Mr Beast is that true or not why is this music so scary wait no way the Moon is that small guys guys if Pluto was exiled how is the moon this small oh wait cuz it's a moon there so this is this this is just our our solar system Saturn's going to cool I can see Saturn with my brother's telescope it's kind of cool chat chat why these chat these [ __ ] videos always have these like sparkling and [ __ ] what is this like material or whatever like what's all that can you not like go and find new materials in there other gas but is there any Rock though or is it just gas like what's all of this like what's all this chat are we all spinning around the those mother stuckers cuz they're big what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] off that's a movie chat chat if it things are this big right I was I was think about this right let's say there's a monster that lives on this right and he has like a heart right cuz he's like a you know like how big it is like you know why is not possible what even what even is this [ __ ] this is [Music] the this how is this a size compared even a size it's just a [Music] picture ch if this is this far and we're looking at it CH we're looking at the beginning of time are we not cuz it's so far that it's it's in the past we're looking at so far in the past we're looking at the beginning imagine what it is right now right now right right cuz this is all what we see but it's so far you're looking at the past so what do you think this is now it that be all [Music] gone what if right now doesn't exist over there because it's all gone and it's coming towards us what is the end isn't expanding it's coming towards us there's no now over there there's only then [Music] there it's it's coming oh [ __ ] off what even is this how do you [Music] know what is this the size of Drake's [ __ ] [Music] missile do interesting no