Transcript for:
Understanding Phonetics and Articulation

foreign okay so let's start back up um uh today let's see we are transitioning from uh morphology into phonetics so I hope you enjoyed morphology it's not as if you won't ever do any morphology again but that's it for lessons on morphology lectures I guess uh today is phonetics which means that today we begin making funny sounds at each other um so uh everybody limber up your vocal tracks um let's see I'm trying to remember if there's anything that I ought to announce uh you remember maybe that problem set one which confusingly is your second problem Set uh is due on Thursday normally it would be due on Tuesday but because I am technologically challenged uh uh it's due on Thursday uh speaking of being technologically challenged I just figured out how to get the projector to project over there instead of in the middle so that I won't have to write everything twice running back and forth across the room so thank you thank you and I'm going to mention this when I go up for you know my chair is trying to decide whether to give me a raise I'll be like big academic achievements of the Year figuring figuring out the technique uh so if anybody misses the old days like you were amused watching me run back and forth or or uh you know this turns out to be too small or something like that you know uh let me know and we'll we'll go back to the old days um okay so um when we speak if we're speaking an oral language if we're not signing uh what we are typically doing is producing a flow of air which typically comes out of your lungs but not necessarily we'll talk about that uh and it gets obstructed in various ways uh in the vocal tract and so one standard way of talking about different kinds of speech sounds is to talk about uh where in the vocal tract things the flow of air can get obstructed and how and that's what we're going to kind of do so first we'll talk about where so one way of categorizing the various things that your vocal tract does to the airflow is by what's called place of articulation that is where in your vocal tract is the flow there getting obstructed so for example there are what are called bilabial sounds these are sounds which are made with both lips um this picture over here on the right is What's called the sagittal section that is it's a picture of someone's head cut in half yeah so so that you can see the stuff that's inside um uh and the those arrows are meant to get you to imagine that this person is making a sound by putting their two lips together so that's what you do for the sounds that are at the beginnings of words like paint and bath and mouth and well wipe where your lips don't touch but they both move yeah everybody feel free to confirm to yourselves in the privacy of your own mask that that is what you're doing when you make these sounds now um next to the sounds you know so I have these words paint bath math and wipe and then next to them I have these uh symbols in Brackets um and they may not look at it but these are extremely technical symbols these are symbols of the International Phonetic alphabets so linguists have a system for writing sounds down so that we'll all know what kind of sound we're talking about when we're talking about sounds um and uh bless you a lot of the symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet resemble letters of the English alphabet so we have started here with symbols that should all look kind of familiar so the the symbol for the sound at the beginning of paint is the letter P yeah and so that's that's a symbol of the International Phonetic Alphabet as we go along we will be seeing weirder and weirder symbols from the International Phonetic Alphabet so please enjoy it while it's easy yes so far so far so good yep there are also what are called labio Dental sounds labioental sounds involve your top teeth and your lower lip if you think about what you're doing at the beginning of a sound like face or vase what you're doing at least if you're me is bringing your lower lip pretty close to your upper teeth and obstructing the flow of air there so that there's some turbulence yeah Fair are I believe no languages in which labio dentals are made with your bottom teeth and your upper lip it's a little hard to do face face we'll talk about other kinds of places of articulation that English doesn't use but I think that one just doesn't exist and again two symbols of the IPA which again are not going to be too hard for you to learn yeah so uh the symbol for the sound at the beginning of face is an F symbol for the sound of the beginning of vase is a is a v here we get our first two IPA symbols that are not uh letters of the English alphabet these are interdental sounds interdental sounds are cross-linguistically not hugely common they we have them in English uh they're various dialects of Arabic that have them um some of the Berber languages have them um but they're not you know uh they're not all that common these are the sounds at the beginnings of words like Thistle and this where you're sticking your tongue between your front teeth and making air flow out yeah um English doesn't spell these differently at least not reliably right so we spell both of these with a th that's one of the reasons the International Phonetic Alphabet is there it's so that we can unambiguously talk about what we're talking about yeah so the the sound at the beginning of Thistle and the sound at the beginning of this they're not the same sound we'll talk about the difference between them shortly but at this point maybe it's just clear they're not the same sound so there are two different IPA symbols for them the Greek letter Theta is used for the sound at the beginning of thistle and that second letter is an Old English letter uh it's still used in Icelandic it's sometimes called EV uh and it stands for the sound at the beginning of this yep okay uh then there are what are called alveolar sounds um if you put your tongue sorry let me just talk first if you put your tongue at the top of your mouth and kind of drag it so put it first against your front teeth and then kind of drag it backwards along the top of your mouth if you're like me uh you're you've got your teeth and then there's this kind of flat-ish space and then it kind of goes up yeah so from your teeth you go back or there's a little Plateau there this little Plateau there right behind your teeth this gum Ridge and then your mouth begins to go up higher now that Ridge is called the alveolar Ridge um and uh if you put your tongue there then you are all set to make sounds like the sound at the beginning of the word teeth or duck um or nail and for sounds like sail and zoom again you're not actually touching that position we'll talk more about the difference between s and t in just a second but they're both alveolar sounds your tongue is pointing in the general direction of your alveolar Ridge everybody have that sensation you should all be exploring the insides of your own heads right now yeah Square okay um there's a type of sound that has been called alveo