Transcript for:
Financial Prosperity and Stewardship in Ministry

[Music] hey family this is the castle preacher talk and we are getting ready to go into another amazing episode but first we got to tell you about our incredible sponsor the seup brand founder of the hoop triggers Plus app that's what you hear in the background that's why it's so churchy here but gu guess what not only have all of us downloaded but over 1.5 million people around the world have downloaded seup brand apps and that's a good reason why churches and Ministries and platforms all over the world has used this app to enhance their music Ministries if you don't have musicians if you don't have singers if you don't have those things that enhance worship you need poop triggers plus to take you to the next level it is a necessity for you to have it uh for your ministry and your different platforms well it's time to make a decision go and download hoop triggers plus right now on the Google Play store and on the Apple App Store you can't wait go do it right now it's time to do it and you have to do it now because the far-reaching impact of hoop triggers proves it's not just a fun app but it's a necessary serious tool that any Ministry any platform any group can be blessed by so go and download it right now that's right you heard it go get it we all have it you need need it it's going to take your music Miner to another level let's go into the episode well this is the day that the Lord has made once again we will rejoice and we will be glading it is Monday night at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard time you're here on WC TV and we are preacher talk I am Pastor marmore Jr here in Atlanta this is Pastor Nate green this is Bishop Brandon and God oh Jake a did y'all feel that sneak up in here I know you did I know you nothing oh you felt you felt the glory no power now past green Bishop Jacobs Pastor Moore but we all have come to the portion of the service that we all can participate get your notebooks get your pens and papers and iPads because it is time for another clack fat let's put our hands together and receive the Clack fats as they come Apostle what's going on everybody Brandon clack here and I am just Overjoyed at the opportunity to bring you a brand new product on the clacka I am wearing biometric glasses for the believer come on for the believer the Lord has given me the puzzle piece that the Apostle Paul said that we see through here comes a glass I what these glasses do is they actually give me insight to the heart the heart yeah I can see how F literal or the no no no the spiritual heart I can see how foul the heart is on some and I can see how pure the heart is on others now no no no why don't you point at me when you said on cuz my glasses are working right now he pointed to me and said now that now here's the beauty of these glasses they are for the spirit and the natural on the inside of my lens it reads my blood pressure what right now as we are talking there is a blood pressure reading to let me know how healthy I am what is your blood pressure right now it is one no hold on it's one more foolishness no no no sometimes sometimes it picks up other blood pressures it's a lot of salt salty things of that nature there's a there's a little congestion on this side of the table I can see blood pressure it takes my oxygen intake and these are really good glasses and and hear me I know you all been wondering is Pastor Brandon is he serious are these real products can we buy you can buy you can buy you can buy so these are real glasses bi they tell you if you're in the room and someone has Co no that's the 2.0 we're working this is the beta test it's so hard to find out how to have that without the the nostril the nostril and then the test but right now these glasses are for the individual biometric glasses they will help you read your own vitals and the vitals of the hearts of others spiritual vitals of the hearts of other foolish what what is what is Mark Spirit saying right now right now Mark spirit is saying that we need the word we need the music we need the Propet I don't I well no the does music throw at all no no no no these glasses cannot be distracted they cannot be distracted these glasses are letting me know that Mark is ready for the right Suitor but she's got to be prepared for him well you know what that's we're going to this camera now that's been your clack fact for this week we know that they might be um they're going on sabatical they're going ontical this is your last Mark they just came out no no no no no no they're back ordered uh so we hope you en jooy the possible clack Avengers disassemble now here's the question though how much are the glasses the glasses now now they're an investment for sure they're an investment you can't see what I can see on the inside but they are an investment for sure these glasses will this F FL glasses these glasses taking me out of here man these glasses will run you $299.99 $299.99 because you get blood pressure readings it will alert an ambulance if you're having a stroke call 911 like a Life Alert it will also alert your intercessor that's pre-programmed into your heart and into your inner man it will it will it will reach out the intercessor will Quicken and start speaking Tong out of nowhere the intercessor so you you may be in the grocery store and see something he it will it will contact spiritually your intercessor with groanings that cannot be uttered right can be going to stretch the tax and the owner will begin to grow so how about so my wife is my is my intercessor when I'm going through something my wife will just start moaning of my pres here's what will happen if your eyes see something that it's not supposed to Pastor Vivian's going to go right in intercession the glass is going to say detect detect help Bishop help Bishop in trouble she's going to go no no no it won't be like that that'll be for your personal time but she'll go to the of the Bible why you say about his personal the other one his personal time I can't speak that the glasses are only for emergencies emergencies emergencies emergencies yeah so these are for spouses intercessors there's actually even some pastors that are purchasing hoop triggers there's your plug that will purchase hoop triggers as well and they are connected to the glasses and the triggers and when they're up preaching Pastor Mark Pastor Nate Bishop when they're up preaching it just starts and you hit the this where we need to hear all of a sudden the glasses come into agreement let's just let's just move on I mean you are really coming up with this one what do you mean really coming up with this one this is hours of manour and Ingenuity and creativity how dare you hours of foolishness assume that this is some on the spot conversation oh my god wow thought we were brothers thought we believed in each other guess not on my heart Blazer Trail I don't have the glasses on can't see right now right I agree with you power to the glasses amen the what is wrong with you the reason that I asked about how much they cost the level of investment because my question is is that an affordable purchase for those that are believers or in Ministry because Come on talk to me a that was a good turn he's such a professional telling you come on we're living in an hour we're living in an hour where there's much legitimate conversation around the subject of excess right the subject of uh moderation modesty and those of us that are believers uh regardless of what we do in the Kingdom we of course recognize that we're always um viewed as a template and as a model uh for how we should move and how we should do things and so when we talk about glasses that cost you know $299 there are some that would say well give me three pair that's great but there's somebody watching that would say how dare Apostle Brandon clack how dare he claim to be a man of God doesn't he know that there are people in his church that ride the bus to get there on Sundays yeah and he's got the nerve to wear 300 for we we gave him Grace on the preventative pellets you know but those pellets are necessary for the inner bowel do you not know somebody really messaged me about these pellets they wanted some they want the pellets are you kidding me hey man how disrespectful are you I not why would you not pass that information on to me we back we to the site we to