Holocaust Overview and Final Solution

Oct 2, 2024

Lecture Notes on the Holocaust and "Final Solution"

Initial Invasions and Murders

  • Invasion of Soviet Union: Germany invaded the Soviet Union, prompting SS and German police to initiate mass murders.
    • Primary target: Jews.
    • Secondary targets: Communist officials and others.
  • Murder Stats: By end of 1941, over 800,000 Jews murdered in first 6 months.

Expansion of the Murder Campaign

  • Discussion within Nazi Germany: By mid-1941, discussions to include more Jews in the killing initiated.
    • Due to increasing Jewish population under German control.
    • Considered themselves "trapped" with no alternative solutions.

Inclusion of More Regions

  • Third Reich Jews: Plans to extend murders to include Jews from the Third Reich.
  • Romanian Involvement: Romanian allies began their own killings of Jews in Romania and Ukraine.
  • Poland - "Operation Reinhardt": SS General Odilo Globocnik planned the murder of Jews in Polish regions under his influence.
    • Aim: Over two million Jews.

Development of Killing Methods

  • Gas Vehicles: Experiments to convert lorries/vans for gas killings.
    • Successful prototypes led to broader usage.
  • Chelmno Camp: New camp opened in December 1941, primarily used for gas van killings.

Auschwitz and Gas Chambers

  • Zyklon B Experiments: Initiated in early September 1941 at Auschwitz.
    • Originally a pesticide (prussic acid).
    • Successful experiments led to plans for larger gas chambers.

Parallel Developments and "Final Solution"

  • Second Half of 1941: Initiation of various methods and planning for comprehensive murder strategy.
    • Shooting, gas vans, engine exhaust murders.
    • Planning to import Jews from across Europe to murder sites.
  • Operation Reinhardt Planning: Consolidated actions leading to the formulation of the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" by end of 1941.