the core four this was the big breakthrough that I had with this book and I'm really excited to share about with you finally for two years I've not talked about this uh so finally I can show you this stuff all right and so there are only four ways one person can tell other people about anything and that comes from the fact that there are two types of audiences and two types of communication and those create two by two the core four so let's dive into this you have people who know you which are warm audiences and you have people who don't know you which are other people's audiences right strangers all right and so warm are people who gave you permission to contact him friends family followers current past customers contact anyone who knows who you are now little differentiation here I just want to point out is that they need to know you to be warm you don't necessarily need to know them and the larger you get the more you advertise the more people will know you without you necessarily knowing them all right and so to be I just want to be very clear here is it doesn't have to be bidirectional it has to be unidirectional they have to know you now in the beginning the eest way way to find people who know you is people you also know too all right now on the second level here you've got cold and the clearest definition I give you is people who did not give you permission to contact them AKA strangers these are other people's audiences lists or eyeballs earballs that belong to platforms right so if you advertise on Facebook Facebook like those people know Facebook they don't know you and so they haven't given you permission to contct to them but they've given Facebook permission so you use Facebook as a proxy to contact them through and then if if they decide to engage with you and opt in then they become a lead for you all right then they become warm over time so those are the two types of audiences people know you people who don't and so then you have the two types of communication this was a huge breakthrough for me like to understand the Simplicity of this because once you understand the only four ways you can let people know about your stuff then that means that these are the only four things you do to advertise your business and it makes why you're not getting as many leads very simple to solve not easy but simple to know what to do next all right so on the one hand you've got one toone communication this is private communication on the other hand you've got one to many Communication in other words Public Communication And to clarify a term that gets confused all the time in the advertising marketing world is what's the difference between outbound and inbound all right so here's the clearest definition I can give you of outbound outbound is where the first contact with the prospect happens in a private environment a voicemail think emails think a private communication think a text message these are all one toone environments if I text my friend no one else sees that text if I email somebody no one else sees that email if I do a voicemail no one else sees that it's private it's one to one all right that is outbound now most inbound the flip side of that which is where you contact someone publicly eventually becomes one-on-one communication so if I run an ad or I do a billboard and then they call me it doesn't make them outbound but delineating between the two is important because it tells you what you need to do to let them know about your stuff which is advertising all right so billboard podcasts posts ads anything that you do to make content all of those things are one to many and I want to add a quick note to this because people get confused about this one if you send an email blast to your list that is still onetoone communication technically it's done really fast with automation by a computer and so that's where this starts to get confusing for people they're like wait if I cold email is that inbound it's like no it's still outbound even if you send a blast to a list it's still outbound okay it's just really really fast and that's where automation can confuse these things and we'll get to how to use automation to scale the out of your advertising later on in the training so if we know what the two audiences are people who know you and people who don't and we know the two types of communication private communication Public Communication which is one to one and one to many all right that leads us to the core four and this is like if there was the value equation in this book this is it all right and so these are the only ways that you can advertise one one to people who know you is warm Outreach one1 to people who don't know you is cold Outreach one to many to people who know you is when you post content one to many to people who don't know you is when you run paid ads those are the four ways the only four ways that a person on their own on their own and I'll show you other ways later but one person on their own can let other people know about their stuff now I'm going to show you how to leverage this to unlock massive scale using other people people in the second half of the training but you have to know the fundamentals of advertising in order to unlock the advanced version of advertising this is the way that is the core four and now we're going to dive into each of them individually so I can show you the actual execution the same way I did with engaging to make a lead magnet I'm going to show you step by step how to create this within your business that advertising method to get you more leads so now that we know what the core for is now we go to warm Outreach which is the first of the core 4 which is people who know you reaching out to them one-on-one and I will build linearly from simplest to most complex in this training so that if you were starting out this is where I'd recommend you begin because this is the easiest way and I'll tell you a quick story about how I started using this and how I've used it since then my first time I ever did warm Outreach this was also the first business I ever started and so I was actually filing uh my MBA application to go to uh well a fancy school and one of the questions was how will Harvard degree help your short long-term business goals and I thought about it for like 3 days and I realized that it wasn't actually going to help my long-term business goals because I wanted to start a business and I figured if I took two years and didn't make money that's like probably 120 