Transcript for:
Effective CRM for Solopreneurs and Startups

designed for solopreneurs startups and small  companies in mind this NOS CRM provides a simple   layout so that you can focus on what truly  matters growing your business with the Sleek   design you'll never have to leave the main CRM  view with everything being accessible via side   Peak so to show how easy it is to navigate the CRM  I'm going to open up a few database items so first   we're going to click into deals and we can easily  click into this deal it comes into side peek you   can easily drag and drop this in notion to be  however big you want it to be if we want to come   into companies and do the exact same thing open it  up it's in side peek and then there are detailed   database templates to be able to show all the  information that's related to this database item   so for in this example we have the related deals  contacts projects notes and files to this company   all accessible once we open up Apple for each  one of the databases in this CRM on the main page   here you're going to have all the important views  showing up so for okrs you're going to be able to   see what are your active objectives and what are  your key results for projects a timeline view a   board View and what are the active projects you're  currently working on for tasks a board view open   tasks and open projects and showing the task per  project for deals you're able to see how much you   won in Revenue this month and able to see that sum  here what are the deals that you have open this   month what are deals you lost and all of your open  deals moving into the future for companies you're   easily able to see your customers prospects and  partners and then for contacts you're able to see   your customer contacts and your prospect contacts  now you can obviously add on to these views on   this main page but the views that you want to  add on to here are probably going to be limited   in the amount of records that they show so you're  not showing too much data on your main page here   to gain full access to databases in whole we have  the navigation over here on the left hand side of   the page just like when we click into database  items they're also going to open in side peek   and this is where you can come to to see all the  different views in your CRM in full I've created   many useful ones for each individual database  for example for this company's database we can   see all customers prospects partner companies  former customers ones that might be missing a   website ones that are missing a relationship  designation of whether they're a customer or   a partner and ones that haven't been assigned an  owner on your team one important thing to note   that is different about this CRM compared to some  of the previous notion crms that you might have   seen on my YouTube channel is that I've simplified  the deal structure a bit and let me show you what   I mean by that so let's say that we have a new  deal with Nike so I'm going to open up the Nike   company page then I'm going to scroll down to  the quick actions and I'm going to create a new   related deal to Nike so I'm going to select it hit  continue and in my previous RMS you had to create   what's called a deal line item for an amount to  populate in here but on keeping on course with the   goal for Simplicity all you have to do is simply  enter the amount here and that will truly be the   amount of the deal now Simplicity always has pros  and cons the pros is that with this type of setup   it's a lot more easy to enter an amount but with  the setup in my professional CRM you're able to   get some detailed reporting on how much you're  discounting on certain products and services   how much revenue is attributed to each one of  those services and so on that data model that   I replicated from Salesforce can be a little bit  difficult for some to understand so that's why   I've set up deals in this way to make it nice  and easy but just know if you want to have more   detailed reporting on your products and services  that you're selling go ahead and check out the   professional CRM on my channel besides that  everything else is the same with the crms we've   developed the Clos date represents exactly when  you anticipate this deal to be closed one or Clos   lost use the stage property to to show exactly  where you're at in the process of the deal and   ultimately your goal is to move to close one so  that you can recognize that your company has one   Revenue now that I've moved this one to closed one  you can see that it's now populating in the one   this month view and we can see how much revenue  my business has won in the month of May 2024 the   type property is used to show whether or not it's  a first-time deal with this company or if it's a   repeat or a renewal and next steps is used to show  exactly what you need to do in order to close a   deal and share that with the rest of your team  with companies deals and contacts you can create   new related files or notes to tie to each one of  those records or you can just create files and   notes that aren't related to any other items that  you just want to store and share with the rest of   the team for tracking how you're progressing  towards your company goals you're going to be   using objectives and key results objectives are  used for tracking large picture goals such as I   want to win this money Revenue in Q2 of 2024 an  example of what a key result would be that is tied   to that objective is we have April 2024 revenue  and may 2024 Revenue which is then related with   the goal of hitting those Q2 numbers because both  months are in Q2 and since we're halfway through   the month of May let's start thinking about what  we want to achieve in June 2024 so what I'm going   to do is I'm going to create a new key result  and I'm going to name it June 2024 Revenue I'm   then going to give it a status because we're just  creating it it's on track and then let's set the   time frame it's going to be from June 1st select  end date and then till June 30th since we're not   in the month of June quite yet I'm going to give  the current value of $0 but let's say that we want   to achieve $8,000 in Revenue we're then going  to tie it to the Q2 Revenue objective and then   this is optional but I like to give a icon to  represent what it's for so I'm going to give it   a dollar icon because it represents Revenue I'm  going to close this side peek and then here on   objectives I've added in some things that allow  you to see how you're progressing overall towards   that goal so overall for the objective we set  a $220,000 revenue Target and then all the key   results combined bring us out to $3,785 one so  far in Q2 if I were to go into June for example   and add in some Revenue one for that month let's  add in $2,000 you can see that impacts the key   results number which also shows you how you're  progressing towards that large number now the   objectives and key results aren't only set up just  for Revenue purposes but for any other thing that   might be related to your business so for example  here we have a social media following goal and   here is a goal of 10 blog posts so really you can  enter in anything that makes sense for achieving   your ultimate goal of growing your business that's  it for this quick walkthrough guys it's a simple   CRM so I'll keep the demonstration simple if you'd  like to be notified when we create additional   notion products and tutorials don't forget to hit  that subscribe button catch you in the next video