hey everyone it's Charlie Morgan here and in this video I'm going to explain how to make more money become more successful get more freedom and get more of what you want by actually doing less now that sounds paradoxical because in this day and age everyone seems to preach work hard work long hours you need to suffer for success and that's true and there's Merit in that however you know that phrase you shouldn't work hard you should work smart well really you should do both of those things but in this video I'm going to explain how to work smart and I've studied lots of billionaires and lots of conquerors and lots of very successful people and I've realized that they have a common theme in their behavior and how they get these incredible exponential results and so what I'm going to do in this video is explain how those people have used a specific set of tools to massively increase their productivity and basically get more by doing less and I've been implementing this and practicing this in my business for the last couple of years and this has made me more than $10 million a year online and this has made me super rich and super successful I wouldn't anyone that says they're super successful should be shot against a post in my opinion but in the eyes of the average person you could say eight figures is is somewhat successful you know in the eyes of people who are more successful probably not but you get the point what I'm going to do is explain how to do this and how it works and really it all relies on a diagram that looks something like this now if you know what this diagram means and if you understand understand the nature of this diagram before I've explained it then you get some brownie intelligence points but if you don't know what these two triangles mean then you're missing out on one of the wonders of the world and if you understand how it works you make a ton of money so let's reason from first principles here and before I get into this diagram and explain how it works we need to understand something about you and that is that if you want to becoming successful is about putting cuse to effect it's about using your energy and your time to work on things and take actions that ultimately cause a result the entire universe is governed by cause and effect that should seem and be pretty obvious if you if I for example move this whiteboard marker up here like that I have caused an effect right I have created an effect I want if I draw a circle here I've caused an effect I've used my physical body and I've used my mind to exert some level of force or power on an external object and by doing it I've created something and so when you're doing um business and when you're doing work you need to isolate the things that you need to work on that by doing create the effect you want and so the easiest example of this is if you want a client if you want a customer well then maybe you need to do a cold call or maybe you need to do you know a thousand cold calls and so what we're looking to do in business is we're looking to be extremely rational in our thinking we're looking to strip away emotion and we're looking to define the actions and the volume of those actions required to achieve the volume of the output we want from the business and this is just simple thinking this isn't anything groundbreaking this is just a first principle that we're going to start with and so if I know that to get one customer I have to make a th000 cold calls then all I need to do is just do 10,000 cold calls if I want to get 10 customers and this is just cause and effect and so if this is the effect that I want if this is the goal I have which is to get 10 customers well I can now isolate the cuse that creat that and then all I have to do to become successful in my eyes to achieve my goal is this here so what we're going to be doing in this video is talking about how to isolate what to work on because working smart isn't about necessarily being super intelligent or being smart it's about being able to isolate the things that move the needle the most and where you have the most leverage and so let's let's start with that idea so Leverage is a term used to describe essentially power and I don't mean tyrannical force or like kingly power or anything like that I'm talking about it's where you can basically pull a lever to move something and this is once again using cause and effect so for example in my business my YouTube channel has a lot of Leverage my goal is to become a billionaire okay and one of the things that's going to give me the most leverage to achieve that goal is having an audience at least in this day and age and so what I'm doing by making this YouTube video is I'm focusing on an action that has extreme leverage and so the way you measure Leverage is if you've got a goal up here and you've got you know let's just say these rep these different circles here represent actions right we've got action one we've got action two action three Action Four and action five okay now action one like the thing is is these actions here they're going to have varying levels of uh movement towards the goal I'll just make this a little bit bigger for you okay so action one might move me this close to my goal action two might move me this close to my goal action three might move me this close action four this close and action five might move me this close and so different actions in your business different causes are going to create different levels of effect to achieve what you want and so for example I would focus on action five if my goal is to make a billion dollars well let's say that action one is uh I don't know maybe um this could be doing I don't know what do people do like