that uh it took us around three hours and on the way we did this and that not yet the thing you're not describing the picnic yet but you're connecting all the stuff with the main thing here you describe what you did in the picnic so what did you do in that picnic how was the picnic like and everything you described in here and finally comes how do you feel right how do you feel about the picnic would you recommend others to go to that place i'm not saying always positive you can say negative like i didn't like that place that was a waste of money or it was amazing i would recommend anyone to go there okay so this is how we make our speech in a concept now how all these whys and hows and whats and how you feel come from both of these whatever words you got earlier you use them and remember everything is recorded but not video recorded audio recorded and hence you can look into your paper and speak nobody can stop you in that case remember that okay i would suggest you keep the paper always but not look at it because you want to have a conversation kind of speech see right now i'm speaking uh in front of the board but i'm speaking as if i'm talking to you because i have a lot of practice i've been doing this a lot so it same thing you have to do you have to practice a lot as if you're talking to one person right and there you'll be talking to the person there'll be a person but still some of us when we look at the paper we try to emit you just try to read it out we don't do that okay just create this draw draw this line and you make this points and you know what to speak in which flow if you talk directly about the things think about it the content will be over like this if we start from concept to plan to the thing and then feeling it will take a long time to get it over one more thing that can help you to understand is your pace please speak little bit slower if you speak too fast you need a lot of content to finish within two minutes right if you speak little bit slow that means you need half of the content if your pace is half of course so that saves a lot of time and a lot of content you can have the best content and speak about it remember your pace is important for another reason your fluency pace can influence fluency as well how when i speak too fast what happens is i my brain forgets what i was talking about and then suddenly um things come into picture because brain has to process what did you speak about and that creates a trouble for my speech there is fluency lack of fluency and nobody likes a speech with lack of fluency right they want a fluent speech wonderful now you understand why pace is important for two reasons first of all your content will be less required if you speak slowly or normally second thing your fluency won't be in trouble because you're speaking slow you can think at that time if you're speaking too fast please lower the speed and how do you know this is going bad please record your voice this will help you a lot trust me i have seen many people doing that and i've done myself and it did help me like i thought i thought i'm speaking pretty well but no i was pretty bad and some people who feel they're pretty bad but when they record they say this is good i thought i'm really bad in speaking i know we all hate our voices but come on give it a try you will understand a lot of stuff about yourself so using techniques and practicing a lot will be also things so i might give you 10 percent of support but ninety percent of things has to be done by you okay ninety percent will be done by you ten percent i'm giving you just a push and techniques that are required in speaking and that and all the structure that is required in ielts without your 90 support you cannot score well period no other reason for people to get less score is this they might get good teacher 10 and 10 percent support but then sometimes teachers are pushing so they reach you make your ease here sometimes people are not even reaching here so how can they reach here please start working now set at least one hour in a day to start working on your speech on your english on the structure of ielts without that you cannot score i hope you are taking notes while watching these videos if not watch these videos within five slots watch it again and again or watch it slowly like 15 minutes 20 minutes a day and then take notes and stop from there and come next day and start from there set a schedule that i'll be watching this from here to here this tomorrow i'll be putting timestamps below in the description so that i can tell you which part is starting of which by for example if you click on the timestamp you'll be starting with part one timestamp part two so that was the end of part two okay we'll start with part three part three is in my opinion it's very easy actually part three is very similar to part one the only thing is it's not about you it's about general public second thing is um it's it should be a little bit longer a little bit more descriptive rather than um normal stuff about you okay because the question is something like this in part one could be what is weather like in your country your and here uh how do people feel about the weather right how people are influencing their their behavior by weather so it's about people it's general so that is why part three is different and second thing it's about the card or the task you have been receiving is received in part two that's the major difference in part one and part three but of course it's a conversation again similarly what we see in um in part one so you have to converse with the person who is uh going through it remember this thing okay this is the only difference we have now i'm gonna show you the examples which i've shown you earlier in part 3 because there's not much to speak you can also have this details reasons and past or future connected in your answer again but past the future of everyone not just you uh so that you can understand how it is being organized but i'll show you some examples on the screen so that you and i answer as well answer them as well for you so that you