[Music] I basically decide to come here because my family told me to I'm from a background with my uncle's a programmer and my father too so they both told me to visit a school where I can learn the engineering and where I can welcome my developing skills and since there's a lot of job opportunities at the market in the IT sector I thought that would be the best chance to take the good thing is you get a lot of job opportunities because there isn't a lot of education for plastic engineering in the in the world so a lot of the companies really they come to us I want to study marine biology afterwards but with the knowledge of the ocean then and also plastics I would try and find a solution to get rid of all the plastic in the ocean and also like what he said the job market is insane for plastic engineers I always wanted to become an engineer and work in the technical sector and I thought always this school would be perfect for me and it turned out it was my parents approved my father is an engineer himself so everything is fine I chose the school because I really like the workshops I was here at the opening day and I saw the workshop and yeah and Salomon effort I have to do that I've chosen this department because I've been interested in electrical engineering and electronics from a very young age we learn the basics about every subject basically and if I go study at a uni in the same department and I don't have to do the tests the exam to enter the school my father at already attended this school and then I did the same thing for me it was pretty easy and also pretty fun I'm quite happy with with the things I've learned so far and what I've accomplished already why are people's make this education some think they got the program of a PC games and some think also what I have to go because the parents wanted and the most of it they love to work with PCs and love this work and want to do it in the future also taking intricity Shula Yepez on the scooters tucán BX perspective assess me reckonin practice guarantee enters area I'm sorry observing austere statistic if the sisters of believing in the industry softly on under Hannah inspiration shop on keyboard will be common so MC Hoffman a few kinder to engine in Hotel supersu many Serena ham the optelec machine embark evil meditation implies annotation shows building we built the Anna Tata is technician carefully wood it's rated of the Israel manual Seattle Sheik who that young Peru he built a Stan technically the vocational education is a strong pillar for the education of the fifteen to nineteen years old population we have the dual education on the one hand and we have the intermediate and higher vocational schools on the other hand what we are planning is to improve the system to take the challenges of the future labor market into society into the system and maybe we can expand the idea of short-term cycle education which seems to be necessary for demands of the labor market as well as the people's themselves it's not enough to concentrate just on the young men between 16 and 20 but we need to include women especially into this type of education because it means in the long run that they will add to the economic development of the country and second also and that they have better chances sir for the future the second point is that we concentrate too much on the younger generation today we are living so long and we need to re-educate our selves gradually every time we can use this system also to promote it to generations which are 30 or 40 years old and the third and most important topic is to include digitalization into the education so each of the 200 jobs which are available needs to have a digital content and we need to form completely new type of jobs like e-commerce trader like coder like IT specialist with a very big focus on software so new cool jobs need to be created so that it is attractive as attractive to do this type of education then are to to study [Applause] [Music] the vocational education and training help the students the trainees after the graduation to find a wall this is from my personal experience because I'm in touch with them many of them keep the apprenticeship workplace after the graduation vocational education and training isn't the first time so far students many of them didn't pass into university or they didn't have a second source from the families and this is a challenge for me alsa personality tall and sociology tried to change this negative feeling I can see them I followed them I watched them month by month are transforming to another person more positive more happy I just started to have because from the first day I can work in practice what I study at the hairdressing salon when I finished my studies at doe I I want to continue my studies and get another degree so I can start my own business as a hairdresser I chose this field because I can work and study at the same time I work for an engineer company with IT functions and network applications I even built desktop sometimes after I finished my studies I will make my dream come true to become and professional programmer my father runs a family business and the name is printer and the school offers me the opportunity to work and have experience in another business of this type so later on I will be able to work on my family business having acquired the experience I am paid from both aisles and my lawyers and I'm very pleased that I can earn my living from Suzuki engage and I can enjoy what I'm doing vocational education is the first choice of those students that they have decide to combine specialized education with work I believe that the vocational school helped us through them to fight a job because at the graduation they are no longer instill warriors they have become skilled workers at the field that they have choose to follow and exactly that is what make them competitive to other students northern countries parents usually have no problem in sending their children to vocational educational schools they have a long-standing tradition to do so in the South the situation is quite different so what we try to do as a parents Association we try to promote vocational education and training also amongst these members for the future we actually see more work based elements also in general education for example the entrepreneurial skills certificate in Austria but I think that the future of bet is not in danger at all in Austria for example 54% of university students now come from this sector and it's an increase technical and vocational education and training has to respond to the change in the labour market in innovate in terms of understanding the labor market