action one could be like doing an Instagram story like spending my entire day like getting everything ready and just doing like a one instagram story well it might move me to the goal a little bit but not that much action two could be you know doing my accounting or action three could be you know talking to someone in my network like these are things that might move me towards my goal but my job is to isolate the thing that has the most Leverage The Thing thing that requires the least amount of energy and time to get the biggest output and this is where we come back into the um the diagram that I showed you earlier because if this Stickman here represents you well what are you as a person well really we're going to get we won't get into that that's a pretty exential question but what do you have to use well you have energy and you have time these are the two things that you have been given okay is all you have you might think I've got a home I got a family yeah sure those extensions of the ego you know whatever the hell that is but really all we have at first principles energy and time and so what we need to realize as business people is that these two things here are our most finite resource energy and time this is all we've got and so you need to learn to protect these things but what you can do is you can use these as a currency to bargain with the universe to essentially buy what you want and so where this comes in if I if I draw this diagram for you here let's actually get to the point so if we have an axis here here represents result and here represents um expenditure so expenditure is basically energy and time and results let's just call this money or whatever you want to achieve in life this is the dollars so this here is called an asymmetry and an asymmetry is basically it's a it's a it's a mental model or phenomenon used to describe leverage and what this means is we're putting in a fact situation that is oberved to exist or especially one who cause or explanation is in question thank you Siri that was that scared the life out of me basically we're looking to put in the least amount of energy and time possible to achieve the biggest result possible so I can give you an example this is very ract right is very sort of IDE ideated so let's think of an asymmetry in real life I'll give you a couple of examples one example I can give you is you might get the Carolina Reaper hot pepper you know or ghost chili pepper whatever the hell they're called and if you eat a tiny tiny piece of that pepper which is very small expenditure very small bit of the pepper you'll get extreme pain in contrast to if you ate like a bell pepper or something like that or likewise you know you could be on the bus or on public trans sport whatever and you could be talking to some random stranger and you know you might spend all of two minutes talking to them so very very little energy and time invested into that conversation but it might turn out that that person could be your spouse or that person could give you your dream job or that person could introduce you to another person who gives you exactly what you want and so what we're looking to do in business is we're looking to find actions that require the least amount of time and energy but give us the biggest result and if you're wondering like well well what is the result like what does this look like well it's really just your goal and if you're wondering what this is well it's obviously just your energy in time and so what can I focus on today that doesn't require too much energy in time but moves me really closely towards my goal and example of this for me right now is this YouTube channel so I'm going to spend I don't know like an hour or whatever on this video and by doing that I might reach 100,000 people and I might get maybe a couple of thousand new subscribers and people are going to share and then I'm going to build more Goodwill with my audience in my market that I'm later going to cash in on when I have something to sell okay and so that's an extreme example of asymmetry where I can put in you know I can put in maybe like an hour and maybe like 300 calories of my energy expenditure because you just want to learn it's thermodynamics right you're just measuring it in terms of calories and time I can put an hour of my time and 300 calories into this video which is not a very large expenditure at all and what what can happen as a result of that is I could book I don't know let's just say I booked uh like 300 sales calls from this video if it did really well it might not you know but let's just say I book 300 sales calls which means I'm going to conduct 150 sales calls and maybe I'll get off the back of that like 30 clients and those 30 clients well they might be worth you know $300,000 which is kind of what they would be worth so I can spend an hour of time and 300 calories and make 300 Grand this is an asymmetry this is why I do YouTube it's the most asymmetrical activity that I think I could ever find in my business now another example I can give you in business that will actually help you solidify this and understand it is making YouTube ads so you know I make I run YouTube ads you might have seen some of them sorry about that and I might have to sit down every month and rerecord called new hooks new body copy Etc and doing that might take me you know 2 hours and it might take me you know once again a couple of hundred calories to to burn for me to actually think that through and to do it and to expend my energy but what might happen is you know I might be able to by doing this by spending more time a couple ofit couple of hours or a couple of calories on on these ads I might be able to go from