understand how they are being answered right let me just show you now wonderful and we are back now we will understand a few things here and there that you have to work on the first thing that you have to work on is your vocabulary why vocabulary because remember the three things that you have to understand the quality of the vocabulary the synonyms and the appropriate uses all of the things we will see in the video separately you have to work on your grammar because i know most of us are weak in grammar so various things you know the range the accuracy and apart from that what part is required so we don't have to study whole grammar for that there are some certain parts which are important for us without that we cannot score well so that also we will see and finally most importantly the structure of ielts without understanding the criteria we cannot score well in ielts these two things structure are structure criteria vocabulary and grammar these four things will help you to score pretty well and if you have a fear it is in the middle because nobody can change that the only person who can change your fear is you okay and this by a simple thing called practice go out talk to people meet new people or you know ask your family to help you open up i know there's something called being shy or something there's a there's a fear of um complex you know superiority or inferiority complex could be anything so what i want to do is get over it because your target is the bands that you need and connect everything with your motive or your feelings for certain i know you're not working hard for money or bans you're working hard for one thing and one thing are emotions your emotions are important these these things are very powerful for example you want to go abroad so that you can have a better life with your partner or you want to go abroad because you um are a person who's not lacking here so keep that powerful keep that in your mind when you're practicing you'll practice even harder okay what i want you to do is keep that in mind while studying that will help you a lot getting out of the fear but of course some technicality has to be first of all vocabulary grammar structure and the criteria for the things will help you understand the structure or let's say the the mechanical part that is we cannot ignore them this thing has to be emotional connected but these things are you know target based we have to finish this much and that much two things i'll cover in the videos two thing i already covered in this video these two will be separate videos in this video you will understand everything you need to understand ielts grammar that means the grammar that you need to understand and get clear for ielts now there's nothing like ielts for grammar and there are no book specific books for that apart from a cambridge book but there are certain rules that you need to understand because grammar is huge and i have learned grammar myself in school and it's boring to hell the reason could be your teacher is has been teaching a subject and you have been studying it as subject as well for score second reason could be you are studying from a single book right and finally it could be that you started studying language as grammar you know instead of understanding the language first and seeing why we do that and why we speak that way so don't worry about that i will be covering everything you need for the grammar part as well as the ielts part and the best i mean the good news here is you don't have to study the whole grammar because it's really huge i mean the amount of grammar it is in english we have to read some part of it so what part of grammar we need to study we'll see so don't worry about that there are certain concepts like eight to nine concepts that we have to clear once we are done with that you're done by the way i'm so tinder and you're watching ielts academy let's start with the first concept it's called parts of speech everywhere they start with this concept in a book in a video and i think it's they're right in their sense because this is like how you categorize each word in a sentence for example if you write a sentence here let me just write one sentence i am coming home each word is a category like for example i is a personal pronoun this is a verb coming again a verb and home is a noun so in here everything can be categorized every word can be categorized based on this part of speech there are eight of them and we'll try to understand all of them like eight of uh the part of speech let's add the most basic one and the most common one and that is number one called noun noun i think you're pretty clear with noun is a name of a place or a person or a thing for example it could be car boy girl there are plenty kinds of noun but for now understand that and i think you must be clear about that as well that noun is the name of a person place or thing okay so let's say the name of a thing or a feeling even is a noun second thing is a pronoun a word which i can use instead of a noun is called a pronoun for example he she it sometime you might not have noticed but that as well is a pronoun for example um i'm using table i mean i mean which could be a pronoun as well like that which is dirty right same thing for that when you use it instead of some phrase or a word it can be said as pronoun okay number three is adjective the reason i use these three first because they're connected to each other like a noun can be enhanced or being given information or can be qualified with an adjective for example if i say a car is a noun and in that case i would say a small car is an adjective because it qualifies the car it says what is what about the car it's huge or small whatever it is so adjective qualifies a noun remember that part okay wonderful now i'm going to clear this all we'll go to the fourth but they're a little bit connected so we go with connected ones all right next we have number four and it's called adverb i mean i mean verb sorry not at work first wob is anything that you do action for example to sit to lie to sleep to talk to study what you're