Transcript for:
Neolithic Societies and Early Civilizations

okay welcome to the second video here the second part of chapter 2 so we were just talking about two things which is of course planting plants and raising animals right was called domestication and social stratification which means people can do things other than plant plants in an agricultural community like make pottery or textiles now in this case here they have to live somewhere now their sedentary so this is a house they can actually build a house this isn't one that they build this is a re-creation from Bosnia right I just found it online neolithic house and if you went online and we will do to find lots of neil with the houses but they live in a house that's the most important part that I'm trying to say in England they decided the one to recreate village based off of just the tools of a Neolithic time period like I think it's great but a lot of work but you know why not you know so that's what they decided in England it looked like I like this one because when you come to the United States a lot of the the Americas a lot of the indigenous dwellings when the Europeans came in North America were called wigwams that's what we call them anyway right which were kind of like this Sony sometimes they had a little different tops loose to them okay so people began to live in villages twelve to twenty-four hour houses such as this one soon they began to form tribes what I mean is that people said hey kids if you want me to help baby said you better take care to live close by all right so now let us say in the same area right so you just look down the street to get in the same village and so that mom and dad can babysit your kid it's not a bad idea intent for my kids are listening but they're not old enough to have kids yet so anyway all right since soon they begin to form tribes now everybody our villages related to each other so if you're going to get married you got to go to another village and pretty soon you're all related but you're it's like a distant relation you like so that you can do it like it's okay to marry your sixth cousin you're like Oh gross when I meant genetically genetically okay to marry your six cousin or least that's what I'm told right I wouldn't want to but uni can't so even though everybody in the tribe is real you think about the twelve tribes of Israel right there are related in each tribe it's far enough distance that as long as it's not your immediate village it's okay right so then you go and get married and come back to usually a female tribe that it could be whatever one and then where it's at this is good because ink allows you to have more children because you're not as malnourished and if you're not milder if you're not starving to death you're more likely to get pregnant and have more children I see so settle settled agriculture leads to increase fertility that's why if for some reason you guys find yourself pregnant you should go to the doctors and take fertility five minutes five minutes what is it pre anyway whatever that's gone prenatal thank you thank you prenatal vitamins I was a good idea and also they say I don't know if this is true but children are more useful to help on the farm I like wait wait wait kids are supposed to help in the house I didn't know that but that's a thing my point is now you have two things more food more kids our population boom and you're not moving around as much yes okay so write this down I get your note paper writes all down these are called civilizations slowly starting to develop they don't begin everywhere all at once but they begin the very first one that we're aware of is of course in Mesopotamia first you have domestication of plants and animals domestication that means you are raising animals or planting plants some as I say that the wrong way so that you don't have to move around that leads to number two social stratification that means that some people make pottery other make textiles and other people grow crops what I meant by underneath this hierarchical societies is some for some reason we start giving other people better value based on what they do we're like well you're not as good because you're an agriculture farmer and you're better because you're talked to all right why do we say one is better than the other we just do right because of the value we believe in a place on the community the third thing is going to be writing first if I make sure I have plenty time you if I make pots right not make pot make pots right and because I'm very bad at farming I am by the way yes I said well I'm very good at making this pot so you make this pot and then you come to me say I like your pot it sounds weird anyway and you say alright I'll give it to you if you give me a bushel corn deal but it's not time to harvest the corn yet well you can still have this pot I don't need to keep it yard but then you give me the bushel of corn when it comes time to harvest okay deal harvest time comes you go to that person's house you say excuse me can I have my bushel of corn and they say what you talking about they say well I showed you this pot yeah what pot I don't have any pot right there well that sounds wait again anyway way down there in the corner right yeah I made that well I don't know what you're talking about oh you're just trying to swindle me I should have put my name on it you know they say if you like what you see you should have put your name on it yeah I'm down anyway so writing develops why where this time writing develops for financial transactions the earliest writing that we have record of is going to be somebody's name wonderful or symbol I mean symbol for the name right which was so that when you make up some pottery you could get our little thing that you'd wear around your neck can Mesopotamia and your indent that mark onto the pot so that you know that you make a pot it's kind of like put it on the bottom of a dish made in China my cup here ah don't look at the bottom of a cup if there's still something in it but anyway made in China are made in wherever went like this wouldn't me I'm sure in China anyway number four number four the fourth thing is gonna be monumental architecture which means of course for some and I don't know why this is for some reason we want to build something or do something or make something that will withstand our lifetime and the ravages of time did our kids and our grandkids will say grandpa made that or helped make that why have you ever heard somebody say well grandpa fought in World War two but that's great but in this case because its historical over things that we want to have tangible things for is dental but not the same as a monument we have monumental architecture to say there an appetiser monumental architecture will resent we represent the non tangible things such as going to war so in other words civilizations develop and they have these four things one two three four now these are according to Kim if you read books they always have 5th and 6th and 7th and 8th things but I believe that they all have to have these four things