the site back he sent them to the site class there's nothing worse than being sabotaged in your own group no really why would you not pass them to me really if you reached out for the pellets please reach out to me www. Brandon CL J CL J CL J cl cl J CL J CL J CL how many J Clacks is it three J CLS three J CLS okay so there's some people that are this is this is going off the rails early okay there's some that that would say that's too much sure you know um what do you say to what do we sit in what is our position are the people of God cuz I want to be very I'm going be I'mma put it out there if you haven't shared share cuz we're going somewhere tonight some of us come from church Traditions Church backgrounds where we equated poverty with power wow man and the more you struggled the more anointed we've almost glorified struggle and demonized I won't even say excess just stability Even in our Even in our our language in some of our songs we love these songs I sang One Yesterday how am I going to pay my rent work all my money spent all my money spent but here it it's cuz you you spend all your money baby got to keep going that's how you can't spend your rent baby need a pair of shoes and I got a light bill do that's cuz you was on the boat gambling too Hallelujah but these are these are these are songs of our tradition and of our expression that have almost in some ways glorified the idea of struggle and then demonized success or even just stability we're not talking about something how what are our thoughts around this can Believers here's the question on the table here comes can Believers Prosper absolutely ABS I agree that absolutely I think often time we only talk about bringing your faith to your money enough to give it but I think sometimes the disconnect is either this is not being taught or it's not being grasped but we have to get people to realize you got to bring your mind to your money because sometimes the only difference between the person who is complaining about how indivi how an individual spends their money versus that person that is spending the money is they manage theirs better green you you are preaching sir I I I want to app PL cuz what you just said is so powerful and I think that uh I want to say two things I think number one that the church celebrates poverty and in that I think we celebrate people not having responsibility you understand a lot of people are not responsible uh and I think that when we talk about Holiness and righteousness and sanctification I think it should go deeper than just not drinking or fornicating and so on and so forth I think it is righteous to pay your bills I think as Believers we ought to do our best to have good credit I think you need to make sure your car notes are paid and and you know so on and so forth like that and and I think it's the testimonies we hear in church that also celebrate poverty yeah you understand uh welfare testimonies I I think that you ought not have to March around a car seven times if you have good credit or put oil on it March around that credit score to get it better seven times or my or or if you're going to buy a car you can afford amen living beneath or beyond your means yeah living your means and and we and we should celebrate that pay your bills you know take care of things but I think that I think that sometimes us giving them test giving those testimonies in a way and I'm not I'm not making this the only reason but I think in a way it celebrates sometimes the Saints not doing the right things with their resources yeah so good I think I want to add a a Clarity pivot because the Gospel of Jesus Christ the central focus is not monetary gain right I don't we're not NE we're not saying that at all so I don't want to agitate the preacher that feels like they have to step on the wall to condemn and to make sure that the gospel is not the Prosperity Gospel we're not saying that but I would like to also add to that conversation that I don't think that God is going to exclude wealthy people from Heavens absolutely if they have accepted Jesus Christ Absolut in a in a very pure way sry go no no no yeah and I I think that if there is a Believer who has just so happened to sharpen their business Acumen to acquire wealth by the help of the Lord and godly principles in their life I don't think that the body of Christ Church people or anyone should be afraid of money what we should pay attention to is not falling in love with her there you go and the only thing that I would suggest is don't walk down the aisle with dollar bill absolutely and the thing about it is you know it's it is is having a healthy perception a healthy behavior when it comes to money I believe someone asked me I made a statement and was preaching you know about giving and so forth and one of our young people asked me very powerful question and they said Bishop do you really think it is the will of God that all of us be wealthy I said I do I said I think that it is the will of God that all of us be wealthy if all of us are doing the right things with our wealth you know if you're doing what you're supposed to do you're paying your bills you're making proper Investments I think that we all have the power according to scripture to get wealth I think that it is how we handle it and I think it's the love that we may have for it and I think you really hit the head with that clack you can't fall in love with it but we ought to be very responsible with it because money anth all things that's right absolutely money moves you from being an intercessor to being an answer come on Mark say it again to stay there a while when I don't have the means and I think that part of the problem of the conversation is we wrestle in certain sectors of our churches specifically with the balance between favor and Authority yeah I think that we have really really done in some cases is a poor job of presenting favor because we manifest or we present favor like what you mentioned at the car lot y'all pray I'm going to God told me it's time for new car and y'all pray I find favor if I have authority I don't need favor absolutely I think we have made favor the destination favor is a vehicle to get to a destination a place called Authority y I don't care if the manager likes me I don't care if they beli I don't care I saw you at such conference I don't care you don't have to believe like I believe how much is the car and do I have the authority to get it do I have the author because you know when they say well we going to s in finance I don't need to go to the finance office well no we we I don't I'm not how much is the car y I'm coming back in 30 minutes with the cashier's check cuz I have the authority to get it but when we glorify favor to the point favor is always on somebody else's terms absolutely Authority is on your own and so I think that that you know that's good that that's the you we need to pause and Shout on that one right that's good man no I'm so serious because talk I think that we we need to yeah yeah that's Authority calling that was Authority was Authority call I think I think we thing is hooked up it's live right there I think we need to pause and we need to start preaching healthier stewardship that's it so good within our congregation that bring people to a level of authority and I also think patience annoying Seasons sometimes it may not be your season for certain things it may not be your time have the patience save store put things in place so that you can get to the place of authority where you're not you're not submitted to the back and call or release I stand of another person I can't stand why are we always asking God to bring the price down and we never ask him to bring our income up yep now I would love to pay less than retail right but I'd love to have the option you know what I'd like to say I think that a lot of people don't pray for income to come up because of the ridicule that follows my desire to have that kind of financial Authority yeah it is almost like in 2024 that if you are doing well then I need to bring some type of accusation against your character because of what is not happening for me right now and I think Mark a lot of people are just nervous which is why they're quiet about what they're building because they don't want to be on the front lines of accusation here's my question though are enough people actually quiet cuz truth be told I