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What was the team's commitment towards in ensuring a smooth transition?
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Ensuring a smooth transition to consolidated orders and potential future integration of electronic ABNs.
What are the key decisions and steps discussed for streamlining processes in Florida and Ohio?
Addressing immediate issues with Florida orders and aligning processes for uniformity.
What are the immediate modifications being implemented for Florida orders?
To address current challenges.
Why was quick consolidation ruled out for now?
To avoid disrupting already scheduled processes.
What action item involves regular monitoring of changes on Florida and Ohio processes?
Monitoring and Reporting.
Why is verifying the successful integration of services and orders important during the consolidation process?
To avoid disruptions.
When is the next meeting scheduled to review progress and decide further actions?
4-6 weeks.
What was the concern regarding delays in implementation?
Affecting patient follow-ups.
What are the future plans discussed regarding order evaluation and updates?
Plans to evaluate and update orders, particularly for nutrition services, and consolidate them into a standard order applicable to all services.
Why won't electronic ABNs be integrated into Florida's process immediately?
Due to the absence of specific visit types and ongoing revisions to their orders.
Why are both states continuing to manage ABNs manually for now?
Integrating electronic ABNs is not feasible without the finalized order types.
What specific panel is being considered for the integration of different nutrition-related orders?
A panel based on the referral to nutrition services.
What is being considered to facilitate the integration of nutrition-related orders?
When will the consolidation process be revisited?
In 4-6 weeks or parallel to other ongoing projects.
What is the purpose of continuous engagement with stakeholders across both states?
To ensure alignment and gather feedback.