and involving in its governance new stakeholders like youth and civil society but also it has to change the way of its delivery by innovating in terms of work based learning in terms of creating new credentials and and micro certifications to accompany people in their learning pathways and adopt a learner-centered approach in lifelong learning perspective [Music] [Applause] the dual system of apprenticeship in Austria is a very good way for young people to learn the basics for their job and at the same time to collect practical experience the students also have the possibility to do Dharma torva which gives them a later the opportunity to study at the University our teachers directly come from the area of economy they have many years of practical experience and that ensures our students perfectly for their jobs I decided after school that I wanted to go to work and not study again at university because nowadays it's really important to have working experience and so I thought to myself what should I do I always wanted to work with people and I think that insurance companies exactly the right thing for that the plan is to stay at that company after my apprenticeship and I think it's a really great experience to have the work experience but also to study and have an education with all in one package I didn't like school too much and I wanted to do something practical I wanted to get education how it works in companies and how company structures work and also I wanted to earn my first money because in this kind of education you get the offer from the state that you earn money it was a really good experience tomorrow I'm having my final exam so I'm finished with my education and I don't really know what I'm going to do afterwards probably I'm going to do another job I'm going to learn another profession but I think there was a very good experience to like get to know the working world and to like become independent the reason why I started at the bank is because I love to work with customers and I also love to it was the people after my apprenticeship which which lasts three years I can all work at the office if I want to because I have many opportunities the apprenticeship as a bank clock is a good one because you learn many things for the future and for Korea I'm working here in the branch as a relationship manager and I started in the only credit group since 2010 also as a trainee and now my function is also to do the trainee program with our apprentices for the bank it is useful because we get them the information and after three years we got a great stuff for the company and for them it is also a possibility because they have a good good job here by us and till they earn or get the information they need for to get maybe attire position I started my apprenticeship three years ago so when I was fifteen years old because I wanted to wear a nice suit wear a tie talk to the people and help the people i finished my apprenticeship in one month so i will be still working in the bank when I am finished with it when I look at my students there at the beginning of their work life so we were able to give them the theoretical input we were able to give them a little bit of our work experience and help them find a way to the work life I think I'm more a trainer than a teacher because I really tried to train him and not only to teach them some theoretical things I try I want them to help to find their own way and stuff to manage their life and also their work life of course [Applause] [Music] Eva and bachelor studium the humanistic the physician exposure on the anaphylactic stop here in Kulik Phil Richardson general vicinity of Eclipse informatics Yolanda Susanna c-span and again anesthesia a spindle teach of contact route to the hospital P boost give me a table which talk to boost King and F harsh to diem and chidden have a hospital any error on next society premiere on this fire mission van scenic of manager of San Joaquin and complete nice information [Music] [Applause] the question of mutual recognition is of top priority what we observed is that the graduates from that school are not accepted in every University in every European country this should be in the center of our future negotiation the question of mutual recognition we have lack of skills all across Europe for all companies and we have another important topic and this is youth unemployment in this especially in the south of Europe my view is that this is one of the reasons because this system is not as much used as it is in Austria or in Germany or Switzerland so therefore it is a key factor and to be successful in Europe and have a competitive advantage over other other continents [Music] from the employers perspective we really see the value of vocational education and training both to address the current needs that employers have and also the future needs in particular if we think of issues like digitalization and greening of the economy demographic change these are really becoming very pertinent issues and ones that we feel vet has a strong role to address in particular we see a prominent role for apprenticeships and the recent council recommendation on the quality and effectiveness of apprenticeships we feel can have a key role in that respect linked in particular to the point about the majority of the training time being spent in the company for the trade unions perspective improving vocational education and training systems in the future is an utmost importance we have to focus on those people who are excluded those who are have socially economically disadvantaged migrants and refugees we have to make sure that quality vocational education and training systems are available for those who are adult and those who are young we need more international cooperation we need to focus on how to implement the European pillar for social rights and we need to focus on implementation of upscaling pathways so that law Squad AdWords will have the integration to the labor market I see the future of that as providing high quality learning opportunities for all to prosper in society it should help all individuals young or adults to develop their full potential it should provide a highly skilled workforce for companies to raise their productivity and competitiveness we need to make sure that that systems can be flexible they need to be able to adapt to rapid technological and social changes we also need to continue to increase the attractiveness and excellence in vet that is the reason why during my mandate as the European Commissioner I have put forward a set of proposals to make vet a first choice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]