140 Grand of money I wasn't making because I was going to school and then I have to pay another 120 150 Grand to go there I'm like man I'm like 300 Grand in the hole by going to school and two years and I was like do I and the average starting salary coming out of business school at the time uh was 120,000 a year is I was like man so I could take that $300,000 in two years and if I can get to at least $10,000 a month in income I will have passed what I would have done with the education and hopefully that will be my business degree and that was the reasoning I had because for me I wanted to start a business I thought maybe that's the best way to learn about businesses to start one and so that's what I decided to do so that application actually drove me to start impetus impetus Group which if you hear me say say it out loud is ridiculous cuz the first time I told someone was like I started my LLC it's called impetus group they were like impedence I was like I was like that's why it was available and so I quickly changed it to uh the free training project and so what that was was I asked people uh to train them uh in exchange for them donating $500 to $1,000 to the charity their choice all right and if they didn't have one I had one that I recommended and so it was a way that I could get people to try my stuff for free uh but like free for me in terms but they had to have some skin in the game now you I could have just done it for free and that would have worked too this is just how I chose to do it you can do whatever way you want and so what I did was I said hey I'm doing this thing that was my offer I'm helping people transform for 12 weeks I'll do all their nutrition all their training all their grocery list everything to help them transform and I'll do it online and I said do you know anybody who' be interested and I messaged everybody in my contact list and I messaged everyone I knew across all my platforms and all my cell phone contacts and I got six people uh who said yeah I'd I'd be down and so I got six people and I actually still have their their before and after pictures so they're all right there I I think I maybe got extraordinarily lucky or they also knew that this was like really important to me and these were all people who knew me so they tried really hard because they knew it mattered to me and I told him I was like I need these so I want to start a Fitness business so like really try like I'll give you everything but like and I gave him my cell phone number and I talked him whenever they needed me like I was just there and to be really clear this business only required an LLC a bank account and a cell phone and that was how I started this business I would text them the thing and they would text it back to me that was it all right and so the key Point here is that I worked for free and then later over time I said hey do you know anybody else to be interested in this and then they started referring me business and at that point I said after the 12 weeks I said would you guys mind paying me because uh I'm actually going to start doing this full-time rather than my consulting job and crazy enough people are like oh I don't mind and just like that everyone converted over and I was making about $4,000 a month from home and I replaced my Consulting income and all I had was an LLC a bank account a way to process money and the fourth one a way to communicate my phone and email was the most important because that's how I was able to make money and Reach people that's how I advertised I didn't even know it yet I was using the first of the core 4 and I still use it today but that was the first time I ever did it and so if you're starting out it might be the most profitable and easiest way to get going so that is warm up Outreach in my experience with it so here's how it works and again we're going to build this Soup To Nuts for you the system so if you're starting your first business memorize this training like actually don't memorize this training do this training and then go make money and then you can move on to the next ones all right just consider them like graduation levels now and fundamentally you can do any of the ways to advertise immediately like if you have the skill set and you have the money you could do any of the other ones too um this is again my story and how I did it so warmer Outreach is oneone to people who know you right it is the cheapest most reliable way to find new customers all right cheap and reliable good combo all right and you can do it without being icky and I'm going to show you how to do it without being a scumbag all right so the reason mlms and some of these things have really bad names is because they don't teach people how to be human beings and not be weirdos when they solicit people for business and I'm going to show you how to do it and how I did it okay so the first step of this all right so this step number one is that you get a list all right now you might say but I don't have any leads everyone has a list and so right now if you pull up your phone and you look at all your contacts those are leads you look at your social media you look at Instagram you see how many people follow you maybe it's 200 people fine they have people that you have means to contact you look through every one of your past emails because you've changed them so many times you look at all the contacts of the people that you have emailed over the years those are leads and guess what if you add all those together most people have contacted a thousand 2,000 3,000 people throughout their lives across the platforms that they exist on and if right now you have no contacts in your phone on Facebook and you don't do social media welcome to planet Earth it's a great place we'd love to have you and if you want to get customers you have to go where the fish are and you have to find out where they're paying attention and put yourself there so at the very least you should know someone because everybody knows someone because you were born all right so everybody knows somebody and so you take that list and that is step one you get your list and so there's your Pro grab your phone all your email accounts social media followers put the names on a sheet put the names on a sheet and you're like wow that sounds like work Alex welcome to business all right then add up the numbers on the sheet you actually don't need to add it up Excel adds it up for you all right and then figure out the number that number is your starting