we really want to welcome you into the Beating Heart of this organization now and you've had some fantastic models already uh of what great citizen leaders look like you've had a really good look at the kind of people that we are going to invest in you so that you can become I'm going to turn over to Joe he's going to give a few remarks and then Joe will throw thank you Joe thank you Ben Neil Ferguson's one of the I guess great minds in our world he jokes there's not there's not too many other Geniuses going into history these days but I think he definitely meets that bar uh you know it's true unfortunately a lot of the Departments have become so politicized that you don't get a lot of the great minds there anymore but he he's definitely you know a top thinker at Oxford at Harvard at Stanford so on I learn a lot from every time I interact with him and Neil it's really awesome to be your partner in building this and thanks for everything you're doing well thank you Joe thank you everybody for being here tonight I'm being told to shout I can shout and I have a lot to shout about tonight I was asked to talk to you seriously academically I have some content for you tonight let me begin with a quotation it's the epigraph of a book The World is suffering from a lack of faith in a transcendental truth those words were written by a man named Julian bonga a French intellectual in a book published in the later 1920s normally translated as the treason of the intellectuals it's a book worth reading when he used the word clerks What bond meant was quote all those whose activity is not the pursuit of practical aims all those who seek their joy in the practice of an art of or science or metaphysical speculation we would say intellectuals perhaps academics people like me who are not clever enough to be founders of great companies like joob this is what Bender observes at the end of the 19th century he wrote a fundamental change occurred the clerks began to play the game of political passions The Men Who had acted as a check on the realism of the people began to act as its stimulators and share in the chorus of hatreds among races and political factions the characteristics of today clerks he said were the tendency to action The Thirst for immediate results the exclusive preoccupation with the desired end the scorn for argument the excess the hatred the fixed ideas quote they betrayed their Duty which is precisely to set up a corporation whose sole cult is that of justice and of truth instead wrote the intellectuals of his day embraced quote The Cult of the strong State and the military Spirit The Logical end he wrote of the integral realism professed by Humanity today is the organized Slaughter of Nations or classes this is an amazing passage get this I can well imagine this is the mid 1920 was published in the late 1920s I can well imagine a future War when a nation would decide not to look after the enemy wounded I can imagine them priding themselves on getting free from stupid humanitarianism the book is prophetic it's an amazing prophecy of precisely what happened in World War II when the systematic neglect of prisoners by the Nazis was a characteristic feature of the war on the Eastern front now why am I telling you all this because the intellectuals of our time have also committed treason now superficially there's a difference the intellectuals of the 1920s lent to the right many endorsed fascism while today's intellectuals generally lean to the left but in practice it makes very little if any difference because the harm is done as soon as a professor takes it upon himself or herself to be a political activist it's that moment when the line is crossed from visen Shaft from scholarship or science to politique to politics that is the Fatal moment as he was writing the treason of the intellectuals German professors were already well on the way to providing justifications for the anti-Semitism that would be the foundation of Hitler's thirdd Reich in our time American professors have become apologists for the anti-Semitism and terrorism of Hamas and I mean it very seriously when I say that the fate of the great German universities of heidleberg of tuman of marberg their fate in the 1930s and 1940s is a terrible warning to the elite universities of the United States how bad you may say are our established universities let me tell you according to the foundation for individual rights and expression the number of Campus deplatforming attempts soared to a record high last year there were 137 up from 81 in 2022 let's look at the latest heterodox Academy report in 20202 which is the most recent data we have 59% of students students reported being reluctant to discuss at least one of five controversial topics they were asked about 62% of students said that was because quote other students would make critical comments with each other after class 63% of students this is in universities across the country agreed that the climate on their campus prevented people from saying things they believe because because others might find these views offensive now what is remarkable is that when you look and I have looked at the data for individual universities there is scarcely any real difference Chicago is more or less the same as Harvard which comes bottom of the fire rankings for free speech it turns out that we have a nationwide problem it isn't just Harvard and it cannot possibly be healthy for our Republic if 60% of students in universities across the country feel they cannot speak their minds in class let's talk about the illiberalism of the Liberals The chal Institute which is that North Dakota State asked a series of fascinating questions and I want to share them with you because I think the results will stun you question and this was a survey again of students in four-year programs across the country a large sample if many students disagree with the views of someone who has been invited to speak on