Transcript for:
Global Perspectives on UFO Phenomena

Greetings and welcome to the Richard Dolan Show, where every week we fight the good fight. We've had a really active period in the UFO UAP field for the last couple of years. Lots of talk about disclosure, the U.S. congressional hearings and so forth, and all of that's important. But for me personally, I have been interested in, for many, many years, in speaking with individuals from around the world who are engaged in UFO research.

I just think it's a really good thing. for those of us especially in the west especially in the united states to get out of our little bubbles and to recognize that the ufo uap phenomenon is global as far as we can look back in history it has always been global and it's you know it's not a smart idea to uh be focusing on this phenomenon in such a limited way i think we really want to get a full worldwide perspective. And for that reason, I'm just very, very pleased to have as my guest Jinwoo You, who is of the Korean UAP Society. Jinwoo and I spoke a couple of months ago for his YouTube channel. It was a wonderful conversation.

In fact, I'll have a link for that in the description. I would encourage everyone to go take a look at that. Jinwoo You, thank you so very much for being on the program.

Thank you for having me, Richard. It's an honor, really. It is my pleasure, and I'm just very glad to have you here. So you have been researching UAP or UFOs in South Korea or Korea for many years, and I think it's fair to say that in the West, there's not a lot of knowledge about what has been going on in your part of the world.

both in terms of the UFO phenomenon, as well as in terms of the research and what's been going on in that regard as well. So I'm just very happy to greet you here and to ask you, what are some of the things that we're missing here? What's going on on the other side of the world in Korea relating to UAP?

Well, first of all, I would like to say that in terms of the amount of information that is available here in Korea, is quite limited compared to the information that is available in the states or the western countries. I think one of the main reasons is that because of the cultural or the heritage background, a lot of the Asian people, at least when it comes to Korea and Korean people, tend to still neglect issues around UFOs. Even with the recent congressional hearings, I've rarely seen any Korean mass medias covering that topic.

So the information is quite limited here in Korea. But still, there are some fascinating incidents that have happened dating all the way back to 1600s even. So that's something I'd like to talk about today.

And for your audience as well as Western audience, I would like to introduce some of the Korean UFO incidents that happened over the years. Absolutely. Sorry about that.

Apologies. He's allowed on. He may distract you, but he's welcome.

Well, just so before we get into that, I'll just point out that even in the United States, there are many, many people who are, in my view anyway, not really paying much attention to what has happened in the U.S. Congress over the last couple of weeks. There has been some news coverage, of course.

and a lot in the alternative media but a lot of people here as well where i am where who just do not uh have a lot of awareness of the phenomenon even now even now so but i i'll take your point that is probably even more severe where you are but yes let's uh let's dive right into it so i've got some slides that you uh have provided here and let me know whenever you want to display them and we can we can jump right in all right if you just go Could go and proceed with those slides. Just give me a moment. I have this one right here. This is, you have the oldest record of a UFO sighting in Korea in 1609. Right. Yeah, what do we have here?

So the oldest record of a UFO sighting in Korea dates back to year 1609 in a set of historical records in Korea's dynasty era. These records are currently listed as UNESCO World Heritage and also designated as Korean National Treasure. So if you look on the left side of this slide, you could see the recording of UFO in the journal of Prince Gwanghae.

So in 1609, in the eastern province of Korea, as you can see on the map here, that's the map of South Korea. Yes. And that's a flying path of the purportedly UFO through the eastern province. It is recorded that an object appeared in the sky making some sounds.

It was described. as pointy on top and more wide and circular on the bottom, just like a cone. It is also described to be flying fast as an arrow living behind smoke.

It is recorded that it made a loud thunder-like sound shaking the ground just before its disappearance. On the same day, later in the afternoon, a similar sighting is recorded of an object that was circular and showed a white, red, and blue colors. It is recorded that as the object ascended into the sky, its color turned all red and then transformed into a white cloud.

Again, thunder-like sounds were heard, and sounds like rocks tumbling, drums rolling, were heard from this floating object. So we're talking about early 1600s. Sightings of these peculiar objects in the sky now recorded in the UNESCO listed historical archive. So we're talking about an, you said it was an arrow shaped object, or did I mishear that?

So it was two objects, one of them being a cone shaped object, another one being an arrow shaped object. Interesting. I wonder, and do we know what part of Korea this was in?

Is that? So it seems like Korea there, it looks like. So it's an eastern province of South Korea.

Yes, yes. So it was appeared in two cities and two different cities that were 30 miles apart from each other. I know with a lot of the older UFO events that have been recorded, sometimes you get a specific date. Sometimes they don't put a specific date in there.

You just have the year. In this case, you've got this. specific location which is very good is there a specific date recorded with this one generally within the journal it only mentions a year not a specific month or or date just a year that's not unusual frankly and um it's just the way that record keeping often is kept you find with the older ufo sightings there's really only a few regions in the world that even had the ability to record them east asia being one and europe really being the other.

They're essentially that's sometimes we can find recordings of places in the Near East, Arabia and places like that. But typically, when I look at some of the older sightings, you're looking at basically China, Korea, Japan, in the East, and then in the West, the various European nations as well. And they don't all have specific dates.

Unfortunately, it's just the way that it is. But this is quite interesting indeed. So have there been any attempts by, say, skeptics, for example, to explain what this might have been? Are they saying things like meteors? It doesn't really make sense to me.

Of course, a meteor was one of the main arguments. But if this was a meteor sighting, it would have been recorded in a greater number of towns rather than just being recording in two towns. Very limited.

That was one of the arguments that started made by skeptics. It could have been a meteor sighting. And also, I just, again, I want to make sure I'm understanding properly. So did the object take a curved path? Is that what that indication is in the center graphic there?