doing right now is to listen now this two is infinite form if i want to say listening that is progressive form but these actions are the verbs okay now comes how can we qualify these verbs like for noun we have adjectives right now for verbs we have adverbs these adverbs qualify the verb for example how am i writing i'm writing slowly how is the person dancing he or she is dancing beautifully so all these words ending ali generally ali for your knowledge ali is enough to understand what adverbs are they qualify the verb there's one more thing that is remaining sometimes they also qualify adjectives ah you know in our primary school or in our school we never studied that but they do for example um utterly wrong in that utterly or completely correct in that case completely or completely wrong as well completely is an adverb and adjective is wrong so adverb also qualifies not just the verb but also the adjectives remember that part for now don't worry we will describe later what this adverb objectives are together for but for now remember what adverbs are they qualify the verb and also sometimes adjectives okay moving ahead i'll just clear it out and we go to the fifth sixth one sixth one is called preposition preposition are to show position or location for example you might have heard on in under above below all these things are prepositions other things are not connected so i'm teaching you one by one all you might have also used across or um under all right anything of these which is giving you position or location of anything is preposition now the seventh one the seventh one is called conjunction well the word itself helps us to make it clear the meaning so conjunctions are the words which are junctioning something that is combining something together so anything that combines two phrases or two sentences or two um clauses or two words even our conjunction for example and but though right or anything of these words are called conjunctions right now finally comes which we generally don't use in writing the eighth one and hence you might not remember that one and number eight is interjection interjections are the words which are used to express your feeling this is by the way are my handwriting is horrible honestly sometimes i don't even understand it interjection are the words that you use to show your feelings all right using some words for example uh you say oh no and then you put examination and you write a whole sentence sometimes you say oh gosh or sometimes you say when you look at something ugly in the food say yuck i don't want to eat that food so these words are called interjection and generally explanation mark is always placed over there so i hope you get an idea what interjections are correct these words the past parts of speech and they help you to figure out the category in a sentence right but what is coming next that is number two is sentence type and the sentence structure so we understood the parts of some sentences but when we look at a sentence a sentence has three things and after two out of the three things two are mandatory so when we form a sentence the number one thing that is essential is the subject number two that is essential is the word these two are mandatory in us any sentence and number three is the object even the shortest sentence in the world in english is i am now if you look at that it has a subject and a bob m is a verb okay so any subject will have these two and sometimes also object okay now there are three kinds of or four kinds of sentences these are the parts of sentences but kinds are different these kinds if i tell you one of them you will figure out what are the other kind possible the types of sentences are number one simple sentence you must have heard of it right simple sentences are a sentence which has a single clause in them now what do you think what is the meaning of clause a clause is a collection of a single a single clause has a single subject and a verb now that now then what is the difference between sentence and a clause so when we write a sentence it makes full sense but clause generally doesn't make full sense it does sometime okay so when i say if i am not feeling well see this is not a full sentence but it is a clause because it is subject and it is verb done so this is a clause but not a sentence any simple sentence is a sentence which is a single clause and it makes full sense as well any sentence which you speak generally like hi how are you is a simple sentence i mean higher is a question i'm doing fine is a simple sentence okay second kind is you might have heard of it compound sentence now what a compound sentence the third kind could be i think you remember that complex sentence right from the compound word itself it comes in clear it's compound a complex sentence now what are these things if i ask you the difference you might say oh this is more complex and it's not these are the difference we have been making from our childhood because in our school we were being asked like to write the types of sentences and we say okay these are the types well the fourth one we'll discuss later but we don't know the real the meaning between these if you don't know the real meaning how can we use them so today i'm going to make it clear what is the meaning between i mean the difference between these okay let's start with compound sentence in order to understand compound sentence what we have to understand is the dependency so dependent and independent sentence right so any sentence which is dependent on other sentence or the clause is called dependent sentence doesn't make any sense let me write you a sentence so that you make it clear when i say though i am weak i will win and here you see that this one this sentence if i if i completely hide it okay if i completely hide it this one will make sense this is a full sentence by itself i will win is a full sentence but if i ha if i hire i will win though i am weak is not complete is not making full sense this sentence is depending on the other one that is called dependency it is depend on another part now in the case of independent