campus should the university withdraw the invitation liberal and Liber leaning students said yes in 39 uh% of cases conservatives were on 17% question if a required reading for a college class includes content that makes students feel uncomfortable should that reading be dropped as a requirement liberal and liberal leaning students 42% said yes now get this question if a professor says something that students find offensive should that Professor be reported to the university 85 % of liberal and liberal leaning students said yes question if a student says something that students find offensive should that student be reported to the university 76% of self-described liberal and liberal leaning students said yes in these conditions of course educ ation becomes indoctrination question have the classes and other academic activities you've participated in during the college year changed your view of the United States 7% of liberal and liberal leaning students said it had made their views more positive 55% more negative amongst the conservative and conservative leaning students 18% said it made their views more positive but 32% a third said the experience had made their views of the United States more negative do you understand why we're building a new University yet how do we explain this what's the reason why has this quasi totalitarian atmosphere spread so rapidly through American h education and Beyond because of course it spreads downwards into K through2 and outwards into Corporate America I think John haes my good friend and Greg lukanov my good friend came up with a plausible sounding answer in a book that some of you will know the codling of the American mind and their answer was essentially that parenting had produced a series of erroneous assumptions about the nature of life and now Jonathan has published a new book in which he explains the epidemic of mental ill health amongst Young Americans uh by blaming cell phones and social media I respect these arguments but I don't think those are the right explanations for what has gone wrong I think there are two reasons the first is the extraordinary and worsening political skew amongst academics amongst the professors and the second which is just as bad is the tendency of University leaders and administrators to appease or even encourage the new red guards in a kind of parody version of Mao's cultural revolution now it's often said that professors are always leftwing like it's just the way things are really was that the problem in 1920s Europe was that the problem in 1930s Germany no there's no pre-ordained law that says professors are always liberal and nor is it the case that it's a steady state there's an article from 2005 by Rothman lter and nevit which shows that in 1984 significant date in this context perhaps 39% of the American professorate on average described itself as left by 1999 that had risen to 72% at Harvard today it's basically 95% so this is not a steady state there has been a pronounced swing to the left in Academia Mitchell langbert did an amazing sample of the politics of nearly 9,000 tenure track PhD holding professors from 51 of the 66 top ranked colleges in the US News and World Report of 2017 and he had da was able to find data on a pretty substantial proportion 60% for political registration and that allowed him to calculate uh some interesting statistics 39% of the colleges in his sample were Republican free they had no registered Republicans amongst the professors 78% of departments in his sample either had zero Republicans or so few as to make almost no difference and the ratios are great so the mean Democratic to Republican ratio amongst professors in the sample was 10.4 to1 but that was skewed by the inclusion of the two military colleges at West Point and Annapolis which are the only institutions in America which have a rough political balance in their faculty so if you take them out you discover that the real r ratio is actually 13:1 in my subject history 17.4 to1 in English literature 48 to one and in anthropology you can't calculate it because you can't have a ratio of something to zero but you say Neil you pessimistic Scotsman the tiest it's turning it's turning because two presidents of eminent colleges have resigned Liz McGill at Penn and Claudine gay at Harvard and so we must have passed Peak woke the pendulum that people love to tell me about have you been told about the pendulum I'd love to see this pendulum it must be a very big clock cuz this pendulum been swinging for as long as I can remember oh it's about to swing the other way really so let me read some headlines from the Harvard Crimson since Claudine gay was forced to resign not just for her complete mishandling of the events that followed October the 7th but also because of her serial plagiarism which included even plagiarizing the acknowledgments in one of her Publications a remarkable feat by any standards there January 3rd in gay fall a macist tragedy January 3rd again gays resignation is not a win against anti-Semitism January the fourth rebuffing calls to resign Penny pritsker 81 will stay in top Harvard Corporation Post January the 5th exh Harvard president claudian gay acknowledges mistakes calls critics democ OGG pendulum is really swinging back isn't it January the 18th Harvard alumni split over Claudine Gay's resignation amid controversy February the 3rd Zuckerberg akman backed Harvard overseer candidates fail to qualify for ballot February the 7th this is my favorite plagiarism is the right's newest weapon Harvard must disarm it you can't make this stuff up this is not Babylon B this is the Harvard Crimson February the 7th same day investing in trans inclusion isn't a choice it's Harvard's imperative February the 11th Pro Palestine groups rally demand Harvard divest ties to Israel and remember back on December the 10th more than 700 faculty members signed a letter to the Harvard Corporation urging them to resist calls