Transcript for:
Guide to Full Resurrection

do you feel weak with only two of your moves but don't worry today I'm going to show you how to get full Resurrection I'm going to keep it short and simple so let's get right into it all right for full Resurrection you need three stages just like all the other ones like poing like ponai for first stage you're going to need 13 R WIS just like the other ones and for the second stage you're going to need the same amount of grips you going need the same amount of holos you need the same amount of b bs or J as you do for Vol standing or bonai all right for stage one you're either going to need 13 raid wins seven Clin wins or around 20 ranked wins or so now as an aona you're probably going to want to go into hoo W which is your hometown anyways and you just want to circulate through raids luckily for you H window raids happen a lot so you should be able to get the stage on way faster than you as a full standing now once you are finished with the raids you can go over here to the farm area you're going to see this Warehouse you going to go up you going to talk to this man right here once you are finished he say say on EO unrival would go make me proud L bro now for stage two just like how you did for the shinigamis and for the vote standing you're going to want to have 15 opposing faction groups from real players not NPCs one B ba or gend Almo kills and 80 Holo kills you need to do all of this without dying remember this without dying if you die you need to do stage two all over again now once you have finished stage two you're going to go to hooo again go inside the castle you're going to go inside the Library upstairs and going to go search around for a book the book should be titled unrivaled and once you have that then that means you are done with stage two and you're ready to get your Resurrection now once you are finished with stage two and have read the book you want to go towards the Creator the menow cave cave and you want to jump down once you jump down in menow cage you want to look for a big curving branch and once you see that you want to go towards it now once you reach the branch you just want to climb up the branch and you're eventually going to get up to this part you just want to keep running and you want to take a right inside this cave area now once you go to the end you just want to meditate next to the bench and you want to sit here for around 1 to 2 minutes and when doing this you should see text on your screen now once you get in you're going to see these Hollows they're basically like stat Hol you can see like fiskers and fishbone and it juice cuz basically my tip is you want to pick the first two the first two this will give you the highest possible chance of getting it if you go every time you click the first two you're eventually going to get it and once you find the hollow it's going to say you finally found me once you see that that means you finally have your full Resurrection with all three moves you just want to click the three dots and there you have it another thing thank you for 250 Subs we try to get to 500 and yeah peace out