Transcript for:
SPAT 1416 Patch Overview and Strategies

spat 1416 is out on the live servers thank [ __ ] God we are done with the syndra plague that disease is finally behind us and we don't have to worry about that anymore the current patch pretty [ __ ] fun can't lie so far nothing is too out there and the game feels pretty good I can't [ __ ] cap the game feels pretty good so today's video we're going to talk about just the meta what's going on augments units top comps and you know just some tidbits here and there so sit back relax grab yourself a coffee or whatever it is maybe a beer if it's late for you like it is for me over here but let's just get started so first off talk about augments um the augment discrepancy I don't think they've done too much to really balance the augments just yet I wouldn't be surprised if starting the next patch they actually like really crack down on the augments cuz the discrepancy between good augments and bad augments is pretty large so uh if you're not already being very aggressive with your augy R rolls you really should be because there are definitely very very large highs and very low lows uh just to give you a couple examples flexible at 21 is the best gold augment right now it is it does require a lot of game knowledge and understanding and familiarity with the units but once you have made it past that hurdle this augment is [ __ ] broken I actually mentioned this back during the PBE analysis um I called this like three weeks ago I was like this shit's going to be broken once um you know the Syra [ __ ] is over because basically like Syra was like so egregiously broken that's why flexible couldn't shine but now that Syra is done um nothing can beat flexible so really strong augment Prismatic TI it an upgraded Adventure these are also really really great as well um an upgraded Adventure is actually a new augment in set 12 basically you just get a really cool reward if you uh I think three star four different units and there's some pretty ridiculous rewards like radiant items and Rascals gloves and stuff like that so really strong augment this is actually basically a Zoe hard force or a one clost roll hard Force um but it's mostly Zoe and we'll talk about the Zoe board later it was a little bit meta in the previous patch but we'll talk a little bit more today and why people are a little sick and tired of seeing Zoe uh Prismatic tickets for the same reason it's basically a Zoe hard Force but you can play a lot of different roll lines so this is just very very flexible in general really great augments um High horsepower has of come up as sort of a really great augment as well um this is lilia's carry augment which is really great we'll talk about this more a bit later and so on and so forth nothing else is really really sticking out that wasn't meta back then Frosty front line actually funny enough is actually pretty decent nowadays it's a 4.2 and Masters plus so that's even better the lower you go um really solid augment definitely you can you can just consider playing vertical Frost with here which is great cuz we haven't seen a lot of frost overall in the in the meta in general so it's glad to see Frost getting a little bit of love Keepers is actually decent as well we'll talk a little bit more about about that later uh but overall again nothing is too out there uh and again like a lot of really cool things are meta at the moment and a lot of clickable augments just be careful because even though you know a lot of great augments that you can pick from there are a lot of bad ones like Dragon Spirit currently bugged so keep that in mind this is really really bad don't ever click on this augment it's a 5.38 terribly terribly terribly bad uh Eternal growth is really really bad as well you should never click this at 2 one assassins tool nobody has really figured out how to make this work yet um I wouldn't be surprised once you figured it out it could actually be kind of decent but for now it's just very lackluster cuz those or items are just not that great clock accelerator still a [ __ ] dog [ __ ] A still averaging a five just be careful of that and anger issues is still not good I would be surprised if this ever becomes meta but in general when it comes to augments like these um it's like too fun everybody clicks on it and then it just becomes like a disease so if it becomes ever broken we're going to have a bit of a bad patch I'm just I'm calling it right now but moving on to the units as well I want to talk about this a little bit um Diana 2 let's talk about Diana 2 smolder 2 um smolder somehow went from the worst five cost in existence to the best five cost in existence uh smolder 2 is probably the highest cap in the game alongside with Diana 2 Diana 2 has never been necessarily bad and actually if you played PBE very early on you would have known that Diana when when she's good she's [ __ ] good she does a lot of damage you don't really itemize her as a tank you can if you really want to but normally you're itemizing her with things that are a little more AP Centric so things like Crown guard things like your adaptive helmet the front line things like rabbit on uh BT is actually not that bad on her either so a lot of really good stuff she just kind of just dashes in AOE a shitload of units and does a bunch of [ __ ] ton of damage so really really strong way to cap out your board right now zeratu is still the best way to cap out your board it's just very very very hard to get to in a stable state but zeratu is easily the best way to cap out your board it's sort of the natural pivot after rise if you will for a lot of boards uh Brier is still kind of dog [ __ ] um good CC but great TG holder don't really want to actually commit items to her though so just keep that in mind uh more Ghana is also decent I think people are still especially lower ELO like heavily like way too heavily prioritizing her so just be careful um and Milo is just probably the worst performing five cost in general uh usually by the time you can actually benefit from a millio the game is basically over so that's it and the reason why I want to talk about this as well is actually because of um what's that augment called I believe it's uh fortune favors the Bold yeah so this is the one of the current econ augments and we should talk about this as well it's [ __ ] busted it it's