see more Li I don't you know we're not we're not a we're not a messy group we're not a negative group but there was a story that was so big it was on CNN of a person in Ministry that was going through some some issues around Finance but the reason that they were going through the issues around Finance is because they were so loud they nicknamed them oh yeah so they did it to themselves is what you're saying if if you accus me and their morale was bad too if you accuse me of Financial mismanagement and I show up to the hearing is it a good idea to wear a full fendy suit oh my God no it's not a good idea Big G's I'm not talking about the not not Little G's not Little G's the big ones is it is it a good idea you say he don't do right with money should I pull up in the new Rolls-Royce culling my goodness man so is it is it is it is it the quiet or is it the loud that's the the trouble so in conjunction with whatever financial prosperity the Lord has given do we need a class on discretion as well do we need to learn how and when is appropriate to do what but let me play the devil's ADV I'm going play The Devil's Advocate too because I think that sometimes it I don't think sometimes it's I think when we talk about this particular situation it's you're bring scrutinized you're in court gotcha for fincial I a steal nothing I a take no money for financial $9,000 worth of clothes on thank you take no money so but what caused what caused the light to be shined on this person and the himself so so it was a lack of discretion no it was it was it was not like a discretion more than it was a was an abundance of ignorance it was a yeah and what he did was he did a lot lack of discretion I'm about to say we're saying the same thing here's what Jacob is saying let me say let me see if we're on the same page I think that the danger of the lack of discretion is that I've seen saints that do things the right way don't get their money from Ministry I'm not I work five jobs three jobs I'm successful and I love the Lord but I've seen people that have fur coats that won't wear their coat to church because so I don't want nobody to see me and it almost it it go from just being discreet to almost walking in shame and fear of the blessing and and there are people that need to know that no God can pick you up turn you around I agree with all what I'm saying what I'm saying with this particular person is this particular person did immor had did things immorally and then posted it on social media as if he was being attacked for his success and it was a fraud so it was the of discression in times too that's no listen what what I'm saying is there's a lack of discretion in terms of the flashiness of their life but then there was also a lack of discretion concerning the the immorality the restraint you understand what I'm saying and and both of it puts them in on on blast in front of everybody and it didn't and it didn't have to be that way the discretion is an issue but I think the deeper issue was the lack of Integrity oh yeah absolutely that was his issue more that more than discretion it's Integrity you if you're a criminal you should be discreet right don't don't don't what he did was he shined the light on his criminal Behavior made it a major situation yeah it was just foolish it was just foolish it just what it did was it shine the light on how immoral he was that and mind you we're speaking we're speaking in general terms though because let's be very clear you you you reside in in Chicago land you're in Memphis you're in Dallas now Atlanta there are countless and we don't rejoice in this but there are countless stories down through the years in every one of our background traditions of people that so please don't don't this is not a targeted statement it's just a a an example that really could be applied to so many cases and I mean no harm in that that's not at all not all if if a class is to be taught I think it should be taught including the conversation of integrity that's the leading topic number one and discretion in Integrity concerning how you handle your personal matters absolutely uh but then discretion as the Lord blesses you everything doesn't need to be posted I'm with you and here's here's a thing for a few reasons here here's the thing now I'm all four and I love good testimony and I'll tell you what the Lord did for me to encourage the faith of someone else um but here's the thing our Jesus number one he wasn't broke right come on man I that travel with a treasurer do you understand what I'm saying Judas what don't get back to Judas but Jud green and Jacob time to be the treasurer he was born the son of Finance he was born the son of fin the B call the son of predition oh God we all could be but anyway and I still want but anyway Jesus was born with money coming to him when he was born the Bible said they brought to him gold all at very and they doesn't say how much gold they brought him oh that's good you so Jesus was was never broke he just live a private modest life yeah and I think it just speaks to the discretion that we all have to have as the Lord blesses us I'm not saying you know tuck all your blessings away so nobody can see it but we just got to be we know you're not saying that but you know what shirt hell very knew somebody was going I got I got my shirt this is my put your arm no no no no no you're taking your watch off right now as we speak listen I'm not even wearing watch arm had a watch on it a second ago his wearing a watch look at his wrist I'm not wearing a watch right now you understand but back to your shirt let's go back to the shirt right now back to the we're doing this for real I'm just saying I'm just put your WR up I don't even have no Jewel I am n I'm Apostolic we don't even wear jewelry n ain't nothing sh the trash can I saw it it look really nice told my wife wash it up y to that point though I think we need to throw this in a pivot as CL mentioned a moment ago I think we're all agreement that Saints can and dare I say should Prosper I also think that we have to add that Prosper is a very relative term and it is not number one it is not limited to money number one that's good if you have all the money in the world but your health is poor your relationship your wife doesn't like you your children don't know you're not prospering so I think prosperity is more than money y it's also God's will but I also think that we want to make it clear that as it is in every sector there are people somebody somebody's in the comments right now so are you saying that people of God never abuse no no no there are absolutely people we've had to fire some that have all of us absolutely absolutely that have abused d d d manipulated done so we don't want anyone to take away the idea that we're suggesting that there's never any you're supposed to get get get no because gain and godliness are not synonymous right so there are abuses let's be very clear there are extremes but I think that it's a part of the agenda of Hell to present an idea that the Kingdom citizens are suppos to always struggle always like and I'm going to say this maybe I hope I don't get in trouble I think that part of our Outreach strategy should be linked to our prosperity I think let me say this way let me say it better I think that we should View our success as a part of our witness how do I look telling you you need to give your life to you need to you need to get saved like me and then asking you for $20 mhm what I just told you is that your Jesus don't work my Jesus don't work like that because we should be meeting needs absolutely because before we can give you Jesus if your hunger should be able to feed youor to answer my presiding Bishop always says there are some people who can't hear you because they're too hungry to be able to hear you yeah stomach is growling too you understand what I'm saying and so Min he also says this that Ministry is meeting the needs of people and we have to be able to meet more than just the spiritual needs there are some practical needs that people have well it's hard to meet the spiritual need if you can't meet the practical but it's also hard to meet the Practical need if we are afraid of money and to ask yeah you can't be afraid of there there's got to be a fluidity between it all yeah where the pure at heart can manage quantities large sums of money and Steward it well on a holistic level