Transcript for:
Mastering Sales Techniques and Strategies

as you probably suspect i'm zig ziglar now before  we invite the live audience to participate in this   presentation i'd like to share some thoughts that  are critical to your success in closing the sale   number one selling is a transference of  feeling if i can make you feel about my product   like i feel about my product if there's any way on  earth you are going to buy my product now willie   dorsey the great spiritual singer puts it this  way brother if you're going to be convincing   then you've got to be convinced in other words you  transfer that feeling to others that your product   goods or services are good now there's a myth  that's an absolute fallacy and that is that a   good salesperson can sell anybody anything that's  a con artist a good salesperson a professional   one who wants to build a career instead of just  making a sale clearly understands that you've got   to have a conviction that what you're selling is  in the best interest of that person who's buying   that way you render a service that's what  selling really is all about second point   i'd like to make is simply this prospects don't  change their mind now i know what many of you are   thinking but in reality they make a new decision  based on the new information which you give them   that's the reason the professional salesperson  has a storehouse of additional information because   when the prospect says no they're really saying  no based on what they k-n-o-w now you let them   know more and good closing involves education then  they're going to be knowing more and consequently   buying more number three the kind of person  you are is critically important a harvard study   recently revealed released reveals this that the  people who gain the most usable information from a   presentation such as this one take good notes  that's number one and number two when it's   over they get with an associate or their boss or  their trainer their manager and they brainstorm   so as you watch and listen ask yourself these  questions how can i adapt and use this material   zig sharing with me in my career so that  i can sell more today and be able to sell   more tomorrow to the same people now tell  you what let's do let's go to that live   audience totally convinced that our major need in  america today is leadership in the home thank you thank you very much thank you all right okay  thank you oh my goodness thank you very much   oh okay sometimes when people stand up on  me before i get started i'm afraid they're   about to leave me so i'm glad to see you sit down  i'm going to be asking questions as we go along   the first three closes involve selling you on  what you do now selling and so i call this one   the persuasion clothes as i ask you these  questions some of them are kind of simple   but please do me a favor and respond to them how  many of you sell a pretty good product can i see   your hands please all right how many of you sell  a extraordinarily good product can i see your hand   how many of you ladies and gentlemen uh sell a  product that serves or solves a problem can i see   your hand how many of you believe that when you  sell a product that solves a problem you deserve   a profit how many of you believe that it sell two  products to sell to solve two problems you deserve   two products two of profits can i see your hand  okay in other words you believe that when you   render a service you deserve to be paid for it is  that what you're saying and what you're saying is   the more people i helped the more problems i saw  the more profit i deserve isn't that really what   you're saying there okay now i don't want to put  words in your mouth because that's not sanitary   but that really is what you're selling or seeing  all right now how many of you been selling for as   long as a year can i see your hand all right  how many of you still got all of the money   that you've earned in the last 12 months can i  see your hands okay let me ask you a question   how many of you got clients or customers whom you  sold a year ago two years ago five years ago or   ten years ago or that are still using and enjoying  the benefits of what you sold them all those years   ago can i see your hands now the next question  is the critical one how many of you believe   that the customer was the biggest winner in the  transaction all right then if that is the case   is the sales process something you do to somebody  or is it something you do for somebody now when   you understand that you're in position to begin to  close the sale now let me tell you what i just did   i just did something that is extremely important  in selling you know a lot of times we convince   people that our product goods or services are the  best but we don't persuade them to take action   how do you persuade well let's go back in history  and look at a couple of gentlemen named aristotle   and galileo aristotle was a brilliant man but he  came up with a very foolish concept he believed   that if you drop two weights of different  sizes but made out of the same material   that they would fall at different rates of speed  that's what they taught at the university of   pizza for years and years and years and then a  young whippersnapper named galileo came along   and he said that's crazy the students and  professors said why you're off your rocker   why aristotle said and he said well let's go to  the top of the leaning tower of pisa and let's   take a look and see he took two different sized  objects of the same material he dropped them   and they obviously felt at exactly the same rate  of speed he had convinced them beyond any doubt   that what he was saying was absolutely right  but he did not persuade them to take action   now what am i getting at how do you persuade  people you don't persuade people by telling them   you persuade them by asking them you see had i  started by saying that you as salespeople really   render a service you would say yeah but i do okay  too hey you do all right and that's fine that's   part of the equation that's the reason i went  through that little routine about how many of you   sell a pretty good product that is so important  you see that sales process is something you do for   someone it is not something you do to someone  so i'd like to tie that in selling you on you   to another attitude close because you're the  most important part of this equation for a   couple of years i fought in the ring one of the  things and incidentally had a pretty good record   as a matter of fact the worst i ever finished  was second now the reason i quit was because of   my hands the referee kept stepping on them well  anyhow in athletics what you do is you study the   opponent's weakness and exploit it that's true in  football basketball