really [ __ ] busted and you really like you basically take it every time at 21 it's it it's almost an auto win unless someone's like hard griefing you but at least from what I can tell it's not correct to ever open Fort at least in like at any point in in the [ __ ] meta at least right now I've not seen anybody open Fort and actually do decent with it it's because a lot of the meta right now as it was last patch it's a lot of HP preservation you really want to preserve your HP as much as possible uh whenever you can and obviously whenever it makes sense sometimes you're going to have to lose your in early game that's fine but open forwarding you don't really see it very often so unless you're playing Fortune favors the Bold which is the only time you'd ever do that that is that but I apologize it's not actually this I'm actually talking about a golden Quest this is why I want to talk about the five cost um this aent is also busted as [ __ ] don't pump on 31 on 31 you do not want to pump your gold in case you can get a golden Quest because when up happening is that more often than not you should be able to cash it out with an okay amount of HP left you shouldn't take it when your boy stes like absolutely [ __ ] abysmal uh and you can't preserve any level of HP but in most cases if you can identify a good spot for it which a lot of higher ELO players are able to you would take this augment almost every single time because the two star five cost in general it's really hard to miss again we went over most of them but the only time you really miss is with Brier 2 and millio 2 um outside of that you're in for a very good time and a very easy cruise to First Norah is like like B tier if anything but overall again like like Camille 2 is basically an auto win Diana 2 is an auto win zerat 2 is an auto win smolder 2 is an auto win so very very fun into play and I'm glad that it's meta but it definitely does need to get nerfed I know uh there's been a lot of complaints about it in general but or at least in the higher ELO Community but moving on one cost roll let's talk about the compositions now uh first of all eny roll we have to listen we got to talk about it real quick already meta in the previous patch during the cnra storm so that is absolutely insane um I think this comp is being overplayed right now I think too many people are trying to lean into it uh personally speaking I've not touched this comp once since the set since the patches dropped I know it's good but it's just that so many people are leaning into it and so many people think their spot is good for it when it's actually not that it's really hard to identify when it's actually correct to play in your games and so far at least for me I just got back into Masters uh which is kind of late for me personally speaking but uh even right now like top 500 na it's still like a lot of people are still misidentifying their spots for this line so I don't think it's great now let's talk about what actually makes this line good and when you should lean into it first augments that really lean you into this direction things like high horsepower things like spell blades things like Prismatic tickit and upgr Creed Adventure these prismatics very very good you can kind of Auto hard Force um but you just do your due diligence really make sure you Scout before you commit because again this is a very very very popular comp because it's good and it's brain dead so that's why a lot of people like to play it but again it does require some conditions the first one is your augment your augment needs to be good for this line Second and more importantly are your item components I've noticed personally speaking that in the meta right now a lot of boards are really item dependent like very item dependent and you really really really really want to make sure that your spot is good and then you have a good setup and lean into B so right now with Zoe blue buff Natures is kind of a must if you will um I really wouldn't even consider this line unless I had at least two out of three of the components are required and one of those was a tier so what I mean by that is that out of blue buff nashers which is tier bow belt because you can't get duplicates during neutrals that you one um if I didn't have like bow tier plus one and that plus one is like I mean hopefully it's a belt but maybe it's not a belt maybe it's like a chain or whatever like I could consider it right but you really want to get that blue buff nashers going it's it's I thought shun was acceptable back in like the previous man analysis that I did but after watching more and more of this composition and when it really like pops off and gets to shine you really want that blue buff nashers it's it's really integral if you will um another thing to note as well is that the because of lilia's carry augment uh being pretty prevalent and strong right now even a Lilia 2 can actually do Insane levels of work um you can actually just go ahead and just start itemizing Lilia as like that is necessarily a main tank it's kind of similar to the way You' itemize the Diana things like the Adaptive Helm Crown guard spark uh you don't actually need BT on her uh specifically because lilia's uh ability she actually heals a fuckload so um you definitely don't need like BT on her don't need healing for certain um but again these like spark Crown guard items like they are typically B uh poppy is almost always your main tank you can take witchy wallup which is Poppy's hero augment but just keep in mind that if you do take her hero augment you're not itemizing her as a tank anymore you're itemizing her with things like your Stax your BT your Titans I I think bis poppy with the hero op witchy wall up is like Stax Stax BT like something along that line so just keep that in mind finally uh another thing that people have noticed is that re3 is just a [ __ ] Menace this this unit is disgusting very highly contestant by the way because it fits in any board because of Arcana uh but it's still very very very very very very very good if you manage to hit it all you got to do is that ideally because of the way that charms are so fre in the game now um you just find a remover or disassemble your items at any point in the game and try to move your Zoe items onto Ari um there's been some weird discussion of people talking about like two items Zoe