[Music] hi then welcome to our first video in our computer literacy course where we are looking at getting to know the basics so i'm going to be going through the theory component of this now it's just just looking at a couple of things we need to cover and then i'm going to show you practically you know everything that we are talking about so first things first when it comes to computer literacy we need to ask the question well what is a computer and you can see from the examples there we have a laptop we have a tablet and we have a smartphone okay so these are the basic examples that we are going to be using throughout this course now many of us are familiar with these the only one that's missing is the desktop computer okay so there we have a laptop smartphone and tablet here on the other end we have what's known as the desktop computer now again i'm going to be taking you practically through these but just have a look at the difference you'll see with your laptop your keyboard there your screen over there and you've got a mouse pad here are all built into one device your tablet has a keyboard a touch screen you know everything built into one device your smartphone you can type on the screen you can message on the screen you can you know scroll through facebook on the screen all of those things but everything you need to do is built into one device when we look at the desktop computer you can see the monitor over here is a separate piece of hardware right the keyboard is something separate the mouse is separate and what we call the system unit or you know this box here that's got all the major components for the computer is a separate you know physical piece of hardware as well so those are just the the immediate differences between the two and this is known as our desktop computer so please already now you start to see the difference between a desktop computer and then what people use you know in terms of laptops smartphones and tablets these are all what we call multi-purpose devices okay why do we call it multi-purpose because it can do more than one thing so if you think about the atm machine that you go to what do you do then you go there to withdraw money right it performs one particular task your washing machine at home it performs one task if it does anything more than that if a washing machine allows you to wash and dry then it would fall under being a multi-purpose device now think about all of these things especially on your smartphone can you watch videos yes you can can you listen to music can you miss it can you take a photo can you you know shoot video yes you can you can do it on all of these things so this is why they are multi-purpose devices there are also electronic devices okay we know that by now and some are portable and some are not so those that fall under the portable or mobile category that's these devices your smartphone can go anywhere with you your tablet can go anywhere with you even your laptop you can pop it in a bag you know and take it anywhere and that's what makes these devices portable big reason as well because they all work off batteries so a laptop has to be charged smartphone tablet all of those the desktop computer is not designed to be portable it's designed to plug into the wall you know to get power from a normal wall socket so it's not part of that portable fan okay then you'll always have two terms that will come up when it comes to computer literacy and that's hardware and software so when we look at the picture of our desktop computer here this was under hardware but what is hardware hardware is the physical parts of a computer so your system unit your keyboard your mouse your monitor that we can touch and see so anything that i can physically touch and see that will fall under hardware they give us examples of the mouse the monitor the keyboard you know the parts even inside of this box they are all physical parts that we can touch and see and therefore it falls under hardware software on the other hand these are the specific instructions we give to the computer to get something you know software on the other hand are the specific instructions we give the computer to get it to do something useful okay so there we have um different types of software and we're going to be going in detail on this windows 10 is an example of what we call an operating system again we'll go into that in a later session these are examples of different programs microsoft word for example allows you to create documents excel allows you to create what we call spreadsheets and then adobe also allows us to create documents that you can't edit okay so it's it's good especially you know when you're sending invoice invoicing and things like that they are multi-purpose tools because they have the ability to run different types of programs so some software falls under the category of being multi-purpose tools because they allow you to run different types of programs on there so think about your smartphone your smartphone has an operating system now i'm sure many of you would have heard by now when you buy a smartphone they'll tell you it is it is an android device so what that means is it's the android software that is running on that smartphone that allows you to do a number of things it allows you to run whatsapp on it it allows you to run facebook on it whatsapp facebook instagram you know all those things even the games on your phone those are all examples of software right there are programs that are running within um your android or your windows whatever um you know phone you have now why would a smartphone be regarded as a computer because when we think of a computer we think of a laptop desktop we think of a tablet you know but why would a smartphone be regarded as a computer well apps enable it to do much more than just make phone calls now some of you might remember the very old phones like the nokia 6210 you know 3310 10 they could literally only make a call send a message and you play snicker okay that that was the the extent of it now we can see what the phones can do our phones can shoot video our phones can take photos our phones