Do you get confused when solving those giant numerical expressions that take up the entire line of your notebook? Don't worry guys, I brought our friend Pacocha, to help you remember this content and master the resolution of your expressions. So, take the opportunity to subscribe to Gis' channel and give Gis and our friend from pacocha a thumbs up, okay? And speaking of pacocha. What is the rule when solving a numerical expression in which the key appears, this symbol here which is the bracket and this one which is the parentheses. You know what the order is, that's why it's here, it will be according to the pa co cha rule, so mark it so you don't forget it, first you must solve the operations that are found inside the parentheses, that's why we put the order here. pa of parentheses, then you will solve the operations that are found inside the brackets, then form here the co, and then the operations that remain inside the braces, then here the cha. And then we have the pacocha, ok? Then it's calm and then Gis, oh I'm solving an operation inside the parentheses and then I came across several operations that I'm going to do there You should look at this other rule here first who is stronger will be the division or the multiplication so you will always try to solve multiplication or division. But which one do I solve in the first case, I have both in the same parentheses or already starting the expression you will solve the division or multiplication in the reading order in the order in which they appear for you, okay, then the multiplication or the division you come across addition and subtraction. Which one do you solve first here is in front of you. It's like you're walking like this, facing the enemy in the game, aren't you, you're going to fight with whoever appears, then addition and subtraction comes in, whoever appears first, just like here, it's good now if you have a multiplication and an addition. Who is stronger who wins the fight multiplication if it is multiplication and subtraction multiplication if it is division and addition division and if it is division and subtraction division Ok, you scored well so remember the game when you face the little guy that comes for you to fight, you always fight and according to the reading order if it is division multiplication and addition subtraction Ok then let's start doing it, right, look, the size of the expression I brought is quite big, right where do I I'm going to start solving it, let's see if you paid attention to what I said in the parentheses, so people like me like to do it in detail so you can understand, I'm going to copy all these numbers here and operations until I get to this parentheses here, so I'll copying what I'm not going to use now. 12 + { 11 like a little dot like this and the division like two dots like that, so it also makes a mark because it's likely that if you're in the fifth or sixth year it must already be changing so you stop doing it like this and you start doing the multiplication like this and the division it's OK like that ? So, continuing here, let's copy [ 56 - , I reached my goal, right? It's like a little game, I'm passing, passing, passing, I reached my goal, now here within the relatives, I have how many two operations, I have subtraction and division, which one do I Do I do it first between subtraction and division? the division then means that I need to copy 20 here - then I'm going to do the division 10 / 2 and be careful as there are a lot of students who do it like this, they do 20 - 10 first, then the result divides by two, then you're going to make a mistake, right? paid attention to the rule so here 10 / 2 are 5 and then I keep copying because I'm going to solve what's left within the relatives on the other line there - 5}. Let's go now again, I'm going to copy everything I'm not using until I get here to the parentheses and here inside the parentheses there's only a subtraction operation left, so I make it 20 - 5 there are 15 there x 3} - 5 } = you see that He's fine-tuning his expression until a time comes when there will be just one result. Now come on, let's stay here now 12 +, copy everything again will now be 56, ahhhhh detail guys I got to the brackets I didn't make an observation for you I got to the brackets I have a subtraction and multiplication who is it I'm going to do the multiplication first, so that's why I automatically copied it here Right, I already looked there, subtraction and multiplication, let's do the multiplication first. And then I do 15 x 3, and 15 x 3 are 45] - 5 } right, and what I do now keeps copying, but you 're saying Gis like that, but I prefer to do it without copying and repeating, I can, after You get the ability to solve numerical expressions, you will create your own strategy, right, and then everything will be fine, but in the beginning, now that you are learning or remembering, do this step by step like I am doing here, so you don't run the risk of making mistakes , because have you ever thought about if you're a comp here in the middle of the way and you do everything else then you're going to make a mistake so you have to do it carefully now here we go + 11 times inside the brackets all that's left is subtraction so I'm going to do 56 take 45 out of 56 I take 45, it becomes 11, right - 5 } =, now I go to one of the keys, the operation that is found inside the key, I have multiplication and subtraction, I go to multiplication first, so here it will be 12, but then I do the multiplication of 11 times 11. 11 x11 are 121. Ah, but how do I know they are 121, oh mental calculation. But if you don't do mental calculations, you will do your auxiliary content in your notebook 11 times 11, then it will be, 1 x 1 x 1 x 1x 1, it will be a two and a 121, okay, I do minus five here and close it. And then to finish, what am I going to do inside the key so inside the key so now it will be 12 + let's do the operation inside the key which is 121 take away five 121 take away 5 are 116 the same and finally I will be able to find the result of our expression I'm going to do 12 plus 116 and 12 plus 116 we go, I'm going to make a little arrow here so that the result is going to be equal to 128. So this is the result of our numerical expression, see how easy it is when I pay attention to the rules of pacocha and the rules of operations, so mark this expression well so you can practice because there's no point in us just watching the class or looking at Gis solving it here and if you don't practice it won't help, so copy the expression there and you solve it and then you check it with my solution to see if you managed to understand it, take advantage and leave a thumbs up for Gis for today's class for pacocha and subscribe to the channel if you haven't subscribed yet. And I'll see you in the next class, bye...