list of how many leads you have this is exactly what I did when I started a different business 10 years after this when I started getting our software company I made a list of every single person that I thought might be interested in this thing from every contact Source I had and that's how I started that business and I'll tell you that because it was a more advanced strategy I'll show you in the second half of the training but it still started with this core strategy of understanding warm Outreach and if I hadn't had that experience I wouldn't have been able to do what I did later so once you have your list you pick a platform okay now there's lots of different platforms YouTube Shorts YouTube email LinkedIn Tik Tok Amazon's even a platform now Instagram uh Instagram reals Instagram posts Twitter podcast there's a million of them and guess what in the future maybe all these symbols will change but the fact that people will pay attention to stuff will not and the places where people pay attention to stuff you will be able to advertise so then you pick a platform if you're like well which one do I pick pick the one you got the most contacts on and start there because either way you're going to move through them all think about this if you have a contact on email and you only have them on email then you're going to start there if you have them in two places you can contact them in two places in some ways it's almost like too lates as an aside uh it's the same thing where people people have preferences of consumption people also have preferences for communication like I don't like doing phone calls but I'm a decent texter I also don't do I don't really like messaging platforms much either so like if somebody emails me and somebody texts me and it's the same person likely I responded that text is significantly higher so don't feel weird about using multiple means of communication to get a lead to respond all right so you're like okay I have my list I picked my platform what do I say so here's what you do you look for a 30 second to see what's new on in that person's life you look at their social media you look at their business you look anywhere you can find stuff you type their name into a search engine you see what comes up all right and then you ask them about it notice is there anything icky about asking somebody who you know about themselves first rule of Dale Carnegie people love talking about themselves let them this is pretty easy right we're like we're moving through this pretty quick like it doesn't have to be complicated so what we're doing there is we personalized instead of just saying hey want to buy my thing you say hey saw you had a baby hey saw you just move cities hey saw you played guitar at that thing this weekend it looks awesome how was it then you reach out now obviously some of these things happen at the same time I separate them out for steps just for Simplicity all right and so then here's what you do you reach out to 100 people every single day via email phone call direct message SMS voicemail whatever it is and you reach out to the person who knows you and you do 100 every day and this is one of my favorite Chinese Proverbs everything must be hard before it can be easy and so if you're like man this is going to be hard well I promise you that you probably waited 20 years to do the first one but you only wait two minutes to do the second one and then 20 seconds to do the third one and it gets easier the more you do all right and again your big fear is of getting rejected I'll tell you how to get around that in a second not the fear I'll just show you what you need to say so you don't even get into that situation all right and when you do this you're like well do I reach out to them once no reach out to them multiple times why because you have something that you think might help them they don't know that yet but all we're doing is ask them about themselves again we haven't done any soliciting we haven't asked we haven't sold anything all we're just asking them about themselves all right and the reason you do it this way is you act like you actually want to talk to them so like if you actually want to talk to your mom or your dad or pick some person that you like what would you do would you text them once no you text them you call them and then a couple hours later you text and call be like hey what's up hey where are you right because you'd act like you're actually trying to get a hold of them not work them like a lead you act like a human being and people respond you like a human being crazy okay so got our list we picked our platform we personalized it and then we reach out to 100 people and we do each each of those three times now some people are going to respond what do I say now use the ACA framework acknowledge compliment ask the next question all right this is also by the way how you have a conversation Pro tip so acknowledge acknowledge what they said and then restate it to show that you're listening now in a phone call that's called mirroring right it's something that people actually like people who mirror them and it sounds ridiculous now you don't need don't be a weirdo about this all right it's just it's just showing that you're listening to what they're saying and it shows that you're paying attention to them because the three things that reward people are attention affection and approval all right so we're showing attention and approval by paying attention what they're saying and then saying it back so shows we approve of it all right and so like example two kids and you're a full-time accountant and they just told you that they're they have two kids and they're a full-time accountant like wow now we go to C now we compliment them man you're a super mom so hard work working and you're managing a full-time career with two kids that's crazy right and so what you do is you compliment them on whatever it is they told you about themselves all right and ideally if you want to go super here tie it to a positive character trait if you can all right so if you want to say that see it says hardworking all right you want to tie that thing they are to a trait because what we're going to do later is we're going to use that trait and Associate our thing with the trait we Associated them with and so then they're going to see I equals should buy this product because they want to maintain that positive trait in your eyes because they want your attention your affection your approval so then so we've acknowledged what they said we give them a compliment about it we associate with a label that's positive and you might be like this sounds like a lot it's going to be a via message or via email and maybe it's a phone call you'll get some reps in and guess what you're going to blow in the beginning and that's okay because guess what if you do a thousand of these you'll blow less than you did at the beginning that is a promise all right and so that's guaranteed and so if you know you can blow Less in the future then you might as well get the blowing now today out of the way all right so the last a is you ask the next question and so here's the key part like this is the key is you lead the conversation in Direction closer to your offer so if I have that mom who has two kids now mind you she didn't bring up anything she just I have two kids in an accountant okay well there's nothing new there that's fine I use a purposely boring scenario to show you how this works so if I were selling therapy then I'd say hey do you ever get time for yourself if I was selling Fitness I'd say hey do you have time to get workouts in or how do you prep your food or how do you prep your food for yourself and your family these are all ways that I could weave that in if I was selling cleaning services I would say hey do you have anyone who helps you around the house it doesn't matter what they said in the beginning you can still ask and lead the conversation in whatever Direction you want AA acknowledge what they said compliment them for saying it and then ask a question that leads them one step closer to what we're ultimately going to offer them okay again I'm going to say this because I want you to know that you're providing value all right this is this is what's crazy about this people love talking about themselves let them they love it so much that they pay therapists $100 an hour to listen all right and so you are providing value to people that they pay $100 an hour for simply by listening and paying attention all right and they will also like and trust you more if you do and if people like you and trust you more you will make more money that is a promise and that makes them more likely to buy from you we want that so now that we reached out to them they responded we do ACA to warm them up we take the next step and here's the key we make them an offer what we're doing here remember that lead mag we made earlier now we're going to use it so if you have your core offer you can make the core offer or my recommendation you can use the lead magnet all right you give away the free or discounted thing so that they want to take a step towards you all right and here's what to say all right so I try to make this as simple as humanly possible now the key here is that when we make the offer we're actually not offering it to them we will be offering it to their friends key distinction no one wants to be hawked no wants to be pitched stuff but what you are doing is you're going to ask them if they know anybody all right so you say hey by the way do you know anybody who's described the struggles that you think this person's dealing with or already has said they are who's looking to whatever the outcome of the thing that you sell is in a certain period of time that they can expect to get the outcome I'm taking on five case studies for free because that's all I can handle right now implied scarcity I just want to get some testimonials for my service reason why I help them dream outcome without the things they hate it works I even guarantee it so I even guarantee people get the dream outcome or I work with them until they do I just had a girl named Sarah work with me to get the thing that you just told me you wanted even though she had the same struggle that you just described to me and I also had a guy named Tom and it was his first time and we're showing two different things one is we're showing an ideal Prospect and then we're also showing the fact that you don't have to be really good and it's on even if it's the first shot they can do it I used to even joke when I was selling weight loss I was like I even had a girl who didn't speak English English who used the meal plan it was so easy and so people like okay well if somebody who could speak English could do it then I guess I could do it too right it tells them subconsciously that it's an easy thing for them to do right and so moving back to the script I just like more testimonials to show it works across different scenarios so does anyone you like come to mind and at that point they'll either say yes or no now nine times out of 10 they'll be like my friends like I I I'm interested right but if they don't and they say say no then you say haha does anyone you hate come to mind and then it kind of helps you break the ice there that's why I say does anyone you like any friends you like come to mind that might like benefit from this that you can that I can help out with this that might be interested in this what I don't want is for you to take this word for word I want you to take the ideas and apply it to yourself and use your own like if you never say something this way then don't say it this way say it your way and again this is where the Reps comes in and you'll learn the Reps and you'll learn how to say it and then it'll sound like you all right but these are the core things we're saying here and you'll notice from the first book we're actually hitting the four elements of the value equation we talked about the dream outcome the perceived likelihood of achievement is that implied because we show multiple testimonials in our little mini pitch we talk about the time delay how quickly and we talk about how we can do it without the effort and sacrifice all of those things in a short statement now you can do this via email you can do it on the phone you can do via message and this might be broken up into two or three messages back and forth but fundamentally this is what we're communicating right now I like that do you have a friend who comes to mind because you can also be like okay well do you have an enemy who comes to mind it just it's like it just it breaks the ice and makes it seem like way less uh pressure okay and that breaks the awkwardness because remember this is the big underlining Point you're not soliciting them you're asking them if they know anybody who would like the thing and so in that way you can basically sidestep all the ick associated with pitching stuff or that you've maybe