Transcript for:
Understanding the Armenian Issue

Greetings, in this video, i’m gonna talk about what is “the Armenian issue.” I’ve decided to seperate this video into two sections. In the first session, i’m gonna try to convey why did the Armenian issue appeared, what was its causes. In the second session, we are gonna discuss whether the Armenian issue was a genocide, or something else. I’ve indicated all the resources that i used in the description box below the video, the ones who wonder about also check themselves. Firstly; the name “Armenia” is actually the name that of a geographical region, it does not represent any empire or a group of people. The Armenians of today would call themselves “Hayk” when they first arrived to Anatolia, the country they established was “Hayatsan” and in no case they couldn’t manage to build an empire that was named as “Armenia” or comprehensive enough to be the origin of today’s Armenia. Surely, there was some principalities and seigniories but they were not independent exactly because Byzantium was the ruler of that region and the Armenians were subject to Byzantium. The first Armenian deportation was carried out by Byzantium in 1020s and the Armenians in Van were sent to inner Anatolia and the Armenians faced with a lot of oppression due to denominational differences. This is why Armenians were at daggers drawn with Byzantians, in fact, until 1071 when Turks literally arrive at Anation, four Armenian principalities were laid low by Byzantium personally. In short, Armenians were not an independent folk. And interestingly, the big top independency was brought by Turks. Beforehand Alp Arslan concluded an agreement with David the Armenian king whom he protected. Later on, in the reign of Melikshah, Armenians were released from a quite amount of tax. Basically, since the time of Seljuq and later on the establishment of Ottoman Empire, even the reign of Othman, Armenians and Turks were living in amity. Additionaly, not only the Armenian patriarchate Havakin was officially recognized immediately, but also in the reign of Fatih, the Armenian patrician was invited to İstanbul and a new patriarchate in Galata was established. So that Armenians could live quite free, privileged and had religious freedom in the times of Ottoman and Seljuq. Due to this indulgence and easiness, especially in İstanbul there was a dense population of Armenians. Even in 1800s, that population made to 150 thousand people and the greatest Armenian collegium of the world is in İstanbul. Besides, this is why Armenian and Greek coteries flash into mind when Galata, İstiklal Avenue and some various locations are mentioned. Armenians were also exempted from military service and were allowed to be assigned to important seats in government, for that matter they are named for “millet-i sadıka” meaning “faithful nation.” And when examined, it is seen that until 1800s, Turks and Armenians were living peacefully up to the hint. However, as time passes, when Ottoman started to die down, and the seats that Greeks left were given to Armenians, especially when various consulates and clerkships mostly were controlled by Armenians, which this hegemony reached its climax in the time of Ali Pasha, Armenians meant to gradually get rid of Turks and surround themselves with their relatives and cognates. It can be seen even today. When a man becomes a minister, a mp or a mayor, he starts to surround himself with all his acquaintances. Armenians in Ottoman era did the same thing. However, due to the fact that Armenian faith and Ottoman faith which is islam confronted, the rift appeared in time. Whereas, Armenians, in a way, managed to survive thanks to Turks. if it were not for Turk eponyms; Ottoman and Seljuq, the name of Armenians due to the outrage of Byzantium and Europe would stay in history books at its best. Yet, even the reason behind the establishment of Armenia was to object to Ottoman. I’m gonna talk about it anyway. We are talking about an Armenian meinie who gave 40 piastre tax annually, were not called for military service, had liberty of trade and of religion, were conferred on barraty, so to speak, living way more easefully than Turks in Ottoman lands. So, how did everything get to be this way? That’s pretty cliche. First- propaganda; Second- nationalism. In the nineteenth century, nationalism became widespread meaning that everyone wanted to have an autonomous identity. Because Ottoman became so weak that foreign forces wanted to divide, split the Ottoman Empire and take the benjamin’s portion, which it was seen even in WWI. The French in Mediterranean, in east the Russian, the Greek in Aegean and in İstanbul and in its round the British, in short, different