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Class B Aircraft Regulations Overview
Aug 21, 2024
Class B Regulations for Aircraft
Class B regulations allow safe flying of small propeller-driven aircraft during night and bad weather.
Focus on rules and performance targets needed to fly Class B aircraft under these conditions.
Understanding Class B Aircraft
: Aircraft with:
Less than 5,700 kg maximum takeoff mass.
Nine or fewer passenger seats.
Propeller-driven (piston or jet engine).
Single or multi-engine, with restrictions on single-engine use.
Single Engine Restrictions
: Cannot be used for public transport at night or in IMC.
Performance Regulations Overview
Aim to ensure safe and legal operation.
Set requirements for takeoff, climb, cruise, and landing phases.
Takeoff Regulations
Mass Restrictions
: Must be below maximum structural takeoff mass.
Runway Considerations
Use takeoff distance multipliers based on runway conditions:
No stopway/clearway: Takeoff distance × 1.25 < Takeoff run available.
With stopway/clearway: Use most restrictive calculation among different multipliers.
Adjust for runway surface and slope:
Grass runway: Multiply distance by 1.2 (1.3 if wet).
Adjust for slope: Increase takeoff distance by 5% per 1% upslope.
Wind Adjustments
Only consider 50% of headwind.
Consider 150% of tailwind.
Climb Regulations
Initial Climb
Both engines: Achieve at least 4% climb gradient.
Critical engine failure at 400 ft: Must achieve positive climb gradient.
Continued climb to 1500 ft with a reduced gradient.
Obstacle Clearance
Clear obstacles by 50 ft in departure sector.
Use net takeoff flight path calculations for obstacle clearance.
Departure Sector
Defined dimensions based on wingspan and distance from runway.
Consider obstacles and adjust takeoff mass if unable to clear.
Cruise Regulations
Maintain flight above minimum safety altitudes.
Avoid reaching coffin corner by observing climb rate limitations.
Plan for engine failure descent gradients.
Landing Regulations
Weight Considerations
: Land below maximum structural landing mass.
Runway Usage
Land within 70% of planned runway available.
Consider runway altitude, surface, and slope.
Apply wind adjustments similar to takeoff.
Go-around Procedures
Ensure climb gradient post-landing is sufficient.
Emphasis on understanding and applying CAP 698 document for exams.
Key focus is on takeoff and landing regulations for Class B aircraft.
CAP 698 document provides detailed guidance and is a valuable resource for exam preparation.
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