and then just move and just start itemizing Ari I think that's cap of [ __ ] I think you just itemize your zoe3 just the best of your ability and then once you have that re3 and once you if you happen to find the charm later down the line then you can consider moving the items over or just start itemizing AR if it's a very item item heavy portal or something like that so uh again I really would not recommend like this two item Zoe and then start itemizing Ari [ __ ] it doesn't make any sense a three item unit is a three item unit and Zoe 3 is still a menace it will still do very very well as long as your spot is good and you were able to correctly identify a good spot for it you should be chilling uh moving on to the next one here this is a bit of a cook we'll be talking about this one later um but I think that's actually it for the one cost rals is there any other one cost RS we need to talk about um not that I can really see the at least hero augment is not that great um Blitz crank is okay but we talked about in the last patch if you want to figure out the Bliss crank hero augment we'll talk about it then uh moving on uh Nila akali roll we are seeing this being played significantly more at the higher level now um especially in Pro play the reason why is because it's very cheap very easy to get online uh especially because elit just gives you that extra summon in the early game so it's very easy to stabilize and n 2 is a [ __ ] demon this this unit is unbelievably good I don't know why it's so [ __ ] good but a three especially if CU you know like we talked about already your items are very important right and assuming if you're playing this line you have very good items for the line you're already leaning into it because you got like a sword belt off of two1 right um but it's a really strong line and once you have a three item MAA 2 this thing basically like carries you throughout all of stage three it's like a no-brainer so [ __ ] easy um you and the beautiful thing about this line as well is that you don't actually have to commit to the r roll what ends up happening in a lot of scenarios is that sometimes you end up trying to play this line but because either somebody is contesting you or maybe you just have a natural a lot of the nilas you can just keep pushing your Tempo and you preserve your HP cuz Nila 2 is such a good unit and then you just end up playing into Fiora and then you can just play Fiora kalista which we'll talk about a little bit later but it's one of the main meta boards at the moment at your level eight so really strong Rion really great she can hold a lot of great items um and a Calli 3 is still a really good unit um if you don't know how to position her properly to snipe the opponent's carry you can check it out in the last video but the tldr is that you kind of want to put her in these two hexes depending on your opponent right if your opponent has their carry in the opposite corner you want to put them in the opposite uh either A3 or A5 uh and then if you're in the middle then you want to position middle again I described more of this in the last minute analysis it's all it's a mouthful it's a lot to talk about so if you're interested in that I will leave a little info card somewhere like hanging around so you can check the last minute analysis everything in there still stands but moving on with the two cost R rolles is Gallo 3 Deja Vu now in the stats this is really really good but I would argue that the stats of this comp are kind of fake now you're like well how could the S be fake because if you just go into the top comps here on TFT or rather tactics. it go into Masters plus holy [ __ ] it's um it's right there 4.45 51.4% off four rate how could that possibly be bad yeah it's top four in here but like it's a 51% off four rate it's not that great um another thing to keep in mind as well is that when it comes to gallo and Deja Vu uh vanguards is very popular it is like one of the most popular front lines that you can currently play cuz it's so cheap for how much value it gives you and mor Kaiser 2 is a Mor Kaiser [ __ ] 2 morer 2 is lowkey a two star like 3 like seven eight cost like it it's not exactly a four cost but it's really [ __ ] close especially with four Vanguard so um it's really hard because in a lot of scenarios too you really want to get that three star morer as your main tank but this is like really really hard to find uh rumo 3 is also really difficult to find as well because of uh his hero augment which is super strong which we'll talk about in a little bit uh molten caramel so [ __ ] good uh and if anybody in your lobby has molten caramel good luck trying to hit rumo three as an alternative tank so there's a lot of conditions for this to go well I wouldn't really try to lean into it if possible uh I think it's fine but especially like again like with your items from earlier without a guu start or like a bow Rod or bow like bow Rod start guu start I mean like honestly like if you don't have a against start like I'm I'm not playing this [ __ ] um great line in a really good spot but otherwise not that great uh molten caramel let's talk about it molten caramel is The Meta line at the current moment right now the sort of meta I believe the main line is just vanguards with preservers and you just play Tris 3 and Rumble 3 now obviously I could be wrong there's actually a bunch of different ways to play this line but trist 3 is decent because blasters did get a bit of a buff and it's fine preservers are okay they're a really great way to get your Rubble to go crazy and at the end of the day it's very flexible this is just one example there's a bunch of different ways to really play this line uh in terms of itemization you really want healing so BT is definitely great but JG rabbit on is supposedly B at least the last time I checked the stats but any sort of AP is good any sort of Gwen items uh that come to mind is really great on this unit so Crown guard spark adaptive Helm uh you hear adaptive Helm a lot really [ __ ] great item at the current moment so just keep that in mind TR 3 is also again it's not like the best carry in the backline but it's a two cost that you can help take out of the pool then out the pool and it's easier to hit your Rumble just 3 also really really great uh red buff death blade seems to be B at least again this according