palatal it's also called post alveolar I'll call it post alveolar if you think first about an s and then you think about a shh the sh beginning of ship if you go back and forth between them you make a very soothing sound yeah and maybe what you can feel is that your tongue is kind of rocking back and forth at least that's what my tummy is doing for S it's kind of pointing at the front at my alveolar Ridge and then for shh the middle of my tongue kind of curls up a little bit goes a little further back so the feeling people are having is they're going back and forth between these here's another new symbol that's the symbol for the sound at the beginning of ship and another new symbol that's the sound uh in the middle of azure the z sound both of those are post alveolar sounds you'll sometimes see them called alveol sounds I'll try to remember to always call them post alveolar yep a little further back there are what are called talental sounds uh these are either even further behind the alveolar Ridge sort of back where the roof of your mouth gets as high as it's going to get and uh the one powerful sound that we have in English is the Y sound at the beginning of the year yeah and here's the first IPA symbol that is deliberately designed to confuse you the the IPA symbol for that sound the Y at the beginning of year is a j yeah this is because the IPA was not invented exclusively by speakers of English right so it was invented also by speakers of languages like German in which they use this letter for this sound yeah yeah for example the German word for yes spelled j a great the letter y is used for something else we'll get to it okay and then sort of continuing our tour of the mouth so we're working our way backwards through the mouth there are what are called Velar sounds in the Mueller sound the body of your tongue is up against What's called the velum which is the soft tissue at the back of your mouth that we're going to be hearing more about in a second it's responsible for partitioning your mouth from your nose from your oral cavity um so uh that's the place that your tongue is touching when you say the sounds at the beginnings of words like kernel and caught and gone and when you make the nasal sound at the end of a word like sing so if you think about where your tongue is it's up in the back there does that sound right now okay cool um and then going even further down uh further down in your throat you've got the vocal cords the glottis this uh space that's down there in your throat or under larynx um and your vocal cords or they're sometimes called your vocal folds uh this process that you've got back here in your throat for closing off the air can be closed to make what's some what's called a glottal stop um English doesn't make huge a huge amount of use of the glottal stop but it's what shows up at the beginnings of words like ah that catch that you're getting in your throat meaning no right or uh-oh meaning oh dear yeah that catch that you're getting in your throat that's a glottal stop yeah there are languages that are into glottal stops that have lots of them English is not and then so that's what in the way you make that is by basically slamming your vocal folds together to close off the flow of air you can also hold them kind of close together and let the air whistle past that's how you make an H right it has in what's my word of their help yeah so you're just slightly abriding the flow there okay now yeah are there questions about any of that so that was just a quick tour through the vocal tract yeah oh we haven't gotten to Cha yeah but good question um we can think of sound at the beginning of a word like church also at the end of a word like church is a kind of dynamic sound right um I think your tongue is in motion as you are making that sound yeah so it makes ones or it completely stops the flow there and then it gradually peels back and allows the air to flow out you could think of that first thing it's doing as I'm on completely the wrong slide as being like an alveolar stop right so it's a it's like a t and then as it peels back you end up with something like a like a post alveolar so it's a pretty complicated sound um uh and we'll talk about it yeah that's a really good question other questions somebody had a question yeah I'm sorry say it again an ending consonant what what kind of ending consonant did you oh oh oh yeah so that's a really good point okay so a glottal stop take take a word like um put right um if you say put your tongue at least my tongue touches the alveolar Ridge it goes where I said it would but you're right you also make a glottal stop at least the way I just said it put um you [Music] you could contrast that if you didn't make the closure at the alveolar Ridge it would sound like put put right which is not an English word for me you can there are dialects of English in which you would say in which that's something you would say right uh put um there are places in English where uh things that we write as other kinds of sounds actually are in fact level stops at least in my English so the difference but for me between can and can my wife who is Japanese is Driven Crazy by the difference between can and can because they're virtually the same right uh it's very hard for her to figure out often whether I'm saying can or can't because the difference between them is really mostly just it can't is really just can plus a global stop I'm not saying can't usually unless I'm being very emphatic yeah yeah good question yes yes there are things like that do you have something in mind oh okay so we haven't gotten yet to R uh we'll get to R eventually but actually people discovered at a certain point so people investigate this kind of thing in all kinds of ways one is the kind of thing we're all doing where we just sort of sit and say what is my mouth doing um there there's other kinds of work where people uh classically you know paint the roof of your mouth with uh stuff that will come off and then uh you have people produce a sound and then you stick a camera in their mouth and take pictures and see which parts of the paint came off you know um there you stick tubes down people's nose to measure airflow you do all kinds of horrible invasive things uh these days people do a lot of MRIs I'm gonna put on the website a um uh a um a couple of websites that have charts of all of the sounds that we're going to talk about plus many more together with MRIs of the people's insides of people's mouths making these sounds so that you can sort of see the anatomy that's involved you won't just have to think about it one of the things people discovered is they're doing this kind of work is that people just have different ways of producing R uh that they're just different kinds of things you can do with your Anatomy to make an R sound uh and that's probably related to the fact that R is one of the kinds of sounds that people classically have trouble with like if you've been around small children for example it's kind of standard for them to not quite get R right and and to say something that sounds