Transcript for:
Buddhist Meditations: Introduction

welcome to our very first video of buddhist meditations now a lot of you have been asking from us for a long long time to do a set of videos which contain information about meditations so here we are okay before getting to the video and to know about the meditations let's do something which will helps us to be relaxed and to be more peaceful now this is so simple all you need to do is to just breathe in and breathe out now you can do it with me now i need you to take three deep breaths in and let it flow out through your mouth okay let's do it all together breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth again breathe in and out one more time breathe in breathe out relax peaceful okay now let's talk about meditations first of all let's know what is the meaning of meditations now the word meditation is an english word it's an english term now when we talk about buddhist meditations buddha did not of course buddha did not use the word meditation buddha used two specific words to describe the way of meditation and those two words was number one it's called bhavana the first word is called bhavana and the second word is known as yoga okay let's get into the first word bhavana what do you mean by bhavana bhavana the meaning of word bhavanam gives the meaning of development constant practice constant development of something so what do we develop through meditations what do we develop through bhavana we develop our mind right the process or the practice of development of mind that was used by people for long long times is called the meditations or bhavanam and let's get into the second word what is that yoga now the word yoga may means difference from different from one person to another right normally when when we hear the word yoga it comes to our mind a set of asanas pranayamas and so many rituals and practices but in buddhism buddha did not focus on such things because there was so a big background of yoga and yogic background in the buddha's time but would they always use this word to describe the way of wisdom so the word yoga means binding or oh the yoga means the binding towards the wisdom right so the bond between the man and the wisdom is called the meditation okay so through the meditation the bond between the wisdom and the man will be developed so those are the two terms that was used by supreme buddha at one time in the dhammapada verse buddha clearly denotes this buddha says yogavi jayathi bhuri through meditation [Music] through non-meditational if you did not meditate your wisdom will be decreased so true that it it shows us that meditation means the way of developing the wisdom okay now you may have a question what is wisdom remember buddha said the wisdom is the ability to realize the reality of one's life our own life right if we can realize what's going on inside this right what is happening in this life then you have that ability is known as the wisdom so to develop wisdom we practice the meditations right so why do we need wisdom wisdom will help you for the liberation that is the ultimate goal of buddha's way of teachings right the liberation from sufferings liberation from rebirth liberation from the death so to attain that state what do we need we need wisdom because through wisdom we realize the reality of this life so to have the wisdom we should do meditations so that is the meaning of meditation and that is why we do meditations right so it's a simple practice but yet people make it so complex right sometimes people may end up as mentally uh mental with mental disorders by doing meditations in a wrong way so we are going to learn step by step right how to do meditations right what are the problems that arises when we are doing meditations and also in the meantime we will be uploading some videos that you can put on your headphones and sit in a quiet or relaxing place and you can a video that will help you to do the meditations right so in the meantime we will be uploading those things so if you have any kind of questions and problems that that is arising when you are doing meditations please let us know in the comments and then we will try to answer them through the videos and step by step let's learn this amazing way of wisdom that is known as the buddhist meditations so hope you enjoy this first video of our buddhist meditation series so i wish you all may all of you have the opportunity to attain the peacefulness and the calmness within your minds and may you may all of you have the opportunity to attain the ultimate happiness in your life namo buddha teruanza [Music]