boxing tennis whatever it is   you study their weakness and exploit exploited  in selling you study their weakness that is their   need and you strengthen it by selling them your  goods are products or services there is your   difference right there now what kind of person  sells the most what is involved philosophically   in this we've built our entire business on the  concept that you can have everything in life you   want if you will just help enough other people get  what they want you solve their problems my friends   you're going to do all right now please understand  that's a philosophy and not a tactic where does   character and integrity enter the picture the  forum corporation out of boston massachusetts   did an exhaustive study on 341 sales people 173 of  them were super successful 161 uh of them 173 were   super successful 168 of them were moderately  successful and they determined what made the   difference now all factors were equal in the two  groups as far as experience and education and   product and territory and all those things but  there were two major differences and reasons for   their success the first one was trust you see the  reality is without integrity people won't listen   without trust they won't follow meaning they will  not buy now the question is who do they trust   now this is so simple it's going to be frightening  they trust the good guys and the good girls they   trust those people of character and integrity  the second major difference they discovered   was this the super successful salespeople  the career sales people clearly understand   that the sale is not complete until the order is  signed the merchandise is delivered and paid for   and the customer is happy with it in order for  those things to happen you have to have a team of   support people and most professional salespeople  do not have a team so when they call their office   they're just as courteous to the switchboard  operator as they are the chairman of the board   they're just as nice to the file clerk and  shipping clerk and collection lady or person as   they are to any of the executives in the company  and they become a team and everybody understands   then that they're involved in the sales process  now let's look at what i call the three question   close to kind of begin to tie some of these  together let's assume in this close that you've   demonstrated your product and let's assume that  you have demonstrated that it will save money and   so the three questions simply uh can you see where  using this product or service would save you money   question number two are you interested in  saving money and question number three if you   when do you think you ought to start saving the  money now exactly the same question will go with   time and work and health can you see where this  would be good for your health are you interested   in taking care of your health if you were  ever going to start taking care of your health   when do you think would be the best time to start  that's the immediacy having them into action right   now let me give you a specific example of how that  works don jarrell from garden grove california   represents a very fine accredited vocational  college a man and his three daughters came in to   consider enrolling in the college the enrollment  fee was roughly sixteen thousand dollars now   that's a pretty uh nice little piece of change  but don had already determined that the man   could well afford it so he knew that price was  not the problem but he knew in order to persuade   him to take action he had to ask him questions  that would lead him to the decision table not   run him or force him at the decision table  so we ask him very simply do you invest in   the stock market the man said well as a  matter of fact i do then he said do you   consider the funds needed to put your daughters  through school an investment or an expenditure   now i want you to notice he's tying the head  and the heart together now let me emphasize   the point people do make emotional decisions but  if you've got some logic behind it your chances   of getting the sale are dramatically higher  well the man obviously said well i considered   an investment then very quietly don gerald  said and how much are your daughters worth as   an investment now what i'm encouraging you to do  is to think in terms of adapting these and other   questions to fit your product goods or services  now we look at the alternate of choice close here   and you will see that one will come up a number  of times under several different circumstances   but let me encourage you always think in terms as  i make a presentation or give you a close think in   terms of how can i use this adapt it adjust it  to fit my particular goods products or services   how can i use this to fit my situation that's the  reason that brainstorming and thinking it through   is going to be so enormously important first  time i heard of alternate of choice was old   elmer wheeler many many years ago you know he was  a man who said sell the sizzle and not the steak   well the walgreen drug company back during the  depression hired him to help boost their sales   now in those days the drugstore uh part of it  the soda fountain was an enormously effective uh   tool for bringing people in and it was a great  profit center well in those days before we had   cholesterol nutrient assistance in our country  today the land the land of milk and honey all we   talk about is calories and cholesterol but anyhow  uh wheeler they used to sell eggs and put them in   the uh in the milkshakes you know the malted  milks and all well in those days you could buy   a dozen eggs for 15 cents when they put an egg  in the shake they charge them a nickel for it   so instead of asking them if they wanted an egg  in it wheeler taught them to pick up two eggs   and simply when they ordered a milkshake or  malted milk say did you want one egg or two   there was a dramatic increase and explosion of  business as a direct result of it alternative   choice can be used in many ways did you want  to handle this by check or do you prefer to pay   cash do you want to use a credit card or  do you want to put it on our budget system   now as you look at these i'm going to go through  a series of questions some are alternate of choice   closes some of them are just question closes and  some of the assumptive clothes but notice some of   these if this were the only feature this machine  had it would be well worth owning wouldn't it   closing when we installed this equipment would you  like me to demonstrate the major features again   assuming would you like for me to mark this one  sold while we check on the most agreeable terms to   finance it for you now that injects just a slight  amount of fear what you're implying is it might   