Transcript for:
Lecture on Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer

just a reminder you can watch full episodes on my app or join me at I'll see you soon [Music] today I want to talk to you about power thoughts you might think well what is a power thought well it's a thought that you can think that will add power to your life rather than thinking a thought that will decrease power or steal power from your life you might even look at it in a simple way like if you think a positive thought it's going to add power to your life if you think a negative thought is going to drain power from your life so let me start with a question have you ever gone to a doctor and told him what your symptoms were and he examined you and then he says it's all in your mind well you know that has a tendency to make us mad but in reality it is all in your mind now that doesn't mean that the symptoms are not real they definitely are the pain is real but 87 percent of our physical problems comes from the way we think and we can change the way we think a lot of times people think well I can't help what I think and for years I made that mistake I just thought that whatever fell in my head that was what I had to think and so the devil's going to make sure that he puts a lot of stuff in our minds that's going to steal the joy and the good life that God has planned for us that you can do your own thinking the Holy Spirit Will begin to remind you or call your attention to the fact that you're thinking wrong things and you can cast that thought down and you can choose another thought to think on now Proverbs 23 7 says for as he thinks in his heart so is he so if you think good things your life is going to be good if you think bad things it's going to be bad we become what we think ing prepares us for Action what we think becomes our words what we think affects our emotions it affects our relationships with people really what we think especially if it's something that we think repeatedly it does affect our lives so how do you normally think do you believe the best of people are are you suspicious and your mind always goes to the negative do you believe that you can do anything that you need to do or are you a person that always says I can't do that that's too hard that's too difficult well if you're saying the wrong things you can change it yes I said you can change it it's amazing how much power our mind has you can sit and just think about somebody who really hurt you and treated you unjustly and you think about it for a little while it'll only take about five minutes and pretty soon you're going to find yourself getting upset but you can think I choose to forgive that person because that's what God tells me to do and I choose to believe the best I believe that they didn't intend to hurt me and you'll just stay calm and peaceful so why not do what's going to make your life better more powerful than doing what's going to drain you of power and leave you weak and worn out and possibly even sick set your mind and keep it set the Bible says Colossians 3 2 and set your minds and keep them set on what is above that just means good things positive things Godly things higher things not things that are on the earth we have a wonderful privilege we can learn to think the way God thinks and you learn to do that by studying his word his word is really his thoughts and the Bible even says that God is a God who calls things that do not yet exist as if they already existed so the wonderful thing is that if the guy if the bible promises you something you can start verbally claiming it and declaring that you have it before you have it and those words actually go out into the atmosphere and help pull things out of the spiritual realm into this natural realm where you live now I know for some of you you may be thinking lady you are crazy well it works I've done it for years and it works and I know one thing for sure if you don't want to believe anything else I'm saying all you need to do is take a full day and think nothing but negative thoughts and see how you feel at the end of the day take a full day and think positive thoughts and see how you feel at the end of the day then you'll know that what I'm saying is accurate Philippians 4 8 tells us things to think on think on these things whatever's worthy of reverence whatever's honorable and seemly which means right whatever's just pure lovely lovable kind when some gracious in other words the list goes on it's basically saying think all good things so you know what we can do it because God never tells us to do something that we can't do let me say that again God never tells us to do something that we cannot do you know that was very helpful to me when I finally realized that because a lot of times we think well I can't do that well if God told you to do it you can do it you can do it with his grace with his help with his power so anytime that you're required to do something you should always ask God help me I know that I can do whatever you tell me to do but I cannot do it without you in Romans 12 the Bible says don't be conformed to this world in other words don't think like the world thinks but be transformed or completely changed by the renewal of your mind well we renew our mind or we learn to think better we learn to think right once again through the study of God's word and you can study the word don't use the excuse I don't understand the Bible there's too many helpful things now that help you understand the Bible to use that as an excuse we have many online free Bible studies that will help you understand the word of God Ephesians 2 says be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind so this is an ongoing thing it's not something that you learn one time and you never have to pay attention to again every day every day of my life there will be some time during that day when I will catch myself thinking something that is not going to help me it's not a good thought it's going to be a power draining thought and I can immediately say I'm not going to think that anymore and I can replace it with a god thought and sometimes those wrong thoughts are a little stubborn they'll keep coming back and coming back and coming back so sometimes you've got to fight the good fight of Faith you got to cast it down and cast it down and cast it down but the time you stick with something for 30 days and you run it through your mind you can put signs on your mirrors you can do whatever you need to do to keep that thought in front of you your mind will be renewed in that area and then you will find that you will just automatically think that way without really even having to try to so having said all that I'm going to start start with the first Power thought that I'd like to talk to you about today and here's what it is I can do whatever I need to do in life through Christ who is my strength you know we never know what a day is going to bring every storm is not in the forecast you can get up in the morning and have your day planned and one phone call can completely change it sometimes we get nice surprises that are pleasant but then other times we get things it's like oh no man I didn't want to have to deal with that today but you can train yourself to believe that whatever comes along you can do it through Christ I love the way the Amplified Bible puts it Philippians 4 13 I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me now listen to this I'm ready for anything equal to anything through him who infuses Inner Strength into me I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency I love that I don't want to be dreading things so you know I can't do that if that happens I won't be able to stand it no train yourself to believe that you can do whatever whatever you need to do through Christ who is my strength want to hear more from Joyce on this topic we've got you covered visit us in the Joyce Meyer app or at today [Music]