Transcript for:
Understanding the Seek and Destroy Strategy

All right, what is good boys? Today, we are going to be going over the seek and destroy strategy that I've been talking about in YouTube videos, in TikTok videos, and this is a video that every single person seems to really want me to make on this seek and destroy strategy. That's kind of what I named it. And I guarantee you somebody's going to come out here and be like, I've seen this before.

Shut up. Okay, I found this on my own. On the charts and I know a lot of you guys have seen this happen on the charts before too. So without further ado, let's jump right into it.

I've actually heard a lot of people say like, hey, After me making all these videos saying like, yeah, this seek and destroy thing happens pretty frequently within the market. And a lot of people are like, damn, I thought it was crazy. I didn't realize that I was the only one seeing this.

I thought I was like insane for getting stopped out at breakeven on literally every single one of my trades and not hitting take profits because of this. So we're going to discuss how we can one, take trades off of this and then two, use this to our advantage. So we. no one to take full take profits, maybe move our stop loss to break even, maybe sometimes not even move our stop loss to break even and just let trades run with this in the back of our head, okay?

So, let's jump right into this. Today, we had a pretty good example of it on NASDAQ, and this happens low-key almost every single day, and again, this isn't going to be like a perfect flawless production of the Seek and Destroy strategy because again, I'm just now like getting a little bit familiar with this. This is something that I've been taking note of within the market for like the past couple months and it's just something that I've noted.

So, we're going to be going through this together. So, without further ado, Let's go ahead and mark market open on NASDAQ. So, typically, the Seek and Destroy will happen at around 1030. And as we can see, this right here was our Seek and Destroy for the day.

So, what does Seek and Destroy even mean in the first place? More often than not, we will see something arise like this. Like let's say we have Boom, a liquidity sweep, a break of structure, and then price will move up and it'll take out like a low time frame draw on liquidity.

Okay, this is typically the move that everybody catches, right? It's like, boom, we see a sweep of liquidity, we get a break of structure, fair value gap gets filled, we take it up to our first take profit right here, for example. Let's say price comes up, we have this take profit, and then let's say we have a high time frame take profit all the way up here.

More often than not, what price will typically do is it'll go up, maybe hit our first take profit. Sometimes it won't even hit our first take profit, just like it did to me today on NASDAQ. And if you guys have watched that trading recap, you guys will understand what I'm saying. Okay, sometimes it... might take out our take profit too, but more often than not, before price creates and completes the full high time frame move up, it will seek and destroy these entry points.

And if there's lows created on this move up, it's looking to take out these lows. And more often than not, sorry if I'm yelling in your ear, but more often than not, price will come down, hit the exact point of entry where price probably broke structure or where price like filled the fair value gap and you would have entered, and then price will continue up and hit final take profit. And I know for a fact, a lot of you guys have experienced this where you're, where you guys are trying to catch like a one to five risk to reward. Price moves up like one to two risk to reward, and then you move your soft loss to break even, you get stopped out.

to the tick and then boom price rallies up and hits your take profit. So let me show that exact example of how that happened today with me. I was a victim of this. Okay, so again, let's put on market open.

Okay, so here we won't go through like the full like first trade entry because that's not what we're here to do. We're here to talk about the seek and destroy, but anyways, we had high time frame, BPR within here, whatever. We were looking for shorts and shorts presented themselves.

Okay, so if we go into the one minute time frame, again, let's look right within here. Okay, we see a break of structure. Boom, inverse fair value gap along with a bearish fair value gap.

Boom, looks like a really awesome entry, right? We take a short position off of that. Stops right above these highs maybe. First take profit, maybe we set it right here for a 1 to 1.8.

Pretty solid. Maybe we even have a first take profit here. And this would be a great example of first take profit not being hit.

My trade today. This was literally my trade today and I was a victim of this. Okay, we see price boom legs down. It's looking good.

And then for whatever reason right around 1025, 1030-ish. What? Seek and destroy.

And in this case, we actually came up and took out boom this top area the entry point. Perfectly wick out the entry point and then boom price reverses and goes down to take out. All of this low resistance, sell side, liquidity.

