90% of the dreams are just a release releasing this Desires in the night the second type of dream could indicate many things if one is able to watch it especially if something is concerned with your health the third layer of dream is opening up of new areas of memory within you can be very painful there is another kind of dream Tantra is just this that you dream of something and slowly you bring it into reality when we say a [Music] dream there are different uh aspects of your mind and the [Music] existence which we refer to as dream you have of course heard of the famous speech Yes I have a dream but now we're talking about dreams that you don't dream but they happen to you [Music] you do not arrive at it because of the nature of life that you're experiencing but seem to happen to you from somewhere these dreams are can be categorized into four categories these four can be further categorized into many many more but we will look at the four 90% I would say or more 90% of the dreams are just a [Music] release when I say release most human minds are made like this they cannot help it whatever they recognize as good beautiful attractive right valuable they cannot help Desiring [Music] it so the multiple desires that the Mind generates through the day most of the desires are not even conscious it's simply happening because mind is in that mode if something is good I must have it so when it's in that mode it keeps on Desiring many many many things it's your fortune that all those desires don't come true if they come true you will be in such a great mess so the dream work for works for you now being in the heart program right now after having woken up early in the morning and doing four hours of whatever sadana and the study and everything in the afternoon and you whether you would like to hit the sack or uh you would like a coffee or a tea they will give you Kulu soup now famous Kus so now your mind thinks oh I wish had some coffee to drink or tree tea to drink something tonight you see yourself in your [Music] dream you're drinking a barrel of coffee or maybe went to the ocean and Indian Ocean has become all coffee I'm just saying a ridiculous example but I'm saying dreams are an exaggeration of all the things that you desire or in other words it's a release in your dream you fulfilled drinking your coffee next day you can handle the day next day you can handle the kuu soup little more gracefully yes if this release doesn't happen in your dream now this can beig become a great frustration this can become such a big compulsion within you so dream is working for you in that sense releasing these Desires in the night when you fast to sleep because the body is at rest so there's a whole lot of energy available for the activity of the Mind mind is using this time and energy to work itself out 90% of the dreams fall under this [Music] category there is nothing to do about this nothing to remember no need to remember let it go but if you're having a lot of dreams on a daily basis now you must look at the day you must become more conscious the more conscious you become during your day you will see the less dreaming will happen in the night more unconsciously you Aspire for everything around you the more dreaming will happen this distinctly in your experience you just uh meditate strongly enough through the day you will see that night when you sleep it's not that there's no dreaming at all there is but it is considerably less another manifestation of the dream is there is something called as prab prab means now uh there is there is a vast accumulation of memory in the system this is something that we refer to as the karmic structure or the karmic body karmic body is just memory body a huge memory is there if all that memory comes into play now in your life your mind will break for sure it's too much memory for anybody to handle this happened to me 30 years ago suddenly I had a huge experience and the next thing is memory that I cannot handle lifetimes of memory just rushing through my mind almost like my mind is going to break because the there was a immense experience you can handle it otherwise your mind will break when such memory falls upon your mental structure it cannot handle the latent memory becoming an active process so Nature has devised a way or your own system has evolved a way of taking up one part of the memory as the allotted memory to be dealt with right now this is called as prabha it's a very common word that uh it was a normal conversation during our grandmother times these days uh it's all going away but even now in The Villages I think it's very much there if something is not happening the way they thought it should happen they say a PR that means it's already a lotted memory it's coming it's playing it's not happening here it's happening here but that is also ascribed to what is imprinted within you is playing out in front of you so that is a second type of dream it is playing out it is playing out in your day-to-day behavior in your thought in your emotion the way your body feels If You observe carefully you will see every day when you wake up in the morning if You observe very carefully not just the muscular structure of your body If You observe carefully how your body feels you will see every day it will be different because prab place in a certain way creating everything that happens every memory release that happen happens on the mental structure will naturally create a certain sens sensation or a sensory pattern in the physiological structure so depending upon what type of prab and that day your body begins to feel in a certain way if people who are conscious If You observe the way your body feels today you know what's coming many of you might have noticed on certain days when something acute happened somehow in the morning itself you're feeling funny and you went and crashed somewhere many people they not be they need not be enlightened or super conscious about what's happening within themselves but many so-called ordinary people might have felt this when something acute is coming that they already when they woke up in the morning they were feeling funny and uh because they do not know how to decipher they walked into it those who know how to decipher on that day they will step back they know today it's not a good day so not a good day not because there's something wrong with