be gone and i'll say this several times but the  fear of loss is greater than the desire for gain   don't take anything away from me that's a reason  in stores where they measure out food we always   teach them put too small an amount on there first  so you can add to it nobody wants to see things   taken away from them that's selling all right  another close do you need to consult with anyone   else before you place the order is the purchase  order issued from this department would you like   to have your own bank finance this or would you  like for us to work out the financial arrangements   since the item is in short supply would you be  willing to wait for three weeks for delivery would   you want to make a large deposit so the month of  deposits are smaller or would you prefer a minimum   deposit and slightly larger monthly deposits  would you prefer this in green or does the red   appeal to you most again i challenge you use your  imagination think of your products and services   and in your quiet thinking time think it through  and as you brainstorm come up with other questions   shall we ship it by motor freight or air express  do you want the slot registered in your name or   your wife's name do you prefer the lot on  the golf course or does the one on the lake   appeal to you most if you saw that it was a you to  your advantage to own this product and the terms   work out are satisfactory would you have any  objection to going ahead today can you see the   financial advantage to reducing the use of those  powerful overhead lights which provide unneeded   light in some areas in favor of using point of  impact lighting during certain times of the day   do you believe it's wise to invest in solidly  constructing equipment which will give you long   trouble free operation for the lifetime of the  product now those are questions that can be asked   but let me say it again people do not  change their mind they do make new decisions   i ask that redhead of mine now my wife is a  decided redhead meaning one day she just decided   that she is going to be a redhead by her uh  preference when i talk about her always call   her the redhead when i talk to her it's sugar  baby and her name is jean i asked her to marry   me and she said no ask her the second time  no third time no fourth time no fifth time   no six times she said yes but she never changed  her mind what she did was make a new decision   now psychologically you as sales people need to  understand that when a person says no and you just   sit on them and say oh you know you like it go  ahead you're just irritating them because they've   already decided no and they're not going to change  their mind now if you'll give them new information   which enables them to make a new decision  you see a wise person changes his mind and   i think everyone knows that but they change it  for a reason and we've got to give them those   reasons now let me give you a specific example as  i ask you this and let me get you to respond how   many of you would give me 100 for an item you  absolutely knew was worth only twenty dollars   that's foolish isn't it all right now understand  the sale is made in the mind of the prospect   when they're saying no in most cases what they're  saying is based on what you've told me thus far   i'm not going to give you my big stack of money  for the little value you offer me in the product   now you give me more value and i'll separate  myself from my money and so every time you use a   new clothes or new information you build value and  value and value and value and only when the value   gets above the price do you have a legitimate  prospect that's where you start closing the   sale now let's look at some closes that deal with  specifically how to overcome the price objection   by using your voice inflection now as a matter  of curiosity how many of you ever get a price   objection can i say your hands please all right  now let me say this when you use the right words   and you're selling the right product and use  the right inflection in your voice then you've   got an infinitely better chance of making the  sales let me say that those voice inflections   can completely change the meaning and intent  of words for example how many of you realized   that in the bible it clearly says that man  was born cursing did you know that if you   don't believe it look it up it's job 3 1 and it  clearly says and job cursed the day he was born   now the only thing is that little comma is not  in there when you took the comma and put it in   that completely changed the meaning for example  let's take something like i did not say he stole   her money now those are eight words and we  can make them say eight different things   with voice inflection this is why good  professional salespeople need a cassette recorder   so they can record their presentation and listen  to their voice and listen to that voice in flexion   for example when i say i did not say he stole  her money that's just a statement of fact but   alter it slightly i did not say he stole her money  completely different meaning or i did not that's a   feminine denial uh say he stole her money or i did  not say he stole her money completely different or   i did not say he stole her money if i was a rascal  over there that did it or i did not say he stole   her money uh you know he's going to put it back  i mean he's just borrowing it or i did not say he   stole her money it was hers that the told or i did  not say he stole her money it was a diamond ring   the rascal got now you see we took a words in one  sentence made them say eight entirely different   things and when you become a serious student of  selling and learn what those voice inflections are   and how you can handle them it makes a dramatic  difference charles osgood says compared to the   spoken word charles osgood says compared to the  spoken word a picture is a pitiful thing indeed   words move people they move them emotionally now  if you can put the word and the picture together   now we're in business now different prospects will  object differently for example one prospect might   stomp his foot in essence and say that price is  ridiculous how many have you ever had somebody   you know are really are responding in a manner  like that another one might say well it seems   to me the price is a little high you might have a  good old boy down at home type feller and he might   say you folks kind of proud of that stuff yourself  ain't you now they're all talking price but you   handle them in a totally different way the one who  says that price is ridiculous you don't argue you   don't say no it's not either you repeat what they  said but you do it this way you lower your voice   you look them right in the eye and simply say the  price is ridiculous now that