more like a w okay at a certain stage uh so so I'm sorry the short answer to your question is yes and R might be an example yeah good questions any other things people want to talk about okay um Okay so we went through that okay so uh now I already sort of alluded to the fact that you know uh I I had these slides that had various places of articulation on them but of course they they each slide had multiple sounds on it uh and so a place of articulation is obviously not the whole story here's another part of the story it's what called what's called voicing so if you think about an S and a z those are both alveolar sounds your tongue is reaching toward the alveolar Ridge yeah um but they're not the same what's the difference between them um if you think about if you go back and forth between them you can feel a buzzing and if you put your hand right here sorry you put your hand right here yeah um right here on your on your throat on your throat then when you make the z sound you can sort of find the source of that buzzing it's right there in your in your larynx yeah what's happening when you make a z is that you're holding your your vocal folds across the flow there in such a way that they will flap in the breeze as the air goes by they'll vibrate that's like whistling with a blade of grass right or uh playing a reed instrument right it's uh you're getting something to vibrate really fast uh and that's what you're what you're hearing that's that buzzing sound that you're hearing and feeling if you put your hand right here yeah uh when you're doing a z um we say that Z is voiced and that s is voiceless this is a distinction in voicing yes yeah so the difference between cats and dogs yeah uh so exactly we were I was going to get to that later but yes that's exactly it so uh what's the difference between a cat and a dog well as far as a phenologist is concerned the difference is that cat and dog uh end in sounds that differ in voicing yeah is tea voiced or voiceless the T at the end of cat voiceless yeah and the g at the end of dog is voiced right and you're choosing s or Z you're putting the sound that is agrees in voicing with the consonant that's at the end that's exactly right yeah yeah so this is a really good question um which I was hoping not to get asked quite so soon but uh no that's good uh okay so she just asked uh what are you doing when you're whispering so if you think about what you're doing when you're Whispering first of all your vocal cords are not vibrating at all at any point so that should mean that you're not making the distinction between s and z or between F and V or what's my other example here the right so the difference between bath and bathe is voiced is voiceless yeah but that doesn't seem to be true right I mean if you whisper safe and Save you have the feeling that you can hear the difference between them yeah I think if you were to whisper one of these so do a controlled experiment go back to your dorm whisper to your door mate safe and then find out what they think you said maybe warn them in advance you know what you're going to do I really really uh boy the complaints um uh yes so there's got to be something else going on right let's do this experiment again though so think it's easiest for you actually with f and V so let's do this thing again if we go back and forth between F and V [Music] which of them is voiced the V right the V is voiced okay now do it again but whisper does anybody feel a difference between F and V I mean not here right so I yes ah yeah there might be a difference in the aperture of your mouth I think you're right and I I think you're right too that there's a difference in how fast the air is Flowing for me I actually have the opposite of your feeling for me for me there's more air when there's an F and less air when there's a v yeah because when I see when I see oh yeah your my jaw is moving as I do that and and I think that is affecting what my lips are doing they're coming together more so I think what's happening maybe maybe is an attempt to answer your question is that um so I just said sounds can be either voiced or voiceless if they're voiced what it means is that your vocal cords are vibrating and I made it sound like the way you do that is well you stick your vocal cords into the flow of error right and you make them vibrate but I think maybe what we're learning is that you do some other things too to optimize the flow of error so that you will get a Good Vibration going right that maybe if the flow of air is too fast and maybe we're learning things about the aperture of your mouth right as well there's there's a way of making sure that the pressure that you're getting the sort of rush of air that you're getting on your vocal cords will make them vibrate in just the right way and you're manipulating all of that stuff without thinking about it and that's you can still hear it when you whisper so when you whisper you're not engaging your vocal cords but you're doing all the other stuff and that's what you're using to hear the difference um there's experimental work on this is the kind of thing people try to figure out yeah yeah really good question okay okay so your vocal cords can either be vibrating or they cannot be vibrating so uh you are you have voiced sounds and you have voiceless sounds so s and z and T and D are all alveolar but s and t are voiceless and z and d are voiced does that all sound right is anyone upset by any of that Disturbed alarmed hungry yeah anything okay good so back to the Polish plurals so we saw before uh we convinced ourselves or I convinced myself and I I tried to take the rest of you with me kind of as collateral damage that um polish has words that end in K and words that end in g underlyingly but it also has a rule that changes G to K at the ends of words that was polish right foreign okay but it's not just G so we can see some other pairs of words I don't have any more minimal pairs for you but you can see there's the same general tendency that if we look at singulars in Polish that they can end in sounds like K or P or t or S right that's what we're seeing in these pairs and that when you pluralize them some nouns that end in p still end in p when you add the the E the suffix like corpse but some change the P to a b yeah and the same deal for these other ones right so what we're learning is uh it isn't just that g becomes k at the end of a word in Polish there's this more General thing what's the more General thing what's going on here what's the difference between G and K so they're both Velar yeah yeah which one is voiced the G yeah so what's happening is that the G which was voiced is becoming voiceless at the ends of words in Polish yeah what's happening with B and P Joseph yeah the voiced me becomes the voiceless version which is p yeah those are both bilabial sounds they involve both your lips yeah yes sorry how is D voiced oh b b [Music] you're raising a good point there's a reason that I started with sounds like s and z and F and V because you can go for as long as you have Breath Right whereas there's a limit