nations occured on all sides of the country and they eventually started to fight with each other to have the biggest slice of the cake. And it’s a process, i mean that before the WWI, Ottoman was gradually divided throughout one hundred years, having lost lands in all regions, some revolts occured and the folk, solidly grew away from being a subject of Ottoman. After all, because a Christian community living in an islamic georaphy was in the question, no matter if they had benefit from that or not, many countries tried their hands at that under the disguise of “brotherhood in Christ.” The projects started in the eighteenth century. Primarily, France sent some missionisers to catholicise Armenians and then with the interferences by other countries, approximately ten percent of armenians became protestant. So, Armenians splitted among themselves, therefore they could not correspond with Ottoman since they could not achieve unity even among themselves. Armenians firstly became an enemy for Ottomans and then with the fire of nationalism, they want to build a country of their own. Of course, it had occured through that hundred-year time lapse. As i have stated before, there was a plenty of battles, revolts or contributions carried out behind the curtain. Exempli gratia, the city of Erivan where was possessed by Iran was conquered by Russians in the time of Russian-Persian war in 1829 and tzar Nicola the First made a statement by saying “This incident is the day when the Armenians’ independence.” Since that day, a new correlation between Russians and Armenians has started to be made and that relation was based on the hostility towards Ottoman and this idea has been imposed in every chance. For example, between circa 1853 and 1856, after the battle between Russia and Ottoman; Russia, though used to use the term “Asia of Turkey”, after the Paris Conference in 1856, started to use the term “Armenia” whereas there was neither such country nor Ottoman had lost that regions, so they were talking about a non-existed country and imposed the idea of a probable country in the future on the society. With this fire, they worked hand-in-hand with Russia, Britain and other countries. That was not consist only of sharing a few maps or making up countries such as Armenia or Kurdistan. After the Edict of Reform in 1856, Robert College and American College of Merzifon and this kind of schools started to impose some ideas such as Ottoman hatred, Armenian nationalism on society even when in primary school age. Teachers propagandized with insistances as “Ottomans made a massacre, they mow down Armenians, if it were not for Ottoman, there would be a great country called Armenia but Ottoman forestalled.” The generation was bred up to such ideologies, when they were old enough to have adequately important seats in 1890s-1900s, it was inevitable that they would like to actualize these ideas. 1800s was very tough for Ottoman. Almost in every trench there was either a revolt or was against another country. When it was 1877, the outbreak of a war (Russo-Turkish war) - which we call “93 Harbi”* (War of 93) - in Balkans and Caucasia to achieve Panslavism by Russians made everything even worse. Because Ottoman had lost the war and had to ask for peace. Russians could make towards Istanbul after Plevne had been occupied. The war ended in 31th of January in 1878 with the armistice in Edirne and the peacetalks that paved the way for the Treaty of San Stefano also known as treaty of Yeşilköy had been given a start. So to say, these talks were not so beneficial for Ottoman Empire. Moreover, during these discussions, Armenian patriarch Nerses Variabedyan and some Armenian leaders had negotiated with the grand duke Nikolai, tzar’s brother and managed to have them add an article about Armenians to the treaty. Consequently, the name of Armenians, first time in the history, is used in an official concordat and that was the first step toward the autarchy. However, this treaty was just on paper, not actualised because England foresaw that, by this treaty, Russia became over-powerful and demanded a new conference, which it didn’t acted just as a demand. Then Britain not only sent an armada to Istanbul but also having accorded with Austria (Oesterreich) then massed a lot of soldiers to the Danube region. So, Russia was not sufficient for a second war so it had to accept the conference. Of course, Britain didn’t take Ottoman under its wings just for favour. In the meantime, Britain had some exclusive privileges behind the curtain. For example, Britain achieved the right to engarrison in Cyprus and to make reforms about the Armenians living in Ottoman lands and permitted them over-freedom. But in the meantime