Boom. Destroyed. So.

How can we benefit from this? And again, I don't necessarily want you guys to be like scared of this when you guys are taking your first trades that are typically during that macro of 950 to 1010. Okay, but I just want you guys to be conscious of this because it does happen pretty frequently right around that 1030 mark from like anywhere from 1030 to 11 and I'll show several other examples of this where we see price make a leg move down, make a leg move down. makes a leg down, we seek out low timeframe liquidity, maybe five minute draw on liquidity, 15 minute draw on liquidity, but we need one more wipeout.

And that's typically taking out all of the traders that were in on this short move. Okay. So this is one example.

Okay. And how can we take advantage of this? Well, we know on the high time frame, right? Our overall bias is still down to the downside. Did we really take out any significant draws on liquidity on that first push down?

No, we didn't even take out 15-minute draws on liquidity. We still have all of these low res- and straws and liquidity left hanging. So in this case, this would have been a really optimal time to see like, oh damn, well, yeah, I got stopped out at break even on this, but boom, seek and destroy method is playing out right now.

We seek this out and then boom. boom, break of structure, imbalance, BPR gets filled, bang. Then price makes its actual move, high timeframe to the downside.

Okay. So that's the first example of it happening, boom, perfectly within that like 1030 to 11 pocket. This, this one happened at around 1040. Okay. There was another good example of this. Um, I believe it might've been yesterday on ES.

Let's, let's go ahead and put this on here. Uh, We can literally just walk through all of these. Oh Yeah, this was good one. This was a good one on Nasdaq.

Look at this 1020 10, 1020 and 1015. What do we see? What do we see here? It's crazy how often this works.

Okay, this is market open and again, let's just say that hypothetically, whatever. We were able to see some sort of move within here. Oops, let's go to the market.

Okay, so boom. Ready? What would be somebody's typical entry?

Like this is what I mean by seek and destroy. You find somebody's typical entry and then you look for when price is looking to... wipe that out.

So typically, we'll see this on like the 15 minute and the five minutes. So what do I mean by this? Okay, so boom, we get a leg down, we're chopping up in consolidation, when would somebody typically enter, they would typically enter once this consolidation gets broken. out of. Okay, so we have these highs right here.

Where do we see price break out of that consolidation? Boom, on this 15-minute candlestick. This is going to be our entry point.

What do we notice about this 10-15 wick coming all the way down? Seek and freaking destroy. Five-minute wick gets taken out. Five-minute wick gets taken out.

Boom, goodbye. Seeking and destroying the wick. These earlier entries which yes, would have given you a decent return, right?

But what's a better return? An entry off of like this inverse fair value gap, entering right here, getting scared of getting stopped out, and then boom, we make... Let's say we top tick this.

Okay, 92 ticks. Perfect. But what about this?

Break of structure fair value gap entry from here. Boom up to here 101, a little bit better. Okay, so again and also like we probably could have seen an even better entry off of this.

I used it off of this break of structure right here or sorry no off of this fair value got getting filled. We literally could have taken it off of boom sweep break of structure and then inverse for value. off of this bearish imbalance right here.

Like we could have calculated from here. Okay, but we can see again where was the early market open entry. off of this consolidation being broken. Boom, price seeks it out, destroys it, and then fulfills the high time frame take profit of these highs. Notice how this first leg didn't quite reach it but the second leg did after we sought out and destroyed.

those targets. Okay, so let's go ahead and let's see. I don't know if we had one today on the S&P.

We can see. We actually might have. Oh, it's a little bit sloppy. We sort of do.

Okay, so sort of. Like again, let's say that we were trying to catch shorts. The S&P was pretty sloppy today. This past week has been pretty sloppy.

But again, let's say we tried to catch shorts until maybe these lows and we found some sort of entry within here. Okay, boom. When was this? 1040, 1045. Boom.

Seek and destroy. Take out these entries and then we make the official move down. Okay. I believe there was a good one on Thursday though. We did just show the NASDAQ one on Thursday.

Yup, yeah we did have a good one on Thursday. So again, right here what do we see? Okay, cool. Pre-market, this is probably our trade.

We're trying to take longs. We see liquidity sweep, awesome, right? This is the TJR strategy, bro.

Boom, like this is our bread and freaking butter. liquidity sweep, we see an imbalance, whatever. Boom, we catch this leg up, but then boom, what do we see right around 1020?

Okay, so typically like, I don't know, 1015 and over is when we'll see this. Go into the five minute. We sweep out these five minute lows. Boom. And where was the optimal entry on this?

Off the liquidity sweep. Inverse fair value gap. Most people either entered off of this candle.

Look at that. Boom! Seek and destroy on their breakeven. It's crazy, bro. It's actually crazy.

Seek and destroy on their breakeven. Stopped out. Bull run. Or, they enter e or even worse, they entered off of this candlestick right here. And then boom, still same thing.

Seek and destroy. Bull run. Goodbye.

This leg up, infinitely better to catch than this leg up. Okay. So, now we've shown this happen on Friday and on Thursday.

And that's just of this week and this week has been pretty ugly. Okay. Let's see if we can find one on Wednesday.

Hmm Potentially Wednesday was pretty nasty on Yes, like I said this week was pretty gross. Let's see if we have one on Wednesday on Nasdaq Potentially, let's see here Okay Yep Okay, what do we have here? Again, we don't really care about the first entry.

Like, look at this. 1030, 1030, 1030, 1030, 1030, 1030. Don't make me pop a per 30. This is hap-I'm literally showing you an example of just this week and it's happening every single day. Are you guys understanding this?

Lock in. Market opens. We sweep liquidity.

Okay, this is the main. This is a good move, right? This is a decent move.

If you caught this you probably would have been satisfied, but what do we what would you rather catch? this move for 115 points or This move for 238 which is literally two times the size Seek and destroy. Walk in.

Okay? Seek and destroy. Like I don't take trades off of this, but I see this happen every single day and honestly after making this video I'm going to start taking trades off of this.

Because it's actually fucking crazy. So, like, look. We see a liquidity sweep.

We see a breakup structure. Where's the optimal entry? Boom.

This candle right here. Okay. We know where the optimal entry is. Wait for Seek and Destroy. Bet.

We wait for Seek and Destroy. We went for, we wait for 10.15 to hit. Where is that? Right here? Oh look, we're starting to reverse.

Perfect. Then, when do we get the good entry? Break of structure. Fair value gaps getting filled. Bear run, bitches.

Goodbye. Goodbye. Again, would you rather try and catch this itsy bitsy spider move down, or this Goliath daddy gorilla dick move down? The choice is yours. Some people can't handle the big pipe.

Okay? Let's show Tuesday. Let's see if we have an example from Tuesday. And again, this was a shitty week to trade too. Like and I know for a fact this happened the last two weeks because I fucking crushed it the last two weeks and I was talking about it 24-7.

Bro. Liquidity sweep. Do we break structure on this candle?

No. We break structure on this candle. Optimal entry. Yeah, this move up is decent.

Okay. Yeah, this is later in the day. Is that like 9, 1930?

Okay. So, what is that like 730? Sure. Okay, but...

Scaling a little bit deeper. Damn, so this one happened at around 1130. So really just after this like first initial move has been made. Okay, but we can see we take out five-minute lows. We're filling in this imbalance. In my eyes...

You know, I would love to say that it did work within here, but that would be kind of a reach. In my eyes, this 15-minute break of structure on this candle was the entry. So, yeah, we did seek and destroy it way after.

We came really fucking close on this. Like, what are we? Oh, boo-hoo. Four ticks away. Close enough.

Okay, we come back down and then boom we make a decent leg up Honestly within here probably wouldn't have been that juicy. Let's see if Nas the errors Let's see if es gave us a better one on Tuesday Brr, it did Bruh! Who is it? Remember that bruh button? Bruh!

Seek and destroy. Crazy bro. Okay, so this one actually hit. 15 minute, right? Look, pretty, pretty good.

Pretty good. Okay. Sweep of liquidity, leg up.