to how long you can be yeah um we just said the way voicing works is that you've got air flowing across your vocal folds and making them vibrate right and for a z you can see how that would work you know so the air just flows for a b well the air only has so far to go yeah that's one reason you can't keep a bee going for very long all that error has to get in it has to flow past your vocal folds to get them to vibrate a little bit and then it gets to your mouth and then it has to stop so you know there are other departments that are better at this than I am but you know the air pressure in your mouth is going to build up past a certain point you won't be able to keep doing that yeah um but you do it for as long as you can that's the sense of which it's voiced yeah good question yeah okay uh so yeah what's happening in Polish is not just G becomes K it's a voiced sounds are becoming voiceless so Z becomes s d becomes t b becomes p and g becomes K yeah so it was sometimes called final devoicing and it's a cross-linguistically quite common phenomenon uh okay so um yeah all right so we talked about place of articulation and we've talked about voicing now we need to talk about another sort of dimension for categorizing sounds which is called manner of articulation so think about s and t they're both alveolar and they're both voiceless but they're different from each other and the way we distinguish them is via what we call manner of articulation so they're both voiceless alveolar sounds but T is a stop and S is what's called a fricative so stops are also called plosives um I promise never ever to call them plosives I will always call them stops because that's what I grew up calling them but you will sometimes see things written which they're called plosives yeah in homeworks if you ever need to write about them feel free to call them either one doesn't matter I like calling them stops because they're named after the fact that well they stop the flow of air right that's what they do that's what a stop is so the air is coming out of your lungs and it gets stopped um fricatives like s are sounds in which you don't stop the flow there but you narrow some aperture enough to create turbulent airflow which you hear as a as a kind of hissing sound so sounds like s and Sh and F these are all fricatives yeah okay so for T and D the airflow is stopped for S and Z the airflow is restricted but is not stopped so you kind of hold your tongue close to the alveolar Ridge but you allow air to keep flowing through yeah that's what that's why it's just the conversation we just had that's why an S you can keep going for as long as you have breath in your lungs whereas a t you can't keep executing it okay okay so um now we have these three ways of categorizing these kinds of speech sounds uh place and Manner and voicing a place of articulation manner of articulation and voicing uh so there are a bunch of places of articulation over there on the left uh and the sounds that we have mainly talked about have been either stops or fricatives and then uh these each of these places on the table there's a pair of sounds uh and I hope I managed to do this right yes it looks like I did uh in all of these pairs uh you've got both a voiced and a voiceless sound which one is first the voiced sound yeah so in all those there's a pair uh so you've got for example the post alveolarificatives and the is the voiced one and the sh is the voiceless one yeah okay good all right so now new class of sounds this is a new manner of articulation so we've got D which is a voiced alveolar stop and Z which is voiced alveolar fricative and now we need to think about n well n is voiced and it's a stop in the sense that you are stopping the air from flowing through your mouth if you think about what's happening inside your mouth during an end your tongue is jammed against your alveolar Ridge just as it would be for a t so I love the sound of phonetics in the morning it's great uh so um when you're doing an you've stopped the flow of air in your mouth and so n is technically a stop right it's called a stop because there's no air coming out of your mouth if there's air coming out somewhere right it's coming out of your nose yeah yeah uh and you can tell uh because if you hold your nose you will not be able to make it in so the reason that an end that you can keep an end going again for as long as you have breath is uh well the air has some place to go it's going out your nose uh what's happening when you make an N is that you are lowering the velum uh which is this doohickey in the back of your mouth that partitions your nose from your mouth by lowering it you're allowing air to flow through your nose so for T and d uh the airflow is stopped at the alveolar Ridge for n the airflow is also stopped at the alveolar Ridge doesn't can't go through the mouth it stopped right there but it goes through your nose a nasal stop uh voiced alveolar nasal people often just call them nasals because nasal fricatives are messy yeah actually not possible possibly okay so let me go back in is an alveolar nasal what would a bilabial nasal sound like um it's an M close close your lips and allow the air to flow through your nose and a Velar nasal hmm remember that uh Velar means the place of articulation for a k or a g so you make a k or a g sound and then just let air flow through your nose hmm that's the sound at the end of a word like song right or King we're making a dealer nasal yeah English doesn't allow words to begin with Velar nasals uh but there are languages that do um so Tagalog for example the word for now right now is so it starts with the other nasal one of the entertaining things about learning Tagalog is learning how to make sounds that start with feeler nasals if you're an English speaker you're not used to it yep okay uh uh okay so there there's the table again so we've got stops and fricatives and nasals nasal stops uh things can be voiced or voiceless and uh we've got all those places of articulation over there on the left are there question about any of this is anybody looking at this and saying whoa this table has grown out of my ability to keep yeah yeah English doesn't allow words to begin with Velar nasals we don't have any words that start with the sound that's at the end of words like song we don't have words like English doesn't have words like that there are plenty of languages that do uh Tagalog is one Cantonese is one uh they're a bunch of others but English English doesn't have that yes oh yeah I I don't actually know where uh yeah so uh we haven't yet gotten to the kind of sound that that Jay the the sound at the beginning of the year uh you're absolutely right there's a gap there and I put the power of the line there uh partly to get you to ask exactly that kind of question so one of the points of this uh table it's kind of like when the periodic table was first invented I guess so we have the system for categorizing sounds and now we get to look at it and say well wait why isn't there anything there or there right and what would it be like if if it were