what is the Trinity many Skeptics seem to misunder understand this important doctrine of Christianity as a pagan idea or a modalist idea but a brief explanation of the Trinity will explain that neither of these are correct the core doctrine of the Trinity can be said in three sentences there is one God God is three persons each person is fully God this differs from a modalist understanding which would say there is only one God who reveals himself in three different forms or persons whereas the Trinity says there are three coexisting Eternal persons who exist as one God the Trinity also differs from a pagan grouping of gods who say there are three different gods who are simply one in purpose but are fully separate whereas the persons of the Trinity are not different gods but one God most of those who misunderstand the Trinity tend to classify the Trinity as one of these but they are both incorrect the Trinity is not one God revealing himself as different forms and The Trinity is not three different gods the Trinity is one God who is three persons and each person is fully God the first person of the Trinity is the father he is the source of the godhead and all things he is transcendent uncaused Beyond mere existence he simply is the second person of the Trinity is the son who is the word of the father he is eternally begotten of the father uncreated begotten not made his sources in the father and humans can approach the father through the son the third person of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit who is neither begotten nor created he eternally proceeds from the father he is the active agent of God in the world and the guide of the church his source is in the father as well yet he is always existed it is important to mention that the members interact with one another and the world the father sent the Holy Spirit like a dove onto the son at his baptism the son sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost the father created the world through the Son and the Holy holy spirit so there is present interaction within the Trinity now while the father is the ultimate source the Son and the Holy Spirit are not less in power or Divinity they are all Eternal and all fully Divine they all coexist as one God yet as separate persons of one undivided Essence they are eternally loving and love one another in Perfect Harmony so there is no disagreement or division within the Trinity because they share only one nature a good but not perfect analogy has been likened to the sun there is the star the Heat and the Rays as long as the star has existed it has been generating rays and heat has proceeded from it likewise as long as the father has existed he has been pouring out his being into the Son and the spirit has been proceeding from him so does important to understand what the Trinity is there are three persons of one God who coexist eternally as one God each is fully God and fully Divine the Holy Spirit and the son submit to the father's Authority because there cannot be two m they find their Source in him yet have always existed so again there is one God God has three persons each person is fully God now of course there are many questions that stem from this is the Trinity taught in scripture does it make logical sense will we cover these topics in some other videos