sounded so simple   but you'll have to hear that a number of times  to get that inflection right what i did at the   very end my voice was rising and what that does  is it physically moves the objection back to the   prospect side of the table you are now selling on  offense instead of defense because the prospect   now has to defend their statement instead of you  justifying the price now because everything is   selling ladies let me go ahead and tell you this  that that works infinitely better even at home   for example let's say that you beat your husband  home and you've had really a tough day and as he   walks in you greet him warmly of course and give  him a big old smooch you know and then you back up   about three steps you look at him in a big old  smile and say honey did you want to take me to   aleman's or far fallows for dinner you might say  i don't want to take anywhere to dinner you know   to argue with him you just simply repeat what  he said you don't want to take me to dinner hon it almost ain't fair it really is not   now let's say let's say that it's grass-cutting  time and so you say to your 14 year old okay son   it's time to cut the grass i don't want to cut the  grass you don't argue with him you repeat what he   said you lower your voice you're looking right  now and say you don't want to cut the grass in   i can absolutely guarantee whether you want  to take their toys to the back room or cut   the television set off or get the repair person  to come out and repair the air conditioning on a   brutally hot friday night i can tell you it works  dramatically better now let's look at it another   way let's say that uh one prospect might say  well uh you know the price is a little bit high   then we got a lot of different ways for example i  call this the like it close i simply say then well   let me ask you do you like it and most things yeah  well i like it well mr prospect don't you believe   that it's difficult to pay too much for  something you really like well they might uh   say well you got a point but yeah i think you  can pay too much for something you really like   but you've just crossed a little barrier you now  have got them thinking along these lines and let   me point this out sometimes when they object to  the price that's not the objection at all so early   on you need to smoke it out is that the objection  and you do that simply by saying well let me ask   you if there were a way i could show you that the  price not only is fair but actually is more than   fair would you go ahead and take advantage of the  offer that we're making to you this evening now   this morning or whatever what you're really doing  is trying to smoke out the advantage you're trying   to smoke out whether or not the price really  is the uh you know the objection they're rising   now let's say they say well yeah the price is via  the the problem that i'm having with it then what   you do is if there were a way i could show you  how you can legitimately justify this price and   take advantage of our offer would you be willing  to go ahead and start enjoying the benefits today   now if they say no then what you need to do is to  smoke out the real objection because price really   is not it but if the answer is yes then you simply  ask the question well do you like the product   and most of the time you're going to get an answer  well then the next question don't you agree that   it's difficult to pay too much for something you  really like now a lot of times that forces them to   start that thought process and you've just taken  one step towards closing that's that sale uh then   if they say yes then you say well it's okay to do  something nice for yourself now if the answer is   no then you move into what we call the fear of  loss close and you do that with simply making   this statement when you agree that it's better  to invest a little more than you had planned   instead of less than you should now here's the  reason i make that ask you that question if you   invest a little more than you had planned you're  talking peanuts if you invest less than you should   and the service or products you buy won't do the  job you need it done and need it to do then you   literally have lost everything now if the prospect  says the price is still too high then you move   to what we call the how much too much clothes for  example for 15 years i was in direct sales i sold   heavy-duty stainless steel cookware and it carried  a premium price for a very justifiable reason   and a lot of times the prospect would say well uh  yeah your product is too much and i say well give   me a figure how much too much they'd say well 200  dollars too much and i would always write the 200   down and then let me give you this little bit of  data i had had a policeman take his 45 and shoot   my little eight inch frying pan from a distance of  12 feet and had a documented statement notarized   saying that he had done that and you could just  barely see the dent in that little pan and so i   had shown that to the prospects in the process of  the demonstration and i said let me ask you you   say two hundred dollars too much how long do you  think this set of cookware is going to last you   and verbally say well i think you'll last forever  then i would say it certainly would last you at   least 20 years wouldn't it and invariably say yeah  i don't think you'd have any trouble with that   well if you invest 200 too much over a 10 a  20-year stretch what that amounts to is about   10 a year and if you break that into uh pennies  it means really that for just three cents a day   you can go ahead and have the finest  equipment that you can get anywhere   at any price now the prospects still uh  objects or still says well it's too high   then i would ask him this i would say now let  me ask you this question do you ever eat out and   invariably they would say oh yeah we frequently go  out to dinner then i would simply say to them well   let me ask you do you tip the waitress invariably  they say oh wait or they say oh yeah we always tip   well this was a number of years ago and so i would  use a lower price i would say well now how much do   you generally tip and they would say well at least  a dollar and i would say well now let me tell you   what you're giving a dollar for that is to have  the food brought from the kitchen and put on the   table you brought the civil ware and the china out  they served you water and coffee but they served   now you give her a dollar for doing that or him a  dollar for doing that your wife went to the store   she bought the food she brought it home she uh  carefully prepared it she cooked the meal she   brought it to the table and served the meal then  she's got to take it up and wash the dishes now   remember this was many years ago before a