Transcript for:
Minecraft Redstone Lecture Notes

Mojang please I'm already severely addicted to the crafter my social life is ruined nobody's seen me in days and now just 1 week later after adding this gamechanging block you introduce a new Redstone component a redstone component that has the potential to be even more gamechanging and that may seem ridiculous cuz you know the craft the crafter crafts things how is that not more gamechanging and while I agree it's very gamechanging when it comes to well crafting things automatically is extremely useful for Automatic Farms outside of that very specific use case doesn't really have much use in broader redstone contraptions whereas this thing on the other hand a toggleable redstone component that is also movable by Pistons well that is I mean this this is going to change a lot of circuits potentially I don't know I haven't really played around with it yet I've literally just just installed the snapshot these are my first couple blocks I've placed like always I'm just going to play around with this thing for the next few hours see what comes out T flip-flop well that was easy um that's the T flip-flop done to put that into some perspective here this is sort of the average T flip flop this is the one that most people would use if they were to build a t flip flop it's pretty big there are smaller ones than this but I mean there's none smaller than this it's literally a single block T flipflop and I hereby name it the cop flop it is the cop flop if if any of these pop up in any Redstone builds now they have to be refer as the cop flops and if you want to be really fancy and use the full name it's the copper Flopper button selector panel again this one super simple every single one of these buttons you press will stay activated and we will get a redstone output from them but what if you wanted the button selector panel to have only independent outputs by that I mean only one button can be selected at a time so say I press this button here it would turn off that button okay let's have a think about how this would work so brain they're transparent blocks which means I can't run Redstone outputs through them which actually makes them quite useful it's frustrating in times like these but it does mean that if I run something like a a strong power source into the side of it like this repeater running into the side of this block is not also going to affect that copper block over there I think I've actually started with quite a challenging thing here okay this is totally broken but it is making a very satisfying noise there's a chance that something like this will work I have had to place lamp in front of the lamps but I honestly think this looks really good and I mean that seems to be working and it's quite satisfying and of course it's super easy to take an output from it so if you have some kind of storefront and you want a button select a panel this seems like a good option the only issue is like a lot of buttons elector panels it's not spam proof SC you stay away from this thing all right let's go back to the basics quickly as I was building with this thing I realized I I kind of don't understand the fundamentals of it so obviously it's a transparent block toggleable movable with pistons which is pretty cool does it redirect Redstone into it no it does not now I'm incredibly curious when it gives Observer outputs I imagine yeah so it will give Observer outputs when it's powered or unpowered so pretty similar to something like a dropper and if I was to give this thing two power rings in quick succession firstly it toggles on and off quickly okay and secondly it gives two Redstone outputs okay now this is unlike the redstone lamp which actually takes a little bit of time to switch off when it's depowered so let's get back to building and I have a special something for you just place this block here and oh yeah that's the good stuff I think we can all agree that was incredibly satisfying and you should do that it's not very often I ask for this stuff now if we actually pop back behind here you can see it's not even that difficult to build uh all I did was just put a bunch of lines of observers and then behind each one of the letters I want blanked out I just I just removed the observers but actually now that I think about it I could do this in a really really cool way so I'm just going to quickly replace all of The Observers this is this is a bit of a pain but I genuinely think the effect of this is going to be well worth it now I just replace all of the bulbs I'm sure some of you can see where I'm going with this hook it up to a relatively slow Redstone clock I think I think the slower the better on this one and let's see how well this works oh that's really cool that's really cool that's super cool I I'm I mean that you would have been able to do this with redstone lamps yeah probably maybe I don't know if you could have done to be honest with you it would have been tricky and this is cool that animation is so smooth and what's really cool about something like this is you can actually just switch it off and then you can change the message to whatever you like by just powering all of the lamps that you want to be different and then the next time you switch it on it will have changed the message I can now imagine on the hermitcraft server someone making an animated advertising business you pay a few diamonds for your custom billboard that will stay up for a few weeks and then it gets changed whenever someone hires it just remember please subscribe I've put the S back cuz it was actually annoying me this is kind of unrelated to The Copper bulb but I've been messing around with the slash tick command you see we can now change the tick speed of the game to whatever we want so I'm current playing Minecraft 20 times slower everything is running slower look over there that Redstone clock that is running 20 times slower and this is going to be super useful for diagnosing issues in fast redstone contraptions and also I can set the tick speed to something ridiculously fast which is very good for diagnosing issues in Redstone Farms that I guess would fill up over time now why am I talking about this well because I just did all of the commands for creating a working super hot in Minecraft if the system detects you moving about about then it will set the random tick speed to regular Minecraft speed but otherwise it will be really slow the only issue being the tick rate command doesn't seem to be currently working in command blocks which is a real shame because I love super hot and I thought this would be fun now I have these stupid armor stands following me everywhere I go right let's get back to the bulbs so I have made this double piston extended design which makes use of the bulbs to power the top pistons and it all works pretty nicely you can stack them up next to one another it's tilable okay that's not true it's not quite tilable if you power them at the perfect times then it does break it's also no flush of the ground I mean this thing isn't perfect we can connect a bunch of these things together to create a binary counter which is incredibly satisfying to watch and can be useful in certain circumstances so a good example is something like this where we've connected up all of the binary counters to One Singular Redstone line so this Redstone line will only activate when all of the lamps switch off which takes a lot of time that means that a ton of inputs have to go through the system before we get that and it should be coming up relatively soon there it is so this is great if you want something to happen very occasionally like if you want something to activate every 50th button press or something then this could be the way to do it I've created this little combination lock which is functionally the same as a lever combination lock but it works with buttons and instead we have lamp indicators to tell you which ones you've pressed and the cool thing is once You' finished inputting the combination it wipes it automatically that was always my biggest gripe with lever combination locks I just walk off leaving them with the combination on full display this system fixes that and it's not massively complicated and it's quite cool in the way that it actually works I definely think there's a smaller way to do this and gate though you know this block reminds me of something I remember when this little thing was introduced the target block probably one of the most Redstone changing blocks that has been added in the past couple of years when it was introduced I kind of had a hard time communicating how often these were going to be used inside of redstone contraptions for the simple fact that they're solid blocks that redirect Redstone lines you can see I've used them here this wouldn't be possible without this the challenge with a block like this is that there's not actually that many Contraptions that have the target block as a hero of the contraption It just fits really nicely within basically all Contraptions in Minecraft unlike the crafter that is very much a hero of the Redstone Contraption the whole point of the Redstone Contraption is the crafter things like the target block The Observer and now the copper bulb aren't really going to be the hero of the Redstone Contraption generally they're just going to be a fundamental part of it it's funny because I'm actually probably more excited about the Cobble bulb than I am the crafter but I think in terms of video creation the crafter addiction is going to be in full force and we'll continue for a very long time that's it for today hope you enjoyed goodbye bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye