this lesson is going to show you just how simple it is to transform your essays from a low bond to a higher Bond just by following a few simple changes first we're going to show you exactly why the bond 6 essay is a bond six essay so that you can avoid those common problems and then I'll show you sentence by sentence how I would change about six essay into a band 8 essay by just making a few simple changes so without further Ado let's go so the first thing we're going to do is look at each sentence and think about why they are out of bound six let's say why are they not good because we cannot write something good until we know why something is not good and we can avoid that so let's take each sentence and talk about how it could be improved so you'll fully understand everything and we'll relate everything to the official marking criteria don't worry I know that it's very all I'll zoom in on each part if I'm referring to it okay so let's start off with the first sentence nowadays spelled incorrectly digital phones are a Hot Topic in Modern Life so this is known as a background sentence many many teachers many schools teach students to memorize some kind of a background statement and then put it in as the first sentence in their essay and what they normally do is just instead of putting digital phones in they tell students that put whatever the main topic is so they memorize nowadays space are a Hot Topic in Modern Life or something like that now there's a few problems with this number one from a strategic point of view you are not losing marks per se for putting this in but think about what you need to do on test day you need to write a good essay that is more than 250 words in 40 minutes or less you do not need a background statement in there so strategically you are putting things you're doing extra things that you don't really need to do which will lead to you maybe writing under the word limit or maybe not really having time to think about the question think about how to generate ideas and but it could also lead to other problems just because you're stressed out and you're rushing through so we don't want to write anything that we don't absolutely need in there the second reason why this is an issue is in relation to lexical resource so what a lot of students do and we see this again and again every single day is when they memorize a sentence it means they don't fully understand that sentence which means that spelling errors often happen so one of the most or most common words that we see misspelt is nowadays students will often misspell it as now's a days or something like that so what you have done there is you've made a spelling mistake which will lower your lexical resource score so you've started off by wasting time doing things you don't need to do and lowering your vocabulary score and many of you might be thinking right now well the reason why my teacher told me to memorize this is because it has lots of high level vocabulary and that's going to impress The Examiner The Examiner is not stupid The Examiner has seen this thousands of times so what the examiner is thinking is not wow they use the word nowadays on Hot Topic and Modern Life what the examiner is thinking is another memorized sentence and they will just discount that sentence completely even if you had perfect amazing grammar and vocabulary and it was just the best sentence ever The Examiner will discount that because they know that is not your real level that is just what you memorized there's a huge difference between memorization and actually being able to write people don't write through memorization people write by being able to write it's two completely different skill sets and the let's see if the student made any grammar mistakes nowadays digital phones are a Hot Topic in Modern Life they haven't done that but often students will make grammar mistakes and that lowers your grammatical range and accuracy so I know a lot of students fight me on this and they say there's nothing wrong with adding a background sentence there is all right you have opened up your sentence First Impressions at last you've opened up your sentence with something you don't need to do which has a very high chance of you lowering your score so only do things that you have to do that have a high chance of improving your score so I would completely just delete this I'm not going to put it in to my new essay okay so whilst there are many benefits to the mobiles for adolescents this essay disagrees and believes they have many drawbacks so again this comes from from two two places I think number one many of you come from countries where in your education system or just in your culture in general you are taught not to take strong positions in things um I've taught in Asia a lot I'm not mentioned specific countries but this is a problem that we have to help students with because they are taught in school don't take a really firm strong position on things and try and show both sides and don't really take a strong position sit on the fence a little bit in Western culture in Western universities in Western workplaces if your boss or your teacher your professor asks you a direct question they expect a direct answer they don't want you you know running around the bush um and say well some people think this and some people think that that's not really what they want they want you to answer it directly this question has asked why is this this is the and the person has just said there are many benefits okay what benefits what benefits are there this leads into task response I say task response there are asking you to for a Band-Aid sufficiently addresses all parts of the task presents a well-developed response to the question with relevant extended unsupported ideas you're not really addressing this part of the question very well if you're not answering it in your introduction and you could answer it in other places and we'll see if the student did this but you want to just make it very clear to The Examiner in the introduction that you've answered the question clearly that also leads into coherence coherence means did you actually answer the question clearly coherent means clear so this person hasn't taken a position at all this essay disagrees and believes they have many drawbacks okay so they're taking somewhat