Armenians were not unactive. In 17th of March, 1878, Variabedyan patriarch negotiated with Layard, ambassador of England and said if Britain supports, Armenian community is ready to rebel and decisive to establish a new Armenia. Because of that, in the Congress of Berlin which was gathered on behalf of the treaty of San Stefano, Bismark welcomed Armenians and get along with them, as well as other European countries supported Armenians. That was so tragic for Ottoman because Ottoman made the disreputation “the sick man” in those congregations. The whole world saw that Ottoman was being divided, laid low, disappeared and couldn’t even have the right to sepak in its own land about its own vassals. In 1880 when Gladstone became the prime minister of England, conflicts reached the peakpoint. Gladstone dealed with the Armenian issue to start with and in June of 1880, in tandem with the six nations, he wanted reforms to be made with Armenians in the east of Anatolia by sending a diplomatic note to Sublime Porte. After that interference of Gladstone, Armenians raised to the bait even more and resorted to terror by organizing gangs. As an example, Hunchakian which means “jingle” and Tashnag (flag) parties are the most popular ones. Armenians, all over the board of the country, started to organize gangs, assault the society and the soldiers, and by letting out a yell of “Armenia” they terrorized. Additionally, whenever Ottoman quenched and intervene, it is launced as “murdered” in the West. “Ottoman kills Armenians, attacks Christians!” These sort of news were always reported and the society was provoked against Ottoman. For example, in August of 1894, in Sason region in Bitlis Province, Armenians rebelled and slaughtered innocent people, then commenced fire, even gunfighted with the soldiers and when Ottoman quelled the revolt, all the West media published such fake news like “Ottoman is the murderer, Armenians are the wronged!” but no one talked about the slaughtered Turks and Muslims. Because there was a need for excuse, and on the plea of this, some countries -Britain particularly- send a memorandum to Ottoman for reforms on Armenians and them being more free, even free of any restrictions. However, Ottoman couldn’t agree with them and did reject the plan. And then, with the provacations of all these countries, Armenians effervesced even more and in Bitlis, Erzurum, Muş, Sivas and other regions, they started to revolts all around the country simultaneously. Thereby, in a time lapse of one year, there had been 25 revolts and all of them were to establish an independent Armenia. And Ottoman had neither time nor patience to fight against them diplomatically. Due to the fact that in the 18th of April in 1897, Greco-Turkish War broke out, afterwards, some problems occured around the near east, in the lands of Arabs. Here, during the unionist revolution and then the first world war, Ottoman was in a position so that no matter what they did, they would go wrong. Until 1915, there was 40 revolts in total. In short, deportation was not a sudden decision. After all these incidents, Ottoman either give up on 20 or 30 cities and say “take them, all done, do whatever you want to!” or scramble, which there was no chance of giving lands for free and for dividing the country. If you do so, tomorrow or any other day, Laz people, Kurds, Balkanians, Arabs, other minorities would want to establish their own country. WWI was there, we -Ottomans- were already under occupation and losing lands, on the other hand, when armenians started to revolt and make troubles, Ottoman had to set the seal on the issue. One should speculate, in 1895 a crowded Armenian group marched towards Sultanahmet with the guidance of the patriarch İzmirliyan, protested and around the same time, Ottoman bank was raided by Armenian gangs. Moreover, according to the written sources, many from the folk, i mean civilians were killed by the bombs of Armenians and additionally, they even committed to assassinate Abdulhamid who was the Sultan. Those incidents did not appear suddenly, dear fellows, i mean if we are to speak of the emigration or so-called genocide, it’s a requirement that the background should also be understood because in the world maps that was published in that time, the West marked the east of Ottoman as “Armenia.” So to say, though the country was not splitted, they cut away the half of the land. That obviously was a provocation, a threat. If you check even only the treaty of Yeniköy made in 8th of February in 1914, it’ll be enough. This is such a project that you divide the country as from Diyarbakır and make the region totally autarchical with foreign governors and inspectors. So, Ottomans