having a $200 cost per call cost per um strategy session which means that it cost me $200 to book an appointment through ads and just by making these new ads it might reduce my cost per strategy session down to $175 now that might not seem like a lot but let's just say it's $150 so we've had a you know we we've knocked 25% off of this so by doing this I'm knocking 20 by doing this small action here small investment of time energy I'm saving 25% on my ad spend well this is kind of insane because this means that my ads are now 25% more profitable setus parabus everything else staying the same except from that of course so I can be 25% more profitable in my business or at least in the main system that drives traffic through my company so this would probably increase my profit margin by I don't know like 10 to 15% and you know if I'm doing about a million dollars a month which is sort of where I'm sat right now then this is an extra 100K to 150k per month for 2 hours of work and so this is how you have to learn to think is in business you've got a goal and there's 10 101 different things that you can do to achieve that goal you can wake up tomorrow and there's 101 different things maybe that's arbitrary but there's there's plenty of things maybe 10 20 different things that you could work on today that might make you feel productive and might make you feel as though you're you know doing what you want and working towards your goal but really if you learn how to think like this and you learn how to leverage asymmetry you'll destroy everyone because what's going to happen is if you take all of your energy in time and you put it into things that give you extreme leverage then you're going to demolish everyone and I don't I don't really know how to solidify this point beyond the diagram and and the explanations but like I can give you some more examples I'll just keep going with the examples just to just to solidify this and and bring it home so I can give you another example recently of of what I've done to get some more asymmetric leverage out of the business and out of myself so I've been um recently I've spent a lot of time reading and I spent I read Napoleon's biography okay Napoleon biography now this is a it's called Napoleon Al Life by Andrew Roberts and it's like an 800 Page biography so this thing took me a long time to read this might have taken me I don't know like 50 hours if I'm guessing maybe more than that so I'm just going to put here 50 hours so this thing took 50 hours and it might I don't know how many calories it takes to read a book but you get the point I'm going to give you an example and let's say it took you know 7,000 calories and by the way when I say calories like I do mean this because thinking making decisions and and doing things just with your brain like your brain consumes like something crazy like 33% of your calories um and so yeah I'm actually mean calories in this sense so that it's not quite biologically accurate but you get the point it's like you have a you wake up every day and you have a certain a certain number of units of energy to use and obviously a certain number of hours in the day and you need to be those are the only two things you've got that's all you've got to work with and if you don't learn to think like this you're screwed so this took me 50 hours to read in 7,000 calories but the result of reading this book is um is like a what would you I guess you could say a standard so by reading Napoleon's biography and spending this time and energy I'm now holding myself to like my level of contrast is significantly greater so what what I what I mean by this is when you read great people and when you study great people you naturally compare yourselves to them and so the issue that I was having in my life to be candid and honest with you is my unconscious would like you can't help doing this okay you have an unconscious mechanism in your brain that's connected to your serotonin system and it's a status measurement it's a you measure your status against other people that are like you unconsciously you the whole idea that you shouldn't compare yourself to other people yeah sure it sounds good and virtuous to say but it's bloody impossible to do it in practice because you're entire brain is dedicated to measuring your status against other people and how how neurotic or emotional or anxious or depressed you are heavily depends on this this status measuring system and so the problem that I was having in in my life was I got to the point in this online space where I was making a million dollars a month you know in in terms of the online um Consulting sort of online business industry that's you're pretty damn high you're nearly at the top of the pyramid at that point if you're doing eight figures that's like you've completed the game in that regard there's obviously more room to to grow like you can get to 20 mli year 30 m year but when you're at that point you are in the top 1% of the 1% of the 1% so your top 0.01% whatever and so the problem I was having is I felt comfortable because my status machine like I was just comparing myself to people that I know who make like a 100 Grand a month or or 2 million a month or 3 million a month and my ability to Ghana resources was greater than theirs and so my brain was just naturally like yeah we're good you got status you can chill out you can relax and when that happen your business starts to plateau and you just sort of stop growing because it the status thing is kind of what drives them the the whole thing and so what I did is I started reading conquerors so I read gask Khan I read Caesar I read Alexander the Great I read Napoleon took a long long time I'm still I'm