So if you see the red, there's a light red. bald red regions of the eastern province. Those bald regions are the towns that have reported to have seen this object in this journal. That is just the estimated flying path of this object. Oh, I see what you mean.

Yeah, that could make sense. Well, that is interesting indeed. What was quite interesting to me was this description of this UFO having thunder-like rock tumbling drum rolling sounds.

I mean aspect of sound is not one of the defining features of UFO in the modern era as far as I'm aware. Do you know of any incidents that have this kind of sound features? Sometimes, yeah.

I do know there are occasions where UFOs in the modern era have been known to make some sounds. I'm trying to think offhand where. I think it's true typically they are quiet or even silent, but I wish I'd been able to look into this beforehand. But I don't think it's a unique feature.

of these aerial phenomena. In any case, it just begs the question, what really could explain this best? I guess if someone's going on the assumption that there are no UFOs, they would have to go with something like natural, like a meteorite or meteor. But if you consider that there are genuine UFOs, I think what you've got here is a real potential one. So yeah, thanks for showing this.

This is quite interesting. I've tried to search online whether there were any. similar incidents dating back to this era.

I found this woodcut engraving dating back to year 1561 of what's called the celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg, Germany. As you can see here on the picture here on the right of the slide, it seems to depict some kind of an aerial battle between different shaped objects such as orbs, crosses, and cylinders. And I found it interesting to see some similarities in the types of UFOs observed in this period since the German and Korean record is only 40 years apart.

Yes, indeed. I'm a big fan of the book Wonders in the Sky by Jacques Vallée and Chris Aubeck. I think it's one of my favorite UFO books. I'll be quite honest about it. I read it frequently and I'm a big fan of what they did there.

And in that one, you find that there actually are a lot of... really good early sightings that they have. I find that some I'm very persuaded by and others not as much. The Nuremberg one that you've got here, I will just admit I'm on the fence about that one. There are reasons that I wonder about its legitimacy.

I mean, I'm not trying to debunk it here, but I just... Nuremberg. was in the midst of a very significant amount of religious and cultural strife going on at the time. And I've always wondered, they were on the brink of massive century-long civil war between the Protestant and Catholic factions in the country.

And I've always wondered if this had something to do with that. And with Europeans, I know particularly, they were very interested in looking at signs and portents in the sky. Some of them are good to me, in my opinion.

Some I just wonder. But in the case of your sighting here in South Korea, I keep saying South Korea, forgive me. This is in Korea, 1609. That's an interesting one, I must say.

And I'm very glad that you've started us off with an interesting ancient report. Do you want to move on to any of the other sightings more recently that you want to discuss? Sure.

If we go to the next slide, I'll be going. through the incidents by timeline from the oldest to the most recent event. Great, great.

So now I'd like to talk about some of the Korean UFOs in the Korean War period from 1950 to 1953. There were many mid-air UFO encounters reported throughout the Korean War. To show in numbers, 42 incidents were experienced by 63 military personnels, ranging from pilots, Marines, and etc. And they were eventually reported and filed to Project Blue Book. I'm sure you are a historian yourself, but let me just briefly go over the Korean War.

I'm very glad. And this was a very, I mean, it was a major event in modern history, of course, but also in the history of the UFO phenomenon. A lot happened during that war. Exactly.

We're getting to discuss it. So yeah, please continue. I think it's important to know the Korean War for understanding the context of all this. So the Korean War was fought between North and South Korea. North Korea was supported by China and Soviet Union, while South Korea was supported by 21 countries from the United Nations, but principally the United States.

One key thing to note is that this is a war where jet fighters on each side confronted each other. in air-to-air combat for the first time in history, as far as I'm aware. And the Korean War resulted in 3 million war fatalities and a larger proportional civilian death toll than any war previously, including World War II or the Vietnam War. I don't think I was aware of that particular fact.

That's astonishing. It literally incurred the destruction of virtually all of the Korean major cities. And if there are any correlations between frequency of UFO appearance and regions of military conflict, it may not be true. be such a stretch to suggest that Korean Peninsula at the time was a hotspot for UFOs.

This makes perfect sense to me. I mean, if you just assume that these, if there are other beings behind this intelligence, they're going to be very interested in main areas of human violence that are going on at the time, and Korea certainly took first prize at that time. Right, right. And in the interest of time, I would like to just share one interesting UFO incident.

There were many UFO incidents during the Korean War, but I would like to share just one that happened in 1951 that happened to American soldiers, actually. So this happened in the battle trenches of eastern front line of the Korean War. American army men observed a glowing saucer-shaped UFO.

this UFO stays afloat directly in their artillery's line of fire, but it remains untouched. Upon the order from their commander, the army man fires their M1 carbine rifle at the UFO. Naturally, the UFO fires back with supposedly laser beam-like weapon.

And these men who were struck by these beams immediately felt... burns all over their bodies. They reported to have suffered extreme headaches, memory losses, and ongoing period of disorientations.

And after going through some medical examinations, it was reported that they showed extreme high count of white blood cells. And I thought this was interesting case in that it showed aggressive behavior as well as potentially dangerous nature of a UFO, although it was the humans who first acted with aggression in this case. This is a case that I have heard of as well.

I'm trying to recall exactly what the source was, but I remembered when I read it, it definitely did seem like a plausible account. I'm just trying to recall exactly what that source was. I don't know if you recall or not, but this is one that's known, yeah. It is mentioned if... From the slide on the left, it's mentioned in this book by Richard Haynes.

The book name is Iperial Devices Reported During the Korean War. Okay, excellent. I don't have that book.

I want to get that book. Thank you. Thank you for that. Yeah, I know there's quite a few cases actually from the Korean War.

If there's any others you want to discuss? There are a couple other, but instead of talking about cases, I have another. I was looking into other events that happened in the similar timeline. And interestingly enough, there was this 1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident.

