Summary of Little Red Riding Hood

Sep 10, 2024

Little Red Riding Hood Summary


  • The story of Little Red Riding Hood begins with a girl who lives near a big forest.
  • She wears a beautiful red cloak made by her grandmother, which earns her the name "Little Red Riding Hood."

Setting the Scene

  • Little Red Riding Hood's mother sends her to deliver food to her sick grandmother in the forest.
  • Her mother warns her not to talk to strangers.

The Journey

  • Little Red Riding Hood knows her way through the forest well.
  • On her way, she is distracted by beautiful wild flowers and stops to pick some.

Encounter with the Wolf

  • The Big Bad Wolf appears and asks her where she is going.
  • Little Red Riding Hood naively tells the Wolf about her journey to her grandmother's house.
  • The Wolf, hungry and plotting, runs ahead to reach the grandmother's cottage first.

The Wolf's Deception

  • The Wolf sneaks into the grandmother's cottage and swallows her whole.
  • He disguises himself in the grandmother's bed, pretending to be her.

Arrival at the Cottage

  • Little Red Riding Hood arrives and notices something off about "grandma."
    • She comments on the large eyes, ears, and teeth of the Wolf disguised as her grandmother.
  • The Wolf reveals his true identity and lunges at Little Red Riding Hood, swallowing her as well.


  • A woodsman hears Little Red Riding Hood's scream and rushes to the cottage.
  • He confronts the Wolf, shakes him upside down, and frees Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.


  • The Wolf is chased away and never seen again.
  • Little Red Riding Hood learns to never talk to strangers again.

Final Notes

  • The story ends with a reminder to like and subscribe for more videos.