welcome to guest the country a game show where we guest countries from around the world and this episode is South America this is guest the country South America Edition someone will walk in with an item which contains a clue about what country they're from our two teams will then be able to ask one question each they'll then have to pin the country they think it is on the map behind them the catch is though that some of the contestants could be off the coast of South America on Waffle Island if a team gets the exact country they get three points but if Nea get it right the closest one gets one point and now now it's time to introduce today's team we're Team Zoo because I'm a giraffe and deji you're a hyena cuz of that terrible laugh of yours and our team name is shapes because I'm a circle and he's a triangle what do you wait what do you mean that you're a circle big you're not that big oh I appreciate it man and why you calling him a triangle don't do that oh wait sh like a triangle that's crazy so today there's no sentence but you guys will see why in a second so let's bring in our first country bring him out just from I remember you used to deal with these type of girls yeah good one time we had that John in yeah when you had that never in my right but for real argen yeah we got you we got you everyone has a different dialect Spanish but that's straight Spanish that's what it is they speak straight Spanish that's it just straight something no that's Flames though you want to say that and Flames us out you have to think about not flames in a heart do like do like the a yeah that's horrific you could also ask you specifically pick those colors today stop China effing bait it out oh I thought they had Argentinian Spanish and noral Spanish the only reason I'm saying that is because I saw Messi communicating with someone from Spain yeah because they they can understand but you might be right you might be right she's out football game what color DC pain in her face ah you know could we see what you do with that item an instrument and he calls Chango do you do do you know how to play do I know how how to play it so why did she bring it all right there are many people that that play games but don't know how to play those like you have Tekken I can't come then can we can we see it can [Music] we that's that's World Cup World Cup [Music] wi honestly beautifully played there and sung too thank you very much and um strummed than and need and you guys were just being rude yeah you didn't want to compliment I said well done that's what we need to do yeah I said it's nice I'm not trying to move to her I'm I'm convinced with my answera no no no Paraguay that's why why did you suddenly change your mind oh yeah cuz she said it in the [Music] song is zo you know why why you know why do you want to know why why in Spain is bibla in Argentina is bibl trust me are you serious yeah Oh Come Library no matter what you no matter what you were waffling about there it's wrong either way so you've wasted our question thank you very much is not bibla so what is bibliotech what is that library in where just you're lying to me you're actually lying tried lying to me I can't believe this guy he tried lying to his own partner I've got an impostor partner that was dry from you de well make it more moist I'll make what moist no our question is is your country in the north of South America like the top section no I said it from straight away I know already come come come go I trust you trust pathetic but we'll go with it considering your stupid logic his logic might be stupid but we locked in Paraguay AJ and Chun seem to think we've flown in the actual lonol Messi's wife to they've locked in Argentina you've gone for Paraguay right have you ever seen a su from paragua he finessed me he said yo Spanish speaking places they say te and in Argentina they say tech tech you know that you and then he started smiling he completely made out for real if deji is right here then he's absolute genius if not and it is Argentina or anywhere else I'm punching him in the face I'm from [Applause] Argentina where you I'm from bu yes hey I you I'm telling you right now this is the last time I'm ever on De team you just shook her hand giving them the point so how did you guys come up with that the Gen logic she looks a bit like she does yeah has anyone ever told you you look like Messi's wife yes that's that's all right well thank you very much thank you very much thank you so that means that we have three points and you have zero hey also Didi did you make that up the bibl like somewhere that makes sense somewhere yeah in a whole different universe that makes sense let's bring in the next country yeah he's waffling he's waffling he's waffling I can tell already brother you can write all you want wherever you go I'm going opposite at this point the the whole team is against each other now we're fighting from within I'm not going he has put this place we're not going there what you pass out to yeah yeah Baria in your country St like that what city city in Columbia yeah that's why you're asking who's your favorite no know you don't ask them that so you just said he's Central I reckon he's North closer to like that Mexican region I think I think that's 100% by the way you think 100% 100% which makes me 100% sure it's not that thank you can you tell me your National Tamal why did you just go with a new question I thought you were going to ask that because it's too bait and what I can't confirm is that's not the case yeah all right is your country in the northern region of South America of the green area there uh yes okay thank you or should I say Jess in in a green area guess what whole is green perfect you ready wow man said you ready yeah that one means he knows something Wella tamales Tamal Tamal tamales what am I getting from tamales don't chat to me yeah did you hear what he said mhm this is Central America so when I said is it in the northern region of South America he said in the green area yes I can almost guarantee it's one of these places the question is where oh I was even looking at this stuff here wait wait wait wait wait Tamal [Laughter] tamales oh this guy's logic is crazy you know you're as bad as Kenny no no no I think kind of makes sense is is that saying Guyana uh they make yeah the world's telling us no