Transcript for:
Poker Strategies and Emotional Stability Discussion

hey Daniel how you doing good to see you good to see you too here we are here we are in Las Vegas welcome everybody I'm joined by the lovely Alexander votz the newest member of GG poker yeah you know it's kind of intimidating to play against you all be honest oh we're having fun I know I know and I I remember I told you this before but I I ended up playing poker because my dad taught me and he used to watch you on TV when I was a kid cuz you're incredible at poker but also cuz he's also Romanian Canadian so you were like his God so he's been cuz I've been a kid I'm still a kid you know that of course so like you were watching when you were a kid I was still a kid and I'm still going to stay kid because Kid Rock's what like 60 and he's still a kid this is true um okay it's my turn yeah you're the button you're 50 okay you're going to raise huh we're going to raise ooh well heads up you have to play a lot more hands this is one maybe I wouldn't play otherwise but heads up I'm going to take a flop all right we we got some educational content too I'm here for it there we go let's see here stuff could happen wow he did not Shuffle at all this is a very wet flop check you check Landon told me when there's three cards that are the same to bet one to bet just one blind so that's all I'm doing here what did he tell you that means when there what what is the term for that three of the same suit wet board monotone monotone monotone that's right all right see we got the poker terminology here so Landon with would say I should peel here which means I'm going to fold see spade and everything I have one Spade yikes see I already knew he didn't Shuffle so he he he he gave it back to me and I'll take it thank you please keep this up we're not allowed to tip the dealer right at the end yeah oh man so do do you enjoy playing heads up more or tournament poker to be honest with you the goal right is to get heads up you know but I love the journey there I'm I'm much more of a tournament guy heads up it's exhausting yeah like because you know when you play against seven or eight people you have time in between you can chat heads up it's like boom boom boom boom boom it's like it's like you playing bullet chess versus you know having your sitting back and going let's see here in theory what should I play here H instead of just which is how I play bullet this is true raise raise 250 I'm pretty sure this is one of the cards I'm supposed to fold right we don't play that even in Heads Up N okay but you are very good at at live tells do you think it's easier when you're just isolating one person yes that's the cool have I given anything away it no I mean we just sat down but like that's the thing right like when there's eight people to focus on yeah you know you probably miss things but when it's just one person you're looking at them every single decision so like you might spot a lot more like I always find that by the time I get heads up you know I usually have something on on my opponent unless they're like stepen chidwick who doesn't give away any do Pros still give away live tells or is it just amateurs see the thing about live tells they conscious you don't even realize like there's a lot of things people do I can't give them all my secrets away but even some of the best players in the world like there's there's things that are so reliable with them I'll tell you one after tell you please check 200 200 I will see a turn card call two players check okay do you want to see the river card also probably was I said okay here we go is that 500 yeah big bucks okayy go check okay I give up that's a smart move yeah I was uh going to going to have a whole Spiel on the river about what I'm going to do depending on what you bet oh nice no I there's a teaching moment in here if you bet I'm too embarrassed to even show my hand but it's learning so here we go well in theory you're probably supposed to Bluff that on the River on the river too yeah like say you but I got a live you know you probably you I gave away a live tell sure I'll see a river blah blah blah check I was not folding no ah there go all my blacks I didn't expect this to happen so easily and when you do find tells on these Pros is it things that you've noticed from years of playing with them or are they things that are commonly known amongst other people in the community so I'll tell you what there's sort of an analogy here I played in the the POG champs yeah I remember and I played against uh Pokemon who was po pokem man sorry right off the bat I'm like I had a higher rating whatever right off the bat she like killing me I have no idea why and then I realized oh her coach told her exactly how I open and how to defend against it so like she had a huge Advantage right so with poker the analogy would be I study my opponents on video a lot of the time I'll watch like for patterns and things like that sometimes I'll take a notepad old school and keep track all right he's done this 10 times eight times he had a marginal hand you know and then I use that to sort of help me make decisions interesting yeah you can study like I feel like so you really watch the tapes I do when I'm really trying to get into it these are 500 yeah I'll just get changed then okay but I mean yeah that's the cool thing like I didn't I I then I realized I had to have a burner account on no you do you can't let people I didn't know I was trying a new thing I'm like oh can't show anybody and on it's really clean because if you have an opponent you can go through all of their thousands of games and put in the line specifically against what you play which is why preparing for your tournament is so EXT for your opponent is so extreme in chess yeah I had no idea luckily she didn't know what to do after she had the advantage in the open so I was able to win but let's do 300 3 what would Landon do Landon would call okay he's your coach um he's one of my coaches yeah I also recently started working with chance cornets a little bit that's that's a good but I like it because then I have a GTO guy and a livel guy so together Perfect combo you know chance is very good because he combines both I think that's like what you want to do but what I like with Landon is that you know and I think you're were talking about something similar with Lex is 1 he's someone who can explain how the solver works for me so when you're playing online poker there's obviously a lot it's sure button never M fewer live tells which feels like it's one of your strengths do you think you're better online or in well definitely better live yeah right because you know I love playing online for the comfort and and the convenience of it just sit on your couch with your puppies on you and stuff like that but then you have to focus