Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

Sep 5, 2024

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) Lecture Notes


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  • Parent company: EarthOne (sustainable living resources).
  • Focus of the lecture: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) after discussing Feedforward Networks.

Overview of CNNs

  • Previous discussions covered origins of deep learning and feedforward networks.
  • Introduction to a popular architecture: Convolutional Neural Networks.
  • Example used: Number recognition.
  • Resource provided by Adam Harley for interactive experimentation with CNNs.

Key Differences Between Feedforward and Convolutional Networks

  • Feedforward networks build layers of abstraction but often appear random.
  • CNNs show clearer layers of abstraction.

Network Structure

  • Input: Individual pixels of the image.
  • Output: Patterns classified (numbers 0 to 9).
  • Layers involved:
    • 2 Convolutional layers
    • 2 Pooling layers
    • 2 Fully connected layers

Input Details

  • Image stored as a matrix of pixel values (Matrix = Channel).
  • Typical digital images have 3 channels (RGB).
  • Simplified assumption: Single channel (luminance) with pixel values ranging from 0 (dark) to 255 (bright).
  • Other information can be represented similarly (e.g., speech as a matrix of frequency values).

Convolutional Layer Explained

  • Named after the convolutional operator (dot product of functions).
  • Implemented as a feature detector (filter/kernel).
  • Kernel: A small matrix that moves across the input image, producing a feature map.
  • Example: Kernels detecting edges, corners, shapes.
  • Importance of non-linearity (ReLU) applied to feature maps.

Kernels and Feature Maps

  • Initial kernels detect simple patterns (edges, shapes).
  • Each convolutional layer can have multiple kernels.
  • Example: First layer has 6 kernels detecting basic patterns.
  • Higher layers incorporate more complex kernels for detecting shapes and structures.

Pooling Layers

  • Purpose: Downsample feature maps to reduce overfitting and speed up calculations.
  • Type used: Max pooling.
  • Kernel slides across feature maps to save the largest pixel value.
  • Result: Retains important features while reducing spatial size.

Layer Abstraction in CNNs

  • Repeat convolutional and pooling layers to build more abstraction.
  • Higher layers detect complex features by combining lower-level features.
  • Example: 16 kernels in a later layer detect more intricate structures.

Classifier in CNNs

  • Fully connected layers classify the high-level abstracted features.
  • Example structure: First layer with 120 neurons, second layer with 100 neurons.
  • Adam Harley emphasizes how weights and biases are adjusted during backpropagation and gradient descent.

Generalizations and Overlooked Details

  • Generalizations made for simplicity:
    • Hyperparameters (kernel size, stride, pooling types).
    • Specifics of tuning kernel coefficients during learning.
  • Additional resources mentioned for deeper understanding.

Limitations and Future Discussions

  • CNNs excel at image classification but struggle with tasks like natural language processing (which requires memory).
  • Future videos will cover networks designed for language processing.

Learning Resources

  • Brilliant.org offers courses on deep learning and CNNs.
  • Courses provide intuitive explanations and problem-solving opportunities.
  • Promotion for 20% off annual premium subscription for early sign-ups.


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