from outside forces to remove Claudine gay from her post if you believe the pendulum has begun to swing in the other direction I have copies of the Harvard Crimson to sell you now here is why the pendulum can't possibly swing at these established institutions because if you think the professors of my generation are politically doctrinaire let me introduce to you to their successors my good friend Eric uh kman who recently moved to the University of Buckingham asked people at us universities if they agreed with this proposition quote my fear of losing my job or reputation due to something I said or posted online is a Justified price to pay to protect historically disadvantaged groups I don't mind being cancelled if it helps the marginalized well you won't be surprised to hear that uh of my age group UH 60 plus 15% agreed with that statement uh in their 50s 20% agreed get into the age group of the 40s a third agreed two fifths of people in their 30s agreed 45% of those in their 20s and more than half of people questioned aged between 18 and 25 so the future of Academia is anything but a swing rightward of the pendulum cman asked social science and Humanities staff and phds if they would support one or more campaigns to out dissenting academics whether they criticize Dei non-traditional parenting unrestricted immigration or said something nice about Empires which I'm afraid I have done 24% of us faculty and 20% of Canadian faculty would have supported at least one of those dismissal campaigns but the proportion Rises to 49% of us and Canadian PhD students 20% of of us academics openly admitted to discrimination against right leaning academics Grant applications and 12% admitted to discriminating against right leaning paper submissions or promotion applications but when you turn to phds 24% openly admit to discriminating against right-leaning paper submissions and fully a third to discriminating against right leaning Grant bids the politicization is quite overt and it is going to get worse because the institutions continue to hire to the left of the tenur faculty the cultural revolution of our time the totalitarian regimes on our campuses are not about to go away what can we do the only possible answer in the face of what I've described to you must be to found new institutions as Thomas Jefferson did with the University of Virginia as William rainy Harper did with the University of Chicago as we are doing with the University of Austin it was in this very house that we announced that we were doing it and it's just two years ago and some of you may remember derision the appropriate the abuse that rained down upon us from a hostile establishment but we are going to do this and we have to do this we must do this we're going to solve the five core problems of University governance that I believe explain why all the universities have gone down the same totalitarian drain first we're going to address the failing pseudo corporate structure of governance that allows ineffectual or negligent trustees and overmy politically active presidents that's not an option here we're going to address the fact that in other universities there is no judicial branch of government and therefore no due process we will be the first University with a real Constitution and real due process because our constitution will be upheld by the equivalent of a Supreme Court we through our constitution will make it impossible to politicize the work of the University of Austin it will be unconstitutional for the University to take ex aicio political positions it will be wrong and sackable offense for professors to abuse their power to indoctrinate students we will uphold students basic rights of free expression and free association which everywhere else in America are being violated and I know we will succeed and you know why I know because of the mood in this room and the mood I experience today in the scarra building and the mood last night when Barry Weiss was talking to Roland fra two of my heroes the mood contrasted so amazingly with the atmosphere I had encountered earlier this week at one of the most established and venerable universities where I had been invited to lecture my week was like starting in East Berlin Circa 1970 and arriving in a completely different downtown free Society with people Kindred Spirits who know that freedom that individual freedom is the syan non for the pursuit of Truth this is why we won't fail this is why we must succeed this has been an amazingly uplifting two days for me just as the earlier part of my week made me feel physically sick I kept expecting the starzy to burst into my bedroom and take me off a 100 Intrepid young people some of whom uh are here tonight are going to be in the founding class I guess it'll be the class of 2028 and this is going to have bragging rights like nothing else that this generation can possibly achieve we are in the midst of hiring and I know how much work uh my colleagues are putting into this The worldclass Faculty to teach them and to teach them to the highest possible pedagogical standard one dirty little secret of the IV league is that most of the teaching sucks but I know because I hear what people say say about Patrick gr I know that we are going to set a new standard for excellence in the classroom in our classrooms there'll be no checking videos on Tik Tok because I certainly won't have any devices in our classrooms I will have a chatam house rule you can't leave the classroom and start attributing things that were said to any individual by name what said in the classroom will stay in the classroom in our classrooms people will be free to say whatever comes to mind however stupid I specialized in saying stupid and offensive things as an undergraduate at Oxford it was how I learned got so bad that one of my tutors once said Neil have you considered a career in the police and it's very lucky that I didn't go into the police actually for the