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Essential Math Learning Resources and Tips

learning mathematics can be extremely challenging and very time consuming you can save time and save energy by knowing exactly where to start in this video I'm actually going to go through several books and show you how you can use these books to learn mathematics and we're going to start from the very very beginning from the very basic stuff so let's get started right away the easiest book I have here is one that many of you might be ready for it's called Intermediate Algebra for college students so if you're very very bad at basic mathematics this is a good place to start if you're in high school and you're not very good at math this is a good place to start Intermediate Algebra is considered to be a good starting point for most students who lack a math background this book in particular is called Intermediate Algebra for college students and it's written by Angel this is a great book and I wanted to talk about this one because this is one that I haven't mentioned too often and I do think it's a wonderful book by the way before I forget I will leave links in the description of this video in case you want to check out any of these books all right so let's open up this book so you can see what it contains and basically just has really really basic math there's the dedication which is pretty cool starts with the very Basics right so just really basic stuff order of operations exponents then you have some really simple equations and inequalities nothing too hard graphs and functions again really basic mathematics and I'll just talk as I go through this so you can see so the idea with a book like this is that when you buy a book like this you have it for the rest of your life so like let's say you buy it and you get it in two weeks or in a week and you don't use it for a little while that's okay you own the book and someday someday you might pick it up and start using it now if you want to learn math you should start using it as soon as you get it start doing problems and just do a little bit every day until you get better now I want to mention something specific about this book so this book even though it's an intermediate algebra book it does contain a lot more advanced topics for example this here is typically not covered in an intermediate algebra course in college however this book contains it this is typically considered college algebra material so this book has like bonus sections I feel like this is a bonus section you're not going to find this in other books on Intermediate Algebra likewise conic sections are typically taught in a pre-cal class same thing with sequences series and the binomial theorem so you're getting a lot of things here that you normally don't get in an intermediate algebra book and that's why again I wanted to include this one this one has really good examples that you can follow so you basically read the section follow the examples try to work through them on your own and then when you get to the exercises you just do the best you can now you do have answers in the back of the book Let's just jump there because if you're buying this for self-study that's something you're going to want and with a book like this um you get a lot of answers okay you get a lot now I want to say it's every odd but I'm not quite sure because I know in some sections I feel like I've seen even answers here in some of the sections but it looks like oh here's here's one 64 so you see the review exercises apparently have all of the answers which is amazing and it looks like the um regular exercise sets have the odd ones and then the ones where you use your calculator have all of them as well sometimes so it's it's a mix of odd answers all the answers uh it's just a good mix but you get a lot of answers a lot more than you would get uh in many other textbooks especially because you have answers to all of those review exercises so wonderful book for learning mathematics again very good starting point if you're in high school and your math is weak or if you're trying to do self-study and your math is weak this is a good choice okay it's a book that you can have for the rest of your life that you can use to learn mathematics this next one is actually an instructor's Edition but you don't need the instruct addition you can get any addition this is college algebra Essentials by Blitzer and this is a book again that is used to teach college level courses but again you can use this uh if you're a high school student or if you're just trying to do self-study so the big difference between this one and the intermediate algebra book is in the topics and also in the presentation typically in intermediate algebra books the presentation is a little bit more careful here it's very very careful as well but it's just a little more tur notice it also has equations and inequalities and like basic concepts but it's a little more advanced okay and the pace is a little bit faster you know this this book might spend a couple pages on what the intermediate algebra book will spend an entire chapter on okay so um it's a lot more dense it has more advanced topics stuff like polinomial and rational functions uh exponential logarithmic functions are you see it again and then systems of equations and inequalities this one should have answers also to the odd numbered problems in the back of the book so that's really really cool um this one is the instructor's one so it has like all the answers but if you just get the regular one it's just going to have the odd number answers which in my opinion is enough uh the Blitzer book is known for being good this is actually a very popular book in the United States it's used at colleges all over the country to teach college algebra I have used this book to teach college level mathematics so I have a ton of experience with the book and I'm sorry I just got to smell it got to give it a whiff here oh it smells so good yeah this is a great choice next up is pre-calculus by Sullivan so this is the book book that is used in the US to teach both pre-calculus and trigonometry so this book actually contains enough material for both courses plus more there's plenty of good pre-cal books I chose this one because it's an excellent book and you can see here a quick look at the topics it's basically going to have everything the other books have but a little bit more including some trigonometry here you see again polinomial and rational functions if you're wondering why is there so much overlap in courses and in books it's because people aren't perfect no one is I mean there are some smart people but like math takes effort right and so it's important to refresh people's memory again look exponential logarithmic function so every single book has this section so what's the difference well this is going to be again even more advanced than the college algebra book some of the exercises will be a little bit more challenging and the treatment is a little more advanced so even though there is overlap it's going to refresh your skills and make you better you would start here if you feel like your algebra is pretty good then you want to start here okay with this pre-cal book