Joseph I'm tell what so powerful when you could do ministry and and I'm saying this I can't wait to get to the point when you could do ministry and not have to beg for the resources that's another get the ministry done you know it's like to be able to just say you know what we're going to go you know feed 5,000 you I'm I'm exaggerating in that but one day we that'll be a powerful thing and to just go do it without having to say all right I need so many people to do this and so many people to do that if we as people can be good stewards of what we have sew into the things and tied into the things of the house and that Steward it well where we could do ministry and not have to beg and I'm going to quote you let me be messy for a minute yeah what you just said is not a fantasy come on that's a reality in other cultures yes it is we say names when it's something positive I I'm on Pastor uh Rick Warren's mailing list I subscribed to something I get the email it's it's a you know I want to see what other people are doing at another level I will never forget I will never forget I opened an email like 9:00 a.m. one morning uh and they sent out a letter to their partner saying hey guys it's been a great year this was during around the pandemic they said because of you know some of the um changes due to the pandemic we're not where we want to be for our Outreach budget we're like $18 million away I'm think I'm reading $18 million father I thank you they said we're about $8 million away we want to do certain things across organization we cut any D if you would consider swing a gift that would be great I open the email at 9:00 a.m. and I'm like man hey I want how many years this is going to take right yeah I got another email around noon come on you know email said thanks guys because of your generosity thanks guys yeah man in a matter of hours they had raised millions of dollars million they were clear on what they want to do they didn't put a you going die in a car crash if you don't give there was no fear mongering there was no when everybody up 10 thou just if you would just SE sew into our projects Hallelujah but you know and it was done can I say this please I think I think that the disconnect sometimes is can God trust you with what you're asking for that's good green I have a good friend of mine who recently started a new project and I think he's asking for like $86,000 and in like a day W did you sew into it man the last time he did like more than some of the people were probably sewing into this one um but I believe did you did you hit the goal not yet but you're close yeah and you did that in a day by the grace of God I think it's cuz God feels like he can trust you because of what you've done before I guess the bigger question is what has been your track record with what God has already given you that's good while you're comparing what you have to what God is giving me let me say let me say I uh it was a couple of months ago I was in Atlanta and um I had a really good friend of mine as well and uh we went to an unfinished building was there and he was he was believing God for some things he just turned his camera around wow and and I was so compelled to sew what complexion is he is he like kind of like a tangerine fresh Sherine he's got a he said Tangerine kind of when he when he's when he's under the anointing kind of get a little like little orangish I think he's probably turning but what I what I don't like any of this what I admired about this guy was that he wasn't asking us to sew in something that he hadn't already been working in come on bro and so it was so easy for me to cut away uh money that I was going to use to take chrisel on a trip I called her and I said no no no if we sew into this guy we can by faith believe someone will treat us the same way that's right wow and we did and it happened and and you know that guy I think he's like doing something Detroit Midwest or Detroit doing another one as well another one and I'm just and we celebrate you we celebrate while we're here there's a cash app that's appear at the bottom of your stren but the truth is he can be trusted with that snap and that shaky hand not he Hein sh and you you all are very kind of course I was not angling to go there but let me say that you know that same that same testimony can literally be applied to everyone I remember when the hurricane happened uh and impacted Dallas a couple of years ago and my brother hard for the city he assembled all of Dallas is full of of course amazing churches but he called together led the charge raising money for Hurricane Relief I got on that zoom on that streamyard t pleas and I sold my seed ,000 because and I didn't I didn't now you know we need I need to see a full detailed plan of what you going to do let me I trusted the track record we gave every dime of that money to the people that were in need in Dallas Texas I trusted the track record when Brandon Jacobs was in a fundraising campaign I was the one of the first ones as soon as I found out at least I hopped on it I I want to say nobody else's I'm man whoever but I know I sold that money because I believe in the fruit and the work of his hands I believe in the track record there you're going to do something I was going to say I you need an opportunity right now you need an opportunity you need an opportunity was just there yes you upstairs I went upstairs the last time I was there you didn't go upstairs jaob let's make it worse you didn't go upstairs see theer level beams that are up and everything up there you didn't write your name on the beams and he's going to say you didn't take me up wow I thought everybody got to go his face the reason why how do you spell disappointment the reason why he didn't there's Reas the reason why he did not go upstairs is because there is a track history of 50% of the preachers at this table to come to my church late o and he followed in that track with so he was unable that is so cold no no that's not c% is half diagonal dial his spirit is bad don't you worry about it he does this to me every time you wor about it I was you were taking care of business that's right for the king I taking care of business what kind of business were you taking care of I was late mhm but I was not as late as you were oh not even close you hear me come on let's this conversation and you still saw the beams I did see the beams we went upstairs we went upstairs very you did Sunday morning they did Sunday night I had more time to see the beams I don't remember that is true and you stayed overnight and I wow and and we drove to at did you take him to the restaurant I he came to my house he was attacked he came to my house and ate fried fish was you attacked you were attacked chok you choked you chok on he choked on a Buy's barbecue sandwich today meat biscuit oh god look to the heels green you're doing so well look to the heels look to the heels the funny thing is y'all he bit that barbecue sandwich and he said CL he started going like a like a bird so here no he's exaggerated right now he almost died we almost lost our brother I want to bring it back around you're not going to die on me I want to bring everywhere would have popped up on you oh no crying real have Bing me off to the H the you all know we are trying to be as straight right now we're proud of you we're proud of you my brother's got the Holy Ghost back to the point let me see if I can save it here he is my brother if you didn't know Apostle clack is building a school a when I say a school I'm not talking about like a b college with three classes and you know I'm talking about a school for your children look at that green hey can we zoom in on Nate real quick great he he is barbecue sandwich pink he is pork rib pink he's just Pink Pony pink you know it is he's that H pink H pink so seriously though AP is building a school I talk to you he's building a school in Memphis uh it's now what are it's it's a school school from K K through 8 K through 8 that's right Academy when the when the fundraising or if that element comes I want to be the first I'm pledging now live me too I'm pledging $1,000 right now I receive it I'm pledging ,000 right now to the school when you're ready I'm going to take about half of that out for my suffering on the on given it shall be given here's the truth you should have died but you was in the right truck and the Lord knocked a