recently we've been doing a lot of badge files and honestly I've been having fun so I'm going to keep making badge file videos until um I don't know I want to do something else or you just get bored of it anyway today we're going to be making a RDP batch file what exactly does that mean well RDP stands for a remote desktop protocol and it's basically what Windows machines use to remote connect to other computers so we're going to take advantage of the command line options of RDP on Windows to use it in a batch file this video is for educational purposes only you know how EB man does it educational purposes only let's get straight into it so if you want to open up RDP you just go Windows R and then Type M am I leaking any information so to open the regular RDP with like the graphical user interface and stuff you just go Windows R and you can type mstsc and press enter and uh here it is this is what it looks like you just type the computer's domain name or IP address and you can click on this show options and also type in a username save the credentials over here you can change the different display settings and you have all these different settings so you type the IP username is optional and then you click on connect and it'll remotely connect to the computer now what our batch file is going to do is input the username and a password and then it'll automatically just connect to the computer so we're going to open up command prompt and see what options we have through the command line look how cool I am C Eola man we have command prompt right here and we're going to see what we can do so we're going to type mstsc and then pretty sure this is how we see the options I'm recording a video can I ask you a quick question yeah damn bro just ate the second burger and these are the different options okay so connection file so a RDP file is basically just kind of what we're doing it's kind of like an automatic connection to the computer you can like save it as RDP file and then you just run it on your computer and it connects automatically DV is what specifies the server and Port we're going to be using this and then we can Shadow which is pretty cool but uh that's probably going to be a video for another day all right so we have what we need and let's get started so I'm going to load up my VM I have my Windows 10 virtual machine booted up and this is what we're going to do to test out our batch file and by the way if you want a tutorial on Virtual machines drop that in the comments so you know I might make one all right right so first let's get the IP or the host name of this computer so I'm just going to type in host name it's user-pc wow we're going to try mstsc DV so see now it's asking for the credentials so if we type user then the password it's very complicated password and we click on yes boom we are connected except it can't download updates it's fine so for some reason the background isn't loading I'm pretty sure that's a feature I've enabled to like make the connection quicker but yeah we're connected now I'm actually going to show you how to set the credentials beforehand um so we don't get prompted by Windows cuz yeah we can do remember me but come on since we're writing a badge file here we might as well just do it within the code so we're going to be using a windows program called CMD key and over here you can basically add credentials that Windows is going to use whenever you connect to to a server in our example that would look like we're going to add user-pc the user is user and the password is 1 2 3 anyway so we save that okay credential added successfully and now if we try connecting it shouldn't prompt us yeah just like that oh okay well now the background loads so yeah we're in We Are in for educational purposes only of course sh it's okay time to put this into a badge file we'll do this pretty quickly notepad++ setting the syntax highlighting to batch and here we go at Echo off I think we should run a input input first cuz that would be [Applause] [Music] cool and then we save them so we go CMD key add we're adding the [Music] host I've been doing speed typing so if you can't keep up with me that's it's your problem it's not my fault you don't spend 8 hours on monkey type daily so we have this added and then we're going to connect - V connect to the host and then after that we delete the credential because what if the person doesn't want the credential there anymore right who knows so I'm pretty sure this is how you delete it let me double check the syntax so it's just delete Target name yeah Okay cool so this is looking pretty simple let's see how this works rdb all right let's see how it goes oh it looks pretty ugly right now but that's not what we're focused on user 2 three yes it worked all right so we want to hide uh the CMD key part because you know it doesn't look as cool when the user knows what's happening so we're just going to null these out you can use GUI because check out my last video where I show how to incorporate buttons texts message boxes inputs inside of a batch file so let me actually show what I did before so it basically works the same and um let's see let me switch around some of the things don't include this cut cut so here it is RDP Lo IP address we can type the IP address or the host name actually boom look at this GUI so we see the little CMD key thing here and the log on fail because but if I just switch things around like I don't know add an input or just put in the actual proper stuff here let me run it again oopsies user PC there we go there we go there we go this is basically how we do it have fun with it cuz it is a Prett nice little neat feature that you can use that's it for this video in the comments please tell me if you want either a multi-tool tutorial or a virtual machine tutorial or something like that cuz I don't know exactly what you're struggling with so I'm down to make a video on basically anything so just let me know in the comments I will be checking them like and sub joining my private community and I'll see you next time peace