gets divided into provinces. Having been not fought yet, Ottoman was already divided. And the worst part of it, if it were not for WWI, that plan could have been actualized. The outbreak of the war shot the project’s fox. Afterwards, similar bargains were offered to Damat Ferid Pasha like one hundred times but due to the War of Independence lead by Atatürk, they had failed again. I mean, regardless of if Ottoman was divided or not, Western countries had already the intention of establishing an Armenian and they would make no secret of it. Armenians, with the fire of that, continued to revolt and carried out acts of terror even more. Through the Battle of Gallipoli* Armenian gangs still attacked on people. Consequently, Ottoman, with a ‘all-or-none’ principle, made a radical decision. That’s just much more the case. So, the people were send from there to somewhere else, the aim was to break the unity and to prevent probable revolts. At that time, there were ones who fight against, attack, threaten with weapons, tease and make troubles, so some of them were killed but according to the West, they act as if the whole Armenian society were slaughtered, meaning that it’s claimed that a literal genocide occured and all the Armenians were killed completely. However, that’s a slander. There’s a strict difference between forcing people to immigrate and extinguish them completely. But when you look at the diaspora, they claim that one and a half million armenians were killed. Worst part of it is that people are buying this and when you deny it, they declare you anti-human immediately. “Anti-Armenian, butcher, murderer…” and so on. Actually they are being a anti-turk but no one cannot say anything. At this juncture, i would like to correct a misinformation, everyone assumes that 24 of April is the day of deportation, but 24th April in 1915 was the day when the telegraph was sent to some governorates and lieutenant governors by the minister of internal affairs, Talat Pasha to the ever increasing Armenian issues. The law which was the basis of the deportation was introduced in 27 of May and the official name was “The Provisional Law about the Precautions will be done by the Military against the ones who revolt against the Practices of the Government Below it there was the signatures of both Sultan Reşad (Mehmed the Fifth) and Enver Pasha. And of course, as from24 of April, some of the Armenian leaders were arrested and sent to detention camps but none of them were killed in this moment, moreover, most of the ones who sent, came back to Istanbul. To give details, Deportation Law consisted of four articles: Article First: In wartime, if the army commanders and corps and party headmans and their attorneys and independent rank commanders, witness to any hostility and trangession with weapons and resistance by the community in any sort of way, “against the actions and the arrangements that aim to maintain the orders from government, public order and defence of the country, are allowed and obligated to reciprocate with military forces in a most violent way; and in any offense and resistance situation, to neutralisation.” Meaning that the soldiers were free to use their weapons when obliged. Article Second: “Army and corps and party commanders, due to the military requirements, when sense espionage or infidelity, can transfer people on a single basis or en masse to the other districts.” Meaning that by the government, commanders were given the right to relocate the ones whom they suspected to somewhere else. Article Third: This law is valid since it’s publication. Article Fourth: The commander-in-chief and the ministry of war are the responsible for the validity of the judge. I decided on the enforcement and the pass of this temporary resolution by the seats in charge to be reported in the meeting of the general assembly of the parliament. Hear me, i’m telling again; deportation is just having a group of people move from a place to another, of course during that there were ones who attacked to, pull a gun on the soldiers and resisted and kill and also killed but the law is crystal-clear. Yes, that’s a saddening incident, a whole group of people was relocated with all their belongings but just two years ago from that time, in Balkan Wars, Turks also went through the same thing. Turks in Balkan had to emigrate because the land was lost. So, in wartime, these things can be happen. That’s understandable. And when they attempt to revolt and stage a coup and collaborate with the enemy, the right of them to complain and to cry is only possible in the fictional novels. Because the government primarily have to protect its own continuity. There is no any other possible solution, or