can record you know voice it can record music it can do all of these things so it falls under being a multi-purpose device and because it allows us to do so much more and it can run other programs on it it's now regarded as a computer now this is this is important because when we ask the question well how do computers work and we look at the theory around this just understand this we have what's known as the information processing cycle and this basically tells us we use input right input is when we give instructions to the computer or to the device so think of your smartphone when you switch it on when you're typing in a message what are you doing you are giving an instruction on the screen for that device to do something you are putting something in to that device when you type on the keyboard you are putting something in to the pc okay then we have the processing of dart this simply means this is when you are typing and you now decide you want to throw in an emoji or you're busy typing out a document and you know you you edit the document a bit you know to make it look smarter more professional things like that um this is also where the hardware of the device so all those things in in that box right all those things work in there to allow you to you know continue to do this input process that all takes place there then from there once you're done you know type in your message um you know taking a video type in a document anything like that you're going to decide to do one of two things number one you can save it that's what storage is here for storage just means that we are saving it onto our device onto the computer um you've now you've now for example taken a video of something you've done a bit of editing over here and then you just leave it on your phone right or you're going to share it with someone that's fine output means what are you now going to do with it well number one you're going to look at it so that's part of your output in other words anything that's coming out to you so if you typed out a document you know made it look beautiful and you are looking at it that's output if you print it out that's output if you view it on your computer screen that's all output so this is just basically how things work in a computer with input we are giving instructions to the computer we give those instructions through typing on the screen typing on the keyboard using the mouse those are all things going into the computer the computer then processes all those instructions in this section over here through the hardware that it has and everything else then we can decide to save it on the device we can decide to print something out or send it to someone else or just look at it that's all part of output so here we have a typical example of adding a contact to your smartphone how do we add a contact look at this now when we input we type in the context details using the keyboard remember what did we say we are giving instructions to the computer then with the processing the smartphone checks if it already has that content so it's using its physical hardware inside and you know it's software to check listen do i already have that person there if it's not it can be stored now the person's details are saved on your phone that's our storage and then when we want to um maybe send the person a message or we find that the contact is already on our phone output is the message that is now given to us to say listen this contact already exists so you don't have to add it so again remember input things going into the computer processing is where it does all its checks storage is where we save it and output is if there's anything wrong if there's any message that comes back to us so anything coming out to us that would be part of output okay so computers at its absolute basic computers take what we call data or in other words raw facts and they turn them into information okay so me having a cell phone number of someone doesn't really mean anything but when i take that and i put a name to it and i put an email address to it and i save it as a contact is it now useful information yes it is okay so this is just at its core um what computers allow us to do and this can be from your laptop your cell phone your smartphone desktop computer anything like that enough of this talk let's take a tour around some practical examples of hardware and computers okay so in front of me i've got a number of different pieces that make up the computer now some of you will know this right this is a laptop okay so i'm going to open it up there and you can see with our laptop we've got our screen we've got our keyboard this is the section um that we use as a mouse okay but i'm going to go into some details don't stress about that that's our laptop but when you think just of a traditional computer most of what you look at or think of is this box behind me so this is what's known as a desktop computer and why is it called a desktop computer because ideally it sits on the disk okay please i didn't come up with the names this is exactly what it is but this is what we call in cat a system unit and the reason for that is all the comp all the components that are needed to actually run the computer the hardware in other words physical devices physical components are in this case so when you see towers like this please remember first and foremost this is a desktop computer now it doesn't mean that it has to sit on top of the desk it can sit underneath but this is what it is you can also see at the back these are just some of the ports some of the places where things can plug in so this section over here is actually for the power that comes from your wall okay so you plug that power cable in and it goes in over here the reason this one has two outlets over here is because power's going in and the other one is where power usually goes out maybe to a a monitor like the one you see over here okay then we've got a number of other ports i'm going to go through this in our theory module but basically any components outside of this case things like a monitor a keyboard a mouse a printer any of those things would then plug in