so they can have a fifth one a six one but they have to have these four so on the test hint in twenty now they'll say what things are required for civilizations you'll say domestication of plants and animals social stratification writing and monumental architecture and of course if you don't write them down I'll say you must not watch the video all right then again I just want to emphasize this mostly because I think it's funny ah that it's a transition from Paleolithic to a Neolithic see I used to watch Walking Dead here is Walking Dead and this is Rick Grimes Rick Grimes is leading a Paleolithic group of people and they're like hunting and gathering a lot of time to hunt deer hunt squirrels uh and then they gather they break into a Walmart or a gas station they get gather whatever they can but then they find a way to settle down and in this case they find a prison and they're going to settle down and they're gonna become a Neolithic community which remember means above all outs planting crops and raising animals I didn't show you that there were little piggies right there too and then it'll lead to social stratification and the social stratification there was a doctor there right there is the the Watchers that could shoot the Warriors and the people that are good at farming and all these things here right and unfortunately there's always going to be a different community that's going to try to take what you have people why our enemies are selfish in this case it was a person known as the governor and he came with his great big tank and he knocked the walls down and took it stole everything ah right and that led to a new season anyway I'm behind on these so don't tell me anything what happens but the oldest equivalent of that is gonna be Jericho you know Joshua in the bed look Jer but go Jer okay this is the oldest Neolithic community that we know of and it is in right over here in this area which we oftentimes called the Levent just north of Israel it's not a good idea to go to Syria where it's at if you're a gringo like me like all of us are you living if you're an American I guess here's to say you should not go here now but someday I will go here and visit it this is the oldest Neolithic community with these walls that I'm talking about it's a brick walled city of 2,000 or more people had a large Tower and walls that were three meters thick which is very thick by the way about as thick as my skull anyway okay is thicker and nothing could knock down the walls unless it was a tank in this case like my analogy again it was you know the Israelites marching out three times and blowing with trumpets which also goes to show you the trumpet is the best instrument that's what I play okay let's talk about a couple more examples in the next few minutes I have Stonehenge another example of a Neolithic community remember I said over here it's a period of where did it go where did it go ah no I didn't say it but I wanted to these civilizations are beginning to develop once they do this will not be the Neolithic periods a period of transition we're transitioning my points nothing happens all at once so the second one is Stonehenge which is a Neolithic community but it's not truly civilization yet because it doesn't have writing that we say we have that right but it at least I have a lot of stuff it was built over 1600 year period and we believe cuz we don't have writing they forgot to write stuff down that it was a regional ceremonial center they worship the Sun and the moon and there's an observatory in the middle to track the seasons of the year it's in the south of the United Kingdom some day I'm gonna go there and visit 230 million man to do it holy cow and again I say we believe because we don't really know although remember that everything in history finding a son does but note that everything in history is biased bias because there's always an axe to grind in this case England is trying to get tourists to come and visit it so they're going to definitely emphasize that this was this great ceremonial center with right with a heel stone here and then you can have a type of calendar here and it's wonderful amazing lots of videos if you want to watch the videos just going to Stonehenge and find English Heritage because that's like the official site and then you can find out more about this and watch some of the problems here watch some of these why aren't they showing up learn what there's videos here I know there's videos here lots of videos because I keep on watching them right and that's the one I posted here so just look for some videos here I'm sorry good find it right English heritage site they talk about both Neolithic Age and also Stonehenge so again you gotta find out your learning style some people learn a lot by reading and only reading in it unless they read it they don't get it another people like to watch videos ah and usually you like what comes naturally to you that's why you like it and if you like the videos then it must come naturally to you that's not science I'm just saying it's good alright then another example is gonna be an Easter Island Easter islands kind of a unique example because I told you that during the Ice Age eventually people of all let's settle all portions of the globe ninety-nine percent look what better this should say all but of course sometimes it takes longer and this is a great example of people going from A to B to C back to be a represented a Polynesia the Polynesian islands Pacific Islanders and B represent this island right up here which is now called Easter Island thanks to Captain James Cook not the one with the hook and then they're going to come over to see and it belongs to chili and they're also going to learn a lot about domestication in Chile so right here this map here is the one that's at the Smithsonian you know if you've ever watched neither the museum that's the one here and this is the exact one right I went there of course with my kids and you can see this amazing figure this figure came from a rare inland ceremonial site called Whoville peppy most Maui including this one were carved from hardened volcanic ash I found it a single cork rano stop my timer raraku about a thousand mile why we might remain on Easter Island this figure and another acquired the same time are the only ones in the United States so kind of interesting so this is the original it's kind of it says fascinating to look at the watch trying to go quickly cuz I'm out of time but I wanted to emphasize this right here that I took from your book Polynesian people reduce your island by sea sometimes after 300 AD and prosper to cultivating sweet potatoes harvesting in a subtropical palm forest and fishing in an abundant sea so if I come over here I'll say back here's a little bit that there were in terms of Neolithic communities three communities that I wanted to talk about and that was and I briefly mentioned Jericho the second one is going to be Stonehenge when it comes up yes and the third one is going to be Easter Island all right then that's it for today come back for chapter 3 you don't great