there we'll do a little bit of that in a second but uh but yeah you're right uh so we don't we haven't yet uh talked about the kind of sound that the the IPA symbol J the the sound we usually write with Y in English the sound at the beginning of the year we haven't put that on the table yet you're right it's not a stop right it's also not a fricative because you're not making any turbulence in the airflow and it's not nasal so it's another kind of thing we'll get to it good question other questions this okay all right so oh yeah okay so this way of classifying The Sounds leads us to wonder about gaps this is yes thanks Norman yeah you set that up nicely um uh what so let's think about some of these gaps so English for example has bilabial stops p and B and it has a bilabial nasal and M but it doesn't have a bilabial fricative what would a bilabial fricative sounds like would sound kind of like blowing out a candle right you open your lips just enough to let some air come out and then blow Ah that's a bilabial Trill we will get to that uh either that or you were just having fun I'm not sure uh but that is there are languages that have that okay so but bilibrium forget if English doesn't have a bilabiophoricative but there are languages that do Japanese does for example so in Japanese the sound that when people were writing Japanese in the Roman alphabet when they write an F when they write the name of this mountain they'll write it with an F but in Japanese that's not an F it's a bilabial fricative it's if you learn Japanese you must learn to pronounce the F bilabially rather than labia dentally so in English we have a labiodental f with our our lower lip against our teeth in Japanese if your teeth are not involved it is only your lips what would up yeah what would a bilabial fricative sound like is this a voyster a voiceless bilibial fricative voiceless what would you sound like if it were voiced and that exists too uh their dialects of Spanish for example that have that between vowels in if you have the letter B between vowels in words like Abuela uh uh the that B has has that sound voiced by labial fricative um moving across the chart I've got a nasal stopped there is that nasal voiced or voiceless voiced hmm what would it sound like if it were voiceless I shouldn't step back English doesn't have that but there are languages out there that do uh languages like Hmong for example which is a minority language spoken in um actually it's quite a large minority language spoken in uh Vietnam has that kind of sound Tibetan has that kind of sound too uh okay let's Skip palatal and do Velar we've got velor stops in English K and G and we've got Velar nasals what would a v-ler fricative sound like yes she's alerting me that she's not just hissing at me she's making a video fricative yes right that's is that a voice or a voiceless feeling fricative voiceless yeah yeah English doesn't have that but there are languages that do uh languages like German say that's the one of the sounds that they write with the letters C and H at the end of composers names like Bach right uh Johannes his name ends with a violificative uh Russian has this sound yeah um shows up in the names of uh authors like jehov that sound um what would a Wheeler fricative sound like if it were voiced and uh English doesn't have that either but uh they're languages that do again they're dialects are Spanish where if you have a g between vowels it'll it'll get this kind of sound in words like agua yeah um okay so we've talked about various kinds of nasals nasal stops so um an m is a bilabial nasal right uh where you close the flow there at your lips and allow the air to flow through your nasal cavity by lowering your velums you get or you can stop the flow of air in other places you can have an alveolar nasal right you can have a Velar nasal what would a glottal nasal sound like trick question you would need surgery yeah um so the Way nasal stops work is you're stopping the flow of air somewhere in your vocal tract but you're allowing the air to flow through your nasal cavity right that's what uh that's what a nasal stop is here let's get back to one of these agile sections um so that end there right what you're doing is you're stopping the flow of air there at the alveolar Ridge right but you're lowering the Beulah to let the air flow through or an M you'd be closing the flow there at your lips and lowering your velum to let the air flow through or a viewer nasal like at the end of King yeah you're making a closure at the velum but you're also lowering the lemon letting the air flow through a global nasal you'd have to stop the flow of air down there at the at the at the vocal Folds and let the air go through your velum but if you're stopping it down there it can't be going through your vehicle so you would need again as I say they're probably there are unethical surgeons who would modify you so that you could make glottal nasals you'd need extra ways to get air to flow through your through your nasal cavity I'm not recommending this by the way no okay all right cool so those are some of the gaps um oh and I flagged a gap that I didn't talk about sorry a couple gaps um so English has uh interdental fricatives the and the and as I said those are cross-linguistically you know kind of rare which is why uh if you're trying to do an accent from various kinds of places for example in Europe uh one of the things you do is replace your th sounds with other kinds of sounds so you know if you're doing a French accent you replace your th sounds with Z's right uh or if you're doing a German accent you replace your th sounds with T's yeah um English has interidental fricatives and it has alveolar stops T and D there are languages out there that have what are called Dental stops so a dental stop so the alveolar stop again involves your tongue touching the alveolar Ridge and stopping the flow of air there for a dental stop your tongue is touching your teeth so you're not saying Atta you're saying English does not have those but there are languages out there that do if you're studying another language this is a kind of thing to think about because sometimes your teacher will not be thinking about this but you should be asking yourself is this sound this sound that sounds sort of like a t is it an alveolar t or is it a dentality part of your job if you're learning Tagalog for example is to learn to make dental teas instead of alveolar teeth because that's what they've got yeah yeah have teeth yes yeah uh well would it be like a youngster I think I I believe that is what people do yeah so you you make you make a closure or you make we can talk about interdental fricatives right so somebody who doesn't have teeth and wants to do a f what do they do I think their job is to create uh turbulent airflow with their tongue between where their teeth would be if they only had teeth right uh and I think there's something similar going on with dental stops but this is exactly the kind of thing that experimental phoneticists do is to try to figure out one of the things that they do many