the day it's not going to work out for you because your whole pattern is happening in a certain way because the memory influences the way your energy functions your body functions your mind functions and what happens around you so this is prab finding expression and the same is happening in the night in the form of a dream they may have all kinds of strange things mixed up you in these kind of dreams you will have somebody who is around you and somebody else whom you do not know a situation that you know and a situation to do not know all overlapping mixed [Music] up many people would have noticed such dreams you're in your home but some strange character is actually in your house or you in some strange place but your whole family is there [Music] so what is known to you and what is Known Unknown to you what you consciously remember and what you do not consciously remember all of them are entwined in this dream this is uh a release of prab this could have some meaning in the sense if you you don't have to observe the images of the dream you have to observe the residue of the dream depending upon how the dream has worked out is it just working out of your latent desires or is some of memory playing a role in making this happen you don't go about looking at the imagery imagery is not important but the residue it lives leaves on the body when you wake up in the the morning how do you feel if you see this is the reason why those who closely watching their life avoid all intoxicant and stimulants if you're pumping in intoxicant and stimulants you cannot notice anything every day fails early morning feels like hell anyway they have to work themselves out of it so once you play with the nervous system all this is jumbled up this is not even relevant for such people once there are intoxicants and stimulants it just won't work because your nervous system starts saying something else which is of a completely different nature the prabha the second type of dream that we talk about could indicate many things if one is able to watch it especially if something is concerned with your health or the possibility of Destruction or damage to your body prabha is a good place to watch I never ever talk about dreams because there are a whole bunch of people who will go crazy imagining all kinds of things on a daily basis I saw this in my dreams so this is going to happen today tomorrow that's going to happen their imagination will run wild dreams will not happen in the night throughout the day it will start happening so the third layer of dream is the if you touch certain states of experience in your life we could actually do a survey on this many of you might have found after you went through a powerful experience let's say you were initiating to shambavi or you went through a bhavas spandana or you went through a samyama program or you went through some other initiation process the dream patterns seem to have changed after that the type of dreams that you're getting has changed the volume of Dreams could have changed it could have become more or less or something else some change could have happened after a powerful [Music] experience what is the meaning of a powerful experience a powerful experience means somehow you cross some kind of threshold within [Music] you the there are layers and layers of boundaries that one has set up within [Music] himself on a particular day you broke through one or you crossed one layer of something so the pattern of dream could change so what was not in play that memory bank which was not in play has begun to come into play new release I don't know if you understand in India every Friday there's a new release that means a new Cinema is coming so this is a new release this kind of worms were never there suddenly new release because a powerful experience happened and broke through a certain barrier of memory these barriers are your protection because if all of it opens up at once no mind can handle it it'll just break so this is called this Storehouse of memory or Storehouse of karmic substance is called San this means this is a warehouse of memory if all of it comes nobody will be able to handle so some from that entered your life that means this life has become a larger scope than what it was before your life was playing out to a certain volume of memory now if you break through with a big experience it has become a larger scope larger scope means if you handle it efficiently larger scope is a great thing if you handle it inefficiently larger scope is lot of trouble and in fact that is all human beings are struggling with that human life has a larger scope than other creatures that is the problem isn't it if you were like any other creature you could eat and sleep and be fine because it has a larger scope that is the trouble that they're suffering so when a larger scope opens up then if you hand hand it right it'll be very wonderful if you don't it'll be painful but even if it's painful in the ultimate scheme of things it's still good for you you don't like that now yoga is painful isn't it yoga is painful come on let's admit it it is painful but we still do it because in the largest scheme of things it's good for us in some way we understand that that's why we're doing it isn't it so opening up of news new areas of memory within you can be very painful because now you're putting your life on a fast forward what should have been handled probably in a next Edition you trying to handle it in this addition because you are in a little bit of a [Music] rush you don't want to have one more addition you want to say everything you want to say in this addition now it becomes more complex isn't it but if you handle it right it is very good otherwise it suddenly feels like after entering the spiritual path everything in the whole universe seems to be kicking you up from every direction because that's how it is because you open up another dimension which you are not handling I don't know how it is where you come from but in India there is something called as 10th standard which is a boarded exam okay not much stuff in this class very minimal but still this is a this is a place where children not terrified usually because the examiners are not their own teachers somebody else is going to correct their paper so it all depends how youve been passing till then most of them are terrified and uh anti- diari