of a position here they disagree that it has benefits but they're just saying there's many drawbacks I think it would be better just to clearly State what those drawbacks are and then you've stayed at a very clear position so there's no real position here in the introduction to the first question and they haven't really stated clearly what they think about the second question so this isn't a great start for clearly asking answering the question in task response it also isn't a great start for coherence and cohesion because coherence in cohesion means is it clear and is it well linked together we'll talk more about what cohesion means specifically in a minute this essay will endeavor spelled incorrectly to discuss both points before coming to a reasoned conclusion totally memorized and adds nothing to it and you've got a spelling mistake in there I'll not spend any more time on explaining why this memorized sentence is not going to help you refer back to the first sentence so most of this paragraph this entire paragraph is just memorization which doesn't add anything to your essay it is also led to a huge number of linguistic errors and there's a bit in the middle that kind of takes a position but doesn't go into any real detail and doesn't tell people exactly what's happening in the essay so when you see me write out the introduction and and rephrase it and redo it you'll see the difference and and it's not complicated to do that so let's move on to the first main body paragraph what the examiner is looking for here in the first main body paragraph is did you go into detail and really explain why this is the first question that they asked and they're also looking to see is there any cohesion between what you put in the introduction and what you put here by cohesion I don't mean linking words but basically are you talking about the same thing here as you're talking about in the introduction in the introduction you're introducing the main ideas your main positions and then in the main body you're going into detail so let's have a look at what they say here the young ones love to use digital devices because game are entertaining okay so they said in the introduction there's many benefits and to the mobiles for adolescents The Young Ones love to use digital devices because games are entertaining okay so this is a reasonable relevant specific idea why do children spend so long on their smartphones they're entertaining it's a little bit vague but it's pretty good an examiner is not going to look at that and think I don't understand that idea or that idea is not good um games are entertaining okay and not bad at all it probably would have been better to put that in your introduction and and go into more detail here but we'll look at how to do that later in the lesson anyone with phones can access thousands of games at the touch of a button okay they're explaining why games are entertaining these mean there are endless opportunities for them to enjoy themselves and can often spend many hours each day consuming new games without even thinking as a result children spend too much of of their free time in front of screen instead of being outside doing things like riding bike or playing sports so this is actually pretty good they're using the structure that most good students use to you know write their main body paragraphs which is topic sentence and then explanation and their explanation is pretty good as well because what they're doing is they're explaining why children spend so long on their phones in relation to their main idea so there's good cohesion here between their main idea and their explanation and so so far so good on this part for example my cousin is eight years old and spends eight hours a day on parents iPhone Okay so there's good things about this example and not so good things about this example the good thing about this example is the example is actually related to the main point the whole um paragraph is about the one thing why is this the case and it's about games being entertaining on a phone so this is a very cohesive paragraph because the whole thing is just doing one thing so that's pretty good but the problem with the example and many examiners will knock you down for this is it's way too personal examiners see this all the time where people talk about their cousin and their auntie and their sister and it doesn't really provide any Authority so I could say you know my son plays games for eight hours a day therefore games are dangerous I could just be because I'm a bad parent or my son is just has an addictive personality but if I said something more General like um you know on iPhones they can actually collect the data um on the screen time you know Apple released figures that said the average use per day on their iPhones is eight hours a day so you're using that eight hours a day thing but it's far more authoritative because there's a far bigger sample size uh Apple has billions of customers and your cousin is just one person so try to make your examples more authoritative by just thinking is this one person I'm talking about which is probably just a um you know your family member or someone you know or could I change it to provide a bigger sample size make it a little bit more General and but always keep it specific to the topic you're talking about and but The Examiner is not going to Mark you down a huge amount for this so if we look at task response just for if we were just looking at this paragraph in isolation sufficiently addresses all parts of the task this paragraph has focused in on that one question and has done a pretty good job with it presents a well-developed response they have developed the response to the question with relevant extended and supported ideas so their ideas are relevant we can look into the topic sentence there that is a relevant idea have they extended that idea yes they've explained it and have they supported that idea yes they've supported it with explanations and that example um Rel is the example relevant is it the best example ever no but that's a pretty easy fix for most students I'll show you how we can do that in a second when we look at how we could change that but not a great start with their introduction but that's a pretty good and Main body paragraph we're not looking at lexical