the world told us it's not there he does look like he's from man oh know what that's it what I was going to do that so was he speaking Spanish he was I don't think they speak Spanish here they don't so adj and chunks thinks he looks Colombian but because the national dish is different they pick Ecuador deji and I saw a supernatural sign so we moved from Guatemala to El Salvador where' he go from El Salvador El oh that's so crazy we're just going to go we just moved it off there just moved off El salad yeah you know my Logic for going up there when I said is it in the north of South America you said in the green area because these countries up there aren't South America it's like Central America right you're absolutely right yeah so that's why I was like oh okay so my friend we have put El Salvador they have put Ecuador could you please reveal where you're from um both teams were actually right about a minute ago it's Guatemala oh my gosh I said it I said it you're stupid I can't believe it man we were wait hang on hang on in Guatemala they speak Guatemalan right speak Spanish with a gualan accent is it I stole off a i he said his favorite food is tamales Guatemala he said that makes sense just just for my own sanity does that cross with each other is that just random oh no it's just random dude it was all I could do to keep a straight face when both teams went for Guatemala right away and I'm like wow that was easy oh that's so annoying man we were on it this guy is um used to be a Catholic saint and now it's um pray to by the Mayans when you make a prayer to him you pour a little uh rum and uh you can light a cigar for him just a little bit room and you make your prayer to mimon there we go man thank you thank you my friend you you guys were so close but my friend we were closer so we get one point thank you very much I really appreciate your time it's nice to meet you guys nice to meet you too thank you man a so the scores are now 3-1 let's please bring in the next country oh my God from the bear I know look like that ptin know ptin from a different end she's from Norwest London she's clearly speaking French right yeah I'm pretty sure they being French and B no they don't say that again please one more time wish bour she's she said French and Spanish in the same sentence what country is close to French I'm telling you she mixed up the whole thing and my chunks Bon she laughed a little bit like she's composing herself Bon hey where did Pon end up when he took the TR I did see him in Chile for a bit I don't think that's pton I think that's new brother it's Pedro watch her mind work when I say can you say lamb her M's going to twe could you please say um sheeps of the earth um in your language sheep of the earth that was you know that was probably the worst question in this whole series sheeps of the earth uh my question is who is your favorite footballer of all time oh Cristiano Ronaldo [Laughter] I think that means a CCH is mey and that means they don't they don't they don't have Elite Ballers and they don't mess with Messy surely me the Ops I got it this not man so you want you want to say this yeah bro okay cool now let me let me show you where I would have put it I would put it right here I would have put it right there so yep to be fair I've never heard someone say Bon there you go bro that's what I'm trying to say I ignored the schs for Peru and we locked in Waffle AJ and chunk switch from Honduras and locked in French Guyana waffle yeah first got us must be smashed it he smashed it my life he smashed it you know that was complete W to the Wy of w town like she got us so we said waffling these guys have said French Guyana could you please reveal what the actual answer is I was waffling yes yes yes come on this is what I'm saying how did come on guys said I said bonjour and some another Spanish word you mixed both together I said what's going on then on top of that I forgot that this waffle thing was even a thing I was too busy looking at what country should should have been so you're from South America right yes whereabouts you from Lima Peru Peru yes did she did she put Peru from the job the moment he saw the bear he said Peru oh my God from the bear I know per is Paddington from Peru yes no he's from Paddington no you look at the history it's the first teddy bear in the UK it comes from Peru exactly see thank you very much Rosa we are now in the lead nice meeting you you know I completely forgot about off let's bring in the next country yeah this what looks like his name is Manuel M uh I know it you it has to be with colors speaking Portugese yeah colors see colors you know he looks like he lives in the gym he's been in there since 198 how how much do you bench no no no no no that's not don't answer that don't answer that that's not our question no answer it is that the question no it's not our question since he's so wedge why asking who's your favorite HK dude yeah what is the name of your Carnival of my what sorry Carnival you don't have Carnival in your country yes we have we have he's doing too much want to give away are you trying to make me confused yeah it's just Carnival like you said you said like perfectly yeah that's the word no problem it's fine that's fine so that's fine okay our question is who do you think who whose clothing Choice do you like the most out of the four of us on this table I mean you look too similar for me apart from you so you just like you like the yellow and the green blue yeah all four of us confidently locked in Brazil for Wham Donnie it is a compliment though because we you look so much like you're from your country we both went from Brazil uh what is the answer are you completely right I'm from Brazil yeah wait wait hey if I guess exactly where he's from do I get Point you're joking yeah do okay you know what if you know the city yeah you get one extra point you are from sou Paulo you got it right are you serious so I'm from s Paulo state but I live in sollo for more than 10 years yeah you told him before you linked him before I didn't know compl thank you really appreciate you from Brazil all right fine scores to 70 speaking of 77 we're trying to hit 77 million subscribers so make sure you guys subscribe to the channel right now smash the like button maybe we can hit 4.8 million likes thank you let's bring in the next