one i can write instead of though i say i am going now and i will be [Music] back soon so if i say this way both of these ns i'm going now i will be back soon even with and i will be back soon making four cents i mean without even if you remove one part next one is making full sense and even we are not changing the meaning of it right that is called independent sentence and when a sentence consists of two parts which are independent of each other it is called compound so remember the word if we have a sentence with two parts in it or two clauses in it and one of the clause is independent on another then it's not dependent on anything that is compound how do i remember that because complex is a short spelling then compound hence it is independent this one and depend on this one because independent spelling is longer than dependent one that's why i remember it now in the case of complex nns if one of them has to be a dependent otherwise so how again we never think about are we using dependency or not dependency so there must be something that helps us and that something is called coordinating conjunctions in instead of using the word coordinating conjunctions i'm gonna say just conjunctions which are used for compounds and answers and these conjunctions can be remembered using a short form which is called fan boys you're thinking what is this funny thing it's really very helpful because if you're using any of these you're making compound sciences so let me just help you here it's called for and nor but or yet and so i'm repeating again take notes please right now it is required for and nor but or yet so if you're using any of these which are called coordinating conjunctions you're forming compound sciences okay now moving ahead we have complex analysis complex sentences as i said earlier are formed when we have one dependent clause another one is independent so if i write i wrote the sentence earlier as well if i write though it is raining or although it is raining i will be going home if i am doing this i won't be doing that so if i'm doing this is depend on another part if i don't tell you another part it will be incomplete so that is complex enhanced and the words which are used in complex enhance are called subordinating conjunctions earlier we have coordinated conjunctions these are called subordinating conjunctions that means the words are combining together and we have plenty of them i'm going to write a link in the description which will be a pdf of these okay examples could be all though which i just used earlier although or although as because hands right these are some of the kinds that we can use we have until when whenever for complex sentences now come the fourth part fourth one is actually um funny because they combine both of them so they say complex compound or or compound complex that means i have to have a single dependence afraid clause and three independent are fine that will become complex compound and whatever i put first based on that there is a name see trust me you never use this and we don't have to because the sentence in speaking becomes too lengthy and in writing we feed our very long sentences we make mistakes so these two are full fully fine enough trust me they'll be fine with this part okay now when we are studying grammar there's another thing that comes to uh into the light why are we also studying though it is see there are two other reasons why are we studying grammar okay the first one is ielts stands for international english language testing system after after all there is english language testing system right so there is a language in there and we in a language without rules doesn't work without grammar it doesn't work so we have to understand for that reason second in writing and speaking they have clearly said for the criteria so one of the criteria is g r a and g r a stands for grammatical range and accuracy so how accurate your grammar is that means it's correct and what kind of range you're using okay so for example are you using compound sentences using complex analysis do you know what collocations are do you know how tenses work this is being explained in grammar i mean this is being expected in your writing and speaking so this is grammatical range and accuracy they have told you clearly these are the criteria so please remember it's important for us to study we cannot ignore it i so far in my career i've seen most people try to ignore it even in classes big coaching they say ah grammar is not important important other tips grammar is it holds a lot of you know risk if we don't study it okay now let's start with something called active and passive voice this is also important active and passive voice why it is important i'll tell you in a while but let's try to understand it first of all whenever a subject does or takes the action then it is called active voice so example could make it even more clearer for example let's say i gave him a book all right instead of that if i say he was given a book by me it becomes passive so when i say he was given a book by me right this is called passive when the accent is not being performed by the subject but action is performed on the subject okay subject will be coming on the back object will be first here right great so this is active and this is passive now when to use this passive because active is generally what we use every day i'm doing this i'm doing that always i will be here the subject will be in front when do we use this passive thing you must be thinking why to elongate the sentence and make it so hard think about it when you don't know what the subject is when you have no idea what the subject is you use the passive for example yesterday there was a robbery or there was a theft and who did it no one knows so you would say that the bank was robbed you wouldn't say he or she robbed the bank you said the bank was dropped right so when i say this the cheque was sent i have no idea who sent the cheque so when i have no idea about the subject i use passive remember that point whenever you have no idea about the subject you do it so