And, again, this isn't to distract you or take you away from these pre-market entries. This is just kind of tell you like, hey, you might be- able to catch another entry off the back end, right? So, where do we see us break structure?

Boom, right here. This is the optimal entry. Seek and destroy.

When was this? This was at like 1130. So, again, a little bit later in the day. We come all the way down. We take out five-minute lows. Take out five-minute lows.

Seek and destroy. Boom and then in terms of executions, it's literally like the same exact thing. Okay, like what are our standard executions?

Probably would have had a jump scare off this with this leg down Okay, and again I'm like I'm gonna be open and honest right on this day would it probably have worked out probably not This S&P one looked a lot better than Nasdaq one, but on Tuesday We just showed Thursday working Friday working Wednesday working and then this is the one day where I would probably say, are we necessarily going to get the best trade out of this? Probably not. But we can still see, boom, right around that damn time, we see a big sell-off. We see us coming back down to target out these entry points. Like you can't tell me that ES comes down and ticks it, and then also NASDAQ comes four ticks away, four fucking ticks away from taking it out.

You can't tell me that that's still not actually. All right, let's go into Monday. Let's see if Monday gave us anything good. So from this week, Friday, banger.

Thursday, banger. Wednesday, banger. Tuesday, maybe you miss. And today was a shitty trading week. Crazy.

Crazy. All right, let's go into Monday. Let's see if we have anything on Monday.

Jeez, fucking sideways motion on Monday. Let's see, though. Let's see, though. Not seeing too much here. Okay.

Let's say boom. Sweep of liquidity. Break of structure.

Hey, low key though. Break of structure. Where do we get it? Off this candlestick right here.

When is this? 10.05. Yeah. Not so much. Nothing.

And again, like I was saying before, this shouldn't be to like deter you guys from taking those original trades. This is just to kind of open your guys'eyes and be like, hey, there could be, and I don't want to convince you guys to over freaking trade, but like this is to kind of show you guys like, hey, there could be another trade. Could be another one. Okay, so here still again not so much maybe 15 minute Not so much Nothing on nothing on Monday.

Not even not even the leg up, you know, we could try and say that This one right here, but that's later in the day. It's at like 1 p.m. session.

Yeah, we did take this out. Yeah, not really what I'm looking for. Let's go into Friday. Let's just keep fucking doing this. What happened on Friday?

Was there news? This is crazy. I think I banged like some crazy trades on Friday.

Right? Let me see Friday on Nasdaq. Hmm. I don't know. Whatever.

Anyways, let's see. On Friday... Oh yeah, I caught these shorts. So again, this is kind of an example of it right here at around 1115. Not so much because we had like we had such violent price action on Friday.

But you can see, right, we see like the sweep of this 15-minute high, okay, and then we break structure on this candle right here. This is probably like where most people are entering, right, on like the break of this floor. or the break of this, whatever this was, like previous support. And then you can see, boom, price rallies right back up.

We see candle wicks go into this, and then boom. We make a longer and better move down here. Again, would I even like want to be considering this? It's happening at 11.05. It's pretty decent.

It is a seek and destroy method because we're seeing boom, sweep. We're seeing the break. Cool. We're getting those legs up there to seek and destroy those break even all of these traders and then continue lower. So yeah, I mean, low key, yeah.

Let's see on ES what it looked like. Oh, yeah. This one's better.

Yeah. So, like this is sexy. So, boom.

This is like the optimal, right? We see price break structure and then boom. We get that rally up.

We take out all of these traders that were in here. Boom. Right around like 11. And then boom, price rallies and makes a better move down.

So again, the whole theory and concept behind this is find where the initial traders are looking to get in on market open. And more often than not, right? around from like 10.30 and on, we are going to see the market go to look to either stop those traders out at break-even, like find the optimal trade entry on like the 5-minute or the 15-minute. And watch as market seeks out to take out those traders and then literally just look for reversals off of those points. So if you can find the optimal trade entry for like most traders during that like market open move and you see price boom drawing back up, like let's say you already hit all your take profits and you're like, oh, price is reversing back up.