country hre and what country is that what country is that please no no no no we're both expecting you want to say it yes oh this is annoying I know what I know what country this is man they have this in good thing I done my research on this just before and I searched it up liar no I didn't I'm stupid I I think I know no all right just just remember you said no it's it's not that country you want to bet I'm going to just clarify if that's the you know the Apple emoji they got a whole Apple emoji of that is what you've got on your neck did they make it into an Apple emoji into what yo y yo yo what you doing what you doing you're searching it no no no no no I'm just I'm just getting up the uh Emoji this thing here but is that that yes that's that's literally this bro oh it is yeah oh man he just wasted the whole question how thought was that yeah that's that's up this thing is popular like very famous where where where are you saying it is yeah I've got a question what is this solo Mission he's on can you tell me obviously not the capital as that's pretty easy but any City in your country M she's trying to go for an obscure one um ikik yeah that's good one man it's like me telling you Bristol if I talk about the England you know what I mean it's like who cares love you guys I love my aan stuff you know what I need to start thinking of questions I've literally came up with all the questions Z was it called was it what's the capital of J is it no Chell sauce I hate you I really don't like you this is not the time for joke no no no no no but this is our last time me and you we don't team up again after this yeah because now in serious moments like this you're talking about chili sauce all right cool you want to go you want to go there I I I sneaked to approach last time if you want to go for this one we'll go for that one just I'll stick to you go myself and deji locked in Chile while chunks and AJ Think Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica we bro have nothing to go off he wanted to go to Nicaragua but I said how like how you going to just find someone in London from Nicaragua like you know what I mean it's a bit more difficult I guess I just thought that these were either from Chile wa do you know the capital of Chile Santiago no sweet and sour huh you said sweet and S he's I I told him this is the last time linol up you can have next no I don't I don't okay listen listen listen we've gone for chile they've gone for Costa Rica that mean we we're far so what country are you actually from Chile yes yes come on wait wait wait so so these things are from Chile well they're from Easter Island in Chile yes amazing oh that's great thank you thank you so much for being from Chile so the scores are now 107 we may be running away with it but let's bring in the next country yeah from ESS this really nice what country is it from don't say that IM you said it by accident I I know where this is from how' you know I just know no so you don't know you're just lying to me no I know so you're saying you based off what what is the actual logic um because this is the issue withi no I don't even want to talk to you I'm talking to the cameras now this is the issue of Dei you just say a random country and say I just 90% of the time it's wrong I want you to know that as well it's not even like it lands it doesn't land it doesn't land I just wrote down all the possible places from there that he could be potentially be from and 18 [Laughter] countries no matter how bad me and deji are we just can't get worse than AJ and that's the positive of no way no he does did I not get chili right we both said chili no and we both AG I knew I knew that girl was from Peru you said the last one was from Bolivia uhuh I'm surprised you're not saying he's from Bolivia cuz he's saying everyone's from Bolivia are you Bolivian no don't tell him don't tell oh he rais his eyebrow I I would like like a transfer I want to get AJ replace for de for the next one even he doesn't want I'm telling you now I generally think is this one okay cool but I to randomly i' to go here but he's also wearing a yellow t-shirt which is the main color you're from Somali where's your blue can you just repeat what you said when you first walked [Music] in if you go L of averages it's got to come through eventually bang you know what my question is ask ask a proper question if is this a question I this question is going to solve everything is that Apple watch on theist see TR thank you wait I didn't I I didn't give permission I is there I didn't based in your country is there a video game based in your country that you know of no okay you know what you stay seated for the rest of the whole thing no no I know it I know it okay if you know it you go put it up chunks thinks he's his friend young Philly used the same word and picks Colombia while deji picks Bolivia based purely on vibes okay as you guys know I've got a very good friendship with my boy Philly Philly has I've heard him say area that time that went his house once for barbecue and I heard him say ARA you see how he's actually got small logic what's your logic for oblivia please it has to be cuz we picked a lot of countries already so I'm fed up man I'm fed up I'm fed up if this comes through I will go crazy it could be anything man well Carlos we have gone for Bolivia these guys have gone for Colombia where are you actually you from I'm from medin columia Oh's brother yeswe I'm filming a video right now for nik's channel and I guess that this bu is from your country let me come to yeah there's no chemistry between them let's just show her Colombian and keep it he's saying he made you something we call that yeah bro remember you know you said to me a rapper before he N I appreciate you shout me for the vid as well love love love love love thank you caros should really be saying thank you than you so the scores are 1010 previously it was guess the language but now the budget is gone up and this right here is the final round and it all comes down to this you see the last W how budget's gone up give it up for the budet all right and with that being said let's bring in the final country bring it in yeah what you already know Olia brother I'm not letting you write that down again hello please could you introduce yourself my name is Leela and we've been here since 30 years