resources and grammatical range and accuracy yet we'll do that at the end but for toss responds they're doing a pretty good job so far with that paragraph if we move on to coherence and cohesion you can see presents a clear Central topic within each paragraph there was a clear Central Topic in the topic sentence and they stuck to that and so pretty good for that point there arranges information and ideas coherently and there's a clear overall progression so if we have a look up here at the introduction there are many benefits to uh to the mobiles for adolescents they haven't actually talked about any of this paragraph in the introduction so as a reader I'm a little bit confused are they saying why children spend so long or are they talking about this as a benefit if they had have been very very clear in the introduction this is why children spend so long and said that specifically that just makes it a lot easier to read it makes it more coherent it makes it more cohesive I'm really a little bit confused when I'm reading this because I'm coming to this as not an IELTS examiner I'm com I'm not someone who has really studied this question and has thought about it I'm coming to this as just someone reading this for the first time would they understand have I helped the reader as much as possible so I don't think that they're sequencing or organizing the ideas on the structure as much as they could have and we'll see how we can do that in a second so you can see that you can do a pretty good job but if you're missing a few small tweaks then that can bring you down okay so the examiner will be asking themselves have they answered this first question why is this so they could have been a little bit clearer in the introduction but overall they're doing a pretty good job here but if we look at task response again the key word here for a band 8 is all parts of the task how they sufficiently addressed all parts of the task so for this question the examiner is really looking for have they answered both questions so let's read what they've done here so some people believe this is a positive because some game can be pedagogical beneficial many games teach little one maths problem solving and the new words so they've given one reason why it is good is positive and they've given a little bit of an explanation a little bit of a explanation slash example but it hasn't really been very well developed however there are others who believe so we're talking about some people and others The Examiner is asking you what do you think now you can't use language like this but you need to make it really clear what you think as well however there are others who believe there are many drawbacks firstly some can be addicting secondly kids will not spend as much time with the parents and family thirdly some game have too many things that can cause children to become violent for example 89 percent of iPhone games were fine to have extreme violence in them so has the person here taken a position in other words have they said what they think have they said firmly this is what I think or this essay believes this you have to come down on one side or the other you can show both sides if you want but you need to make it very clear what you think because the question does not say discuss the advantages and disadvantages it does not say discuss both points of view it says is this positive or is this negative the key word there is or which one pick one so this person has discussed both but they haven't really picked one so have they sufficiently addressed it all parts of the task no so if we go down here to bond six for task response addresses all parts of the task so they have addressed it but some parts may be more covered fully covered than others so they've fully covered the first question but they haven't really covered the second question fully and then if we look at Bond six here presents relevant main ideas now these ideas were relevant but some may be inadequately developed or unclear lots of ideas here they are relevant they do you know pertain to the question but they're not developed it would be much better for this person to limit the number of ideas and fully develop those ideas and have a very clear position for this question that's the difference between about six and a band eight so why does this student do this well again it could come from their educational background where they're told don't take a clear position for IELTS you need to or it could be that their teacher or some YouTuber has told them you know you need to discuss both views and you need to put in firstly secondly thirdly you don't need to do that and it often leads to this problem of not really adequately developing main ideas and not just having enough time enough room to do what they want you to do for a Band-Aid so if you want band six no problem but if you want one of the higher bonds you need to do it a little bit differently and that's what we'll show you in the rest of this video the last part or last problem with this paragraph is for example 89 of iPhone games were found to have extreme violence in them no that's just wrong um there is no way that 89 of games on the App Store have extreme violence not even you know moderate violence this is why we suggest to students that unless they know the statistic you know 89 unless they know that for sure 100 they've seen it many times and they know it back to front like the back of their hand do not write it most of the time if you try and use statistics and studies and things like that you'll mess them up because you're under pressure you're stressed out and your brain just is saying just put in anything just let's get this over and done with you're not thinking as clearly as you would normally so don't do that we'll show you how you can change that um in the rest of the lesson so let's look at their conclusion to recapitulate memorization again uh probably spelled incorrectly cell phones have plethora spelled incorrectly of apps to keep Offspring entertained but parents must balance the positives with the negatives before considering to give access to their progency so why is this cell phones have plethora of Ops to keep Offspring entertained is that stating it as clearly as it could be not really it's not bad it's not terrible but it could be made a little