I'm sure you're very well aware of that event where you have multiple UFO sightings in above Capitol Hill or White House in 1952. I came to wonder if this had anything to do with U.S. involvement in Korean War. It's just pure speculations here. I thought there was an interesting connection. I don't know.

That is interesting. And I'm not sure how I would be able to research that possibility. But it's worth thinking about. In America, we're just so insulated.

And it's so obvious that we Americans do not generally consider the global. effect of a what america's imprint around the world is i don't really make that connection or or b even pay attention to 90 of what goes on beyond our borders so uh it is an interesting question to ask being 1952 the war was going hot and heavy in korea and exactly the united states was doing really all the strategic management of the fighting on uh on one side of it so exactly exactly why not indeed so Thank you for the link to Richard Haynes or the reference to Richard Haynes'book, too. Richard, he's still around.

He's getting quite old. Oh, he is? Okay. I believe he is. I hope he is.

And he's a great researcher. In fact, I think Richard Haynes might be the individual who coined the phrase UAP. For real.

I think he did. Maybe people can correct me in the comments, but I think it was around 1980 or so that he is the one who coined that phrase. And it took a while. for that to get some traction of course but here we are so i'd like to also note that because this war was really you know american military was on the forefront of this war a lot of the information on ufos in this period came from you know american english archive rather than korean archive so that was one of the difficulties for me researching information in this period.

There was more information in the American archive rather than the Korean archive. Interesting. Shall I move to the next slide here?

Okay, moving on. Next slide. I also put here a mass sat-in event in Korea. This UFO incident is significant that it was the first recorded mass UFO sat-in in Korea.

still stands as the largest mass sighting event with approximately 50 witnesses. Oh, yeah. Now, where in Korea is this? So this is southern western part of South Korea in the city village of Boryeong in 1973. Okay.

So at around noon, this teacher. named Mr. Lee and his 22 fourth grade students observe a bright silver emanating UFO ascending above the school's outside public bathroom. The UFO was rotating rapidly and flew across nearby Pine Grove before disappearing from sight.

And shortly after another UFO appeared above the restroom and followed the same path as the previous one. and these ufos were just 20 meters above ground when they were first spotted and were approximately two meters one to two meters in width uh the students uh had said that smokes had lingered around the ufos floating area and no sounds could be heard as they flew across as these ufos flew across the pine groves at extreme speeds this map that you're showing us How large is that region? It looks like they made a very tight turn here. This looks like it's a very small area.

It's a very small area, small town. As you can see here, you see a schoolyard. I would say less than three kilometers at best.

It looks small. And these were two... smallish objects.

Were they disc-shaped or were they a different shape? Right, disc-shaped. Let me explain that further in the next slide.

Sure, let's move on here. There we go. So, teacher Mr. Lee had reported this event to the school's vice principal at the time and had each of his 22 students draw the observed UFO on the chalkboard. And surprisingly enough, all 22 students depicted a similar object. So this shaped emanating a silver light.

And as you can see here on the slide on the right, a picture on the right of this slide, it's a drawing of one of the drawing by one of the students. This bluish drawing that you're showing me here? Exactly.

It's a disc shaped UFO with a silver light emanating from the center. Can you explain these four panels on the left? Because it's obviously the exact same drawing on the top, but there's different things happening here. Right.

What's that all about? Of the 22 students, two students were fortunate to have witnessed this UFO from the very first appearance, and they have provided detailed observations. They initially saw a huge single cloud appear in the sky, which you can see on the very left of this picture.

And it... suddenly dispersed into six smaller clouds, and these six clouds then combined themselves into one, and then finally divided into two. As these two clouds were dissipating, the two students have said that two rugby-shaped UFOs, initially emanating red color, had appeared. And these two students have also said that UFOs changed their emanating color from red to silver as it started to spin itself before it flew on its path.

So the, just to understand, so the original... It was a cloud-like formation that they originally saw? That's right.

Did it detach other things out of it, or did it transform into these other things? So initially, they saw one big cloud on the sky up here, and then it blurted out six small clouds. It ejected, essentially, six smaller things. Correct.

And these six small clouds then combined itself into one. One thing. And then again. divided itself into two okay and which then changed colors and then and these two clouds started dissipating itself and that's when the two rugby shaped ufo appeared and they are the two objects that uh that did this uh trans that they they're the ones that moved around the town in this manner that's right okay that's right they showed they had a red light emanating from the center, but the students have reported that this color from red had changed to silver as this disc started spinning itself before it flew on its path. And did this get a lot of attention at the time?

Did it make the newspapers, that type of thing? It did, but I haven't seen many news articles on this. It did get some coverage, but not a huge issue at the time. It's interesting. You said 20 meters above the ground, is that right?

20 meters above ground. Very, very low. Very, very low. Extremely low.

You may know there was an interesting school witness case not long before this in the town of Westall, Australia, near Melbourne. Oh. I was thinking of the Zimbabwe case, but not… Well, that's another one. That's in the 90s.

But in In the town of Westall, which is just a suburb of Melbourne in the southern part of Australia, there was a landing or an apparent landing of a craft also seen by a large number of school kids. But they, too, like the case in Korea here, you had a lot of young people witnessing a low flying craft. In their case, apparently it landed briefly, very briefly.

And in this case here, apparently the subject. these objects did not land, but... Oh, it did actually.

Oh, it did? Yes. So what happened with that? So as the teacher, Mr. Lee, was compiling students'testimonies in his office, he then hears students crying out that the UFOs has landed at the valley of a nearby mountain. So the teacher runs down to the mountain and he visits the site.

He finds the signs of landing. He has said that the soil nearby appeared to... appear to be paved as if there was a craft that had landed.

You say paved? It was paved. Like just baked very hard or actually paved?