been pitched or have negative experiences with okay and so not asking them to buy we're asking if they know anyone and we're asking them if they want they know anyone who wants something for free we ask them to buy we're ask them if they want our lead magnet that's massively discounted or free altogether do you know anybody who would want my book on leads I just wrote it it's free do you know any business owners who could benefit from that local businesses or national either would work actually well tell me more about it ah they showed interest in the thing we have to sell one step forward now we have a conversation and so if you have even less time because you're like man that's a lot of stuff basically you're just saying hey I help ideal customer get dream outcome in this time per without effort and sacrifice and I've done this a lot of times here's some examples all right this is the short and sweet version that works well for email text DMS calls in person just fill in the blanks okay so I was thinking about putting this separately but I'm going to include this right now is that there are 11 ways to increase perceived likel of achievement because I said it was one of the four variables and so what we want to do is weave as many of these in as we can without seeming overwhelming and now you might not have all of these but highlight the ones you do have so one is we show proof that we have done what they want so if I lost 100 pounds or if I had a mental breakdown down and then I no longer do or I used to have a really messy house and I don't anymore like whatever it was or I had friends who had messy houses and I helped them clean it I just tell my story that's level one level two is I show proof of people just like them getting what they want this is stronger the more people you show like them getting the outcome they want the more likely they'll think that you can deliver it to them three is just showing a sheer volume of happy reviews here's all the five stars I've gotten here's 100 you know Google five star reviews I have to show that and if you're in an inperson setting you can actually screen shot them and then post them in your waiting room and so like for my gym for example tiny local business I think I had I know a few hundred Yelp reviews between Yelp Google Facebook uh I had about you know a couple hundred reviews between all of those together and so all I did was I screenshotted the review and I put it in a uh a frame and I floored a ceiling made my entire Lobby festar reviews and so when someone walked into my Lobby they're like damn this place has a lot of festar reviews all I did was take what was already online and I expanded and made it f i emphasized it and so what we do there is that now when I'm making my offer no one's going to be like well how do I know it's going to work I would just be like uh why do you think it won't work right and so this is why having lots of proof is really important and also the reason I want you to start doing this for free so you can get more case studies early so that when you have that person when you're asking for money later you have proof all right now fourth is certifications degrees or third party accreditations to show that you're legit so if you have a you know some sort of sht that's required for the work that you do then show it if you have a a degree of some sort that's meaningful then show it of course five number stats research that supports the outcome that you want them to believe in right so what I show earlier I showed that average company we have triples profit in the first 12 months that's the average you're just stating the facts now six is experts vouching for you so if you have somebody who has expertise in whatever this thing is them vouching for you if I said hey uh Elon Musk says Alex is awesome like learn from Alex that would look good for me I could probably just show that 10-second video and people be like wow it's good enough for Elon good for me what you're doing there is borrowing brand Authority and so if you don't have a big brand borrowing someone else's brand Authority works now you want to make sure that you're getting their permission to do that it's key Point don't be a scummy idiot and take a picture with somebody and then say that they endorse you because it is a great way to make everyone your customers included and that person now hate you so don't do that but if you do help somebody who does have a steam which by the way is a great way to get early testimonials is offer stuff for free and just say hey if I do a great job would you be willing to say this and say it up front don't try and Nick him later just say it up front and some people will be willing to do that seven some unique or new characteristic that they haven't failed before with all right this is a little bit of the persuasion side of this is that you can increase the likelihood that they believe it'll happen if you show a different vehicle for getting there than they've done in the past and so if they failed using meal plans but you show that you have this counting system that doesn't require a plan then they might be like oh well I haven't failed with this I failed with that and I can now believe that this would work for me and this is a little bit in the selling process but I wanted to highlight it because it is important eight is celebrities who've endorsed us I only separate this out because an expert is different than a celebrity right if I had a PhD who said Alex is awesome versus a celebrity who said I was awesome those are different guaranteeing that they'll achieve it fundamentally increases the likelihood that they're going to perceive that that it'll happen and especially if you put some skin in the game too all right not just like I guarantee it but you have to have the or what like or else like or what is going to happen if I don't deliver this and the more the skin in the game you have on the or else side or the or what side the more they will believe it 10 is how will you describe them or their current pain they're experiencing the more specific the better if you can perfectly describe the pains and problems that someone's experiencing in their current life like Nuance to a level that they feel like they're like you're in their head they'll almost always believe that you can provide the solution based on how specifically you describe their problem and this is why a lot of Founders do a good job creating businesses around problems that they suffered