more on like the numbers on the patterns so like I make notes my opponents you know where I'm like all right and with what's great with like the GG software is they show you like okay who's playing a lot of hands who's been winning who's been losing they give you a little bit of feedback on the players right to give you some kind of an idea of how they're going to play but for me there's no substitute to live yeah for my for my advantage looks like someone's three betting I was thinking about it yeah I know damn it he's in my head already no [Laughter] thanks come on Daniel just give me a little nibble nothing look I have a king queen I'm going to fold no my God I'm going to tell you what one of your tells are later okay good CU that was no I I as soon as I I knew it's because we're all chatting so my guard is off you know oh [Laughter] boy so that's that's a perfect example of how an online poker I wouldn't have known to fold the king queen but because it's live no I I I I was uncertain and like I was calling I but I could have been uncertain maybe I want it to fold I'll tell you after what you did if you want to know okay you okay I I'll take it and in the comments try to guess what it is oh you guys will know this is a that's a great one watch what you did and tell me ask what did I see that made me fold that hand actually one of the things that's been really helpful to me since I've been vlogging so much at tournaments is looking over it and realizing when I'm doing things that are obvious tell since I'm you know I'm I'm new to the game these are things that are going to take time to learn yeah no that's really smart just to is to watch yourself I think yeah you know that's something I think chance and Alex do is they you know have you on video look at yourself yep exactly which you're giving away confidence in decisions I have question for you how frustrating it's like in chess right you make the Right Moves you win yep how frustrating is it to play poker when you make the right moves and still still because of luck lose so I've played in the D usop Mains three times and every single time I've busted with pocket kings all in Pre oh man that being said I I just accept it as a different part of the game the the truly hard thing about poker is handling the intensity of your emotions this happens with chess as well obviously when you lose a game you go to your room you don't talk to anyone you don't eat but with poker it feels like the swings are way lower and it was one of the things that I took for granted getting into poker so I was like I'm a chess player I'm objective I have no feelings and then I go into poker and I'm tilted for like a week after a loss I'm like who is this woman and what do I do you check I check yeah were were you always emotionally stable no I'm still not emotionally stable I think people have see me I wear my emotions on my sleeves in a lot of ways but I have a little trick myself so I was curious before I tell you my trick yes like how do you so in chess right you know you make a mistake yep you cost yourself how do you deal with that after that so in game it's extremely tilting once you make a mistake um but at least blind all right we'll double the blinds and once it starts getting the more variants the better for me um so in game honestly so I'm going to start competing in chess tournaments again I'm going to be playing two over the next month and I realize that I haven't had the same amount of time to train chess but I do care about telling the story of competitive chess and I think to do it properly you need to be in it a little bit and I been mentally preparing for the fact that if I'm losing I need to not let it ruin the rest of my day and see the bigger picture but I truly struggle with it so I I wish I had yay 94 takes it so I think when when you play chess they're timed right so you're under a lot of time pressure but your games take like four to six hours and you're sitting there for 20 minutes while your opponent is thinking so you kind of get used to it one trick that I use in Poker I don't know if it's applicable for chess but it might be is um when something bad happens and I can feel myself like being really tilted is I internally I just vent I'll be like you vent to yourself this idiot just played a hand so stupid that's going to cost me the tournament they have no chance this is the worst player in allow myself to do the full hel you right called a race with t of we called a race with Queen T honey in your head yeah so I allow myself to do that right then I'll sort of get present say okay what am I what am I what am I feeling right now what is what is the emotion I'm feeling okay anger right and then I'll ask myself like what are the physical Sensations my heart myet are Tapp I don't feel at ease you know uncomfortable so now I'm getting to what I'm feeling right then I'll take three deep breaths really at the table eyes closed like whole new Agy and then I'll be like all right what do I want to be right now I want to be focused want to be engaged I want to be dominant whatever it is right now I've noticed just by doing that practice of allowing myself to feel what I'm feeling it's not instant but a lot more quickly I'm able to be past that than if you're just trying to hold it in yeah exactly you hold in it doesn't go away how many times you see a poker player like 2 hours after a bad beat still talking about it so often still like oh man I would have had I would have had six million in chips but I got million because if that guy wouldn't have played that like that was two hours ago bro yeah one of my favorite quotes is actually Tiger Woods cuz tiger if you golf like he goes after putts right and like sometimes he'll really go after it and he was asked the question he's like tiger on these when you need to two putt like why are you so aggressive on your first putt leaving yourself a lot more room on the second put he goes cuz I'm not thinking about the second part I'm thinking about this part yeah making this part that's it there is no fail right yeah and that's something that's been helping me too because whenever I make a big mistake either in poker or chess I think whenever you're emotional about something you imprint it in your memory better so I try to look at it as like I'm not going to do this mistake again this won't be repeated and when it's something out of my control I'm okay with that that's the one thing that's been helpful that's very simar I change it nope that's a very similar way like to my process in terms of like when you when you break down a hand whenever I make a mistake I look that as an opportunity yep it's like oo oo there's a there's a there's a leak here I need to plug aha so the next time you see this situation of this movie you know you're more prepared for it the more