criminals of England and this is just this is just the beginning this is just the early stage but closing in I think I can say on our Target for our first round of of fundraising $250 million closing in on that Target now and more and more donors are seeing that we're doing this and as they see that we're doing this the support will grow and as it grow so will the University of Austin with your help and here I address not the students uh but the potential donors in the room we can keep on building not only are cool campus and it is very very cool I have to say it's way cooler than certain IV League institutions I recently visited not only can we build that campus and make it a really extraordinary place with an extraordinary library but we can also build and I think this is very important an online presence so that our content can reach not only the lucky 100 but millions and millions of people less fortunate around the world people like my wife's family in Somalia I dream of a day when University of Austin content can be accessed even there in the Horn of Africa well we can build a brand where free ideas are available around the world and that is possible I can remember a rather fraud conversation with Elon Musk about how quickly we could scale uatx come to think with starlink we can make this the biggest university on Earth and our Mar campus is something we'll talk about later Elon so let me conclude we have lived through a second treason of the intellectuals a Second Great betrayal of the vocation of intellectuals to pursue truth and not to engage in politics and it doesn't matter that this time it's a left-wing politicization and not a right Wing one the net result is uncannily similar what Bender said was that our mission should be the pursuit of transcendental truth and we've said all along that that's what we're about the Fearless Pursuit Of Truth and what I've come to realize ladies and gentlemen is how high the stakes are because if we do not succeed the alternative is to allow western civilization and the world to repeat the Hideous mistakes of the mid 20th century thank you very much [Applause] indeed so actually we don't really do lectures but I was sort of told to give give a speech what we really like is the Socratic method which means now you get to ask me difficult questions and disagree with me and that's how we roll you and Joan I have been in a debate for a while where I say that you want to be careful that you don't create the mirror opposite to the exclusion from the left and that you need to try to ensure that you have the pursuit of what you said where anybody can make a mistake say whatever they say but when I listen to your data then I wonder if I was wrong where I keep pushing for that and maybe what you do need to do is bring strengthen I'm a cent but maybe what you need is more right-wing people to counteract the left like so how do you decide between let truth be what you quest for that really create an environment where you're not trying to tilt the balance to produce ideologically conservative or right-wing people but just people that are critical thinkers versus the very reality you laid out we're given the facts don't you need more academics that are going to more people that are going to then be able to counterweight what's happening well thank thanks for that question I've been asked it many times uh there there are those who subscribe to a Sullivan's law that unless an institution is explicitly made conservative it will inevitably become Progressive I don't believe that's true uh and in fact I think it's quite obviously untrue that a university that pursues truth and clarifies that Academia is not a political Mission will attract the best Scholars and some of them will be conservatives and some of them will be socialists and some of them will be liberals and some of them won't have any politics cuz they just do physics and that's how it should be the Oxford When I Was An undergraduate uh was characterized by incredible diversity of thought there were high Tories and there were outright Communists one of my best friends as a young historian was Eric Hobs bom who was a card carrying communist about politics we disagreed entirely but I respected him as a scholar and the author of Great works of of 19th and 20th Century history so let's focus in our recruitment not on politics let's not even ask let's just make it clear what the rules are Max vber got this very right in an extraordinary uh du of lectures that he did in the time of the first world war Politics as a vacation science as a vacation and he said these are separate and when you enter the lecture hall or the classroom you need to leave your politics at the entrance to the point that it shouldn't be possible for the students to know what your politics is I think if we approach it in that Spirit then we'll end up with intellectual diversity uh it would I think be a great mistake for us to say to ourselves let's let's lean to the right to correct for that leaning to the left there are others doing this and I don't think it should be our approach but thank you for asking I'm always curious because you have an expansive view of not just us history but global history what elements uh that you see today have occurred in the past that sort of draw inspiration and strength for you in this journey and all of us and what world events on the horizon potentially The Horizon uh either have parallels with the past or may help us on this journey let me offer you two thoughts the first is that universities have the capacity to regenerate themselves Oxford and Cambridge and you are are a Cambridge man I am an Oxford man went through periods of torpor 18th century Oxford was so dead intellectually that Edward Gibbon said the years he spent there were the most profitless of his life and he went on to be the greatest historian of the 18th century so I think if we build this and model academic freedom and