lot of  the ladies were working as they're doing today and   their husbands didn't give them much help at all  in that kitchen most of them still don't give them   very much help but then i would simply say if  you would tip that served person a dollar for   bringing the food from the kitchen to the table  don't you think your wife deserves at least three   cents for doing all of those other things i got  to tell you we got some pretty exciting results   as a result of using that particular close now if  the prospect says well the price is still too high   then i would go to this one well now let me ask  you are you concerned about the cost or is it the   price that you're concerned about and a lot of  times they would say well what's the difference   now i would always use and incidentally the reason  i move to the board and what i encourage you to do   anytime you see me use this board to illustrate  a point or use graphics to illustrate a point   that says to you that you need to be letting  your prospect see you writing something   when you're showing figures and the reason is  we've been conditioned to believe what we see   and doubt what we hear now if they see it and hear  it see it as logic here it is emotion you put the   two together and you got a better chance of making  the sale so the prospect says well what do you   mean is it cost or price we're concerned about  then i simply say and here's the example i use   because it happened in my life i encourage you  to get one out of your industry that specifically   fits you i say well now when my son was six  years old we went down to the swim bicycle place   to get him a bicycle they told us it was 64.95  well years ago that was an enormous price to pay   for a bicycle just to teach a six-year-old how to  ride he gonna tear it up anyhow so i went down to   a discount store and there i priced a bicycle for  34.95 now this price is obviously considerably   less than that and again i'm showing them they're  seeing it in here now it was a nice little bicycle   about 60 days later we went back to that little  bicycle store because we wanted to uh get the   handlebars replaced and they said well you know  it's in warranty i'm not going to cuss anything   well 30 days later we had to go back and get more  new handlebars no longer a warranty and so now the   price is four dollars and fifty cents higher and  at this point we have got let me say 14 nine uh uh   yeah 39 uh dollars and 45 cents invested in  that bicycle well about three months later   the entire sprocket apparatus the brakes and all  of that came completely cozier we went back to   the little bicycle store and this time it came  to roughly fifteen dollars and now we've got   fifty four dollars and uh forty five cents  invested in that bicycle well about a month   later the barons in the front wheel went gazeb  we went back down a little bicycle store and   they said it'd be about five bucks i'd forgotten  i threw in the towel at that point and i said no   way then we went and bought the swim bicycle for  64.95 my six-year-old son rode that bicycle he   raised the handlebars took the fenders off and  made a dirt bike after about five years out of it   he rode that bicycle regularly for the next  five years and periodically he wrote it for   10 years the only other expense we had literally  were two tires for that bicycle now let's look   at what i've just said the price of this one  was considerably more than the cheaper bicycle   because of this bicycle right here for six months  it cost us 54 45 or nine dollars per month to him   for him to ride that bicycle in 10 years this  bicycle cost 64.95 or the cost was 6.50 per year   now mr prospect let me ask you again is it price  or is it cost you're concerned with now the reason   i stress that so strongly is simply this a lot of  people can beat us on price but nobody can beat us   on cost and since price is a one-time thing and  cost is a lifetime thing don't you really want   the best possible lowest cost that really is  effective now let's say you don't have time to do   all of those things as far as dealing with price  let's say you're at a counter somewhere and you've   only got a few seconds to make the sale and the  prospect simply says well the price is a little   high and you just have that one moment you look  your prospect right in the eye and you simply   say to them you know mr prospect many years  ago our company made a very basic decision   we decided that it would be easier to  explain price one time than it would be   to apologize for quality forever and i'll bet  you're glad we made that decision aren't you   i'm telling you folks i've sold a lot of  merchandise with that particular clothes   it really does work let me emphasize a point  people do make emotional decisions for example   we griped and complained when they started  making us wear our seat belts and automobiles   i've never heard anybody gripe about wearing a  seat belt in an airplane and yet the truth is   if you have a wreck in a car with your  seatbelt on the odds are three to one   that is going to prevent more serious  injury perhaps even save your life now   on an airplane 30 000 feet up you got your  seatbelt fastened and that sucker comes down   i'm here to tell you that seat belt's not going  to do you any good at all we do make emotional   decisions now again if we can put emotional and  logic together we're going to be in business   ev jackson from tucson arizona is in the life  insurance business and he was telling me he used   this very specific clothes to make the biggest  sale of his career and incidentally he said he was   kind of dragging bottom at that particular point  he called on this couple and made the presentation   on the biggest contract he had ever offered and  the objection they brought up was simply the price   is too high and then ab simply looked at them and  lowered his voice and said many many years ago   our company made a very basic decision  they decided it would be easier to explain   price one time than it would be to apologize  for poor service for the rest of your life   i'm glad they made that decision mr prospect and  i'll bet you are too ab said it worked beautifully   i'd like you to please understand this every  close won't work for everybody selling everything   your experience your judgment and your common  sense will be the determining factors now you   might be asking yourself well ziggler why do  we need to know so many closes anyhow well   let me give you a basic reason for that dr herb  true did some research at notre dame university   he discovered that only four percent of all of the  salespeople in america will ask for the order five   or more times now i want to emphasize something  they do not necessarily ask of those five times   in the same interview