here's where trick starts by the way it's like if you were to go to college in the US and take a trigonometry class this is where your trig class would start right here that'd be the first day of class right there first day of class angles in their measure so pretty cool it's funny because the names of these sections are very similar and it doesn't matter which book you own for example um I have videos on YouTube and I have a video I think it's called angles in their measure but it's not based off this book at all it's based off another book so many books are very similar and then here's more trig more applications of trig some polar coordinates you see this stuff in calculus 2 so this is going to help you in calculus conic sections as I mentioned earlier when we saw this in the intermediate algebra book you see this is a pre-cal subject equations and inequalities the binomial theorem again we saw that earlier counting in probability and then this one actually has a little bit of calculus which is pretty cool so this is typically a PRACK to learn calculus typically if you go to college you have to take two courses a course in pre-cal and a course on trig and you would use a book like this uh in order to prepare you uh for calculus it's got great examples great exercises and again answers to the odd numbered problems uh in the back of the book I got to give this one a whiff this is a an epic book by the way it's got so much math ah so much there is so much mathematics in this book I I can't even put it into words like if you were to sit down every day with this book and just do a few problems um you will get a lot better now I had mentioned a little while ago that in order to learn calculus you have to study pre-calc and trig so I wanted to give you a shortcut let's just say you know a little bit of algebra and you want to learn some calculus then this book here is one that you can use to learn calculus without having study pre-cal trig you just need some basic algebra it's called brief applied calculus it's by beersford and rocket so this is a book that is often used in colleges in courses called business calculus or concepts of calculus typically business majors take it so it has some business applications but it requires zero trigonometry that's right you don't need any trig to use this book okay you can just start using it right away the problems are very simple they're very repetitious and the examples are very clean the layout of the book is wonderful it's got topics from calc one so this is all Cal one stuff calc one stuff this is some algebra review again exponential logarithm functions most of this is calc one some of it might be considered calc 2 uh these applications here these like business applications and stuff you're not going to find these applications in other books which makes this very unique in that regard here you get some calc 2 stuff some differential equations and then here we have some calc 3 stuff so you basically can learn calculus some calculus one some calculus 2 and some calculus 3 using a book that doesn't even require any trig it's absolutely incredible and amazing and I think most people don't know this so it's a great book if you want to learn calculus and you feel like you don't know enough math to do so you can learn Calculus if you know a little bit of algebra you can use this book and you can start learning calculus you really can I have used this book to teach college level courses and I feel like it's a wonderful book the layout is incredible it has answers in the back to the odd numbered problems but the layout itself and like the level of difficulty of the exercises is perfect the authors do a wonderful job oh this is a fun section nondifferentiable functions this is a fun one to teach uh it's an especially fun class to teach I think because you're teaching calculus to people who I mean they really don't know much about it and so it's like their first exposure uh it's just kind of fun to show people calculus people who weren't really expecting to learn it and all of a sudden they're entering this Mysterious World of calculus and this is a calculus book this is a book that's used in the US to teach Cal 1 calc 2 and Cal 3 this is probably the most popular book in the United States and in Canada uh on calculus in fact James Stewart was a Canadian mathematician so this is an incredible book it has been used so many times because it's amazing right it has everything you need for Cal 1 calc 2 calc 3 when I was in college I used a different version of this book it was the early transcendentals version and honestly there's not that much difference between the versions uh it's just you know the order of the material but both are excellent books um nothing negative to say about this it's a math book you're going to get stuck sometimes this one also has answers to all of the odd-numbered exercises in the back of the book it's got good examples and good explanations but it is a harder book okay this this is a harder book than the other books we looked at so keep that in mind so you'll probably get stuck more often uh using a book like this so but it's one of the best books so if you want to learn calculus this is one you want to own want to have this on your shelf I think I have like two or three different versions of this book The Secret to really getting good at mathematics though when you have these books is to just try to do a few problems every day if you tell yourself you're just going to do a little bit of math every day you will get better over time because every day you do a little bit and so every day you get a little bit better and it just it's just nice way to like build on your skills so that's what I would do if you decide to get any of these books that's my advice just try to do at least one problem a day another way to learn math also is through courses I actually have courses for sale on the internet they're actually on the udemy platform which is a reputable place to have courses but if you get them please use my website math sorcerer and just use my links for two reasons one it helps me greatly and two uh more importantly I've lowered the price on all my courses to the bare minimum so when you use my links you're always going to get a very low price all these books are wonderful and honestly the most unique one in my opinion is this one here I just I just love this book it's just so well written it's so easy it's such an easy book for learning calculus and you don't need any trig I I know you might be thinking what's better to no trig it is better to no trig and it is better to learn calculus with trig because you get more examples and things get way more interesting but if you don't know trig and you just can't wait to learn calculus get this book again I'll leave links in the description to all of these books in case you want to check them out if you found any value in this content feel free to subscribe if you want to if you don't want to subscribe that's okay too it doesn't matter the most important thing you should take away from this video is that all of these books are excellent and you can use them to learn mathematics and the secret is just do a little bit every day good luck keep doing mathematics