model meritocracy and show how academic governance can work and how you can have academic freedom without the abusers of tenure slowly it'll be glacial but slowly Harvard even Harvard will say to itself if we don't do something along these lines the smartest students are going to go there and the smartest future professors are going to go there and we will start to win not just in a fight for donors but in all important fight for brains I think we're already winning I can tell I can tell every single one of you every single student I've spoken to tonight has impressed me by their intellectual sharpness and by the obvious appetite they have to learn so if we build it if eventually I'll be dead I'll be dead I'm not going to be alive when Harvard fixes itself and Gibbon didn't live to see Oxford fix itself but we will bring a change to higher education across the country I'm confident of that but it'll be glacial the second thing I would say is that in the context of Cold War II which I believe we've been in for about five years when our adversaries are becoming increasingly organized when the People's Republic of China cooperates with the Russian Federation and cooperates with the Iranian Republic and cooperates with North Korea there is an aess of ill will far more real than the imagined axis of Evil of 2002 and with every passing month this coordination becomes more effective in that context what we are doing is not just important for the pursuit of truth and the advance of Science and literature and philosophy it's important for National Security because if we do not produce people who understand Liberty and who can think freely we'll lose Cold War II one thing about the universities the established institutions when the cold war came the first time they did their peace they played a crucial role Joe alluded to this earlier in ensuring the National Security of the United United States so I think the Second Great Trend I see is that we are in the second Cold War and we all have to recognize that just because we won the first one there's no guarantee that we win the second especially if a totalitarian ideology has filtered into our educational system persuading Young Americans that the United States was founded on white supremacy and it doesn't really matter if it goes down or persuading Young Americans that in order to achieve drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions Liberty and democracy should be set aside these ideas are current in many ways the other side's game plan for Cold War II is a great deal more successful so far in penetrating our society with their ideas and so that is another motivation for me I I don't have time I don't have the years to wait for Harvard to fix itself or Stanford to fix itself and nor does the United States have time we need to start producing a self-confident elite that believes in Freedom and believes in this country because we don't have 20 years the decisive battles may happen this decade you can see why I chose to stand in front in front of a simulated apocalyptic landscape a lot of people go put my generation down and are really pessimistic about it but I'm seeing actually a lot of good signs and I'm kind of not even just this room but hopeful for my generation you see the Tik toks of people saying this work a day culture is just not right it's not edifying and we need to move away from it and go back to the family I mean you have sex workers on whatever podcast saying I want a family that's the most beautiful thing you can have and yes there there's this they have have two opposing things that are happening in their minds but they're they're seeing what is edifying and they're they they know it's good so I wonder do you see that in our generation I do I think that what is often described as an epidemic of mental ill health is actually something more profound than that it's a recognition that the status quo is is spiritually bankrupt uh this is something my wife has written about recently and I find it very powerful I think your generation hates the culture in the classrooms of the established universities I don't think they enjoy self-censorship does anybody my impression is that the students at the major university I visited earlier this week were not having a great time to put it mildly so I think your generation is thirsting for just this just what we're building when we were starting out I remember saying to Pano hey we should do some Market testing like just in case we build it and nobody shows up be kind of awkward and so we did the Forbidden courses Barry's brilliant description of our our summer school and I remember thinking maybe no one will show up for that instead we were like inundated with inquiries and those first classes which we had to hold in Dallas because we had no premises convinced me that it was going to be okay it it convinced me because the first class I did a I did a course a short course on the difference between free and unfree societies and the readings were just primary sources about what it's live to what it's like to live in a totalitarian regime it's like this is what it was like to be in Hitler's Germany this is what it was like to be in Stalin Soviet Union here's an account of being ma China here's Iran under the IAS it was a straightforward course and the but the content was quite harrowing and in the course of the first day I could see the students who were all in existing undergraduate programs from all over the country and sometimes from abroad it they had this look about like is this real can we actually I mean we can just say say these things and he's not going to mind in fact he's encouraging us I don't know if you're Beethoven fans but in Fidelio the prisoners are let out it's the most moving thing in in in all of Opera really the prisoners are let out and they sing this extraordinary chorus about what it's like to be in the free air and it was just like that that was when I