there are many presentations  where in fact you do not ask for the utter   simply because you're gaining information so that  you can make a legitimate proposal to them when   you're talking thousands and sometimes hundreds of  thousands even millions of dollars you don't walk   in make a presentation very many times and walk  out with a multi-million dollar contract though   it does happen especially if you expect it to  happen but what dr true discovered was simply this   those who asked for the order over a period of  time sometimes in one sitting more often in two   or three sittings at least five times those four  percent closed over sixty percent of all of the   sales meaning simply that they made over 60  percent of all of the income you got to ask   for the order when i first got started in selling  one of the first things i was told was you close   early you close often and you close late how  many of you have ever been told that especially   when you first got started in selling yeah well  the question comes up how early is early let me   emphasize this as strongly as i can emphasize it  you never ask for the order until you have given   them some legitimate logical reason for giving you  a yes answer if you've not given them value before   you ask for the order you come across as a high  pressure type salesperson i want to get this over   and move on to the next prospect now that's one of  the reasons you give that value first because once   the prospect has said no a little barrier goes up  you can get over it but it is more difficult than   if the barrier had never been raised so give value  before you ask for the odor and that leads us into   what i call is that fair enough close you do build  that value before you ask for the decision but   let me simply say this it's okay it's even wise to  let the prospect know in advance maybe that you're   going to ask for the order for example years ago  things were slightly different than what they are   today when i was in the life insurance business we  used to do the fact-finding interview and then we   would go back with a proposal and i would always  have it in a beautiful folder and when i went back   then i would uh take uh the proposal like so and  i would say i have prepared a proposal for you   then i would pull out a plain sheet of paper like  so and this is where i'm saying it's okay it's   even wise particularly if you can go ahead and if  you've done a lot of research before you get there   and let them know in advance you're going  to ask for the order so i'd pull out this   sheet of paper and i said now mr miss prospect  as you can see i got a plain sheet of paper   there's obviously nothing there to explain there's  nothing there that you would not uh understand   because there's nothing there here's a promise  i'm going to make you i'm going to promise you   that when i finish this proposal to you but  it's going to be just as clear just as plain   as that blank sheet of paper is at this moment  and if it is that clear and if it is that plain   then i'm going to ask you if you see  it is in your best interest to go ahead   i'm going to ask you this evening or this  morning or whatever to make that decision is that   fair enough i'd like to inject a little extra  right here i would like to inject a close i call   uh simply the you've got an answer for  everything close now here's what i mean sometimes   you've answered several objections and the uh  you know you've impressed the prospect with   just how much you know about what you're talking  about and so many times uh uh half in admiration   and half in exasperation well the prospect will  look at you and say well doesn't make a difference   what i say you've got an answer for everything how  many of you have ever had somebody uh say that to   you all right you're that close to making the sale  but you're that close to missing it if you might   admit that you were number one in the region  last month you just blew it if a prospect says   that regardless of whether it's an admiration or  exasperation you quietly look them in the eye and   you say to them well you know i really appreciate  that comment i'm going to take it as a compliment   but the truth is there are many things i do not  have the answer for that's one of the reasons   that i'm so excited about selling a product or  service which is the answer to your problem and   that's what you really want isn't it you convert  it you've now made it a very positive close number   of years ago i was traveling through st louis  missouri i was changing planes had a little extra   time looked down at my shoes realized i needed a  shoe shine walked into the shine stand young man   escorted me to my seat he made the chains for  his previous customer i had a chance to look   at the prices of the shoe shine 75 cents this was  about 12 years ago 75 cents was the regular shine   a dollar was the white shine and two dollars was  the spit shine well i figured i'd get the regular   shine for 75 cents tip the guy a quarter and i'd  be on my way he came to me and incidentally i   called this the shame close he uh he came to  me and then he said which one i said regular   now you're talking about voice inflection  the young man backed up and said regular   well i knew right then uh i was in uh for an  unusual shoe shine but i wasn't about to let that   guy get the best of me so i said yeah you guys do  such a marvelous job here i know it's going to be   fabulous and i'll be on my way well the guy didn't  say your thing didn't even grunt he just started   putting the saddle soap on my shoes and he started  cleaning them and as he did he said man these are   really nice shoes what kind are they and i said  well they're ballast he said boy he said they're   nice he said i bet they're comfortable aren't  they i said they ought to be he said cost a lot of   money i said do they ever cost a lot of money and  he uh went on cleaning the shoes you know then he   reached out and he felt the pant leg and he said  man he said that is really a nice piece of cloth   and i said well it ought to be too he said what  kind is and i said well it's a hickey framework   he said man those suckers cost a lot of money i  said yeah i know they do but this one's got some   special cloth and it makes it even more expensive  but i've already been wearing a suit about five   years and you still can't see any problem with  it well he said man he said that's nice and then   he started the shining process and he was just  shining away and he was a popping you know and uh   when they were popping that's not shiny and  i shine shoes in the navy i know when you're   shining shoes that's a sales talk he's trying  to attract the crowd from outside so he was just   popping away and all of a sudden he backed away  and he looked at me right now and he said you know   this seemed like a shame man spent over  a hundred dollars on a pair of shoes   spent several hundred dollars to get a nice suit  of clothes and all he's trying to do is look nice   then he won't spend another dollar to  get the best shine in the whole world i said spit on a man spit on them well now folks you know when you get a 75 sunshine  a two-bit tip that's fine but when you got a two   dollar shine nobody with class gives a two-bit  tip so i gave him a three dollars you know and as   i walked out uh you know i was really picking them  up and putting them down i was feeling pretty good   you know i looked over the clock and i said it  clicked straight up and down ten o'clock now the   reason i mentioned that is because when i sat down  i noticed it was exactly three minutes until 10.   