barbecue beef out of your throat thank you Jesus w't to do it I coughed all the way here though he literally did y n you got to chill man you got to man have I said anything you got to chill y'all see I get this you got to chill check your phone and then Echo what I'm saying you got to chill wow hold on wait wa wait wait so when I text him was oh God the point we're making is we're way off topic here we no weing bring back we sewing we're sewing into his project we sewed into your project SE your you all have sewn into mine because I think you got to chill too you got to chill too space down space down man got w wow wow Vivian come get this excuse me let me boast and my God we sold everybody's projects because we can be trusted yeah back to the conversation around stewardship Financial stability Prosperity I think some of us demonize it because we can't be trusted with it and some of us more so don't have it yeah because remember in the parable of the talents Jesus distributes the talent according to their ability stay with us you're doing so well you're almost there he distributes the talents the talents are not based on their desire but according to their ability I know that if I give you three talents you know what to do with it if I give you five talents if I give you this you know and so if we would ask God to increase our capacity capacity for trust capacity for integrity capacity for whatever I think that we would see an automatic increase mhm in our uh Talent count so to speak yeah you're right there you're on the Finish Line I agree I'm I'm in total agreement I have a question good I I'd like to ask you Bishop Jacobs if a millionaire were to walk up to you and say I'm really fearful about coming to Enz cuz I don't want people to know how wealthy I am could you talk to me about how I need to handle myself when I come to church what would you say to them you probably had that conversation yeah I would say to them you're safe at New Zion Temple uh come where nobody's judging you and and of course I think at all churches you're going to have people who may you know step out of bounds but you know how to handle that um but you won't be taking advantage of do what God is leading you to do be faithful to God be faithful to new San you'll be saved how do you all respond to living in the blessing of the Lord did I do that good you were that's why I moved on cuz you're so good okay how do you respond to I thought he was about to re when he stepped away from me and said okay no how you any anybody that was at a near-death experience you don't rebuke them don't go back there how would you next episode how would you all admonish how would you all encourage somebody that is wanting to be a good stent with their money but they keep getting asked over and over to give to people H how would you all deal with somebody who just can't figure it out on their own and they know you got a few quarters in your pocket no is a complete sentence yes mhm be led of the Lord if the Lord is and I'm going to tell you some people will convict you but I think we have to do that do y'all know listen I almost cried no cuz I know what you're about to say though I felt I felt that in my spirit do you know literally how many text messages or emails or letters we I get not the church Brandon Jacobs get to sew into this because they may see me support you know we supported Mark openly yeah you know I mean so but what you all don't know is there's a level of Covenant relationship here Covenant there and so there you know or they may see how faithful I am to Pilgrim and things are reciprocal too that's another thing with my pastor and so I get can you SE into this will you give into this we and so there's so that copy and paste inbox game is I'm telling you and so number one and and out of those there are some things at the leading of God that I I I sew into but then there's things I'm saying to myself so no and you can't say it like that so you have to be very politically you know correct and God bless you you know I would love to S this not good time but the next time you know something come available please let me know but when it comes entitlement though yeah it it comes at you so often you understand I'm like Lord I wish like the cash app requests that just come they just oh my God from people you don't know can you elaborate I'm we're not going to say who but you shared in a private conversation with us what I thought was a powerful re ration that someone had given you about the difference between benevolence and sewing into I I won't ask you to say who but that that thing that thing blessed me and it blessed me too explain if you will if you don't mind someone said to me someone who's very wealthy much wealthier than I and I hope you and let me say before I say this sometime wealthy conversation can offend those who mindsets are not in the place and I don't mean that to offend but I was not offended by him he had given uh me some some money at that time I was not I was pastoring but I wasn't a bishop I was really just serving and uh to go get some water and uh he had given $100 that's all he had so we went to go get it and when we came back to give his change he would not accept it he was like oh no so I made the statement to say Well I this is my seed uh to you or and uh he said no no no and then he said uh no you know he was just basically telling me to keep it and so um I said well then this is your seed to me and then he was saying no that ain't my seed to you he said I'm not sowing into you I'm giving an offering to you he said because you don't really have anything I want to reap from my goodness now other people would have gotten offended by that heavy but the but when you knew where he was and he's there his level of success I understood it so he was saying I only view it as sewing if I want to reap something from you that's absolutely and and and he didn't want to read my financial place at that time he didn't want to come down off of his he was he was saying so he say so what I'm doing is I'm just being a blessing this is this is Bill I say Ben benevolence yes that word you almost second time never mind but but you know what though I'm sorry if you want to secure what God has blessed you to have it it is wise to be a blessing to other people I think that's other thing that we and you SE up and that's and what he was trying to teach me was that you s up you know SE up so you give now I'm being a blessing to you you give right I'm you got he was basically trying to teach you have to know when you're being a blessing and when you're sewing there's some areas you're not trying to reap from you're just being a blessing to that's I bless you you I'm sewing up because I want to s from a place I expect to re from you're not getting ready to into ground that cannot reap you what you need that's good you understand but you may give into that place you may say oh this place needs ABCD or E so I'm giving an offering and he was saying that's why when he does you know do offerings or so forth he always ask for three levels of it those who want to seow those who want to be a blessing and those who want to give an offering because it is a difference that's really good yeah I I honestly believe the demonizing money is not going to remove your need of it yeah yeah just because you're angry with it or the status that it might provide to just be so anti- it because you may not have it does not erase your need for it Andre we just got to be honest about why we don't have it yeah if if if you are not at the level that you desire to be yeah you need to have an honest conversation with yourself instead of being upset with everybody else and live in your we we talked about this the other day not too long when I preach for clack live in your boundaries live in your grace absolutely every every you know every season is not may not be the season you're in I came in and admired something you had and it I admired it I thought it was a blessing it doesn't mean it's it doesn't mean it's my season to get it learning to me how to live in in discretion is also learning that just because I may have the money for something doesn't mean I need to purchase it at the time doesn't mean I may need it at all uh I think we need to learn how to tell ourselves know you know every every Louie Burberry you know Gucci That we may see may not be something we may need