from because they're like I used to feel this way so I know like I felt this way I know how you feel because this is what I went through and this is how I used to feel and people are like that's me and like and then I found this and this is what I started doing and this is what happened and I think you can do it too right and that feel felt found is that's like a Min script there but um the big idea here is that if you can describe it to them they will believe you if it's specific 11 if possible demonstrate the outcome live all right and this is a big one if you have any kind of product or service and this is where it takes marketing genius to figure this out okay showing it happening in real time so I got sold some cleaning product from a guy who was going gym to gym to gym he said hey do you have any and he barely even asked he's like oh I got that stain he's like let me clean it for you and he took the and he took all these actually these really like they were gum it was gum that had been stamped into my turf impossible to get out and he had this stuff and he got rid of it I was I was like hot hot damn and he did like two or three spots and I was like oh that's nice and he's like hey and he immediately was like Hey this gym this gym this gym this gym this gym across the street all bought some do you want some and so in like 60 seconds he demonstrated value he did it before my eyes mer likelihood went through the roof and then he showed social proof I was like how much is it and I always appreciate the hustle guy sweating he's like summer uh it was 100 bucks for some cleaning solution which is ridiculous it was probably a dollar but it worked right and so that is easier if you physical demonstration now you're like well I can't do that in front of someone make a video make it into an ad make a video send it via a message still works right like but what if I sell a service that's more complex well what if a marketing agency well then you say hey here's a call from one of our customers getting a lead from our services let me send it to you can you handle a call like this and then they're like oh that's what it's demonstrating in advance what it would look like to receive the value of the service my likelihood of having it happen in my mind goes up because I as a Salesman is asking them can you put yourself in the person's shoes who's receiving this lead what would that be like for you would you be able to handle that they're like well I mean yeah how many do you think you could handle oh right we already passed them believing it's going to happen we're already getting them to pick how many right little things that increase the likel that someone believes you we warm them up we invite their friends we make it likely now we make them the easiest offer in the world we say hey since I'm only taking five people I can give you all the attention you need to get brag worthy results and I'll give it all for free so long as you promise to do three things one use my product or service two give me feedback and three leave a killer review if you think it deserves one does that sound fair that's the easiest offer in the world you make it to them or their friend whichever and then you see the five people there they say okay I'll give it a shot and here's why we do this because I know some people be like man Alex is telling people to give all their time away for free that is not what I'm saying I am am saying that number one you get the Reps in and become comfortable making offers to people because some of you guys are so nervous to ask for anything you your pants so you're just offering free stuff it'll calm your nerves knowing that you're just helping people for free for now winky face two you probably suck for now because you're new to this right and people are far more forgiving when you haven't charged anything and so if you mess up a little bit in the beginning they're a little bit more forgiving than if you charge them for Stuff number three is that because you probably suck you need to learn how to suck less and you suck less by doing more and so this gives you a great way to get those reps in right and it's better to have a few guinea pigs to get the Kinks out and you'll learn a ton from the people you help for free I promise you actually are getting the better end of the deal here they're getting probably some mediocre to terrible service and you're getting this free education from them and maybe even some testimonials some reviews and by the way they refer friends later all right so even though might may not feel like it right now this is a great Roi for you and number four is that if people get value especially for free they're far more likely to one leave you positive reviews and testimonials than the otherwise would they might not normally have left your review if they paid for it because they've given you some value but since you didn't ask for any money they're far more likely to give you a review or a testimonial or both two is that they'll give you feedback especially if they don't like it they'll tell you why they don't like it and that's valuable don't let your ego get in the way like we're here to make money not be right at the end of the day the C custom is the one who's going to tell us if we're good or not so fix it okay I'm going to give you a tip that's not in the book whenever someone starts giving you feedback immediately thank them like as they're say like dude thank you so much for telling me this because what it will do is it'll encourage them to tell you even more later what happens is people are even afraid to give feedback because they've been punished so many times for giving it that people don't even want to give it so if you show that you're a good source be like oh man what else do you think we could do do you think if we did this that would be better like you take it as a curious cat not as somebody who feels judged or your ego you're like oh of course I suck I'm brand new to this it would make sense that I suck it probably was terrible thank you so much for telling me I want to do better and everybody will help somebody who just admits fault and says I want to do better will you let me will you give me the opportunity to do better most people say yes right if people do get value guess what they'll be likely to do one they'll be likely to stay and pay for more and they'll send their friends and family and guess what you can charge them you make money from free customers in three ways number