knew your generation was going to be okay because actually this was what they had been thirsting for thirsting for free uninhibited debate and the right to take risks because I remember when you're an undergraduate when you were answering a question it's risky cuz you really don't know and you've just done the reading and some of it was kind of difficult and professors of a way of asking weird questions and so you're like here goes I remember people used to say I don't know if this is what you're looking for at Harvard this is what they would say I don't know Professor if this is what you're looking for I said I'm not looking for anything except what you think so it's going to be fine your generation is going to be fine a good thing is you're going to be one of the leaders of your generation that's the key the question I have for you is we talk about this contraction of academic freedom and I wonder if I I'm I'm I want to ask you if there is a discret moment that you can actually point to where you spotted the canary and the coal mine that just sort of ticked your alarms what a good question I'm glad you asked yes I remember exactly when it was it was 10 years ago uh my wife for those of you who don't know Ayan hery Ali I think a much more interesting person than me who's stood up for women's rights like like a like a real feminist who really is prepared to put her life on the line to speak up for women's rights so she had been invited to give the commencement address at brandise University and we were like nice I mean do it so she accepted and then like a week before the event they publicly disinvited her without warning that was Public Announcement disinvitation of hereli and the moment The Epiphany for me came when I went and I looked at the petition that had been sent to the president of brandise and I looked at the list of all the faculty members who'd signed that petition calling for my wife to be disinvited accusing her of islamophobia and I listed their name I have kept it because I'm from Glasgow and I don't forgive that kind of thing the professor of queer studies who had discovered some inexplicable kinship with the islamist the islamists and all the others it was a curious Alliance of people who had decided that my wife should not be invited but should be disinvited and publicly humiliated that was when I realized that there was a very Unholy Alliance forming between the radical left we hadn't let learned to call them woke then uh islamists and others and it suddenly hit me that I hadn't really noticed but this had been going on everywhere even at at Harvard so it was 10 years ago and the worst thing about the last 10 years is that for nearly all that time I couldn't make people see if if they weren't in the academy what was going on I couldn't make them see they would just listen to me oh yeah Neil sure and the the strangest thing that I could never have predicted was that the events of October the 7th terrorist attacks by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad on Israeli civilians would finally caused the scales to fall from the eyes of so many of my friends outside the academy who had been ignoring our warnings for so long so it's taken 10 years but that was for me the beginning and I hope very much that what we're doing now what we're doing this weekend what we're going to do as we build this University is it's the Cure it's the solution it's the beginning of a successful institutional counter because as I said there no pendulum what there is in American history is a pattern of renewal through founding this country itself is a startup once the startup that produces the United States and that's why we consciously based our constitution on the Constitution of the United States the separation of powers idea the idea that you need a judicial branch just came from the founding fathers I've been playing at James Madison but with a very strong sense that this is the American solution you don't just wait for the pendulum to do it for you you have to do it yourselves and what is exciting and I want to I want to thank you all as a relatively recently minted American for the fact that you're up for this cuz you could never do this in England you could never do this in Germany we we have a German uh potential student here tonight constant where where are you can do this in Germany right absolutely not exactly I'm here that's why you're here only in America ladies and gentlemen can you start a new University and go from we're doing this to admitting students in a two-year time frame and and the more the haters hate the stronger we get that's what I love about America so ladies and gentlemen I've probably too long but I'm passionate about what we're doing it's the most exciting project of my life aside from my CH aside from my children and I have two who can come here by the way I mean I am selfishly building it for them it's kind of positive externality that you get to come to but I can't tell you how thrilled I am by what we're doing how optimistic I am and I'm not normally I'm not famous for my optimism how optimistic I am that we're going to succeed and how absolutely certain I am that the the first class of a 100 are going to just have the ultimate bragging rights for their lives this will be the thing that people will hate you for and envy you for it's going to be it's going to be a killer at dinner parties you can just imagine it going around the table where did you go oh I went to walk o oh really I went to Harvard really and and where did you go well I I was one of the founding Scholars at the University of Austin silence just people just Jaws hit the table that's what it's going to be like and that that's what's so exciting ladies and gentlemen we've we've got drink uh we've got food we got arguments to have because we're we're here to disagree remember we're not here to have any kind of conformist line thank you for listening Here's to [Applause] Us