anything else to do. If there were another country (not Ottoman) they would completely clear off, which they did in the past, actually. We, at least, just forced them to temporarily emigrate, it’s already stated in the law. Not forever, until death or hundred years. We’ve already talked about there were plenty of people who came back afterwards. When examined, it’s seen that, regardless of these facts, exaggerated everything and made a mountain out of a molehill and introduced as if one million people died when in reality, it was just one and as if Ottoman was a genocider, disgusting governmnent. To achieve that, they even faked some documentaries. I do not accuse them with phoniness, they were revealed already later on. For example, some documents claimed as gotten from the Ottoman lands in Syria were shared by commander Allenby and it was claimed that in those documents, Ottoman gave a direct order to practice genocide. But later on it was revealed that such a document does not exist and these documents, let alone them gotten by Allenby in Syria, they actually appeared in France. Armenian Nationalist Federation in Paris prepared a report by themselves and shared it with everyone everyone so that they could deceive people by a perception operation. But, consequently, the ones who fall for that and believed in that report are still believing in that. So, that’s just a “mud still sticks” situation. Regardless of the claims being a lie, slander or even hilarious, if over-told, people will start to fall for it, or at least will have a place in the subconscious, which the West already started to do that even in the time of Treaty of Sevres. it’s seen that in the meetings in that time “you are murderers, you slaughtered Armenians, that’s why you should accept that specifications. We brought you that offer, you do not appect that? Remember you’ve done those things to Armenians so you had better accept that, etc.” So to say, they tried to outmaneuver Ottoman by accusing, forcing, aggravating. And Atatürk rejected the claims so many times. In the 24th April of 1920, he said that: “All the actions of the enemies aim to forcibly aceept everything that they demand by incapacitating our land from inside and outside in these times when the rudiments for peace are about to be decided… They lastly made up the Armenian genocide which is a complete fiction. All the factors which could achieve their prospective benefits by turning all the foreign countries against us with various oppressions, lastly have made up the Armenian genocide apocrypha, which is a complete fiction.” Addition to that, he made a lot of statements about the Armenian genocide assertions in 31 December of 1919, 27 Dec. Of 1920 and in 1 March of 1922 and stated that that’s a project of the British and when some provinces such as Bitlis and Van are used to establish Armenia, the authority of England will gain vigor in the Near East and that is the main purpose. The ones who read Nutuk already knows that. Additionally, it should be stated that in 24 March of 1915, with the help of Russia, approximately 2300 terrorists were caught from the federations such as Ramgavar, Halas, Towards Armenia and Dark Cross. There were lots of countries trying to invade the country, top it all, Ottoman had to deal with a civil war, so deportation was an obligation as a last resort. That does not mean that all of the Armenians were terrorists, anti-ottoman, or traitors, there is no claim of this but the majority was like that so bad apples excuse. This is why if there is a murdered, frustrated Armenian, Ottoman isn’t to blame for it. The Armenians who revolted and tried to stage a coup and practiced terrorism muust be brought to book for that. In short, the gangs. Because what Ottoman did was a self-defense. 100 Turks in ‘Zeitun Resistance’ in 1914, 3 thousand Turks in “Defense of Van” in 1915 and 20 thousand Turks in Muş in 1914-1915 lost their lives. Armenians, since the revolt in Erzurum in 1890, attempted to revolt so many times but failed. When failed, the cruel piling on the agony is just being hypocrite. Zeve village of Van was completely slaughtered by Armenians without making any discrimination for women, children, elders and Armenians joined the Russian army with 15 thousand enlistee just to batte against the Ottoman, even there were tens of them considering their own wives and children as hindrances and sent them to Erivan. Ottoman did what was needed to be done. And, if Ottoman was that anti-Armenian, then why in that time there was two Armenian congressman in Ottoman Council? This also should be questioned. Minister of foreign affairs Gabriyel Noradukyan and Oscar Efendi was also Armenian. How could they be oppressed