you don't know who was involved in the corruption or in the case you say this was being corrupted this was being told but who told it you don't know remember no subject passive or when you don't want to give emphasis on the subject when you know the subject is of no use use passive please okay so this is the main thing that you have to remember always what is coming next is really important really important means you can understand whole english grammar in fact the whole english language from this but we never studied this and it is called collocation collocation is a term that is used to show that a word or phrase that is often used together okay and it is making sense together now for example when i say fast cars okay now if you think of the synonyms of fast i would say quick cars does it make any sense not really when i say fast food it's making total sense but if i say quick food doesn't make sense but at the same time when i say quick meal it's like yeah i understand quick meal is a quick meal so sometimes you use the cinnamon synonyms still doesn't make sense but with other words it is clear that is what collocation is how two words combine to make sense and some of them cannot be replaced in order to understand collocation we have to understand what are the types there are plenty of the types we understand all of them slowly and eventually and it's going to be a long video so get some popcorns get a rest or pause it and you know you have to watch it fully at once because the best time never comes so uh take some notes and also have some coffee with it okay pause it and go back get a coffee let's start with the number one type of collocation the first kind is called noun plus noun now what is this noun plus noun noun plus noun is when we have two nouns to combine and they never are separated though separately they don't make any sense for example round off applause now here round and applause are both nouns and making sense so when we say seize fire agreement this is noun plus noun ceasefire and agreement both are nouns right and together making full sense okay this is noun plus noun kind of collocation then we have number two number two is called noun plus verb now what is this noun plus verb when we say plane took off so this taking off is a verb and noun is plane we never seen plane uh run a plane was anything else apart from took off we'd say that business went broke business went broke right so we never say business but this is the word i'm talking about this is when broke is the verb and here business again noun so noun plus word is some of the kinds that we have okay now comes just a little bit opposite number three which is verb plus noun let's see some of the types of wordplus noun and it is let's say um making my bed you really don't make your bed but you set it up so that's called making my bed you say do my laundry so these are kind of collocations where we have wall first and then we have a noun right you don't say do my bed but you say make my bed and do my laundry that means cleaning your clothes so you got the idea what collocations are and what are these kinds remember these kinds are important please take notes out of it and we have number four it's called verb plus adverb i think in the beginning i've explained what is the meaning of verb and what i did it for this reason because you might not understand this later so to make it clear some of you might have done it but earlier but now let's see you remember this adverb and verb meaning initially if you have not if you are watching from middle go in the beginning in the parts of speech i've explained it okay so adverbs works and networks could be something like this remember vaguely remember vaguely means not remembering click clearly walk slowly this is pretty common right okay these are the works for adverb type of collocations cool then we have number fifth number five is when we have adverbs which i said earlier that adverbs can also qualify adjectives now let's see the types of that adverb and adjective can form a collocation always like this utterly stupid is one of the types of this edward adjective utterly stupid fully aware so you see fully is an adverb and aware is adjective so fully aware is above adjective types of collocation and these are all what collocations right okay great then we move ahead to the next one which is number six number six is adjective plus noun i think you're pretty clear about adjective plus noun if i'm not wrong adjective plus nouns are the most commonest one right and they are like for example a slow car so this is slow means again adjective and emphasizing the car small car big house with these big word uh there is an adjective okay uh you could say anything any such thing which is the easiest now comes number seven which some of them consider it as collocation some don't so i'm to write it here i do consider it and it's called prepro seasonal phrases now prepositional phrases are the phrases where they use preposition and not in the form of exactly for example when i say in or under i mean in a box or under something but in here it doesn't make full sense according to if you if you look at this each word but if i combine two words it's different for example when i say under pressure i'm not saying i'm standing under some pressure but i am have a lot of worries i'm under pressure because of that when i say run out of money i don't literally mean that you know i have a lot of money and i ran out of me in the middle of the money another money means no having no money so they see this outward is showing preposition so these are the seven kinds that you have to do what i recommend is don't watch this video as a fun video or anything watch it in the form of um you know study watch it pause it understand it and then find meanings of it you know examples of noun plus noun noun all the kinds you know seven kinds at least five to ten it's gonna help you a lot they're books written on collocations only like you know uh collocation and use from cambridge so they're gonna help you a lot to get through all this grammar okay wonderful