Service Request Management
- Purpose: Support the agreed quality of a service by handling all predefined, user-initiated service requests effectively and user-friendly.
- Key Points:
- Service requests are predefined.
- Requests are initiated by users, not the service provider.
- Service Request: A request from a user/user’s authorized representative that initiates a service action as part of normal service delivery.
- Important part of the user experience and perception of service.
- Users are more invested in requests they initiate.
Types of Service Requests
- Initiate a service action.
- Request for information.
- Request for access to a resource or service.
- Feedback, compliments, and complaints.
Service Requests vs. Incident Management
- Everything the service desk does that isn’t incident management.
- Service requests may include standard changes, i.e., pre-authorized changes.
Authorization of Service Requests
- Some service requests require authorization based on cost or risk.
ITIL Guidelines
- Service requests and their fulfillment should be standardized and automated.
- Policies should be established to streamline fulfillment.
- User expectations regarding fulfillment times should be set realistically.
- Identify opportunities for improvement and leverage automation.
Documentation and Workflow
- Document and redirect requests submitted as service requests but should be managed as incidents/changes.
- Complete self-service experience through automation.
Success Factors
Optimized Procedures: Ensure service request fulfillment procedures for all services are optimized.
- Integrate development of service request procedures early in the product/service lifecycle.
- Some services might have no request operations; others may include multiple requests.
Service Differentiation: Service requests can differentiate between different levels of service offerings.
- Document, test request fulfillment procedures, and assign responsibilities.
- Ensure requests are described in a catalog available to users.
Automatic Fulfillment: Optimize and automate fulfillment procedures where possible.
Agreed Procedures and Satisfaction: Fulfill service requests according to agreed procedures and ensure user satisfaction.
- Statistics on requests can help optimize resource planning.
- Unlike incidents, service requests do not need urgent fulfillment unless they block job functions.
- Review requests post-fulfillment via surveys or internal review.
Key Takeaways
- Service request management is crucial for quality service delivery and user satisfaction.
- Focus on standardization, automation, and realistic expectations for fulfillment times.
- Differentiate service offerings and ensure transparency with user catalogs.
- Regularly review and improve service request procedures to enhance efficiency.
- Importance of handling user-initiated requests correctly to maintain service quality and user satisfaction.
- Ensure procedures are clear, documented, and optimized for better resource planning and execution.
This concludes the video on Service Request Management. Thank you.