Paved in as if some heavy object has landed on the soil. Sorry, caved in, yeah. Like a depression in the ground? Right, right. If you could go back up the slide and there is the two locations of the...

landing sites. Oh, in this first landing site that's in the top right area of the map, and then the second landing site below that. Right. The teacher has also inquired the local villagers as if they saw these objects, and approximately 30 or so villagers have also seen these objects. landing at this site and flying through the Pine Grove nearby.

I'm annoyed at myself for not knowing about this case. It's very significant. Do we have a date on this one, Jinwoo?

I think this does have a date. I can't recall at the moment, but this does have a date. We'll look into it, yeah. It happened 1973 at 12.30 p.m., so it must have a date.

Yeah, I have no doubt. Fascinating. Anything else?

In terms of that two students that saw these objects? They were fourth grade at then. So they're in the age of 60s right now, fifth or sixth, I think. And I have their phone numbers as well. So I've been meaning to-They're about my age.

1973, I think I was in, I think I was in the sixth grade, fifth or sixth grade. So yeah. I've been meaning to get in contact with them and have a short interview to see-I think that would be a great idea.

if you can find any of these individuals, because this is, you know, I keep thinking of the Westall case, which there's certain things in common here. And that particular case is a very rightly well-known and I would say a very important case. I visited Westall on one occasion a few years ago, and it's a very, there's a lot of interest in that case to this day.

And I think what we have here is uh seems to be potentially or actually very much on the level same same type of experience did any how did anyone get close to the landed craft so it doesn't sound like they did but i'm just wondering they were only they've been only able to see the craft land and then leave so when they got the site it was always already gone what's going on there that's very interesting indeed i was i was actually curious and to I had a question for you. In terms of how this UFO appeared, it came out of these clouds. Is this kind of phenomenon also observed in other parts of the world? Yes, yes, yes, yes.

That I can definitely say yes. And if you're going to ask me about a specific case, I'm going to have to draw a blank. But I know absolutely objects have been seen on a number of occasions to have come out of clouds or cloud-like.

phenomena in the sky. I say cloud-like because sometimes people will say, well, it was an unusual looking type of a cloud and so forth. And it makes you wonder what was it really?

But clouds, I think it's not unusual, have been used to conceal these objects at various times. And that's what sounds like it happened here. The real question that you always wonder is, what were these things doing?

They're doing a quick little... tight maneuver flyover of this very small town right um this is a very rural area of korea by the way it's not it's not a one of the big cities a small city small regional or rural city of south korea so i find one of the they'll be interested in this region one of the big mysteries for me is always just trying to understand the motivations for the sightings themselves like there's presumably you think that there's some kind of motivation going on on the other side of it like why would they be doing this why do a quick little flyover of any particular area not just this one and uh just there's lots of questions and all too few answers unfortunately but uh in terms of school is that elementary school the westall yes that was um in fact i think the students were of a similar age that is quite interesting because you know the uh i would say similarities similarity i i know that think between zimbabwe areal school case this case and westall case it all relates to elementary school kids rather than high school or college that's true yeah westall i think i think they might have been uh nine ten eleven years of age uh maybe twelve at the most but they were not they were not grown adults they were not even teenagers for the most part so yeah that's that is interesting and then the zimbabwe case of course that's 1994. That one was really quite spectacular because you had some witnesses who actually, not only did they get close to the landed craft, but they actually saw beings. Right, right.

And a couple of them got close enough almost to shake their hand, essentially. But I love hearing about this case. This is quite fascinating.

And I will admit it was unknown to me. And I suspect unknown to a lot of people. Any other follow-up about this or anything else that comes to mind in the research? I'll certainly follow up with you on this case after meeting with that student. For sure.

That would deserve a documentary all of its own, I would think, but definitely would love to hear about it. It's fascinating. Thank you for sharing that.

Do you want to move on to any other cases or slides that you have here? Yes. Next slide.

Here we are. So this UFO incident that happened. directly above the Blue Embassy of Korea in 1976. This is quite interesting in that it is somewhat similar to the Battle of Los Angeles case in 1942. both attempted UFO shoot down events.

So Blue Embassy, this is a equivalent of US White House. This Blue Embassy is where the Korean president resides. Yes.

Okay. So when you look at the picture on the left here-That's an incredible photograph, by the way. Oh, it isn't a photograph.

It's just an illustration. Okay. Okay.

Thank you. Wow, UFOs appeared. Even so, it's very interesting. There's a...

Go on. I don't want to interrupt. Go ahead. Go ahead. Well, I was just going to say that photograph on the left reminds me of a famous series of photographs in the U.S. from the 1950s called the Lubbock Lights.

And I'm thinking it's 1957. And the photographs for that show a kind of a wing type series of lights, very much similar to what you have here. If I had a copy handy, I could put it up there and show. But I think a lot of people might even remember it from memory.

Anyway, go on, please. So when more than 10 mysterious flying objects suddenly appeared directly above the Blue Embassy, and this happened in the early evening of October in 1976, this brought immediate attention to not only the Korean citizens, but of course the Korean army as well. The South Korean government at the time had a very tense... and fragile relationship against North Korea with small military conflicts occurring time to time. And obviously these objects that had lingered above the most sensitive airspace of South Korea inevitably led to military actions.

These objects were reported to have stayed above the city for one to two hours, so a very long time. Essentially hovering or maneuvering? Hovering for two hours, one to two hours.

After two warning broadcasts, Korean military had no choice but to fire their 20mm Vulcan cannon against these flying objects. They fired upon the barrage of this cannon for 20 minutes. And then this is when UFOs finally retreated themselves. into the northwestern direction and it disappeared.

But then this incident escalated to a worse situation ever when the ricochets of all these fire from the Vulcan cannon right above the city resulted in one civilian death and 31 injuries. Because they were firing right above the city. So they were hitting these objects? They couldn't.