you do that the fewer leaks you have the better you get like again I'm going to go to golf 500 but like when you first start playing golf all you're trying to do is hit the ball right just hit the ball then you try to hit it in the air then you try to hit it straight then you hide it to your target a pro is trying to sink it from like wherever they are yeah so even them they make mistakes and they miss but their misses are like this they don't have the big misses yeah right they're getting closer at least when you start playing poker you make really dumb stupid mistakes you don't know what to do with right as you get better your mistakes are like oo I should have bet 750 instead of 825 you know like really finite like with chess yeah that's the thing I well chess I'm blabbing here but with chess I the hard part is like as you get better it's so much harder to get better 200 200 oh 200 yeah raise o check raise all right you win all right I I think that's what I'm doing here or calling yeah I would mostly call that hand yeah yeah you had me dead I had 7 eight fair I should be a little slower well not about how fast you did it just that hand on that board yeah like you're out of position so you check raise you're making the pot bigger and if I call a lot of bad cards come King Jack nine you know it's not an easy spot for you so you're like basically you're over playing overplaying my hand you should be like more polar there or have like just a gut shot nothing strong hands yeah the middle hands are the ones you want to call up that's fair see I know what I'm talking about um GTO that Su so potentially tough question but what's been your lowest point in your poker career and how are you able to overcome it lowest point in my poker career man there's been so many I mean that's good because I mean that's how poker usually is right you know when I was uh it was a long long time ago but it was kind of fun so like I kind of romanticized the early days of being broke like coming to Vegas for $3,000 yeah like I'm going to crush these guys I'm the best in the world 24 hours later I have no money whatsoever and I'm walking back to Budget Suites the motel I was staying at thinking about like what I was going to do the next day and just contemplating life and my life choices but it was like low but I woke up the next morning ready to go ready to borrow some money get back in the game but at that point you were still confident like it never broke your spirit which is well no in the that's because I think one of the things that I innately knew even before I thought about this stuff is that I always knew it was better to deal with your emotions in the moment rather than like oh nice fold I have straight oh wow I have a hand you're supposed to go all in with according to that's true yeah ace4 nice I had but 810 but that's something I've always innately kind of understood it's like authenticity I love authenticity and I'm worried this generation are so authentic your generation I'm worried about no I'm worried about it too and with public figures what I really appreciate about you is how authentic you are and how you just don't give a [ __ ] and you could see it and you know what sometimes it rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day people know that what you're saying is what you believe what I realized especially being a social media Creator is that you start authentic but then you start being a slave to the algorithm and you also just start tweaking your P Persona to what you think people want which is something I'm completely working on cutting out of my habits right now but I how how have you been able to stay like that what's the secret confidence I was you know I had great Romanian parents I don't know if you know anything about that no idea my parents Lov me my mother fed me she said I was never wrong I have a letter it's funny she kept this it gave it to me as a birthday present like 10 years ago when I was 10 years old there's a letter from the principal that that says 2000 to Mrs Neu in due to your son's poor behavior and manners we will have no choice but to take remove him from school because of the fact that you support him in every possible way and you never think he's wrong I'm like you're right cuz I'm never wrong that's a wonderful parents honestly yeah I did have so what is it n 2000 1500 2,000 to yeah all right a pot yeah no I think I genuinely think that like whatever it's whether your influencer or all that I think people genuinely appreciate authenticity more than any in a fake world that we live in the Instagram world where you always have a filter and you look perfect and your life's amazing and look how great they are meanwhile those a lot of those people are like crying in a bowl of ice cream at like 2: a.m. cuz they're alone sad 1,600 what okay you're going for it huh all right she's going for it now what turn that's the hard part the hand gets more [Music] complex I have no idea what to do I'm trying to I'm trying to think of what you could be possibly playing I mean I'm not used to playing heads up so like ranges are very different for me to try to put you on things so most likely it's straight draws a jack a nine yeah pocket pairs ace high that's what I'm going to have most do you want to say it again but start with the one you have no all right we'll check to you 2,000 2,000 it's a very small V it is a very small bet in the old days we'd say finding out where you're at okay but but they don't do that anymore kids stay laugh at that they don't try to find out where you're at no let's do 4500 another small bet thin value as they say thin value H can you beat a jack no but I could beat no Jack all right so it's the uh I uh I have one of these oo you have so you have two pair with a very with a really nice kicker yeah nines and fours there are nines and fours like what are you call I mean I guess you would be call I don't think you have a quad nine so that would be really sick I do not have a nine so I I mean yeah I'm I'm afraid of a Jackie or like any other pair any other higher two pair um well other two pairs would probably r ra pre that's true that's true Aces Kings or Queens I would have four bet so don't have t tens is very thin 10 tens is very thin M um Landon told me that you usually play your hands pretty straight up so if like it's not that big of a bet probably I hav it maybe probably maybe but you could just be trying to get me to pay a little bit reverse reverse um I think you have it I'm going to [Music] full oh no what's the other card don't do this to me this you want to see yes okay a four feels better man Full House absolutely like I have no idea how in heads up you're supposed to like consider this is what someone's playing with cuz I haven't played enough but you you live and you learn heads up is a