bit clearer but parents must balance the positives with the negatives before considering to give access to their progeny is this positive or negative I don't know I don't know I want this person please just tell me even if it's just in the conclusion you haven't done it in the introduction you haven't done it in the main body I know you haven't done it in the conclusion so here we see band 7 for task response presents a clear position throughout the response there is no clear position at any point in the essay for the second question so we cannot give it a bond seven we have to give it a bond six at the most Okay so we've covered Tash response and coherence and cohesion that's 50 of our total mark But 50 is our vocabulary on our grammar so what I'm going to do is I'm going to underline a certain vocabulary issues and I'll do that now so if we have a look here at band 8 for lexical resource uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexibly to convey precise meanings the key word there is precise they're not throwing in a bunch of high-level language and hoping that it kind of means what they want they're using language in a way that is very precise to convey meaning we'll look at whether they've done that or not here skillfully uses uncommon lexical items but there may be occasional inaccur accuracies in word choice so they do have a wide range of vocabulary they can make some small mistakes but most of the time they're using it skillfully produces rare errors in spelling and or word formation so they might have you know one or two spelling errors in there that is acceptable and for band 8 but they're not going to be consistently spelling words incorrectly if we compare that with Bond six uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task so they're able to write about the task they have enough vocabulary to write about it attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy when they try to use a wider range they make mistakes compare that with band 8 when they try to use less common vocabulary they might make the odd one or two mistakes but most of the time it's fine make some errors in spelling under word formation but they do not impede communication so there's a lot more spelling errors word formation errors with band Six now I've highlighted just some of the errors here some of the issues but not all of them because I don't want this video to be three hours long but if we can see now the days believes a pedagogical um uh plethora there are a lot of spelling errors especially when they try to use either memorize language or language that is they're trying to use less frequent more high level vocabulary this is a clear indication to The Examiner that this person doesn't really know how to use that vocabulary this is why we always say only use words you really understand because by using bigger words and making spelling errors and other errors like meaning errors and using them less precisely you're literally telling the examiner I don't deserve a high score and there are also meaning errors so adolescence the question doesn't ask about adolescence the question asks about children this is demonstrating to The Examiner that you do not know the meaning of the word children and you or you don't know the meaning of the word adolescence why do students do this because they are told that if you repeat a word you will get lower scores it is better to repeat the word or use a simpler word than it is to try and use a higher level word and it to be wrong so the spelling is correct here but the meaning is wrong so they're not using a wide range of vocabulary precisely young ones very informal we wouldn't really say that you know young ones can mean people in their 20s we often do use that to talk more about people in their 20s than you know people that are children so again same issue there pedagogical beneficial this doesn't make any sense pedagogical relates to education beneficial means that it it's good I kind of know what they're saying it doesn't impede communication as it says here in the marking criteria but they're having all sorts of problems with word formation there and it doesn't really they don't really know what they mean what it means and it will come as a big shock when this person gets you know about six or maybe even lower because they will say well I used lots of big words but you didn't use them correctly and these firstly some games can be addicting addictive like you know this is a common error you get the word form wrong again demonstrating that you don't really fully understand that word plethora okay the meaning is correct but the spelling is incorrect Offspring and progeny you wouldn't really use that outside of a biology lab we wouldn't you know if I turned around to my wife and said where is my progency or where are our offspring she would think that I was insane and they are synonyms of children but it's not appropriate to use those in an essay because they don't in this context it's not the right style of word to use so this student is most likely to get about six for classical resource for those reasons the last thing that the examiner is going to look at it are the grammatical errors how many grammatical errors is this person making there by understanding the essay and reading through it and understanding most of the stuff that the student is trying to say the student has demonstrated that they have enough range of grammar range really isn't a problem here but what it says is not grammatical range it says grammatical range and accuracy and the most common reason why students get about six is for a lack of accuracy not a lack of range so let's go through and find some of the mistakes of underlined most of the grammar mistakes here in red and there are two things that the examiner will notice the first thing that the examiner will notice is there are grammatical errors in most sentences so more than 50 percent of the sentences have grammatical errors in them so if we look at Bond eight here for grammatical range and accuracy the majority of sentences are error free the majority of sentences here are not error-free the majority of sentences have errors in them at least one grammatical error in most sentences if we have a look here make some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce communication and this is the case here they are making quite a few grammatical errors but it doesn't stop the reader understanding what they're saying if that was the case that it might go down to about five but here they're making lots of mistakes but it doesn't reduce communication it doesn't impede my ability to read the essay so definitely not a bad date not a bond seven it would be a bond six for that reason only doesn't matter how many grammatical structures you have it doesn't matter how many tenses you have if you do not have lots of error-free sentences you cannot get a Band-Aid now the other thing that the examiner will notice is nearly all of the mistakes here are either articles or countable uncountable nouns it is the same two grammatical errors coming up again and again and again and these are known as systematic errors every time or nearly every time this system this area of grammar comes up the student is making a mistake which is indicative of someone who is out of bounds six now the good news for this student is they can easily bring their band up from about six to about seven or even a bond date not by improving everything about their grammar but by improving just two areas no this might not be the case for you but for most students they do have a problem with one or two or maybe three areas for you it might not be preposition or sorry articles and accountable uncountable nines it could be prepositions or it could be punctuation or it could be a subject verb agreement or it could be tenses but for most students it is just one or two of these problem areas and the examiner sees these all the time because you're making mistakes with these all the time that means that most of your sentences have errors in them which makes it impossible for you to get a bond eight because you do not have the majority of sentences being error-free so as you can see this student is in and around band six for task response coherence and cohesion let's go resource and grammatical range and accuracy and this is not a bad essay this essay has lots and lots and lots of very typical very common errors that most students make remember that the average score worldwide for IELTS writing task 2 is 5.5 below the level of this essay this essay is actually pretty good but the great thing that I'm about to show you now is with small tweaks you'll see I'm not going to completely transform the essay I'm just going to make small changes rewrite it and you'll see how practical and how realistic it is to go from about six definitely to a band seven and even to a band aid so instead of a general background statement what we're going to do is start off with just looking at the question statement and paraphrasing this so some instead of adolescence we're going to change this to juveniles juveniles children means the same thing so this already makes our essay a lot more precise so what is this doing this is demonstrating to The Examiner a few things number one it is demonstrating that I've understood the question because it's impossible to accurately paraphrase something that you don't understand it has also shown the examiner that my grammar is okay my vocabulary is okay because I'm only using language that I know a hundred percent so instead of saying there are many benefits what I'm going to do is directly answer this first question so why do they spend a lot of time on their mobile phones this is because video streaming apps are so engrossing you could use entertaining you could use addictive even but we're saying the reason why they're spending so much time is because they're watching these highly entertaining videos so I've demonstrated to The Examiner that I understand the question and I have answered the question directly this helps me with task response and as you can see we're taking a very different approach to this student this student is hesitant they're not really giving the examiner any indication of what they think we are telling them exactly what they what we think about the question in the second sentence then we need to think about the second sentence so but this can have negative consequences is it positive or negative I think it has negative consequences why do I think it has negative consequences because they can distract children from family life so instead of like this essay we'll do we'll look at the positives and this essay will look at the negatives we are telling them exactly what we think it's negative and why we think it so I have sufficiently addressed all parts of the task as it says for task response here and I'm going to present a well-developed response in the rest of the essay in the main body I've sequenced the information and ideas logically I answered question one and then I answered question two and I've used a wide range of vocabulary without any end Precision same with grammar I haven't made any mistakes and you might be looking at this and thinking well you know you're uh an English speaker of course it is going to be very very good but look at the difference in language between this and this there isn't a huge amount of difference it is just that this person is choosing language that is a little bit more precise I mean the only high level language really here is engrossing but you could change that to entertaining there is no really high level language here but all of the language is precise and accurate and as you've seen here the student is only really making they made a article mistake here a few spelling mistakes so I'm only making like one fewer grammatical error than this student it is not about completely transforming what you're doing it is about making these small tweaks so let's start off with our first main body paragraph okay so miners love using mobile devices because streaming services have many entertaining videos so I've changed their main ideas slightly I've changed it from games to streaming services the reason why I've done this is my son uses a lot of these streaming services he watches YouTube Disney plus all of these things so I'm using an idea that I'm confident about what I'm writing about you should always pick the idea that is easiest for you to write about not the idea that you've seen in a sample essay or not the idea that you think is going to impress The Examiner pick the idea that is easiest to write