to the stats um I think Crown I think the sorry not Crown guard um the fairy Crown fairy Crown has a couple of mixed opinions in the higher ELO community at the moment a lot of people are kind of like is it actually that good or is it just played the most often because it's easiest um obviously throughout the mid game you're not going to have three items that you carry every single time so just immediately getting that fairy in and then getting the crown in is great because congratulations at a three item carry but as the game progresses I think some people are sort of Leaning away against playing Crown guard more specifically because you end up having to play some [ __ ] units obviously in this line you have to play preserver or the main line usually plays preservers so like you end up playing aan anyway so it's kind of whatever but there are times where people are like this raan unit is just not very great as a for cost tank so a lot of people really don't value itemizing raan or having raan on their board period and that usually means okay no fairy Crown just get a third item instead obviously an or item or like a radiant item are significantly better in these kinds of scenarios but it's it makes it a lot easier those are significantly better than like the crown guard but um I know I from what I I remember I think during the play test and Niko had mentioned that he wants fairy Crown to be a slightly better than a slightly better GS but GS itself is like not even that great of an item you don't see a lot of people playing it too often so yeah I don't know I I I I have mixed opinions on it obviously there are stats as well let me know what you think but that's sort of the main debate going on right now is fairy Crown actually good but let me know in the comments let me know what you think uh moving on three cost roll Vanguard blasters the Soju special if you will um if you been watching KY Soju over the past couple of days you might have noticed this guy loves playing this line um he doesn't play it all the time but I would say considered compared to most Pros I think he plays this line more than everybody else um and the reason why he plays it a lot more is because he's very good identifying the correct conditions uh at when to play this line and there's a lot of conditions first off it's a three cost roll board and what does that mean we've talked about it before very [ __ ] expensive you really really really would prefer to play this in some level of an portal whether that's Champion delivery Scuttle puddle crab Rave you get the idea gold opener like loot uh what's it called gold subscription right these portals with a lot of lot of resources a lot a lot of money very good portals to be playing these comps in another one too specifically for this comp is it's incredibly incredibly item hungry if you don't get augments like stim pack augments like big grab bag you probably don't want to play this line I would say unless you get S pack from 21 not that great and even then even if you get it you have to lose the HP to get those components this line it can win out don't get me wrong but morer 3 is really difficult to hit and then on top of that unless you have whe 3 ezo 3 moris 3 all with three items you're not going to see a lot of success with it it's really really really hard to identify the exact perfect conditions because it requires not only the items the economy but also requires scouting making sure that not a lot of people are going to probably lean into Biser and identify that it is very likely or rather very possible for you to try to hit this m 3 again wouldn't really recommend this line um I think it's B tier at best maybe a it's honestly like maybe a tier but I think it was good during the very very early parts of the patch cuz people are still trying to figure stuff out but especially now that um The Meta is getting more and more solved I would kind of stay away from this if you can but it's okay I think Soju you'll hear him from time to time goes I'm starting to think this comp's not very good and I would agree with him I don't think it's that great either but I want to throw it out there especially because Soju is such a big streamer and people have seen him play this line and succeed with it but I don't think enough people realize just how ridiculous the conditions are for a line like this to actually succeed uh moving on seven Mage this is kind of interesting um seven Mage is not something we have seen be meta for a very long time it was met up for a very small period of time at the very beginning of the first patch and then cnra disease took over and then we never saw vagar ever again um the thing about vagar is that it's very difficult to play this correctly and what I mean by that is you have to stack the vagar early you have to buying these early charms and identifying your Tempo and most of the time you're not going to 3 five it you're actually going to 41 it because you need to be rolling for charms during stage three to start stacking up that vard that you ideally hit early um another thing to note as well is that you actually don't need the I don't think vard starts stacking once you bought the vagar I think it's just depending on the number of CHS you bought that game someone please correct me if I'm wrong but typically you don't play this line unless you have like a good strong Mage start meaning like for some reason you happen to hold sakas and sarapin and then you have like a Vex and now you have like a Mage start and then you can kind of consider this because you also have like a tier and a bow uh kind of similar to like a Zoe start but like if you have a tier bow belt chances are you're going to probably try to lean more towards Zoe and Zoe roll rather than vear so um this is a line that again it's really good it is again three cost so very expensive so keep that in mind uh and requires a lot of things to go right but this is one of those comps that can actually like Giga win out lamies um at a certain point vagar is sort of like a scale and he sort of starts at like this bottom end here this is where you starts at the beginning of the game and then as you buy more and more charms and as you itemize in more and more throughout the game and as you like get to the break points Suddenly at seven Mage plus like the right items plus enough charms you just hit