kind of addicted to them now I can't stop reading biographies but now by doing this my standard has been raised so my serotonin status system is has been thrown into chaos where now I actually want to work and I've got this ridiculous biological imperative drive to work because the only people that I'm really exposing myself to or looking up to or learning from are people that are so far ahead of me that it's incomprehensible and this is an example of asymmetry because it took me you know a couple of about a month of reading or whatever to read this book and it took me a lot of energy to read this book and it's quite exhausting to read biographies but now my standard for what what I should be and what is actually possible to to achieve is so greater than what it was before and this is an asymmetry because the only time the only goal you can achieve and the only result you can get is a one that you think is possible and B one that you can actually one that you actually want to hold yourself to and those two things are heavily dependent upon what you expose yourself to and so when I'm exposing myself to people who have literally conquered the world and I look at myself and think God I've just made like a couple of million dollars online or $20 million online whatever it pales in comparison and you want to learn to to look for asymmetries I'll try and give you some more examples as well of other things that I've been focusing on I can give you a perfect example I'm give you a really good example now this might not apply to your current situation but it will as you want to grow in scale so um I can tell you a story of um a guy called Sam ens some of you might be familiar with him so I was talking to Sam a while ago and um Sam runs School you might be familiar with school Skol and um I was talking to Sam we were having a chat and he was I was we were talking about asymmetries because I actually learned this from Sam and Sam spent 18 months he spent 18 months of his time that's a pretty damn big investment like I'm talking like every day 18 months of his time on interviews oh I can't even spell interviews specifically for a chief technical officer CTO or like a a technical co-founder so to I think technical co-founders are probably a better word and so Sam spent 18 months and this is the guy who's built School who's like going to be probably the next big social media platform it'll be valued at billions of dollars without without question um so Sam spends 18 months on interviewing people and interviewing Technical co-founders and that's like this is the thing that people when you explain asymmetry the second layer to it is it doesn't it's not about spending little time and energy it's about getting a disproportionate reward or result for your time and energy so it's all about the contrast of these two things so you could spend 10 years doing something but if the if the result of doing that was worth way like huge huge huge huge huge reward then there's still asymmetry so don't think that this is about spending as little time energy as possible on something it's about isolating something that you can spend time energy on that gives you the highest return and the highest reward and then it becomes an asymmetry and asymmetries work on a scale of contrast where you could spend 18 months interviewing technical found tech technical Founders to find your CTO and basically by doing this Sam builds like the best product and by building the best product he can basically just build a monopoly and capitalize on everything that's kind of what he's done and so this is an asymmetry you spend 18 months it's a long time but it's still not a lot of time in contrast to the result of having the best product compared to your competitors and so now School runs like a well oiled machine it's one of the best platforms it's the simplest it's the cleanest there's no downtime and I advocate for it I love the thing and so this is an example of asymmetry it's it's a lot of time investment a lot of energy investment and I'm sure it wasn't that fun for S to do this um because I know he's not a huge fan of talking to thousands of people but he did and now he's got this massive asymmetry I can give you another example of of what this has done for me recently I just I'll keep going some examples so where you're at in your business right now I'll try and make this more applicable to you if you're doing I don't know like a high ticket service or you're trying to like sell consulting or an agency service or something like that then really the point of where you've got the most Leverage is probably going to be sales calls cuz if you want to make money and as much money as possible well what is like the most straightforward action to doing that well it's talking to a human being on the phone and so you know one sales call might cost you 1 hour of time and you know we'll just say 300 calories or whatever you get the point right that much energy but then you might make you know $10,000 from one sales call or you might make $5,000 now once you isolate this and you've isolated it sales calls are the most important thing which they are if you're still starting out why would you do anything but this and getting this because the other a symetry is going to be getting these sales cool so you can actually you know get on the phone and talk to people but it baffles me with with entrepreneurs that you found something where you can put one hour of time in and only a couple of hundred calories and make 10 grand why would you why like literally once once I figured this out in my business like you know all these years ago all this is all I did I would wake up and I would just do Sal schools I would just