over here so on the front of our tower and i'm just going to use this please i'm going to use the term tower or system unit okay just so that you understand you can see over there that we've got a big power button we've got two other slots that we can plug things in with and we've got two small round ports as well not gonna explain that yet we're going to get there but for now first things first just know this is your system unit this is where you're gonna switch the computer on generally you'd have another smaller button that will restart the pc so let's say something's gone wrong everything's frozen you can press on that and it will force the computer it will force the computer to restart so again when you think of the computer right we're talking about everything that's inside this box our system unit that's why we call it a system unit but it also needs a few other things so here you can see we've got our screen okay or what we actually call our monitor now the reason we call it a monitor is because this is something extra to our box okay so we've got our system unit over here and when we talk about a monitor we're talking about an external or something outside of the system unit when we talk about a screen generally we refer to something that's built in so when you think of your cell phone we don't talk about a cell phone monitor we talk about a cell phone screen why because that screen's actually built into the physical device so if i look at my laptop over here you can see i've got a keyboard this is where i'm gonna type everything out i've got what looks like a mouse pad over here and then i've got my screen now can i call this a monitor no i'm going to call this a screen why because it's built in and you can see what laptops you have a screen you've got a keyboard you've got a mouse all of that built in to one device and it's designed in such a way that you know you can close it it goes into a sleep mode and you are able to use it wherever you need to now a big difference between your system unit your traditional desktop computer and your laptop is the fact that your laptops are portable which means they work on a battery right they work with the battery here at the back there's actually a battery inside here and this is why you charge your laptop you don't charge this device right these system units or your traditional desktop computers they plug straight into power and that is why if you switch the power off these babies are going to go off whereas your laptop will still work on its battery for a specified period of time depends uh what you are actually doing on it so with that now that we know this is the system unit this has got all the components in it that we need to actually have the computer functioning and we've got our monitor over here we've also got our keyboard and mouse now i want to take you a little bit closer to the mouse okay so when we look at our traditional mouse you can see over here this one has a cable right it's also got two buttons over here and a little wheel or it looks like a little wheel in the middle okay you'll also see underneath we've got what looks like a little light panel over there so this particular mouse or a mouse um allows us to select items on the screen so when we've actually you know switched on the pc we've gone into the pc this allows us to click and you can see we've got a click on the left side and one on the right side now when we click on the left side of the mouse that is to select objects so if i want to open a folder if i want to click on the windows button or you know anything like that select anything i'm going to use my left click however if i want to see the options on a particular item i click on the right hand side so please remember left is remember left is to select right is to display the options for that now my little scroll button over here you can see that uh my little scroll button there is exactly what it's saying when i go to websites or i'm looking at a document or things and i want to scroll up and down on our smartphones what do we generally do we just swipe up and down with this mouse i can just move on the scroll bar over here with the mouse i can just move the scroll button up and down and it'll do exactly the same for me as we go into some more detail on these devices you can see this one connects to the computer via a cable here's our traditional keyboard you can see it is connecting via a cable and the whole idea is this is what is known as a full keyboard so we have our letters we have auto of numbers up here um we have different function options that's why they named with an if right function one function two we've got different buttons over here and then a number pair that allows us you know just to quickly and easily type numbers so this is your full keyboard and this is sort of the size of of a traditional keyboard so remember those ports that i spoke about at the back of the computer well the keyboard and the mouse would plug into those ports now this one has two in front which means it doesn't just have to plug in at the back if there's something wrong with those it can plug in to the front as well now if we look at our our laptop over here you'll see again the screen is built in the keyboard is built into this design and this over here the section over here is our built-in mouse how do we know that well we've got a pad here that allows me to move my finger and this it will move the mouse on the screen i've got a left click and a right click just like a traditional mouse okay so that's one of the again one of the big differences between a laptop and a traditional desktop computer with a desktop computer you've got all these extra bits and pieces on the outside that are connecting to the system unit remember that system unit whereas with a laptop we've got everything built in to one device and this is why a lot of people go for the laptops simply because of the convenience that's associated with it but again it depends on what you are going to be doing with the device doesn't matter if you have a desktop or laptop it just depends on what you are going to be doing with it you