things some of them kind of creepy to try to figure out what's going on in your vocal tract exactly as you as you do this stuff um there's all this work on what people do to compensate for various kinds of obstructions in the vocal tract so you have people bite on a block and then you know like you put something solid in their mouth and then you're like okay so now what will you do you know with your with your time to to uh to make the sounds as best you can all kinds of weird stuff people do cool stuff yep okay um where was I with all that okay yeah so uh okay so yeah there that's another set of IPA symbols these are your first IPA diacritics I guess those little square doohickeys under the T and the D there uh those indicate that that particular T and D those are dental there are even languages out there that have both Dental teas and alveolar T's uh so the the dravidian languages of India are famous for having those and a lot of the Aboriginal languages of Australia are really rich in places of articulation um uh so is Dinka come to think about this nylonic language that I mentioned briefly that has uh tone as a way of marking case these are all languages that have lots and lots of places of articulation including both dental and alveolar uh but that often don't make the the languages of Australia at least often don't make um voicing distinctions so they have stops but they don't distinguish voiced from from voiceless so they have places of articulation and uh lots of them and nasals in all those places as well but no distinction between voiced and voiceless yeah okay any other questions about this chart Zoom past it okay like I say I'm gonna on the website there will be a link to uh charts that will look hopefully sort of like this um more official charts by the IPA which will have uh sound files so that you can listen to trained phonologists making the sounds and also uh at least one website which I hope is still up has MRIs so that you can watch the inside of a person's vocal tract as they as they make the sound okay now um we have been talking about parts of the vocal track that English uses uh sometimes it doesn't use them for the same things other languages do so we have teeth we use our teeth for intradentals but we don't make dental stops um but there are places in the vocal tract that English just does not use and yet if other languages do uh here are a couple there are what are called retroflex sounds these are sounds in which the tip of your tongue is on your palate so instead of a t you're making a so your tongue is curled back a little bit further than it would be for a t and it's making a closure if you're making a stop right there so there you can make stops there you can make fricatives there like Asha or Aja and you can make nasals there like yeah retroflex sounds are very popular in India and Australia uh uh and Indonesia they're they're all over the place yeah well we'll get to laterals but yes yes there is yeah yeah um okay retroflexes uvulars uvulars are kind of like K except more so so you know for a k your back of your tongue is hitting the back of your mouth uh it's touching your velum that's a k sound for a uvular your tongue goes further back and it gets at or near your uvula which is the little doohickey that hangs down there at the back um uh that's your uvula so this is a sound like akka akka or Aga or aha you know these are all uvular sounds um we do not have these in English at least when we're feeling well but uh they're they're languages out there that do you're working on a um on a uh problem set that involves the language and that letter K is a symbol for a uvular stop uh in yubiak has a uvular shop it has one at the end of the name uh the emu at the beginning means people and piak is a suffix meaning something like uh real or normal or regular right so the inyupyakarta are the normal people the rest of us are abnormal yeah um uh so yeah uvulars um uh reasonably popular they're all over let's see they're all over the indigenous languages of Americas the Americas um they have them in Arabic um they're yeah they're not they're not exactly rare but English does not have them um the uvular voiced fricative um so the the voice of the restrictive is you know uh found but uh not hugely common in Europe is one of the the voiced uvular fricative is one of the ways to Pro to pronounce an r in languages like French and German right so if you're pronouncing the French word for red uh one of the ways to do it is with this fricative to say that sound is a voiced uvular fricative there are other ways you can also do a uvular trill where you get your uvula to uh flap in the breeze but not everybody does that yep questions about that makes sense okay uh and then there are also pharyngeals fringeals involve constriction near the pharyngeal wall um Arabic has these uh the Berber languages have these these are like so you're getting the back of your tongue to get against the back of your vocal tract does anybody here speak Arabic okay so if you know anyone who speaks Arabic get them to speak to you for a while and you'll get to hear them hear them saying this as I say there will be sound files where you'll get to hear people making these so English doesn't have these but they're languages that do uh there are pharyngeal fricatives yeah those are both pharyngeal frictives okay so slightly larger chart uh with more symbols on it including some of the ones we've talked about pharyngeal tubulars retroflexis uh and for some reason the dental stops are still red I don't know why to fix that yep this is a chart okay okay now um people keep asking me about sounds that I've been carefully avoiding so let's talk about them um there are what are called approximants approximants are not stops and they're not fricatives and they're not nasals they involve your articulators kind of vaguely gesturing towards each other in some part of your vocal tract not enough to make you know definitely not making contact and not enough to cause any turbulence in the airflow so if you think about a w let's say uh in the middle of a word like away yeah that's not a stop and it's not a fricative and it's not nasal it's bilabial you can feel your lips engaging as you make the W in the middle of away it's a bilabial sound but it's not a bilabial stop or a fricative it is a bilabial or approximate yeah all right so similarly for the Y sound at the beginning of the year or yard and the L and the r uh at the beginning and end of I don't know Lair yeah uh rail yeah yeah those are all approximants they are sometimes divided into Glides and liquids and I'm hoping that nobody will ask me how you know whether something is a Glide or a liquid are you about to ask me how you know whether something is a Glide or a liquid go ahead is yes okay all right fine so so a Glide I mean sometimes it's as though a Glide is an approximate that if you were to hold it longer it would be a vowel so a w if you just freeze yourself in w space you're making an ooh right A W is like a ooh sped up we're going to talk about vowels later but if you think about