and I had systems to book them and that was fine and that's the other asymmetry if you haven't got sales calls and the asymmetry is booking sales calls right but once you figure out how to spend 1 hour to make $10,000 you have no business doing anything else like why would you do anything else and then eventually the other a symmetry comes to hiring a sales rep to do more sales calls for you the biggest asymmetry in a business is always the sales call it's where the most value and leverage lies the other value there's really three points of asymmetry okay and I'll draw these out there's three things that you should be focusing on that if you're not you you're in trouble so we've got asymmetry um here this is asymmetry number one we've got a symmetry here which is asymmetry number two and we've got asymmetry here which is asymmetry number three can you guess what these three things are this here is booking call this here is conducting calls and this here is delivering value these are the three asymmetries that you have in your business getting people to schedule appointments or getting traffic because you might be doing e-commerce conducting calls conducting sales calls or converting that traffic if you're doing e-commerce so for example if you have like a free if you have like a low ticket School Community booking the calls is getting people to the to the actual platform conducting the is converting them whatever and then the third point of asymmetry is value delivery if you're an entrepreneur and you're waking up every day and you're not focusing one of these three things what are you doing like yes okay there's other ones building a team building the culture in a team the chances are is you don't have to worry about that right now if you're not making 100 Grand you can you if you can't get to 100 Grand a month on your own you're doing something seriously wrong unless you're like running an agency need media buyers and stuff like that sure but you can get to 10 20 30 30 40 50k a month as a oneman show and I know that that's true because I've done it in multiple business models myself and so when you get up in the morning you need to understand that you have two you have like a what would how can I draw this can you see this here probably not when you wake up in the morning you have two meters and these meters are kind of like you know you see those cringy water bottles that people have that encourages them to drink water and it's like you know they get to the bottom it's like keep going and girls have them and it's kind of weird well you have a meter for energy and you have a meter for time and what happens as you go through the day is is time naturally goes down here you start let's just visualize this as one of those cringy water bottles that encourages people to drink water because they're so incompetent um you start at the at the start of the day you have your energy and time levels up here now if the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is you start scrolling through Tik Tok and then you start like watching like whatever and then you start texting people well what's going to happen is it doesn't matter what you do as you go by your energy and time is going to slip by and so every hour or really every minute or every second What's Happening Here is this water is level is just reducing and reducing and so if you spent the first couple of hours and by the way the first couple of hours here in your energy and time water bottle every day these are the most valuable ones because this is when you're at your most sharpest it's when you're at your most focused and so the first thing you do in the morning should be the main thing that you need to do anyway which should be one of these three things regardless but what's going to happen as you go through the day is these resources are just going to deplete and so it doesn't matter what you do it doesn't matter what you focus on you know you're just going to start going down now sometimes there are certain actions that require a lot more energy for example if I make a really long program video or a really long YouTube video that's going to expend a lot of energy and I might have to go and sit and just stare at a wall for like 2 hours afterwards but you you get the point this is an abstraction but you're waking up in the morning and what you need to learn to do is take these levels and take this water so to speak and pour it onto these three things if you're if you're an entrepreneur and you're waking up in the morning and you're working on stuff that isn't booking calls conducting calls or delivering value to your clients or figuring out how to get more calls figuring out how to convert better or figuring out how to deliver value better then you're screwed by the way the biggest point of Leverage in a business is usually this one here if you want to build competitive advantage and just annihilate everyone you it's hard to compete with people on booking calls and conducting calls because this is quite easy Once you figure this out it's it's pretty simple I know that right now you might be struggling with it um but this is the thing that's tricky is actually getting people results and the more results you get people the easier these two things come so really if you want to focus on booking calls and conducting calls you just have to get people results because the better you are at doing this the more social proof you have the more conviction you have the more the better your offer can be all of this good stuff and this asymmetry it feeds back into these two here because if you've got a sales team that doesn't believe in what you sell you're not going to do very well on these calls and