if I asked you to name a classic Disney movie I'm sure most of you would choose the Lion [Music] King run away and never return if you ever come back we'll kill you today we're learning English with the iconic villainous song be prepared prepare for the chance of a be prepared for sensal news and in the second part of the lesson be prepared to joining a super quick hola dance performed by timan and Pumba now if you're new here our method is really simple first you will watch the clip with the subtitles then you will learn all of the most important vocabulary grammar and pronunciation and finally you will test your comprehension by watching the clip one more time this time without subtitles and of course if you enjoy this lesson please give it a like and you may write in the comments the new words and expressions you learned with us today and to support our Channel I will ask you to hit that subscribe button and Bell down below because every week we bring lessons just like this one for you to understand your favorite movies and TV series without getting lost without missing the jokes and without subtitles so let's warm up our vocal chords to sing along it's clear from your vacant Expressions the lights are not all on upstairs but we are talking Kings and successions even you can't be caught unawares so prepare for the chance of a lifetime be prepared for Sensational news a shining new era is going nearer and where do we feature just listen to teacher I know it sounds sorted but you'll be rewarded when At Last I am given my dues and Injustice deliciously swe I was singing this song like the whole day yesterday and today and I really like it it's really that evil song that we no longer have in those newer Disney movies kind of they're kind of scared of making a real Villain Like nowadays mhm and it adds so much to his character I think I the song has this Sinister dark tone and it reflects his manipulative and ambitious nature right he likes to control things and and people or lions hyenas and he wants to to be king right so in this song uh it's important to know the context here that he is planning to uh be the king to overthrow his brother Mufasa and become the king of the pride lands so what is to overthrow to overthrow is to take power from somebody right so imagine you're a president and if you are overthrown then somebody you know took your power and became president instead of you like forcefully even right like in a way that's not even legal sometimes but anyway uh in the beginning of this clip he uses the expression vacant Expressions right he says it's clear from your vacant Expressions what is that vacant Expressions that's an interesting uh expression because this is another meaning of the word expression here he SS about the facial expression right the mimics we show like either we are angry or we're happy so the expression is about face but vacant vacant is something empty right so in this context maybe he's implying that hyenas are not very intelligent so they have vacant Expressions yeah they don't think so much so you cannot see this thinking process in their eyes the lights are not all on upstairs but we are talking Kings and successions even you can't be caught unawares this next line is another hint that the hyas are not very intelligent the lights are not all on meaning that they are not thinking there is no thinking process going on in their brains yeah the upstairs part exactly refers to the person's mind and this phrase is very similar to this funny expression I heard the lights are on but nobody's home have you ever heard of it yeah yeah it is similar right it's not exactly the same cuz this may be just if somebody's not paying attention you're talking to somebody and they're just like thinking so the lights are on they're awake right they're their eyes are open but nobody's home so it's like there's no one there like hey hello it's like oh so exactly person is not reacting maybe yeah to what you're saying meaning that they're somewhere else not here with you guys you're are doing such a great job learning this new vocabul with us in today's lesson let me tell you this if you don't review these words regularly you're likely to forget them very soon and if you want to actually use these new words in your future English conversations we have a perfect solution for you we've made an exclusive set of flash cards from this lesson for you for free on our real life English app it's the perfect way to review and remember all the important words and expressions from today's lesson here's the magic we use something called space repetition system it's like a smart algorithm that knows when you're about to forget a word and brings it back for review right on time just regularly practice for 10 15 minutes and you'll always have the right words at the tip of your tongue when you need them in real conversation ready to get started then using your phone click on the link in the description to this video to go straight to the flashcards or simply search for real life app in your favorite app store but we are talking Kings and successions even you can't be caught unawares so here scar tries to emphasize that the topic is important he says we're talking Kings in succession what does succession mean yes so succession refers to this sequence or the order in which one king follows another usually the Children of the king or of the queen uh they are the next Kings and Queens so this is like this succession also known as the lineage it's another word oh what a nice word exactly so yeah scar is saying that even you can be caught unawares meaning that even you can't be taken by surprise right uh you should expect something so pay attention of be prepared for Sensational news a shining new era is tipto near and where do we feature just listen to teacher I like this just listen to teacher and this British accent here