about and you'll also see the difference between the here and here is because I mentioned video streaming apps here and then I mention them here there's more cohesion there's more of a link between what I said in the introduction and what I'm talking about in the main body paragraph that makes it much easier for the examiner to understand what I'm doing and it helps my coherence and cohesion and I've changed young ones to minors miners is correct young ones is also correct but it is a little bit informal a little bit less precise so I've slightly changed uh this one but it's pretty much the same sentence because this was good I've just changed games to shows so I have changed the example a lot and this is one of the reasons why I chose streaming shows because I know a lot more about streaming shows and Netflix and YouTube and things like that than I do about games I'm not a gamer and my son doesn't really play games so I've changed it to for example many videos on Netflix are aimed at children which is true some of which design their title and thumbnails so the little image to entice or attract children to click on one more video so this is very different from my cousin all right my cousin plays a lot of games who cares this is talking about Netflix and Netflix has billions of customers and I know that they do this because when I open up Netflix on my TV I can see that they have designed their thumbnails their images in a way to be highly attractive to Children what I did not say was for example my son watches Netflix all the time too personal as a result they spend their free time in front of a screen instead of being outside doing physical activities such as bike riding or playing sports you don't have to put as a result you could actually put this up here and then put the examples on there it doesn't really matter but what I'm doing is I'm linking this back to the question so I'm looking at the question why do they spend so long on smartphones because they're addicted they're they're staring at the screen all day they're indoors looking at their phones instead of being outside okay so if we look at the second paragraph here sorry if you can see this wire they started going into the positives and talking about pedagogical beneficial and all this sort of stuff what I've done instead is I've just acknowledged that there are positives despite them being highly enjoyable for the child so this is a positive thing but what I'm doing is I'm linking it to my previous paragraph So I'm acknowledging what I've just said so I said yep they really enjoy them they find them entertaining but I don't think so I think that these should be viewed negatively and then I've stated one reason why I think that it is negative instead of three reasons I've just put one reason and then instead of me listing more Reasons I'm going to explain why I think this is negative and give an example of it being negative okay so why is being around your parents and your siblings why is that a good thing because being around your family teaches you values manners and how to treat others so I'm explaining why this is a negative thing because if you're not spending time with your family you're not going to learn their values Their Manners how to treat others okay so you need to explain this a bit more why should people have manners and values and what is the problem with them watching YouTubers if a child misses these opportunities they could grow up to have impaired social skills and take their values from YouTubers rather than their mother and father okay so the thing missing now is a specific example of YouTubers like misleading children so for instance one of the most popular personalities of YouTube on YouTube is Logan Paul who is well known for promoting drug use gambling and violence so as you can see the difference between this paragraph and this paragraph is I've clearly stated that I think it's negative I've picked a clear position I've explained why I think that is negative and give an example of that negative thing happening and my example is not made up this is a real person who has really done these things okay so in conclusion videos on mobiles may be irresistible to those under 18. why are they spending so much time on their phones because these videos are irresistible they're engrossing they're addictive they're attractive to children so very similar to what this person here has put cell phones have plethora of apps to keep Offspring entertained but the problem with this is that they didn't really make it clear that this is why children are spending so much time throughout their entire essay we make it clear in the introduction we make it clear here and we're making it clear here so we present a well-developed response to the question with relevant extended and supported ideas and we've sufficiently addressed all parts of the task we've also sequenced information and ideas logically we've introduced our main idea in the introduction we've gone into detail in the the main body paragraph and then we've summarized it we've stated it again in our conclusion so we've concluded the first question let's conclude the second question however parents should restrict screen time as much as possible to limit the harmful effects it is negative influers can have on their sons or daughters upbringing so I'm not using words like Offspring Prodigy I'm using son and daughter simple but correct and you'll see that throughout the entire essay there is a wide range of vocabulary here but the difference between here and here is here it is used precisely and accurately and as we can see here follesco resource uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexibly to convey precise meanings it does not say uses as much high level unusual vocabulary as possible for grammatical range and accuracy uses a wide range of structures you will naturally use a wide range of structures both of these essays have a wide range of structures but the difference between this one and this one the majority of sentences here are error free I don't think I made any mistakes but if I did they will only be slips if you enjoyed this lesson click on this next lesson it is really going to help you with your IELTS preparation and it is even better than the video that you just watched thanks very much for watching