completely different animal I gave you the full Spiel you did you did it was helpful I didn't mention four so with poker like you do you just like right now you're playing tournaments or do you like cash or both so I like tournaments more than cash I I think it's nice to have a limit it feels less gamly and it reminds me more of Chess because in chess tournaments you're playing like 10 days of six to eight hours of Chess plus the prep before so it's like 10 hours of Chess every day so it's kind of a marathon whereas you know cash is great but it's usually one day that goes really long whereas yeah tournaments are the closest thing I have found to chess and I still enjoy chess but obviously it's less fun when you're not a beginner so I feel like I get to be a beginner again oh for sure which is the best feeling I'll tell you when I was young starting out I looked at cash as a job like that's my job during the day so that I can afford to go play tournaments that makes sense that's a lot of fun yeah no I I really love tournaments 12200 oh 1,200 yeah yeah no I like the fact that there's a you know like there's a beginning middle and an end and a trophy yeah no definitely you got to get the trophies and and honestly navigating the cash scene is really hard and T tournaments are just so much more straightforward yeah well there's you know it's interesting too because like when you play tournaments there's a lot more things to think about you know right because you're like okay this guy's short will I make more money if I fold I have a short stack how should I play like how do you play when you only have 10 big blinds or 100 big blinds there's a lot more variables and cash you know it's just kind of like autopilot what is that 11 I'll play for 11 and I know that you know online poker has had kind of its recent wave of controversies lately what do you think about it especially the ones recently about GG well here's the deal right ever since I've been in poker I remember way back when you had all these stories of of cheats and stuff like that anytime there's a lot of money involved you're always going to have people that are a trying to cheat and then you have B you have the police if you will you have the organizers you have the the you know the people The Operators who it's their responsibility to stay one step ahead of course and they don't want these guys either of course right so you've got like the cheats trying to figure things out and then you've got like the tech guys over here you know trying to stay one you know one step ahead of them right and we're always going to see that you know but I have a lot of faith and trust in like the team at GG right and there's all like I said there's always going to be people that try and GG in the last couple years you know they've released 60 I think 200 different accounts that were trying to do stuff like if you are going to try to do things on there you will get caught I have a firm belief of that that doesn't stop people from trying right and that's always going to be the case whether you play Live or you play online there's always people when there's money on the table that are you know potentially going to do nefarious things yeah so I think honestly with online poker it's kind of easier to catch them because you have all the data right like if I think you're doing something with your sister and I'm like wait a minute how come when they're in the same table they don't bet hard against each other well then you bring that up I bet even harder against my sister but yes right but in theory so like then we could like they could look back at all your hands and sort of really have a good gauge what's going on and we have really like now we have you know Fedor Holtz I saw he's the new he's one of the best po players in the world and he comes from that world so he understands what's going on and I think it's really important to have players this is similar to they bring some of their top players obviously not going to give any names to be part of their anti-cheating team because there's certain subtleties that you know computers are going to catch up to it but for now you need these people who understand things that feel fishy do you think online poker is the net positive for poker oh I think online poker offers a couple things one the convenience right it introduces people to the game so maybe they will play live and stuff like that it's a less intimidating environment I would imagine too for like women right like I actually don't mind at all being a woman and po you're a special kind of woman yeah okay you know not all women are built like you just saying you know what I mean like you're you have a lot of self-confidence you know what you're doing and stuff grew up playing chess right for some you know it can be an intimidating environment whether you're woman or a man like coming into a poke room it is actually I mean the first time you go it's intim you know the rules you don't know if you're like I remember stories of even like the famous skier Alberto Tomba big strong Macho Man right he came to play a tournament and he didn't know the rules he bet out a turn or something like that and he got a penalty and he's like I I can't play with you you know he was really he felt really uncomfortable right so with online poker you know you get past that you get more comfortable you learn the ins and outs you know you learn how to play then maybe you play live and also just the convenience or I'm like my dad who grinds you know half cent one cent and every now he's like so you know I've made $80 in the last and like he doesn't care about it he just likes playing yeah should we double the blinds again all right let's do it 48 kick it up okay I like this okay so so so speaking a fun one thing I've noticed kind of similar to chess poker has a bit of an audience problem where it it's not always the most entertaining for the viewers unless it's something cut and it's the best hands what do you think are some of the things poker can do to keep growing the audience and making it more accessible so I look back at the history of Poker and what's worked and what hasn't worked as far as I was concerned right what has worked historically really well with the mainstream is edited shows yes right because then because like you know what poker's like sometimes you go 30 minutes there nothing interesting going on yeah if you're a dieh hard poker fan you love these live streams you feel like you're in the moment even though there's a delay but yes but if you're like you know like me I can't sit there and watch a 7our stream give me the clips right so I think doing a good job of taking those streams and making like the two minute Clips the one minute Clips also just editing down like the best hands and stuff like that is a really good way to