Understanding Grammar Types and Derivations

Sep 26, 2024

Lecture Notes on Grammar

Overview of Grammar

  • Grammar is a four-tuple: (Vn, Vt, S, P)
    • Vn: Set of non-terminal symbols (usually capital letters)
    • Vt: Set of terminal symbols (usually lowercase letters or digits 0 to n)
    • S: Starting symbol of grammar (usually a non-terminal symbol)
    • P: Set of production rules, each in the form α → β

Types of Grammar

  1. Type 0 Grammar (Unrestricted Grammar)

    • Both α and β can be any combination of terminal and non-terminal symbols.
    • Example: S → AAB, A → B
  2. Type 1 Grammar (Context Sensitive Grammar)

    • α and β can be any combination of terminals and non-terminals.
    • Additional condition: Length of α <= Length of β.
    • Example: S → AAB, AA → B
  3. Type 2 Grammar (Context-Free Grammar)

    • α must be a non-terminal symbol.
    • β can be any combination of terminal and non-terminal symbols.
    • Example: S → AAB, A → AA | B
  4. Type 3 Grammar (Regular Grammar)

    • α must be a non-terminal symbol.
    • β can either be a terminal followed by a non-terminal or just a terminal.
    • Example: A → aB | a

Hierarchical Relationships

  • All regular languages are context-free, but not all context-free languages are regular.
  • All context-free grammars are context-sensitive, but not all context-sensitive grammars are context-free.

Example of Context-Free Grammar: A^nB^n

  • Grammar: S → ASB | ε
  • To generate strings like AAB, AABB, etc., where the number of A's equals the number of B's.

Example of Context-Free Grammar: Palindromes

  • Grammar: S → AS | BS | ε | A | B
  • Accepts strings like A, B, AA, ABBA.


  • Always specify which production rule is used in the derivation process.
  • Example: For string AAB, the derivation could be shown as:
    • S → ASA → AAB

Practicing Grammar Problems

  • Write strings for the given language.
  • Construct production rules from the strings.
  • State the four tuples (Vn, Vt, S, P) for the grammar.
  • Solve one or more derivations for specific strings.

Important Remarks

  • Make sure to specify production rules during derivations.
  • Practice with both even-length and odd-length palindromes.
  • Understand the relationship between grammar types and their corresponding languages.