and be deputies? How Bashruyan who studied law with the opportunities from Ottoman could be appointed to the chairmanship of the penalty department ? How could Kirkor Zohrac be appointed to the parliament of Istanbul and Hallaçyan to the public works ministry? By the way, Hasruyan whom i just mentioned advocated an Armenian called Torlatyan who killed the minister of internal affairs Cevanshir Han in 1921. Again, the councellor of Mustafa Reşid Pasha who was one of the leading figures of Reform, was an Armenian named Agop Gırçıkyan. However, saddening part is that some armenians who were appointed to the parliamentarianship in Ottoman such as Noradukyan, as soon as the WWI had broken out, left the country and demanded to establish Armenia from countries like France. This is why the arguments “Armenians were genocided” especially frequently stated by some countries as France shouldn't be blindly fallen for. Some will pop out and attack me by saying “You are being such a fascit, you are being a anti-Armenian.” et cetera. People are weird. There’s nothing to do but let me state that again, it is possible that during the deportation, there absolutely could be ones who exaggerated, who used force disproportionately, who killed the innocent because of the evil-doers and who made mistakes. We cannot know but the possibility of it being happened should be considered. Consequently, tragic events happened and the deportation didn’t leave good memories in minds. People died, starved, relocated but eventually, it was an obligation. No one is happy or proud of it, or say “we did a great job!” We just had to and that’s it. It’s seen that Armenian side of the dispute shares some skull, skeleton and bone pictures and say “look how many people did the murderer Turks kill!” but it’s unknown if they were killed as innocent people or gangster or not or killed in a gunfight. Nowadays we are bombing PKK encampments. What we are gonna do?Apologize? Of course not. We are not gonna say “Aww, what a pity, wish we hadn’t done that” or something like that. The deportation was the consequence of a long-lasted hostileness and the hostile side isn’t the Ottoman. Unfortunately, that’s the truth. Maybe the soldiers, after a while, treated hatefully and exaggerated by thinking like they deserved that. Maybe some parents were killed in the presence of their children, or some children were tortured in front of their parents, that’s just hypothetic. So, we cannot know precisely. But, there was people who pulled out a gun to the soliders, fighted, revolted, meaning that they protected the orders and left no other chance. That’s why a winnowing out process is not possible. If we are to write a novel or to use our imagination, thousands of stories can be fictionalized. For example, when in Beirut, the hyperbolic letter Halide Edib wrote to Cevad Bey consisted of these tragic events. We cannot know what part is true and what part is incorrect. But that does not mean that we are gonna forget about the terrorist groups who left no other solution to the government, except the deportation. If we are to be honest, we should be completely. If there’s just one or two rotten apples, it’s not that hard to clean out. But it’s impossible to clean out hundred of thousands from a million. If even so, some forgotten ones will make other apples rotten too. There is an exclusive interview of the wife of Talad Pasha who şahit var, gave the command of deportation, it was done by Murat Bardakçı in 1980s when a couple of months before her death. In that interview, completely same things were stated. Some says “Give up on the official dates, there’s plenty of witnesses, they affirm the genocide. Go talk to people!” im telling especially to them. That’s the best witness over there. “He said don’t, all these years, we, Ottoman, made you pashas, ministers, minister of foreign affairs.” Minister of foreign affairs is armenian, minister of post and telegram is armenian. Ottoman government treats you as a brother. You are free in your houses, works, etc. Give up. Armenians started…because Russians were provocating. That Erzurum event…We lost a lot (of people) and our lost is way much more than theirs. Armenians said “Hmmm, you might be right about it but we require an autarchy. He said “ Give up the thought of that, absolutely and completely. You cannot take an autarchy from Turkey. You and I are equal. I’m an minister so are you. I’m a journalist so are you. But giving a land? Never. I can’t.” And after that, they left and fleed. He said “Prepare your passports, and go. If you stay, you will get in trouble.” They -again- asked for an autarchy, he said ‘no!” And then the paaha (Reşad) had enough and begged until the last