Transcript for:
Understanding "Other" and "Another" in English

Hi everyone, welcome to English with Aga. In this  video I'm going to teach you about other and   another there are so many different ways to use  those words and we're going to look at several   different examples before we start make sure  you subscribe to my channel and give this video   a thumbs up also download your free English  grammar booklet from the video description   let's get started okay so another and other there  are lots of exceptions but to put it simply they   both mean different from the first one that  you've already mentioned this cup is broken   I need another one I need another cup that means  I need a cup that is different from the first one   I've already mentioned so a cup that is different  from the broken cup another one another is always   singular so I need another cup there is only one  cup it's singular I have already spoken to Jenny   now I need to speak to another friend I need to  speak to somebody different who is not Jenny and   another friend again friend is singular other also  means different from the first thing you mentioned   so I can't help you with your homework right  now because I need to do other things so I need   to do things that are different from helping you  with your homework the thing I already mentioned   I need to do other things so other can be plural  unlike another so we've got other things things   is plural but other can also be singular usually  when it's singular it has the so now we're looking   at other with the the other I don't like this  cup I want the other one I want the other cup   cup is singular but there is the in front of  other the other cup so what's the difference   between I need another cup and I need the other  cup the difference is the first one is general   and the second one is specific so when I say I  need another cup I'm not talking talking about   any specific cup I need any cup it's quite General  but when I say I need the other cup I'm talking   about a specific cup so there must be a cup there  already and I'm talking about that specific cup   so I need the other one not the blue one the pink  one let's go back to a previous example example   we looked at I can't help you with your homework  because I need to do other things so what is the   difference between other things and the other  things again the difference is General versus   specific so I need to do other things I am not  specifically saying what they are and you don't   know what they are they're just general things  but when I say I need to do the other things it   is clear what these things are so I'm talking  about something very specific I need to do the   other things I need to do the washing up and the  hoovering and you already know what these things   are that's why I use the the other things now the  difference between others and the others again   it's General versus specific I need to speak to  others that means I need to speak to other people   but I'm not talking about any specific people  I just need to speak to other people in general   I need to speak to the others here I'm talking  about some specific people that you know about   already I need to speak to the others that means  maybe the people who are part of our team so I'm   talking about specific people here now each other  and one another what do they mean and what is the   difference they both mean the same thing and there  isn't really a difference between them the only   difference is that each other is a lot more common  and one another is maybe a little bit more formal   as well so you don't hear it as much in everyday  conversations so each other and one another means   that somebody is doing something to somebody else  and that person is also doing it to the other   person so we're talking to each other that means  I'm talking to you and you're talking to me I can   also say we're talking to one another which means  the same I'm talking to you and you're talking to   me we like each other I like you and you like  me We like one another it's the same thing now   let's look at some common phrases with other the  other day I went shopping the other day what does   that mean it basically means a few days ago not  a long time ago just maybe two or 3 days ago but   I'm not saying specifically when I spoke to my  neighbor the other day can you remember we saw   each other the other day every other day that is  very different when you do something every other   day it means you don't do it every day you do it  today then you don't do it tomorrow and then you   do it again the next day so I work every other  day that means I work on Mondays but I don't work   on Tuesdays and then I work on Wednesdays but I  don't work on Thursdays I work work on Fridays but   I don't work on Saturdays so I work every other  day and the final one my other half my other half   means my partner or my husband or my wife it means  the person that you're in a relationship with my   other half is older than me my other half is  an engineer now let's do a practice exercise   size which one is the correct answer my neighbor  and I really don't like another each other each another each other that means  I don't like my neighbor and   my neighbor doesn't like me we don't  like each other I don't want to read   this book I want to read one the  short one the another other or the other the other I want to read the other one  the short one I'm talking specifically about the   short book so I need the other people in countries  don't speak our language another other each other other so I'm not talking about any specific  countries I'm just talking about any country   that's different from ours so people  in other countries how many did you   get right let me know in the comments and  don't forget to subscribe and get your   free English grammar booklet from the video  description and I'll see you next time bye