do that but ultimately like what poker has in terms of let's say high stakes poker is it's such a serious Endeavor now yeah that you have a lot of you know like how much is BET yes this is so serious because they're playing for a lot of money of course and I don't blame they're not there to entertain that's not you know their job so you have that being like you know a big part of what you see in these shows I think continuing to create content with just like fun people yeah people that actually you know like you your streams are always fun you bring a really fun crowd check 800 okay 800 it is this is going to be it this going to be the hand is this the hand I think it might be okay you're either going to double or or not check who's more likely to have a six here me or you okay so Landon gave me this tip and it's like when you guys both have the likelihood of having something keep betting and I thought that was this but I could be wrong on the ranger got it okay just curious yeah yeah I think in a heads up it's different it's different like if it was eight people then it would be me but heads up you're playing heads up it feels like we both have similar likelihood here but I could again I'm learning she's in the tank deep you leaving yourself a crumb just in case she left herself a crumb usually when people believe themselves a crumb they're bluffing because they want to save a little something for bus fair or maybe I thought you were going to think that or maybe you have an A I'm all in damn it Daniel this is B oh she left the crumb were you bluffing yeah I was bluffing I had a seven though no I had a six yeah that's that's a little better see that's what I knew it when she left the little crumb it's probably a bluff still got to put it well hey my crumb survived your crumb surviv I'm going to have some fun shoving okay and it's going to be the biggest comeback story ever hey it happen who knows we don't take it easy just cuz you're new give me that like if it was chess you're not going to let me win so who is more likely to have a six in that situation yeah it's actually a good question I'm not I think me but but but slightly I I thought it was neg you you way more likely to have an ace way more likely you always have have an ace there like and I don't many that's actually a good as far as I'm concerned it's like theoretically a good way for beginners to learn how to play is to go who's more likely to have a really strong hand here yeah like you or me which whose range is it better for no I actually uh the first poker Theory I Learned was for heads up and it actually made me understand ranges I think a lot faster because it's just more simplified so I think it's a good way actually for beginners although heads up is tough the difference with like heads up is like okay you have Queen five I'm like that's not a good hand is it well yeah but heads up it is wait a minute you know all in all in be it are you robbing me we'll see no thank you I have a monster okay you did I had Jack four suited but oh Jack four if you called and beat me investigation Jack Jack four off investigation and and then we could run it back you know speaking of you know cheating and stuff like that right like you know like that happens like there's always stuff going on people are always trying to do you think she cheated I don't I'm not listen I don't I think it's above zero right okay but I don't know like I never would have accused her in the moment I never would have gone that route CU without evidence you know it's not a thing to do yeah it looks really suspicious but I don't know like we had fun me and my wife we were in bed trying to figure it out and then she saw the pants she was wearing and she's like oh I know what those pants are from they're from this line and she was doing like her DET she was doing her investigation yeah cuz like there was a shine on her pants right she's like no that's the design and she show like look these are the pants they have a ripple right here that's why it's shining off the light and all this stuff it was like the female brain oh God yeah she has that yeah all right it's now or never oh you know I should just in honor of Mr do Brunson how much is it $3,425 3,400 for Doyle you know doy of course you have doy beat but I actually got to play with him once it was really cool at on poker after dark that's a great doy stories all right you know just for we're in Vegas right I got D brunson's favorite hand he's won two World Series of Poker bracet with it I'm going to try to win this Champion I know I'm rooting for you no no no for Doyle let's let's prove the value of this hand people don't know how good it is 10 all right come on let's see it on the river that would be fun okay we're still alive definitely any dece any yep all right still need a deer a 10 we said the river so it's coming we did well you know I I'll leave it to do to play those up in heaven 34 there so you know in most of the competitive players you're one of the few who's still super chatty at the tables are you a Dying Breed yeah I think at the highest level certainly a DME breed I think they'll it'll make a comeback at some point but do you think there's any advantages to your style of Poker but I'm guess I mean there obviously are but I think it's just so hard to master right I think the advantages are this I've been under the lights for most of my life it's my comfort zone to be chatty and talk talkative Under The Lights it's maybe not as comfortable for others yeah you know like I've watched some of your videos when you go play Street guys you know what I mean you're comfy you're shooting [ __ ] like this is what feels normal to like you're beating up on the New York Hustlers and stuff it's like you're comfortable sometimes I'm at a poker tournament and they put me on the TV table and I just feel more comfortable cuz I've streamed for 5 years now You' you you you're used to living your life as though there was a camera on you at all times basically something to be said about that if there was a camera on me all the time that might be a problem for me but but it's fine what am I doing here I'm going to go all in run it back oh no I was bluffing bad bluffing bad I got nine oh my God I paid him off I'm so dead this really dead this time action big double double double come on okay I'm dead yeah this is going to be a problem this is going to be a long distance win nope how much you got uh seven I have five here 68 six all that work I did and it's just all for not for Doyle 68 let's kick up the blinds again one and two yeah okay fair one and two Fair fair fair now we're really playing poker good well hey at least anyone can win in poker have you won a poker tournament I have I won a turbo oh nice um in Bahamas it was just playing for fun it was like a 550 turbo and I ended