tablets will sell in millions on that day and the examination comes and all kinds of stuff this is only a kind of a preparing the child kind of a rehearse for really graduation for the high school which comes at 12th standard if you pass 10th standard which is supposed to be one milestone in the education process you don't get into a better place suddenly 11th and 12th is in a different dimension of study till then it was just this suddenly 11th and 12th is completely it is everything is multiplying at least four times over in terms of syllabi and complexity and everything that you require to study so passing is not always a good thing but if you don't pass you don't go to the next step if you remain in the St same step you will suffer stagnation if you move to the next step you suffer a larger a larger challenge that is bound to be there so this is just like that if you remain in the same place it seems to be life seems to be comfortable if you move to the next step it is definitely next step but it is a much larger challenge to handle so in terms of Dreams it finds expression in a completely different way once San begins to find expression in your dream it will become completely absolutely meaningless dreams one spot here one spot there one this one that one that nothing will be continuous it will start happening wild dreams without any meaning you cannot ascribe any kind of meaning to [Applause] it this happened you heard of beracha not heard of burn ature the the drama the play right okay a [Music] new a new playright who wrote a play and directed it invited sha to come and watch his play sha went sat there within a few minutes he slept off when the play was over the young artist or the young writer came to Shan said I invited you because I wanted your comments this is my first play beracha looked at him and said sleep is a comment so you are not sleeping well or you're sleeping well it is a commentary on your life there is another kind of dream which is uh which is not really a dream now uh there is B here she is a dream we dreamed her up you dream it up in such a way that it becomes a reality or in other words this is a dream to establish your Consciousness and your energy in a certain way I was mentioning the other day also down under in Australia the aborigin people call the time of creation as dream time Creator dreamed it up in India we call this Maya or Illusion or an illusion can be called a dream isn't it it's called dream time the time of creation is referred to as dream time we say Leela he's playing with you know Creator is weaving his Maya and playing around the the words Leela and Ma Maya describe Creation in the most appropriate manner because that's how it is [Music] and the whole science of what we are referring to as Tantra is just this that you dream of something and slowly you bring it into reality first you create it here and slowly roll it out and it becomes a reality all deities were made like this for a particular purpose they created it here and rolled it out and it's as real as anything in everybody's experience not just if it's if it's true only in your experience it could still be a dream when your dream becomes a living experience for everybody that's reality isn't it not because you trying to influence them by suggestion not because you are trying to hypnotize them with a powerful suggestion you need not know anything you walk into the Davi Temple it hits you in the face you don't have to believe anything because now she's reality but just 2 3 years ago she was just a dream so this dream now a manifest reality and all of us happened like that it's a dream which found a physical expression in a certain way but without using any material you can give an expression to a dream it is not really a dream this is creation this is how the whole creation has happened if you can play with the illusion when I say play with the illusion suppose I want I can play with a ball there is no ball but I start playing if we do this intentionally enough after some time there will be a ball not that we have to get a ball from somewhere if you do this actually you can feel something bouncing around not just in my experience whoever comes here they can feel the ball so this is creation and that also is rooted in your dream because if you cross the boundaries of San then you're touching the dimension that which is the source of creation there if mind can function usually when you touch it mind will be so overwhelmed unless it's strained that it just becomes this probably some people are describing as no mind you go into a zone or a space where the moment you come in the presence of a d of an energy which is beyond your understanding you freeze this cannot be termed confusion it's a state where mind will not exist unless unless it has gone through a certain level of preparedness so when you come in front of or let's say in traditional terms you would say now you faced God now your mind is frozen what a waste isn't it so much you need to get there when you get there you're Frozen it's still useful but if your mind is trained enough if there is substantial s behind you when you cross that place where there is no memory right now your mind exists the way it exists only because there is memory do you understand when you cross that boundary where the terrain of memory is over only of perception is there most Minds I would say 99.999 you can put as many nines as you want that many that much percentage of the minds will be frozen if they have no memory to operate these minds are operating only of existing memory if memory is taken away they will not know how to do anything what you're doing as yoga is to train the mind train the mind train the mind to a place where tomorrow if memory falls down your whole caric structure just fell down still you have a mind then if your body falls down that means if you fall dead you still have a mind now you can navigate yourself where you want otherwise you go by your Tendencies so these are four types of Dreams the last one you cannot really call it a dream it is it is uh what to say it is the other bank it is not this bank it is the other Bank of existence so one thing that I must tell you as advice is whatever the dream learn to ignore it because if you start looking for meanings in dream you will lose meaning for your life you will become hallucinatory