teacher yeah yeah which is interesting that uh feature it was said in like a British accent as well as like feure teacher which rhymes with teacher yeah so nice um what kind of Chan it is if you say the chance of a lifetime it's the kind of chance they only get like once right it's like in your whole life you have that opportunity so it's like what a chance in a lifetime exactly and Sensational news is extremely exciting news yeah it's some it's sensation wow you'll be so excited to hear about it Shin tiptoeing what is tiptoeing so when you tiptoe you're like you're walking quietly and carefully on your toes just like scar was doing that yeah I can imagine this scenario when for example you are late like you came home really late you're a teenager and your mom you know uh disapprove of your being late and you're trying to make as little noise as possible and deep toeing getting back home right for her not to notice you and in this case he was using it figuratively because it's not somebody who's tiptoeing it's a new era it's a new moment um new age right and this shiny this great new age that's coming is coming quietly but surely is tip throwing nearer it's approaching a shin ER tip just a small comment here about pronunciation of these two words and that's a great chance for you guys to practice your pronunciation in songs there are lots of rhyming words which makes this practice of pronunciation so comfortable so convenient right so the word era it has two types like two ways of pronunciation actually you can either say irra or era and when you rhyme it together with n you can exactly practice those sounds era n mhm and again especially because this is British English so he he speaks with a British accent so you you get the words like chance set of chance right or as you said era rhymes with Nera because the r at the end of nerer as I would say it in an American accent is not really there right it's uh nonic RS is nura uh yeah and then again same thing with feature and teacher where it's like FEA teacher I love this teacher just listen to teacher he of course refers to himself yes cars sees himself as Hyena's teacher to show them the way to show what is their part yeah we didn't Define the word feature uh where do we feature means what is our part in this whole plan feature is an interesting verb like it can be a noun like uh your your smartphone may have different characteristics like the apps or different little things that it can do but as a verb it's exactly this um you can see this often in movies when there's an actor or actress who's going to play uh an important role they'll say oh this movie features Jennifer Lawrence as the protagonist so it's a verb I knowed but you'll be rewarded when At Last I am given my dues and Injustice [Music] delicious oh sorted this is a new word for me what does it mean easy sorted so he's saying that I know it's sounds sorted all these things that he's saying so he's acknowledging he's recognizing that his plan might seem morally wrong or dirty so I know it sounds sorted so that's what sorted is when something is uh very bad or dishonest immoral it's sorted but then he promises that the hyenas will be rewarded once he gets the power and recognition because he feels like that's unfair that he hasn't become the king to be given your dues is exactly that to be given what you deserve and there is a cocation the due date could you explain that could you define what is a due date this is also known as a deadline a due date so it's the time that you have for finishing something let's say m uh you're you have bills to pay so you need to make sure that you pay your bills before the due date or the deadline to avoid exactly fees right extra fees and Injustice deliciously [Music] square square but not a square like a figure but Square used as a verb can you define that yeah to square in this case it refers to setting things right to settle a situation so it becomes Fair again right it was unfair or injust there was an injustice and uh in this case when you are squaring that situation you are making it fair against that's what he was referring to there exactly so he says here that he will get what he deserves and Injustice will turn into Justice Yeah by being squared by this situation being resolved to his benefit hyenas I hate hyenas so what's your plan for getting past those guys life bait good idea hey come on team on you guys have to create a diversion what do you want me to do dress and drag and do the hola if you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat eat my the down all you have to do is get in line yep yep some bacon yep yep he's a big pig y you can be a big pig too hyenas I hate hyenas so what's your plan for getting pastos God ni live bait good idea hey come on teon you guys have to create a diversion what do you want me to do dress and drag and do the okay so the next part after this it will be really quick so guys you want to be prepared but let's explain this part so in this next part uh Simba Nala Pumba and Timon they are they arrive at Pride Rock and Scar is the new King right this is Clos to the end of the movie so Tim and PBA they trying to create a distraction to help Simba Anda get past the hyenas and proceed with their plan to defeat scar so yeah what does that mean like to get past to get past is exactly what we see here they're trying to move through or go through those hyenas and notic so what is Simba saying that should be their plan for getting past the hyenas wow that was was a tricky plan I feel like Timon didn't appreciate that plan because they planned for him to be a live bait live bait and a live bait is this small animal used to attract other usually bigger animals right like imagine when you are going fishing you have those worms that you use as a life bait to catch fish and the diversion is exactly this uh Act of a distraction this