Transcript for:
Review of AI Note-Taking Apps

one of my favorite implementations of AI in the last year or two has been these AI note taking apps and because I'm a total nerd I wanted to figure out which one is actually the best so I threw six of them into the same Zoom call at the same time to have a little head-to-head competition we've got otter fathom fireflies NADA or Nota I'm not sure how to say it plus rewatch and Bubbles now before you dive into this rabbit hole with me I just want to establish what exactly it is that I use AI note taking for because I do several group Zoom calls a month with my membership thriving Creator Society I also do one-on-one Zoom calls with my one-on-one clients but one of my favorite kind of secret weapon ways to use AI notetaking tools is just for my own brainstorming session but I also need my AI notet takers to be sharable so so I can share them you know with my team or you know with my clients that I'm on a one-on-one call with so that they're not having to feverishly take notes while we're talking and the AI notetaker is doing it for them so we're not just talking about transcriptions like with rev or Trent or descript although descript does have a built-in chat bot now that you can ask it questions about the transcript that is actually pretty cool but it's not quite the same as an AI note taking app this is me and my Community manager Karen having a um kind of a random just for fun kind of conversation just so that we could test out these chat Bots we did kind of make up a few stories so that we had something um to kind of test the AI with are you writing this down yeah I probably don't need to we have six note takers on this call six note-taking robots and one Zoom call what could possibly go wrong actually it was kind of fun and I'm excited to see what sort of results we have here so I have otter open that's the one I'm the most familiar with as you already know and right off the bat we have our summary I love the way otter does summaries I have like a whole sentence here some action items and then there's an outline and then of course we have the word for word transcript as well we did give the robots a little bit of an easier task because at the end we discussed specifically what our action items are which did involve starting our Riverside call and playing around with that because that's what we were doing next after our Zoom call so for this particular Zoom session we were just kind of shooting the breeze we weren't really having an official meeting we were just kind of talking I'm going to use the otter chat over here to ask did anyone do anything crazy on the call let's see did anyone do anything crazy on the call according to the meeting transcript Karen mentioned that she heard Meredith did something completely crazy but no details were provided about what that was that is true let's ask was anything mentioned about snow otter says yes according to the transcript Karen said okay so Meredith just had to dig herself out of 40,000 ft of snow to get back into her house that had no electricity wow yeah that is that's a direct quote word for word um that that the AI picked up on so I'm going to ask the other AI note taking BS the same questions just to keep everything fair so let's move on over here to fireflies this is interesting it's giving me pretty much the same kind of overview action items outline it does have a list of notes okay that's interesting and then the transcript is over here on the right hand side what I found really neat over here is some actual data about the call like um apparently I spoke 59% of the time and Karen only spoke 41 I have 147 words per minute and Karen has 152 so I don't know that's just kind of interesting these sentiments and these other AI filters there I guess those are kind of maybe like keywords or something I do kind of like that breakdown that is kind of um interesting I don't know that I necessarily need that information about talk time but it is interesting so I'm going to ask Fred the same question about did anyone do anything crazy on the call and see what Fred says yes according to the transcript Karen Wilson mentions that she did something completely crazy during the call however the details of what she did are not mentioned okay later Meredith Marsh asks what Karen did to which Karen response that she doesn't know because it was her Karen who said it yes snow has mentioned several times oh that's really interesting silent in Riverside possibly due to the snow I don't remember that being part of the conversation so far otter and fireflies are kind of feeling like a very similar experience here so let's take a look at fathom because fathom was a little bit different in that it's not just an AI bot that like joins the call it's actual software on the computer I'm getting a summary meeting purpose test AI note taking assistance key takeaways topics oh as you scroll you're like scrubbing through the video oh that's interesting we do have this one highlight and a bookmark that I made so the Highlight lets you kind of like start basically recording a highlight of something and then stop on your own and then a bookmark just places a bookmark at a certain spot so I can search the transcript but I don't see any way to interact is EXT ract action items what does that do okay I just have one action item here I just don't see any there's no bot or way for me to interact with the transcript or ask it a question let's take a look at Nota is it Nota or NADA we have the transcript oh it only gives us part of the transcript like the first three minutes and then you have to upgrade most of these other ones I don't know about otter because I already have a paid account with otter these other ones give you a free trial some of them even without having to put in any payment information it would be nice to get more than 3 minutes because how exactly am I supposed to really fully test this but let's see AI notes write something I don't want to write something general oh so okay Nota won't even let me won't let me do anything without asking for my credit card information okay let's give up on that but it looks like instead of automatically giving a summary an act items in an outline it waits for you to tell it what it wants you could probably create your own template so I kind of like that if if that's what's happening I kind of like that idea so this one is rewatch as expected we have a recap we have some action items that are actually in the form of a to-do list I guess I could add in some manual notes how about a transcript of course we have a transcript that's great we have the video over here is that it I guess that's it I feel like I started with the best ones first I don't see a chatbot I don't know there's not much to work with here let's look at bubbles so we have the video is Big we have a timeline at the bottom bubbles notetaker says I did not detect any action items from this meeting really bubbles we literally said here are the action items we do have a like a little summary okay the one with the most fun name is the Le least fun I think out of all of them now it might be slightly biased since I've been using otter for a long time like a couple of years I've been a paying customer of otter and I do already know how to use it but they're always um creating new features and everything so I don't even know that I'm using it to its full potential but I do think that if I was stranded on an island I would take otter with me for sure if I had to choose any of these I kind of had high hopes for Phantom because I do kind of like that it's an actual app on your computer and the Highlight feature and the bookmark feature especially on our group Zoom calls for thriving Creator Society there's a lot of questions that get asked there's a lot of ideas um that we talk about and so I'm often jotting things down that people mention and having that bookmark feature would be very handy you can't upload a video so it's only operational as a zoom happening in the moment which is kind of a bummer Nota I wish you made it easier to try this out because I kind of do like the idea of having a template Library so that you can decide what sort of AI functions you want to have happen with the transcript I'm not going to pay to try it out all these other apps give me a free trial rewatch no chatbot not very much recap and then bubbles I I I don't know what's happening with bubbles there is a chatbot but it's not uh it's not chatting back with me so shout out to Karen for helping me test these chat Bots and being a little bit of a guinea pig as we dive down the rabbit hole of note taking AI if there's one thing I know for sure about Ai and AI notet takers it's that things are changing very fast and usually for the better so I'm sure by the time you're watching this video the AI note taking tools that I just outlined are quite a bit different and there might even be more options out there so would you let me know by leaving a comment let me know which one you use what's your favorite what have you come across that is just blowing your mind increasing your productivity and doing a really good job of AI note taking because anything that's going to speed up productivity is definitely something I want to know about so that I can share sh it with my audience and if you found this video helpful make sure you hit the like button so other people can find it and if you're new here make sure you hit that subscribe button before you go because I'm here to help you look good sound good and feel good on camera so that you can build your thriving online business with YouTube