critical mass and this unit just wins out it it straight up will obliterate lobbies and this probably has one of if not the highest cap in the game I'm not even [ __ ] joking when I say that yeah you have a [ __ ] sck on your board but with seven Mage and with like a Vex 3 and a strong enough front line it will obliterate lobbies so this is a very high anxiety comp if you if you play tftd and you're like consciously anxious all the time playing the game because you're stressed out about your lines and comps I would not play this line cuz you're going to be on the EDC the whole time if you're trying to play TFT and looking for that adrenaline rush you can definitely try playing this line and play 20 out of 20 you're not going to succeed very well climb very high because of the conditions required but it's very very fun and this is one of the most high intensity high octane compositions is when it like wins out it's just it's so [ __ ] fun but it's scary you're on the edge of your SE and you're probably like 3 HP for like the whole game and it's terrible Ying but again super [ __ ] fun um Mage Crest is the only thing you really got to take into consideration here when it comes to your augments uh Mage Crest is really really good it just unlocks 7even Mage for you very easily at level seven otherwise you do have to look for that Nora Lottery and that is very very tough usually this Nora is actually a seraphine instead and you're kind of sitting on this board at level seven um and then it's usually five Mage with like four Vanguard or some sort of variation to some degree that like gives you some level of Front Line plus the Vex yada yada you get the idea um we can also probably do Wukong as well I think I don't think for Vanguard actually fits but maybe if wukong's not contested you can consider him as your main tank I don't think it's very good but it's just a suggestion you don't have to take it um and uh oh sorry last thing to know as well just because the Yumi thing just reminded me uh Yumi probably goes on Vex um the whole thing about this composition is that at a certain point vagar just hits critical mass and it's [ __ ] over everything gets obliterated no matter what so the main problem is that you need a front line that survives you need something that stands up so as long as you have the Great Wall of China in front of your vagar vagar will will clean you just got to give him some time so Yumi on the Vex Yi on your moris 3 if you happen to find it um really the easiest way to fortify your front line and Yumi on frontlight in general is actually pretty good I think not enough people do it I think so many people just see top streamers just like putting the Yumi on like their carry and then just calling it a day cuz that's the most brain way brain dead way to do it but if you have a really strong tank especially like a Vex 3 I actually think like yuming the Vex is or yuming any like three star like front liner it can be really really beneficial so just keep that in mind uh moving on as well is Wukong 3 Wukong 3 is still like one of the best tanks in the game but his items are very dependent on resistances specifically gargoyle gargoyle gargoyle is bis um obviously Mo's mail might be Tris just because um it just gives you so many resources and feeds you so much it's not necessarily board strengthwise the strongest but um whenever you get uh sh I believe it's called Shimmer scale Essence the augment that gives you a shimmer skill item you almost always ideally want to be playing Wukong obviously it's not going to always be the case but even like a Wukong one with a gargoyles or Mogul does a lot of [ __ ] work so just keep that in mind you definitely want to be playing this line especially with gargoyles LS early uh Wukong is like your Holy Grail it's like the best three card to really play around in the early to mid game um and then you can roll obviously on seven uh this is a rise Karma board this is something that actually diso played um he actually rolled on seven looking for like just basically anything to flex around but he really did want like a rise one and a Karma one and he sort of like stabilized off this played around like zillian 3 bar 3 not actually itemizing it until after he had the rise but he actually was able to find rise 2 on seven not immediately but he was eventually able to find it it is a line you can definitely play it um and dish soap is clearly dish soap he is significantly better than I am but I it does feel a little awkward to be rolling for a four cost on seven but I mean they so this so he played it it can't be bad um I wouldn't recommend really itemizing Bard as well um I just kind of a [ __ ] uh zillian if you have the caretakers for is the only time i' ever really even consider going for zillian three but I guess it's okay at the end of the day this feels like a very top four type of beat but that doesn't necessarily have to be the case cuz Wukong 3 is again very very strong Jinx 3 Wukong 3 is also one of the if not the meta line when it comes to playing around Wukong 3 you just fill in with preservers while you uh play Jinx but I will say this recently I have noticed that Soju actually hates doing this [ __ ] and he actually plays 4 Hunter so he actually plays something like this except he [ __ ] hates itemizing Olaf so yeah but the main line if you will with Jinx is I believe actually for Hunter instead so just keep that in mind um makes a lot of sense you get the sugar crafting you get a scale over time uh Jinx bis is just like Ginsu and like runand and like whatever Category 5 is really really good in this line if you get if you get it like super early at like 21 definitely something that you can consider uh and again really great way to like stomp out lobbies but it is very expensive it can be difficult to find so just keep it in mind if your SP not like really trying to push you towards it I would not recommend it and got to be good with your econ here for obvious reasons uh moving on on to the standard boards the first one this is for scholar for Vanguard rise this is probably my personal bread and butter this is what I like to lean the most uh the reason being is that just um I just like this rise unit a lot I get a lot of gratification just like watching the portals come out and he just does a shitload of damage uh the reason why it's for scholar