i was in his chair three minutes i gave him three  dollars now you don't have to be a phi beta kappa   from mit to figure that one out that is 60 dollars  an hour did you realize that's what we were paying   our psychiatrist back then of course this guy does  some good but uh uh you know you might say but zig   he doesn't sign a 20 pair of shoes an hour all  day long okay but do you figure uh let's cut   that half in two instead of 60 makes 30. cut that  half in two he doesn't make 30. he makes 15. and   you take 15 an hour and cut that half into and  i know he knows more you know what that adds up   to it adds up to right at 20 000 a year shining  shoes and i got something to tell you friends   if that dude ain't making at least 30 ain't a dog  in georgia i mean uh he is shining a lot of shoes   but now let me point out two very sound things  about him his name is johnny i asked him his   last name i knew johnny because it had his name  on his name tag there he said i'm not going to   tell you if i tell you both names you'll forget  them both if you'll always remember johnny though   he was a professional he's the only shoeologist  i've ever seen now the reason i know he was a   shoeologist he had it right there on his name tank  johnny shoeologist well let me point out a couple   of things he was a superb workman he delivered  everything he sold that's important number two   he was a professional sales person and those two  things merit it but what i'm really saying is if a   gentleman in a job like that can make that kind  of money look at what we in the profession who   have products and goods and services that extend  us infinitely greater opportunities look what we   can do but the story doesn't end there a few  months later i was back in the st louis airport   i walked in this time there's no other shine guy  around no other customer i'm the only one now by   then they've changed their prices and structure  just a little bit it simply says best shine two   dollars he i sat down he said what kind well  i didn't want to go through that routine again   so i said just give me your best well as he  was shining i was bragging on him you know   i discovered a long time ago that behavior  which is recognized and rewarded is repeated   and so i wanted the best possible shine so we had  quite a little conversation as a matter of fact   he got carried away and he just kept shining kept  shining kept shining finally i said johnny i got   to go he said okay and he finished it up as i  stepped down he said you know he said i noticed   you had a hang up you hung up an overnight bag  when you sat down i said you know you said you're   spending the night in st louis i said yeah he said  i was just wondering if you had another pair of   shoes in your bag and i said well as a matter of  fact i do he said you know it'd really be a shame to have the best looking shine in st louis tonight  and then just look like one of the gang tomorrow   he said won't take me but a moment i call  that the extra clothes a captioning not that available to be met then we are actually  reaching don't misunderstand i'm not suggesting   you try to sell everybody everything you've got  every time you make that call on them but they're   buying if you're selling products you know they're  buying from someone else think of the time and   effort you can save them if you can become more  of a service person to them selling them more of   the things they're buying already anyhow it is  a service you really can't have everything in   life you want if you will just help enough other  people get what they want then i'd like to share   with you what i call the marriage close i was in  the insurance business one of the things used to   frustrate me i spent a lot of time preparing a  proposal and making the presentation get down   to the clothes and the prospect would say well  mr ziegler i hate to tell you this but my wife's   second cousin's got a neighbor whose boyfriend's  son his dad has a brother who is selling life   insurance and if we buy anything we'll have to  buy from them well i knew it was just a stall   they weren't going to buy any life insurance from  anybody and so what i did then was simply this   i remembered a book i'd read by frank bitcher  many years ago called how i raise myself from   failure to success in selling this is the reason  sales people need to be students they need to be   learning all the time it is a profession and it's  a profession that changes and frank becher had a   statement in his book i would tell you this if you  were my own brother he also had another statement   in there simply this is what i would do if  i were you now what frank boettcher had done   he would make appointments before he ever made  the call for that prospect he would say to the   prospect i can do something for you right now that  no other insurance person in philadelphia can do   and they would say what's that well i've made  an appointment already for you to be examined   tomorrow afternoon probably at three o'clock by  the only physician in philadelphia who can give   you agreement and approval right now that this  amount of insurance is going to be placed in force   i stole a page from him and i would say to the  prospect i can do something for you right now   that no other insurance person in the world can  do obviously they'd say what's that i would say i   can marry you the lord say you what now i would  reach over and i'd pick up uh a certificate   of marriage which i had already prepared and  the certificate of marriage would simply say   on this 28th day of august 1993 2 or whenever  isaac zigler agreed to marry john and mary   smith by this marriage i agree to be available  in time of need i agree to stay abreast of all   the tax developments and social security changes  as they relate to the needs of john and mary smith   i agree to assume responsibility for giving them  the best advice and my professional knowledge will   permit and i