There was firing at these objects, but these objects were just lingering, slowly retreating themselves. Yes. Okay.

Okay. Then they disappeared. All these ricochets that was dropping from the air. Yes.

You know, led to one civilian death. Fascinating. Yeah, that is very similar to what we had in 1942 in Los Angeles, as you correctly mentioned.

There were several deaths in that case. And the next day, the Korea's National Defense Committee was convened and then came up with the... Very outlandish public statement that it was actually Northwest Airline Boeing 707 freight airliner that had accidentally intruded the Korean airspace and that the Korean army had no choice but to proceed with the warning shots.

You've got to be kidding. That's the most lame excuse I can imagine. Exactly. Because the very concept of a foreign freight airliner intruding.

Korea's restricted flight area for not 10 minutes, but two hours. Over Seoul, over the capital, over the government's headquarters, essentially. Right.

It does not make any sense. And the fact that they were shooting warning shots for 20 minutes on a single freight airliner, eventually leading to a civilian death, that just shows an increase. incompetency of Korean military, to say the least. Well, incompetence related to UFO technology, which is pretty much everybody.

So I was wondering if they were going to blame the North Koreans on this, but that would be a stretch. Even then, I would think, right? If they did, it was a very, I would say, sensitive times with the North Korean government back then. So I think that's why they diverted.

attention towards Northwith airline. Well, very, very interesting case that they came out with this. I'll end this statement, but then the public never followed up with it. This is just fascinating. I'm getting an education here from you, and I'm very grateful for that.

It's a remarkable case. I feel as though you're being very gracious in giving us some of the highlights, but I have no doubt that there is a deep and rich history, even in addition to these cases here. So I think we're just dipping our toe in the water, as it were. Quite fascinating.

So is there anything else to say about this? Sounds to me, I'm just going to throw out my suggestion, that their explanation that this was, I guess, a foreign commercial airliner. Freight airliner.

Yeah. Specifically, America's Northwest Airline. So they were actually saying as their explanation that they were firing. on an American airliner that had strayed into their airspace.

Right. I mean, can we assume that that airliner has never been identified? Exactly. That's what they're saying, but it's never been identified. A lot of the citizens that have seen the objects said it was not one object.

It was multiple objects, as you can see here on the left. Yes, yes, yes. It was multiple objects that was lined up. as if it was like a Starlink.

Yeah, but in 1976. Right. I try to get more information on this. No matter how much I look, it seems like Korean government try to conceal this information as much as possible. Almost, there aren't many information available apart from citizens reporting. That's also not unique, by the way.

I think there's a lot of nations that do suppress UFO data, not just Korea. But what an interesting case. We cannot be 40 minutes into this. I can't believe that we've been here for 40 minutes. We're going to have to take as much time as we need for this because you just have too much excellent information.

Do you want to move on to the next case? Right. Next case is the last case I have prepared today.

Okay. I believe this case is the most credible and convincing UFO case of Korea involving our… Korean fighter jet pilots. So as you can see here on the left side of the slide, you see a retired General Major M. He is a retired General Major of Korean Air Force. And he reported a fascinating UFO sighting in March of 1980, which was an event where UFO was observed by four fighter jet pilots for the period of 20 to 30 minutes. So this is a quite long duration as well.

This event occurred during the team spirit exercise. This is a joint military training exercise between the US forces of Korea and the South Korean military. General I's squadron of two F-4 Phantom 1 fighter jets, so comprising of a total of four pilots, were partaking in this exercise in the evening of March 1980. soon after take off this this the squadron spots a ufo emanating blue and red lights um it was hovering about about 15 000 feet in the in the air near the city so i'm sorry can you tell me where where we were where we are in korea at this time so this is city of daegu so this is uh a south southern region of south korea okay okay so upon reporting This UFO sighting to the ground command and control center, General I, is then ordered to chase this object.

This UFO was not detected on their jet's radar. And supposedly the stealth technologies was only introduced like 10 years after this event. So because this was 1980. Yes.

Right. So this UFO initially that was spotted near the city started flying over to the East Sea and eventually ascended its altitude to 33,000 feet. It was initially at 15,000 feet, but it was ascending itself to an altitude of 33,000 feet. Can we assume that it simply just went vertically up or did it go in a path? So General Lim has reported that he saw a magnificent 90 degree vertical movement and he never saw anything like that.

And although he said this UFO did not show extreme speed, it wasn't going that fast. But this object's 90 degrees perpendicular movement was an unforgettable experience, according to JournalM. The size of this UFO was a mid-sized passenger airliner.

As you can see here on the left side of the slide, the width was approximately 36 meters in width. So it was the size of a three jet put together. It was disc-shaped with... blue lights emanating up and down of the disc. But the interesting feature of this disc was at the center.

The center of this disc had emitted an intense golden light as if, you know, steel was melting through the smelting furnace. It was emanating a very strong golden light at the center. Approximately 20 other fighter pilots that were doing the training in the vicinity airspace had reported seeing this UFO even from a distance 90 kilometers away, but then none of them could have picked up this object on their radar. General Lim came back to the base after this exercise and did report, submit this report even to the US Air Force, and he said he was replied back with a short memo a few weeks after from the US Air Force.

stating that U.S. Air Force also has received similar reports, and that the U.S. Air Force was unable to identify this aircraft. And lastly, I thought this UFO incident could well have been the Korean version of the USS Nimitz Tic Tac incident, if not for the lacking radar capability of the Phantom Jets.

It connects, in my mind, it connects to several other cases that I can think of from that basic period of time. The Nimitzism, yeah, sure, why not? It's a military encounter. But I think it's significant that this was in the southern part of the peninsula, so very far removed from the border with North Korea.