Don't necessarily get fooled by that because it could very well, boom, offer you another entry for more profit. Let's see. Let's do like a couple more. Let's see.

Did we get one within here? Sort of. Not so much though.

Like, eh, off this. Let's see on NASDAQ on Tuesday. Wait what? Is that Thursday? Yeah I was tripping.

It's a Tuesday. Geez market was fluid as fuck. This one another eh type of day.

Let's go all the way over here see. Yeah, eh. Kind of an eh type of one.

I mean yeah we did. When was, when was this? This was yeah like 10.25.

Cool, we get that five minute sweep. We fill back in this. Yeah, eh. You know, maybe, right?

This was the initial move down. We're getting a mini leg up. We get like this mini one up.

Right, we stop out all of these traders in the consolidation. I wouldn't really consider this one much. So Thursday, not much.

Let's see on Wednesday if there was any. We'll go through this next week and then we'll wrap this one up. Because I know a lot of people have been asking me about this shit.

I just figured, hey, might as well explain it. Boom. Yeah, this one, gorgeous, perfect example. Look at this.

Bro, sexy ass example. Market opens, sweeps liquidity, break structure on the five minute, optimal entry, boom. right here. When was this around?

This was 10, 15. Perfect. Price comes back down, sweeps out, boom, five-minute lows, taps back into that optimal trade entry. Yes. You know, some people, I think like some people being me included, like, because I don't be taking trades off the seek and destroy shit.

I'd be taking these trades. So look like we see the sweep of liquidity. Yeah, cool. We get like boom, break of structure right here, fair value gap getting filled. Like this is the optimal entry or somewhere within here.

Somewhere within this range. And as you can see, price does not fuck with it. Okay, yes, we are catching a decent move.

But look at the goliath of a dick after that. Like would you rather catch... This move or this one?

This one's like literally two times as big. The bigger ones hurt though. So it's up to you. Oh wait, yeah, no, I actually I actually caught this shit.

I caught this one on ES I did take this trade off of seek and destroy on ES and I talked about this shit Let's see. I think this is the main this this trade was the main reason why you guys were like make this you can destroy video Because of this trade on ES look at this bro fucking perfect Boom okay When was this? Okay, around 10.15.

Okay, market opens. We immediately get a... Sweep.

Okay, we get a little leg up. Yeah, we make decent move up. There was a high time frame draw.

This four hour high was the draw that I wanted. Again, keep in mind like... There will be 15-minute highs getting getting hit and like small little take profits on those first little moves. But if you see price like immediately shit the bed down and give us like a seek and destroy like look at this. We make this high right here.

Yeah, we took out these five-minute highs right here. Yeah, we filled in this imbalance. But this was the overall goal.

This is the overall bias for the day. The four-hour high. Okay, and then boom we barely miss it and then what price ends up shitting down Taking out Sorry, I hate switching timeframes Like I literally went long on this candle if you guys remember okay taking out low low low All these lows and I literally bought them take this trade off of just this candle because I was like I know I know where price wants to go it wants to go up to these highs. This is seek and destroy and then boom price ends up rallying up and this is also another good example. right around 1030, right?

Let's say somebody took like the trade off of this like imbalance and somebody's breakeven is like right here and they're like, oh, I hit TP1 because this imbalance got filled. So, I'm going to move my stop loss to breakeven. Boom.

One more liquidation event and then boom, right back on up. Okay. Let's do two more.

Let's go Tuesday. Let's do Tuesday and Monday and then we'll wrap this video up. But as you guys can see, this shit is happening on a consistent basis.

See if we got any of this shit going on within here. Doesn't quite look like it on a Tuesday. On a Tuesday.

Not much. Let's see on NASDAQ. If there was anything on that Tuesday.

And again, like I was saying before, don't let this like... Cause you to not take trades in the AM when like I'm usually taking trades and most of you guys are usually taking trades. Yeah, not much on this either. When you guys are taking trades in the morning, just understand that like this is an extra opportunity for you guys.

I'm saying... Seek and destroy. Anyways...

Let's take a look in here. Okay. Yeah, market opens.