is because he actually gets his cast so [ __ ] much with for scholar so he actually just like perac cast no he doesn't perac cast but he cast very frequently and I've sort of recently been a little more open to the idea of just going just triple just damage like you obviously you go red buff or Shin or ginu it's like one of them and the reason why is because like you need like attack speed to or no Mana gen to try and cast right but with for scholar I've noticed he casts a lot so I wouldn't be surprised if true B rid at four scholar is actually just like triple damage and then on like two scholar rid you definitely need like the show Jin or like the the rabbit or sorry the [ __ ] red buff the whatever it may be um I like the four Vanguard version as well because it's super cheap it's a very top four type of play style I would argue it's very like you're getting your thirds or fourths um it's just one of those lines that like it doesn't win out just because the cap is so low uh the cap is really Mizer 3 if you manage to find it but more often than not you're just going straight to level eight rolling for that rise and then you're trying to stabilize off of four Vanguard and four scholar it's like I mean just look at the [ __ ] board it's so cheap there it's four cost is Tom kench and Rise you don't even give a [ __ ] about Tom Ken 2 you care about morisa 2 if anything because Mor Kaiser 2 is almost always your main tank uh things like adaptive things like Crown guard things like gargoyles very very good on him um not much else really needs to be said here really really simple you can start slowly taking out of the scholars as well uh just to start to really play around like potentially Arcana to cap out with your board uh things like the zerra and like we had talked about earlier at the very beginning of the video just trying to make sure that you can like get to that zerat 2 start to Pivot your board you want to play things like the the teric and then maybe the Diana if it's in there somewhere when you find a Diana 2 maybe you end up playing around shape shifters with the nasis 2 you have a bunch of different ways to play around this line it's very very very flexible but the core is typically you hit this [ __ ] first figure it out after and that's sort of been like my favorite but that's just my personal bias um and again it's a very low cap if you're not a big fan of going third and fourth for a lot of your games I would not really recommend this line and sometimes you'll get really frustrated cuz you're like my board is good my board is solid I preserve a lot of HP but then some people count out really really high and then you just one fifth and you're like well great uh I think my matchory actually has like a shitload of fifths because I lean this line a lot so just be careful it's a good line to four is a lot but in highroll lobbies especially you are not going to have a good time so keep it in mind uh moving on kalista Fiora this is like the main line if you will um it's very [ __ ] expensive you it's really difficult to really see a lot of players go nine when playing this board uh it's because it requires Fiora 2 colist 2 which by the way if you're hitting your two star for cost carry on your 42 roll down you're a high roll roller okay let's get that straight so if you don't manage to find it which most often you don't you end up playing like some scrappier variation of this board and then you end up playing like Fiora 2 kalista 2 ideally on your 51 roll down that's when you really find your two star four cost and you're really able to get online um there's a shitload of variations with this board uh not even with just kalista plus X Duo carry it's like kalista Fiora shitload of variations this is a little bit more on like the with the Whatchamacallit the fairy crown playing around like the kalista with like the raan opens up preservers you manage to find that Morana and you can add a Camille into your board this is usually like a jack um this is really great it's just one variation um again we talked about the fairy Crown stuff stats do like fairy Crown I will admit but again it's just something that is a debate at the current moment um but you can also do other things as well masses 2 is really great this is more of like The Stand United version um this just fits traits so [ __ ] beautifully this is like so so so good if you manage to find it um again this comp is a little more item heavy uh you really want to be itemizing towards like one carry but the problem is that like you end up playing fural or kalista whatever you find so um you you want to try to itemize like three item one of them but we want to three item our upgraded unit so it's tough cuz they don't really share items too hot that's why the fa CR is so nice cuz it alleviates one of those pain points but regardless you do it's tough it's tough to play it's a lot of flexibility I myself actually struggle a lot with this line um there's just a lot of different variations to play and it gets very dizzy very very fast there's a lot of moving Parts in this one so just be careful um nasis 2 is the main is the main carry for this one in particular but again there's a bunch of different ways to play it and actually if you're low rolling on the fioras you can actually play around Olaf 2 and I think Olaf 2 gets a lot of smack in the community um maybe it's cuz of soou I'm not really sure this Olaf 2 unit is really not that bad man especially for stage four uh when you just need an item carry for your Fiora two star Olaf is a two star Olaf it can do a lot of great things uh I will say this as well I think two star Olaf or Olaf in general loves G absolutely loves G because you really want to position him here at either A1 or A7 and the reason I say this is because specifically with Olaf because of the way that his hop works sometimes he does some really egregious [ __ ] and what I mean by that is that like let's say your opponent is playing like this right and your opponent sometimes you'll notice like a lot of players especially with like the randoom Dogman they kind of Clump like this in like some sort of a fashion they're kind of leaning more towards the left side and Olaf just kind of plays Leap Frog so he just kind of leaps leaps leaps oh he's just on your carry nothing you can [ __ ] do about it and then he just assassinates