That's one thing. Right. So it's really, you can't blame this, I can't see, on the North Koreans in any way.

It just seems ridiculous. And also, just thinking of the map there. there are no other candidates of nations that would be doing this.

Not China, certainly not in 1980, particularly. And not in the other nations, Japan, clearly not. I cannot think of any other nation that would have the ability, frankly, to do that other than maybe the United States, if they were playing some kind of game with the Korean military, which I cannot imagine they would do that anyway.

But it reminds me, you mentioned the glowing aspect of this. Right. Back in 1975, so just five years earlier, in the U.S., there were a series of sightings over American bases, including one in the U.S. state of Maine, where at a Loring Air Force base.

And I do recall some of the witnesses there said this low, low object over the base glowed. It glowed as if, and when you looked at it, it said it emitted all of these. colors, orange, yellow, almost like a lava lamp where the colors were kind of melting into each other, but it was a definite glow. That was in 75. I'm also thinking of the 1976 case over the city of Tehran in Iran, which was a very significant attempt by the Iperial Iranian Air Force to intercept an object over that city, which they had to...

They also had F-4 jets engaged in dealing with that, both of which failed in their attempts to engage the object. And here we are in 1980 and something similar seems to be going on here. It's a similar timeline.

How fascinating. What was the any aftermath of this? I mean, you mentioned in the previous case with the the.

military shooting at the object over the Capitol. Any aftermath relating to this case here? So this case was only disclosed just 15 years ago.

So these pilots have only came out with their experience after they retired. So it took a while before this information had come out in the public. This happened in 1980, but the information was made public sometime around... 2006 or 7, I believe. Was this through some version of Freedom of Information that you haven't...

No, you don't have anything like that. I'm not... I'm not good with the laws here, but I don't think it came out.

It didn't come out with the FOIA or anything. It just, this pilot just weren't. Just started talking.

Come out after this incident. They only came out with this after they retired. And I do have an interview of General Major I. 10 minutes, 15 minutes long interview that we took 15 years ago.

And I showed you a snippet of that last time. but uh i'll be glad to share that with you well i'd like uh is this something that will be that's available online that people can see this interview i'll i'll upload them on my youtube channel with the english subtitle yeah i should just mention i'm gonna have i have links in the description here to um your website and your youtube so the website is right and there will be a link below there and your youtube channel is x line that's x hyphen line right on youtube And I'll have a link for that as well. I would definitely encourage people to look at both of those links.

And on your YouTube channel, this interview with the general is available. I will have that uploaded shortly. I'm not trying to put pressure on you, but that sounds like a good interview.

I'm sure you're Korean, so maybe there'll be subtitles for English speakers. I have the subtitles ready. Yeah, great.

So I'll just need to upload it. But for my YouTube channel is primarily for... korean audience we do all the contents in korean so of course just have that in as well absolutely and i'm also a korean national director for mufon as well so i frequently contact with mufon personnel time to time how how active are uap or ufo sightings in korea these days uh since you're a mufon you might have a handle on that um In terms of citing reports that come in through the MUFON database, three to four at most in a year. But we have a separate Korean reporting site called KUFOS.

It's a different website. It gets approximately 50 to 60 reportings a year, I believe. Okay. Maybe one a week, roughly speaking. Right.

Is this an online database where people can just report their citing? Right. It's an online report. So I'm so glad to hear that because I keep despairing, frankly, over what at least seems to me the lack of these types of online databases for different languages and different cultures.

But it could just be that I'm personally not aware of all of the ones that exist. I did not know, for example, that there was one in Korea where people could just report online. I'm not trying to be pushy here, but if you give me the link to that website, I might put that below in the description too.

I realize it's probably in Korean, but hey, there are Korean speakers may be watching this for all I know who may not be aware of such a thing. It would be good to put that information out there if that's possible. I'll share that link with you after this interview. Yeah, yeah.

Very interesting. So of the recent cases that you are looking at, I realize you don't have slides for that and you may not be prepared to talk offhand about any, but I'll just ask, what are the nature of those sightings or are there any that stand out to you in your memory that are worth repeating? Unfortunately, the most significant event recorded was what happened in 1980. It's almost 40 years now.

I was looking back last 20 years or so, trying to find any significant UFO incidents that were recorded. Surprisingly, there are almost none. Interesting.

I don't know why there has been such closed-off information in Korea. What about the current sightings that come in? What are they typically like? Oh, the sightings. So there were...

Trick, triangular looking type of objects reported to have seen from the western seaboard, western sea. The characteristics often that comes to my mind was TR-3B that is often mentioned in American UFO sites. Another type of UFO typically seen here in Korea are or the cylinder type cylinder type ufos as well as rod rod-looking type UFOs. Or cigar-shaped as we sometimes call them.

Cigar-shaped, right. Yeah. So those are reported. If you think about it, North Korea, you know, UFOs definitely have some interest in nuclear-related facilities.

I'm quite interested in what's going on over there in North Korea. You know, North Korea has nuclear capabilities, for sure. So there must be some incidents over there.

You have to wonder, you know, what kinds of UFO UAP sightings do take place over North Korea. I think you're quite right. The nuclear connection is undeniable at this point.

It's been so clearly demonstrated over the years. We have to assume that North Korea has probably a significant history of UFO encounters as well that we just don't know about, I would imagine. And oh, I see you gave me the link here to the database. It's.

K-U-F-O-S dot net. Right. This is the database where you report your UFO sighting here in Korea.

It is the largest database that has the UFO sightings. Well, what I'm going to want to do is get some kind of AI translator going to your database and be able to read that whole thing myself. It's got to be possible to translate these things at this point. So. I'm quite interested in that and very grateful.

So are you in touch with any other regional UFO groups out in the East, like Japan or China or any other areas? So I'm in contact with the MUFON director of Japan. And I'm also in contact with the Chinese ufologist named...