is something that draws attention away and distracts other people like in this case hyos what do you want me to do dress and drag and do the hola so in drag this expression means wearing clothes that are usually worn by the opposite sex usually it's women's clothes worn by a man as a part of some entertainment and in England actors in Shakespearean plays they were all male and female parts in that play were played by young men in drag yeah meaning they were wearing women's clothes because women at that time were banned from performing publicly but teon here is wearing this beautiful dress to perform the hoola dance what is the hoola dance it's the popular dance from the island of Hawaii maybe you've seen that any movies and Series right yeah so you do the hoola do the hoola is dance that traditional dance wow if you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat eat my here coming down CNE all you have to do is get in line Y yep yep bacon a big pig you can be a big pig too oh my God this like a real challenge I'm not sure if I'm able to like sing that that fast I tried I failed so I need more practice how about you do you feel like you can sing as quickly they almost like tongue twisters mhm and the word Lua by the way it also refers to the Hawaiian culture uh luu is the Hawaiian feast or party and basically featuring this traditional Hawaiian food and this music the hoola dancing what is hunk yeah he says if you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat so have a hunk of fat and juicy meat is like a piece a large piece normally collocated with food right like a m a hunk of meat in this case hunk of bread and in slaying it also means like a attractive man with like strong muscles looks looking sexy you can call this person a hunk yeah and then he follows uh eat my buddy Pama because he's a treat so what does that mean this is a real treat yeah so a treat this is something enjoyable or delightful it's not necessarily should be like a dessert it may be an experience like for example your in for a treat in this lesson or you're in for a treat in this party I don't know something like that it's so it's not only about food it also about experiences something that you enjoy and then he follows come on down and dine on his tasty swine what is he saying there comeing down is like inviting when you invite people to join you in something you can say come on down yeah come on down to this party tonight or you can know this phrase like comeing in when you invite people to just come in to your house house yeah coming in and dying on something is specifically uh to eat this specific food and basically there are two words uh related to this root dine so there is dinner which is a meal at the end of the day and there is a diner which refers to a small restaurant and if you go to a restaurant you use the verb D out actually a phrasal verb right to D Out means to eat in a restaurant mhm as you said previously to dine on something is to make something a meal so uh what are they dining on here or what is Timon offering them to dine on so the special dish today is swine this is a more generic term to call pigs yeah so there are these words like pigs swine then there are hogs because I believe Pumba is actually a wart hog this this is like a type of swine that lives in Africa mhm and Swine is like all these different animals that look like pigs like wart hogs as you're saying so Timon is inviting the hyenas to come on down and dine on this tasty swine this delicious swine and all you have to do is get in line what is that to get in line so getting line is waiting for your turn a ly is a group of people standing one behind the other and British word for ly is a q but I like the next phrase uh aching for something he's asking are you aching for some bacon bacon y uh if you're aching for some bacon which that rhymes right aen bacon um you're basically Desiring you're craving that you're craving bacon you really want it you have that deep desire so you're aching for it okay guys so that was a funny song and I hope you remember the previous more evil song from the very beginning because now it's time for a test let's watch two clips one more time now without subtitled it's clear from your vacant Expressions the lights are not all on upstairs but we are talking Kings and successions even you can't be caught una awar prep for the chance of a lifetime be prepared for Sensational news a shining new era is tipto near and where do we feature just listen to teacher I know it sounds sorted but you'll be rewarded when At Last I am given my dues and Injustice deliciously swear [Music] [Applause] hyenas I hate hyenas so what's your plan for getting past those guys live bait good idea hey come on teamon you guys have to create a diversion what do you want me to do dress and drag and do the hoola if you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat eat my bun here the down awine all you have to do is get in line you yep yep yep some bacon yep yep yep he a big p y you can be a big p too it was so much fun to make this lesson for you guys and I hope that you had fun learning with us today remember to review all the words on the real life English app with the exclusive flashcards you'll find a special link in the description under this video just use your smartphone to get started this is the perfect way to make this words stick with you forever now if you want to learn some more English today check this lesson next de boy notice how bostonians aren't exactly ugly but they're not sexy either your negative attitude is ruining this hate cation so what the hate first the Freedom Trail the touch tank at the New England Aquarium oo that could blow I want to go to souie that part of town has the towest townies of any town you think you're bostonians are so great what as your beloved Hooligans tear your innocent father limp from Lim