at the time you know um I you know when you may see a car may not be something you need at the time or you know vacations we have friends and y'all know we vacate together and then I have other friends who vacate and there sometimes we got to say this is just not the time for us M and it doesn't say we don't have the money it says this is not the season for that right now it's not wise right it's not wise right now there you go and I'm I have nothing to prove to nobody I have nothing to prove to nobody cuz I don't drive a certain car or wear a certain item or do a certain thing I may have the means for it but it's not for where I am today and it's okay okay yeah there's there's something that chrisel and I are experiencing right now we've got a a senior in high school and her name is Nyla and she's old enough to drive now and uh she was asking us for a car and I said okay NY how much money do you have and she said I don't have any money I have a father and I said you're absolutely right good but because you don't have enough money to get what you want then you're going to have to do something that adds value to our family that takes the pressure off of us if I'm going to spend time saving on your behalf then you still got to bring something to the table even if it's not money so nyla's got a 3.9 GPA nyla's room is always clean Nyla gives us no trouble so because she has she really is she looked at Brandy right they did they literally pointed back at each other with gun fingers and no one died they just shoot out it was a spiritual thing it was so I I really want to encourage the people that may not have it financially right now what do you have that you can contribute yeah to whatever it is God has called you to do while you're waiting on provision what can you do can you be kind to someone be kind and I think I think you have to be kind but and and gracious but I also think that there is an element of personal preference in all of this for example I've seen not trying to get in trouble but I've seen certain Financial experts gurus whatever that would demonize you for a car that's above your you don't need that a Ford does the same thing Bentley does cool but the reason for the demonizing was because cars just wasn't their thing that's how dare you sp they have a how dare you spend all that money on shoes don't like shoes come on man you bought a watch that cost how much you don't like that's that's my thing you might collect stamps or baseball cards or personal pellets or you know property or property or how about that so we all have I think that that if we're blessed and doing things the right way I think I want to just say can we can we invite people to be delivered from Counting other people's money if you're not if you're not going to also count their bills right not only that counting how they spend their pleasures my thing is my thing your thing is your you you and you and and Lady V trips might be I will spend 30 this is an example we'll spend $30,000 on in the name there it is there it is I felt that this money been this hand been raising money lady you receed that hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelu SC hallu H what very chewbaca chew chewbaca very chewbaca yeah don't do that anymore you've seen Star Wars I really I really I'm tell last I think Mark just passed a little all right that let's not talk about the sweaty one uh but okay we we'll talk about that later uh at any rate Mr personal fan okay all right right we're all shivering oh it's on it's only on it's a personal fan it's he needs to that thing need it should circulate blow my way that's what you would say okay the point that I was trying to I was sing another song people make assumptions and guesses about what you right I'll be personal when we were when we were acquiring one of our properties um I won't say when or where or what but there was somebody that that you know got back to me that they were you know kind of negative because their thing was man they got all the money in the world and they trying to don't count our money if you don't count our bills wow cuz you don't know what we got and old PR say it take just as much strength for a big dog to wag it hell as a little dog we have people you have people you have people whatever but the expenses go up with that crowd absolutely so don't think oh because their Ministry is at a certain level it's just church is expensive and even from a Humanity perspective don't get upset about the money that that I'm not giving you when you don't see all the other people yeah who I'm putting money in their now you going to send me to an angry place cuz that's what happens with our benevolence teams at the church there are people that will take the approach of well I know y'all help so and so why y'all not helping me well we helped so and so once yeah right we paid your rent every month did you read your lease before you moved in cuz you don't never have no red money right we we didn't car read you I feel like we need to be able to keep guest speakers at your house at this point all right touch him l so where am I he's turning turning Beach red orang I'm sorry Tangerine Tangerine there it is Tangerine I think you need to come out with a product for that there's another show coming there's another show coming you feel the fan I do it's isolating is that what they call it wow hard hard what it's doing is it's turning around for you it's isolating such a violent quicking what do you call what do you call it's called [Music] isolating so I think that it is really important that not only do you not count other people's money way to be a pro way to be a pro I think it's really I think it's really important that you not do that cam but it's also important it's also important just look right where am I you're right here it's it's also you're right there it's also equally important that not only do you not count other people's coins but that you don't be envious of what's not in your pocket just yet a lot of times we count other people's Things based off of the lightness of our pocket but I'm really encouraging you to be able to be content with what you have right now cuz it may not be where you're going to stay and let me just add this last part especially for those of us that might be observing people in Ministry please know just because someone works or serves in Ministry does not mean Ministry is their only source of income I I want to make that clear every one of us at this table we make no apology we're blessed we have we but none of us at this table get one check from one place know what night job what preacher you admire has to go to work at night just so he don't run into anybody during the day can I tell you something I hello W when I first started pastoring I was a hotel night order come on man oh wow and I did that for a long time watch this watch this you've been pastoring now you're a bishop in the Lord's church one of the one of the healthiest itineraries in the country but you still have other things you have your own clothing line I have my own clothing line B if you didn't know that you need to go going to get some clothes in a few minutes I need to see them TI yep and my tieline is doing real amazing all right and uh you I oh I almost say something to because it's a business it's a true business that has its own you know thing and bills and you know staff and stuff like that small staff but it's you know whatever it's yours I tie and so you know people why them ties cost so much their handmade ties okay made handmade in Italy uh they really are you do shoes now too don't you bring into the shoes yeah I do but I'm not promoting the shoes like that yet but I am doing them I'm trying to phas my way through but clothes you know again he does multiple things Pastor Green we know about Apostle clack's multiple Endeavors he's he's he he's got handed everything he's got a head and everything the glasses you know he's an he's an inventor I never wanted all of my money to come from one place because because Anything could happen you know what I'm saying um my my church something could happen and shift take place and maybe I have to go without a check for a while I want to be able to do what I do for my my church as a pastor yes sir but I have other things that I can rely on I never want anything exactly I have a wife I have a kids I have kids I have kids I I have a life