minute and said “Don’t! See, you have all these (titles) ministers, pashas, doctor pashas, we are giving you all of them. Comfort, sultanate, money, wealth, all in your possession. Why are you doing this?” He would command all the mayors ; “Don’t you do it, be careful, careful not to assault properties, not to assault women, safeguard them, open their ways, leave them, let them go and be free”. They would answer, though i don’t remember their answers. I couldn’t have stayed in front of the telegraph ‘till morning. What can the pasha say? In agony and sorrow. That Erzurum incident… They, the Armenians, went in the mosques and ripped those pregnant women, took away the children and bayonetted them, they showed it like so. The Armenian cruelty. Are they writing this? Are they saying this? And then they call it autarchy! What will that give us? First of all they’ll cut you, and me too. They wouldn’t cut Ahmed and Mehmed in the street. They’ll cut them after all eventually. First of all, they’ll raise your head and mine. The murderer of the pasha said in court; “We” he said, “cannot wage war with Turkey” he said, “But we’ll annihilate the heads of those who’re the most intelligent of Turkey and who could best save Turkey”, he said and they did.” As the last point, deportation was done by the commitee of union and progress and this is why armenian adherents accuse the commitee of union and progress with being a racist, hostile, anti-armenian group but that’s incorrect. The commitee of union and progress consisted of completely patriotic members, and their only aim is to postpone the inevitable fall of Ottoman Empire a little bit more. With this aim, they made a few decisions and unfortunately they expedited this fall. But, by no means, sre the members of the committee of union and progress are either racists or traitors. And most of the leading figures of the committe of union and progress couldn’t even reach their fifties, for example, Enver Pasha was martyrized at 41 in Tajikstan, fighting against the Russian, Talat Pasha, on the other hand, was murdered at 47 by an Armenian terrorist called Sogomon Terlinyan in Berlin. Even Cemal Pasha, the oldest among them, was 50 when he fell victim to a murder in Tblisi. Many of our valuable figures such as the grand-vizer Halim Pasha and mayor of Trabzon, Cemal Azmi along with doctor Baheddin Şakir Bey were murdered by the Armenians. So then, one would have to be quite barefaced to sit around and propagandise that “Turks are killing Armenians.” I’m not nurturing enmity towards the Armenians, even if i do, that would be only a payback because for a hundred years, they have been bearing hostility towards Turks. As the most basic example, the monument built in 15 April of 1979 in Athens was completely attributed to the Armenian genocide and was called “Revenge Monument” with the idea supporting the notion that Turks are genociders. And many countries such as France and Russia supported the monument and the project. So, all the countries which are anti-Turks were already ready to declare us genociders. Whereas in their own pasts are way more bloody, and if we are to seek for a genocider, massacrist, western countries are the leading ones. But that’s not important, if you are a Turk or a Eastern, you are disgusting. You have no chance of being right. That’s the perception in the West. If that’s not the case, there wouldn’t be a Armenian Grudge Monument in Marseille and many ministers wouldn’t visit it. One should question that, ‘revenge monument, grudge monument, et cetera monument…’ Are we treally the hostile ones or are you? But when the case is humanism, human rights, freedom, they are the most peace-loving ones. So, take a look at, the genocide didn’t happen in the first place. What can i say? If i say it happened, it would favour me. Many organizations would donate me, send me money and would remark how well-informed, intellectual i am and support me. Tomorrow i would be rich, i mean to say. And you are aware of that the ones who did are being granted with awards. But what im caring about is not the donation or how many people supports me, i care about the truth. When examined, some ‘successors’ of some federations like Tashnak says there was a massacre, a genocide, they were saying the same things in the past too but they are not saying anything about why it would have been done if it had been done. Think like that; i’m gonna punch you, break your arm, burn your hand, in short, there will be nothing i didn’t do to you and when you hit back i’ll say “wooaa i’m being attacked!” i’m the one who first punched and shouldn’t have the right to complain. I let myself in for that and not just for one or two times, i’ve done