Her name is Xiaoma. She's actually, she's from China. She's Chinese, but she also speaks fluent English.

I'll be happy to introduce her to you. I've actually met with Xiaoma and interviewed her, believe it or not. Oh, wow. She's very intelligent, very interesting.

I had to pull my YouTube interview with her. I don't know how much I can say. I think she had concerns about whether or not some of the things she said could...

would be permitted. Right. She was quite sensitive in terms of, I don't think it's easy for her to go back to China.

She resides in Australia right now. No, she's very, very interesting, very engaged, active person in the subject. So yeah, I learned a lot, a bit about Chinese ufology from her actually. Oh, go on, please. So we have a...

we have a group called Asian Ufology Researchers, UFO researchers. It's her, me, myself, and the two Japan UFO researchers in Japan. We're happy to invite others. There's a very interesting researcher in Hong Kong named Chuck Faye. I don't know if you are familiar with him.

I chatted with him and that was before all of the very, very active demonstrations and protests that happened in Hong Kong just a few years ago. But I did get a very interesting background from him as well. And I'm sure his interview is still, that's on my YouTube channel.

People can go look for that. I'll definitely do so. Yeah. So in terms of what you've gathered, I mean, I guess I can ask the Japan representative if I get the chance, but have you learned of any other interesting? patterns or any other interesting things going on in uh in asia that re in asia yeah that um i would say not in terms of incidents himself but in terms of um general general stance towards ufo i think it's more japanese people are more open to ufos yeah than korean i think if you if you go from the most conservative to more openness i would say chinese government are the most conservative followed by us and then the Japan people are more open to UFOs.

It seems like as we've discussed this among ourselves. Culturally, I think maybe Japan, yeah, they are quite open. I had an impression that actually a lot of the people in China are actually open to the subject as well. The impression that I had, I'm wondering if this was from Xiaoma or somewhere else, was that the Chinese government was in fact quite directly engaged in permitting and monitoring the various Chinese UFO groups that exist in that country. And there are quite a few.

The impression that I had was that the Chinese government was allowing this because perhaps they're using these groups, A, as intelligence gathering units that they can kind of tap into, but definitely seem to be monitoring what they say publicly as well. I mean, one thing that they do not allow is overt criticism, I think, of the Chinese government relating to things like cover up and that type of thing. I don't think they permit that. But it was surprising to me that I'd heard that the Chinese government was at least that interested in not suppressing UFO research.

And in fact, to some extent, seemed to be encouraging it. When it comes to Korea, the Korean government hasn't said a single thing when it comes to UFOs. So they don't get involved with it. They don't say anything.

That's been quite... There's another country that is almost identical in its policy, and that is Germany. Germany.

Yeah. UFO researcher or journalist, I guess I could say, that's what he would call himself, that I know best from there is Robert Fleischer. And Robert has done a lot of work in the history of German UFO sightings of the 20th and 21st century, and also of the German government. And they too, it's almost... the same story as with the South Korean government.

They do not say a thing. It's total denial all the way. I'm sure that Korean government knows something because we have a very close relationship with the American government. We have many American troops still stationed here in Korea.

We work closely with the American military and the government. I'm sure the Korean government knows something, but I think that's the reason why they're more seclusive about this subject, especially Seoul. I would think so.

It's just fascinating. How large is the Korean UAP society these days? Do you have active researchers?

Actually, our group has just... There has been a UFO research group back... dating back 20 to 30 years but then it kind of died out and we kind of started up a new organization just last year and we have 15 members or so a lot of them are we have I would say eight or nine PhDs in engineering as well as biology And personally, myself, I'm not a PhD, but I try to invite people like that and try to grow our society so that perhaps we have more awareness on UAP topic to the Korean audience.

I think it's worth pointing out. I mean, your group, you've had to struggle against a very strong, it seems to me, official heavy handed suppression of UFO or UAP data. for generations and then as a result a culture very likely that is just not open to this as a result of that so you've had an entire lifetime of essentially this heavy blanket over uh the discussion uh open discussion of this subject so your group i it seems to me you're doing very important work here in uh against very difficult odds uh it seems to me in researching this subject and bringing it to light for the rest of the world.

So I think you are all to be commended for that. Thank you very much. Major obstacle I'm having right now is to invite young generation people into our group.

A lot of the majority of members have been in ufology for many years. But what we need is more young people into this group that would foster this awareness in Korea. Yeah. So you've got your website. which again, I will encourage people to link to.

And look, if it's in Korean, I'm sure people can translate it without a big problem these days. So I hope people can have at it. In terms of getting publicity within your country for this, is that just too far ahead to even think about?

Is that too difficult to do? Or are you trying to spread the word in some way? I'm actually holding a conference that's coming.

26th of August. And we'll be live broadcasting our event to the Korean audience. Absolutely.

And what I'm trying to cover is... deeply cover the recent public congressional hearing and what's been happening over at the states, what's been reflected into the NDAA and what's been happening with the David Grush whistleblower and whatnot. Almost none of the Korean people knows about this event, so I'm going to cover deeply into this subject. Excellent.

Try to get some more traction here. I wish you success in that. And if there's any small thing that I can do to help, I'm very glad that we've established this connection. I very much enjoyed my being interviewed by your group a couple of months ago.

And it wasn't just by you, but by colleagues of yours as well. All of them were just really excellent, very knowledgeable, very impressive. Even if it's a small group, it's very impressive group you've gone over there. So I wish you all the success.

And continued success in digging up some cases as well. Thank you, Richard. You've been my inspiration as well. Oh, well, thank you.

I'll be following your work. Thank you very much. I'll be happy to keep you posted with any events that are happening in Korea. Anything you do, I will do everything I can to spread the word here. I think people need to know that the world does not stop at the borders of the United States or Europe.