one is that they convert into paying customers number two is they send paying customers via referrals and number three their testimonials themselves bring in paying customers so this is a very high Roi activity it's just delayed it's all and remember we're thinking long here you just started or you're just getting into this we're thinking long here's the hinge method all right this is a little tactic that I'm going to give you right now is that if you ask for a referral from a customer get a three-way introduction that's why I call it the hinge method or so my favorite way to do this in person is grab their phone and say hey what's the name of your friend or whatever and and then you pull them up and then you put your name in and then you snap a picture of you and the person and you hit send and then there's a three-way text with a picture of you and the person they know that trust transfers partially to you and guess what happens next people are far more likely to respond to your message that you take out your phone and message to that group and now you have a conversation and it's way less likely that the friend will ghost you because they see that their friend is watching and real real what will probably happen is they'll side mess mess their friend and be like is this guy legit and the person will be like oh yeah he's awesome and then they'll respond and then you have trust they show up they buy that's how it works if you're in person try and do that if you can't do that in person then at least get a three-way introduction via messenger or DM or chat or whatever feature because you'll get a significantly higher response rate from those leads than any than if you were to just say hey what's your friend's name and then you cold message them way better to have the friend make the intro and you just and the key here is make it easy for the friend to make the introduction that's the the tldr of this slide so at the end of this if they say yes I want to continue to to buy from you then guess what you got a free customer if they say no then they give you information to improve on so you say hey what would I have to do to make it worthwhile for you to continue and then they'll tell you you say so if I did that would you then continue and then they'll say yeah sure and if you do that then they will because then you got the commitment from them and so either way you win so you ask them at the end do you want more they say yes great you start making money they say no you have information you ask them what you need to fix you fix it and then they become a customer either way you wi and even if they don't you still get the info and you improve it for the next guy all right and so this gives you a chance to solve the problem and exposes hidden costs to make your product better all right now hidden costs are all the other costs associated with your thing that aren't monetary so for example if I did uh whatever I I make I make video edits for people all right that's what I do I say okay I'm going to do this for free but my customers still don't want to do it with me why because it still costs them too much because you're asking them to talk to you once a week give you feedback on stuff you're asking them to record content like those are all costs now they're not in the fee but they are still cost to the customer and so when they say it's not worth it for me and they give you the reasons why those are the things that you can actively solve you say okay well what if instead of recording I grabbed from the content you already have okay great well I'd cut out that step What If instead of meetings I can just send you report every week would that be would that work better for you okay instead of uh you giving feedback what if I just send them to you and you just approve so okay well I just took out all three of those pain points and I'm giving you this micro example but every service every product has hidden costs and those hidden costs are the negative or inverses of the value equation and so we want to find those out as fast as we can fix them so we make our thing more valuable and so the last line there I like a lot which is just because it doesn't cost some money doesn't mean it's free now you're like okay so I have my list I pick my platform I personalize a message I started reaching out to them I ACA I warmed them up I got them to invite their friends I made the easiest offer in the world now what well start back at the top right you have a th leads you got 2,000 leads you reached out to him a few times that'll probably take you a couple months and guess what happens changes sometimes Cindy luhoo feels good about how she fits in her dress today and in 12 weeks she puts that same dress on she feels a little chunky and she's like man I feel a little fluffy today and then the DM comes to the top of her inbox and guess what her taxi light is on now she's in the market and so you just don't know where people are in the specific time when you message them this is why it's so important to reach out to people more times in more ways because you want to do it at a place and convenient for them in the macro but also convenient for them in the micro sometimes Cindy might have been trying to lose weight the first time you messaged her or the second time you messaged her but she might have been getting out of the van with your kids and be like ah I'll get to it later and then she forgets so don't have an ego about like ah they didn't respond to me how dare they exist it's just ridiculous like just get more at bets ask again we're just talking to them and asking them a question about themselves remember we're just providing free value here finally you're like okay Alex where do I make money I got you now we start charging so here's how you know when you're good enough is that when people start referring or you don't have more capacity to take people on when that happens you swap free in that script to 80% off for the next five and then you go 60% off for the next five and then 40 and then 20 and then you're full price and guess what after you're at full price you can still keep bumping the price every 20 every five until you find your sweet spot where you have enough people still saying yes and your roster's full because when we do it this way the way I'm outlining you create scarcity because you get yourself to capacity and I'm purposely doing this for you because at that point you will feel abundant in terms of the number of customers you