um and so I think that's why streams streams are absolutely important identify what else you can do other than your main thing face look at his face guys he's fighting for his life right y me take the C put the camera over yourself as a kid and the only children I have are the ones by my wife and that's the truth we can vouch you should be we celebrate you stuff yes so what we're saying then is that Prosperity is not a sin no Prosperity is also not simply Financial right right and uh how do you want to tag those last that last Point those last two points cuz I think that the whole you know letting people people live I think we have to move or live [Music] sorry we have a lot of services on Sunday I'm very sorry a lot of edits this is live this is to you to you lookg it man how long have we be on wor 52 minutes okay I think we need to bring this train to the station yes qu all struggling today we got is it Tuesday yet what do you want to close with what do what do you want to I didn't know there were two more points I think okay so not count people's money mm and then not assuming that all money comes from Ministry M go back and watch the replay it was a great great this is one of my favorite episodes you don't have to be shamed into being broke I think there does need to be some kind of therapeutic conversation in class for the wealthy people who are pretending to be broke cuz they don't want to be accused of oh that's that's the sickness because Society is so sick yeah and it's so much hatred and Venom that if Pastor Green is happy and has a few dollars in his pocket he is constantly telling his wife to take your pearls off just in case I I I want the people to know I love God man that's hard to and I've I've done that before oh wow all to be very honest I've had moment where I said um let's change what we have on cuz I don't want to offend I don't want to make anybody feel uncomfortable and I think sometimes you do need to do that just depending upon the setting you know if if I'm going to the Salvation Army to preach or or or to minister which we do go to the Salvation Army regularly I wouldn't go you know the way I would normally dress on a regular day but can you imagine I'll speak for me I can only imagine how those constraints which are necessary but sometimes unfortunate how that plays on the mind of my kids yeah especially my youngest son who is just a kid yep that doesn't know that it's could be seen wrong to have a Hulk Hogan action figure or an old whatever and he has to walk around nervous wondering is somebody going to say something about my dad if I look too happy on Christmas Noah is dope he was here at one of the last recordings they were talking about him last night after service because Noah ran the table at Spates oh my god oh yeah I don't know who taught my son how to place space be my partner they said Noah was sitting there and his partner was getting nervous they said Noah said calm down it's okay he said he saidar to play Space he said stay in faith he said stay in faith oh you are your father sound like that sound like Noah they they were bragging on Noah on a whole new yo we should play spades during an episode unfortunately I don't know how to play I don't NE I was something was going to teach me I Jacob we play I am too but you know butal in your upbring we were straight hello that was it father and creation do you know how to play space no you're not a play space Oh I believe that Holiness your grandfather wasn't playing that okay Holiness my grandfather once caught us playing Monopoly in his house and uh when he walked in yes he walked in Saw playing Monopoly it was on a Sunday night uh right before church oh boy and he said oh y'all playing with those dice huh said yes sir it's Monopoly he said you know the Lord saved me from them dice D and so he said well y'all carry on and we went to church afterwards and he said yeah they was in my house playing Monopoly with them dice like he said that over the P like a pack of horse you don't let the you don't let the devil put dice in your hand a spirit on them dice Mark I want to be very honest right now when I had my glasses on you're so stupid don't do it leave me alone I saw that I saw I saw that he you leave me alone because I knew you were going to say that that witness is in my spirit no you did not see that see you need to what you need to wash them dirty glasses yep so did they have to do like the spinner uh cuz I like my my I no we were done plan after that oh we play them anymore in his presence in some in in not in my house but I knew people that they could play Monopoly stuff but they couldn't use the dice to like make a spinner oh my God are you kid no you can't there no dice you got to make a SP we didn't play when he was awake right yeah had the wait till he went to sleep it's granddaddy sleep that's hilarious the mono that's hilarious did are you kidding me dead serious that's hilarious but you know what speaking of my granddad he was probably my greatest example of how to balance being wealthy while being giving at the same time you know what I'm saying the Lord blessed him he was unashamed of how the Lord had blessed him but as much as he received he did so much to give and to bless other people and I think that's another healthy balance but you said something very powerful Green and that is it is the giving that sustains it absolutely you're giving and I think we need to take that away that is that is so retweetable and I wanted to go back to that and I was going to probably say it after the after the show that giving sustains your wealth yeah that is powerful that's a principle but it's also so practical oh my God if you think and and this is not just Ministry if you think even in terms of a board some of us all of us are business owners many of you watching business owners if your team if your supporters if your subordinates see how generous you are oh yeah you do know hear me that that completely changes their perception of how you should benefit very much so I have no problem saying hey I I do this I I live here I drive that I and if you have a problem with it check my giving statement you can check it yeah check my giving statement you can check it my giving statement and I'm tell when you outgive me then you can critique me that's why it blessed me what green said because I have learned there's things I prayed for years ago to be able to give on a certain level and I thank God that I'm able to do that um and I'm not where I want to be in my giving but I'm I'm at a place that I've always prayed to be at to be able to give without being seen you know without without the line and all that kind of stuff just something to just do just out of my heart on the side what the case and I'm going tell you green what you said is so God giving sustains your Prosperity it shows God that you can be trusted and at the end of the day God wants to bless us he wants to bless all of us cuz at the end of the day God doesn't need you broke right I serve him better with money in my pocket exactly God wants you to have so that you can fund his kingdom so that you can be a good representative of him so that you can be a blessing to other people but you got to show him that you can be trusted and then instead of hating on other people who have because you don't find whatever your thing is yeah and monetize that thing make some money create some streams you have more than one for yourself but beyond that change your crowd there you go right there change your crowd don't lust after someone else's crowd that has them lucrative if your crowd is talking uh poverty and lo talking and broke and all that other kind of stuff that change your crowd get around a crowd that's talking differently and and and have greater vision for their life and investing into something more you understand I start giving more I started hanging around givers you know that conversation I told you I had with with with that man of God who said you know what I mean i s up you know I I I I give down but i s up and so that changed my that changed my my mindset every time I you know as much as I can I'm SE into my Bishop I'm sowing up I'm sowing into who he is you know what I mean and I think that that that means so much uh you got to change your crowd a lot of us are around a a very low caliber thinking crowd yeah yeah and that's not disrespectful that's just