up winning which was pretty cool what's your biggest cash um probably the WSOP Main it's like how much did you get for that 17,500 but I was Freer rolled so I got to keep it which is nice deal no I mean my my my craziest game was definitely the uh you know cash game where I played against the creators and I ended up walking million I was and you were at it cuz you were upset about Phil I was watching it and I was like thinking there's so many good lines for you that I wish I could have written for him CU you know who he does next time I play against Phil I'm going to just ask you for a few jokes and I'm going to surprise him when you Le you made this call against Phil where he went all in with like ace8 and you called with ace9 yeah and he's like and then in that you know he's he always says he's got to read he's got to read he's like just well Phil I read you as week and I was right I read you was weak he would just lose I wish I had that line that would have been Excell well I mean I read you was weak it was obvious you had A8 I mean who didn't know that next time I tilt a pro I'm going to use that I read you as weak I read you as weak yes and then just watch them look at me angrily re is weak one of my especially if you make a dumb play that's even better but one of my toxic personality traits is I get true enjoyment out of tilting people not to the point where it's serious but just where I see them a little uncomfortable I watch I I knew that about you just from watching your chess videos seriously when like you really get under these Hustler skin you're like just you know they're cursing under their breath and you're just mocking them as you're like just like you know just beating them and they they before they don't even no it's fun I like those videos no I I appreciate and you did one with your grand like you were dressed up like a grandma yes that was funny we were in like 12 hours of Prosthetics to get ready for that but it was worth it yeah I love all those kind of that that genre video how often do you watch chess videos um I when I was into it for a while I was really watching like I watch a lot of your stuff and I liked you know some of hikaru's stuff and and he did some lessons with you for podcast I did lessons with Hikaru and I did one with with Gotham as well yeah yeah yeah who was the better teacher being completely honest like I think Gotham had me at like understanding stuff I got two pair oh me too oh you win in a different world could you ever see yourself being a professional chess player uh is that a lifestyle you think you would enjoy I don't think so I don't know like you tell me but I think it's like first of all to be at the top level you have to work a lot right so much you have to dedicate your which is why whenever I see chess players coming into poker including myself I have all the trauma of the amount of work it took me to get to this level CH like and now you're starting over yeah and it's [ __ ] terrifying but also extremely exciting I think it's more fun for me to like be really bad at something yeah and then like the journey to get pretty good yeah it becomes less fun when in order to get like 1% better you have to work really hard that's what feels like at me breaking point where you get like okay do I do I care enough do I want do I want it bad enough because if I do I know the sacrifice it's necessary and in this case the sacrifice is all in ooh all the money all the money is it doy brunon 10 to off or 10 to suited it's both okay you got Doyle you're going to beat me with Doyle well I I do have 10 to suited but like I really want to win so okay I had a pair okay nice even though if if I knocked if you would have winked at me I would have called you just need to give the signal yeah like every time you play poker I imagine like you learn something new yes you're like ah it's so fun yeah it's so cool to be able to do that again oh sorry what I meant to do was not that what I meant to do was this okay we'll let it slide we'll allow it this time we'll allow it yes that is what's known as a string raise ladies and gentlemen totally illegal would get her banned in Louisiana Texas and New Orleans but over here in Lake Las Vegas we allow it friendly Vibes call The Lost I I saw that you were commenting a little bit on the ike mask controversy and without digging too much into that one in general do you think competitive poker is moving towards letting having people just do like sunglasses mask and covering everything possible yeah so Mike I'm going to check so my take is this like I'm you know the prisoners dilemma right like if everybody did what you were doing what would be the like long-term effect right right so the question is you see Kristoff vocal saying who you know completely covers himself and all that if everyone did that what do we have as a viewer right so again aside from you know the reasons for wearing masks or whatever I I put them all in the same category of covering your face you know like should you be allowed to cover your face I've been against sunglasses for a long time interesting I don't think sunglasses should be allowed at the poker table I don't think you should be able to cover your face yeah right again I understand you know there are health reasons why some people you know choose to but it is undeniable undeniable that it is an advantage period the question is well if it's an advantage why doesn't everyone do it why doesn't everybody do it well some people don't want to for you know their own you know reasons but just because like and again I think it's like I think it's a bad look if everyone covers their face and does that sort of thing what if people only cover their face when they're playing in tournaments but if they're on a TV table or anything like that they're not allowed like Mi I I don't think it should matter really because um part of like here's the thing if you want to play poker without the physical aspect you can play on GG of course right you got that for You' got that available that's what you're you know you're into if you're afraid to play Live then go ahead but if you want to play Live part of it is people skills and I saw a couple people tweet this and I'm like man you guys really don't know what you're talking about then they said well there's no tails in your mouth that that is that blew my mind any tells in your mouth that you can share I have a whole book on tells that are directly from people's mouth HS lips Smiles awkward Smiles grins smirs this is going to be me playing heads up I'm just going to hold a smile entire time you think so but like I'm telling you so can you tell like this is a fun exercise people who want wi SP watch five different Smiles tell me if they're authentic or fake interesting if you can fot a fake if you can spot a fake smile what's