what an ooh is it's a it's a held version of a w and similarly a y sound is a sped up version of an e as opposed to an r or an L which are just something else because I have not given you a good way of distinguishing Glides from liquids you can trust me that I will never ask you to distinguish them in a way that will make a difference for like grades or anything like that you'll you will never see me saying no you're wrong that's not a Glide it's a liquid I mean I may say that but there won't be minus five next to it yeah yeah are both just like shorts and vowel sounds why is it necessary to have these a separate symbol yeah just like the CH having two letters you know that's a really good question so why don't we just use the letter ooh uh for the for the bilabial Glide for the for the W um and let me see if I can come up with a good answer to that there are eventually we're going to get to so far all we're doing is talking about sounds individually and eventually we're going to start talking about sequences of sounds right and it's going to we're going to want to be able to talk about restrictions on the ways in which sounds get to interact with each other and so it's going to be useful at that point to be able to distinguish for example consonants from vowels um and and once we do that and you should feel free to call me on this if it doesn't come up later I'll try to make sure it does it'll turn out to be useful to be able to think of the consonant version of this sound the W and also the vowel version of the sound the ooh but you're right that there are plenty of like sound changes where you see them converting in back and forth between each other that's the kind of thing that happens yeah so uh um yeah but that's that's the Prima facial reason for distinguishing them because there there are rules for the distribution of sounds for which it's useful to have that distinction yeah it's like like anything else I guess we make that distinction as long as it's uh it turns out to be useful for explaining stuff yeah good good question yeah good all right uh okay so those are Glides and liquids okay and then this was Raquel was asking about this before uh sounds like cha and J I think I said you could think of as like a stop a t followed by a fricative um or J you know the J at the beginning and end of a word like judge yeah as being a stop a D sound followed by a fricative um there's a little bit of a debate about whether what I just said is the right way to think about this or not I think the standard way to think about it is not exactly that what people do is say yeah there's this package deal an affricate so there's a name for this kind of thing and Africa is this kind of sequence uh something like a stop followed by a fricative and the arguments about whether or not to make this move about whether to say no that's a single sound with a complex motion as opposed to saying no there's two sounds right next to each other has to do with the kinds of considerations I was just talking about when you're trying to figure out what's the best theory of for example what sequences of sounds are allowed in a syllable in a given language sometimes it's useful to be able to say this is a language that doesn't ever ever allow say a syllable to end with a stop followed by a fricative oh but it's okay for it to end with cha so we'll just treat that as a single package right we won't treat it as a stop followed by fricative that's the kind of move people make yeah yeah so terminology okay all right so I've made the table lighter uh there are Glides like woof and yeah there are some other Glides there uh which I can try to read to you what would a labiodental Glide sound like what's a labial Dental fricative a voiced labiodontal fricative right like a V sound so can you try to make a labia gentle Glide maybe between vowels it's going to be something like Allah Allah Allah uh English doesn't have those I believe Hindi does so there are languages out there that have labia Dental Glides similarly there are Velar Glides Allah uh where your tongue is just kind of vaguely gener gesturing in the direction of your velum I kind of like the IPA symbol for the Velar Glide it looks like something out of Tolkien yep okay uh all right so we've done consonants have not done all the consonants so uh what I'm going to do is show you some vowels and then we'll Circle back and look at some particularly exotic consonants probably next time probably not today so I want to start talking about vowels so let's go through the vowels systematically compare the vowel in the middle of bead and the vowel in the middle of bad and here let me just warn you that the IPA becomes particularly forbidding when we get to vowels in English and it's not the fault of the IPA it's the fact that English has a very large number of vowels and uh not very good system for writing them this is one of the things that makes English spelling so difficult that we we can actually have competitions where you watch people spell you know this is a kind of thing that in many languages would be impossible if you tried to do that in Finnish right the spelling bee would just never end because every word you know is pronounced exactly the way it's spelled uh we don't do that in English so here are two vowels and those are their IPA symbols uh the vowel and bead and the vowel in bad and now if you so everybody joined me in sort of transitioning from one of those vowels to the other go yeah [Music] okay you guys sound good um what are you doing I mean you're doing what I asked you to but what's uh what's happening in your mouth yes yeah the second vowel is more open you're opening your mouth a little bit more what are you doing with your tongue yeah it's lowering it's going from the top to the bottom yeah I think you guys are both right so for e your tongue is sort of tense and it's up there at the top of your mouth and then for ah your tongue drops right in fact drops so far that it drags your jaw down with it right or maybe there's a more reasonable way to say that you lower your jaw so that your tongue can go even further down yeah um so uh one way of classifying vowels is in terms of height um so we talk about the high vowel like Heat and the low vowel like hat and there are vowels in between like the violian hate that vowel was called mid yeah so we have high vowels and we have mid vowels and then we have low vowels um yeah okay now uh let's do another comparison think about the vowel in he and the vowel in whoo so everybody go [Music] what's going on in your vocal track does you do that what's the difference between e and ooh your lips your lips are definitely involved yes so for for a Cliffs right your lips surrounded for the ooh that's absolutely right yep and then for heat they're not yeah in fact that's why when you take photographs of people you have them say something with with an E vowel and like cheese right just to get them to not round their lips um but you're doing something with your tongue too as you go from ye to oh [Music] what are you doing with your tongue yes wow so