ago huh see and and what is your item it's Bolivia no okay now for now we say Bolivia there is crazy let me tell let me tell you something let me tell you something yeah she has a Caribbean accent how did you hear that shut up listen to me my Bara Xander is from B he has the accent we asked her to speak her language and she said we've been here from 30 years that's what she said she didn't say that okay well okay what what do you think you know what I'm thinking no no you don't know what I'm thinking you know what I'm thinking no no no no we're not we we will not go there once in this video that place is is uh is cursed I believe it is you can ask it by the way I know who and there is I've met I've met two people from bise and they do not look like her well guess what I'm going to choose Le no you can't guante it could be Central America it's waffle it's not waffle she said on PO then she start speaking no she started speaking like in a like aan tongue yeah and they don't saying po if we ask if the country is in on the South American Island then that will mean that we can go for this whole region like Barbados if she's not from Barbados so she's speaking English mhm you see where it says Kayana that used to be called English Kayana is your country on the Main South American continent it certainly is certainly is yeah man is that something she putting on or is ledge it's the language yeah mightbe it's a wicked laugh can I repeat uh the sentence no oh she has your country ever been in the World Cup no that's good question all right you guys ready yeah you go say I think it's okay he thinks it's this I think what you think you want to do that yeah shut up wait are you sure yeah he asked is it on the main okay so it's on the main yeah main it's not main here okay then it'll be this one oh so you just randomly just went from there today how how how how have you gotten that okay well guess what no look at this guys I'm going to stay here yeah because there's logic there's logic okay what are you thinking right now this yeah she said it was on the main she would if she wouldn't that it's on the main island all right fine yeah you with me you with me I'm with you chunks ignored AJ and locks in Guyana and I too picked Guyana ignoring deji crazy crazy went the same went the same I'm pretty sure it used to be called English Guyana if it was called English Guyana and she speaks English that make sense B is also a possibility cuz people in bise have that Caribbean accent but then I said it can't be that but then he said it can't be that because she said it's in the she said it's in the mainland so then I changed it to then the only other accent where they have that similar accent would be Guana so the thing is we could both be wrong C it we've both gone for Guyana I believe you please could you reveal where you're actually from Guana wow British British Guyana yeah that was wrong for me I didn't know that there was somewhere in South America that they speak English he say in Bolivia around yeah he's been horrible he terrible Terri you say that I Brazil Brazil Brazil he got Brazil he came out with why you saying he like that so the scores are still even 1 thank you very mucha really appreciate thank you so the scores are 30 and all that was the final round we've got to go into stoppage time let's bring in the final final Final country hola hola could you please introduce yourself yes yes yeah come on I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I already got it no no from from the bank I on my life on my life let's do this brother so he's right he's right why it's guaranteed thank you I already know where you're from you want to communicate with me as as how's your day today when cool what is your national dish depending of the place where you are I think I want to know is where you're from well the one from my city is El po okay all right that's good question I'm actually happy I'm very happy with that let's go with it guys it's an easy one deji's weird Obsession may have finally paid off as we look in Bolivia they also locked in Bolivia why' you go is it because of Dei is pushing for something also if we are wrong we get to have another go you're too short you should you should have poker faced it we have both gone for Bolivia you're correct yes there we go civia King you B off straight when I saw come out I saw this outfit with this on the back but guess what guess what he him confirming it saying I'm so sure made it 100% in my head I can't believe it but the moment it actually is Bolivia we we haven't even won Fabiola is our last South American so what we're going to do is each have to pick a city in Bolivia and whoever is closer to where Fabiola is from wins the game crazy crazy way to end it that's ridiculous remember we said what's the national dish she said it depends on what city you're in technically she won't be from the city that's pop the most you get it from the game that I used to that I play it is it's based there yeah and okay so and that's why they have the the bags you serious yeah and the patterns in that yeah Santa Cruz has got the most people if your knowledge of Bolivia has got us this win then I just want to apologize for everything I said this whole thing F yeah I forg cuz but you got to admit you've been a bit this no I yeah I have but now it's come clutch so these are the cities both teams have chosen so we have put lapaz and we have put sucre all right so but which one is closest to where you are from I am from Santa Cruz and the close city is laas yes that's hilar isn't that on the other side I can't lie I I I don't think it's right you know I think it's Su wait wait wait wait wait wait huh wait who right Su is closer it stays 24 hours to travel by coach that sounds so this been a V and um apparently uh apparently suet [Applause] how on Earth has deji got that wrong when he's been saying bivia the whole time he's meant to just know this place this is the one place he knows he got it [Applause] wrong thank you so much Fabiola thank you so we have lost deji any final words you want to say Bolivia thank you very much for watching the video please like subscribe check out these two absolute Legends and don't check out this to my left all right before we go we have to do this one more time go gone we can't end like that all right all right peace out