have and so you won't take on crappy people and you will actually be like honestly my time is limited and you'll be able to with conviction and ethically say I like I can't really charge any less than this like it doesn't make sense for me and you can be truthful about it and then what's crazy is that when you have the rest of these people who start coming in and paying you can turn to the people you're doing it for free and say hey I got all these people that are paying me like they I either have to pick them or you I'd rather keep working with you would you be willing to and if there yes great you just converted somebody and if not no sweat you have somebody lined up waiting for you so either way you win so this is the foolproof way or the simplest way that I know of to get somebody from free stuff providing value they know to slowly beginning to charge all right and this is a process now if you want to do every three go every three it the concept is more important than the actual numbers you want to do 25% jumps do 20 you want do 50% jumps it doesn't matter the point is that you can commit to a process and then on a long enough time Horizon you will win and so every five Raise the price 20% % or more all right so I think it's a good one to just keep all the way throughout because guess what the more you do depending on what the service is you might be able to just continue doing this at infin itm as in Forever all right now you might have to do it every 10 or every 20 but you can still over time as long as you have your constrained capacity you can continue raising the price all right and it gives you true scarcity which will convert at a much higher percentage in your sales and so I'm going to give you a little snippet from uh the secret of course which by the time you're watching this you will know that exists is that one my favorite little hacks here is something that I call the pre-play Post guarantee all right so you can get more cash up front and more yeses at the same time so more people buying and paying up front so here's how it works offering a guarantee gets more people to buy because it reverses risk right so here's the nice Twist on it is that you can offer a guarantee only to people who pay up front reason why people who invest up front are more committed and as a result we're able to guarantee their outcomes so if you like our guarantee then you can prepay for the service and so it gives you a really strong reason why for someone to prepay for 12 weeks or 6 months or whatever the time period of the service or the thing you have or prepaid for a bulk purchase if you're talking about inventory all right and another version of the wording that I got from my good friend Dr cashi which I really love is that after the person agrees to buy they've already agreed to buy they've already said yes I'm buying you say would you rather pay less today or get all your money back and a lot of times people say well I'd rather get all my money back and so paying less today means a payment plan so less money down get all your money back equals you prepay and G get a guarantee that results in the thing you want so example is that pay less equals 2,000 month for three months equals $6,000 with no guarantee or get all your money back is $6,000 up front with a guarantee interesting right and when you present it this way the majority of people here's what's crazy majority of people will take the upfront cash option with guarantee all right so if you are if you planned on offering uh one anyways like if you plan on offering a guarantee anyways then you might as well weaponize it to incentivize more people to say yes and pay up front so just a little hack for you so that's how you start charging and now you're like okay I've worked my list I'm at capacity I have all these people I'm selling I'm I'm a gazillionaire Alex what do I do now well you still have a list of people that you have contacted that you spoke all this time and effort to put together and reached out to so what do you do with them you keep them warm how do you keep them warm you provide value so you provide value you provide value provide value and then every once in a while you throw in what uh Dean Jackson's famous ninew email which is are you still looking to forward desire buy your dream home get more sales leads tone up your arms open an online store start a YouTube channel whatever it is and that's it make it very simple small call to action interrupted by lots of value and this leads us very naturally to the next type of advertising which is content because when you're keeping your list warm you're fundamentally talking to many people at once and then that leads us to the next one and so here's your little action checklist is that who this is going to be you in the beginning what you're going to be giving your first five free where you're going to be messaging phone calling physical mailing SMS Etc who the contacts you already have access to when your first four hours of your day so if you're starting out or you're trying to advertise first four hours of every day is this this is your 100 reach outs all right why because you're trying to get customers or get introductions to customers how you going to do it you're going to personalize your message and then use ACA how much 100 attempts a day how many you're going to file up two more times after the first and how long until you get customers and so I have this little quote here you can get good enough at almost anything in 20 hours of focused effort the problem is most people spend years delaying the first hour so don't delay the first hour watch this thing do this checklist and start today and so here's what to expect because you might be like all right well how am I doing typically one to two% of the people that you reach out to will buy so I just want to set this up like if you reach out to 20 people like no one bought it's like duh like 1% is 02 people and 02 people don't exist all right so one to two% so expect 80% not to reply of the 20% that do reply and if you're doing better than this awesome amazing you're killing it okay so if you're getting 20% to reply of those 20% you get some of them to reply and get the free thing and then of those one to two% will buy so of 100 reach outs you'll get one to two people who want to buy your thing and so when you look at your list of 2,000 leads guess what you've got 20 to 40 customers in there and for most people that will replace your job and your income