the fake smile about right you like I talk a lot so part of what I do when I'm talking let's say I'm trying to I'm trying to get a read from you I might talk to him and I'm like why did I even play this hand so stupid she obviously has it right I'm actually looking at you right now from your peripheral yeah so I'm actually this is God he's such a master take notes everybody this actually happened all right I'm going to pause for a second this actually happened it was playing in a WBT or something was on the river the board is like Ace Ace seven three Deuce yeah I have Ace 10 player rais I have Ace Jack so no no I had yeah I had uh I had Ace Jack okay okay now he bets all all in on the river and I'm like whoa I don't I mean he could have a king a so I look at the deal I go why do he even play this hand in the first place you know cuz at he was giggling right he was smiling laughing cuz you know he's got he knows he's got the best hand and I go then I looked and I said what if he just has like Ace 10 or something and then I smiling he went cuz he had A10 so now I made the call he had h10 he ended up rivering me actually was on the turn but that's neither here nor there but the point is is that people's mouths you know there's a lot there yeah yeah no I I really love the psychological aspect of Poker and that's something that was always missing in chess where it's literally just perfect information if you played well you're usually I mean yes there's some luck with like opening traps and stuff like that but most of it how much does body language play a role in chess when like you're playing against somebody and you can tell that they're like like losing it like they're tilted honest for most people it doesn't matter at all doesn't make a difference does not make a difference like I've heard you know like guys like uh you know like Magnus you say that he can tell when his opponent's like I have 5 seven I don't think I'm allowed to call that you're first H what to do here do we shove or do we just bet I'm enjoying the conversation okay ra me too but I want to put it all in all in all in what there's a five over there I got Blackjack okay I have five for off yeah I see you you know should I go all in or should I bet see that was a that was a good I I was trying to see if I could reverse psychology that was actually quite good okay cuz you made it seem like you only had two options yeah right you planted that in my head with like she has to have a hand Yeah question is how good so you scared me off of it nice I just had a good hand no you did I know yeah it wouldn't have changed what you did no but now the the thing I do want to try is I've noticed some of my lifet ts but I don't want people to know I've noticed them and like it would be really cool to get super good one day where it's like a fake lifa fake ones but I don't that feels feels very ambitious all right I'm going to tell you what you did on that A6 hand okay for the for the viewers right right now they would have commented already now you get to see if this is what happened the Flop came out okay you were looking at the Flop go ahead mhm oh noar looking at the Flop you went flop went out and you were like so that is the number one at your chips the most number one basic tell you will find especially with beginners is the brain doesn't realize they're doing it you look at the Flop and if you don't see anything you like you keep staring right but when you see something you like the next thing you're going to do is BET chips so your eyes quickly glance over there and when you see that I mean if you can learn how to fake that that'd be pretty solid oh I'll work on it I don't know if it's going to work CU as soon as you did it like nope right flag I'm not betting no I mean and the good thing is we're talking so I'm on autopilot so I don't so I don't have the time to catch myself from doing these but I think even trying to build these habits and get them get rid of them even while I'm on autopilot would be nice actually okay so usually the button has all the aces but you limp so maybe that's not true so do we bet here I guess it sounds reasonable to me actually let's not use Blues let's keep it simple how much am I supposed to bet here are you even supposed to bet am I even supposed to bet all right aing I I looked at my chips you have a king didn't I or was I trying the fake up I'm saying do you have a king do you have a king simple question I mean it's a simple question do you have a king I don't know you could pay and find out not paying I'm not going to pay but if you have a king you win M I have a nine that was good too okay no maybe should be check trapping here I mean but then again I had a pair had three M if I what was the correct thing to do there with 98 you that's a little too thin with 98 for that size right because you one of the things you want to think about when you're you're you're doing one of two things you're either value betting or you're bluffing always that's like when people say why did you bet well I was think no you're either value betting or you're bluffing know it either want it does feel too thin but it didn't feel like you had an as or a king there here's what you need to think about though generally speaking is my calling range right yeah if I'm going to call you there I'm going to call you with an ace I'm gonna call you with a king yeah I might call you with a better Nine so the question is do you beat more hands do you beat more hands that are going to call or do you do you lose to more hands that are no you're right I mean I was only getting called by better and folded by worse maybe yeah probably because I'm good very true yes okay willia will go 6,000 again okay fine only because it's a special hand special hand yeah it's got a name okay she's like going through a list of names dirty diaper Doyle Brunson Robbie yeah you don't know the old school names that's true I don't very small bet for you don't have anything but I'll just go all in you have nothing it was all in right you just have nothing okay is he seeing my cards like what is happening here this is ridiculous I have my own favorite hand what's your favorite hand that's my favorite hand seven offsuit figured I just put it in not let you catch anything you weren't going to keep bluffing you were done White Flag I was done bluffing it was a very weak Bluff okay so I don't know how to play when I have less blinds and heads up I mean I'm assuming probably just all in all in or fold no you could limp too or limp probably probably all in her fold for the most I already said her fold so I gave away that a we we were going to get snapped yeah yeah yeah H can we come back and then the World Series of Poker you're going to be playing that yes so then I I'll be trying to come out here from most of the WSOP do they