them and it's really fun to see sometimes how he just scams fights it's really really really odd how his hop works I don't think anyone's really figured it out yet but from my experience A1 A7 you can really try to snipe their carry just make sure you're on the same side and this only works with GA because more specifically is that he will get targeted first especially if he's up here in A1 but again once the G procs no one's really touching he's just Hoop It Hoop It hoop it and then he's just on the carry and then the carry dies so really fun unit to be completely honest um I would love to see if he gets buffed I I I would be I wouldn't be surprised but I I think people just really haven't unlocked how to play Olaf just yet maybe they're playing him a little more just like standard if you will when it comes to ad80 carries kind of like here in like this like uh B2 or sorry B1 or B7 row but I don't think that's necessarily the best way to do it I really do think GA with like A1 A7 is like a really fun way to play him and uh could definitely clear a lot of boards uh finally let's talk about the plus one lines first one is sugarcraft Crown sugarcraft Crown in particular not the CR the crown the Matic is pretty decent it's not the best you need a good spot for it but it is meta it is something that you can consider as long as you have like a jinx opener with like um like if on 2 one you have like four sugarcraft and like a good slam I could definitely see taking this augment for sure um it requires some things to go well for example no one hits cariz Comforts that would be ideal uh but obviously it's a prismatic so like it's not like people are hitting uh Rumble hero augment like uh 2 one at the very least but um this is a pretty fun line it's again it's not it gets worse the higher you climb but even in like uh Masters Plus at the moment which is I believe it's like top I think about 5 to 600 players at this point if it Masters now um even in the top 5 600 of Na like it's still like a 4.5 and it actually gets better the lower you go like as in like diamond and emerald and platinum because there are less it's it's slower Tempo Lobby so you got less punish for these kinds of things uh Gwen 2 is just not a very good unit as well which is why a lot of people lean away from this um you do see some people going with like the sugarcrafts onto the Fiora I actually think that's bait as [ __ ] I think at the end of the day unless you're really high rolling you just don't want to itemize the sugar craft emblem on the Fiora sure you can use the stats all right but um personally I prefer a third item but if someone does the math and they're like hey man after like X number of layers you should probably just have that spot on theora I wouldn't be surprised so if anyone's got the math on that please let me know but this is a very very straightforward line it is just the vertical ideally Jinx 3 Rumble three if you manage to find it and obviously if you hit rumble's augment at board two or sorry 32 it's uh kind of an auto win molten caramel plus I don't even know if this is allowed if you can get this plus into this but if you can you just kind of want the game for free just bear that in mind uh next one is a portal very top four board but very very very solid um it's just rise is a good unit now um he's never been like terribly bad he he was just like out getting outclassed by like everything else that was like actually broken but rise is in a very good spot right now for a four cost in my opinion so um really really solid it's just so simp you just click the portal units it's very easy archangels red buff plus one usually rabbit on G blade is okay um T is your main tank uh one thing to note before people used to play Mage actually this is this we should talk about this Mage was like the main thing most people play Vex here uh for their level eight board that is actually not the case anymore I think you either play Diana or you play Tom kench depending on what you find but the reason why it's because noral with Mage is kind of no diff kind of doesn't do anything and then you have a Vex to board which does [ __ ] nothing actually so you're better off getting a unit like Tom Ken who actually has Cc or Diana who will actually do some damage and some AOE obviously you would not put in a Diana one over a Tom 2 but uh if you ever get to that Diana two point now your tck is extra tanky and then you have a Diana 2 with like maybe like an extra item here and just doing a lot of [ __ ] work uh with Yumi this one you can really make a case for either Tri or Rise um this T unit without basion I can't even see an argument for it though if you have like Diana 2 then I could see like okay maybe it's the T but usually in most cases you kind of just want On The Rise because you want this rise to just clear things as soon as possible um that's why you also have to archangels as well because at a certain point if the fight prolongs long enough especially with the portal just like slowly like chipping away damage and throwing extra crugs and making the fight last longer rise will start just one- shotting [ __ ] so very very good line um very easy to top for with um but you got to play Tempo don't take this from a bad spot don't take it from a spot you think you're going to lose streak from play Tempo play your HP and uh yeah very very simple moving on seven Frost vertical Frost this is something I have yet to play myself to be completely honest with you um it's very good with a plus one if you manage to find the frost emblem typically it goes on either Varys or nasus but really really strong line when you get seven especially with Frosty front line if you manage to find it um you don't play this with like a frost opener as well and just from my experience Frost opener just doesn't feel that good maybe I'm playing it wrong um from what I understand I think gos likes the itemize around Namy 2 as sad of like your early game carry um I've been itemizing twitch so maybe that's the problem but um it's still really really good line if you managed to get that plus one but without the plus one I would Lean Like harder away from it and I would actually argue it's not even like this V unit for example not even [ __ ] playable with frost without Frost so uh yeah just keep that in mind various by the way we should talk a little bit about