that hundreds of times. That’s such a cliche tactic. Support the minorities in a country and have them ensemble as gangs, gave secret arms aid, make them promises. And when some incidents happen such as armed attacks, murders, attacks, and then the government interfere, just say “wohaaa, the government attacks the minority!” Just question these; why the massacres done by Leopold the Belgium King is not being spoken? He killed twelve million people, more than Hitler did. Or America threw an atom bomb on Japan, not just one, two. Even today they are doing a lot of things in Iraq, what was done? There have been only five or tens years. They are not talk about any of these as if these countries are whiter than White, all are humanists, philanthropists, all peace-makers. Only us Turks are bad, only we are massacrists. Only we are trying to murder our own people just like an idiot. No problem. We live just so perfect. We craved chaos and said “Let’s kill some Kurds, attack some Armenians, and then crack up and fall apart.” Does that sound logical? Don’t get me wrong, other countries doing massacre does not justify us when we do it. I mean, i don’t say such thing “if we did it, we did it, they also did.” dear fellows. Because we didn’t. No Ottoman officer said that “i should go and kill ten Armenians” when he woke up in the morning. All these was done due to the obligations. And that deportation was not just for Armenians. Actually, approximately two-hundred-fifteen-thousand or three-hundred-thousand Greek was forced to emigrate from Aegea and Black Sea regions in WWI or about six-thousand Arabs were sent to Anatolia from Medina. Also, three or four thousands of Jews in Lebanon were exiled by Cemal Pasha since they collaborated with the enemy. Or in Taurus Mountains, about eight or ten thousands of Turks were sent to exile on account of creating social unrest. So, if you are making trouble, pose a threat, regardless of being a Turk, Jew or an Armenian, you would be exiled for the sake of continuity of the state. Due to the fact that the trouble makers among Armenians were very crowded and there were no chance of telling apart, a whole group of people were forced to emigrate. That’s just the case. Let me correct another misinformation. Some says “We’ve seen the documents, nine-hundred people were killed.” But that’s wrong. Between the censuses done before and after the deportation, a nine-hundred-seventy-two-thousand-two-hundred-fourty-six population gap is seen but that does not mean that, that much of people were killed. That also contains other group sent to other places such as Southern America and Russia and that does not mean that deportation was for all the Armenians. For example, a part of the Armenian population in Van was sent to İzmit, and in İzmit a part of them was sent to Kütahya. A big part of the Armenians in Kütahya was sent to Afyon. So, they are divided domestically. Even 740-thousand Muslims who fleed to inner Anatolia from the east were said to be Armenians. When they see every sort of documents that contains hundreds of numbers are used to launch and propagandize “there, armenians are being exiled, there, armenians are being tortured.” So, when the case is lying, exaggerating, or asserting a claim without evidence, they already propagandize Armenian genocide all the time. This is why i’m talking factually with proofs and with a clear conscience. Again, when examined, the Armenian who murdered Talat Pasha, defended himself by saying “he killed my family.” So, he stated that he took revenge. Therefore, we are not the ones who lie or carry out genocide everytime when on the rocks. And unfortunately, the generation which was raised with this propaganda becomes anti-Turk or feels an antipathy towards Turkey unavoidably. And the brain-washed ones can be attend to some assassinations or revenges. For example, an Armenian named Gurgen Yanikan murdered Mehmet Baydar who was the chief consul of Turkey in Los Angeles and consul Bahadır Demir in the city of Santa Barbara in USA in 27th January of 1973. Armenian terrorists carried out one hundred then terror incidents, thirty nine of them was armed, seventy of them was with bomb ,in twenty countries, thirty eight cities. And in these incidents, our fourty two diplomatists were martyred. So, their obsession with revenge hasn’t been faded away. I would like first of all to give an advice to the people who will say “You are no objective, Diamond, you took sides, you spoke on behalf of the government.” Just think about, maybe i didn’t take a side but you cannot view the subject with a clear understanding because you’ve raised with hostility. Anyways, that’s all for now. It’s Diamond, see you in other videos.