have they they have like women's events right for chess they do yeah and what do you think of like chess events and poker events for women I actually like them just in terms of you get to make new friends um and it's nice to have ladies nights sometime and you just don't really get it in poker and most of your friends are dudes so I think it helps you meet people who you might get along with a little bit better I don't really have anything against them okay good yeah cuz I I'm curious I was curious your take on that cuz like there's there's two sides of it right what are the sides of it well a lot of people have said well listen it's a game of just intellect so why it's not a physical game so why wouldn't you put you know like why would they have special events for ladies I think especially because poker is male dominated that's like a smaller group of women it's like allowing them to congregate and play amongst themselves is a good thing and it's a different vibe you know like I I believe true freedom is allowing women to congregate amongst themselves if they want to what's wrong with that I I don't see it as like women need their own section because they're worse I see it as like it's sometimes nice to have women friends who play the same thing you do yeah I think Robbie right I remember years ago there some people there was like a lot of there's always been discussion about you know are they good for poker are they bad for poker do they set a precedence that you know women are less than they need their own little category whatever the cas this is actually something I've been thinking about female only titles chess where you know when I when I grew up like it was cool I was like oh there's this title because you don't think of it as a kid but then when I got older I was like I'm kind of embarrassed to have one of these because it's kind of implying that the bar is lower for women in chess um so I've actually been really torn about those that's what I was getting at like is it you know the question is from a competitive standpoint oh boy here we go from a competitive standpoint we got hand she got a real hand I got a Landon hand Suited poor Landon just getting getting all the shout outs today um okay yeah you're you're gonna win this one again okay you need now a Jack to chop is it coming nope no how Fe female only tournaments I'm I feel different about than female only titles because I think those events are more just so you can meet some other people who play the game but with female only titles that's making a completely new achievement just CU you're a female like we don't have female phds why do we have female titles but then I asked these young girls when I'm at tournaments and I'm like what is keeping what are you excited about in chest like I want to get this title so I see how excited it is exciting it is for the young girls but I'm also torn about it so I don't know what the right answer is I'll tell you so my assistant who's been playing for you know she's been with me for a long time she plays one event a year every year it's the ladies event that's like her that's her World Series of Po Main Event she loves it you know for various reasons but uh it's like it's an appoint appointment tournament right I think there's a lot of women who come into town specifically for that and I don't see how there's any like yeah any downside to it now are we going to have the argument is it as tough as a all male tournament or an open tournament no but that's but that's not the point like who cares yeah like two and four yeah yeah do do you think players play differently against against females yeah no I think what about pros and amateurs I think I would say this this is interesting but of the top females in the world uhhuh they generally lean more aggressive than male players the Vanessa s players too right they generally lean even more aggressive the ones at the top now as a whole women in general you would suspect them to be a little more passive not as aggressive the top women are way aggro so Jen shahadi she plays poker and chess and she wrote a book on this and she explained how women feel sometimes like they have to overcompensate and play more aggressive every time I again I don't think I'm supposed to be calling these no I had a good hand yeah no that's you know that's actually like spot-on true that it's interesting that it's true for both but I also think too as a woman there are so many advantages to being a woman right that you can manipulate in your own you know to your own benefit right taking advantage of like the male ego right um understanding how they perceive you one way or the other sometimes they give you breaks take them you know what I mean like oh you want to play nice nice with me cool I'm going to cut your throat but you can play nice nice with me all you want check and also um like they're um underestimated yeah in a lot of ways check so you know some people might be in Sp like yeah a woman would never be do that a woman wouldn't Bluff here the the stereo I always hear that people think women don't Bluff yeah and then that's what I was going to you are bullying me and it's not cool but once again I'm not super excited I had a big draw okay nice straight flush draw well both but that's the thing is like you look at Vanessa selps who kind of broke the mold really yeah for women in poker yeah and then you know now Kristen Foxon super aggressive and a lot of the women that play at the high stakes tournaments like I said they're more aggressive than on average yeah than than their male counterparts H so then maybe the reputation is that novice women don't Bluff but top women are even more aggressive and this is what most people don't I don't think me most people have actually like thought about it that way that I have but I've I've noticed that pattern with women at the highest levels or generally like for the compensation reasons but more often than not people will see oh like a woman at table yeah I'll just bully her okay if you know that you can just like trap them and do you and do you think Pros think like this too cuz I feel like pros make so many fewer of these mistakes they make fewer of them right but you know we all have our own kind of like oh how much more not much I have such a bad hand the dirty diaper another name hand I love the dirty diaper okay she just wins every all in okay never the favorite again stay in Alive come on three one time no dirty diaper is my favorite hand actually there you go halfway there de three you're doing it finally got it in good okay no paint no paint we win boom add this where's my trophy at where's my trophy I won the Canadian Romanian champion Daniel that was [ __ ] let's play a real game you R just for it oh my God this is going to be embarrassing are we really going to [Music] play