would simply say the only thing  that you agree to is this to give zig ziglar   the privilege of earning the right to serve  you but you're okay here we're in business   it was hilarious what generally happened oh boy  invariably would slap his leg and he'd say honey   what about that this dude wants to marriage  he wants to marry both of them mr ziegler   now this is legal you're not going they're  not going to get us forbidden to me are they   i i'd go right along with it i'd say no i've  already cleared it with insurance commissioner   the governor of the state i've even talked about  it with my brother-in-law he says it's okay   and invariably with a big life and a huge  flourish he would sign the uh marriage certificate   i had beautifully typed his name in is on  corinthian script it was beautiful parchment paper   interestingly enough i never once had a marriage  certificate signed but i did not get the   application signed now how can you take that and  use it in your life well hog feeling associates   is a firm up in chicago in the chicago area  and uh west fenster that heartfelin associates   is the gentleman who made this particular sale he  called on these people and he was not getting any   uh any results at all they sell private labels  of various products to company and here were the   terms of agreement when you buy a private label  program from hotfield and associates and the nice   pack company you also buy me i am literally  going to be married to the shopko account   i will see that you receive the following the  finest products available for shopko's valued   customers the best possible service the fairest  price and it went right on down the list and we   got to the bottom of it he would simply say and  this is all you need to do to put this in force   first year they sold over half a million dollars  worth of merchandise they had been calling on   them for years i've had any number of clients to  say this works see the marriage indicates that   you're not going to hit and run that you're  going to be a permanent person with them   it ties it together the marriage close has  worked and works well there's no such thing   as a little sale but it is safe to say that we  will miss 100 of all of the sales we don't ask   for very few prospects are going to demand that we  take their order that does happen occasionally but   it is very rarely chris hegarty says that 63 of  all sales interviews end without a direct ask for   the order at this point i would like to share  with you what i believe is a very significant   uh close it's called the pressure belief close  at this point what i want to simply say to you   is that we've had some ideas some procedures and  some stimulation but when i talk about a pressure   belief close it happened in australia i was  with my friend john nevin he was with world book   encyclopedia he told of me of what happened to  him when his career first got started as a world   book salesperson and he went on to become the  managing director called a little german couple   they really were more like grandparents they'd  been in australia very brief time their english   was was not real good a little lady was 55 i'm  sorry 51 years old she had given birth to their   one and only child when she was nearly 45 years  old very little short lady had language difficulty   he called on them at roughly nine o'clock in the  evening it was way past midnight when he left with   the otter as he started to leave she put her hand  up on his shoulder she had walked him through the   front yard because they had a vicious dog got him  outside the gate she reached up and put her hand   on his shoulder and i can't emulate that guttural  german accent but in essence it went like this   thank you thank you young man for stay with us  till we know what these books do for our boy   thank you thank you thank you pressure  belief is simply this it's when you believe   so fervently and so completely that that prospect  is going to benefit the most by buying from you   that you are willing to kind of put your ego on  the line you're willing to take a slight risk   even on occasion of offending someone by asking  for the order again now let me stress something   you got to do it pleasantly you got to do it  politely you got to do it professionally you must   by all means do it with that person's interest at  heart but if you really believe they're the winner   you will become so professional in what you do you  will learn so many closes that you will be able   basically to go forward with a conviction that you  are rendering them a service now only experience   judgment and common sense will dictate to you what  is the proper time and what is the proper amount   you'll never get experience by listening to a  trainer or watching one of the videos which i   do you will get ideas you will get techniques  you will get procedures now if you really want   to build a sales career and substantially improve  your sales it's time to go to work i encourage you   not only to read but to study secrets of closing  the sale and my other book ziggler on selling   now the reason i say that is this you can learn  a lot of closes and procedures and techniques   but unless you understand the philosophy and the  psychology behind them you will only be partially   as effective you will need to read the exact words  many times there are literally over 140 closes and   over 800 questions in these two books that will  help you to lead people to those decision tables   and then in order to get the voice inflections  down we have made audio cassettes of each of   these videos and while you're in your car you need  to be listening to them over and over and over   the smei international sales and  marketing executives international   says the average professional salesperson spends  510 hours a year in the automobile that means you   literally can make it your sales university  you can learn procedures and techniques you   will really be able to make it a part of you  so you can automatically and instinctively   respond you also are going to need to work very  much with your manager your associate or your   trainer if you're one of these people who happens  only to be working independently by yourself   i encourage you to get in front of the video  look it over take those notes and then start   compiling your own ideas to go along with  the specifics that we are presenting here the   reason i went to doing all of these things when  you see something you'll remember it when you   hear it you forget it but if you see it and hear  it and do it you'll understand it that means   you will close more sales so if you do that i can  close as i always close by saying you do these   things and i'll see you and yes i really do mean  you at the top thank you and god bless you you