accurate that's accurate my Bishop as a man thinketh in his heart so we were as grasshoppers in our own eyes a lot of people that have diagnosed thems yes yeah my Bishop told me the other day every time I see him Bishop Nelson J Gall my jurisdictional Bishop I put money in his hand I said Bishop go get dinner or go do something but you going to take his money yeah cuz I need what's on him to be on me yeah that's you know that that's me sewing up exactly what it is and and I I think a lot of people have to practice that as well I like it I feel like real seed sewing has a healthy element of selfishness to it I think I think sometime here let me explain sometimes in church we present sewing and giving simply you don't spend nothing back we no I'm sewing because I'm expecting what farmer plants corn in a field and does doesn't expect stalks of corn to appear more than that I'm expecting God to abide by his word you said this is what you said in Luke 6th chapter given it shall not it might not it could you said given it shall be given unto me good measure pressed down shaken together running over what God calls me and to give some my bosom so this is for you but it's for me too which is why I think there has to be almost a therapeutic change in the mind that you don't have to feel shamed in expecting God to do something that he doesn't mind doing amen yeah he said he would why would I not expect Philippians chapter 4 and he said and and this shall abound in your account Paul says you're given to me but what you're giving to me ain't even for me as much as it is for you he says and what you give to me is going to abound in your account it's going to be for you yeah I had a vision uh s you know what would be so amazing if the preacher talk Community cuz we talked about doing this in spirit and truth it would be dope if we could take almost like an application process and show up to churches that are smaller growing in transition and show up no you you ain't got to join our fellowship you not to be in our we're not your Bishop but we heard that you guys were putting in a sound system so we show up $20,000 from preacher talk you you guys were impacted by the hurricane and your your roof was damaged y need $112,000 hey no strings attached no whatever that I think that's that's the level of giving go but you can't do it if you don't have it come on let's go I would love to do yeah that' be amazing especially upcoming church I I know what it means to plant and be broke liness I know I know man what that would do for a church if it's just chairs chairs are expensive you hear me or if it's just a Podium podiums are expensive microphone you understand everything isens what that would do for a upcoming church we should do that I I say let's go hey it put the cash app up on the screen I forgot we do have a preacher to podcast I mean cash that's what I meant to say there's a preacher talk cash app put that on the screen yeah want y'all to sell right now so we could but we want to bless somebody I love I'm forward let's do that let's do that and if you yeah share this now share this now oh I just no they got the red light oh it's on that okay so now we know when it's on I was wondering what that was now we know oh the now y'all can hear red lights on who approved the red light buttona we had that oh that's new oh come on come on WRA this up we got to talk generosity I didn't know we got new cameras right red light camera number one what there's a song in his heart a song of his Praises Hallelujah listen we got to go we've been on here clowning and fooling and we got to go get crab legs H so with that in mind we appreciate you let's walk in truth let's walk in understanding Let's Walk In fairness let's walk in an elevated sense of expectation I'm Pastor Mark Moore this is Pastor Nathaniel Green this is Bishop Brandon and God Jacobs and this is Mr clack fat himself what cut the camera off so I can fight brand CL right now I'm about to fight him I'mma fight him down and raise him back on he going suplex you you know he's the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion I'm so proud of that wow the accuracy in which you said that WWF guy yeah is amen amen well let's get out of here any closing remarks any closing thoughts we are getting closer to ignite oh we got to talk about that we not about let's talk about not this episode next one I need more time okay well take take this moment no no no zoom in on me Reformation conference is coming September the 26th through the I will see you in mhis Tennesse wait your I will see you in Memphis Tennessee guess who will be with me Bishop Brandon J he won't even be at his own conf night he coming to ours and skipping his look at go oh my God that's our stuff get started that's our no no no I'm sorry NCT I'm just joking I'm just me one uh put it on red two three whatever this is yes but ignite conference is coming it's going to be amazing Pastor Mark Mor going to be there Brandon clack is going to be there green can't be there because he has to be somewhere else wa is that serious and yeah but I'm not fighting it but um it's going to be good ypj Miranda Curtis Bishop Michael blue uh Bishop William Murphy's teaching a worship class and singing Bishop Anthony gilard T Renee Glenn Melvin crisel uh Bishop blue Bishop blue I I said him you know what I'm excited about uh Apostle John eart is teaching a class on prayer going to be really good I'm excited about that that's one of the things I'm really excited about but then we got uh uh uh just a whole lot of people me my wife it's going to be amazing and if you take the preachers class um you're going to walk away with three credits uh for a higher education so that's great so uh you CH not Checkers I like that you you'll never get three credits for that amount of money so never I like that see what's going on what's going on in Dallas what do you want to talk about gosh put me on the spot um actually our Women's Conference is coming up yes my wife is going to be there freshh weekend is going to be August I believe it's August the I'm coming uh August the 23rd and through the 25th Pastor Latoya bre Pastor Latoya Brewing is coming uh Lady Vivian Jacobs my dear sister she's going to be there J uh she's going to be there uh lady Maxine Kershaw and a host of others it's going to be amazing so ladies get registered go to www.g yeah and if you are any anywhere near Atlanta or Detroit we have uh I don't know what the date is right now but on the 25th of August we're moving in to the town in Atlanta we have the temple in Detroit that evening Sunday night 7:00 we're moving in having a ribbon cutting service at the Tabernacle 157 yo you got to come I love that 157 Hubble Street on the west side of Detroit in the beautiful Belmont Community between fle and Puritan all right want you to be there it's going to be a good good time what's that date again August 25th fourth Sunday of the month I just we just moved Philly the fourth Mondays oh what we got you ain't told nobody nothing yes fourth Mondays the fourth Sundays was working on me a little bit kept missing the flights and stuff why are you talking being late what is this what time is Detroit we're talking about [Music] Philly are doing Philly on the 26th of August that's the 26th I'm just after we leave after youall leave Detroit with spirit truth meet me at Philadelphia we Chang the Mondays to be more Progressive and to meet the needs a little bit better okay we'll talk I like that okay cuz we trying to okay got it this is us this isur on Monday this is genuine we are not actors uh we're not pretending we're playing we have a good time if you've not subscribed do it now if youen shared do it now now and please so and please so seriously we want to be a blessing so um that's right that's it till next time love y'all so out bye listen it has been another amazing week thank you for your shares thank you for your tags but remember go download hoop triggers plus it is the perfect to win right now win right now wi right now even now it's the perfect tool fact P Pastor Green because we've got so much Victory with this app Ju Just sing us out of here sing us out of here oh Victory that's not it it's on a refes [Music] [Applause] well as you can see you need to go download it he won't be coming with the app but go get it anyways we'll see you next time peace we love y'all we out of here [Music]