uh so for let's start with E where it's where is your tongue I mean it's in your mouth but where's it where is it pointing it's kind of high right and then for oh where does it go yeah it moves right so you aren't just rounding your lips and leaving your tongue where it was yes uh that's yeah I see what you mean yeah I don't know about you guys for me for E yeah yeah for me for e it's at the front and it's high and then for oh my tongue kind of curls backward and it avoids my molarship absolutely right um and curls backwards so that's hiding back in the back of my mouth I think that's the kind of thing you were saying just now yeah is that the experience people are having everybody do some more you you feel your tongue moving back and forth ignore your lips right and think about your tongue yep Okay so we have front mid and we have a high mid and low valves but we also have front and back Felts so the back vowels are vowels like the vowel and who and the vowel in ho and the vowel in hot ah so ooh and O and ah those are all back vowels your tongue is sort of pulling back toward the back of your mouth yeah okay and and this is the other point that you guys made some of these vowels are rounded so in English the back non-low vowels the back high and the back mid valves are rounded in who and who your lips have to round to make those vowels but for hot your lip stone round yeah and you know a bunch more symbols some of them aren't so bad you know the letter U for ooh that's pretty good and the letter O for o yeah uh and then you know we have that Ash symbol there which is from Old English for ah and had and then E and A and ah stuck with those yeah have sort of standard issue European values for some of those symbols okay um now uh in this chart I've only got six vowels um you may have been taught how many vowels were you taught English had if you went to school in English yeah five supposed to have five right it does not have five it has like 14. um uh and you know why why are we taught that it only has five why do why do we only have five letters for vowels who gave us this alphabet the Romans right yeah and in Latin they're in fact are five vowels which can be either long or short so this is a perfect alphabet for Latin yeah but then we got hold of it and so uh We've Ended up with you know 12 14 vowels different dialects of English are different uh and we have five letters to spell them with and this is why we have spelling bees yeah um one of the reasons uh okay so I've I've written six of our of our five vowels uh here on this chart and then um but well we have more so uh think about right in hood and Hood or e and e and heed and hid or a and a in raid and red or o and all like in coat and caught um there are various ways of talking about this distinction but uh one way is like this we say that there's a distinction between what are called tense vowels and what are called lacks vowels uh so uh ooh is a high back rounded tense vowel and if you go back and forth between [Music] the idea is basically what you're doing is relaxing so your tongue is not quite as rigidly high and back as it would be for an ooh when it makes an ooh and your lips are probably not quite as tensely rounded either your whole body relaxes yeah um same deal with all these other pairs yeah it's a fact about English lacks vowels that there's a restriction uh on their distribution English monosyllables don't end in LAX vowels that are either front or high so we have words like flea and flu and Flay those are all words in English yeah Flay means to you know remove the skin from uh but we don't have those three words at the end there I've given them stars to remind us that those are not uh words that we could have in English anybody want an attempt to pronounce them yeah oh sorry you were gonna ask a question go ahead we haven't gotten to schwa yeah yeah there are more vowels yeah so uh uh those last three if they were English words they would be fle and fla right well we don't have words like that yeah English doesn't have words that end in e or uh or e with the possible exception of meh if we don't count that as a word then English doesn't have monosyllables that end in these vowels yeah yeah okay and then um you wanted to know about schwa those are sometimes called Central vowels so the the the the the the sorry the first developing machine is a schwa it's not higher back it's not front it's not it's not uh it's not high or low it's kind of mid and Central and then Dove is pretty similar to schwa and is sometimes represented with that wedge shape there in fact it's called a wedge not all speakers of English distinguish schwa from wedge I do so for me the vowels in above are two different vowels above but there are you know speakers of English for whom they're the same yeah similar similarly let me go back to an earlier slide not every dialect of English has all of these vowels or has them all in the same places so I speak a dialect of English in which caught and caught are different have different vowels in them does anybody pronounce those words the same yes yeah yeah yeah yeah um that's so what what did I say they can't end in lacks vowels that are either front or high um so uh yeah we you're absolutely right there are ones ending in awe like law yeah absolutely or flaw yeah um there are people who pronounce caught and caught the same uh for me those are those are two different vowels yeah can you pronounce them for us okay cool did you say them in the same order or a different order it doesn't matter okay good um I pronounce those three words Mary Mary and Mary I pronounce them the same they're a dialects of English that have different pronunciations for some of them does anybody pronounce these words differently yeah Mary Mary and Mary Mary yeah so there are people for whom the the vowel in the last one is more of an ash it's like a marry uh I I associate that with like New Jersey uh yeah uh yeah yes I'll pay you later um okay yeah uh so okay we've uh We've Now sort of rocketed through a bunch of consonants and vowels uh we're just about out of time let me just give this to you as an exercise and then we'll stop anybody want to try to pronounce the first of those she sells seashells yeah tell you what we'll do this exercise next time so next time uh we'll do this as the first slide yeah and I'll leave it on the slides you can work on it at home and do some fooling with it and try to get to where you can read it as we go along I'm going to be asking you to read things in IPA so I'll start putting IPA on the slides more and more so start trying to familiarize yourself with it and get to where you're familiar with at least the symbols for sounds that we use in English do you want me to read the rest of them I'll do some more IPA okay so what's the second one Sue says he's a bad egg yeah you guys are good fast Learners and what's the third one excellent then what's the last one yeah top Chopstick shops stock top chopsticks got that from a book of tongue twisters okay good so let's leave it there and uh we'll we'll come back to this next time