we'll talk about them at the very end but um this unit is [ __ ] terrible to be completely honest but very straight for line you can go for swing three you can go for way three you don't have to roll at seven just hold every single copy you see if you find it great if you don't whatever but uh you just ad of my way you just Adam my way is your main tank or nasis again depends on what you find uh again very straightforward Super Fun Line um you don't get to play it too often and funny enough um if your opponent buys the dragon charm you can actually Frost the dragon uh I didn't know that was a thing until I saw frodan do it the other day uh it wasn't on purpose and he didn't even realize until the fight was over but he literally just copied the [ __ ] dragon and like that's weird it's a weird counter but okay uh moving on pyro Crest so let's talk about it so Varys this unit is [ __ ] dog [ __ ] is the worst for cost in the game don't ever try to play Veris without pyro or Frost but for some reason if you managed to find it congratulations uh this unit's actually clickable now so you get to actually unlock a playable unit which is kind of interesting um masses 2 is the main tank for obvious reasons smolder with pyrro Crest is like one of the highest caps in the game um vear 3 is up there smaller 2 with pyro Crest is up there it's it's really really insane how strong this unit is especially with five pyro so just keep that in mind also five pyro I believe is when you get the execute yeah so that's when you get the execute and that's when this like smolder unit just goes [ __ ] ham um for obvious reason shyana is actually your secondary Shape Shifter not Brier reason why is because it unlocks Dragon for you so your smolder gets to do a lot of [ __ ] extra work um veres are kind of whatever IE last whisper he just he does want to cast though so things like the red buff things like shin you need at least like one of these Ginsu is definitely the worst out of the three um other things as well Niko Shen this or sorry Niko Swain very situational very just does not [ __ ] matter it's just the easiest it's just four shap shifter but you have a bunch of different ways to play this line you can do like um two van random vanguards two random bastions whatever the [ __ ] like a Diana or whatever like you you have a lot of flexibility you you basically have like plus two here do whatever the [ __ ] you want but shape shifters is like the most brain dead easiest way to play that line uh finally let's go over to the cooked tab this is a new tab we don't we don't really do cooks too often um first one is Warick 3 AR3 I've not seen a single soul touch this line I've heard some low ELO players talk about it but if you know anything about League of Legends like league league um blue Ezreal was like a very popular build back in like set 10 and that was devised by a silver player um and you know the low heal players are the ones who really want to innovate uh they just want to have fun and Warick 3 with Ari 3 this is such a [ __ ] cook um vanguards is is very strong it is very strong there's like negative stats on this line but Warwick with um double Ginsu Qs obviously Vamp sceptor if you manag to find it is like super turbo like gigaby which is why like you have an or artifact like you can actually like lean towards this um or you're in the portal and you get the vamp se but AR is very contested we know this so like obviously it's not great but funny enough warrick's healing actually scales off of AP and you can actually restar a lot of different random units here um this is a cook all right again this is a cook I never said this was amazing but this is a cook and I think in some scenarios you could actually run this line and find some Success With It uh I just just be careful though okay if you lose LP I'm sorry it's on me but I did say it was kind of a cook um eventually you do want to take into the Zer for the true damage and then that's probably when this com can really shine um but yeah just cooking nothing much else to see here I think Ginsu Ginsu kill as the turbo bis and then adaptive uh oh I should mention this uh B AR is adaptive adaptive blue buff and then rabons is ideal but it can be whatever the [ __ ] you want just any sort of AP uh moving on is the triple Dragon board this board is fun as [ __ ] um sorry about the swing there but this board oh this [ __ ] board I got to play this board I got to play it once and yes I know there is a Namy one on the board but even with Namy one I think unlocking three dragon as a trait is lowkey worth it this nzi one with no items uh not even two star one star cuz it's very unlikely you find an Nom 2 at level 9 UM it does like 3K damage a fight which is a lot for a onear one cost that's a [ __ ] ton it's enough to justify having a [ __ ] on the board like a nszi one and smaller 2 obviously one of the highest caps in the game um this is really [ __ ] fun and it's not easy to get to this state at all it's one of like your High rolling the kalista line typically so the way that I got to this point was I was playing like a kalista like Olaf because I wasn't finding like the fioras in time and I found an Olaf 2 like way too early and I had like some 80 melee slams so I just played this line I went to N9 like super [ __ ] comfortably and then from there like I was in call with raptor actually and we were just like how funny would three dragon be and maybe I'll play a clip right now but when you watch the fight we never actually got to see smolder 2 but it was surprisingly pretty [ __ ] fun and pretty [ __ ] strong we actually want get a really really strong board so um it did require Ola to scam a little bit uh you probably saw it in the clip but overall really [ __ ] fun line definitely something to consider uh as like a fun way to cap out your board uh it's troll as [ __ ] to be completely honest but it's fun and maybe it isn't troll maybe at the end of the day this is actually good who [ __ ] knows I mean yeah but anyways that's going to basically do it for this meta analysis I hope you guys learned something I hope you guys enjoy this patch cuz honestly this patch has been fun and set 12 let's be real guys set 12 is [ __ ] fun set 12 they they cooked with set 12 it is a good set I am so glad tfd is back and that's B goingon to do it take care guys and happy climbing