likewise if you've got like for example I've got nearly like a hundred client interviews if you go to my website Imperium acquisition. comom and you Imperium acquisition. comom and you go to the results page it's a never ending scroll we've got so many examples of being able to deliver value that everyone wants to book a call with us and we're often over subscribed and my problem has always been having two M bloody appointments and the reason that's the case is because I achieved that through obliquity obliquity as a mental model used to define achieving something through its opposite it's inversion and so everyone who's focused on booking calls and trying to get appointments they're so focused on booking appointments they forgot to deliver value when if they just delivered value they'd have all the resources they needed to book calls they have all the conviction they needed to book calls they'd have the offers they needed to book calls prime example when I say to people hey you need to have a refund offer and they're like I don't want to do that it's like well why would anyone want to buy from you if you don't have the confidence to offer a refund why should anyone have the confidence to offer an investment towards your thing so the energy in time overtime will just drop and this is basically over the course of a day and you know what's going to happen here is you're going to get to the end of the day and you know it'll be like 7:00 p.m. or whatever and then you've depleted your time and energy and really just is how you need to look at your days every day you have a responsibility where it doesn't matter what you do or whatever you focus on these two things are going to be gradually depleted until there's nothing left at the end of the day and then when you sleep what will happen is this will re this tank will refill and it'll get back to the top hereit and then it will drain again then it will repeat and you could look at that in the micro level like in the day or the minute or the hour or you could look at it in the decade or your entire life but all you have is this so you must protect it like when you start to think like this you you recogn okay there's a quote from from Napoleon I'll give you in a second when you start to recognize this you feel very irresponsible wasting your energy in time there a quote from Napoleon and one Napolean used to do is he he'd have like Banquets and dinners and stuff um socially but he used to eat with his family in his in his house in his big mansion somewhere and he'd eat for exactly like an hour with his family with Josephine and his kids and stuff like that whatever and he there's a quote from Napoleon where he gets up to leave the dinner table because it's been like a half an hour on hour or whatever elapse a certain amount a small period of time is elapse for a dinner and he gets up to leave and his family try and say to him oh you should stay stay and talk to her and he said um he said something along the lines of like it would be a crime against the empire for me to um stay here and what people what he meant by that is it's that's verbatim right I'm not sure the exact quote but what he meant by that um is his time and energy is so important and there's so many other things that he can focus on other than talking to his family which is kind of savage um that it's to him it's a crime it's a it's Injustice to spend these extremely finite and valuable resources on anything but an asymmetry that's like invading Poland or something he wouldn't do it and this is a common theme that I've found studying lots and lots and lots of successful people is they massively value their time and energy and they really value their um these these resources um and I thought that was quite interesting like saying to your family it's a crime against the EMP Empire for me to stay here for any longer than I already have because you've got things to focus on that to you are more important than your family You could argue that's morally unjust You could argue that all the conquerors are morally unjust but doesn't mean that you can't learn lessons from them um and you see this everywhere in in all sorts of people who are successful you might have noticed if you've been watching my videos for a while all I wear is black t-shirts because I don't want to have to spend any energy or time in the morning thinking about what to wear or you know it's the same thing you noce I have my haircut like a certain way and like don't like to change things around and mess things around I eat the same thing every day I do the same thing every day and you can basically either have a complicated personal life or a complicated business life and understanding this getting the asymmet asymmetry in Archimedes said that give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I'll move the world and that basically is just a quote to denote the power of Leverage and the power of power basically um finding things that you can put small amounts of time into to get the biggest reward and then all you do is you repeat those over and over again that's literally it and if it's it's almost it is if you think about it irresponsible to do anything but the thing that moves you closest towards your goal this is why having a big goal helps if you're just in it to make money for yourself you're not going to take this seriously but if you feel like you've being put on this planet to solve a big problem or to solve an injustice and it's it's no longer about you it's about the Empire it's about a religion it's about a problem it's about something that you love and something that that's near and dear to you you'll start to take take this way more seriously so yeah bye