We come down. We sweep out some liquidity within here. Right on market open, right? Fuck.

I hate switching time frames. We'll stay on them for a minute. Okay, boom.

We sweep out all the liquidity. Awesome. Okay, we get our break of structure.

Cool. Yeah, maybe we catch like this move. Probably not.

Probably get stopped out of breakeven or just get stopped out completely. But then boom. That's when the whole move happens.

10-20. We see boom. The actual liquidation happens. We take out all these traders. Sweep work.

Break of structure. Fair value gap getting filled. Boom.

Again, like, what would you rather catch? Would you rather catch this leg up or, like, it's literally going off the screen. The screen. Or this leg up. Let's see ES on Monday.

And again, it's not to fucking, like, scare you guys away from taking trades and all that, but... It's definitely something for you guys to keep in mind. Yup, 10.15 right here. Okay, so again like market opens, we sweep this, we get little legs up.

Little legs up. Like maybe you hit a take profit off of the sweep right here and then price moving up and barely taking this out. Like that's an itsy bitsy spider ass. move even on this.

Okay, and then this is a perfect example. What do we leave right here? What do we have?

This is our overall bias. This is our high time frame high and this high time frame high right here. We take out some low resistance liquidity right here.

We can see that. We make an equal fucking high, which is like one of the strongest draws on liquidity, and then we shit the bed. You really think market is going to leave these equal highs, which is a high time frame high, and this four hour high?

You really think market is going to let that sit there for like literally for the rest of the day? Fuck no. Sweep, low resistance liquidity, low resistance liquidity, low resistance liquidity. Bull run, bitches.

Straight up. Straight up. Off of this candle right here.

So there you guys have it. That was the long-awaited seek and destroy method or strategy that you guys have been craving for all this time. Hopefully that explains it pretty well.

It's pretty much just saying like look there's always going to be that early AM session move. If anything like this video should teach you a couple things. One don't get too like optimistic or too greedy with your take profits because more often than not, seek and destroy is going to happen and it's going to come back down and stop you out of breakeven or just completely stop you out of your trade. So take profits, like reward yourself for being right about the market, especially on those early, early market open trading sessions. Okay.

And then on top of that, if we can, if we see liquidations happen, and if we see those optimal entries going to stopped out at breakeven or just stopped out as a whole, and then we start seeing reversals based off that strong, heavy reversals. Like as you guys saw, you guys will know whether or not this is a seek and destroy because it comes down, it barely hits it, and then it's like boom, off to the races to where it actually wanted to go. So if you come into the market and you're like, okay, my daily bias is up and you see like a decent move and maybe you catch like one or two take profits and then boom, stopped out at breakeven. and you see, oh man, price just liquidated like all of these orders, and then you see price start moving like smoothly up, start looking for entries because more often than not, if it hasn't fulfilled that full-time daily bias of like, hey, we have a four-hour high that needs to get hit. We have an hourly high that needs to get hit, and they haven't been hit especially on that first move up that on the trades that you took, look for this, okay?

Same thing, if like you guys can't even find trades, off that market open strategy of just like liquidity getting swept and then boom, legs happening. Look for optimal trade entries on like the 15 minute, the five minute. Look for entries that are getting swept out, seeked and destroyed.

Okay. And then look for entries based off that. That's giving you like literally there's two times a day that are really free.

I just don't trade PM session, but like there's two times of days that two times of the day that price is giving. us like optimal trade entries and it's on the market open from like you know 9.45 to like 10.10 okay and then that seek and destroy area from like anywhere from really like 10.20 to whatever like 11 okay With this, we typically saw it like this past one was like 1020. So right around that time, you guys will typically see price seek and destroy entries and then boom, instantly run up to where you guys wanted price to go in the first place. So hopefully this cured some of your guys'trading rage that you guys have been having when you're like, oh, stop me out of break even and then hit my full take profit where I would have made a million dollars.

Now you know. Okay. And hopefully this also gave you guys clarity and maybe helped you guys find another entry strategy. All right.

So with that being said, I love and appreciate you guys. I'll catch you guys in the next one. Deuces.