There's a big world out there. There are sightings that go on all the time. And I feel that we here, we still do not have even an idea about how active on a daily basis, I would say, this phenomenon is around the world. We're doing our best to collect the accounts. But clearly, even where you are, you've got a database.

You're getting 50 to 60 sightings a year. I have no doubt that there's much, much more than that, right? There must be. And this definitely shows why this is a global phenomenon, right? South Korea is at the opposite side of the globe from the United States.

We both shared a similar type of U.S. history, right, over the years, over the course of decades. So this clearly shows that this is a global phenomenon. This should be remembered.

Most definitely. It might be the most significant part of the phenomenon. The fact that it is global. It blankets the earth.

It's comprehensive and it's going on every day, every week. Oh, yeah. Last question.

Relating to the current database that you have, is it realistic for me to ask how easy is it for your team to do follow-up investigation of these? I mean, you're a MUFON member. So I'm going to guess that there are some cases perhaps where a...

A... and MUFON investigators such as yourself might do some interviews or some follow-up. Is this the norm with the cases that are coming in? Is it easy or is it not easy to do that? Well, typically the cases that are submitted through the MUFON database, a lot of the evidence that are submitted are very limited.

It's just a series of photos, and that's very difficult for us to make any findings. What we really need is a video, and these videos are often... reported through the Korean database because you know of course there's a language barrier and a lot of Korean people report to this Korean database through videos and those that report their sightings are very friendly.

We conduct interviews and we go to the sites as well. But then yeah they're quite friendly when it comes to you know also digging through the evidence and whatnot. So some of, I guess you're saying some of these cases do get some kind of follow-up investigation, but it sounds like a small number.

I'm guessing a small number. So we, Korean UAP researchers, we gather, we meet every two months or so, and we talk about these cases. And we discuss whether one of these cases are worth finding more about.

And it's not just the UFO cases. We also have these reportings. Rarely, not very often. We rarely get these reportings coming from people who supposedly got abducted.

Oh, really? So that's something that we also look into as well. Not many, though.

Very rare. I feel like I'm asking a lot of questions that may not be fair because I don't want to surprise you with a question here, ambush you. But have you found any abduction cases that… are worthwhile following up that when you or your team look at you think, oh my goodness, could this possibly be true? Have you gotten any of those?

We've looked into two to three abduction cases so far, and all of them to this date didn't seem that credible. Yeah. Due to the reporting of the person that received it didn't seem credible enough for us to kind of follow up with it. Well, that is interesting.

Makes me wonder about all of this, though. Well, this has just been an extremely fast-moving interview. I mean, it went by so fast. I can't believe we've been talking for more than an hour.

I'm actually shocked. It feels like I've been talking with you for 15 minutes. So really fascinating.

I'll be happy to share more events at a later date. I mean, I've covered some of the big UFO history in Korea, but what I'm going to be doing for the next few months or... try to delve into the more recent current UFO events.

That's something I'm kind of working on right now. Yeah, why not? I mean, it's absolutely worthwhile.

For myself as well, like there's a tendency to look back at the past cases as like the original great cases, but fact is they go on all the time. They're happening today. They're happening this week. So it's always worthwhile.

These are just great cases. And I guess the last observation that I have with the... the several that you have shared is to just point out i think i think viewers can already figure this out but the cases you have are very much in line with cases that we have known about from other parts of the world interesting for many years so there there this is the thing about the ufo subject that every case is extraordinary and is also commonplace it's both uh these are extraordinary events And when a lot of times we look at them, we think, oh, well, there can't be anything else like it. It's just so unusual. And then you find, no, there are other cases that are comparable to what we have here.

And in fact, I would say that strengthens the case to show that they are part of a wider pattern. And it's just a matter of, for me, my biggest interest these days, one of them, I guess, is trying to understand the motivations for what is going on. On the other side of it, what are these operators of these craft? What's their mission?

What are they trying to do? Likewise. I agree with you.

It's very difficult for me to, you know, you can think in the big picture they're here for this purpose or that purpose. But when you get into specific sightings, you know, you have to wonder, like, what are their orders? Right. Motivations, intentions, right? Specifically, yeah.

I'm on the same page with you. I'm not that much interested in deciding itself, but rather than the reasons why these are happening in that specific region at that specific date, right? The motivation, intention, the reason. Precisely.

That's something that I'm interested in as well. They are happening. They are happening, and we need to be on top of that. So for that, I really want to thank you, Jinwoo, and your colleagues in the Korean UAP Society. I think you have a dedicated and really capable group of people there.

And I just wish you all the best of success. And I know that we'll stay in touch. I definitely look forward to the next time we talk and we can share more information at that time. Thank you very much, Richard.

It was my pleasure. Again, for listeners, viewers, I have links to everything below. And that will be for the

to x-line, which is the YouTube channel for the UAP Korea group. And also, Jinwoo just kindly gave me the database for That's kufos with a K.

And that's Yes, exactly. You submit your setting reporting.

Or you can just report them to, whichever source you prefer. You can do that in English as well. Perfect. Well, I'm loathe to close the conversation, but I think we've covered a lot of ground here. So why don't we, we'll end it here.

And again, I would like to thank you, Jinwoo, you and the Korean UAP Society for being here with me on this program. I want to thank the listeners for staying with us to the end. It was absolutely, I think, worthwhile. And with that, I guess I'll just say, if anyone else is interested in what I do. Hey, you can like this video, share the video, please do that if you think you've got a place you want to share it to.

And subscribe to my channel. It doesn't cost you anything. And if you really like what I do, go check out where I...

I do my stuff all the time every week. So with that, I'll thank everyone for being here with us. I'll catch you all again very, very soon. And in the meantime, let us continue fighting the good fight.
